The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 23, 1915, Image 3

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swered, though It has been pooh,
pooh« «1, many a time, and the folks
have had n hundred year* to do it in.
Edited by E. W. Rosa
The believer* in the story of the
"Divine Sacrifice” could not do a
better thing for their minal* than to
lly Olin J. Roan
In Tin* Journul for April 2nd, Mr. eml 16 cents to the Truth Seeker
Capitalism’s beat frarn«*«! publicity
Phelps churg«*» inc mid ull other In- Company nt (»2 Vesey St., New York
|7l«l«*l.* with hatiitg Christ. Well, now City for a copy of this immortal »tunt wax stood on it» head, ripped
(To be continued)
open, and exposed to the nutiun’M
’I do not hut«* «'hrixt any more than pumphlet.
worker» a few week» ago.
I <lo lluddhu or MohaimiK'il, and I am
The biggeat effort ever made to
aure that my fi*elitig» toward* these
whitewash the black name of a multi,
geiitleinrii ui*c not thorn* of hatred I Legislative Houee Cleanlng Needed.
millionaire exploiter of labor proved
and malice. Iir. J. II. Wilson of <’in 1
tho war 1» on and there le a futile.
cinnatl, in a long article in the Com lull While
In business, we want all legUla
The toiler» of the lan<! remain un-
merciul-Trlbune about the Bible in I tlve bodies to take an Inventory of
th«* »«bools, recently, said, among the statute book* and wipe off all blinded. They »till see in the Rocke­
other thing* that “Everyom* who ha; extrHvagiint und useless lawu A good feller million» all the horror» an«l
truced the hiatory of th«* Bible know» house-cleaning Is needed and econo­ evils of the exploitation of humanity
that the mo<t of it an«l the best of mies can bo Instituted here and there under the capitalist system.
it is but ffagun plagiuriamH.**........... Hint will patch the clothes of Indigent
Ivy I^e, John D. Rockefeller’s
He refer* to French writer* who j children, rest tired mothers and lift $12,000 a year pre»» agent, the high­
from despondent homes.
quote «diopter after «diopter from the mortKagen
UnnecesNury workmen taken off and est paid publicity hireling in the
Bible, und place them, along by th«* UM<*le*s expenses chopped down all world, staged the performance. Rocke­
aide of similar chapters from more along th«« line will nd«P to the pro»- feller, Jr., invited high officials of the
ancient pagan writing*. He say», | p«*rlty of the farmer and encourage United Mine Workers of America into
•’Th«* : ermon on the Mount” by Jeaua him In liis mighty effort to feed and conference at the Now York retreat
ia but a aerie* of text* taken from clothe the world
of Standard Oil, 26 Broadway. When
If any of these Industries have sur­ it wax all over the capitalist pre»*
th«* writing* of Confucius ami i trung
together.”................. “Kersey Graves plus employes we can use them on was handed red hot dope, to which
We have no regular
(in hi* book of that name) record* the farm.
it immediately gave first pag<* dis
schedule of wages, but we pay good
th«* history of "Sixt«*«*n <*rucifi«*d Su farm hands on an average of II 50 play notice, to the effect that Rock«*
viors,” ull of whom *ui«l an«l did mo*t per day of thirteen hours when they feller was the real big-hearted broth­
that Christ said and did.”
board themselves; work usually runs er of all the common folk.
But the next day this falxe mask
While Christ i* *ui«l to have said about nine months of the year and the
some good thing* u> well a* bad three months dead lime, they can do was torn away, and the R«M*kefell«*r
If they million» »to«»! forth ax hideous ax
thing . the mo*t I against him the chores for their board
prefer to farm on their own account, ever. This waw done by a Socialist,
«1* the fai t that he is coatiauall)
there are more than 14,000,(too,000
eribed by hl puffei from the <ta) of acres of Idle land on the earth's sur­ John R. Lawson, executive board
of the »acred writer to the modern face awaiting the magic touch of the member for Colorado in the United
pulpit orator, a* an imposter, and im­ plow The compensation Is easily ob­ Mine Worker* of America.
In his testimony before the f«?d«*ral
poster* nr«* usually ri gured as fraud*. tainable from Federal Agricultural
Now, in order to say this, one does ltvpartinent statistics, Tho total commission on industrial relations
not have to hate Christ, — not any average annual sales of a farm In Lawson attacked the testimony of
more than h«* does when he suya that the continental United States amounts Rockefeller, Jr., an«! the methods and
God did not let the cat out till then? [ to |*1600; the cost of operation Is purposes of the Rockefeller piulan-
1*40.00; leaving the farmer $176 per
notwithstanding Bro. Phelps’ allega­ annum to live on and educate bis Jhropies.
Lawson told of the shooting of the
tion thut he can furnish 500 Bible family.
proofs to the contrary, I still stick ' There Is no occasion' for the legis­ striking miaer» in Colorado, the shat-
to it that our old friend God did not latures making a po«ltlon for surpfug tering of miners? homes, of hundreds
let the cat out till about 1900 years employes of industry. l«et them come in 1903 dumped into the desert with­
ago. Mr. Phelps refers to God mak- 1 "back to th«* soil" and share with ua out foo«i or water, while others were
driven over the »now of the mountain
ing man in his own image, to bruis- ■ tho prosperity of the farm.
ranges. He uttere«l a vigorous ar­
ing th«* head of the serpent, ami other
things down to and past Isaiah, as
When honesty Is merely a good raignment of Rockefeller for his con­
fessed ignorance of conditions among
solemn proofs that God did tell the policy it Is a poor virtue.
the exploited wage »laves of the
world that he had J«*sus. Notwith- I
standing the citations made, or that
laizy farmers are just as useless as Colorado Fuel and Iron Company.
• He then referr«*! to the misdirected
could be mad«*, I say on my honor as dead ones and take up more room.
philanthropy of the hypocritical
a gentleman thut God «lid not tell
liny one that he had u son till about
When the soul communes with the Rockefellers as follows:
“Health for China, a refuge for
1900 years ago. The Jtjws were pret­ gplrit of nature the back to the farm
birds, foo<! for the Belgians, pen­
ty goo«l students of the Scriptures. [ movement prevails.
sions for New York widows, univer­
and many u Jew suspected the ex- ,
There are two kinds of farmers. sity training for the elect — and
iatence of Jesus. Then* is not a line
in th«* <>l«l Testament that says that One tries to take all the advice ha never a thought or a dollar for thou­
God ha«l a son, called JesUH, hi* only hears and the other won't lake any sands of men, women and children
who starved in Colorr.t'o, for the wid-
begotten son and that th«* l«*a«ler of | at aU
robbed of husbands, or of chll-
the Jews wax to be th«* uforesaid only I
dren who lost their fathers. There
are thousands of M ,*. Rockefeller’s
But after all, even though it can i
< mployees in Colorado who wish to
b«* held that Isniuh menti**.ied the |
God they were in Belgiun. to be fed.
fact that the son of u God was going
THE PERIL believes in the Bible or a bird to be fenderly care«! for.”
to com«* to attend to things, it only
Lawson then told of the revolt of
move» the «late hack a few hundred ami stand» for tru. Protestantism
mincrx in 1903-4 r.n<! hew the
years. The difference ia*tw«*en 1900
were forced into exile and
and 2500 or 3000 is nothing as com­ v bile we do this, we are unalterably
He said:
pared to th«* long laps«* of time man
place of the banished
him been on the earth. If G««l's son
of men were im­
bail to come, why did he not come ar«* afraid to open their mouths
of the com-
somewhere from 30,000 to a million
pany’s «Iragnet for new material may
years before be did come? If the en Political Machine ii; this country.
pimple n«*ed«*«l a God to com«* at nil, And we are sorry to say thnt th«* be judged from the fact that over
thirty languages and dialeots have
they certainly needed it long ages , majority of the tillers <•? Protestant
b«*en spoken in the mines since 1904. ft
before he «lid come. The facts about pulpits in America belong to this
If it had not been for the recruits
this allege«! coming make it all a tribe. There ar«* a few ‘rue Protest­
by Rockefeller from the army of
child's drcam of fiiijciful things. It is
preposterous. A few w«*eks ago I of Rome, ami we thank God for them. the unemploy«*«! the Colorado strike
mad«* an address before the’Columbus They . nr«* co-operntilig with ur in of 1903 would have b«»en won. It was
Rationalists on the subject of “God this fight to save America and its the host of jobless that furnish«*«! his
[and his Son Jesus.” Among other free institutions from the despoiling strike breakers -in 1914 to again
things, I m< ntioneil th«* tremendous hand of the Roman hierarchy. They crush the revolt of oppressed toil.
Not one cent of the R«x*kcfol)er
six«* of th«* universe, in which our ere preaching from their pulpit3 the
earth was .« speck of flour in a flour whole gospel of the Son of God, and millions ha? been spent to solve the
barrel. It takes, I said, man at his naturally they warn the people of unemployment problem. The workers
best, some forty days to get around th«* great peril that this country is must sclve this problem for them­
the earth, and, relatively speaking, in from Rome.
When unemployi«i?nt has. been
man is the veriest microbe that
We notice that now and then some
creeps upon its I wantetl <>f the large number of hypocritical, wiped out capitalism has been beaten
to know what woubl tie the measure j time-serving, so-called Protestant to its knees. The end of capitalist
of credulity it would take to believe preacher denounce the present pa­ oppression will then be near.
a story of a man who said that th«* triotic mov.ment nn«l the loaders of
own**r and mnker of the barrel of. it, fr m the »pulpits t^iat they are
flour, who had an only well beloved j desecrating. These, however, do not
son, had offered him up ns a sacrifice hurt as badly as th«* large number
in order to save microbes so small I of other such preachers who bring “The World Does Move,” Conductor
on this particular .-.peck of flour that ! reproach upon us and the great
it woul«l take them fc**ty «lays to go | cnusc wo represent by their abso­
“I ain’t no Socialist, ’cause my peo­
around it 7« Yet that is the kirnl of lute silence and indifference.
ple raised me thinking Socialists was
stuff that is ladle I i p for a parcel ’
mutty, but I been thiakin’ lately the
of folks who call
themselves 1 Now, these so - called Protestant rest of us is the mutty ones. When
Christians. Credulity I O, eredulit*
them Socialists was gabbin’ years
how thou doest pull th«* wool over the ' terrible curse of Rtfman Catholicism. ago, tollin’ us nobody had a right to
They konw more about it than many
eyes of otherwise sensible people!
of tho lenders in this gr**at patriotic hog the road, an«! a fellow onghtn't
But talking about prophecies as movement thnt is destine«! to sweep to put it all over another fellow just
proving the divinity of Jesus, and, , tho Roman political machine from ’cause he had money an’ th’ other
by the way I would like, sometime, those shores forever. What is the fellow didn’t, we just took a wallop
to go into an analysis of the foolish­ matter with them? We wi’l tell you. at ’em. Us fe'lows didn't know better.
“Rich people had us all bluffed.
ness of these alleged prophecies for They are hypocrites of the first
Mr. Phelps. Why, this reminds me wnter. They nre in the ministry for An’ when some gink in a fur-lined
that on«* of the great masters of th«« lonves and fishes. They inck overcoat hollered out, ‘I saw it first,’
Biblical criticism, Thomas Paine, he thnt bravery and boldness thnt genu­ we lot him gobble up the plank road,
who did ns much by his pen to set up j ine Christianity gives a true minister an' let him carry all our stuff an’
in business the United States of of the gospel. They nre so many soak us for doin’ it. When I was
America as Washington probably did veritable millstones about the neck glad the railroads could kill brakemen
with his sword, once wrote a pamph­ of Protestantism. They nre causing every half hour, an’ charge what they
let, entitled, “An Examination of the tho empty pews in our Protestant liked, an’ send lawyers to congress
Prophecies.” In this analysis, he took churches. The laity have no con­ to get what they couldn't throw down
every one of the alleged prophecies fidence in them. Their own members and take away from us, an’ the in­
about Jesus, and the proofs that he know that they ar«* aiming their ser­ surance • companies, on’ the express
ha«l fulfilled them in his coming, and mons at the rich element of their companies, an’ the meat butchers run
he showed that not one of them ha«l congregations. They care more for the government; when a follow said
the remotest reference to such a be­ salary and social position thnn for he was a S«#ialist, the preachers led
ing as "The Lord Jesus Christ.” He th«* salvation of soids. NOTONE OF a mob to tar an«! feather him. They
stripped Christianity to the bone, and TH! HYI’OCRITU'AL COWARPS said he was an anarchist, an’ wouldn’t
he showed up one of th«* most bare­ ARE WORTHY OF UNLATCHING cut an’ let another fellow’s
faced "frame-ups” that is known in THE SHOES OF THE IMMORTAL wife alone.
“Times change»! a heap since
literature, or in criminal annals. That LUTHER, THE FOUNDER OF
them days. If the guys try to steal
“Examination’’ has never been an­ PROTESTANTISM.
your leg i.uw, you »ay, ‘Mister, mebbe
you »aw it flrat, but it’s my leg,
an’ I need it to walk with.’ I guess
nr ore of us mutts ha* got brains
now. Twon’t be long ’fore you’ll
forget there was anybody that could
crack the whip and make your daddy
«lance an’ your grandma Jump through
a hoop. This here America’s going to
be a great place to live.
Change to car ahead, pl«*a*e.
We ain’t goin’ any further.
Let ’em out. Lively, please.
Watch your step.
There I* urttlmes a body of men as­
sembled at legUlature»—an«1 they
have a right to be there—who, in
their zeal for rendering their fellow-
associates a service, sometimes favor
an increase In the expense* of In­
dustry without due regard for the men
who bow their backs to the summer's
sun to meet the payroll, but these
committees, while making a record
for themselves, rub the skin off the
shoulders of the farmer by urging the
legislature to lay another burden
upon bls heavy load and under the
lash of "be It enacted" goad him on
to pull and surge at the*traces of civil­
ization, no matter bow he may sweat,
foam and gall at the task When
legislatures "cut a melon" for labor
they hand the farmer a lemon
The farmers of the United States
are not financially able to carry "dead
heads” on their payrolls. Our own
hired hands are not paid unless we
have something for them to do and
we are not willing to carry the hired
help of dependent industries unless
there Is work for them.
We must
therefore Insist upon the most rigid
Silverton, Ore., Journal Bldg., ha» the following property for Sale:
See Caxcaue Real Estate Co. for i Business Chance: A »aw mill that
. will cut 700 raii road ties in a day,
List your property with E. W. Ross, 250,000 feet of logs cut, 50,000 feet in
the new manager of the Cascade Real the pond; all you nave to do is to file
up and go ahead. Price only $1100,
Estate Company.
| Seven-r« om House and Lot in Gei­ half cash, chance to buy 500,000 feet
near the mill.
ser Addition on installment plan.
Fine Lot on Fitch Street, a da.idy
Four-roum House and Lot, 70x210,
on Mill Street. Good location, only ouilumg sight, close in, it ’•.ill not oe
on tne market long, only $350. Ccme
$1750. $200 :zsh, good mvestmenU
¡ quick!
Do you want a man to work ?
$2000 buys a nice little farm near
Lady, how would you like to buy Amsville, of 15 acre;, all cleared.
a dandy little business in Silverton. Fruit, berries, house and barn; all
| We have it for sale. Write to Cas- I fenced. This is a bargain. Will ex-
' cade Real Estate Company, Silverton, cnange foi farm property near Silver-
Gregory the Great brought
Fins lot between Portland and Ore­ A 54-acre farm, 12 acres hops, fruit
Rom«* a:i arm of Saint Andre* *, and
the head of Saint Luke, for the glo­ gon City on car line for aale for $a00, trees, berries, garden, grain land,
$50 down, $15 i er month, T'.-is is a fine house, hop house, barn and mac­
rious protection of his monastery.
large lot 50x138 */i feet, It will in­ adam road, fine water, plenty of
By himself with a thumb crease in value.
pasture. Call in and get full partic­
of Saint Bartholomew the Blessed
• Buy a lot in Geiser’s Addition— ulars.
Turketul protected himself from the
best buy in Silverton—must sell and
$2,500 buys one of the finest homes
dangers of tempest and lightning. you ge*. the advantage of the forced
you ever saw. There are eight lots,
This was A. D. 975.
sa'e. You can pay for this lot and lots of fruit, ten room house, etc.,etc.,
Saint Albans ha«l lain for centuries the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. paved streets, city water—one of the
in an unknown grave. Offa, King of will bui'd you a bunglow—pay for it best placee in a town that has a future,
Mercia, was told by an angel to take ir. tead of paying rent to the other Scotts Mills, Ore.
the Saint up out of the earth. A ray fellow.
FOR SALE — 1500 lb. Draft H, rse.
of light like lightening pointe«! out his
Do you believe in dreams ? Yout
Buy a dandy hom^in Oak Greve,
sepulchre. Saint Albans was given dream of a home will come true if you
a new coffin, exquisitely fashioned of u ill let the CASCADE REAL ES­ Oregon. Four-room house, 22 fruit
gold and silver und precious stones, TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy trees, lawn, on car line, good garden,
e'ese to church, school and depot. $200
and for centuries has been incessantly a home on the installment plan.
engage«! in working astonishing mir-
FORTY LOTS for sale in South down, balance $20 per month. Price
Salem—high and dry, fine location, $1800. Beauti.'ul location.
8 1-3 acres right in the city with
rnd on easy terms.
The relics of Samuel who had been
of the best houses you ever saw,
dead more than 1,400 years,
Fine Large Lots in Salem, sightly
carrie 1 to Constantinople, placed in location, low price, small payment barn, chicken houses, all kinds of
a golden urn and covered with a down and small monthly payments. fruits, grapes, berrie^, walnuts, etc.,
cement side w*alk, paved streets, elec­
silke.: veil.
FOR SALE — A nice large lot, tric lights, sewer, city water. Can ue
The he'd of the martyr Saint 50x120, in the Capital Citly. Fruits of subdivided. Close in. A dandy bar­
Janarious is in the cathedral of every kind, m Oregon Electric Line, gain at $7600. Half down. Long time
Naples, a;id some of his blood is 2 biccks from school, near church. on balance.
preserved in two vary old glass vials. Good bargain at $250.
Dandy building lot in Davenport
Repeatedly he has saved Naples from
$1500 buys seven acres, one mile Additio- ->n very easy terms. Will
destruction by the eruption of Mt. from Silverton, all in cultivation. take a good cow or a horse or both,
Vesuvius, In 1707 his shrine was Hard mackadam road, small house. a little cash, and $5.06 per month
carried by the clergy to the foot A bargain, if taken soon.
for balance.
of the mountain and instantly xit
See Cascade Real Estate Co.
$1200 — Three acres ia Southern
ceased its eruptions, His -blcod is
Calofornia. water for irrigation,
generally congealed, but on feast
3-* oom house. $306 cash, balance to
days it melts and bubbles up. When price to the person who will build a ruit purchase’, at 7 per eent.
the French took Naples the blood was $1500 house cn it, good location on
We have land for sale in Cali­
congealed, but when the French com­ South Water Street. Also other lots fornia, Washington, Idaho and Al­
mander threatened to snoot the priest in this part of Silverton with the un­ berta; any place, tell us where you
if the miracle was not performed in derstanding that houses built must be want it, and we place you right
ten minutes, the blood melted im­ o( $1000 valve or over.
where you want to live, We have
$12,000 buys a twenty-four acre
mediately and bubbled up.
land in Lake View for $60 per acre,
tract adjoining Silverton, a'l in culti­
In A. D. 540 when Chosroos at- vation. Good buildings, stock and for a small payment down and bal-
tack««d Sergiopolis the relics of Ser­ farming implements can be sub- anee 30 years time, 5 M per cent
gius lying in a coffin within the walls divided. Would take $6,000 in ex- interest. This is irrigated land and
caused the appearance of innumer­ change on other goo«l property. This lies in the famous Goose Lake Vai-
able shields all around the city and property should not remain in the ley, from 2 to 10 miles from Lake
View. Also a butcher shop and
saved it.
market long as it is guilt edge goods. slaughter house in Laks View
at a
Simeon spent 30 years on a column Come quick!
60 feet high, and died. The cities
FOR SALE — Two Turbine Water
Do you want to buy a beautiful plot
all about contend«*«! for his body as Wheels, Shafting , Mortise Gear of ground ,v th fruit and herrie. al­
a protection; but it fell to Antioch Wheels, Boxing, Couplings, Rolle? ready in beanrg, with wood shod I irilt
since her walls had been broken down. reed Mill, etc.
and two tent houses ? This is a bnr-
Some holy mon stole some of the
$85. an acre buys an excellent Wai- j gain on the installment plan, T1 e
Saint’s teeth to shield themselves do Hills farm. This farm is worth I property is three blocks from car line
from calamity.
over $100 per acre.
fbat runs inti Portland. Price $1800.
Grants Pass property, lot 150x200. $’(■»0 down. $15 per month. Now's the
When a pestilential plague had car­
ried off 1,400 persons in Paris in 5-room house, big barn, city water. time and The Cascade Real Estate Co.
are the people. Come and «ce'
1129, an«l the Lord had refused to •lights, etc., only $1500. Terms.
hear their nrayeis, the shrine of
Saint Genevieve was carried to the
cathedral. On the way many were
states, and many localities compul­
sory vaccination obta*'ns, though the
healed, only three died that day, and
A medical despotism was provided great majority resist the fad, a hun­
no more took the disease.
for in a Bill offered in the U. S. dred and fifty years of it has not
There was a dispute as to which Senate by Senator Owen of Oklaho­ justified it to the common sense of
set of relics, that of Saint Martin ma. Its provisions were nicely over­ the people.
and that of Saint German, hail the laid with gold braid, but a careful
tl is enough that the doctors be
greatest power to heal. To settle the reading of the measure disclose«! its gran'ed liberty in the social order
question, a leper wasted to the bone fine points. Under it the medical to try ut their practice upon willing
was placed between the two. In the b ard provided for would have power I patients, and thus prove or disprove
morning Saint Martin’s side of the to force its fads upon all inter-state its virtue, without turning the pow­
loper was healed, while the other side and sea-going travel; to require of er?. of the state to them to use in
was unchanged. The next night the dis­ the traveler a certificate of health; their own favor.
L. D. R.
ease«! side was turned, to Saint Martin to demand of him vaccination against
and healed. The keeper of Saint Mar­ small pox, typhoid, diphteria, bubonic
“Mr. Gibbons"
tin’s bones filled their common purse plague, corns on histoes, or any other
In answer to a report that Presi-
by the traffic in the healing power of affliction that might be headed off in dent Wilson was discourteous to him
their Saint.
this way; to regulate all therapeutic the illustrious Bachelor Gibbons says,
The chains which boun<! Saint Peter and prophylactic matters for all the “There is absolutely no truth in the
in Jerusalem are still preserve.!, and federal activities in all federal pos­ statement that I have been persona
hnve given a name to a Catholic sessions, and do all the things de­ non grata in the White 'House, and
Church in Rome. The popes from sirable and requisite for a proper that President Wilson addressed me
time to time, rasped off filings of exhibit of despotic powers. Already as ‘Mr. Gibbons.’ ” No, indeed, not
thrse chains and sent them as pres­ there is compulsory conformity to he! Our political flunkies never forget
ents to princes, and the sacred dust medical orthodoxy in the army and their toe-kissing manners towaril a
navy, and on ocean vessels. In some “Prince of the Blood.”
has often wrought miracles.