A DEFECTIVE SYSTEM than usual environments, or if he could stop trying to think with his No W berla In the By F. S. Weaver Cultivates Deep Nu Horae in the In order to succeed (?) in this tongue, and use his bruins, he might Garden (¡arden Man, as well as other animals, be­ not be so amusing. "dog eat dog’’ system, the victim of come what they want, what they deception is almost forced to Some eight years ago, kittens were Publnh«! ev«ry Friday niomin» at Sihwrton, its THE FASTEST, BEST AND Orresa. freedom of speech, equality of every drop of blood from a wounded “Under God the people rule,” is scales are modifications of one and opportunity and the relimon oi richteousneea. It member of the pack. “To get and emblazoned on the Seal of South Da­ the same thing. They are mixed in­ is radically opposed to every form of superstition I mmumtmmmimmmummuuumttmmmmumumntmnnu.’mtmmnnnuai and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form hold” is the game and things are not kota. and yet her public school text discriminately however. Scales for of evil. those which grew in water, so we what they seem. No better illustra­ books teach evolution, with p'ates tion of the whole system can be showing the structural identity of fish, have scales of (some) fish on birds’ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a*> THE I NION OF GOOD CHAR­ found than in the subdued and false reptile and mammal, with that of legs, the water turtle and birds with the same beak; scales and feathers condition one finds himself in when ACTER moving :: man. in their primary individual ad- on the legs of some chickens, reptile thrown into jail. He dare not write vent. “The churches will soon get to­ pictures the truth, no matter how important Everyone is familiar with the ab- neck on chicken and turtle and gi­ gether on the only common ground nor how bad the conditions are, for sorption of the tadpole tail into its raffe. a lizzard in Austria that de­ there is left, and that is the religion livers its young alive in the cold his letters are read by his jailor on legs; the same event occurs in the of righteousness, of truth, of love, ground, but when above ground in whom the poor prisoner depends for case of every man, woman an«i child, of forgiveness, of progress. ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS Ö moderate temperature it luys eggs. everything. He must of necessity The supernatural and that part of tell those who come to visit him that with very few exceptions. There are Turtles and ostriches leave their Instructive and Educative the present teaching which is like the "everything is all right,” for there several fully developed human babies eggs and young in the sand to shift old Jewish “washing of hands” will stands his jailor listening to every with tails, some of them eight inches for themselves, it is said, but that ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ be left entirely with the individual. word. And then again only a few long, in the National Museum at which shows the least design, is the 1) This can and will be done at the minutes are given him to talk to a Washington. D. C., but such excep­ incubation of a solar system which proper time to the entire satisfaction; visitor and any one behind the bars tions are rare, when people wear photographs show certain fixed stars of the members of the different de­ looks to the public like a “crazy” and clothing. which are nebula, to be doing. Round down, forgotten and unused nominations, for it is a fact that would not be understood if he tried to There is evidence of a time when along the lines of righteousness all explain bad conditions or the worst by the mother, who makes strenuous this earth had continuous land at its churches can work in harmony. And kind of danger that threatened him. demands upon leg muscles, the tail equator, with north and south poles see what a wonderful force all united Everything threrefore has to be "all of the embryo perishes away before where now are great oceans. During along this essential work would be, right” and the average prisoner, one, bones are developed; while with ani­ this time the wood that compose our « and to further show that it can even who kicks the hardest when mals who exercise their tail muscles, coal measures grew, and now extinct be accomplished let us suppose that talking with his fellow "jail birds,” it is preserved and acquires a boney animals peopled land and water. All work done in the shortest poaaible time. We are equip­ a new town is started and that it is is very good when the jailor is listen­ structure. When the ice and snow deposits over­ ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos. e(cM with very The who'e opposition to Evolution found that there are one hundred ing and as soon as he, the kicker, came the equatorial diameter and little danger of any damage done. good people to start with. Now sup­ is out he is too glad to make any is due to a misunderstanding of the weight, the iarth changed its direc- Bible, which is oblivious to the phys- I ' tion of motion, shifted its poles and pose that they are very desirous to further fuss about it. ical universe, except to sjm >o izt t have a church, but when they all j ftw animate things were not No Load too Heavy for our Team« to Haul The whole system is the same. The express their views it is discovered fellow who is in the prison of poverty spiritual man and tie univcr.se o | outright, those which survived that a few are Methodist, a few are hardly ever whines around where the thought, for speech an< its e e. t >n I frigid zones had to develop fur, the groun(1. Christian, a few are Catholic, a few “boss” is and if he escapes by be­ his evolution is all that makes man feather8 . r (Hg are Presbyterian, a few are Secular­ coming quite prosperous, he is so one whit better or more, important , Fossil specimens and a few modi- ists and a few of the other denom­ glad to be out that he says nothing than the meanest biute; • while . . history . - i tied examples are all that are left to inations. Now it would be very diffi­ about his former hard prison life, but proves that this perversion of scrip­ us; if God had any design in such a cult to establish a Methodist church floats around in the heaven of pros­ ture has put every possible obstacle proceeding, it was evidently to sup- WE MUST (¡ROW OR DIE! or one of any of the denominations perity forgetful of the millions in in the way of his progress. | ply the heavenly hosts with a vaude- represented, but a Church of Right- durance vile and the rum that is com­ Some one asks how a buzzard got ville stunt worthy of their notice, The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription List growing eou ness could and would be started ing to all through a Romanized sys- wings? Well, no buzzard, or other Possibly he was disgusted at their or it will surely die. We need your help, but we want to give and it would be a very practical and tern of deception and greed. bird exists, but was hatched or de- savage kil'ings, if so there is a even more than value received. wise thing to do. Another very nice veloped from a jetm cell; and such (chance under the present European Get uh One «r More at Fifty Cents a Year. Use the following thing about it would be that one germ cell was endowed with partic- ' activity, to have another change and blank : ular tendencies by the mental and ■ exposition. building, one minister, one set of of­ THE PRISON HORROR F R E E P R E S S muscular efforts of parentage, which ficers and one union of earnest work­ It is bed time, thanks. reproduced and established similar ers would be less expensive and ac­ The impression has been made on I complish very much more to help the world of thought that prison life desires and possibilities in the off­ themselves and to train up the chil­ is something awful. It has been held spring. THE HELP THAT HELPS The mental control over her con­ dren in the way they should go, let­ up to the child mind as the horror Fort Dodge, Iowa. The Subscription Price has been ( hanged from $1.00 to ting each individual, with the aid of of horrors, and it is. Th* awfulness duct extends to, and involves that of 50 Cents per Year. THE SILVERTON JOURNAL, his parents, decide such questions as of the death of one’s I'Oerty Is be­ the growing embryo, so far as its - pertain to the supernatural. The only yond description as to its crushing, growth has fitted it at any particu­ Dear Friends and Patriots: test of membership will be character unexplainable horror. One who has lar period, to be effected, for until EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, I am hurridly sending my renewal which will be decided by actual right experienced it can understand an born it is a part of the mother and SILVERTON, OREGON. to the Tl.e Silverton Journal along living and expert examinations. The animal in a cage. Otherwise he can has no independent existence. with one new subscriber (my sister). church of the near future will be a not. In the Portland park is a lion. If a mother with speech, utter no She has read and circulated my ., for which send THE JOURNAL to < > Enclosed find $ training school for a noble, loving, Those who have heard him make his word, she will reproduce organs of Journal considerably and likes its the following: useful, intelligent life and not a groan-like roar do not know how he speech and corresponding brain gang­ I tone, and is in strong sympathy with Name .. theological institution to make and feels until they have caught them­ lia in her child, though it lack a its brave and Patriotic Editor as am to hold believers and cheerful givers. selves in prison groaning in the same tendency or disposition to talk; but I. We try to circulate The Journal A run because there is a profit in it for go to the help of your loved ones. zard or man, the earth was covered depots, in churches, send or hand it < > Address the officers and stock holders of great Catch yourself unconsciously groan­ and the waters were filled with out to people. I have just read my publishing houses. The average min­ ing and wake up to the fact that animate forms. Flying reptiles, with last number. It is just truth boiled Name ister does not realize this and the you have made the same sound of fleshly flippers adapted to an atmos­ dow'n along the Roman question. Mr. lay members no more dream of such awful, hopeless distress that you have phere as dense as water, bat winged ***** was here at my house late­ < > Address a thing than does the average wage hear a lower animal make and then skinney monsters with head four feet ly; he had seen some account of J. E. worker realize that the profit on his you begin to realize what liberty is long and wings twenty feet from tip Hosmer’s case in “ "The The Menace," Name toil keeps up the system that makes worth. One who is used to active to tip, while others of similar struc- ! which he takes. He asked me if I millionaires. Address life, never has been locked up, nat- ture no larger than our crow, and I had heard anything new in the case Today many of the best people in urally desires activity. Walk up and each with four legs ending with four : of his last arrest, for I take several the world are not in the churches down, up and down; exercise as you fingers, make ample provision for patriotic, anti-Roman papers and and the work that they might do in have taught the children to do in buzzard wings, while changing sur­ magazines. I replied “yes.” I take organized form is lost to the world, school until your mind and muscles roundings made feathers a necessity, The Silverton Journal, printed by J. The ministers know this but what get to a certain stage of riotous ac­ and the buzzard got them. E. Hosmer himself, so I get the news can they do? tivity and of a sudden realize that Evolution teaches that no person every week.” He said, "well, I would Coolidge Street Phone Black 1242 The iron law of cause and effect you have jumped way up on the iron ever inherited an appetite for whis­ be glad to see some of his papers.” goes on and they must wait and do cage and grabbed the bars with key. Drunken parents may have ■ I gave him several late ones and he the best they can till the better day hands and feet just as you have seen idiotic children, but no baby is born said, "I will subscribe for that paper is ushered in. monkeys and squirrels do, and that with an appetite or taste; taste is I (The Journal), for I want it, and I General Contractor for Commercial and Industrial Meanwhile the wisest workers for you even unconsciously chattered out acquired after birth and from ar-1 will get other subscribers, and help Building the universal good will come down peculiar sounds just like they do, tides placed in its mouth. It will that man, for he is worthy." His • ♦ * • * to earth from their supernatural and then you may begin to know chew a dry rag as readily as the name is * • He is an * * • EXPERT ENGINEER flights and save men from their earth­ what liberty and its loss means to pap. You feed your baby horse radish, : on the ♦ ♦ • * * and lives in Ft. ly sins by preaching the golden rule, every living creature. In the Design and Construction of Beautiful Homes, red pepper as the Mexican baby is Dodge. He is a Mason and bears a the overcoming evil with good, self­ Business Houses, Schools, and Churches One hundred days in jail is the fed, give it vinegar, and spices and good reputation and seems to be on control, total abstinence from all worst lesson and the best lesson that paregoric and drugs, and the first , the right track as regards Romanism. SILVERTON, OREGON stimulants and narcotics, individual an innocent man can get. We thank time it smells whiskey it will be de­ II heard he would get several sub­ freedom of thought and the principles those who were instrumental in put­ lighted and when “the boys" ask it scribers for The Silverton Journal.” of economic and political equality of ting us in the cage and even those to drink it will just love the taste of I hope the seed planted in this spot opportunity; and not only will they who robbed us of our great right of the stuff. will produce abundantly, for it is preach these known principles of sending these prison thoughts to our If taste depraving truck is kept much needed, not only to help and truth, but they will waste no time on paper at the time, and we promise from babies during thirty years encourage the true and heroic Hos­ fight for truth and human rights. very reason the hour is one in which theories of the unknown and un­ them to pay back in good service time, the saloons would become ex­ mer, but to enlighten the sleeping Would that this country had found dykes should be built. Every inch knowable, but rather use every golden for the higher civilization that is tinct though a thousand distilleries and deceived people that we may many more men like him. I will help surrendered by the liquor tide in its hour in the work of bringing about coming, in which such severe lessons ran day and night. save our country from Roman Tyr­ all I can. I am faithfully your friend. retreat should be seized upon and the *•***• a condition in which it will not only will not be necessary; for all will dykes pushed forward, until th ^bul­ Whatever conduct the mother de­ anny and Slavery. This is a rank be possible to live right but one in have learned that ife is not worth lights in, is like to impress the young; Roman town, more than half of the wark stands firm and secure amind which it will be easy and perfectly living without that priceless inheri­ lying down chewing the cud with the population being papes and for years the whole nation. natural to do so.” Haw are we to build these dykes? tance for which our forefathers result that the young hide out in the they have mostly run the town, but No nation in the world has had a Poor dykes may prove more of a We wrote the above article for the fought at Bunker Hill and for which bush, is an example. people here are waking up too. leader over five years ago and how they suffered at Valley Forge. Let its A man who opposes the doctrine Lately there was an election of town more romantic history than that ruled menace than none at all. At least, appropriate it is for our present value be taught in our schools and of evolution is bound to ask for officers and not one pape was elected. over by Queen Wi'helmina. It has they will he a cause of constant wor­ work. The old Roman superstitions let schools that do not teach it be changes that are impossible in a sin­ Our new postmaster, C. F. Duncomb, been the scene of an age-long strug­ ry. We must build on solid foun­ could not stand up for a decade destroyed. Let the doctrines of gle gestation or under unchanged is not a pape, for which I am very gle between the forces of nature and dations. All our temperance reform against a united Protestant church. In "eternal vigilance” protect it and let conditions; if he will supply the con­ thankful. Although several papes the forces of man. Great sections must be preceded and accompanied by fact it is so potent that in “union the destroying doctrines of priestcraft ditions involved in evolutionary strove hard for *the office. It’s bad of the land have been reclaimed from careful education. Facts must be there is strength,” that almost any­ and kingcraft be rooted out forever, changes, he would find that the enough to have over half the mail the sea, ami are held in bondage to presented in such an overwhelming one can see that the union of which until the happy day comes when the changes actually occur, but any great carriers papes, hut to have them in the support of human life by huge array that men will realize the folly we speak really means the real sal­ guilty will not be powerful enough changes in form or character of ani­ full control is simply a crime. Their dykes, or walls, built to hold back of the liquor traffic. Thon our d.'^fe vation of the world, the salvation for to imprison the innocent nor the in­ mals which lived a hundred years trying to control free speech will hurt the tides, But why talk about build­ must be without leaks. They nWrt which all good people for ages have nocent so few as to have to suffer each, would exhaust his time limits, them enormously in securing office, ing dykes today? Is not the liquor be high enough and wide enough and been working and praying. LET US like caged animals for the profit or but if he was satisfied to breed small, except with their own kind, Long tide going out? Yes, thank God, it broad enough to hold back every Ex. UNITE! pleasure of the guilty. short lived animals or fishes in other live and prosper J. E. Hosmer in his is, and going out fast. And for thia drop of intoxicant. • i The Silverton Journal SO.ME IDEAS ON EVOLUTION Easiest to Run Hand Cultivator Gravity Hand Cultivator THE GEM THEATRE, :: Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. 1 THE SILVERTON JOURNAL I ► c BEN HOFSTETTER