The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, May 07, 1915, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
Action of the Church Toward
The Poor. The Pope'*
Crime of Kidnapping
Little Children.
3f;-- ---- --------- T—---------------- ----------- —-----
No. 27
The Freak* and Crimes of
The Letters and Information Which Follow Show the Same Work of the
Jesuits’ Hand as Has Been Played for Years in Every Land. As Shocking
as High Handed Violations of Great Contracts Are, These Agents of
The Devil Sailing Under the Flag of “The Society of Jesus” is No
New Thing. Such Work is Old, and in This Age of Progress
Ought to Die. Help Us Kill It by Publicity. Let All Read!
Sig. Mortar a was a rich Jew re­
siding—nut by grace—but by com-
pulsion o£ Koniuiuat authority—in the
vile Ghetto of the city of Bologna.
To tutu und his wife had been born
u eon, Uie joy and pride of their,
hearts. That tneir baby might get a
little of purer air Uuui watt possible
in their Ghetto home, they had the
nurse girl, from time to time, lake
Minneapolis, Minn.
the little one outside Die hated prison Daur Brother Fatriots:
| prescribed by their Romanist oppres­
Replying to your many inquiries in
to the repudiation by the
That nurse girl was a faithful
Directors of the Panama Ex­
daughter of tho "Holy Church” und
"Holy Father.” And there wiu a position of the official arrangement
large property, of which thut child which was entered into at the last
wiu sole heir, According to Rome, National Convention held in Chicago,
that baby was aa good as damned l>etween American Föderation of
already; und if ius life should be Patriotic Societies and the Panama
prolonged, it could only be that he Exposition, I will give you a brief
"heap up wrath against the day of history of the facts and I think they
should be given to the public.
As you know, an official representa­
Why not save tho baby—und the
tive of the Exposition solicited our
fortune too?
There wus an euay way; and there convention assembled to hold our next
was opportunity. There wus no civil annual National Convention in San
authority that would demand ac­ Francisco, summer of 1915, and ten­
counting for any seeming irregulurity dered us the use, for one week, of
—a soul would t-e saved from death; their main auditorium and committee
and properly put to “pious” uses, it rooms, which invitation we accepted
1 forwarded their
wus simple us the multiplication by resolution.
table. And so ut a church visited by Superintendent of Congresses a copy
the “faithful” girl, and by a "Holy” of our convention proceedings as soon
priest (or by the girl herself, as some as I was able to obtain one from the
suy) the baby was baptized; and due press, at the same time requesting
return was made of the action, to that they assign us exact dates.
those in authority. Now that Jewish | W««eks of patient diplomatic corres-
baby was a child of Rome; and under pondence passed without being able
to obtain from them an official assign-
the sole control of the Pope.
Neur midnight, June 23, 1858, pupal ment of dates and it became evident
soldiers invaded the home of Sig. that there win something wrong,
MorU.ra, and carried off the ehiid, First, they began to ask for conce»-
that he might be reared as a child •ion», that we use the auditorium
th re days instead of six, which 1
of the church.
The detracted parents made every grunted. Second, further concession
effort to recover their child. The of one or two committee rooms in­
Jews all over the world did what stead of the half dozen originally ten­
they could. Sir Mores Montefiore, dered. When this failed to bring a
the Justly celebrated Jewish philan­ protest from me, and an excuse for
thropist, went to Rome, but the Pope controversy, their next demand was
refused to see him. An American, to set our convention away off to the
representing this country in Italy, 18th of October, instead of August
made request. Even the emperors of or September, and I conceded even
Austria and of Franco joined in the this. When thiB piece of Jesuitry
appeal to the Pope in behalf of the fuiled to breed trouble, the next com­
munication gave me politely to un­
poor parents.
It was all to no purpose. Pius IX derstand that the Superintendent
wus Pope; und he had power over the of Congresses hud received orders
bodies of all the hapless inhabitants
of the “States of the Church.” The
child wus held; was trained to be a
priest; and a few years ugo, he was
still living—a
Priest O'Hara of Portland, ad­
Another child, the son of the great dressed, by invitation, the Protestant
William of Orange, wen stolen from
Ministerial Association of Salem,
the school to which his father had
sent him, wua put in the hands of Monday, May 3rd. A patriot and
Romanist teachers, ai.d was trained scholar who was present said that
to hate his father’s people, and his the address was anything but a true
father’s religion.
repre entation of his subject. It was
Another case, In one of the west­ smooth and p'easing to a mind not
ern states was an orphan girl, the
personal care of whom—as well us of analytic, but was so full of mis­
her inheritance of several millions— representation
wus in the hands of a Romanist events of one period to prove alleged
archbishop. And the said prelate, truth of another that it fairly made
during her minority, calmly abstract­ a thinker sick at heart.
ed a million, more or less, of her
But what about the union of the
property, and put it into the working
mother priest with the heads of
capital of his church.
Strange things happen sometimes. the protesting hordes? Will history
A Romanist archbishop bitterly com- repeat itself? Will there have to be
p'ained that the Methodists, working another great protest? And will the
in Rome, “bribed poor women, starv­ new Protestantism leave the reaction­
ing in the poor districts of Rome and ary, conservative, toe-kissing preach­
all Italy, to forsake,” etc., etc. And ers to herd with the Pope’s bachelor
delegate Falcon! at Washington says bunco boosters?
that "little children of the poor of
Rome are given shoes and clothing, the church? This fact has Deen a
and are in this way weaned away puzzle and a scandal for years.”
Right, brother Monitor. The fact
from,their mother church,” etc. We
have seen that Rome is greatly con­ you note is a scandal to the Pope
cerned for the children of the rich and his clergy; and has been so for
and more powerful—but the children many years, as you say; but to us it
of tho poor—that is another matter. is no “puzzle.” Italians have been
Frankly if "mother church” has been for hundreds of years under the tem-
so neglectful of the poor, as these poral control of the Popes; and they
prelrtes say, we applaud the people know what it means. This is why,
who have cared for them, and we when it became posisble to vote,
think the poor folk« show good sense 135,000 to 1,500, voted to displace
in going freely with those who help the Pope as ruler, and enthrone Vic­
them, rather than with those who tor Emanuel as King of Italy.
The poor and starving of Rome,
neglect them.
Those poor people in Italy—what who had been fed by Protestants,
of them? The “Monitor,” organ of natura'ly turn to their benefactors
the Romanist archbishop or San Fran­ for religious teaching. Let Rome do
cisco, has a bitter mourn: “The honest work with the poor; let her
question la, why are so many Italians, quit stealing children and property
coming from the Pope’s country, from any one; let her do honest work
lost to the faith in America, and not in all lines, and she will have little
only lost, but -urned in hatred against trouble.
from the Board of Directors to can­
cel the contract with us, and the fol­
lowing to my reply to the communi-
Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 11, 1915.
Hon. James A. Barr,
Supt. of Congresses,
Exposition Building,
San Francisco, California.
Dear Mr. Barr:
I gather from the contents of your
wire that probably you have not a
very perfect conception of our organ­
ization, it’s scope, purpose and ideals.
The one thing in which we pride our­
selves is being "constructive.” Our
crgar’zation is purely patriotic. We
are a positive force and are not at­
tacking any one on account of their
religious or political beliefs or affilia­
tions. There are, however, one or
two organizations which are attack­
ing u.i. We stand squarely upon the
principles enunciated by the Decla­
ration of Independence and crystal-
lized ito organic law by the adoption
of the constitution of the United
States, and hence our organisation
is, in the largest measure, construct­
I want to make it clear to your
honorable Board of Directors, that
the suggestion to hold ou. convention
in San Francsco, did not originate
with us. We were solicited by your
agent in competition with a number
of other cities, to hold our next
National Conventnion in your main
auditorium in San Francisco and were
tendered the use of it, including the
side rooms for committee purposes,
for one week. Our convention, ofter
due consideration and debate, permit­
ted your eloquent and persistent agent
to prevail and oi'r convention ac­
cepted your invitation by resolution
and as soon thereafter aa we were
able to get our convention proceed­
ings printed, I sent you a copy of
Modern Romanism Are
Relic* of a Dark, Bar­
barous Paganism.
It was in the reign of Pope John
XXII, 1316-1334, that the third crown
was added to the Pope's official head­
gear as a symbol of his power over
heaven, earth and hell. Thia Pope
sold absolutions for parricide, murder,
robbery, incest, adultery, sodomy, and
grew very wealthy. When he died
his treasury contained $7370,000 in
less, “half-baked” Americans who money, and $2370,000 in jewels.
the same.
Here are some of his absolution
I do not think either you or I have betrayed their trust by permitting a
any choice in this matter, but to go few petticoat ted agents of the hier­
If an ecclesiastical commits the
right ahead and carry out the origi­ archy and certain Jesuitical influences
sin of the flesh, whether with nuns,
nal proposition. Your agent attended to trick them into this colossal blun­
his cousins, goddaughters, or any
our convention and our meetings, and der. Now they are adding insult to
women, he shall be absolved
had every opportunity to know ex­
sum of 77 francs, 12 sues.
actly what we stand for. Of course, privileges to the Jesuits, to hold a
who «hall wish to obtain
our subsequent correspondence has great show, advertising that the pro­
authority to live in concubinage with
modified the time to three days and
their relatives shall pay 76 francs,
at least two of the side rooms for of a fine home in San Francisco, for
one sou.
committee work. We did this to be the Jesuit Fathers.
An adulter us woman who desires
Personally, it is my opinion that we
obliging, because you requested it.
to place her beyond the
No further concessions can be made. would have no difficulty in compelling
reach of all pursuit, and to have a
Yours very truly,
I don’t believe we should force the free dispensation to continue her
(Signed) D. J. Reynolds,
patronage of our great hosts upon guilty relations, shall pay to the Pope
National President
them. We should thus early in the ? 87 francs, 3 sous.
A. F. O. P. S. season, give these facta to the pub­
Absolution for the simple murder
To this letter I received no reply lic and select one of the several east- , of a layman is taxed at 15 francs, 4
for several weeks and I had begun to ern cities now bidding for our con- i sous, 8 deniers. If the assassin has
think possibly they had rescinded vention. If the citizens of San Fran- ! slain several on Mhe same day, he
their order of cancellation, but final­ cisco have no more intelligence than I shall pay more.
He who shall murder hjs child
ly another communication from the to be dominated by e«xlesiastical in­
Superintendent of Congresses con­ fluences, the same that have invari­ shall pay 17 francs, 15 sous.
An ecclesiastic who cannot pay his
firmed with emphasis their former ably brought ruin to all the countries
notification of cancellation and re­ of the world where they obtained po­ debts, and who wishes to avoid the
pudiation. In my letters I had urged litical control, have completely sub­ pursuit of his creditors, shall give
everything upon them both principle verted our public press and are now to the Pope 17 francs, 9 sous, and
*"d policy, even that such action hogging this country politically, they his debt shall be remitted.
He who shall desire to break hjs
which was admittedly the work of deserve to thus receive an object les­
and be guarantee«! from all pur­
papist influence on their Board of son.
all infamy, shall pay to the
Directors, would be disastrous to the
If you are not a member of the
Exposition from a financial stand­ American Federation it is your duty Pope 131 francs. 15 sous.
point if they persisted in this atti­ to become one, to have a voice and
• •
tude and it was given publicity, that vote in the shaping of the destinies
Speaking of certain Protestant
our organization would bring at least of this great movement and our coun­ soldiers in the European war, a
10,000 delegates and visitors to spend try. Every lodge, court or castle i .writer in the Catholic Sentinel says:
two weeks in California, but nothing , should prepare te have delegates at I “These men, who knew nothing at all
seemed sufficient to prevent their com­ our great national conclave and con­ of the teaching of St. Thomas Aquin­
mitting this high-h»nded, outrageous vention this summer. Send $1.00 as, ‘That the only blood a priest is
injustice to us »nd blunder to them­ each for membership cards. When allowed to shed is the blood of Christ
writing always send postage for re­ Mystically outpoured at the Altar of
If thus embittering the 6,000,00 ply.
God,’ have heard with the deepest
readers of our patriotc papers, and
Yours fraternally,
sympathy of Catholic priests fight­
their friends, brings financial ruin
D. J. Reynolds,
ing and dying in the service of
upon the Exposition and a multitude
National President
of private enterprises associated
American Federation of Patriotic
Of course; but how can these fight-
therewith, the country will know to Societies, 424 Plymouth Building, ing priests shed German blood with-
place the blame on a bunch of spine- Minneapolis, Minn.
out disobeying St. Aquinas?
Says a Catholic writer: "This
moment thousands of Protestant sol­
diers are wearing the medal of Our
Lady, invoking her name, and beg­
have the people believe their institu­
tions are so very circumspect, why do O, the shame, the crime and treachery ging their Catholic friends at home
they so furiously oppose every in­
The gapping wounds of bl .eding to 8end them more cigarettes, more
soap, and more medals.” No doubt
spection measure, and insist on keep­
ing their real nature concealed? The lives of victims, crushed and about it, especially cigarettes and
What else can we do but accept the
best evidence at hand? When the
Behind the wall that never parts.
• • •
girls say it is a devil’s nest of tor­
One Catholic paper, quoting approv­
ture, and the managers refuse the ad­ Dungeon cells, with bones decaying. ingly from another, gives forth the
mittance of investigators, there is
The infant wails, and smothered following: “Reverently be it said,
a prima facie case in favor of the
but it looks as if it was worth God’s
girls’ story. Then where courts have The little babe so fouly murdered
while to take into his hands the
intervened and made a record, the
And hurried off to fairer skies.
scourge of war in order to bring in­
Good Shepherd is found to be a cruel,
to strong relief before our unbeliev­
heartless slave driver.
Tale of woe, the young girl falters, ing world the forgotten realities and
Anyway, why should a Church, or
Her pleading spurned, she shrinks the slighted beauties of the Catholic
a body of H’erarchs, be permitted to
run a penal, or semi-penal institution Her virtue burned on shrines and
Slighted beauties is good. They
and run it for jrofit? It affords ev­
were very conspicuous and never for­
ery oppotunity and every incentive
There’s none to pity nor truly pray. gotten in the days of the murderous
to over-work and abuse. That the
Inquisition. Blood and the Roman
managers of a closed institution run Twas the Father, gracious father, Catholic Church have a strong affin-
for profit are angels is too much for
The holy agent of Jesus Christ,
our credulity.
The faithful tutor, learned author—
• a •
Whose thought most holy, conquers
elected to the City Commission over
Does this fit the case?
a democrat who had Catholic sym­
1. The priest is a man with
O, ye patriots, join our army;
human propensities.
Come arm yourselves, and do the
2. He lives well.
3. He is in constant touch with
Since January 1, 1914, 30 children Come join our ranks and save the temptation.
have been committed to the different
4. His opportunities are unlimited.
institutions in the state; 9 to the
Of countless girls that Rome would
5. His protection from exposure is
Boys Training School; 6 to the Girls
Industrial Home; 6 to the Boys and
B. R. R.
6. He ¡s unmarried.
Girls Aid Societies; 0 to the Christie
7. His Church forgives sins on
Home; and 3 to St. Mary’s Home.
Truth, organ of the International easy terms.
8. Ex-Priest Donnely says 80 per
Catholic Truth Society, December
, cent of the priests go down.
1914, P. 31, says: “The Church can
• • •
not compromise with error. Catho­
< >
The Catherine Egan story of her
convent experience, published in the
Journal of April 30th, is denied, of
course. In an unsigned article to a
Catholic paper it is said the girl’s
father Jn a letter to an Omaha pa­
per, repudiates the whole story. It
will be recalled that the girl went to
the House of Good Shepherd because
of a disagrement with her father.
In his alleged denial of the story,
Mr. Egan says he is a working man.
Everybody knows how necessary it is
in a priest-ridden city for the work­
man to have the favor of the priests.
The pressure that was likely put
upon this man to extract thia denial,
if he did deny, rendered the denial
probably of the nature and worth of
confessions secured by torture such
as the Roman Church employed in
former days.
If the Catholic Hierarchs would
“So long as the priests keep a sup­
ply of pretty women walled in and
locked up, they cannot make sensible
people believe they care a continental
for morals.”—Watson.
• • •
Ex-Priest Black was killed by some
K. of C’s.'at Marshall, Texas. Al­
though Marshall is said to be the
most democratic city in the state,
after the tragedy a republican was
A PAPAL PAPER »ay» there is an
organization of bigots which is so
secret that the public does not even
know its name. For information ad­
dress 2162 Elm Avenue, Salem, Ore
< >
< >
< >
licity ¡s essentially intolerant. The
Church, the bearer of God’s message
< ►
to mankind, cannot accommodate her­
self to the changing modes of human
thought.” Right you are, my holy:
< ► boner! Gladstone said, “She denies
■ >
♦ alike modern thought, and ancient
“No Catholic, to my knowledge.”
says a writer in Truth, "ever became
a permanent member of the Youn"
Mens Christian Association without
growing lukewarm in his faith, and
finally descending so low as to aban­
don the only true Church." Right
again. Catholicity cannot endure en­
lightening association.