LOCAL NEWS REPLY TO MATERIALISTS ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Will be in the following towns at livery barns: By Guy Fitch Phelps. You ay Stop I will reply to Mr. Ross’ article in Silverton, Mon., Apr. S,’15<> the Journal for March 26th. I wish W. H. Ellingjrworth has gone to the Snake Man. VanTrump, and the West Scio, Tuesday, April 6, 'IS;; Camas, Wash., to spend a few days Microbe Man, Hall, would drop out Albany, Wed., April 7, *15 with his mother. Mrs. Welch. and leave the field to Ross, He is at transacting the only one of the materialists who H. L. Nutting was Lebanon,Thurs., Apr. 8, ’IS o business in Portland the first of this even dares to mention his reasons for L Brownsville, Friday, Apr. 9, 'IS L being an evolutionist. Then he seems week. Mr. Irish came home from West- to hate no one—but Christ. They all Eugene, Sat’day, Apr. 10, ’15 port Wednesday, where he has been develop« sneerdrophobia when the working the past winter ami will name of Christ is mentioned. This WARNOCK BROS. work for the Silverton Lumber Co. forever condemns infidelity. I can ami read of Nero and get indignant; I here. Barn Horses, Mares, Mules Mrs. C. M. Wray is recovering can read of the French blood-drink nicely from her recent operation, but ers and grow angry; I can meditate For the purpose of buying Horses. Mares and Mules. „ will not be home for a couple weeks. on the Inquisition and tingle with Horses must be from 5 to 10 years old. 15j to IG hands high; wrath, but when I think of Christ M. J. Van Valkenburg was over to my heart raelts, and I bathe my mind heavy boned chunky kind; weight 1100 to 1500 pounds; any <> Salem on legal business the first of and heart in the whiteness of his color except gray or spotted ones. No light boned, thin or „ at this week. leggy horses wanted. Read this well and bring only the kind ;; transcendent and holy character. Tell We are selling off our machinery to me. Mr. Ross, why you Infidels hate wanted, as I come to buy, not too look. Mules must be fat, «> get money to pay taxes. Fine lathe, Christ? Why above all characters 14 to 14i hands high; 5 to 10 years old. No grays wanted. L big punch and shear press, saw, pow that ever lived do you pile on his FRANK DELAY er hack saw, emery stand and wheels, kingly, thorn-crowned head the shafting, pulleys, belts etc—cheap slimy weight of your foulest insults ? for cash. See J. E. Hosmer. Stand up like a man and tell me. I ■ En route to the* East. Why not see The Marion County Veteran Asso did not say that Mr. Ross was either ciation meets at Woodbum April 1st this or that in the prohibition matter. is useless in a body ? Why is it not the degeneracy of the Bushman? California and its Two World Ex and a fine time is p’anned by the He said if I would investigate in cer necessary ? Babies do not go natural- What a degrading wallow this whole positions on your way East? Sons of Veterans, G. A. R. and W. R. tain places I would find that there ly on all fours, else they would re evolution mutter is. In closing I will C. This will be a regular army was a time when he threw flowers to , fuse to walk. They go a thousand notice what he says about sexual sel Call on neareat Axent (or full information, literature, tickets camp fire, lot of good things to eat, Paul and Chiist, and that it was when times better on two feet, The human ection. 1 will quote: “What has reser valions, train schedules, etc. worked for the development of man speeches, singing, reminiscences of he lectured for the Prohibition party. hands and limbs are not formed for more, probably, than any other cause The knees | such a manner of transit, the old camp fire days of ’61 and a I took it for granted that he had general good time for all. “backslidden” on all three lines. bend the wrong way. Then the head ... is the fact that both the male The Girls’ Sewing Circle of the “Find other cause 'gainst Roderick and neck of a man are not properly and the female have taken pride in Synod Church will meet with Mrs. Dhu,” Mr. Ross. He asked me to , formed; there are no spines to sup mating with the best. We see this John M. Scott. General Patmenger Agent, Portland, Ore. give chapter and verse and page and port the muscles which bear the head, not only among men. but among cat Rindom Saturday afternoon. book of my quotations. I can. Will as on an ape. The human foetus IS tle in the field and the birds of the E. W. Hall and wife were fooled he? Mr. Ross says: “I do not see NOT LIKE THE FOETUS OF THE forest.” In this same way Darwin early April 1st They were looking why our friends should be so squeam ANIMAL, else the product would be accounts for the presence of beauty for a girl, but got a fine 8 lb. boy. ish about Jesus any way, for he is a the same. This is one of the very in nature. Now get it; all things James Edson and J. W. Hyett recent thing.. . Why, God never let strongest evidences that evolution is have been developed through sexual made a flying trip to the Capital City the cat out of the bag that he had a a false theory. If the product is selection more than anything else. Tuesday. Jesus till about 1900 years ago.” I utterly different, then the cause But there is only one fittest man in Clean Beds Wholesome Food Courteous Attention notice this slump of infidelity bluff MUST be different. Am I right, Mr. a community, and the rest grade to incoming Dr. Kleinsorge was an passenger on Tuesday evening’s to show how utterly without principle Ross? Then the hair on a man’s body the last male. So there can only be infidelity is. Why will a man make does not uniformly point anywhere. ONE fittest couple. But seeing that south bound train. the other females will marry they Mrs. E. S. Porter and son Clay a statement like this when he knows Make your own test. Speaking of must take what ls left. That would J. K. Smith. Proprietor hair: Tell me, Mr. Ross, why men were Salem passengers Wednesday that even the children of the Sunday School will pronounce it the veriest have beards and women do not, see make development along this line im morning. MAIN STREET, SLVERTON, OREGON ing they all came from apes. Eh possible and perpetuate all the grades “ H. E. Sprague was a Salem pas shop?” Mr. Ross is a lawyer, he And why did not man loose his beard of both sexes, the theory being wit knows where Blackstone goes for the RATES: senger Wednesday. foundation of law. ’He has read the and woman her glorious tresses when ness. Then imagine birds “taking Newton Shepherd, H. E. Brown and Bible, and is well aware that SIX the rest of the ape hair slipped off pride” in se’ecting their husbands! Board and Lodging $5.50 |M»r Week Nelly Benson were incoming passens- THOUSAND YEARS AGO GOD the body ? Men have worn hats from Do birds have so much taste and rea Rooms 25c up. Meals 25c gers from the north Wednesday “LET THE CAT OUT OF THE the beginning of history, why has not son, Mr. Ross? If this method is Phone Red 1401 evening. BAG THAT HE HAD A JESUS.” their hair disappeared ? The breasts persued by birds then it is persued by George Steelhamer was a passenger I know that he knows this. And I of a woman are mentioned as not all things that mate, bedbugs, grass nttmrnmmœttmumnttmmunuunxnmmnunummntmuummmnummm« on Wednesday morning’s south bound will have more respect for him as a having proper position to prove an hoppers, sawbugs. etc. Imagine a train. man and a debater when he drops out upright creation. The very reverse little dimpled darling of a sowbug The Pythian Sisters held one of this sort of slush. I excuse him be is true, Man does not sleep naturally picking out the nicest looking male their meetings at the lodge rooms cause Infidelity has given itself so on his stomach. He sleeps on his sowbug for a husband. As if sow ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Wednesday night and never sus- completely to misrepresentation that side and hack, If there is anything hugs had husbands! And whoever Phone Blue 1141 M. L. Heneen, Prop. heard of cattle and horses, mating? pitioned the surprise that was being its apostles find it hard to quit ped in Mr. Ross’ contention he should Polygamy is the order of the wild planned for their pleasure by the dling absurdities. I will refer to a s'eep curie-’ up like a cow. There is Knights. At closing time there were few things to show up this statement. not anything in higher nature that and heathen tribes, and that always ushered in a goodly number of those “God said, let us make man in our sleeps on its stomach. The woman degenerates, at least man. If birds gentlemen ladened with a fine lunch image.” Gen. 1, 26. “The seed of the is a contradiction to this theory, as selected their husbands, so did snakes RATES: that could not really be termed any- woman shall bruise the serpent’s the bearer of children, as a moment’s and toads and scorpions. Darwin, Meals 25c; Board and Room by the Day $1.25. thing less than 1 a good feed. “Sauer- head.” Gen. 3, 15. (I have given the thinking will prove. Then he tells that human deity whom Ross wor- shipeth, says that beauty was created us that man suffers from rupture and kraut and 1 Wieners’’ were among the true sense.) Moses told the people Board and Ixxlging by the Week $5.50 “something • different ” that was of Christ. “The Lord thy God will piles because of his form, while the by the females selecting constantly Front Street, Near Depot SILVERTON, OREGON planned to surprise the Sisters. A raise up unto thee a Prophet from animal does not. But does not that the prettiest males. You will find it very enjoyable evening was passed. the midst of thee.... unto him ye prove they have no connection ? I on p. 180, Origin of Species. Read it and be disgusted. Did female snakes Consult Drs. Lowe and Turner, eye shall hearken.” Deut. 18, 15. Of old thought he was trying to prove evo look over their prospective specialists of Portland, at the Ander it was said: “A Star shall rise out of lution by similar traits. If a horse husbands while the beaux of the or a bear should take to walking up Jacob. ” The Bible says, "They drank son Hotel.—At Mt. Angel Hotel Wed. Are township held their breaths waiting Apr. 14th. At Stayton Thurs. Apr.15. of that spiritual Rock which followed right, could they be ruptured? her choice of spots? Did female but possible? Don’t forget the place—Anderson them and that Rock was Christ. they built so it would . terflies hold meetings to cultivate No. Where does this silly, childish Read the 53d Chapter of Isaiah, Mr. S. TEGLAND Hotel Silverton. C. WEBB L. LARSON Ross, also the 9th chapter and 6th bit of reasoning go then? Then last, their aesthetic tastes, looking to the verse, and be reproved for this worse i but not least, among the masterful selection of husbands? Think of a than silly attempt to farce a point ; list of arguments for evolution comes man saying that a butterfly reasons OBITUARY which certainly lessens the authority the stateme-t that animals do not on such matters. Sure thing they Cynthia F. Dunlap, Department of Infidel statements, I can show • suffer from piles while man does. exercised more taste than Ross’ wife president of the women’s Relief five hundred references to Christ Therefore evolution is true. But or mine, or we would have been fated Corps for Oregon, passed away after sprinkled from Genesis to Mai. You there are a multitude of troubles to die single. Such are the lengths (lean, Up - to • Date, Satisfaction Guaranteed an ¡line s of two weeks at her home will notice that Mr. Ross almost ad which man suffers from which ani men will go, and such the absurd in Salem, Oregon, on Tuesday March mits that God might have had some mals do not. Men have diseases, cattle situations they are driven to when FREE DELIVERY 27th. thing to do with the creation of do not. Where is the argument then? they deny God as the Creator. Mr. Mrs. Dunlap has been a prominent things. He is making progress. Here Now look these reasons over and take Ross, as if you were under oath an- I’hone Blue 821 Oak Streut member of the W. R. C. for the past let me ask two questions: He says a laugh. And think of it! they are swer me: Do you believe female twenty eight years and was a con Christ is a "recent event,” and advanced by a man who argues points birds and butterflies and cattle and scientious, tireless worker. The de argues that he is an imposter because of evidence in courts of law, and who horses and sheep, in fact all things ceased was bom in New York in 1866 of this. Do you mean, Mr. Ross, that demands that Christianity prove it that unite for offspring, really have and resided in the East until six years only old things are true? If so down self. If you should lose the jewel of reason and taste to select the pret ago when with her husband she came goes your slogan of “Modern science.” consistency and best looking? y ’ don i’/ii ’t v look itjt/rv for lur iv it among f tiest and strongest ** to Oregon. Since coming here she If you ask for age, then I remind infidels. If space permitted I could if y° u Ba y they have not, why do 1 ____ _________ _ _____ has been twice elected president of you that the oldest thing in history show the rest of Mr. Ross’ statements you so account for the development the local corp®, also department Sen is a belief in God. My second ques to be as stale as these. Mr. Ross, of species? Was beauty developed in Raten $1.00 to $1.25 Day Meals 25c Special Weekly Ratea ior Vice President, and, up to the tion is this: Do you believe, Mr. why < do you materialists keep such this way? If so, what becomes of time of her death, she held the office Ross, that nature, Gfe, man, are the utter silence on the matters of mor- your argument for only the survival < > of Department President of the state products of force, physical force, als ? Why do you never speak of of the thing that is necessary? Beau of Oregon. The funeral services unaided by any kind of intelligence? man I as a creature morally respon- ty is often a mark which leads to were conducted from the Methodist Have all come from the lifeless dust? sible? ' You are a lawyer, don’t you destruction, and is no benefit at all. Episcopal Church, of which Mrs. Dun If you deny God and spirit, how can send men to jail for breaking law? Do you believe this? Say so, if you F. J. COODENOUGH, Mt/r. lap was a member, on Thursday after you say anything else? Mr. Ross has Don’t you establish a difference be do, and then defend it. Don’t dodge noon at one o’clock, under the auspi- , given us perhaps half a dozen rea tween classes on moral lines when as you did on the wing of the bird. ces of the Women’s Relief Corps,and sons why he believes in evolution, and you defend virtue against vice? Tven this last question: Flow could One-half Block South of S. P, Depot Phone 575 the remains of this good worker for does not believe in God or creation. Why, then, are you so silent on the the females begin to select the most good was laid to rest in the City View I will name some of them. 1. The nature of man from a moral stand beautiful male back in that time when LUNCH COUNTER GOOD HOME COOKING X Cemetery. rudimentary organs. 2. Babies go on point? Infidelity condems itself be beauty had not been developed ? For all fours at first. 3. The human cause it has no morals, no moral re- if the fittest and beauty were so DE foetus is like the animal for the first quinynent, and never discusses the VELOPED, then the female had to Engemaa’s Milk Ranch three months. 4. The hair on the moral history of the race, which is begin before there was any. What Delivers Fresh Milk and Cream twice human body points down when man three-fourths of the whole history of becomes of your theory taking your a Day is on all fours. 5. The breasts of a man. Think you that people are stu own ground as argument? Certainly Special Orders Promptly Filled woman hang downward instead of pid enough not to think of these you can’t answer it. Assuredly you Your Patronage Appreciated outward. 6. Man suffers from rup lacks ? Be assured that they are will not try. I have you, neighbor, Ph ne Green A 120 ture. 7. Animals never have piles. wise to your bitterness and lack of with a double nelson. 8. Man sleeps naturally on his stom morality. If man is a moral creature ach. 9. Man has similar bones and must not his standard be higher than A COMPANY OF SOMETHING FUNNY EVERYTHING NEW FOR THE BABY : muscles to the lower animals. 10. himself? If such does he not prove FIFTY VOLUNTEERS We have something funny in type, The spine of a man is formed for a moral universe as well as a phys ready to go into a little booklet of going on all fours. There are some ical one? Can there be a moral uni Let everyone who can, follow Guy Baby Bonnets, Dresses, Bath Towels, Jackets, Bibs, eight or ten pages. It is entitled more reasons given, but these will verse without an infinite head? Do Fitch Phelps’ example in the follow- Booties, Pillows, Carriage Robes and Laundry Bags, "A Day With Billy Barlow” and is show on *vhat laughable absurdities not write in a hurry when you ans ing statement, recently made to us ail of the newest designs. all in rhyme. It was written by an evolutionists build their theories. wer these questions. He says: "The in a letter. Write his wordu on a Oregon man and it certainly contains And yet these are the men who de Hotentot and the Bushman may have slip of paper, sign your name and All Kinds of Electric Supplies always on hand and an a bushel of sound sense besides being mand proof and evidence for all been at the top notch of society some mail to us at once. Here are his chuck full of fun. If you want to things. These are the folks who day. “Indeed! If so what becomes words: Experienced Electrician to do your wiring. knerw what Billy thinks send us lOcts. ' laugh at miracles, and deny that of Darwin’s argument that the Bush "I will be one of fifty to secure I for a copy and we will pay postage there is design in nature. There are man is down next to the ape? And and send in four subscribers to The CALL AND SEE US ! to your address. Address Silverton! no rudimentary organs; they do not why do evolutionists try to prove that Journal.” — Guy Fitch Phelps. Journal, Silverton, Oregon. Help right now is a mighty help! exist. Who can say that any organ man came from the ape because of 10 DAYS SAN FRANCISCO 10 DAYS LOS ANGELES SOUTHERN PACIFIC COTTAGE HOTEL THE HANSON HOTEL CITY MEAT COMPANY £ When In Salem Stop at THE DEPOT HOTEL c “THE SHOP” 50 50