in a land of schools and right stand Van Trump was u teacher in tliut ards he becomes a heathen by choice. school. How long I do not know. But No llorne in the C ultivai«*« Deep No Wheel» in the In a neighborhood of life he elects to he tells us that those who supported Garden Garden I m * carion smelling to heaven, a feast it “officially,” died — such aa have for other buzzards and vultures. True had enough decency and respect for Published «very Friday morning at Silverton. THE FASTEST, BEST AND Oregon, by to the perversion which he has chosen the earth to get out of It — us culm he reaches out dripping hands and as an autumn twilight. This gives J. E. HOSMER, Editor. f» seeks to tear down the hope of the i you a full moon view of Van’s con world to rend the jewel of faith from science. Do you think you can trust IN THE WORLD IS THE the lofty crown of redeemed human- 1 such a mai^s views on any »ubject ? ity, that they may fall to his own Would you take such a bluffer se- veratrin depths of degradation. Not riously in any matter? Here is this satisfied with the progress of his Lincoln case. True to his nature, and work he hurries to be a blight. Slan in the deliberate foulness of hypo- ders pour from his lips; he looks crisy he issued a challenge in which with jaundiced eyes on all who have he offered me u hundred dollars to hope in their death. His fingers are go before a Christian jury and prove in the running wounds of Christ, and that Lincoln ever acknowledged Entered at the postortire at Silverton. Oregon or JOINED ANY he has mingled his spittle with the Christ as Savior at second-cl*»» rale*. Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor anil Manufacturer Subscription, 50c per year, in advance. Sin*h rest. The clang of his hammer is CHURCH. AU know that Lincoln did copie*, 5 cent*. not join a church. He tacked that heard among the others. He has Advertising rate* made known upon applica SILVERTON, OREGON' combed the thicket for thorns for the rider on to save his bluff if it 1 tion. fair brow of the Redeemer. His head should be called. So when I called Thi. o*lxr •land, for freedom of thought. tree- No Tramping Dovi*. Ground Cultivate» Fa»t No l.oat Energy wags with the rest and his throat it, he tried to crawfish on that very ! dorn of the press, freedom of sp.’ech. equality of opportunity and the religion of righteouanes». it point. 1 did not mention it because brays an added “ Aha! Aha! ” Passing is ladkally epposed to every form of superstition ittnnutmmntttmmtnmuutntnutuntmtmmnnnmttmumnmmnmnnnmnii and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form all other characters, the Neros and I knew he would do it and I wanted of evil. Herods and blood-letters of all time to show him u|>. I wanted to show he comes to the Christ to vomit the that all the time he KNEW that Lin CREED AND (¡REED green gall of his sunken and un coin was a Christian and that he had < ► EXPLOITATION LEADS TO SLAV- natural soul. Into the blackened been befouling the great man’s name MOVING wounds he gouges his fingers, and in with his infidel slobber. He began ER Y AND TO WAR Now, money kings with gclden scep- pictures :: his hatred of truth he hisses “Bas to talk about finding a jury that ters rule, W ritten in Jail tard.” He exists to take the crutches would tell the truth, ami that HE And laugh at clownish slave, their A parent who would detect the from wounded humanity and leave was to choose the jury, etc. Then to < < > > willing dupe and fool; cripple or the fool of the family in them in the mud. He gouls ubout further show him up I agreed to sel The priests, protected by our puerile ENJOYED BY ALL* CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS every mischievous act and severely the graves of our dead cutting, ect a jury from those who are in no fears. < » way connected with any church, and “ I am the resurrection and the life ” Control their armies, now, as other ' punish him, and who never notices Instructive ami Educative < i the greater wrongs committed by the f from their tombstones, but puts no if I won the hundred dollars I agreed ♦ years. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ► smarter children, would be considered message of hope in >ts pl ice. Soilden to devote twenty-five to The Silverton Is there a time when free, we'll walk a very unwise and unjust parent. and unnatural »• ! !». eased himself Journal. Just as I knew he would, the earth. And yet our system of government he seeks to smirch and impregnate he tried to save his money by claim When joyous labor, truth, and love is little less than a system of punish a!! other characters with his horrible’ ing that Lincoln never actually joined will give us birth ? ment for the weak, defenseless ones soul syphilis. He has fellowshipped any church, but I reply that Lincoln O. wake to know, that if the prize of society who are continually led with the harlot of infidelity till his believed in th«* church, and attended we’d win, into doing the little wrongs of which every thought is sop-eyed, and his regularly, and was in the habit of We must destroy the fundamental sin. they are capable, and a system of blood runs polution, and his mind has going forward and shaking hands rewards for the smart and well pro gone into dryrot. His condition is with his pastor and visiting ministers, The greed of kings, of every grade tected criminals in their struggle for made clear by the things he hates and he »upported the church, and de and stripe, and the things he loves. He hates clared that he intended to join one, wealth and office. The creed of priests, with greed. and would have done so if he had All «urk dono in thè ahorteat po»»ible lime. We are equip- If all the defenseless class was Christ above all beings. Talk of other eternally unite; lived. WJjen the bullet entered his he is calm, mention characters and ped to handle ali kinda of forniture. piano», eie., with very turned out of our penal institutions And if we workers common sense outline on the sky of the brain he hail just uttered these words little danger of any damage dune. today, every jail and penitentiary any black employ, he keeps cool, but speak to his wife: "I desire to go to the past and would be empty, and, if then, the Both Creed and Greet! forever we’ll land made aaered by the footsteps real smart, capable criminals were of Christ, and the green kindles in of the Savior.” I will meet Van No Load too Heavy for our Teams to Haul destroy. his eyes and the froth appears on his put in, every cell and corridor in the Trump, or any man he can send on United States would be filled to over i curled lip. Mention Jesus and his the terms of his own challenge and chest rumbles with enmity and his flowing. Our system o* government THE LIGHT OF TRUTH will prove that Lincoln was a Chris is founded on the wrong principle teeth click. But say a word against tian. That he acknowledged Christ at the infidel free love institution to begin with and it has been trim ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ How we do love people who hold med down until it is nothing but a Silverton and Van is out with his as his Savior, that he claimed to be ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ no ill will, after a most earnest con- systematic punishment for the under I sword. Has he ever condemned the converted; that he believed the bible ♦ to he the inspired word of God; that he o free love of that school? Has WE MUST GROW OR DIE! test on subjects of religion, politics dog, a systematic reward for the < > < > and any old thing. These are they exploiting class and a gradual but ever been man enough to admit it? he read it constantly; that he was a < •> The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription List growing who really and truly want to learn rapid elimination of the middle class. He tells us he taught there, also his man of constant prayer; that he in or it will surely die. We need your help, but we wunt to give the truth and who want to give you Europe has gone over the same wife; did they have part in that fea vited all who came (Christians), even more than value received. when there was opportunity, to pray the reasons for the faith that is in ground. It has reached a climax. We ture of said defunct institution? Let Get us One or More at Fifty Cent» a Year. Use the following with him; that he was in the habit In four short years the him speak, them, and that for your benefit, not will soon reach the same, unless we blank : of praying alone in a voice which for your enslavement. These are are wise enough to profit by their thing went into such moral decay, could be heard by the whole family; rotten, and it rots all it A F R E E PRES S they who will yield and gladly yield example. The exploiting class who Infidelity is that he constantly attended church; Certainly, free love showed touches. < • when they are proven in the wrong, have been educated to selfishly ap that he supported the church; that he < > They are truly the “salt of the propriate the wealth of the workers up. Why ? Because infidelity, godless was converted in his belief by a min ness, has a downward trend and must earth” and when such fill the world, and to believe that it is theirs by ister; that he intended to join a Truth will soon reign supreme and right will not give up the game swamp all who have anything to do church. That certainly covers the with it in the wollows of debauchery. The Subscription Price ha» been Changed from $1.00 to the rule of universal harmony will without a struggle, They can and ground and Mr. Van Trump, if he « > 50 Cent» per Year. make a heaven wherever man is some of them will, if permitted to Yet Van grows white hot for those < > were half honest would ask no more. who stood back of this institution. found. do so, precipitate a duplicate > of the He says he knows what Lincoln ’ s rel < > The bigoted, domineering, “greater European Hell here in i America, and He tells us they died calm as an au igious life was. Then let him prove <► EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, than thou,” unchangeable and most see millions of the best of earth’s tumn day. He waxes eloquent over SILVERTON, OREGON. that I am wrong, He issued the <► their beastly departures. He would holy element in society is its stumb noblemen slaughter ■ each other, challenge, not I. Let him make good ling block and ruin. Wherever it has rather than yield to the golden rule make us believe that the things nec , for which Rent! THE JOURNAL to Enclosed find $ his bluff, or stand forth branded as gained a footing there has followed principle of equality of opportunity. essary to such a going out are infidel following: the The whole case the fraud he is. < ' corruption and slavery, Ignorance and Workers unite before it is too late. ity and free love. Thank heaven, proves that he was running a “razee’’ i • Mr. Hosmer had self-respect enough Name superstition, misery, want and death. to get out of the stinking thing. And on the Community, Ah, Van, you are War is one of its weapons, war is Aildress this Vi.n Trump, whose father killed about the easiest I’ve met, even if hell, and unless we want hell in snakes, and whose grandfathers were you did mix with the free lovers of REPLY TO THE SNAKE MAN America the element that promotes Name tadpo’es and wolves and polecats and Silverton. You are as easy to see < i it must not be given the reigns of Guy Fitch Phelps through as a ladder. You represent headgehogs and rats and baboons, government, and wherever it has al- Address I will spend a few minutes on Van and of which Van says he is very your class, and what you say about ready secured power there must true Lincoln is like what you say about Name patriotism awake into action, There Trump this morning. V in is mad. strong on “heredity” — and no one Christianity. Your hypocritical hot will dispute him — comes forth to He has froth on his lip. He wants are many individuals who are of this air about how the infidels at Silver- i > Address. < i. one-man-rule nature but unless such to hurt somebody. There is a glassy defend the doings of that school and ton died goes with the rest. When of infidelity generally. This man is look on his eye. He breathes through is put in power and backed by a you come over on the Lincoln chal Name strong organization he can do but the curled side of his naouth. The 1 the ap stlc of the church of free love. lenge we will consider your other In his hand he carries its new testa little mischief outside of his own spleen and hatred he feels for Christ Address ..... dodge and bluff. You are like the family or his home city, but an or he heaps on me because I believe ment, the lectures of “Bob,” and with < > fish which exudes a milk when over ganization which rests on this most in Christ. He knows now that he it the old testament of Paine, The taken in which it hides. Never mind diabolical doctrine and which has for played the fool in making the Lin-. Age of Reason. Paine who once about the old free lovers at Silver- Is' Van preached for the Methodists, coin challenge, He knew before he centures, like a big gang of thieves, ton, I know some of them shuffled been gaining wealth and power is a made it that he would sneak out, if ready to face the record of the in off, let us stick to the case in hand. is he ready fidel college at Silverton? menace to the whole world. And his bluff was called. He hoped that Some of these days it will come just ° Phone Black 1242 Coolidge Street at Forest to investigate the mess the bluff and get off he could run such an organization is the Roman right and I will spring a little sur hierarchy. There is only one thing with it, and then knowing that he Grove ? What has he to say of the prise n Van along that line. Bah! that can overthrow this slave making had deliberately misrepresented Lin freelove of the school at Silverton, I have watched infidels for twenty man and his which drove out the coln, stultified his mind and character power — the light of Truth. by acting like he was right. I have wife who founded the school ? Has years. I know them. It is no new (¡eneral Contractor for Commercial and Industrial bothered with Van, not because he is Mr. Van Trump written anything thing for an infidel to go the shotgun Building worth it, not because he is a true against free love? Have you seen it? road through the back door of cre MANY CRAZY PEOPLE EXPERT ENGINEER man, but because he is infidelity Hardly, for he was a professor (?) ation. It may be Van will go that churned; he is the very butter of in in an institution which could not run wry himself, who knows? Fortunately Written in Jail In the Design and Construction of Beautiful Homes, fidelity. Read his reeking slush and four years without slumping down the lives of these gentlemen of the Business Houses, Schools and Churches “The crazies are not all in the get his snarl, and remember that he into that very rottenness. Did you dirt god are open, and we know them. ‘bug-house.’ Thousands upon thou deals with Christ in the same way. get it? The infidels, who rejected Koop your clothes on Van, for we are SILVERTON, OREGON sands of people are mentally un If a man will lie about Lincoln, he God and the Bible and Christ and all in possession of your measure. You balanced, from various causes, and will lie about Christ; if he will del religion started a s. hool at Silverton are a cheap bluff, and awfully cheap, ♦♦♦$ - still are able for a time to do fairly iberately misstate facts regarding with all these carefully shut out. too. You have been trying to bluff well at making a living and laying Lincoln, he will do the same about They spent most of their time snarl f'.od and yourself. You are a hypo up a little money for a rainy day. Jesus. Van is an elder, a frocked dea ing about preachers and Christ, they crite because you do not believe what Probably the most prolific cause of con, in the church of the curled lip. curled their lips and sneered; they you say. You are trying to believe best One who ever lived. It dreads gated to say anything more about me partial insanity is the use of stim He bows to the god of dirt, and his showed the whites of their eyes and it, that’s all. This Lincoln case shows the truth, and rends the man who in The Journal. I would remind him ulants and narcotics. No one, for mouth is a running sore of blas hissed, and in less than four years you up. Poor, dishonest, trifler, you meets its statements. It goes blare that he pushed in without an in example, can be said to be well bal- phemy. Blighted and befouled in the whole dirty bunch were tagging are the fool of the bible, who says eyed through the world seeking whom vitation, and now that his little in anced who habitually uses tobacco. mind and heart, he spews his de around after other men’s wives, and there is no God. Your works testify it may devour, foul, false and drip fidel baloon has been nicely punctured He who uses it is certainly in an un grading filth across a suffering com advocating a free carnival of lust. against you, the smell of free love ping gangrene. On its leprous gar I agree that it ¡ h time for him to natural, abnormal condition men munity. Filled with hatred and the They taught that men and women is on your garments — some of it ments is spread the folly of ages, and "ring off.’’ Utterly unable to argue tally, and is at least insane on that gangrene of malicious bitterness he should go into the lane with the hulls must have rubbed off during your its fruits are among the worms in a any scientific point; afraid to venture subject, as we can easily prove. Let slimes the nimbused head of the and the cows. They were not content stay in the Silverton school, You million grave yards. Ingersoll said on the silly claims of evolution, and the old tobacco user go home and Wor'd’s Redeemer with his calum with the women they had taken as would befoul the souls of my chil- in a lecture: “If life is unbearable, “caught in the act’’ on the Lincoln see his wife smoking a big black nies. Because he hates Christ he wives, they wanted other men’s wives, dren if you had a chance. You would take it; you have as much right to case, I hardly see that he can do pipe. At first he would think it a hates me. Made by his God to spread they wanted to debauch the daughters blight their minds if you could. You take your life as to change the course anything else but drop out. I have joke, but if she continued doing so, his soul wings in the upper air of of mothers’, and doubtless they did, would turn them hack from their of a river.” A man heard that and his hide on my back fence, if any one walking down the street sucking spiritual things, he has deliberately for it got so utterly foul, so stfnk- hoavenly flight toward the bosom of killed himself that night. Cruel, cor can make use of it they can have it. away at her pipe or a cigarette, her chosen to wollow with beasts in the ingly rotten that Hosmer took his loving God and sink them in the rupt, smelling of moral carion, this What? Why, free of course. Mean- husband and friends would certainly stinking gutters of infidelity. In his wife and got out and took a bath. stinking wollows of free love infidel horrible perversion slouches through time, remember that the Blivens, and think her a ‘little off.’ And she reeking heart all truth becomes a I don’t know what Van did, he hasn’t ity. Your shadow is a moral pollu the work!, ape-browed and mildewed Rossos, and Warfields and all the in would be, and so is the man, who lie and every lie the truth. Perverted told us. One thing sure, ho has not tion to its full length, The false with cript ooze, followed by the fidel snarlers who skulk around sucks a pipe, a cigarette, a cigar or from normal health to soul leprosy said one word against it that T have things you have said of Lincoln you snarling, cur'ed-lipped gang, among churches for safety nnd curse Chrii* who chews, chews away at the poison he loves his disease and seeks to de seen. And these are the flannel say of Christ and the Bible. You which are the Van Trumps, and the arc represented by this man Varr bluffers. ------------- Mr. Van Trump. Stand off a goodly distance ---- of „ the — cheap ----- ------------ which dulls his intellect and weakens grade childhood, womanhood, man mouthed bawds who carp about the represent your class, for Infidelity is rest his physical powers. The profit sys- hood to his own moral lazaretto. Born Virgin Mary and David. And this hypocritical to the core. It hates the Trump says he does not feel obli- ami look them over. tern is at fault for keeping up this filthy and injurious habit which has been outlawed by science long ago; and a real civilization can not come I to our dear old earth until we get ’ over the insanity of sucking, guz zling, chewing and snufling the poi sons which rob our state of the nec essary super man and an untainted offspring.” Note — The above was written in jail, and it was written because the editor’s mind was forcibly brought to the subject by a severe attack of second-hand tobacco poisoning. Every other inmate of the jail smoked cigarettes, most of them to excess and the management refused to give the heretic a closed cell, al though there was no good reason for refusing. The smoke at times was very nauseating, and, if the above is too radical, the users of the wets! must remember that according to our own statements, one can not do his best when under the deadly influence of nicotine. Easiest Run Gravity Hand Cultivator Buy one for $8.00 i; THE GEM THEATRE, Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. THE SILVERTON JOURNAL BEN HOFSTETTER