The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, April 02, 1915, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
By L. D. Ratliff
No. 22.
Have you thought why Romanists
complain so bitterly when mention is
TIIE A. (). II.
made of the “Dark Ages”? It is be
In "Rome’« Secret .Societic* nn<i
cause the priests were absolutely su­
Oath»” I k to bo found the piMligreo
preme in Western Europe, and per-
of the Ancient Order of Hibernian*.
mitted no form of public worship
The order date» back to 1798, when
other than that furnished by themsel-
: ves. The ignorance of the priests
under the name of "The Defender»”
and popes, the shocking superstitions
it enguged in n terrible in»H*acr« of
they held and the silly subjects they
I'roteHlant» in Irelund. Because of
the o<li uni that wu* thus attached
j discussed
appalling. The
to them, they afterwurd called them-
general ignorance gave the priests
I special power and incidentally did
»elve» "The Ribboner».” Murderou»
On careful exuminution we find up to our readers. If you can get ing supported by the tax payers? Is Catholics and you are helping to cut unmeasured evil in other ways.
and treasonable oath» were from time
Other than the clergy, there were
to time brought to light by the that House Bill 489 of the last Legis­ together and scrape up the expense it true that many of the girls thus your own throats. You are helping to
authorities dealing with the order a» lative Assembly of Oregon provides money, we will give the voter* of ruined by the priests are put in ruin this great country of ours by so few who could read, it was taken
a criminal imtlitulion. At the trial for u lump sum appropriation of Oregon a chance on this $85,000.00 Catholic institutions for fallen girls giving aid and comfort to its worst for granted that any one who could
of the Molly Maguirea in Pennsyl­ $85,006 and that this include» the graft and all “we the people’’ want and there slavishly toil to support enemy. For the love of liberty, pros­ read, must be a clergyman. And so
in luxury and lazy indulgencies their perity and low taxes help us strike it became a practice, having the force
vania in 1876, F. H. McGowen, PreBi­ estimated amounts of $9,298.50 for is a chance.
It is a shame, a disgrace and a deceivers ? Is it true that large sums down the enemies of our public of law, that a criminal, taken red
dent of the Philadelphia ami Reading the Christie School (Cath.), $7,527.81
R. R., and District Attorney for for Mary’s Home (Catholic) and crime that the struggling tax payers of money are taken from the farmers schools. Why must we be forced to handed, if he could read, might claim
^Schuylkill county, »aid, “Whether this $5,237.07 for the Home of the Good have to be robbed by a bunch of and the workers in taxes to support support the Roman training schools I he was a priest; and by this so-
political cowards who are afraid to these same Roman institutions? Is of superstitious dupes and slaves ? called "Benefit of Clergy,” could es­
society known as the Ancient Order Shepherd (Catholic).
Therefore according to our consti­ offend these most damnable Roman it true that a Roman Catholic widow Bad boys and girls are products of cape civil prosecution for his crime.
of Hiberniuns, beyond the limits of
this country is a good society or not tution, it wil’ be impossible to ref- parasites. Citizens of Oregon, think lady of Scotts Mills, who owns a wrong ideas. Must we give large For, remember, the Roman priests
I cannot tell. But there has been an erend these items separately, and our of the enormous sums of money that large farm with twenty five acres sums of money to support institutions then, as ever since, and as now. claim
attack mude upon this organization, only chance is to take the referendum are finding their way into these Ro­ in cultivation, worth $9,006, is getting which teach wrong ideas, the exact that they are above Civil Law and
and up to this time they have not to the whole $85,000.00 appropriation. man institutions. You must wake $10.00 per month from the county? opposite principles of our American not answerable to it, except by spe-
furnished to us uny evidence that Shall we do this and then amend our up! Is it true that an old couple Who helped her to get’this? How constitution, to the neglect of our | cial permission of the bishop.
living in Mt. Angel gets $12.00 per much does her priest get of this each good boys and girls ? The public
in any place its obji*cts were laudable stute constitution at our leisure?
But as to the “Dark Ages,” the de-
schools with the stars and stripes j bate in some of its aspects is really
It can he easily done, but somebody month from Marion County? And is month? Are your taxes too high?
or commendable.
Criminal in its
Taxpayers, is this and the $85,- floating over them are worth a mill­ one sided. Our Romanist disputant
character, criminal in its purpose, it will have to art at once, as the time it true that a priest of Mt. Angel
now is very short and about $300 gets $5.00 of that money every 000 appropriation any concern of ion times more to this state than all ! does not care to say that he thinks
had frequently a political object.”
Mr. Pinkerton, head of the detec­ must be in evidence before we can be month? Is it true that priests who yours? The enemies of the Roman the parochial, Christie schools in the the popes and priests of the past
tive agency which bears his name, assured of paying expenses. We can are holding down good jobs right system go to jail with the aid of your world. Let us not be fools and sleep I tried to give the laity all the infor­
■aid, "It was maintained by some do the work without pay, but it is now in Oregon, priests whom every­ boycott, and you pay the expense on our rights. Let us arise and crush mation possible, he knows they do not
that the Mollies of the coal region impossible for us to pay the direct body knows and who are seen every of their trials and imprisonments al­ out this destroyer of our homes, of do this now. Mr. Thompson says:
were not supported or recognized by expense, therefore the proposition is day, are father* of children now be- so. You are afraid to offend the our schools and of our great republic. . “It has long been the fashion, to
the Ancient Order of Hibernians
II stigmatize the church of the middle
throughout the United States, but
Marshall, Texas, Feb. 4. — Two ages. The centuries were described
there is abundant evidence of this
men were held today under a charge a “Dark Ages,” the faith and wor­
Mr. J. E. Hosmer,
being utterly false, the Sleepers, or
of murder as the result of a shooting ship of their people were supersti­
Editor Silverton Journal,
Mollie Maguires being substantially
affray last night in the hotel room tious and idolatrous; and the Cath­
Dear Friend:—
part and portion of the society. That DEITCH-ROMAN FATHER’S LA­
Visitor’s Bureau of Information, it occupied by Wiliam Black, of Bel­ olic church was accounted for a dia­
this entire organization, from root to
sympathy for you in your brave might not be amiss to notice a ques­ laire, Ohio, an anti-Catholic lecturer, bolical contrivance; put together by
lettle Yonnie,
branch, was rotten and corrupt, has
fight for Truth and for America’s tion and part of the lengthy answer in which Black and John Rogers, a crafty priests for the attainment of
But Yonnie ’ll grow up,
been unmistakably shown to the peo­
contractor, were kil'ed and John their fiendish purposes,” etc., etc.
you would not tack for funds in the issue of January 24:
And Bphanking may make him
ple of the country.”
This statement, intended to be
Copeland, cashier of a local bank,
to help you out of your trouble. As
Von mean lettle pup.
. Mr. Dowers, who wrote an account
ironical, is strictly and absolutely be­
the Pope exercises over the whole was wounded, probably fatally.
He will bull up our turnips;
r>f the Mollie Maguires, says, "We
Catholic Church, and which he would
Black delivered a lecture here Tues- , yond dispute, as to the plans and
He’ll pour oud our beer;
are told that in the United States
night, in which he attacked the I work of the Roman priesthood. As
In the Silverton Journal of Feb.5th.
He’ll put oud our fires
there are 6,000 divisions, or lodges of
the outcome of the civil power which Roman Catholic Church. He adver­ to their beliefs, worship and lives, the
Of purgatorial fear;
the A. O. H. The question forces
I am a materalist and any jolt of­ the Popes acquired in the days of im­ tised he woud lecture again. Black laity of those times were helpless
He’ll lauf at our antics;
itself, Why is there not instant dis­
and C. F. Hall, his traveling com­ victims of what Thompson correctly
fered materialism finds me right on perial Rome?
He’ll show us up phools;
avowal of the acts of the coal region
panion, were in Black’s room when names “a diabolical contrivance put
the "fireing line". I would like to
Even now he raise hell
affairs by every division in the coun­
Rogers, Copeland and George Ryan together by crafty priests."
ask "Hope and Fear" a few questions.
Mit our parochial schules.
We have no need to make formal
try? The crimes proven are fearful
the whole church before they became visited them. The shooting followed.
• • •
that in the “Dark Ages”
in atrocity; the Society as organized
Hall and Ryan were arrested. — Co­
you know there is a God? Third,
Rome did not favor the education
in the coal region has not its paral­
did your God make time and space?
lel for evil in the history of the
Down with the hireling fools;
We know nothing more of the in­ of the laity, the so-called “common
If not, how can you conceive anything secution an-’ they exercised it in vir­
world; and yet out of 6,000 lodges in
Up with our public schools;
cident than what is contained in the people.” Go into any Romanist coun­
beyond time and space? Do you be­
America and a large organization In
Up with our flag;
Associated Press report. But it sug­ try or community today, and we find
lieve God created the universe with
Great Britain, not one word of re­
Up with free speech and thought; all of its countless worlds and suns
gests the stock argument against in a moment, that the people are ig­
pudiation of these hellish acts, except
Down with the booze-soaked sot;
” in past centuries. And, norant and superstitious in exact pro­
to light them, this earth and every­
by a part of division 2 of Phila­
Fight as our fathers fought
judging from the antics of the “faith­ portion to their subserviency to the
thing on it, the trees to bud, blossom but in Holy Writ.
The question is in plain, unmistak­ ful” here and there over the country, priesthood. Cardinal Gibbons com­
The scarlet, harlot hag.
and bear fruit of their kind and nat­
• • •
plains of the “persecution” of “the
English, and likewise is the an­ the stock is not yet exhausted.
October 3, 1874, seven priest* who
ure, man to talk, walk and under­
resided in the coal region infested
Roman Catholicism stands for stand, all in six days? Then when swer. But the answer, like the usual
Boycott and clubs and bullets are church” in Mexico and says it has
by the Molly Maguires, and before kingcraft and priestcraft. The United this same God went to write a little Catholic answer to a pointed question, powerful arguments — especially bul­ been so for 100 years. Once in a
the full extent of its criminal actions States government stands for people­ measely book called "The Holy Bi­ is all bandaged up and limps along lets; they are logical little arguments great while, even a cardinal may
were made known to the public, thus craft and teachercraft. Can we af­ ble,” it took him forty days. God has 1 on crutches.
that go straight through a subject stumble into telling a part of the
History proves that Constantine and finish up the job. If the press truth. It is about 100 years since
paid their respect to the order in the ford to allow this nation to be Ro­ neither body, parts or passion. Then
elevated the clergy to stately rank, dispatch under consideration can be the Mexican people began a struggle
Freemans Journal (Cath.), "Experi­ manized any more than it is?
the Bible divides him up into three
• • •
and thereby, doubtless unintentionally, relied on, that vigorous argument against the priests who had then en­
ence has proved that no faith ia to be
parts, Father, Son and Holy Ghost
placed in the most solemn promises
Let us set aside a day for all to Then the third part of this God , caused the heads of the bishops to from Ohio, called "William Black,” slaved them for nearly 300 years, and
or denials of the Ancient Order of pray for fallen Roman priests. If comes down to earth and is bom a swell until they must have resem­ has been successfully met and vic­ who have betrayed, deceived and
one day doesn’t bring results, a Jew. hns two fathers, Joseph, the bled Tennessee pumpkins in Septem- toriously refuted — from the thick­ robbed them at every opportunity
The early history of this order, whole month might be spent in this physical father, and the Holy Ghost, , ber. And it also proves that there headed viewpoint of the medieval since. Conditions in Mexico today,
were no popes until early in the reasoning, which concludes that bul­ with all that is included, are just
like that of the Jesuits, is simply a way very profitably. Meanwhile send the spiritual father.
I have often
seventh century, when his Satanic lets and other arguments that bruise what Rome has made them. So too
history of an organization and em­ for twelve quarts of beer.
seen twin children with one father,
• • •
Majesty made one by inducing one and tear tender human flesh are final. has it been, and is, in Cuba. Central
bodiment of the criminnl instinct, for
but I have never yet seen one child
his most distinguished earthly
which the Roman Catholic system af­
"The gobblins will get you if you with two fathers.
But let us look at the conclusion America, and the Philippines. Th<
imps—a drunken, immoral, cruel, of the whole matter. The violence of Romanists in the United States hav<
fords the nmplest protection and in­ don’t watch out.” So you’d better
The Bible tells us, "No man hath
pay for some masses and let the seen God at any time,” St. John 1, murderous emperor of Constantinople the present unites with that of the a higher per cent of illiteracy than
• • •
priest do what he can. “It’s always 18, and again St. John 5, 37, says, —to proclaim the bishop of Rome the past in a mighty protest against the the non-Romanists. This is not very
Tumulty has put another Knight of best to be on the safe side.” Poor "Ye have neither heard my voice or universal bishop.
politically ambitious, despotic, con­ much to the credit of “the church.”
Regarding the “Holy Writ origin scienceless, snaky, red-handed system
Columbus into the federal court in phools!
We blame no one, layman, priest or
seen my shape.” Now, my dear
• • •
of Papal authority” proposition, wc which wraps itself in a cloak of rel­ pope, for holding the beliefs generally
. . .
woman, how are we to find a God
Priests ruin girls. The state do­ with neither body, parts or passion, would simply say, please mark chap­ igion — so threadbare that all who held by the people of his day, no
Governor Hamond of Minnesota
nates $20,000 to support the priests’ one whom none has seen, or heard his ter and verse and mail us the book have eyes can see through it without matter how crude or superstitious
has appointed a Knight of Columbus
—our several versions of the Bible their glasses. Bullets can kill men’s these nations may be. We blame no
schools for ruined girls. The girls voice ?
to the Supreme Court.
say nothing about it.
bodies, but they can not kill the mem­ one for ignorance, if he has had no
do the dirty work for their masters,
Yes, the Materialists have some­
• * •
Our Sunday Visitor itself turns ory that lingers and the great pa­ opportunity to acquire knowledge
the holy priests, and for others. The thing better to offer anyone who
Benedict IX was made Pope when priests get all the profits. Fine sys­ wishes to live a pure, .honest life, away from both Holy Writ and his­ triotic cause.
But we execrate any one who will
tory, and appeals to tradition in be­
12 years old. He was deposed and tem, and it works!
for himself try to acquire knowl­
than the Bible. We have what reason
• • •
half of Romanism’s most fundamental sight of a prophet like Dr. Gadden edge on legitimate subjects; and who
reinstated until he was five times
teaches us is Truth. It is no trouble
It is proposed by the good girls of to prove the Bible is unfit for chil­ doctrine — apostolic succession. Rut to predict that before the 1916 cam­ tries to hinder others from acquiring
• • •
Oregon to build a reformatory to be dren to read, and as a moral guide even tradition becomes a mere speck paign closes, boycott and big hands such knowledge.
The Knights of Columbus deny the known as the “Home of the Bad is a failure. The Bible also tells us in the dim distance, and finally gets and No. “10” shoes and clubs and
We go further than this. Knowl­
4th degree oath. William Black pub­ Shepherds.” It will be exclusively there is no future life. So what is lost before it takes a last, big jump knives and bullets will be hurled, as edge is of use in the world only as
lished the oath and challenged the for fallen Roman priests and will the church giving her converts but and lights on Peter’s head.
arguments, against the true patrio­ it is translated into Right Conduct.
Knights of Columbus to put up $10,- save thousands of good girls from false promises, teaching blind faith
tism of the country.
The wickedest man in the city may
000 to meet his proof that the oath falling into the traps of these bull­ for hard cash, building up false hopes
Dr. Burt, the Methodist bishop of
Therefore, “whosoever is fearful have the greatest fund of knowledge:
was taken by them prior to 1912. necked brutes. The state will be for a heavenly home that only exists Buffalo, has organized one of the and afraid, let him return.” Those but this only makes him the more
What came of it? Knights of Co­ asked to appropriate $20,000 each in the deranged mind of man?
most significant anti-Catholic cam­ so easily frightened that they can't dangerous. The priests of the past
lumbus killed Black. Is there any­ year for this priest school. Nit!
I can prove too, that "Hope and paigns in the country. He is stirring sleep soundly between skirmishes have been ignorant as compared with
thing strikingly different between the
Fear” does not follow the teachings his own city, and likewise delivering should remain at home. Of course, men today, but, take special notice
oath and the act?
Could any attempt to rob the peo­ of the Bible herself, much less believe addresses on the subject in other even .there, the fear of possibly los­ in all the ages of their history the
• • •
ple be more bold or more unconsti­ in it. The asylums and penitentiaries cities. His most recent lecture was ing a little money in business, owing Roman priests have known enough
Recently Editor Noll, of "Our Sun­ tutional than the appropriation of are full of Bible followers.
in Detroit, where Bishop Williams to the fact that they belong to a to be good.
day Visitor” (Cath.), gave a list of over $20,000 direct to the Catholic
and other Protestants united with church whose preacher is marching
But, as shown by her own writers,
Yours for the Light of Reason,
17 papers, 6 magazines nnd 7 bitterly schools of Oregon? Do you know
Catholics in giving him the cold with Gideon, or some other suspected the blackest thing in all the hlac'
anti-Cntholic Protestant papers, be­ that the inmates of these schools pay
Ketchum, Idaho. shoulder. It is safe to say he will relationship to the American side of hi tory of Romanism, is the way in
side practically all the Lutheran nnd their way and a good fat profit to
keep right on. Little things, such as the conflict, will keep them in hot which the ignorance of the laity i
mnny other religious papers, a dozen the Hierarchy ? Do you know that
And for this hair-raising I exploited by the priesthood, in th
The Catholic census shows 6,770 critics, never hinder n man with a water.
state of mind, we recommend (free gulf they have established between
or more Masonic journnls nnd an oc­ $3000 was taken in by Catholic work­ young men studying for the priest­ message.
bishop’s of charge) catnip tea — made weak, the Religion of the People, and th
casional daily in the South, all giv­ ers in Portland alone on.St. Patrick’s hood. This bunch added to those al­
ing it to the Roman Catholic system. Day for selling green badges? It is ready at it will bring the number to strange course, America, issue Jan­ cooled and well sweetened.
Morals of the priests. If the list
In the meantime, let the members ! of immoral popes and priests do not
iWell, to be sure, Daddy Noll, it looks a monster graft, and then our law 25,764. The history of France Rhows uary 30, says:
It is hard to resist the conclusion of the “three hundred’’ brigade keep [ prove this, will you kindly tell W’
quite promising of late. We’ll hnve makers donate over $20,000 of our that as the struggle for a livelihood
the politicians on the stump in short money to give them more power. increased there was a mad rush for that Dr. Burt, the Methodist bishop, their life insurance paid up, say i what they prove ? But of this wo
is insane. Quite a profound argument. their prayers regularly, and go on.
religious ordination and support.
must speak later.
Say, won’t you wake up?
The big Roman graft in Oregon is only one out of many. All over the world,
millions of dollars are flowing into the bottomless pit of priestly greed.
The workers are in poverty and taxpayers taxed to the limit.