I du not concur fully with these Meanwhile, nearly every important moral of Mrs. Shelly’s novel, “Fran kenstein.” It has a new prohibition views, but, because they are held by nation on earth has established pub No Wheels In the Cultivate* Devp No Horpe in the law in force since the first of January, men of such prominence in the sci lie ownership of railroads, and found Garden Garden under which not a single drop of wine entific world, one fact is made to it a satisfactory solution of the prob lem. Of the seventy-eight nations in Publi»h»d'.'»rerr Friday momia« al Silv.rlon. can be sold or permitted to cross the stand out so prominently that it must THE FASTEST, BEST AND borders of the State for any purpose not be ignored. It is this: When the world today, all but nine own all Oraron, by whatsoever. Under this remarkable scientists disagree so decidedly, as or considerable proportions of their J. E. HOSMER, Editor. product of legislative ingenuity sacra I to the nature of alcohol, and its ef railroads. Twenty-three great nations mental wine for the celebration of fects upon the human system, the own and operate over 95 per cent of 1N THE WORLD IS THE mass can not be obtained by any great mass of people who have given their mileage. And everywhere the results are the priest in Arizona, so that the Cath the subject no special study, are not olic religion is made impracticable competent to decide the question; and same: Rates are reduced, the service by this embargo. The Catholic Church, each individual, if the rule of right is improved, labor is better treated, seemingly, shall have to move out and justice is to be observed, must be and the nation gets the profit to use left to decide for himself and for for the common good. of the vigorously virtuous State. The actual value of the railroads This Philadelphia editorial is fun himself only, the quantity necessary nier than anything Mark Twain ever for his consumption, and the time of the country, according to estimates wrote; it is sent forth in solemn, and place he shall use it. subject to baaed upon findings of the interstate Entered at th» po»tuffire at Silrerton. Oregon painful earnest. • : punishment if he endangers the peace commerce commission, is about $15,-i at »econd-«!*»» rate». Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor and Manufacturer 4. 000,000,000. Now. it is not necessary A God-sent man by the name of of society by over indulgence. Subscription. 50c per year, in advance. Single that the government should take over | copie». 5 cent». James once wrote: “Pure religion Advertising ratce made known upon applica the whole system at once. It could j tlow We Look at It and undefiled before God and the tion. buy enough of the voting stock to to visit the fatherless Father is this, Rrother Randall is very wrong in This paper stand* for freedom of thought, free get control. The rest would be easy. their affliction, and to and widows in dom of the press, freedom of speech, equality of 1 his attempt at reasoning, or the editor Rut suppose we bought out the opportunity and the religion of righteousness. It keep unspotted from the oneself of The Silverton Journal is wrong. is radically apposed to every form of superstition We would not need and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form world.” And it was our impression 1 Let us look at his main contentions. whole system. of evil. that this had long since been uni He holds that alcohol is an injury to borrow the whole amount, since in versally recognized as the best def to society only in proportion to its our government banks, and through GO GOBBLE inition ever given the word “rel- wrong use. With this statement we our income and inheritance taxes we would already have a considerable MOVING igion.” agree. But we hold that it is a mis proportion of the necessary funds. < < * > comes along the great But here PICTURES Go gobble some grub from the gar use of alcohol to drink it as a bev- < > Philadelphia oracle and says, without erage. and as it makes people Han But suppose the government should < > bage can, borrow the whole $15,000,000,000. The You consummate ass of a workingman; equivocation, "The Catholic religion gerously foolish and crazy, causing interest on the loan at 2 per cent Arizona >" in is made impracticable' thousands to become unprincipled in The hard times have come, and would be $300,000,000. But the rail the for because “ sacramental wine has a right, dividuals, society you’re a sick bum; ENJOYED BY ALL (H1LDREN AND CROWN FOLKS roads’ net income over and above all Go gobble some grub from the can. celebration of mass can not be ob- and it is our duty as thinking expenses is $737,667,000. (Interstate tained by any priest.” Instructive and Educative people to vote on the question i > Go gobble some grub from the gar The State of Oregon went dry, but of its sale, The model fool in our commerce commission report of 1912, bage can; our politicians compromised enough estimation would be the individ- p. 42.) So we could pay the interest You paid for this dope, so eat like a with the holy fathers (?), so they ual who, after knowing as we all do, on the loan and have $437,667,000 man; can have some beer and some wine that alcoholic beverage as sold in the left — every year. So, under public ownership, we You vote with your boss, so eat his and some whiskey, but one bishop saloons, has ruined hundreds and sweet sauce; lobbiest complained bitterly and says thousands of our best people, would could raise wages. Raise them $100 Go gobble some grub from his can. that the amount allowed is not half think it wrong to vote on the question a year to every railway employe in enough for the priests. Wouldn’t it of abolishing the individual profit- the country, from the section hand Go gobble some grub from the gar be too bad if these drunken agents making saloon system, or any other to the president of the road, just as bage can; of the Devil would move out? What evil business or of enforcing the will a "starter.” That would only require You’ll find there some egg and a PHONE BLACK 6*1 would become of the dear relatives of the majority. It does not matter $100,000,000 per year. We would still choice bit of ham; have $337,667,000 left. now in purgatory, and who would run if many good people think it a benefit. But if it is Lent, take the scent thet Next we would reduce rates so as the legislature, the post offices, The There never was a wrong that was All work done in the ahortest possible time. We are equip- is sent — to reduce the cost of living. Let Home of the Good Shepherd and act ped to handle all kinda of furniture, pianos, etc., with very not championed by many. Slavery Make the sign of the cross to the can. as chaplain in the penitentiary? is a question in point. Poligamy is $ 100.0(H),000 go for that. We would little danger of any damage done. Go gobble some grub from the gar O, Oregon, when will you become another. If we wait for all to agree still have $237.667.000 left. Next let us ael a»idc $1.000,000.000 bage can; fully Mexicanized? before we vote there would never be No Load too Heavy for our Teams to Hau) per year as a sinking fund to pay off look — there ’ s a dime, lost here And any progress. The fact that scientific in the sand! REPLY TO EDITOR HOSMER men differ makes no difference. They the original debt when it came due. We would still have $137,667,000 left. But, think you poor ass, of purga never do agree until the people stamp By Chas. F. Randall With that $137,667,000 we would torial pass, the approval of the majority on one In commenting on my article, “To side or the other. Then the objecting buy up the next utility; raise wages And pay the good priest or be damned. tal Abstinence and Prohibition,” in so-called scientific men, who are usu in that industry, shorten hours, im ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The Journal of March 12th comrade ally hirelings in the moneyed inter prove conditions; reduce the cost of DUNGEONS OF THE FALSE SYS- Hosmer says: “The fact that the use living; and use the remaining profits WE MUST GROW OR DIE! ests of the enemies of the people, TEM of alcohol is an injury1 to the individ usually acknowledge the real scientific to buy the next utility. The Silverton Journul must keep its Subscription List growing And so the program should proceed ual is not the whole question, but that findings of their opponents. It mat Written in Jail or it will surely die. We need your help, but we want to give from one utility to the next until the it is an injury to society as a whole,” ters but little, however, if a per- even more than vulue received. It is just as bad for the state to and “therefore a question of public nation owes them all. Every step in centage of alcohol is a food or not. Get us One <«r More at Fifty Cents a Year. Use the follt/wing hold up an innocent man and keep debate, then a question of voting, and the process would make the next one blank : him in prison two or three months, then a question of obedience to the The common, voting people are easier. And this should go on stead learning that it is a mighty expen waiting for the grand jury to set will of the majoriy." reducing the profits until there A F R E E P R E S S sive percentage and like decayed meat, ily to see if he is to have a trial or not, I am glad he has made such a which might contain a goodly per are no profits. It should go on until as it is for an individual to hold up compact statement, because it en- the profit system itself is gone — a victim and take his money or ables us to get down to the principles centage of food, it is a public injury, till all unearned incomes aie abol- break into a home and take the sil of prohibition, and to determine and so they are beginning to pro ished — till exploitation and robbery verware. Both are wrong, but both whether or not they are right. To do hibit its sale. It is right and wise are competely and finally at an end. The Subscription Price has been ( hanged from 11.00 to are being done and we will never this, we must apply them to other to do so and it protects millions in 50 Cents per Year. the exercise of their personal liberty, be able to fix the little individual’s things upon the same grounds or > while it wrongs not a single soul. moral status until we know enough to base, that they are applied when con A RADICAL FRIEND fix up a better system than the one sidering the use, manufacture and The great mass of people, dear broth EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, er, has seen practical demonstrations i Siverton, Ore.,--------------- we now have. This is nothing more sale of intoxicants. In the first place, SILVERTON, OREGON. or less than a hold up game from however, I want to say that I made of the ruinous effect of this liquid 1 Editor Silverton Journal, ., for which send THE JOURNAL to Enclosed find $ the way the worker is robbed of the no argument to the effect that the hell until they are fully competent Dear Sir, and Comrade in the Great the following: product of his labor, all the way question of the use of alcohol being to vote on the subject; and to let Fight for Freedom:— up through municipal control, the an “injury to the individual, is the all vote and to follow the rule of the Name majority is right and just and I write to you because the Journal county business, the state affairs whole question.” And I feel certain American. is the only paper that I know of that political, to the doings of the Supreme that the comrade will agree with me Address In a state oi society, individuals is really and truly a “free press” and Court, and even to the great Roman that it is at least a part of the for themselves, neither therefore I believe you will publish and money controlled international whole question, and the base upon can not decide Name as to quantity, time or place, The the following which is taken from the affairs. The whole thing is founded which the whole question rests. If it on the wrong principle. It is a ma were not for the fact that alcohol is individual can do just as he likes, “Melting Pot", an anti religious paper < < > > Addresi chine UBed for the financial benefit sometimes wrongly used by the in provided it is not decided by the ma which I believe explains the cause of of those in control. But there is dividual, causing temporary insanity, jority that he is doing that which most all the corruption in our great <► Name hope. We now have the direct law and thus endangering the security of robs others of their rights, and in country, 'Here are the wonderful Addresi making power in the hands of the the peace and happiness of society, many states (we are proud that we words of the editor of the “Melting helped Oregon to be one of the sister Pot ” : people in some states. And through there would never, perhap«:, have been Name hood of dry states) the majority has "Away with the preachers and let this, some have politically freed the a prohibition party. said that the saloon system “en I us have TEACHERS—away with Address women slaves. Others have knocked Alcohol is an injury to uociety only out the devil-schools-of-iniquity called in proportion to the wrong use that dangers the peace of society” and phantoms and let us have FACTS— the saloons, and when enough people is made of it by the individual. This that public drinking of intoxicants is away with superstitions and let us understand it, justice and right will is true of everything that is used by a dangerous "overindulgence.” Can’t have SCIENCE—away with bigotry reign supreme and we will begin in mankind; whether it be a beverage, you see the point, brother Randall ? and let us have BROTHERHOOD— away with all masters, of either body earnest to build a higher and a better a food, an implement or a medicine. civilization in which it will be im All of those things can be, and are, PUBLIC OWNERHIP OF THE RAIL or mind, and let us be MEN and WO ( oolidge Street Phone Black 1242 MEN—COMRADES ALL!" ROADS possible for an innocent man or used to the injury of society when When the people of the United woman to suffer all the tortures of in the hands of unprincipled individ (Selected) | States learn to take Comrade Tichen- hell in a dungeon, but little better uals, and when people, either through Private ownership of railroads is advice, the misery, poverty than those of the Inquisition and the ignorance, or carelessness make a the most gigantic system of plunder or’s above " w [ r General Contractor for Commercial and Industrial Dark Ages. On with the battle! wrong use of them. ’ Now suppose that ever existed. In the first place soon disappear and life will be worth Building that one, r ten thousand individuals, the people of this nation, by exces living. EXPERT ENGINEER Yours for the GREAT CHANGE, CATHOLICISM A FAKE, NOT PURE or increase this number to any ex sive and sometimes fraudulent land tent, should use one nr all of these grants, bonuses and bonds, gave the A. S. U. B. Scriber. RELIGION AND UNDEFILED In the Design anti Construction of Beautiful Homes, things to the injury of society, the railroads enough to build the whole Easiest to Run Hand Cultivator Gravity Hand Cultivator Buy one for $8.00 THE GEM THEATRE, Never Guts Old <> ! I PACIFIC TRANSFER CO THE SILVERTON JOURNAL BEN HOFSTETTER Visiting the widow and orphan in their affliction and keeping unspotted from the world does not fit the rel- igion of the Roman priests. Every- thing about their business shows this to be a fact, but some recent events show this up very nicely. The Chris tian Standard in its "Center Shots” by Mr. Rutledge tells the story about as well as it can be told. Here is what it says in part: “Some weeks ago we called at tention to a suit brought by the Cath olic Church to annul Arizona’s pro hibition laws. Since then the Cath olic press, editorially and otherwise, has continued to whine about the ter rible wineless situation in Arizona. It would be impossible to quote the many ridiculous references to it. And it is difficult to select the richest of the lot. So we will herewith present the one nearest at hand. It is on the editorial page of the Catholic Stand ard and Times, of Philadelphia, issue February 6, and reads: The state of Arizona has furnished a very remarkable illustration of the person who would be crazy enough to propose their prohibition, or to regulate their use so far as individual needs are concerned by statuory law, would be held up before the world as a model fool, and yet, it would be not inconsistent with the prohibition idea. He would have exactly the same base for his contention. In my previous article I made the claim that alcohol is not a food ele- ment. I believe this is true and I am supported in this view by many eminent, scientific medical practition ers. But there are fully as many, or more, who contradict this idea. The following statement was made in 1898 at the International Physiologic al Congress, held at Cambridge. It was prepared by Dr. M. Foster and signed by sixty-two scientists. "Very much remains to be done, but thus far the results of careful experiments show that alcohol, when taken, is oxidized within the body and so sup lies energy like common articles of food, and that it is phy siologically incorrect to designate it as poison." system entire. Then followed the construction frauds, watered stock frauds, mail frauds and a whole train of plundering processes known only to the masters of high finance. Today the railroads plunder the workers by low wages, long hours and impossible burdens. They plun der the people by excessive rates. Every article we eat, of clothes1 we wear, and everything we use costs more because of the excessive rail road rates. The railroads cost the people of this country $3,171,000,000 every year. Which means $158.50 of every family for the railroads alone — one quarter of the entire cost of living of an average family. And yet they are about to raise their rates. Not satisfied with their enormous profits, they still seek more. And they will get it. For fifty years, our politicians and statesmen have told us that the rail road problem could be easily solved and would be solved by "regulation." Yet to this day not one has been solved by that method. Business Houses, Schools and Churches Sanborn, Minn. Mr. J. E. Hosmer, Silverton, Oregon Dear Sin- Enclosed find check to cover four subscriptions with addresses as per slips. One of our heroes has fallen in Texas through a Romanized plot of the Knights of Columbus, with their hands full of blood, as they al ways have been, to their ever'asting shame. Respectfully, A. Worker SanFrancisco, Calif.,----------- Editor Hosmer:— Enclosed find One Dollar for De fense Fund, also two Subs, for one year to your brave and plucky papea. I only wish I were able to do as well as the dear and patriotic lady from Iowa; she is of the stuff that mar- tyrs are made of, and likely there I will be many more to the front when the crucial time is at hand, for all , signs have been indicating its ap- SILVERTON, OREGON proach for the last fifty yer.rs more. Yes, more than that, hut closing in of the enemy hp.d not fore that time atracten any atention; like the snake, its presence made no noise or commotion but came creeping unawares like its prototype, and now we must meet it in open fray, for they have prepared themselves to re sist opposition to their intent to carry out the behest of that arch plotter over in Italy, whom the Italian peo ple had the good sense and energy to suppress. The disgrace and shame of it, that many of our public schools had to be closed on the 17th. of March, even so when St. Patrick was a Scotchman and a Protestant, hut we do not believe in turning our chil dren loose in the streets as much as we think -f our Protestant Pat. We rejoice to know that the K. C. and kindred orders are paying so much at tention and devotion to a Protestunt. What a joke! If the followers of the Italian over in Italy were allowed to inform themselves in matters of authentic history, they would not be long in seeing what jackasses they make of themselves. They are con tent to swallow all the dope that the Hierarchy chooses to force down their mental throats. We often wonder why the unthinking Irish show such blind devotion to an Italian, for sure ly they see enough of them in this country, and we are certain that they could not be induced to kiss the toe of any of them, and their toes are just as sweet and clean as that one in Italy; but they go on the principa that distance lends enchantme^ÿ surely it must, in the odor anyway. A. L. F.