The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 16, 1915, Image 1

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    .( C t *«01'
T he S ilverton J ournal
By L. IL Ratliff
No. 24.
The annivtar»ury of Abrahum Lin­
coln’» death 1» April 11. Let all pa­
triots remember he with a««aaainated
by KoinaniatH bi'inu»c of hi» Amer­
• • •
The government of Frunc« ignore»
the Pope’» prayer day. Too had, for
only laat week the Catholic paper»
were patting theniHelvca in glee over
France? return to the holy fold.
• • •
The Catho'ic cenaua »how» a mem-
berahip in tl e U. 8. of 16,309,310;
IK,HIM clergymen; 85 achoola for
prieata; Pop college»; 287 orphunagra
with 45,742 inmate»; 1,456,206 atu-
dent» in parochial school«.
Not securing help enough to head prepared, and while those of our
• • •
off the 385,(881 appropriation, over growing army of workers who are
Congressman Kiltner of California,
according to a Catholic paper, ha» 322,000 of which is intended to go able are helping to finance our work,
publicly in the House “absolved" the direct to Roman Catholic institution», we must not forget that it requires
K. C. order from the curse of the we have pa»»ed on to the next point public sentiment to accomplish these
“4th degree oath."—But still, killing in our advance movement of inaug­ things. We must therefore get the
Black is of the spirit of that “4th urating the work of a Constitutional
truth to the people.
Everybody can
deg rre.”
Amendment. This work is well under help by boosting for the Journal. Let
• • •
* i he Homan Catholic Hierarchy way. We will have plenty of time every reader get a subscriber at once.
compelled thia democratic administra­ to get the necessary funds from the This will help mightily in many way«.
tion to increase the number of navy interested and now aroused taxpayer» It will double our circulation and
chaplain» ami raise them to the rank and complete this work, Thi« will make it possible for us to get good,
of officer», ho that as a matter of
military dicipline they can compel take longer than to have used the better paying advertising contracts
the soldiers and sailor» to attend referendum on the individual appro­ so needful for newspaper success. It
the monkey mummeries of pupal priation, but it will be far better be­ will give twice as many people the
cause it will at. one stroke stop the necessary knowledge of our work and
• • •
whole business of robbing the state the necessary enthusiasm to carry
The Methodist Church South was
corner-stoned on the divine right of for the Roman Catholic benefit and tne campaign into their part of our
slavery; but now that slavery is prevent the necessity for referendum great commonwealth. It will show
abolished, and is found to be immoral, measures in future years, when the the enemies of our republic that there
this church easily adjust» herself to grafters might sneak in again while is a limit to their monarch?i advan­
the situation. But not so the Roman the people sleep and carry off their ces and exploitations, and it will in­
Catholic Church, for all her wicked
"dough" *o make bread, wine and augurate other ways and means to
deeds in behalf of “faith and morals"
were by infallible direction. She can­ fine raiment for the holy agents of promote true economy and progress
not get away from thi» basic prin­ the pope. Now while this is being all along the line. The Silverton
• • •
Romanism had so far progressed in
Illinois that two years ago it cap­
tured all the state offices but one
Then it put up Roger Sullivan, a
It is interesting to note how the question by a multitude of historical
Knight of ColumbuM, for U. S. Sen­
ator; the patriots began to get their ■.uccessors of Saint Peter kept the events, — events recorded by Sacred
eyes open, and Roger got the skids Holy Faith of the Holy Church pure Historians.
put under him. Then recently it put down through the turmoil of the cen­
Helena, the mother of Constartine
up a Kninght for Mayor of Chicago, turies, and stamped upon history the the Great, in searching for the True
but ho too got the skids and was unmistakable and irrefutable evi- Cross, some three hundred and fifty
hurried under a plurality of about dences of their own Infallibility, .»ears after it rad been laid away,
140,000, the biggest plurality that Coming in special manner to their .'ante upon three crosses t,oge‘be*.
over walloped a candidal'* t>r th it aid in the 4th century the Lord To determine which was the True
rP'ue. Judging from the returns from caused an epidemic of Relic Worship one, she applied them, one at a time,
recent city elections, as well as from to strike the Church. It sent men to a dying lady. Two of them showed
the November election, it woul 1 ap- all over the earth into all the grave no power, but so soon as the third
5 ar that not more than a grease­ yards of all the centuries for the one touched the dying, she opened
’ll ot will be left of the Demccmtic hones of dead saints. Every church her eyes, and was immediately re­
party next round if it don’t cut loose must have its relic, every village the stored. This was the True Cross.
skeleton of its protecting saint, and
from Rome.
Helena sent a part of it to her son
• • •
every populous city a bone of an
at Constatinople, and the remainder
Eather Buck announces a series of Apostle, or the skull of a Prophet.
was preserved in a silver case kept
It was a source of great revenue,
Catholic (anti-Protestant) lectures at
in Jerusalem.
Cornelius to begin Sunday evening. and a tremendous temptation to the
In the year 938 King Athelstan of
April 11. Hix subject for that date heathen, this traffic in bones. Bone by
was. “Is the ground for the Protes­ the donkey load; bones of heretics, of England received a piece of the True
heathen, of crimials and of saints, Cross, a little piece of the Crown of
tant religion a sound one?”
Go to it, Mr. Buck! Say what you were gathered and sold; and it was Thorns, and the 6word of Constantine
want to say, say it any way you well thus, for the saints alone were the Great on the hilt of which was
want to, and you will not be dis­ not sufficient to meet the demand. fastened one of the four nails by
turbed; but jf Protestants were like The head of John the Baptist, and which Jesus was secured to the cross.
Catholics, you would be middled, your the teeth of the original Saint Peter
In A. D. 1223 the monks of Nor­
meetings broken up, and your church were multiplied to meet all the de­
England, had a cross made from
stoned. This is the difference be­ mands of the market. A traveler in
of the True Cross, which
tween Protestant freedom and Cath­ Jerusalem relates how he saw
did raise the dead, make the lame
olic bigotry. And it is just because
to walk, cleanse the lepers, and cast
of this difference, which is funda­ too heavy for two men.
out devils.
mental to the two systems, that Cath­
olic politics and education must be
In 1241 The Holy Cross of our
vention, and as an article of mer­ Lord was obtained by Erance. It was
cut out of our social order.
chandise. It was conjectured that purchased at a great price. The year
• • •
Watson says pussy-foot Cardinal 20,000 tons more or less of this previous the King had secured pos­
Gibbons, of the Roman Catholic Hi­ wood found its way into the churches, session of the Savior’s True Crown
erarchy, has already established three monasteries, convents and palaces of of Thorns. These two relics were
Roman Catholic national functions: Royalty. Some of it is still doing carried by Royalty in great proces­
1. The Pan-American Thanksgiv­ service in Catholic countries. The sion on great occasions of State.
ing, in which officers of our Protest­ ability of the True Cross to multiply
The marble staircase of Pilate s
ant government bend reverently while itself is attested by the fact that
house in Jerusalem, over which Jesus
the man in chemise and petticoat
lous stunts in different parts of the passed from the Judgment seat, was
creates his God out of a piece of
realm, the whole cross was preserved brought through the air to Rome ages
various points as shown by the ago, and sti'l possesses astounding
2. Cardinal Day, on which the
of a host of most credible merit for the millions of pilgrims who
prince of Baltimore rides to Wash­
Its miraculous and pro­ ascend the steps on their knees kiss­
ington City in his private car, re-
are established beyond ing each step as they go.
ceiv s the homage of his Catholic
subjects, and the congratulations of
government officials, the Cabinet,
judges of the Supreme Court, officers
of the Army and Navy, Senators and
8. Columbus Day, already adopted
by 24 states. This is the festal day
of the Italian Pope in which the holy­
boners take possession of our streets,
close up the shops, suspend all busi­
ness, and parade around with banners
and images, with petticoated con­
vent-keepers displaying their military
power to the exultation of incipient
traitors, and to the disgust and
alarm of all patriotic Americans.
In many respects, and for many
centuries the Roman Catholic laity
have been victims of a tyrannical and
corrupt priesthood, a priesthood that
wherever laboring, has sworn its
first and highest allegiance to the
pope, who claims to be, of right, a
temporal prince; and to be also thi.
king of all the rulers of the earth.
| And he claims for his priests, that
| they are uot amenable to any secular
government on earth, for any immoral
or criminal action they may commit.
i Remember all these things as we pro-
| ceed.
In scripture, adultery ia rated as a
crime that cut« the soul off from God;
for all, is the path-way to TRUTH, I and destroy« hope of heaven. See Ex.
and TRUTH alone can make us free. 20, 14; Lev. 20, 10; Prov. 6, 32. The
i Protestant Churches of our land ac-
The old Roman idea of suppression
cept this as law; and in cases of adul­
of honest thought will soon become a tery by any member, clerical or lay,
thing of the past. We are all begin­ they inflict their severest, penalty —
ning to learn that an opponent's er­ excommunication, Nobody else on
roneous views, expressed publicly, earth treats this crime in “his way.
The Philippine Islands were ex­
gives us ail an opportunity to point
clusively Romanist for nearly 400
out his error and *o establish the The story of the vjres of the
truth. The lazy-minded, good-for- priests there, as told by native Philip-
nothing will object. The frightened I pinos, is given in a Senate Documenl,
criminal will object. The slave driv­ that Romanists in Washington have
ers and white-slavers wrt! object.But made a most determined effort to
suppress. The best and most intelli­
honest, progressive lovers of human- | gent of the Islanders testify that of
ity will hail our FREE PRESS
the priests of their acquaintance nine
out of ten keep mistressei, seduce
women in the concessional, and have
“Then let us pray that come it may, swarms of childrsn. So ha it ever
been in the Latin States of America;
As come it will for a’ that.
and it is because of the crimes of
That sense and worth, o’er a’ the earth, the priests that the Mexican Revolu­
May bear the gree, and a’ that. tionists have been severe w.’rh them.
Rome argues: “Once s priest, al­
For a’ that, and a’ that,
It’s coming yet, for a’ that, ways a priest.” That is, no immoral
or criminal action a priest may com­
That man to man the warld o'er, mit, can destroy his power and au­
Shall brothers be for a’ that
thority as a priest , He may still
say mass, hear confessions: and do
all the official work of his order, even
were he guilty of a distinct act of
Charles tr.e Bald, brought to seduction every day in the year,
Erance a certain linen garment be­
That many Romanist priest s in
longing to the Savior’s mother. In America have been guilty of sensual
912 when the Northmen attacked sin, is well known. But who ever
Charltres, the people hoisted the linen heard that one of these has been put
garment as a standard. The enemies’ to public shame by his superiors for
eyes grew dim; they could neither ad­ any of these crimes ? On the other
vance or retreat; and became an easy hand, when more than 10<8> Catholic
prey, to the people of the town who women of Chicago, united in x peti­
slew them without mercy.
tion to the pope’s special represei t-
At Croyland n 975 the Abbot had ative in Washington, to protect them
some of the hair of the Mother of from adulterous priests, the petition
was refused, the “highest ups” of the
God enclosed in a gold box.
Romanist body in America decide
The head of John the Baptist was that a virtuous woman of their.own
being brought to Constantinople when so-called church, has no rights that
the mules balked at Pantichium. The a lustful priest is bound to respect.
miracle was evident, so the head was Does this tell you enough about the
left there for a while to rest. Then "rights” of the Romanist .priests in
it was taken on to its destination America ?
where the emperor erected for it a
Look further. Of 119 men who have
magnificient church. Another head held the office of pope since A. D.
of John the Baptist was taken to Ed- 1000 — 36 by name — have been
essa in 761. A pious woman of I recorded by Romanist writers, as be
France who had been praying forcing lewd men; and the bastard chil-
three years for one of John Bap- dren of the popes have been num
tist’s limbs, finally vowed to eat bered by hundreds. But to comi
never again until she got it. After nearer our own time, Gregory XVI
seven days fasting one of the holy became pope in 1831. He openly kept
John’s thumbs was placed upon the a mistress in the Quirinal Palace in
altar of the church in which she wor­ Rome. Pius IX who succeeded him.
shiped. It was wonderfully white; had several mistresses; and his chil-
and though the thumb had been dead dren were well known in Rome, Car-
615 years, three bishops in tearing a dinal Satolli was the son of Pone
piece from it drew blood.
Leo XIII. These three men ruled the
church for some 74 out of the 84
years since the accession of Gregory.
For so much of the time in our own
day Rome has been ruled by men
known to be fathe.s of bastard chil­
dren! And each of them was called
Lord God — the pope.” And that is
the “Morals” of Rome!
The priest who practices social im­
purity has simply followed the un­
rebuked example of scores of his
popes and other high ecclesiastics.
For their own practice, the Roman
priesthood does not believe in the
social Morality taught in the Bible
and enforced in the Courts, and by
IN HIS VIEWS. Where is Brother
public opinion in Protestant Lands.
Among Protestant peoples, if one is
accused of lewdness, he is really in­
jured by the story; and has a right
to legal redress. In Romanist Lands,
so notorious is the immorality of
priests, that it is not slanderous or
libelous to say that a priest has prac­
ticed seduction, and has a swarm of
children. Nor does it destroy the
credit of a priest among his own
parisioners here to say the same
An American priest whose im­
morality has become notorious, may
be sent to a “retreat” for a few
weeks, or may be sent to another
(Continued on last page.)
We have now in process of organization the proper forces to introduce an
Amendment for our State Constitution which will make it im­
possible for sectarian or private institutions to live and
promote their religious notions at the expense
of the tax payers’ money
Journal is now better equipped for
business than ever before. Our sub­
scription ha» grown to a commanding
proportion. The editor starts on his
campaign of the Pacific Coast next
Monday. His battle cry is, “On to
the Capital", and the subject of his
first lecture in that city, where he
was so “royally” entertained by the
high officials, for one-hundred days,
in honor o' his truthfulness, will be
"Roman Despotism, or American Lib­
erty, Which?”
The boycott of The Silverton Jour­
nal and the malicious prosecution and
false imprisonment of its editor have
marked an era in the fight against
the money-mad enemies of the people.
Our friends of L'berty begin at last
to see the way to a more perfect
u.Jon, to the strength which that
union gives and to the victory over
the powers of darkness which can
only lie secured by that strength. A
FREE PRESS—a paper that is open
In 1247 a portion of the Savior’s
blood was presented to the King of
England. It was attested by a for­
midable array of bishops, abots, cler­
gy, nobles, „nd monks of the Holy-
Land as a part of the very blood
shed upon the cross. The Bishop of
Norwick preached a sermon expound­
ing its glories, and promised that
whoever worshiped this most holy
blood would by permission of all
priests obtain free remission of pen­
ances for six years and 140 days.
The historian relates that there were
a few perverse people who in the
face of the most conclusive testimony­
still questioned the genuineness of the
In A. D. 1098 Saint Andrew direct­
ed Peter of Province in a dream to
the spot where he found the Lance
which pierced the Savior. The people
flocked to the church and worshiped
so precious a relic.
In 594 the Savior’s famous Seam-
less coat was obtained from a jew at
Zaph’t, and carried by three bishops
to Jerusalem. In 1156 another Coat
of Christ (seamless) was found by­
revelation, in Erance. The letters
found with it showed it was made by
his mother, and enlarged itself as he
The identical cradle in which the
infant Jesus was rocked enriches a
great Catholic church in Rome to this
day and claims the veneration of :
In the time of Luther they had a
piece of Christ’s manger at Witten­
berg, Germany; and a vender of In­
dulgences wore a feather in his hat
plucked from the wing of Michael the
The True Cross, or portions there-
of were at all the chief centers of
population, At Venice they had a
part of the Savior’s dress, also, and
some of the earth which imbibed his
Where is Brother Phillip?
Organize for concerted action. Patriotic sentiment unorganized cannot hold
against an organized and aggressive enemy. The papal political and semi­
military secret orders are growing very rapidly, and are taking control of
affairs in many places. Free speech is now denied in Jersey City, in Pater­
son, N. J., in New Mexico, and all other places dominated by the Pope’s de­
votees. Organize, organize!