The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 16, 1915, Image 2

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    term fossil, moreover, suffers no res­
triction as to the condition or state
No Wheel« In the
Cultivate* Deep
No florae in the
of preservation of any organism. In
some rare instances, the very flesh,
skin and hair of a mammal have been
Published »very Friday mornin« at Silvarton.
preserved for thousands of years, as
Oraron. by
in the case of mammoth carcasses
J. E. HOSMER, Editor.
entombed in the frozen mud-cliffs of
the shadows
Siberia. Generally, all or most of the
original anima* matter has dis­ were falling, three young ladies walk­
appeared. and the organism has been ing arm in arm were seize«l from be­
more or less completely mineralize«! hind by three men who thrust gags
or petrified. It,often happens that into their mduths, and made off with
th«> whole organism has decayed, and them to a waiting jitney across the
a mere cast in amorphous mineral street. Quickly loosing her wrap, one
matter, as sand, clay, ironstone, silica of the girls bounded forward leaving
or limestone remains; yet all these her robe in the grasp of her assail­
variations must be comprise«! in the ant, ami escaped. He pursue«!, At
comprehensive term fossil.” (Sir A. the instant a shot rang out of the
• Jintervd at the poeustice at Silverton. Oregon
at »»x.wui-claM rate*.
Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor and Manufacturer
shmlows, which brought him to the
Xubocnption. Wc per year, in advance. Sinai»
copies. 6 cent*.
The presence of fossils in stratified ground; but quickly regaining his
Advertising rale, made known upon applica­
Taking advantage of buiness cow­ rocks puzzle«! many of the wise men feet, he succeeded in reaching the
ardice, using foul, unfair means as of ancient times, Some said they machine, and was carried away,
Thia paper stands for freed,«» of thought, free­
No Tramping Down Ground
Cultivate« F««t
No Loat Energy
Bright recognized the three men,
dom of the press. freedom of speech. equality of quickly as any other, holding their were merely freaks of natuce, others
opportunity and the rviision of nahleousnea»- It dupes in absolute obedience to the thought
were the remains of gave the facts, with the names and
1* .nsdieally eppoeed to every form of superstition
beings which hnd been addresses of the kidnappers, to the
aiui tyranny, or licenstrur or permitting any form church commands, »he Roman church organic
oi ©vil.
has a tremendous advantage over the washed up from the sea at the time police department, But in due time
individual who dares to oppose her. of the great Biblical flirnd. But it he learned that these crimes which
This is not very well understood, ex­ was reserved to the searching spirits have a religious backing, and are
cepting by those who have gone of the eightheenth and nineteenth supported by a strong political pull,
For many, many years the Roman through the fire of the “beast’s” holy centuries to discover their real na­ | cannot be punished in our police
priests have been considered superior displeasure. The Silverton Journal ture. Then the fabulous speculations i courts. This determined him, in any
to men in other occupations. The best has been swept by the events of the of the monks of the middle ages coming emergency, to administer such
historians, the most profound! scien­ past few months into a “life and were discarded altogether and nothing I punishment at the time as the case
tist«, the greatest of teachers are not death” struggle. There are those who was accepted unless it could be de­ demanded, and opportunity offered.
looked upon with such holy awe and would not rest an hour without com­ monstrated.
• • •
adoration as the ignorant, imprac­ ing to our aid if they understood the
Thus when the modern geologist
A broken I.eart and despair! David
Instructive and Educative
tical, cunning priesthood. These years real conditions; and now we can discovers marine fossils on top of a King could not get away from the
of public holy halos have bred into plainly see how papers are usually mountain he naturally infers that the effect of the days of love. Love l.a»l •♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
the priest , and their many offspring crushed out by Rome’s evil power, strata inclosing them must have been been his life. Without it he was only
priests, a bigotry that is hard for us and we propose to put up the fight at the bottom of the sea when formed. a shell. Now never a loving word,
common people to understand. But of our lives to save our paper and Furthermore when he discovers frag­ nor act from his once-loving wife! In
these poor deformed, unnatural ourselves from total financial ruin. ments of coral in the central States, all possible ways he had sought to
priestly beings continually accuse so as to become a power for good. As he feels sure that, when it lived, the retake her, to gain, at least, a small
normal people, and especially those fast as we can, we are making ar- climate of that locality was similar affectionate recognition. One day
who are progressive and wish to rangements to visit in person the to that which favors the Hawaiian meeting her in the hall, his love­
make the world better by destroying friends of American principles all Islands today.
impulse defied restraint; he caught
slavery in its every form, of being ovsr the country. Sometimes it may
Fossils also tell the story of oor her in his arms, pressc«! her to him­
bigoted. But George P. Rutledge, in not be best to say too much about planet. Thus in the I’re-Cambrian self, close, then closer, and as she
“The Christian Standard” clearly our lecture work, but it seems to be rocks very few are the organic re­ looked up in sheer astonishment, his
shows that no one can match the the only way to save ourselves and mains found so far, and those that I lips met hers with a full, strong,
All work done in the «hortent possible time. We are equip­
priest in this painful emotion unless we enter the work believing that have been discovered belong to the manly kiss. Instantly she was trans­
ped to handle all kind* of furniture, piano«, etc., with very
it is the Protestant who foolishly every patriot who reads these line» lower forms of life only. The first formed. The o’d fire of love was
little danger of any damage done.
puffs himself up, refuses to protest will do something to help us save vertebrates, in the form of fishes, ap­ burning aga*n. It beamed from her
against Roman principles and plays ourselves from an awful punishment peared during the Paleozoic time. The eyes with all the brightness and
No Load too Heavy for our Teams to Haul
“dog in the manger” endeavoring to for trying to serve our fellow men. lowest forms of mamma!« appeared beauty of other days. She was her
keep other Protestants from living The office will be left in charge of on earth toward the end of the real, beautiful, loving, tender self
up to the light of the “new command­ Mrs. Hosmer and she will need all Mesozoic, an«! man came to be on our again, the same “My Dear” of other
ment.” Mr. Rutledge calls attention the help our readers can give her. planet either toward the end of
days, glorious in her womanliness, —
to a sermon delivered by Father D. But, with a long pull, a strong pull Tertiary or at the beginning of
for one minu’e; then her face darken­
S. Phelan in which this holy Father and a pull all together, we hope that Quaternary.
ed, she pushed him from her with ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
shows a bigotry almost beyond belief. The Silverton Journal will be an ex­
vehement imprecations, and crossing
As I follow the evolution of
He says: “The people of the United ception to the many papers which throughout the immensely long time herself vigorously, rushed from the
States are benighted. They are good have been murdered for telling the «which elapsed sine, the I*re - Cam- hall. It was David’s last effort, his
< >
people, they mean well, but they are truth.
brian, my mind’s eye sees not the great heart was crushed.
< >
or it will surely die. We need your help, but we want to give o
benighted. They do not know God,
dry, pétrifié«! fossils, but the ever
Letters from Ella came, so full of
do not know the church of God; and UNITED ACTION NECESSARY ascending life which brought the love, so cheering, yet so piercing to
Get us One nr .More at Fifty Cent« a Year. Use the following
one thing above all they settle in
crowning appearance of the great a dying hope! Ella was now his one
blank :
their minds: they won’t be Catholics.
< >
A. VERCELLOTTI, bright star in all his 1 lack night. At
Experience shows us that there are master: Man.
They are religious good-for-nothings. two main factors in the ruin of the
Joliet, Ill.
length he gave up business, and re­
< >
Men can believe in God, but unless opponents of Romanism, and in the
tired to the seclusion of his own
< >
they believe in the true God they are progress of the papacy. These two
< i
house. A few friends who understood, <>
< i
good for nothing; men can believe in factors are the unity of action on
visited him, but uncheere«l he rapidly «►
Jesus Christ, but unless they follow the part of the Romans and the ne­
deelined. One morning he did not
him they are good for nothing; men glect of the friends of Liberty after
The Subscription Price has been Changed from $1.00 to
After the Declaration of Independ­ rise. A neighbor found him delirious.
may believe in the gospel of Jesus the beast has rough - handled the
< >
His broken speech was of the days of
50 Cent» per Year.
< I
Christ, but unless they are Catholics victim. In the case of The Silverton
the two most >
they are good for nothing.”
Journal we do not want history to
glorious beings of nil his world. Then ■ >
Now what would you think of a repeat itself. That is, we do not hang together, or we will all hang a look of horror would spread over • • EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL,
■ >
Methodist preacher, or a Congrega- want to die just as we have become separately.”
his face and he would manifest the i >
< •
< >
preacher, an
Adventist acquainted enough with the work of
“Come, let us reason together.” The most intense agony. A doctor was i >
i >
preacher or a Unitarian preacher say­ pub’icity to do something worth w’hile. cause is a common cause.
< >
called. "Nothing the matter — noth­
ing, that unless you belonged to his Therefore lot it be known that every
Why rear up on our haunches and ing physical — but he will die very
< >
church you are good for nothing? subscription to The Journal we have try to claw each other’s eyes out?
Wouldn’t you think him a bigot? He put out at fifty cents per year has
After a time he became quiet and
Life is too short for bickerings.
< >
certainly would be one, and that is cost us over one dollar, that the Truth is too valuable to be wasted, rested. Th"n in clear accent, calmly < > Address
< >
< >
just what Father Phelan shows him­ litigation and imprisonment has put Justice is too seldom met to be.ig- and collectively he gave some dicta­
< >
self to be.
us way in debt, that we are doing all nored. True religion, pure and un­ tion for his daughter; made a few
Then our champion protester gives we can to survive and do good work defieled, is tco sacred to be »corned. requests of h!s friends in her behalf;
another quotation from a Roman pa­ for our great cause, that although we
What could be better than the had his Will read; then his face >
per called the “True Voice.” What do realize that cur work is faulty In
"Golden Rula?”
’ ■- Name
you think of it ? Here it is:
many respects yet we are very anx­
scious delirium, — “My Lovely • >
“The Arkansas State Senate passed ious to bring it up to what the dig­
Daughter! My own Little Lady, bo i > Address
a bill on Wednesday which already nity of the great w rk demands an do you even so to them.” Matt. 7,12. much like, — so much like, — like — • >
Again, "Thou shalt love thy neigh­ Alice — u.sed — to — be — be, be­
had passed the House, providing that that we have faith that honest-truth
all convents, hospitals, houses of de­ patriots will help us in this struggle bor as thyself.” Matt. 22, 39.
fore — she — met — the —priest—”
tention and schools shall at all times if they are brought to see our dan-
If you love your neighbor as you then turned his face to the wall, and
be open to inspection by the sheriff, gerous situation and the importance love yourself, and possess two houses lay very still.
grand jury, or upon the petition of of our going on to other victories, and your neighbor has no house, you
twenty citizens.
Our circulation has grown. It is will give one of yours to your neigh­
Convent inspection bills have been growing. Wa have twice as many bor. And another, “A new command­
At Madam King’s home the holy
introduced in the Legislatures of subscribers as any other paper in this ment I give unto you, that you love
< >
about twenty States during the past neck of the woods, but this is one another as I have loved you. priest was a frequent visitor. Lunch­ < < ► >
Rhone Black 1242
Coolidge Street
few weeks. The purpose of such bills the most dangerous period of our John 13, 37. Still another, “Pure es, dinners, banquets, dances, parties,
is plain. It is to insult directly the battle for truth and right. The religion and undefiled before God and cards, anything, everything in his
Catholics in those States by the in- prosecutors have plunged us into the Father is this, To visit the father­ honor and for his pleasure. His visits
sinuation that such inspection is nec- debt, and, for fear of revelation re­ less and widows in their afflictions, were often prolonged late into the
< ►
General Contractor for Commercial and Industrial
night, — a scandal had he been other • •
garding their priestly rottenness, James 1, 27.
The men who are lending their in­ have let go. They don’t want any
Please read James 5, 1-6. Then than a holy ‘‘Substitute-for-Christ.’’
fluence to these infamous bills are more litigation and, knowing the read Matt. 25, 31-40, James 2, 15-16. The hilarity of this home was un­ • •
not so ignorant as they are evil- facts, we do not blame them. But
"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, affected by the death of Mr. King.
Ella came to see her father, but
minded, They know well enough that is this to be the end? Are the crim­ peace, longsuffering, gentleness, good­
In the Design and Construction of Beautiful Homes,
« •
there is no more reason for a convent inal priests and their prison institu­ ness, faith, meeknesB, temperance: reached St. Lounis just too late, —
Business Houses, Schools and Churches
inspection bill than there is for a tions to go on again unmolested? We Against such there is no law.” Gal. he had been dead some hours. She
<> .
bill providing for inspection of the hope not, and, if every one of our 5, 22-23.
went unannounced to her mother’s
private home of every citizen in the readers will do for us just what they
No, Materialists have nothing bet­ h me. Finding the outer door ajar
land. But they see a chance to insult can easily do, we will be rewarded ter to offer a commercialized and sin she entered the hall. Low voices in
the religion of their fellow-citizens, for our efforts by being able to pay cursed work' than the doctrines and the library claimed her attention,
and they are cowardly and ill-man­ up our debts and by being able to examples f . sub . He did no injury anil awoke her curiosity. She put her
nered enough to take advantage of it. make our free press a still greater to any and always helped the needy eye to the keyhole; a priest was sit­
“The girl can be picked up any
Horrified, Ella fled from the house,
ting close beside her Mother, his hand
“If it were proposed to search the power in promoting truth and right­ who came to Him for assistance.
resting on her lap, and the two were time, anywhere; we will have her and took a room for the night in a
private residences of a certain num­ eousness, and in destroying the evils
There are people who profess to be
ber of citizens, the proposal would be of Roman usurpat'on and slavery. Christians, who persecute in some talking in a most confidential way shadawed, so we will always know hotel. She now understood something
received as an insult. Now, convents We now need your help as never be­ way all other peoplcwho do not be- with their heads close together. Ella where she is. It will be charged to of the situation, and of her own peril.
put her ear to the keyhole and was the White Slavers, — we get hun­ It was clear, too, that the kidnapping
are the private residences of ladies fore. It is your fight. Do something. lieve just as they do.
shocked beyond measure at what she dreds of them that way — or, if nec­ affair was known, if not planned, by
who have chosen to dedicate their Do it now!
But mark you, such is not the heard. She turned away and stood essary, the papers will run a blind her Mother and the priest. “Oh, what
lives to the service of God. There is
teachings of the New Testament nor for a long time, as it seemed to > ner
her, t°r U8, We have reporters, or those shall I do,” she cried. "If only Mr.
much less reason for subjecting them
big papers, Bright were here!”
trying to decide what to do. '___ we can contr°l> on
to the inquisitorial nosings of busy­
ers, Jesus, the Nazarene.
she listened again. This time the whiIe our censors see to it that noth-
bodies than any private family in the
(To be continued)
We have one common enemy who talk was about herself: "We will con-1 ’nK hurtful to us gets in.
land. Arkansas legislators have gone
"Paleontology is that branch of
on record as thinking otherwise. In Science whic! deals with the remains presents a united front and every real her in the convent,” the priest “She will be put in the secret cells,
doing so they have characterized of plants and < nimals that lived on time we “scrap” between ourselves, was saying; “then putting a hat or and cl istered ever after. She es-
A recent Catholic writer says the
themselves. It is about what could esrth in by-gone ages. These remains we assist that enemy and hurt our coat on the river bank, we can have caped us once, the little sauce-box,
a suicide theory; then by securing hut that only makes her case all the sacrifice for sin by the Jews had to
be expected of the Arkansas intelli­ are known as fossil®. Formerly the cause.
The motto of every man and wom- two or three witnesses to say they more interesting. Did you ever see be repeated over anil over because
term “fossil” was applied to anything
These statements are so full of that was "dug up” from the ground; an should be: Truth, justice, tem- saw her going toward the river, the the cat let the frightened mouse get they were “symbols of the one true
mistakes that none but Romanized now it applies only to organic re- pered with mercy, the doctrine and suicide theory will be established. away, then catch it again? It is sacrifice”, etc., etc. Then why is it
minds can be deceived thereby, But mains found embedded in the strata the slogan should be: Onward and Thus her interest will drop out of great sport. As for the administrator, the one true sacrifice has to be re­
we will dispose of him later.”
N.......... th j case.
peated over and over in the "Mass"?
look at this one: “If it were pro- of the outer shell of our planet. “The upward.
posed to search the private residences
of a certain number of citizens, the
proposal would be received as an in­
sult." How silly! Every private resi­
dence can be searched now and every
honest man invites the authorities to
search his premises. People are glad­
ly shown thr >ugh all public schools
and public institutions of all kinds,
also through all private anti-Catholic
schools and legitimate business in­
stitutions; and this “True Voice” rot
should be received by every good cit­
izen of the Unite«! States as an in­
sult that will be met by the tune of
the Arkansas travelers on the road
to a higher freedom.
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