The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 09, 1915, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
No. 23.
•vOL IV.
The bachelors had it bad! At their
Vuticun Council 1K7(> they cjsciiiuted;
“We declare, affirm, tieline und pro­
nounce it to lie altogether necessary
to Hulvution for every human creature
to lie subject to the Roman l’untili.”
Pope Clement XIV, 1767-1774,
names 12 Popes who hud trouble witli
the Jesuits, a number of whom welt*
killed by them, und in signing n de­
cree against the order said, "I am
signing my death warrant.** In u
short time he died from poison.
In his Saint Putrick day spiel Most
Rev. Christie guve a graphic tiescrip­
tion of lirr-unil-sworil religion in Ire­
land, but he forgot to »lute that it
was Introduced to Ireland first when
• he Pope’s minions invuded that
ttherwise peaceful country.
• « •
It is strongly predicted that Wilson
will soon intervene in Mexico in the
interest of John I), and the Cutholic
Hierarchy, Carrunza had fairly won
the tight for freedom, when the
Jesuit appealed to the vanity of VII-
la, divided the forces of freedom, and
continued the turmoil. The capital­
ists financed the factions to keep
them ut it. Neither Capital nor the
Catholic Hierarchy want peace on a
liberty basis.
At the big St. Patrick <iay hella-
bnloo in Portland archbishop Christie
credited St. Pat with u letter to the
Pope in which were these choice
words: '‘Holy Esther, the Irish people
are all Christians; they are all Cath­
olics. They recognize you as the Su­
preme Pontiff," etc., etc. Of course,
Saint Pat never wrote any such thing.
At that day there was no
Pontiff" known to the
March 6, 1873, Pope Pius in an ot­
ticiul brief, said, “It iti u religious
duty, and the will of God, that they
(Roman Catholics) should devote
themselves necessarily and absolutely
to the wishes and monitions of the
holy throne (Pupal), and that all
wisdom for believers consists in ab­
solute obedience and ready constant
dependance upon the throne of Saint
Peter." Whut do you really think of
the modesty of a bachelor?
• • •
When Paul III was Pope, 1584-
1549, a commission of cardinals met
at Rome to see what could be clone
to reform the Church. They sent out
a remonstrance against the “corrupt
sales of indulgences, beneflCM nnd
dispositions, the ignorance and de­
pravity of the priests, the 50,000
street women of Rome, the prodigious
number of nunneries which were con­
trolled by lustful prelates, and other
^^rross crimes.” The Pope rebuked
^Bhem for their zeal.
• • •
The Oregon Journal of March 30
reports Cardinal Gibbons as advising
against intervention in Mexico. Two
weeks ago the press quoted him just
to the opposite. Both reports may
be true. A loyal Catholic knows
no good except that of his Church,
and from that point of view he might
change his mind in two weeks on a
little matter like a war between two
nations. But the Journnl proceeds:
‘‘Cardinal Gibbons is neither a jingo
nor an nmbitious politician. That and
the further fact that he is a Chris-
tian and a patriot explains his pro­
nounced utterances respecting Mexi­
can intervention.”
Indeed! Did the Journal writer ever
read the history of the Hierarchy all .
through the centuries? Duplicity is'
Atheir chief virtue.
W. J. Stillman, U. S. Consul at i
Rome, 1861 to 1865, in the New York ,
Tribune, January 9, 1°7i: “Worse
than anything we enn conceive was
the system of debauchery kept up by
the priesthood. It was a proverb
among the Romans that, if one
would go to a house of ill-fame, he
must go by day; at night the priests
had all the places;’ and nnother. that
‘all married women were seduced by
the priests.’ The amours and pro­
fligacy of Antonelly (cnrdinal secre­
tary of state to the Pope) were as
well known as those of the late Em­
peror of Erance, and no on.’’ who has
lived in Rome long enough can be
unaware that the immorality in that
city was greater than any city in
^-Europe except Vienna nnd Naples,
^0ind worse in its type than that of
the latter city.” — The Popes of
Romo, p. 333.
The same daily paper which conveyed the wonderful news that Big White
Willard had knocked Big Black Johnson out in the twenty-sixth round,
also gave the more wonderful news that no indictment was found against
the editor of The Silverton Journal. The story of the physical contest and
knockout occupies 125 inches on the first page; the story of the intellectual
combat and victory required less than seven inches on the fifth page.
The editor of The Silverton Journal by Rev. L. Myers et al. regarding because the complaining witness I is true. We are satisfied that the
believe» in »port». Phy»ical c ntests the story of Mary Lasanen. This is failed to put in an appearance and i priests at Mt. Angel, as elsewhere,
for mastery, if properly conducted shown by the fact that the grand because the witnesses subp enaed j are corrupt, that many girls are held
ami not allowed to de»troy the in­ jury now claims that there is no from Woodburn in the case not only in the con ve’ ts against their wills,
tellectual growth of the contestant» ground for an indictment. And if could not produce any evidence tend­ that they are abused by the manage­
and other», i» promotive of the ba»i» there i» no ground now for an in­ ing to show that the proprietors of ment and become poor, miserable,
of all hucccmm , health, vigor and hup- ' dictment for criminal libel, what the drug stores were guilty of vio­ hopeless slaves and that these Roman
pine»». But when »porta become com. I about the other indictments on the lating the “dry” ordinance of the enemies are continually working to
mercialized to a point where many same charge, the $50,(MM) libel suit I city but vindicated the accused of the capture the government and convert
thousand» of dollar» are paid to both 11 am ages and the one hundred days ' charges.
it into a government of the pope for
In the case of the charges against the benefit of the pope and his army
contestants to see one knock the in juil ? Th« following is the article
other out with many chances of mur- as it appeared in the daily paper re­ j Hosmer, who has already served a of priests. This victory for our free
dering the weaker giant, it becomes ferring to the findings of the last sentence in the county jail upon con­ press also shows us that in these
viction of libel against the Mt. Angel battles with the “beast” we should
a public crime of our boasted twen- ■ grand jury:
convent, it was second offense and keep control of our own cases, that
tieth century civilization. The moral
the same grand jury returned a true wise counsel is needed, but that a
<|egeneracy which is clearly shown in J “NO INDICTMENT IS
bill against Hosmer as a result of dictator at the head of the work is
the public approval of this com-
its previous sitting. Judge Kelly, how­ a violation of the very principles we
merciallization of the otherwise ben­
HOSMER FOR LIBEL ever, sustained a demurrer to the in­ are trying to establish and will al­
eficial sports, has a cause which can
be definitely traced to the very
dictment upon an error in the docu­ ways lead us into a Roman trap, that
primitive ami stultifying idea that Grand Jury Also Dismisses Charges ment referred it back to the grand Richardson and Richardson are well
jury for further investigation and posted, reliable attorneys and that we
"might makes right.” The Roman
of Bootlegging Against Druggist
correction. Whether or not the grand made no mistake in securing their
Catholic Hierarchy is teaching and
practicing this abominable doctrine
jury made further investigation of services. This victory for our free
The grand jury which was in ses­ the case or took the indictment up at press leaves us in a most deplorable
everywhere. To be sure, this political
and moneyed power, calling itself a sion all last week, completed its work all is not of public record, but the condition financially, and it makes us
church, wears the cloak of religion and adjourned last Saturday morn­ fact that the jury failed to report almost sweat blood when we read
to hide its real work, but brute force, ing without returning an indictment the indictment out again seems suf­ of the fortunes won by the contest­
deception and every device known to against J. E. Hosmer, editor of The ficient to warrant the conclusion that ants in the short fight for th« world
evil men and women to build up their Silverton Journal, an anti-Catholic they did not believe the grounds suf­ championship of physical strength
mighty might organization is freely publication, upon the charge of crim­ ficiently to support an indictment.”.
and enduranoe. But, thanking our
used until it is nearly impossible for inal libel preferred against him by
This victory for our free press vin­ friends who have so nobly stood by
any opponent to tell the truth about the Sisters of the convent of Mt. dicates us and shows that we have us and made this greater victory pos­
this one man-rule institution and live. Angel. It also dismissed a charge of been right all the time and we most sible, we gird on our armor for still
The Silverton Journal told the truth bootlegging which had been preferred sincerely believe f-om the evidence more strenuous and most glorious
when it printed the affidavit sworn to against two drug stores of Woodburn at hand that the escaped nun’s story battle for truth and righteousness.
Down with the pagan pope,
And creeds the priests confess —
Up with the white man’s hope,
Eree speech, free schools, free press.
• • •
Bust the three big water trusts!
What trusts? The fire water trust,
the watered stock trust and the holy
water trust.
Catholicism is wrong in principle
or it would not lead to such corrupt
• • •
If the Protestants keep their forces
divided, there is no power on earth
that can keep the Roman hierarchy
from controling and ruining America.
• • •
Some people rather be cast into
prison and there stay all their lives
than to run a saloon, swill a blind
pig or help the priests swindle their
dupes, and yet we all love liberty.
• • •
Speaking about liars, where is
there a greater one than a Roman
priest, who acts a lie every minute
of his life?
• • •
Catholicism hides itself in super­
stition, protects itself with deceit and
violence, and finances itself with con­
fidence games and robbery.
Romanism is practically a unit as
to its management, and it is as un­
scrupulous as its pagan founder.
• • •
The object of the prosecution
against Hosmer, instead of the nun
who told the story, or against the
minister who took affidavit that she
told it, was to crush out our anti­
Catholic paper. Will they still ac­
complish their object?
• » »
Nothing shows up the rottenness
of our courts better than the fact
that the Editor of The Journal was
punished severely for that which the
grand jury now says is no cause of
• • •
An institution sailing under the
name of the church is no better than
a saloon, if its priests and members
have all the symptoms of saloon
keepers and their patrons.
* • •
Attention is again called to our
great National Patriotic Congress to
he held at San Eranscisco next Octo­
ber. The importance of this federa­
tion idea and this opportunity for a
grand popular demonstration and
convention can hardly be over­
estimated. We want to urge upon
all friends of our public schools and
other cherished free institutions, to
call county or city conventions and
arrange for delegates. Local lodges,
castles and courts should take this
matter up promptly and vigorously.
There can be nothing lost by attend­
ing to this matter well ahead. This
great f rward movement calls for
your local support.
Don’t fail to send for patriotic
booklet free, enclosing at the same
time five cents postage for folder
and letter of particulars about the
next National Convention. Address
D. J.
Reynolds, President, 424
Plymouth Bui'ding, Minneapolis, Min­
nesota. P'ease mention this paper.
A Protestant who has the narrow
bigotry of a Roman, which leads him
to choke every one to death who dif­
fers from him, should join the holy
“mother church.”
Pope Pius IX died 1878. Harper's
• • •
Weekly stated, “Pius may be fairly
Children who are tar.ght nothing classed among the higher capitalists
but the Roman idea of not investigat­ of Europe. The total of the Pope’s
ing other people’s thoughts and of wealth is said to be about (23,-
the ignorant, Roman, mental calaber. 160,000.”
Woodland, Wash.,--------------
Silverton, Oregon,
Dear Comrade Hosmer:—
Your fellow comrades, patriots and
friends begin to appreciate the fact
graduated with full honors and
with your colors flying as a “Dead
Game Sport”. The charge of libel
has been more than proven groundless
by your standing pat and serving
sentence that came from a Romanized
court. This country needs men just
like you— ye« , needs millions of them
as the nation never needed true cit­
izens and patriots before.
The bloody Holocaust now sweeping
Europe will soon envelope all of Am­
erica, if the true citizenery and pa­
triots of the United States de not be­
come informed as to the true condi­
tions of affairs that now exist in our
social, political and commercial life.
Race and religious hatred, commer­
cial jealousies, backed by rank, black
superstition are the forces at work in
Europe. Why not let cool heads rule
and save a portion of the world’s
civilization ? Let us make America
American, not Roman, Pagan or Prot­
estant. I send two subs—more to
Yours for TRUTH,
E. T.
We are very sorry to say that our referendum measure to give the people a
chance to vote whether or not they wish to pay thousands of dollars to the
Catholic institutions of Oregon must fail on account of the lack of a small
amount of expense money necessary to get the petitions to the Secretary of
State on time. We are somewhat subdued but not conquered. Let us ad­
vance by taking time by the forelock and get ready to amend our consti­
tution so that no money can be appropriated for any private or sectarian
purposes. If you wish to help in this great work write to us at once.
About the middle of the fifteenth
century a comet with an immense
fiery tail was visible. At that time
practically all the people of Europe
were Romanists; and being extremely
ignorant and superstitious, they were
greatly alarmed at *ie antics of the
celestial object. Chroniclers of the
times, Romanists all of them, say
that the pope interposed and that he
issued a “Bull” in which in due Ro­
man phrase he exhorted the Comet
to keep the peace.
Callixtus III, who reigned A. D.
1455-1458 is the pope of the story.
We know that he, with practically
everybody of the time, believed the
old notion, earth is the central body,
the Sun revolves around it, etc. A
hundred other notions as to Nature,
that were equally crude; and that
have been long since exploded, were
also held. We do not care that Cal­
lixtus, the man, or any other pope as
a man, held these crude and foolish
notions. They were net to be blamed
for it. The world then believed
these things. But Callixtus was
pope; and he, and other popes who
held the same notions as to Nature,
had occasion from time to time, to
declare the meaning of Bible refer­
ences to Nature. And the pope would
speak as the man believed. Thus the
crude notions of the times were
foisted on the church as the doc­
trines ef Scripture.
In 1633, in the
action against Galileo the church of
Rome definitely declared that the
earth is the central body; and that
any who taught the contrary, must
retract or die and be damned. And
the whole weight of Roman teaching
held in this way until Pius VII, who
reigned 1800-1823, had the decree,
monumental for its stupidity, form­
ally repealed.
Any one can see how damaging
these facts are to an organization
that declares that itself and its popes
are infallible. A Romanist priest of
Portland, Ore., in a recent newspaper
letter, declared that the pope and
comet story is “a myth,” that has
“come down, heavy and hoary; with
the encrusted ignorance and prejudice
of three centuries of misrepresenta­
tion.” He says that “an English
writer, John Gerard, among others,
has investigated the legend to its
roots; and has found that no such bull
was ever issued.’’
In telling a story, one may give
names of persons and places in such
way as to suggest that all he has
said ean be easily verified. In nine
cases out of ten the reader takes it
for granted that the “authority” so
given, may be relied on, and he
looks no further. And usually the
tenth man finds that he has no means
at hand for verification, and so the
story, that may be utterly false,
goes unchallenged.
Here we are referred to "John Ge­
rard," an English writer, supposedly
well know’n. But we look into the
Britannica, eleventh
edition, the highest authority in the
world on “English Writers,” and no
such man is listed there! “But pos­
sibly John Gerard was a Roman
priest,” etc., etc. This does not help
the matter. If it were true, the
priest Gerard has -been such an in­
significant fellow that he has no
place in “English Literature,” so the
case remains as before.
The priest was trying to bolster up
the credit of a list of popes whom his
crowd declare have been infallible.
He has a difficult job on his hands.
He felt it very keenly; yet, unwit­
tingly, it may be, he uncovered still
further, this specially sore spot in
Romanism, when he »poke of the
“supposed papal prohibition of Dis­
section; and a hundred other stories,
supposed to illustrate th« supersti­
tious and unscientific attitude of
mind, of medieval churehmen.”
Yes, it is simple fact that prac­
tically every pop« of the past has
held, in substance, "the superstitions
and unscientific* notion« of his time
If they had never spoken of any­
thing within the domain of th« “Sci­
ence’’ of today, we surely could not
have known of their astonishing io-
norance and superstition. As it i.-
with some thousands of pages of
the writings of the popes of the
Dark Ages still extant, we are net
surprised that Romanist apologist
of today, find it very hard to explain
on the pretense of their infallibility
the attitude the popes actually mair
tained toward Nature study. In n
case showing special stupidity on the
Continued on Page 4, Col. 4.