T LOCAL NEWS V. Burgeron, head sawyer at the big mill, is down Klamath Falls way on business this week. A FOX-A LION-AND A DOG Mrs. I.. E. LaDue ami daughter J Peter «le Mouron was born in Apu I leaching and his life. They charged left last Monday for Scio where 1 lia in 1213. Owing to the ignorance that Boniface denied the soul’s im Arthur Chamness was a Salem vis they will remain with Mrs. I.aDue's of the times and to the poverty of j mortality anil that he declared that, ns told in a neat little booklet by E. A. PUTMAN. the pope being infallible, he could «eople indefinitely. itor Monday. his parents, he had very little eduea | commit inee-t. robberies ami murders ' < > • It shows up the Olii Rocky’s Church and th»« foolishness of the War. HOUSES TO RENT S nx»m house lion, even for that time. When he with ut crime, that he «proved forni • ' > > Miss Etta Hines visited over Sun BILLY IS A TRAMP on Thin! street. Only $8.00 per came to manhood, he became a her cation, mid that be kept two nieces ' > day with Mrs. C. C. Bliss in Salem. month. Bath ami toilet. City wat mit. making his home in a little cave. as concubine», and luid children from Semi 10 Cents to The Silverton Journul and secure the biaiklet James Francis has moved into the er. Small garden. In that ignorant and superstitious 1 them. Do You Want to Laugh? new Palmateer búngalo on East Hill. age, he became noted for his sup Philip sought to enlist the nations Siguni Mee on his motor cycle pose«! holiness; and disciples gatheretl to hold a council to deal with the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Earl Woo«i was transacting business and Doctor Simmons with his auto around him; finally establishing n pope. The contest deepened, and nt in Portland Wednesday ami Thurs got in a mix-up on Vater Street sort of monastery. Now Peter went last Boniface had to leave Rome. He day. last Tuesday and Sigutd got badly into a cell, the door of which was I went to Anagni, whence ho issued u .vailed up; and he lived in such filth 1 bull against Philip, declaring his peo F. B. Decker is shipping many bruised up. that persons approaching him. wer«- J pie were absolved from their oaths of these live porkers and spring lambs 30 Lots in Napa, Cal., to sell or in danger of being suffocated by the allegiance and that the kingdom days. trade, This is a great winter re stench. should be given to Albert of Austria. Hot springs and thirty miles sort, In 1294 this ignorant and filthy old The French officers were prompt in See Dr. Wilson about your eyes, from San Francisco both railroa«T man was elected pope and mimed Ce-1 action and attacking Anagni, they Monday, May 3d, at the Silverton CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN ami boat, Will eitner seil or trade leetine V. He seems to have been took the pope prisoner. But their Hotel. all. Cascade Real Estate one lot or really honest ami devout, and the force was too weak and n priest led Consultation Free WANTED — Furnished house Company. cardinals soon found they could not I an uprising, drove the French out of keeping rooms. See Cascade Real use him in their ungodly schemes. Anagni and after a time the pope Circle members of Women of Wood Estate Co. craft are requested to be present at Cardinal Gaétan coveted his office and' was able to return to Rome. Now Office 3 Doors South of M. E. Church at once began scheming to remove I his mental excitement and the phys Get your eyes teste«! and fitte«! I the next meeting on Monday night him. As the old man spent much time on FISK STREET ical irritation that attended it, Monday. Muy 3d. Dr. L. H. Wilson May 3rd..when there will be business in a certain room in devotion, Gaétan brought on a violent fever with del of importance come before the lodge will be there. and there will also be a fine program pierced the wall and put in a speak irium and in a paroxism of his mad- ing tube, through which he spoke as ’ ness he gnawed his arm and died Rev. W. R. F. Browne, Thomas and refreshments. suited his vile purpose. The obi man October II, 1303. Yes, he died like and Ben Rosheim were Salem visitors Tuesday morning. $3200 buys an improve«! farm in suspected no trick and at last became a beast, but don’t slander your dog tttitttmmttmmmmttttnmnjttr ’ntrwttmiiu HntiHtnttitttmnuMtnmntnnmn: so agitated that he resigned — when 1 by naming him in the connection with New, up-to-date Machinery Experienced Machinist Don't ferget, Dr. Wilson, optician, Alberta, $1000 worth of buildings, Gaétan at once by his craft made this monster, who was evidently "in miles from insure«!, all fenced, two will be here Monday. May 3d, at the Work Absolutely Guaranteed H himself pope, as Boniface VIII. But fallible ” in this. He had ulready j • • town, in a level country. 1600 tree.- Silverton Hotel. Boniface feared that Celestine living fallen so low that, on earth he could that have been set out two years H The Young People’s Society of an«l are growing nicely, Soil is a might make him trouble; so he took j We note«l his trick on pope Cel the Synod church meet with Mrs. chocolate loam, and two horses wil suitable steps, and became sole pope. estine, He played another trick, this Before his murder, Celestine said time on the whole Roman world, To : draw a 14-inca plow, and plow tv. Jensen near Pratum this week. Garage and Machine Shop acr a day. Coal is worth $1.50 of Gaétan: “Curses on thee, Benedict get money for his various needs, he J. H. Porter, Frank Wray and at the mine, two miles to the mine Gaétan; thou hast mounted the thr >ne announced that the angels wouldj Danna Allen were balem passengers Cascade Real Estate Co. like a fox, thou wilt reign like a bring from Nazar«’h, the house in on Salem’s morning train Friday. lion, and die like a dog.” Of the which the Virgin Mary lived, and Mrs. Maggie M. Thornley departe«! crimes and villanies of Boniface, we ''after a time said »hat the house was Governor Withy combe has desig this life April 24, 1915, aged 62 Cor. First and Lewis Sts. Phone Blue 951 nated the period from May 4th to years, four months, and six days. will speak only of his relations with now set down in Dalmatia and that France. The French clergy were not the faithful must visit it, and present ututt;: 11th for all Oregonians to cleanup She was the mother of nine chil«I at this time very subservient to the : offerings. Then he had the house The Ladies Aid of the Unite«! ren, eight of whom and her husband pope and so quarrel and intrigue moved to a spot near Ancona. But Lutheran church will be entertained survive her. All except two children were the order of the day. Of course here brigands, took too large a share -tutnntuiniumitmu*«..........unni it by M rs. Corhouse on Wednesday, were with her at the close. She the king, Philip the Fair, became in of the proc«NMu>, au Lúe house was was a faithful member of the Free volved, The bishop of Parma, the moved ugain :ind then aguin, and May 12. Will Baptist church, and was be pope’s messenger, insulted the king, finally to the home of a woman Mrs. I. V. Miller of Gervais started loved by all who knew her. Like and being driven from court, he be- named Loretta, where it still stands— for Clintonville, Wisconsin last W ed- Paul she could say: RATES: $1.00 PER DAY “I have gan preaching rebellion and promis- a fruitful means i'( papal graft. nesday, to remain indefinitely with fought a g od fight.” Funeral ser- He said that the “fuble of Christ" ing rewards to any who should kill her daughter, Mrs. Myrene Schmi- vices were conducte«! by Elder J the king. Boniface approved this ac- had produced the priests incalculable Meal» 25c Board and Room detke. Garrigus. tion and war broke out. A battle was I sums of money, that religions are Room» 50c up by week $4-75 fought at Courtray, and the French created by the ambitious, to deceive Mrs. Elmer Reece, of Woodburn A g >odly crowd numbering alxiut Wednesday evening thirty of the W. R. C’s and Veterans were defeated. Boniface celebrated i men” and that "we must sell in the went home from a short visit with friends I of Silverton went out to Mrs Haynes the defeat of the French and tried i church all that the simple wish to to induce the king’s brother to rebel buy.” Oh, he was a holy man, who Silverton. last Saturday. Some went with against him. He declared Philip de ha«l the impudence to name himself SILVERTON, ORE Home Cooking Jack Hyett, cashier of the Peoples autos, but the larger number was a posed, an«i promised the kingdom to ¡"Boniface," that is "a benefactor.” jolly bunch of “ hikers ” who were Bank, was an incoming passenger whoever should deliver Philip, <lea«i Others of the popes assumed names on Wednesday- morning’s south ready to do justice to the delicious or alive, into his hands. that in like manner belieil their char- chicken dinner that Mrs. Hynes sure bound train. Philip called a meeting of his acter, as to “Pius,” the “Innocents” > knows how to prepare. There were »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ W. A. Cross is planing on movinng lots of other good things provided States-General and formal accusations and others. But of these later.“j” Phone Blue 1141 .M. L. Hansen, Prop. his harness Shop to Scio in the near by the ladies, but that chicken dinner were made against the pope as to his future, where he expects to locate held first place and vanished before In Patterson, N. J., and Jersey permanately. AN IMPORTANT EVENT the hungry “hikers” like magic. A City, the strong arm of the law is social afternoon was enjoyed with Mrs. Walckowskey, who has been The lecture given by Henry West outstretched, not to restrain rioting RATES: assisting Miss Thornley during her music and goo«l cheer, and everybody brook, Grand Warden of the criminals, but to curb the constitu- mother’s illness, will remain with had the “best time ever”. Meals 25c; Board and Room by the Day $1.25. O. O. O. F. lodge of Oregon last Sat tional rights of Arnerican citizens. her indefinitely. One man was sent to jail for 90 days urday night was enjoye«i by about CARD OF THANKS Board and Lodging by the Week $5.50 for advertising an ex-priest’s lecture. FURNISHED HOUSE—Only $12 We wish to thank those who were one hundred fifty members of the Such is Romanism. per month. Fruit, berries, and city so attentive and faithful in the care local lodge of Silverton. This was Sil.VERTON, OREGON Front Street, Near Depot • • • water. Good location. See Cascade of our dear wife and mother in her in celebration of the 96th anniversary ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Real Estate Co. last illness and at her death. Words of the order which was established in The Papes pushed a Bill in Con cannot express what we feel towari Baltimore as Washington Lodge No.l gress to protect from criticism all Miss Evelyn Nutting went to Cor- and the followi n were the first five vallis Saturday for an over Sunday those dear friends who mourn with members: Thomas Wildy, John Welch, holy “religious convictions.” After 1,500 years of bloody effort the Ro visit with her sister, Hazel, return- us in the loss of our loved one. Richard Rushworth, John Duncan man Catholic Church finds herseli de C. WEBB L. LARSON S. TEGLAND J. B. Thornley, ing home Monday. and John Cheatham. The lecture fenseless against the progress of Reuben R. was fine. It touched on many points civilization, so she appeals desperate J. David Albert Hartley and sister, Jessie. concerning the growth .'f the lodge ly to the government to save her George K. who are attending school at Eugene, which has reache«! upwards of two from criticism. Daphna B were week end visitors with their million, also the fraternal import Wililam J parents. Mr. Hartley preached at ance an<l advahtnages. Before the Thomas J Thornley. the mountain school house Sunday. Protect you property from loss by lecture was . a nice program, con Clean, Up - to • Date, Satisfaction Guaranteed fire in the Concordia Fire Insurance sisting of piano solos, singing, etc., and altogether this was an evening Co.—E. W. Ross is the agent for Sil WHEN AUTO TROUBLES FREE DELIVERY verton. COME YOI R WAY long to be remembered by all Bring your auto to ua. We under who were present. Phone Blue 821 Oak Street PIANO OWNERS ATTENTION a stand the business of rep tiring, can SCHOOL NOTES locate the trouble and do the work quickly and cheaply. We absolutely For $5.00 per annum we assume the In the last county spelling contest guarantee our work and profes« Miss Riche’s, the 5th grade, made the responsibility of taking ca.of any ability to repair anything and every the highest average, it being 99.8 upright piano, whereby we tune it ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e* thing. Bring your work to us. We “here are 35 pupils in that room an«, at regular intervals three times a will tell you the honest iruth about ,nly four vVords were missed. year. If your piano needs attention Ratea $1.00 to $1.25 Day Meals 25c Special Weekly Rates Miss Agers room, the combined write or call by telephone H. F. Kuck, your auto troubles and other machin ery problems, P.W.NOFTSK ER at the 7th and Sth grades made the highesi 1245 E. Street, Salem, Oregon. Phone average in attendance. The average 2354 J. ’ 25ctf Silverton Auto Co’s GARAGE Cor. 1st., & Lewis Sts. PhoneBlue 921 was 98.3. < • Miss Kreta Hicks, second grade, Engeman’» Milk Ranch < made an averag1 of 98.2 in attend- Delivers Fresh Milk and Cream twice • /«’. J. COODENOUCH. Mur. ance, while Miss Blanche Hubbs. a Day second grade, made an average of Special Orders Promptly Filled One-half Block South of S. P. Depot Phone 575 98.1 Your Patronage Appreciated There have been only eleven tardy Ph ne Greer A 120 marks in the entire school during LUNCH COUNTER GOOD HOME COOKING the last month. FOR HUNT The work of the school has been Furnished Housekeeping Rooms, Cail on SATURDAY, MAY l»t. badly broken into during the past at Journal Office. month by meas'es. All the Farmers, Gardeners, Fruit and Berry Growers around There will be big high school events Salem are urged to bring in all the products you can and place on the following dates: « them in the market and stay and sell them direct to the consumer »SILVERTON TIME TABLE May 1st. — Track Meet * (tables and stalls all free that day), at which time each com May 14th. - Parents’ Visiting Day. munity can select a Booth for the season. We want each locality May 23rd. - Baccalaureate Sermon. Arrive frem Portland 8.25 AM. to organize clubs or companies: Kaiser, Chemawa, Haysville, Brooks, it it « Class Day. June 1st. — 11.05 A.M. Hazelwood, Howell, Pratum, Fruitland, Holywood, Maclcay, Shaw it it Commencement. « EVERYTHING NEW FOR THE BABY : June 3rd. — 4.15 P.M. Aumsville, West Stayton, Turner, Marion, Rosedale, Liberty, Livesly, it it it Principal Mishler and Mr. Lance, 8.20 P.M. Eola, West Salem, Lincoln, Zena and Hopewell. it ft Baby Bonnets, Dresses, Bath Towels, Jackets, Bibs, two of the Wo dburn High School Salem 10.59 AM. Let each locality bring in a good supply and sell your own it it it instructers visited our 'High School 5.00 P.M. Booties, Pillows, Carriage Robes and Laundry Bags, products. Wednesday. Arrive from Albany all of the newest designs. Make this the center for all your berries and foods. via Lebanon 9.15 A.M. If you have any stock or anything to sell, bring it in and deadly The Roman Hierarchy is a AH Kinds of Electric Supplies always on hand and an offer it on that day in front of the market, where buyers will come. foe of the pub'ic school. Wake up! * Depart Portland A.M. 7.30 where buyers may sell anything This market is for the producers, Experienced Electrician to do your wiring. M «« »15 A.M. Don’t forget that the best work they have. Set your own prices, But see that everything is first « m 2.00 PJL ever done in a garden and the quick- class, clean and neatly put up. « « * CALL AND SEE US ! 5.00 P.M. J. J. McDonald, President ert work, is done with the Gravity By order of committee « ■» Salam • 25 A.M. C. A. Muths, Secretary Hand Cultivator. For Sale by J. E. « it 1.00 P.M. J. J. Coleman, Treasurer Hosmer, Silverton, Oregon. Price * ♦ $8.00. • • • • » • • • THE JOURNAL DOES FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING. Read BILLY BARLOW’S STORY Dr. M. N. Haynie THE SILVERTON AUTO CO. P. W. Noftsker ex htage IIOTKIa Clean Beds THE HANSON HOTEL CITY MEAT COMPANY When In Salem Stop at THE DEPOT HOTEL ♦ : : : BIG NEW MARKET OPENING “THE SHOP”