ing into ever greater fineness (refine ern and American ideal«. It i* po-
li.icrlly entrenched, has forced two
No Wheel« in the
Cultivât«« Deep
No Horae in the
This surely does not mean that the presidents to veto Immigration Bills
comp'exity of progress as shown in pa sed overwhelmingly by congre s;
Publi«h«d .very Friday momin« at Silverton. our modern and much improved ma has ordered congreas to increase the
Or*tfv>n, by
chinery and th«* new life so much en ci'.aplnins of the army and navy,
joyed by th«* proper use of the pro which order was obeyed.
J. E. HOSMER. Editor.
We have just had an examp'c of
ducts of this machinery, is a delusion.
"Who could hav«’ been our deliver
Nor can Mr. Crane mean by "simpli Reni'sh intolerant*«* in the Chicago er," «aid Mr». Noble, when th-y were
city” the life of drudgery and the lack May« rnlity campaign in which pa
au’y inside th«* heme and th«* sl.udes
of proper, nualern food, clothing and rades and meetii.trs or the Republican dravvi«.
shelter and instruments and imple candidal* we e attacked by Catholic
"Oh, 1 th'i’k it most hav«> boon Mr.
ments of modern recreation ami work. mobs and broken up.
John Bright," responded Ella. ‘"He
Recently a minister of Philadelphia mov.d just like Bright quick, de
All mankind should have the right
to enjoy the luxury, the happiness announced a lecture on Martin Luther cisive, an«' shot «u h? came, just as
of the products of modern inventions and his in; eting was attact«*d an I all in Philadelphia.
It look«*«! some
and discoveries. This enjoyment tip* windows of his church broken like him, too; but may be he was
should not be wasteful, nor intemper out.
1 Entered at the puetoffice at Silverton,Ore
Mankind will stay in selfish fit
v. rat rightly belongs to them but tacked in ids room at a hotel in Mar of the estate us th«* law would
Til! better seeds we’re sowing.
which has t>een taken from them by shall. Texas, by Kniyi.ts of Columbus in case there h»«l been no Will, und
that the rest should go to Ella. In a
th« exploiter’- lawless laws. There an
Let us throw off the stultifying yoke army was in Mexico to set up and man may have his speeches printed testify as to what she heard in her
of narrowness that Rome has fas sustain a Roman Catholic Monarchy and carried in the mails at public Mother’s house; nor would he admit
tened upon the world, let us cure under Maximilian an Austrian Prince, expense. Congressman Gallivan of in evidence the letter that fell into
ourselves of the foul disease of stag an enterprise which had the special Massachusetts had taken advantage Mr. King's hands. The testimony of
nation, and let us carry out the grand blessing of the Pope. About one of this privilege to flood the country those who heard the Wil! read on the
plan of those who so nobly fought year before (April 1864) Lincoln had with Papal dope. The following ap last day of Mr. King was ruled out
to establish America on the prin- refused to receive a representative pears on the outside of Gallivan’s on the ground that the memory in
ciples of freedom, equality and from Maximilian’s government.
envelope, which goes free through
relied on.
Gen. L. C. Baker, in his book, His the mails:
Mrs. King readily won the case,
House of Representatives U. S.
tory of the Secret Service, page 477,
Ella got no part of her Father’s
quotes another as saying, “It is a
large estate; not even the clothes and
significant fact that every pers n
Part of Cong. Record—Free
books and possessions of her younger
While the strenuous fight against implicated in the assassination was a
days. “Nevertheless,” said the priest
the well organized, well drilled and Roman Catholic.”
to the witlow, “we shall never be en
John Surratt, one of the conspira THE ROMAN CATHOLICS OF
obedient soldiers of the big band of
tirely secure in possession of the es
bachelor biggots is going on some tors, whose mother was hanged, was
tile so long as the g.rl is at large.
of our good American doodles are concealed and cared for, for five
You see, they gave notice of an ap
standing back and croaking. If they months, by Roman Catholic Priests
can’t find one thing to croak about in Canada, was conveyed under cover
Mr. Speaker, I ran .see influences
“Methodus dirigendae ;ntentioni**,—
they will another. They get so inter to a vessel, and was finally found back of this proposed legislation other the end justifies the means, by the
ested in croaking they forget to do among the Pope’s personal guards at »han those exercised and controlled Holy Saint Ignatius Loyola. As said
*• 1
anything of any weight against the Rome. However, the Pope refused to by organized laftor; I can see in Saint Thomas Aquinas, There are no
Phone Black 1242
Coolidge Street <
enemy. Their energy seems all taken give him up until the proper order fluences which dare not came ou» human rights in the presence of the
up with croaking against those w’ho came from Washington; but when the into the light of day, but which, un- Holy Church. She Is supreme in all
are fighting the battles and one some papers arrived Surratt was gone. He der cover of an inky, slimy darkness, things. But, to be sure, in this her
times thinks that the sooner the was next located in E»;ypt. His trial masquerading in the guise and garb etical country which has no religion
Generul Contractor for Commercial and Industrial
croaker croaks out the better. If you resulted in a divided jury, though the of so-called “Patriotic” orders, are and no God, where the rights of the
will watch closely you will notice
ceaselessly endeavoring to divide the Holy Church are not recognized, we
that the croaker always sings the but in these days the presence and in great body of American citizenship have to practice deception, intrigue, I
same little songs that the enemy has fluence of the priests had corrupted along lines of racial and religious hypocrisy, everything to secure our
< '
taught him. Lies and the worse- the whole social atmosphere in Wash- prejudice. I ask every fair-minded ends.”
In the Design and Construction of Beautiful Homes,
< '
than-lies, half truths so twisted as to ingten.
Business Houses, Schools and Churches
man in this body to listen to this
Details of these events are given extract from one of these so-called
deceive almost anybody, are the little
John Bright troubled himself for
songs the croaker learns while sneak in a book by R. J. Long, called “Pa- “Patriotic” publications, and when many days. His reason justified the
< >
ing around the enemy’s camp, and rochial School Fallicies;” and “The you have heard it ask yourselves work of his revolver; but clearly
these are all the songs he knows. As«ass;na.ion of Lincoln,” by Gen. whether there be even the shadow enough, he did not get the most
Patriots, kill off the croakers and T. M. Harris, one of the military com- of truth in its base references to guilty man. “These plug-uglies are
we will be able to do something. They mission which tried the conspirators; "Rome and its lobby.’’
dead,” he mused, “but It Is not fair
will croak at everything and every aid “Diaz ar.d Dictator”, by Charles
to the holy priest who inspired their of the Noble home, and was de- had been rewarded with assurances
body in the ranks as long as they Li ■’■oln Phifer; and “Hi tory of the
martyrdom to deprive him of the bating the wisdom of making an of the smiles of the Saints, and X^i ”
live. A right out-and-out enemy can Secret Service”, by Gen. L. C. Raker.
Speech of
blessedness of a quick passage evening call under cover of darkness, tiie blessed Mary, and givon
April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln
not do us as much harm as a miser
through purgatory to the eternal “Closed for the summer,” read a card lution in advance for a long time to
became n . artyr— to what ? L. D. R.
able fool croaker.
come. The Nobles had gone to Hot
paradise. Moreover, the added souls on the gate.
of Massachusetts
The work of protecting the liber
What now? He wrote back home; Springs.
to that fiery region but increases his
• • •
In the House of Representatives
ties of America now requires our
the letter was intercepted by a tool
labors getting them out!”
united efforts. The weak link in the
February 4, 1915. F
What to do John did not know,
John Bright reached Hot Springs
chain is the croaker. Can we elim
had been seen so often about the is Saint Patrick's Day,” he said, lie r.t mid-day, Lut kept to ids room till
inate him? Yes, there is hope. Let
city; had become acquainted with so pinned a largo green badge on his nightfall. It was 10 o’clock when he
It seems to be the concensus of
every anti-croaker hit the croaker opinicn among the most active
Says the Catholic Sentinel:—“What many people, that if now he should coat and repaired to the neighbor- found the home of the Nobles. "Come
over the head with a good club of workers that The Journal should give are the Catholics of Portland going eek out Ella, and become known as hood of the Nobles to meet and in Ella,” called Mrs. Noble, in res
common sense until he croakes out i*s space mainly to the great fight to do to c’unteract this well-organ her friend, he could easily be identi mingle with those who went to ponse to the ring at the door. Bright
or becomes a live, liberal, progressive against the efforts of the Roman Hie ized scheme to libel the church?” fied as the bandit. Then, too, this “Mass.” He inquired about the va- entered.
rarchy to make America Catholic; Well, what? Suppose an attempt would necessarily end his detective cated house, whether it could be | “Oh! Beg your pardon! Ella — our
that the cau..e is big enough to claim should be made to libel the Methodist work; hut he longed to see Ella. Just leased, its former occupants, how they daughter — has been out an hou”l
our energies. Our enemy is en Church, or the Presbyterian, could it one hour with her; Just one of her came to be away, when they were I thought it was her ring! I have
trenched and fortified in special be done? Not on your life. Why? beautiful smiles; just to see her move likely to return, what kind of people, been worrying! She went to call on
Frank Crane says that "all luxury privilege in rr any ways: Exemption Because these churches are an open about; her graceful form responding and so on thus until at length he a friend, a dear young lady friend,
and extravagance soon become coarse from taxation, Convent Girl-Houaes, book. Abolish your slave-pens, and to the young and brilliant spirit which found a young woman who seemed I and ought to have been home long
and degrading to real souls. The Up House of Good Shepherd Slave pens, open your nunneries, and cut out animated it! “Thank you,” she said to know much about the Nobles and ago. Excuse my flurry, I — I —, will
per Ten get around to the crassness Access to Public Money,, Defiance of the private confessional, and make simply in Philadelphia. These words their move:n.nts. She took the young you be seated?”
of life of the Submerged Tenth. tiie Rules of our Common Social Or the priests m:.rry their buxom young were still sweet music in his ears — men with the l,ig green badg? into
"No time for that, not if she la
They are victims of the great delu der which restricts the domiciliation female housekeepers, and do the in his heart! Not able longer to her confidence; told him how she had out! You, Mrs. Noble, hasten to ^fe*
sion. The great delusion is that it of men and women to the marriage other things that a well-ordered so restrain himself he started for a long acted the part of a bigoted protest home of her friend! And you,
is complexity that indicates higher relation, and by more than a century cial system requires. This is the thing walk, — “For my health,” he told ant; had spied upon the family; had Noble, come with me, — quick, there
life; whereas it is simplicity, develop- of undisturbed defiance of our mod- to do, if you would avoid the "libel.” himself; but he went in the direction reported regulatly to the priest. She is no time to lose!” (To be continued)
to Run Hand Cultivator
Gravity Hand Cultivator
Never Gets Old