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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1915)
t reproach, and unless there is a change in the mode of The Journal, one subscription will do me. What business is it to you or any one else what I believe as long as I am lighting the common enemy — Ro manism ? Yours for Improvement, • • • • • SOCIALIST COLUMN fished out of it. Now 1 will meet Mr. Van Trump here in nty city on Culti*atea llwp No Horae In the the following points: Lincoln was a Edited by E. W. R ons Garden Christian man; he believed in Christ We art« in danger of race de as Savior: h« prayed constantly dur Published every Friday morning at Silverton, THE FASTEST. BEST AND ing the latter part of his life; he generacy. Oregon. by Ivliev««! in the bibie to be the in J. E. HOSMER, Editor. When there is nothing between to spire«! word of God; he claimed to be catch it, Socialist argument goes in The above kindly, though “touchy converted; he believed Christ was at yne ear and out of the other IN THE WORLD IS THE criticism” is doubly welcome because God; .he trusted God for constant The old political parties are ap it gives us the opportunity to bring help;’ AND HE INTENDED TO to our readers’ minds the great ne JOIN THE CHURCH AND HF. BAP parently seeking foundations rather cessity of being liberal and not get TIZED, and was only prevented from than platforms on which to stand. ting into a narrow rut such as Ro doing so because he was killed. This The worker with a job is under manism is itself. In the work! of completely covers Van Trump’s chal sentence of hard labor. The worker lenge. anil involves all he is contend thought the only way truth can come without a job is under sentence of out is to “cut and slash” at every ing for. If Mr. Lincoln made up his death. mind to join a church it wus equal, thing we believe to be false. The Entered at the post office at Silverton. Oregon writer of the The democratic platform of 1912 criticism “cut an«! so far us his views were conceraed, at La*« rates. to doing so. I appeal to The Journal Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor and Manufacturer. . Subscription. 60c psr yosr. in sdvsncs Sinals slashed” at us and at one of our readers if this is not true? I will al declared for the independence of the copies, 5 cent*. Philippines. How free are the Phil writers. He did exactly right because SILVERTON, OREGON. Advertising rates made known upon applica it was his honest thought. To be so select a jury of twelve men in ippines today ? tion. no way connected with any church, sure we must present a united front This paper stand* for freedom of thought, tree- It is easier for the child to learn No Tramping Down Ground Cultivated Faxt No l.oat Energy We ami allow Mr. Van Trump as many dom of the pre**, freedom of speech, equality of even if we do not all see alike. challenges as a court of law. Now to walk than for the man to leurn to opportunity and the religion of righteousne»*. It must learn to give and taxe. This is i* radically opposed to every form of superstition I hold, in view of his challenge, that think, Rut neither gets anywhere itmtmmmnnnttmmmtnmunttttuinmumtnmnttmmmmnnmzmmmmmn and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form no time to cut each others’ throats, learns. of evil. and we must all learn the lesson of he must accept this — make goo«i his until he bluff — or stan«l before the public freedom of thought, freedom of Just one guess. is it the idle convicted of willfully slandering THE MAIN PLANK speech and freedom of the press, and workers or the idle shirkers that are the fair name of Mr. Lincoln, lesrn it so well that we will become, MOVING Written in Jail. We will take up his latest bluff'' forced to accept charity in all the not only willing, but anxious to pa cities these days ? PICTURES The main plank in every great tiently hear the other fellow’s ideas for consideration when he backs | up 1 this one. I have this more to ’ The man who stays with wrong in world religion has been, and is, the without getting mad ami pouting like “golden rule.” The idea of righteous a spoileti child or saying. “I won’t say: I will donate twenty-five dol- order that he may be with the mu- ness, of brotherhood, of being "on the play if you don’t stop.” We all fight lars of the one hundred to Journal jority wi'l join the majority in dead square,” of wanting to do just the common enemy, Romanism, be subscriptions if he will. Mr. Van I death before he gets right. ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND CROWN FOLKS exactly what is right, of being ready cause it is an enemy against this Trump, you are cornered, and you Instructive and Educative. and truly sorry for mistakes and not very freedom; and those who fight know it. and so do Ute rest of us, j A reformer is a man who tries to going on and getting into th’ habit against this freedom, silently or and snarling anti calling folks liars bring justice by wishing. A revolu- tionist is a man who goes after jus- of making them, of realizing that all otherwise, are giving “aid ami com won't change it. Now a word about the dead in tice with the ballot as a stick. have weaknesses and that all crime is fort to the enemy.” And. in the very only a mistake, and forgiving all men, words of our critic, “what business fidels of Silverton. Mr. Van Trump Capitalism is destroying private thus learning to sympathize with and is it to you. or to any one else, what is very angry at me because I will property. More than half the prop really learning to love our enemies, I believe, as long as I am fighting not admit that my informant falsified erty of America today is corporate this is the main plank. If all other the common enemy — Romanism, or about the way many of the Infidels rather than private In nature. planks of all the religions were lost better yet. that narrow exclusiveness connected with the school at Silverton Suppose we have an intelligence it might be better for the world, for and slavery for which Romanism I left the world. Hardly! I have every all could then unite on this one main stands? Our friend signs his name reason to believe he told the truth, test instead of a literary test. No, plank; and what a world we would after the glorious words, “Yours for and when it comes handy I will call that would not do, for then many PHONE BLACK 681 soon have! What noble citizens would Improvement,” and so say we all — that bluff also. Now I want you to fools upon whom the ability to read ' notice the word "OFFICIAL” which and write is thrown away, would be be evolved, and, if as some believe, Amen. All work done in the «horU-st possible time. We are equip i has crept into Mr. Van Trump’s last exclude«! from this country. there is a happier world hereafter, ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etc., with very ! remarks on this point. He says he how welcome would be believers and little danger of any damage done. Do you call this the lantl of the REPLY TO VAN TRUMP doers of such a creed in the "realms I i will give me so much money to prove free? What Is It to he free from beyond the skies!’’ I that one of those OFFICIALLY con King George and continue the slaves Guy Fitch Phelps No Load too Heavy for our Team« to Haul nected with the school used a shot of King Prejudice? What is it to Did you read Van Trump’s classic gun. I said nothing about the of FOR SAPHEADED PROTESTANTS in The Journal of March 5th? It is ficial members at all. He refers to be born free and not live free? Thoreau. , elegant, read it. Let me bring to- the faculty and the trustees, I sup “The first definition of “saphead” , gether a few of his honied remarks: pose. I said that I was informe«! by Plutocracy, operating through in the dictionary is “a blockhead.” “Falsehoods,” “slanders,” “fallacies,” one, whom I fully trust as to truth democratic administration. And the same reliable source of in “misrepresentations,” “false pre and honor, that a majority of those achieved its ideal of low wages formation explains that a "block- tense,” "I called him a liar,” “wolf of who were prominent supporters of the to a panic, and high necessities of ■ > WE MUST GROW OR DIE! head” is “a person said to be desti- a preacher,” “a criminal falsehood,” school and backers of the League life due to conspiracy. Great is the • i > • tute of understanding as if his skull "a common, malicious liar,” “an idiot there had gone out of the world by democratic party! The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list enclosed a block of wood in place and a liar,” “the gangrene of false the back door. I am as sure this is growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we When President Elliot, of Harvard, of hemispheres of brain.” want to give even more than value received. hood and sophistry,” “reasons with true as though I had lived there. To They are the people who maintain his sweetbreads,” “rot,” "a man who be sure, I u ed the word “shot-gun” talks about the rights of labor, the Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Use that black is white, and insist that a deliberately publishes falsehoods.” the following blank: | figuratively; they might have used well informed man wonders why that five foot book shelf of Elliot’s wasn’t blast of thunder is the song of a When you read these just remem horse pistols or winchesters. I advise A FREE PRESS bird. The great Teacher evidently ber Van Trump once taught — so he Mr. Van Trump not to run his bluff made a bit larger, so that Marx’s “ Capital ” couhl have been squeeze«! had them in mind when he said: says — in the Infidel school at Sil too far on this line. The man who “Their ears are dull of hearing, and verton, and I suppose it was in some told me this, had lived there; was in. I their eyes they have closed. The democratic platform of 1912 such place he acquired such elegance educated and fair-minded. He spoke Protestants there are a-plenty who of expression. Here is the curled lip of it with sadness. Katie Kehm declared for "the enforcement of the The subscription price has been changed from $1.00 to never protest, because they see and of infidelity so you can see it. And Smith was connected with the infidel criminal as well as the civil law 50 centH per year. hear nothing in Roman Catholicism this same blood-thirsty hatred of God schools of the valley, and she die«l against the trusts.” Suppose you • > that is to be feared. But their pro and Christ burns in this man’s breast, •9 east of the mountains calling upon name the trust magnates that have ► EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, tests are long and loud when some just as it flames toward me because God for mercy. I have made much been sent to the penitentiary since SILVERTON, OREGON. one makes a speech, publishes a book I believe in Christianity, This is the of this Lincoln challenge because it then. or writes an article against Roman real spirit of the infidel: bitter, dis- shows up not only Van Trump, but Enclos««1 And $ for which send THE JOURNAL to The Morgan interests, since the Catholicism. They consider the anti- honest, dreading nothing so much as his gang of curled-lippers, just as the following: Papal writer or speaker an alarmist, ‘f a man who can meet their positions. they are, a bunch of bitter, unreason investigation of the foundations, have Name and frequently refer to him as a Every i-fidel is a hypocrite, because ing God-haters; willing to believe cut the wages of 5,000 steel work ers to accord with the raise they man without culture or mental bal- he is DETERMINED TO PROVE anything rather than the truth re Address ance or charity. In other words, THE BIBLE FALSE, AND IS UN garding their Creator. I want you to made in steel prices to European na Name _ they hesitate not to protest against WILLING TO GIVE EVIDENCE ITS read his last article and get its spirit, tions. J. P. does know a few things, in spite of his testimony of ignorance. Protestantism. TRUE WEIGHT WHEN APPLIED and then remember — THAT IS IN- ■ Address But their tribe is decreasing rapid TO RELIGION. As to tie rest, they FIDELITY! Two things show that | ____ _ the past eight years the During Name ly these days, and soon tney will dis are like young swallows, hey simply there is much in the matter of how , United States spent t on her navy cover that the molders of thought in open their mouths and (fawn it goes. the Silverton infidels — as a class — $983,531,636, while Germany spent Addres the realms of “culture” and “balance’’ Mr. Van Trump says le will not have finished their courses: First, it on hers in the same time $678,651,595. and “charity” are about as scarce as debate scientific things with me be is such a sore spot with Van Trump. Germany’s navy amounts to • some- Name ZkZ* Z> •** Z I L, Z, L. , zl ZV ZV Ik Zk Ik I r, ,1 Lk , ZX-Mzl a « • , • 1 a « • • Jersey mosquitos in January. A few cause I have misrepresented his Second, he hides behind « the word thing, while the jingoes say Amer- Addresi years hence the preachers who apol friends. Well, he has misrepresented “OFFICIAL.” ” He says none of ‘ the ¡Cii’s navy is a joke. Nothing c uld ogize for Roman Catholicism, and the my Best Friend, and calls him a officials killed themselves. I* Name Ha, , " ha, . he plainer than that the fellows who writers who cushion their pens when bastard. But that is not the reason. how many “officials” were there? 1 want more naval contracts have Address referring to it, will be brushed out Van Trump has been running a great, Ah, Van Trump, you had better drop cheated the government and should of the way by a vigorous, onward- big, cheap bluff on himself and the out; you are easy, easy. My! my! now be turned down cold. I marching Protestantism.” community for years, and he KNOWS fellow, wake up, what’s the matter The above from the Christian THAT he cannot defend himself be- with you? Not race suicide but race degen- Standard shows the exact conditions. fore an enlightened public. I have Mr. Van Trump says: “My grand- era«y is the curse of the daV- This There are many blockhead protestants Darwin’s works here and Haeckel’s, father made his living killing snakes furnishes the constant stream of de- and so-called freethinkers who do and I challenge him to debate their for the British government in India, fective humanity that is pouring into Phone Black 1242 Coolidge Street not protest against the robbery of contents. If I have misquoted the and HEREDITY is VERY STRONG , our prisons, reformatoi-ies and eleemo- our liberties or think at all, excepting authorities let him show when and IN ME.” I should judge by this ar- synary institutions for imbecils and how to touch the hem of the garment how. I assure my readers I have tide that he not only killed them, but degenerates, Hence the state is of the goddess of Liberty on the al quoted things correctly, and they can that he ate them, and that will ex- as ’ culpable as the thief, and a con- General Contractor for Commercial and mighty dollar. There were blockhead trust what I Fave given, for my plain Van Trump's conscious heredity, dition i of society that produces Industrial Building protestants and thoughtless free authorities are the very best, and I But worse things may be said of thieves, liars, murders, parasites and thinkers in Lincoln’s time, "but you am careful. I shall not call Mr. Van Van’s grandfather. He was once a prostitutes is, as a whole, no better EXPERT FzNGINEER can’t fool all the people all the time,” Trump a liar, or say that he reasjns real snake himself (you know Van than its productions. In the Design and Construction of beauti and so that grand protesting free- with his “sweet breads,” or that he is believes in reptile evolution). Worse ful homes, business houses, schools thinking statesman did something to “a wolf of an infidel.” But one thing yet, he was once a wolf, then a mon and churches. make the world better, even if the I must say is that he practiced de key, then he killed snakes, and Van SOCIALISM NOT OPPOSED CATHOLICISM traitors did kill him, and he still ception regarding Lincoln, AND says, that “heredity is VERY strong SILVERTON, OREGON lives and helps us, in our time, in KNEW HE WAS DOING SO, and in him.” We believe you, neighbor, the fight against a debasing, de- trusted that the public would not and seeing that you admit it, we for There is a vast difference in generating slavery! take time to look it up. Van Trump give the snake and wolf and monkey cialism opposing the Catholic church knew all the time that Lincoln was a elements which appear in your nature , because of its misrepresentations of A “TOUCHY” CRITICISM man who believed in the entire and published articles. Meantime I Socialist principles, and in opposing feed scheme of Christianity, and he tried am waiting for that hundred dollars i its religion. But Verne E. Sheridan But it is not opposed to, nor in favor than beef. of, the religion of either. Lampreys upon child flesh; it makes the mistake of making no dis The following "touchy” criticism once too often to bluff his way on the Lincoln challenge. As a "class conscious Socialist and cheaper than mutton. Christ tinction. Individual Socialists oppose was recently received from Roseburg: through. If he has the evidence that , all religion. Others oppose Infidelity Materialist,” I heartily concur with cussed the question with men of that Lincoln never confessed Christ as Editor Silverton Journal: A Catholic paper says the city of and all forms of Freethought; but as Miss Sheridan in the hope that day as to whether a man wus any Savior let him meet me on the I am writing to say that I have terms of his own challenge. Why Brussels erected a monument to the an organized body they oppose when the workers get in control the better than a sheep. The religious been a friend to The Silverton Jour did he back down aftqr issuing it? memory of Francisco Ferrer (the neither. Socialism does not concern Catholic church will be knocked into and political leaders took the neg nal, but how in Sam Hill do you He thought I was one of these little educator killed by the Spanish Cath itself with religion in any way what smithereens; but I just as ardently ative of the question, Christ alone expect to accomplish anything against tea-party preachers who would not olics), but that the German governor ever; and this is the sense in which hope that the Protestant churches took the affirmative and a religion Romanism by cutting and slashing at cause a stir on such matters. First of Brussels on Jan. 24 ordered its re Fred D. Warren makes the claim that will, too. I want this done, how- that is not formed on Christ’s teach all other religions? We have got to he sent me a challenge to meet Ed moval after declaring it a public Socialism is not oppose! to Cath ever, by educating the masses out of ings and cannot save society from their superstitions, not by physical hell here, will, I fear, fail to Have present a united front to Rome if ward Cantrell. But Cantrell had to scandal. It seems the Kaiser’s forces olicism. Chas. F. Randall. souls from hell hereafter. we ever down her. Now what I am go east suddenly. Then he issued are coddling the Papes just now quite It is true, as Miss Sheridan says, force. getting at is the dirty diatribe in a his Lincoln challenge offering me one a bit. that “the Catholic church stands to recent issue on spiritualism and the hundred dollars to prove to a Chris Jesus Christ taught the world no Romanism frankly asserts that day where it has always stood, on The Hierarchs raise a mighty howl slanderous lie about Ella Wheeler tian jury that Lincoln ever confessed Protestantism has no rights where the side of the class power, on the greater lesson than that of the value about the godlessness of the public Wilcox, that she connived with, and Christ as Savior, or joined a church. Popery is triumphant, and the bish side of the employing class, which is of humanity, When Jesus was born schools. They would discredity^ aided and abetted a fraudulent me But why has he not met me? I ac ops take an oath tnat binds them to i the master class.” But this is equally in Bethlehem of Judea 70 per cent the public school to get it out of theV dium. I denounce that as a dirty lie. cept the challenge, save that Lincoln persecute all who will not bow to i true of the Protestant churches. And of the population was in slavery and way of the parochial incubator of Ella Wheeler Wilcox is a lady above did not join a church. But he craw- “our said Lord and his successors.” | in this, Socialism is opposed to both. serfdom; human flesh was cheaper treason. to Run Hand Cultivator Gravity Hand Cultivator THE GEM THEATRE, Never Gets Old o PACIFIC TRANSFER CO THE SILVERTON JOURNAL BEN HOFSTETTER