The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 09, 1915, Image 3

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would be no man on the globe with­
the human wreckage and social waste p ttnmn i n»Hn»n i ttmnt»n»nimn»n i n i i i nmni»Hui>m»ni i mi»m»» i nmin:»
out Much knowledge, or faith. How
of its millions of unemployed.
come» it that, um Jesus ia said to lie
Socialism eliminates the profit sys­
Edited by K. W. Ross
Our Objects and our Plan of Cam-
a god, the only son of the true God,
tem. The resource» of nature and the
REPLY TO REV. MIL I’ll Fl.I’S there are hundreds of mlliionn of peo­
public utilities are all in the hand»
paign for a Free Press
ple on the earth at thia very hour
of the government.
Public credit
By Olin J. R om
who have never heard of either Jesus
In Thr Journul of February 26th
or hiH reputed father, or even of the
By Carl D. Thompson
its command. With these in hand
Mr. I’liclp», unionK other thing», al-
Holy Ghost? If conscience was not
We have been browbeaten, maligned, assaulted, boy­
industries may be set in motion
It I h estimated that there are from
legr» that Huxley »uyx that it is iin-
cotted, denied our rights in Court, imprisoned and robbed
largely a matter of education, educa­ 100,000 to 150,000 working people un­ and kept in motion. No profit will
poxaible to prove that any organ,
of the privilege of editing our paper while in jail, all for
tion in Home form, either by observa­ employed at the present moment in be needed or sought any more than
however rudimentary, ix u»el«*HH, and
trying to make the world better by publishing the truth.
tion or by direct instruction, there Chicago alone. There are probably they are today in the postal depart­
then proceed» to cut u few trium­
This only makes us stronger in the fight! But, as we
would not be any difference between 300,000 or more unemployed in the ment or the public school». Produc­
phant monkey »him*», us it were. A h
have been robbed through boycott of the where-with-all
African cannibals and Mr. Phelps. If state of lllinoi». There are probably tion will then proceed on the basis
Huxley »pent most of hi» life on the
to continue our work, we are forced to change our plans,
faith in God und immortality and if not less than 4,000,000 unemployed in of the needs of the people and not
oilier »ide from thin "hypoth<*»i» of
and this advertisement is to let the lovers of liberty, jus­
our Hociilled religious nature were the United States.
on the basis of private profit or ex­
direct creation," it cun he easily »<*<*n
tice and truth know that they are hereby given the
natural und not acquired by some
that he was not trying to »how tliut
It is a social and personal tragedy.
privilege to help in our Campaign. Are you in favor of
kind of an education they would be
Being no exploitation there will be
there were no huc I i thing» uh rudi­
our continuing in this work? Here are our objects:
equally common to all men, Just as It is u tremendous human and »ocial no so-called "overproduction.” The
mentary urgun». Practically all mod­ hunger and thir»t, the »ectual pass­ waste. Such a problem, growing more
workers will be able to buy out the
In order to make the world better for our having
em HcientixtH, I believe, claim that ion, tin* sense of touch and smell are and more acute each year, is a men­
market what their labor put» into the
lived, and with malice toward none and charity for all,
there are huc I i urguiiH, not only in
natural und common to ull men. The ace to society. How shall it be met? market. Production and consumption
we wish to make public:
man, hut in ummulH. They »ay thia
fact thut the church is sending miss- How can we relieve the unemployed? will be balanced. There will be no
1. The doings of .individuals who are posing as good
in »pile of Mr. Phelpx. If the reader
First of all — society must find clogging of the machinery of indus­
ionarici« to Africa shows tliut faith
but who are continu lly committing crime se­
will notice closely, admitting for the und knowledge of God, etc. are not all the Jobs there are for xo many of
try by the surplus stolen from labor
nuke of the argument thut Huxley natural, though natural selection may thr unemployed as can take them.
and therefore no periodical stoppage
2. The grafting schemes and self protecting syc­
did »ay whut la attributed to him by omewhut affect their development. And that mean» a vast improvement of production. And therefore no pe­
ophancy of our public officials.
Mr. Phelpx, he will nee that Prof. This PhelpH species of nuturul selec­ over our system of employment bu­
riods of acute unemployment.
3. The hypocritical and absurd pretentions and con­
Huxley did not nay that there were tion grows out of the desire, uinong reaus. Private bureau» are utterly
Socialism »olves the problem of the
fidence games of all humbug religious fakers.
no rudimentary organn. lie udmitted ull of uh , to lie well thought of in the inad<*quate. Often they are but one unemployed.
that there were Much thing», but would community. Through this desire, a more means of squeezing the la»t
4. The effort to destroy our public schools, our other
not nay thut they were of no UM, Jew will prefer to mate with a Jew,a penny out of the already cru»hed and
American institutions of civil and religious liberties, free
Cal) For Action Red Week
which in un entirely different mutter. Catholic with u Catholic and a Pro­ deHpairing workingman — a curse
thought, free speech and free press, by the foreign power
Whut han puzzled Hcienti.itH i» not testant with a Protestant. If there where help is needed.
known as the Roman Hierarchy, and its treasonable
There has never been a time within
thut there are »uch things but how is an honor attuched to any particular
efforts to destroy the American government and prevent
Even municipal and »tate employ­ the memory of man when Socialism
dnl they <ome to exist and what purt religious belief, when it comes to mat­ ment bureau» are often quite inade­
our progress in perfecting “a more perfect union.”
was more badly needed than it is
do they now play, if any, in unimal ing, it will follow that the man or quate. What we need is a unified
5. The cause of poverty and crime and the remedy
organiuniH The only explanation ho woman will prefer the one that is system of federal employment bu­
the destruction of political trickery and false hero
As a result of the reign of capital­
far given that ih »atisfactory to a possessed of this belief, though it is reau», properly coordinated with
worship and how to establish universal knowledge of the
ism, half the world is at war. Death,
mind not loaded to the guard» with as likely to happen uh not that the municipal and state bureaus into
true principles of government on the basis of equality
disease and destitution cover the face
credulity and nupcrHtition in the one tendency will la* downward a» upward, one system covering the whole city,
and opportunity and the inalienable right of every citizen
of Europe. The vile»t human passions
that evolution given. Direct or npeciul for the possession of these religious state and nation. In this way we
to an equal chance to life, liberty and the pursuit of
are unleashed.
creation dori not bother itnrlf about charms does not necessarily go into shall finally reduce unemployment to
In our own country several mil­
un explanation, but relics, a» it were, the development of the mind or body, the lowest possible minimum.
6. The awful effects of the use of stimulants and nar­
lion men are unemployed. The cost
on the blind faith of it» dupe», if Mr. hence, I »ay that these religious no­
But secondly — after every job has of living is rising. The greed for
cotics on the human race and the best methods of eman­
PhelpH will portion the word "dupes," tion . ure developed, rather by educa­ found its man and every man has
cipation from their destructive slavery.
profits on the part of the American
for I do not want to I m * impolite to tion than natural »election. This re­ found iii- job, there still remains a
capitalists is prolonging the European
7. The principles of the universal (genuine Cath lie)
ligious education, anil this so-called vast army of the unemployed. Under horror and is bringing us close to
religion of righteousness, and a true, progressive and
If men anti unimal» were made by »election referred to by Mr.Phelps, capitalism there are never enough
the abyss of war. The capitalist
modern Protestant faith of destroying ancient errors,
n supreme, infinite intelligence, culled blighted the minds of Europe for Cen­ jobs for all the men. There is always
class and the capitalists newspapers
which have held us in bondage; and that the salvation
“God," why did it fit them out with turies. It was only as the mind was in every nation h vast reserve army
are working diligently for an increase
of our race depends on the solid rock of “the brother­
n lot of part» anti function» which freed from this boasted religious ed­ of t.he unemployed.
in the army and navy. Two of our
hood of man."
even the finite mind cun nay is unc­ ucation, in purt at least, that civil­
Hence the necessity of "making” comrades, Fred Holt and Pat Quin­
We have faith that there are enough thinking people
le»», or neurly ho . A n to this al­ ization crept out of the darkness work for the unemployed — of creat­
lan, are in jail becaues of their faith­
in the United States to save our work from the destroy­
leged impoH»ibility to prove useles»- of the middle uges, age» when reli­ ing Jobs. The city should, at pe­
fulness to the cause of labor.
er’s hands, and we are using this space, formerly oc­
ne - >, it muHt not be forgotten that gion was in the saddle and ruled
riods of depression and unemploy­
The first week in May is RED
cupied by advertising which made it possible to publish
there win undoubtedly u time when with an iron hand. Where you find ment, run aH possible public works,
WEEK — the week set apart by the g
our paper, to call on all who are interested to join us in
every one of these rudimentary or­ religion mo t strongly intrenched— so as to absorb the unemployed. More
National Committee for especial ac­
the work. Do you believe in a free press? Do you
gans wan developed becuuse it or they that is, where this fuith in God and
streets should be cleaned, repaired tivity in behalf of Socialism. Let us •
believe in our objects? If so, help us establish
were useful. After the mode of life immortality business most abounds—
and paved; more public school build­ make this week memorable in the an­
wuh changed, no mutter by whut there you will find even now the least
ings should be erected; whatever pub­ nals of the party by virtue of the
A Fund for Defensive and Agressive
cause, thcHC orguns could not be intolerance, t’ e most persecution for lic buildings are needed should be hur­
results achieved.
used a» much a» they hat) been, anil opinion’s sake and the most ignorance.
ried forward. There are streets to be
Capitalism is ravishing and des­
uh the old life panned awuy, they
I could name you some countries, Bro. laid out, improvements to be made; troying; let us EDUCATE and
Do all you can and get others to help !
would become more unit more uncle»». ther Phelps, and, yet, If I remember
Send us facts that should be published!
the city should extend its water BUILD.
They, in the newer life, would not correctly you have t .unted us infidel»
That we are alive and willing to work is
works, gas plants, electric light and
only not I m * used, but actually would for staying here where religion does
our opportunity. Do not wait I
power plants. It should acquire and What Socialism Is In Sixteen Words
be in the wuy. When man originally not hold the whip hand like it does
extend street car lines and other pub­ Collective ownership and democratic
got into u colder climute and got in some other countries. If religion
Previously acknowledged ......................
lic utilities. And the city should buy management of things collectively
to wearing clothe», whut u»c would is such a good thing, I might ask you
tracts of land, lay out additions and used and private ownership of things
there lie for a tail ? It would not only Brother Phelps, why you do not go
begin the budding of houses for the privately used.
not be used, but would be in the where it holds the whip hand? The
Harney Friend _______________________________
people, to be lented at cost. All these
way. So, uh to other organ». Nature truth is , after all, that this religious
things, properly pushed, would give
could not get rid of them suddenly, buxine , i. founded on ignorance,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mott ...................
A man cannot be a Christian unless
work to the unemployed and at the
and ho no doubt had to tuke them in­ just as the old belief in witchcraft
W. H. Morrison .......................
—..... ....................
same time make needed- and valuable he is convinced that human rights
to account and build them “in" or and ghosts was based on ignorance.
come before property rights; and he
improvements in the city life.
around them. The bullet from the All these beliefs ure made out of the
John L. A. Hawthorne.... ..............
To enable the cities to carry out
Would be assassin of Theodore Roose­ same kind of stuff.
such public works, the federal gov-' tian Ministry unless he is resolved
velt, shows aomewhat how nature has
....... ....... ..
Mr. Phelps comes back again to ernment should loan money to the to persuade other men to help put
to take care of usc I csh things. It was
dangerous to remove it, and so na­ the wing of a bird, and soar» away municipalities, counties and states, at many years ago, but my present be­
ture hud to build around it. It is on it into the land of dreams and some very low rate of interest, to lief that the Socialist program is the
now playing its purt in the life of phantasies. He asks. “What kept it be secured by local bonds and to be only way to put human rights ahead
our Ex - President, but it is just about (the wing) developing for millions of repaid in equal installments over a of property rights came later. — Bi­
Silverton, Ore., Journal Bldg., has the following property for Sale:
us useful to him as are Home of the years while it was in a useless stage ? period of, say, twenty years. This shop Spaulding, in the Social Prep­
organs that were a necessity to gome
aration, January 1*13.
Business Chance: A saw mill that
Seven-rcom House and Lot in Gei­
former mode of life. To cut the bul­ asks the question, it seems that he is state to take care of its own unem­
will cut 700 rail road ties in a day,
let out of Mr. Roosevelt now would seeing through wool. In fact, by ask­
Four-room House and Lot, 70x210, 250,000 feet of logs cut, 50,000 feet in
be dangerou», just ns it Is often times ing the question ho answers himself, distress. And at the same time it
Mill Street. Good location, only the pond; all you have to do is to fire
dangerous to cut out these uaeless for undoubtedly it was the use that would add to the common wealth.
up and go ahead. Price only $1100,
$200 :ssh, good investment.
Rut the problem of the unem­
rudimentary organs, though, natural­ made the development, and it has
half cash, chance to buy 500,000 feet
Do you want a man to work ?
ly. neither is necessary to the life of boon the want of use that caused ployed can not be finally disposed of In reply to A. T. Heist, when he asks,
near the mill.
them in other cases to shrivel up. until the capitalist system is des­ "how can any one call himself consis­
the individual.
Lady, how would you like to buy
Grants Pass property, lot 150x200,
birds have no wings worth troyed. Unemployment of a large
That these rudimentary organs are
tent and believe in a god?”, I would a dandy little business in Silverton. 5-room house, big barn, city water,
not necessary is shown by the fact
say that I believe that anyone can We have it for sale. Write to Cas­ lights, etc., only $1500. Terms.
that when they are taken out many nificent wings, wings that can fly far sential, inevitable and unescapahle know there is a God if he will go cade Real Estate Company, Silverton,
$2000 buys a nice little farm near
people return to health. In fact, of­ up into the blazing sun. If wings
alone, kneel and with a sincere and Oregon.
of 15 acres, all cleared.
ten it i» the only way to save their were ull alike, why are there differ­ nowhere and at no time, employs all honest heart, pray something like
Fins lot between Portland and Ore­
lives. If they were necessary it ences now? If they wore different at the workers steadily. It does not and this: “O, God forgive my sins and re­ gon City on car line for sale for $800, Fruit, berries, house and barn: all
would not be safe to take them out in the start, does it not show that in it can not.
veal Thyself to me, and I will serve $50 down, $15 i er month. This is a fenced. This is a bargain. Will ex­
It can not, for the simple reason
any case. The fact that many men some places and at some time good
Thee as lo g as I live with Thy di­ large lot 50xl38^a feet. It will in­ change for farm property near Silver-
and women have gotten along without w’ings were not necessary. If it that under capitalism the workers vine help”.
crease in value.
them, and have been restored to happened that a bird with good fly­ are exploited. This exploitation re­
God knows the thought and intent
Buy a lot in Geiser’s Addition— A 54-acre farm, 12 acres hops, fruit
health, after health had been destroy­ ing wings got into one of these duces their purchasing power. Hence of the heart, and only through him best buy in Silverton—must sell and trees, berries, garden, grain land,
ed by them, shows that it was unnec­ places, it is not hard to see, even a surplus accumulates which can not are we saved; and when you pass you get the advantage of the forced fine house, hop house, barn and mac­
essary for the supposition called God, through woo1, that they would not be disposed of at a profit, because from this earth and you meet your sa'e. You can pay for this lot and adam road, fine water, plenty of
to put them there in the later mode be used as much as they had been the workers have nothing with which God, what will be your record, seeing the CASCADE RFAL ESTATE CO. pasture. Call in and get full partic­
of life. Some of these things seem and that the disuse would sooner or to buy. Hence, overproduction. Hence, you have denied him while here on will bui'd you a bunglow—pay for it ulars.
to be about a. useful ns a fifth wheel later destroy the strength of the the stoppage of production; more earth? What is there that could in tead of paying rent to the other
$2,500 buys one of the finest homes
wings. In the long lapse of time men thrown out of work, and the
to a wagon
form by chance und work in harmony fellow.
you ever saw. There are eight lots,
Then Mr. Phelps triumphantly pro­ wings would become weaker and further aggravation of unemploy­ as do all of the planets and this beau­
Do you believe in dreams? Your lots of fruit, ten room house, etc.,etc.,
ceeds , and claims that if there is weaker, Just as in the reverse case ment.
tiful earth, with its wealth of miner­ dream of a home will come true if you paved streets, city water—one of the
And so on — capitalism runs its
"natural selection” it produced faith they would become stronger and
als and everything that man can use? will let the CASCADE REAL ES­ best places in a town that has a future,
circles and leaves in its trail
in God, a knowledge of right and
Nothing but an all-wise being, and TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy Scotts Mills, Ore.
wrong, conscience, the religious na­ explanation than the one that Mr.
everything he made was goed, but a home on the installment plan.
FOR SALE — 1500 lb. Draft Hi rse
ture, etc. Well, perhaps natural se­ l’helps undoubtedly hr.d in mind —
man has defiled it and brought sorrow
Buy a dandy home in Oak Grove.
lection had something to do with pro­ that is, that at some time an intelli­ fore it could be used? A tame duck and sin here.
Salem—high and dry, fine location, Oregon. Four-room house, 22 fruit
ducing these things, but education gence nbout which we know nothing, can use its wing some, but it would
cheap rnd on easy terms.
trees, lawn, on car line, good garden,
had more. One of Mr. Phelps’ short­ a more supposed intelligence, made a take years of use before it was strong
Fine Large Lots in Salem, sightly e’ese to church, school and depot. $20'
comings, I think, is that he does not world of wings differently. Ry way enough to take the flights the wild
location, low price, small payment down, balance $20 per month. Price
analyze. He never splits a state­ of illustration I would ask why the duck takes. Mr. Phelps seems to think
down and small monthly payments. $1800. Beautiful location.
ment up and looks at it in that form,
8 1-3 acres right in the city with
ns it were. Take our faith in or prairie chicken and the tame duck wings at all until they were strong
FOR SALE — A nice large lot,
knowledge of God. How do we got like the wild duck? The reason is enough to take wild ducks’ kind of • Arrive from Portland 8.25 A.M. • 50x120, in the Capital Citiy. Fruits of one of the best houses you ever sav,,
such faith or knowledge? How do that the mode of life hns changed for flights.
11.05 AM. • every kind, in Oregon Electric Line, fine barn, chicken houses, all kinds of
No, Mr. Phelps, when you attack •
we get our conscience, our conception the domestic chicken and the tame
4.15 P.M. • 2 blccks from school, near church. fruits, grapes, berries, walnuts, etc.
cement side walk, piled streets, elec
of right and wrong? Why, by ed­ duck, n change that makes it unneces­ evolution you are up against a great •
8.20 P.M. ▼ Good bargain at $250.
trie lights, sewer, city water. Can >
mass of facts that cannot be ex­
ucation, largely if not wholly. As
Salem 10.59 A.M.
$1500 buys seven acres, one mile subdivided. Close in. A dandy bar
to God, there are said by travelers
Rut again Mr. Phelps has recourse plained, but by that theory. Your God •
5.00 P.M.
from Silverton, all in cultivation. gain at $7600. Half down. Long tint
to he people in the arctic regions who to his wing, which seems to serve as supposition would not explain a single • Arrive from Albany
Hard mackadam road, small house. on balance.
have never heard of such a thing as a sort of rabbit’s foot, or mascot to one of them. When science has been •
▼ia Lebanon
9.15 A.M. • A bargain, if taken soon.
Dandy building lot in Davenpor
God, and there are said to be tribes him, and asks, "Rut what kept the unable to unlock the mystery that •
■ —
Sec Cascade Real Estate Co.
on very easy terms. W
in the Amazon country that have wing developing all this time, seeing surrounds some phenomena, you and
cow or a horse or bot’
never heard of either. Humbclt, as it was of no benefit to the bird?”
9.15 A.M. • price to the person who will build a a little cash, and $5.00 per mont
I recall it, discovered the Amazon Then agnin he says that the wing and exclaim with great joy, "Ha, ha, •
2.00 P.M. • $1500 house en it, good location on for balance.
people. This shows that this socalled would have to be fully developed be­ we told you so. You can’t tell how it •
5.00 P.M. • South Water Street. Also other lots
$1200 — Three acres in Southe’n
knowledge of God. faith in him, etc., fore it could he used. I can answer
M Salem 8.25 A.M.
in this part of Silverton with the un­ Calofornia, water for irrigation
in fact this whole "Hhootin-match” both the question and the statement done according to the God theory,"
1.00 P.M. • derstanding that houses built must be 3-* oom house. $300 cash, balance tc
on Mr. Phelps and our good Christ­ by asking why would a tame duck’s which has explained nothing.
cult purchasei at 7 per cent.
Columbus, Ohio, March 10th.
ian friends, is acquired, else there wing have to be fully developed be-
• •••••••••«•••• of $1000 valve or over.