The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 23, 1915, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
By L. 1). Rutili?
It is blasphemy, and punishable
with imprisonment to speak ugumst
* priest in Catholic Austria, Kaya a
student of Oberlin College just re­
turned from thut country..
• • •
By official figures for Great Britain
(March 2H, ISM) the Salvation Army
furnished two convicts to each 100,000
of it i people. The Catholic Church
furnished 247 for an equal number of
her people.
• • •
"With b«.rs they blur the gracious
And blind the goodly sun;
And they do well to hide their hell,
For in it things are done
That sun of God nor son of man
Ever should look upon."
• • •
It is most deplorable ami awful,
say the holy dads, the way we Amer­
icans are divorcing each other. Well,
take your choice: — In Catholic coun­
tries the nasses do not need to di­
vorce for they do not marry, and
from one-fourth to three-fourths of
the children are bom out of marriage,
while the priests seem to be about
as active as the rest in increasing
the work of the census taker.
• • •
The Hieraiths of Germany have is­
sued a Pa.lorul in which they say,
"Christ has opened the fountains of
mercy, and they have united into a
mighty stream of love and bene­
ficence that flows aide by side with
the war’s river of blood, etc., etc.
"A unity of all in Jesus our
Lord which is unconquerable, »nd
gives the assurance of victory.” Then
these holy dads reflect upon the un­
wisdom of the Protestant clergy for
trying to "make a cai.e for Germany.”
• • •
Recently ex-priest Jcsenh Slatterly
answered a speech of governor Walsh
of Massachiuelt»', and pointed out
that in Boston out of 4,740 persons
in city pay, 4,290 were Catholics,
while the non-Catholi-s pay 85 per
cent of the taxes. In the Chariest-
prison are 752 inmates, 740 of whom
are Catholics.
W. A. Munly, of Portland, Irothcr
of judge Munly, and former editor of
the Catholic Sentinel, has been ap­
pointed assistant U. S. Attorney for
Valdez, Alaska. Score an other for
• • •
The young priest at Salem was
too drunk to walk, so he fell over. He
was taken to police headquarters be­
fore it war iiscovcred that he was
one of the "Christ-Substltutes’’ in the
v ork of salvution. But our police
chief thinks a drunk is a drunk, so
this "H'g. r-than-the-angels” had to
put up a ton dollar bail, — which he
forfeited. But what’s the oddr about
a priirt, — he can turn wine to di­
vine blood, and bread to the body and
seul of Jesus Christ, between drinks,
and abso've the sinner while drunk.
Oh, it is a mighty accommodating
religion, that is!
• • •
Says a Catholic protest against
criticism of the Church: — “The con­
stitution of the U. S. guarantees lib­
erty of conscience.” Does it? Well,
with limitations. Some years ago a
colony was planted in NewYork state
called the "Oneida Community." It
iwas founded upon the Sacred word
of the Christ that “The children of
the kingdom neither marry nor are
given in marriage.” It was a "trictly
religious society, whore members
lived together, and begat children as
their conscience dictated. But the In:
broke up the colony.
Some years ago another church
sprang into being whose Pope had a
revelation direct from God to the ef­
fect that a man who was worthy
might take to himself a plurality of
wives. This was a part of their rel­
igion, c-mfirmed by revelation, and
most decidedly a matter of con­
science. B it the federal laws broke
it up.
A few years ago a new discovery
was made in Chicago. It was found
that hy certain mental and spiritual
processes the old methods c >uld be
so etherialized as to insure "immac­
ulate conceptions,” etc., etc., — per­
haps somewhat after the arguments
of the priests upon their desirable
and fair penitents. It was strictly a
religious cult, and coni.cience was its
stronghold. But the law broke it
up, and sent the leader to prison.
"Freedom of conscience,” yes; but
It must he in accord with the general
good nf the social order.
No. 25.
Who has not heard that once, during
the Dark Ages, a woman held the of-
| fice of Pope of Rome ? Of course
Romanist o' to-day aie greatly scan­
dalized by the story; s-.nd they outdo
themaelvx in-the violence of their in­
vective against those who tell such
facts t the discredit of "Holy” church.
; Probab’y not even the most violent
1 suffragist would have a woman to
be Pope—if she could; she could not
possibly wish it—if she knew what
has been the moral atmosphere of the
papa! c:u;- during the last twelve
hundred yea .2. But the story is a
matter of record, and we have the
right to ask “What are the fact-: in
this case?” We want to know them
in their connection and their true ligh.
The date assigned to the woman
pope is tko middle of the ninth cen­
tury--abou. the year 855. During
$2,000 to $4,000. One Catholic janitor the 450 years following, to the birth
received a salary of $4,200; his of Wickliff«, the church, of Rcme had,
daughter was a teacher in the school as shown by the Migne Library, ..bout
and he derived a huge income fr >m one hundred writers whose produc­
a school restaurant. Two other jani­ tions are known. These men wrote
tors received $3,500 and three others on all sorts of subjects, not many of
from $2,700 to $2,900. In the mayor s them on history. And, take notice,
office there were seven Catholics and [ all of these writers, historians and
one Protestant. In the park depart­ others, were censored by the prelates
ment there were 263 Catholics and in charge; so that while the truth
17 Protestants. In the printing de­ of the statements ma le is not proved,
partment there were 104 Catholics it is pr'ved that the censors thought
and 17 Protestants. In the public the writings they passed, would not
grounds department there were 121 I wrong the church of Rome. Now it
Catholics and 15 Protestants. In the is from writings so censored that we
registry department there were 20 learn of the woman pope. In time
Catholics and 5 Protestants. In the the story was disputed.
street department there were 3,176 Protestant writers of eminence, all
Catholics and 320 Protestants. In the of them since the time of Luther,
water department there were 599 of course, have thought that poss-
bly the story of a woman pope is a
Catholics and 75 Protestants.
fable; and Romanists of today and of
And when these Roman tyrants get the more recent past, are vehement
full control — then what? Take your in their denunciation of the story as
mental telescope and look across the a falsehood, and wicked slander on
narrow, selfish line and see the naked, “holy church”. Of course, since the
hungry, weeping subjects of the mod­ original authorities for the story were
em Roman empires of the wor'd!
faithful and subserviant Romanists,
question is somewhat complicated.
This is no child’s play, patriots.
There can be no compromise and we The efforts to disprove or to discard
must all remember the words of Mr. the story, are peculiar to say the
Pope, who was far from being a pope. least. The Jesuite Labbe, vociferates
that Wickliffe who died in 1384, and
He said:
John Huss and Jerome, who were
“Honor and shame from no condition murdered by the Council of Con­
stance in 1415, and Luther who died
about 1546, and Calvin who died later,
Act well your part, there all the are responsible for the story. How
stranje! As a Jesuit Labbe may
honor lies.”
have argued that he spoke the truth,
as a man he spoke falsely.
Cardinal Baronius, official historian
til they have entirely crushed out all of Rome,’ in crazy wrath, admits the
oppo’ition—but then what ? Another exi tance and work of the popess—
thing, if they get this contract, when even while denying it. He declares
and wh re will this kind of good bus­ she was a monster whom atheists and
iness methods end ? And how long heretics called out of hell by witch­
will it be before the Roman Catholic craft and spells;and Florimond says
Hierarchy will have full control of I she was sent to curse the church of
all our public affairs. This big Rome for its abominations.
monarchial monopoly will certainly
But a writer in the Catholic World
take America if we let. them and takes the lead in ev. cion that does
just such things as the Jackson Coun­ not succeed in evading, and denial
ty affair are the wedges that confesses. He proves anew that
with which they expect to sp'it us once in a while, a Roman prelate or
wide open. Through such agents as controversialist may
a certain judge, who is taking a great tell a part of the truth. He guard-
interest in the affair and the higher idly sugge ts that sin.e there were,
up agents like priest Tumulty at the in tho*j times, in Roman politics, a
white house, it looks as though the hera of monstrous women, Theodora,
little hunch of Roihans in Uncle Sam’s Marozia, anil others, some one may
Land is the head of the body politic have said in jest, maybe, that a wom­
an was nope, rather than say that the
Radical action, a Constitutional man pope was ruled by a woman.
.Amendment, prohibiting state aid But what docs this imply? He does
to private and sectarian institutions. not tell us that one of the women he
An Inspection Law, and the strict en­ names, Marozia, was .aistre.-s of three
forcement of the criminal laws we popes, one of whom was her own son.
already have, especially against those Sergius III was first, and their son
who are hiding their guilt under the was made pope, as John XI. and she
cloak of religion, and finally, a gov­ became mistiess of this pope. She
ernment for and hy the people, with was also mistress of another of her
Liberty and Justice for all, are what own sons, Alberick. and their son be­
true patriots will labor for without came pope John XII.
Yes, some women ruled some popes
in ways that were very dark. That
which the writer in the “World” sug­
gests so guardidly, is really more to
< > the discredit of Rome than the ¿.tory
. >
< > that a woman held the office of Dope.
PUBLICITY is THE ONLY JI For, as the story of the woman pope
goes, she ruled wisely and justly, and
THERE- O might have held the office long, but
!! FORE GET A SUBSCRIBER !! that she was betrayed and became
a mother.
If Rome would concede that her
¡; MENTS FOR EDITOR HOS- ¡1 popes and prelates were human be­
< > ERM TO LECTURE IN YOUR ! ’ ings, no worse than others of their
11 TOWN.
< times, even if no better, they might
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ put up a better case. But that would
be death to the notion of infallibility;
and t give up this, would concede to
the laity that the priesthood does not
stand in the place of Gad, Who is the
only Infallible One. The case is be­
fore you.. Some Romanist writers
say that there was never a woman
pope, others, as truthful, so far as we
know, say there was such a pope.
And there you are! Decide for your
The War against the Big Roman Humbug is receiving a great impetus. The
proposed Amendment to our Constitution is considered just the thing
by all true patriots, and experts who are true to the cause
are getting it ready. The editor’s work in the lecture
field has been tested and will help us win.
Onward to Victory!
It is due the public to know what
our growing army of patriots, are
doing to crush out the greatest enemy
America has and to establish and
forever maintain our American prin­
ciples on which our government was
All over these United
States the work is rapidly growing.
The thinking people propose to Wave
their liberty. A free press must be
established and protected; the good
work of our free schools must not
!•* destroyed by the narrow stulti­
fying doctrines of the Roman old
maids and bachelors ( ?); our business
men must be freed from the beastly
boycott of the Hierarchy, and our
government itself must get nd of the
cancerous, foreign plague that is poi­
soning its blood in every department.
In Oregon we have backed up to a
Constitutional Amendment. The pro­
posed Initiative measure will be got­
ten ready early. It will be sub­
mitted to the Secretary of State so
us to be sure of its legality. Peti­
tions will be in the field in plenty of
time and the public will be well post­
ed as to its meaning and importance.
It will forever make it impossible
for our legislature to appropriate
large sums of the people's money to
build vp slave pens for the beastly
uses of bachelor profligates and finan­
cial plunder of a traitorous, un-
American band of grafters. It might
be urged that the legislature of the
state should do this work, but they
have been tried. The majority of pol­
iticians who get office are not real
men with back bones. They don’t
know how to stand up, firm and
strong against money and controlers
of votes. Therefore, "we the people"
must take this in hand or be ruined
by high taxes, rotten morals, boycott,
crime, and, finally, by a government
by a "divinely appointed” absolute
monarch called a pope. Every true
American will help what he or she
can in this work. .Many hands make
light work, and, with this help and
with the experience and wisdom
gathered from past failures like the
A. P. A. Sell-out, we will crush the
“beast” this time in spite of its
Goliath size, and its prepotfteryus
claims of divinity and its idiotic
Our friends all over the world will
rejoice that the editor’s lecture work
is proving a success and is sure to
be one of the great factors in saving
our "free press" from financial ruin.
To be sure this work has only just
begun. On account of the many
other duties, all that could be done
at first was to run out into near by
parts of the big field and after the
lecture to run back again, but now
good hel in the office work has come,
regular routes will be established in
different directions and most every­
body will have a chance to shake
hands with, and hear the story of the
radical "Anti” who went to jail for
telling the truth. At Salem last
Monday night we had an excellent
meeting. Outside the hall door “pa­
pist guards” walked up and down and
of course many business people and
others were afraid to be seen taking
part in a heretic demonstration for
fear of boycott, but there are people
who are not afraid and so we had a
fair sized audience for a priest ridden
community. The speaker held his au­
dience in close attention for about
two hours and received many con-
gratula'ions, words of praise, sym­
pathy, promises of activity in the
cause and a bunch of money that will
help mightily in keeping the wheels
moving. Now we hope every com­
munity will get busy and make ar­
rangements for a lecture. It puts our
work before the people in a way that
nothing else can do. It will take pa­
tience and perseverance to do it in
many cases, but the price of liberty
must be paid by some one or it will
perish from the earth.
Now we are out of jail, free to
work, the danger of failure practically
passed and more good help in our
office been secured, let us all do
something worthy of our great cause.
Some of us know what the result
would be if the Catholics get control
of this country, as thej certainly have
already to a very dangerous degree.
Look at Boston:
The Protestants of the city paid
85 per cent of the taxes.
There were 890 Catholic teachers
in the public schools, thirty of whom
each received a salary ranging from
fect a disavowal of the spirit of the
very religion which the “Protest-ants”
themselves are supposed to embrace.”
Now the Silverton Journal wants
to ask, who is basing their protest
The big fight in Jackcon County show* with what solely on the ground that one church
auttle deception the Roman* work. If we turn over the instead of another is in conthrol ?
care of bad girl* and our orphan* and dependent* to these The editor of the “Sun” (orson) looks
tn U3 rather narrow minded and un-
priest-governed institutions, why wouldn’t it be just a* I charitable as well as bigoted and ig-
reasonable to turn over all the state institution* and finally noiant. How does it happen that
Jackson County has so many poor?
the whole government? Do you see the point?
The Sacred Heart business in our es­
timation manufactures more poor
than any other cause in the county.
Strange as it may seem, the Med­
Why in the name of common sense And therefore the best way to aid
ford Sun, and other public forces in shouldn’t any religious organization
the county would be to take over the
Jackson County are favoring the at­ equipped with the proper facilities
Sacred Heart business which has been
tempt to turn over the work of taking take care of the county poor, pro­
built up by robbing the people and
care of the County’s poor to a Roman vided such an arrangement would not
thus reduce the expense by reducing
Catholic Church institution. The Min­ only benefit the county, but improve the number of poor. Then the peo­
isterial Association of the County is the conditions under which the county
ple can take care of their own busi­
bitterly opposing it but it will take dependants have to live?
ness. The Sacred(?) Heart people
the united eff-rt on the part of every
The Sacred Heart hospital is an in­ make the poor by the hundreds and
patriot of Oregon to stop the power­ stitution of which the people of the
ful and forever aggressive endeavors city have every reason to be proud. thousands through their many confi­
of the priestly, would-be rulers and Far in advance of the district in its dence games and then make more
exploiters of the world from captur­ facilities, ministering to the sick and money by securing fat contracts to
ing our state. See what false logic infirm, regardless of their religious take care of them, using slaves to do
tl.e Romanized “Medford Sun” uses: affiliations or ability to pay, this in­ all their dirty work. The “Mail
Tribune” protests most vigoriously
stitution deserves the support of the and the whole Protestant fraternity
community in every way, and any of Southern Oregon are up in arms,
On Monday the local Ministerial public arrangement aiding the hos­ and wel' they may be. The Roman,
Association protested to the county pital in a legitimate manner should bachelor manipulators, who are looked
court against the Sisters of the Sa­ receive, and we believe, does receive upon by their dupes with open-mouth­
cred Heart hospital taking care of the support of fair minded citizens ed awe as something very holy, are
throughout southern Oregon.
the county poor.
really nothing but sharp, shrewd, un­
If the Sacred Heart hospital hadn’t scrupulous agents of a wicked, power­
Members of the ass ciation raised
their hands in holy horror that the the facilities, if the care of the poor ful, “divine- right”, international, po­
representatives of t’ e Catholic church would not he as efficient, if the ar­ litical and business organization. Of
should dare minister to the needs of rangement would involve greater ex­ course, this big tyrant trust can han­
the indigent and infirm at a saving of pense to the county, objections on dle the poor of Jackson County cheap­
$1776 a year to the taxpayers of the such grounds would, of course, be val­ ly. They have millions of slaves
id and , reper.
working for nothing and boarding
But to base a protest solely on the themselves or being boarded by the
Their protest was so vigorous that
a majority of the court agreed to take ground that one church instead of an- tax-payers. Like other great "trusts”
no action in the matter for the pres­ othor is in control is not only narrow they can afford to give away their
minded and uncharitable, but is in ef­ services for a time if necessary, un­
’Rome’s Entering Wedge in Oregon
A Great Organization. None but members know the name of a strong
secret order whose growth promises to exceed that of all other patriotic
bodies. It is under the leadership of some of the best known and most
influential men of the country.