The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, March 12, 1915, Image 2

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When our industries are properly family on the earth. From its flocks eternally hellish system that was ever
organized, the only punishment ad­ and fields are gathered more thun is conceived in the mind of tho king of
Cultivate« Deep
No Horse in the
No Wheels In the
ministered for most offenses will be necessary to clothe every man, wom­ all the princes of the brimestone
for the poor victim to forfeit an ap- an and child that inhabits the globe. blackened lower region«.
Published »very Friday mornin« at Sitvarton. • propriate portion of the fruits of his In its majestic mountains is carried
During the former dark days it
Orason, by
labor and perhaps to be changed to the stored up sunshine of dead cen­ wore the gown of a long faced priest
J. E. HOSMER. Editor.
another field of work and possibly, turies. Whoever says it has at any or was mitered with tho crown of a
in extreme cases, be specially guard­ time been niggardly and selfish in its blood lusting pope. In thia age it ia
ed. All murder and greater crimes giving exposes his ignorance and ad­ clothed in a garment glittering with
dollar signs, and is upheld in ita ains
should be treated as insanity, for vertises himself as a fool.
You, and all, must face the fact in church and cathedral by toadying
that is what it really is. But when
the greatest cause of insanity is re­ that it was unusually liberal with its preachers and fawning priests; and
moved. both prenatal and postnatal, blessings last year, especially here in they altogether dish out refused
crums to Hungry men and women on
insanity will disappear almost entirely. the United States.
This being true, let me put some guilded plates of pretended charity.
Taxpayers, put people to work and
Oh! Demon of all tho damned
see that they are well paid and your serious thoughts before you; ami 1
taxes will grow less very rapidly. hope you will ponder over them until spirits that howl and shriek through
Punishment is a crime! The old your heart will bum with suvh an the black regions of an eternal hell,'
idea of “an eye for an eye” must unquenchable tire that you can not thou art an angel of mercy compared
Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor and Manufacturer.
give way to the new commandment keep from going out and boldly cry­ to the rich capitalists und their
that “ye love one another," not mere­ ing out against the greatest evil of henchmen upon the face of this earth.
The only place of record that Jpaus
ly as a sentiment, religious doctrine, the age.
There was enough and more wheat Christ ever permitted us to peak into
but as a new business, politcal and
No Tramping Down Ground
Cultivate« Fant
No Lo«t Energy
economic basis for our higher and raised in this country last year to the future existence ia where he told
feed every being in it Why does any of the rich man in hell being tor­
more progressive civilization.
mented in flames. He never, never,
one have to go hungry?
There was more than enough cloth­ under any circumstances, gave a
ing manufactured during the same word of comfort to a rich man. I
time to cover every shivering body. challenge the world to show one text
Why does any one have to suffer in that does.
The plutocratic press and their
Capitalism is the greatest sin in
Walla Walla, Wash., Jan. 30, 1915. the cold?
supporters, including the politicians
There is an abundant supply of coal the world today. It is the basis of
in office, are doing the country an To Rev. Mr. Dash:
and oil in the earth to warm and all other sins. The liquor traffic,
awful injury by “serving all alike”
Dear Sir: I note in the Morning light every home in the country. Why- the brothel, the war, now cursing all
as they call it. They are afraid of Union a statement that the wood do some fathers and mothers have to Europe, and every other form of in­
losing the patronage and vote of the piles are being exhausted, and your freeze; and why, oh! why do many sanity ia carried on by the worship­
Roman Catholics and so they pretend call for suggestions relative to cloth­ little babes, the soft tender buds of ers at its shrine only. No man would
to let all denominations do whatever ing and feeding the naked and hungry future citizens, become cold ami stiff run a sloppy old saloon unless there
Instructive ajid Educative.
they like, but these tricksters know who are forced to beg upon the during the dark hours of the night was capitalistic profit in it. No wom­
that the Catholic priests and their streets of the town in order to live. as the icy winds whistle their little an would leave her place of purity
trusties wl’ do many things that no
Permit me in the spirit of kindness funeral derges, and the snow bu»ld» and deliberately become the most de­
Protestant or free thinking people to submit for your consideration some a little white mound marking their graded being on earth by keeping a
would think of doing. And if a >y one i facts with regard to this awful con- last resting place?
house of ill fame only for the price
among the Protestants should en­ | dition which is not only engaging
In the name of heaven, do preach­ of gold derived therefrom. No girl
deavor to use the Roman methods, your attention here, but is confront­ ers and Christian people ever read would wear her life away under the
these same plutocratic presses, poli­ ing the people every where in this Matt. 25, 31-46, and if so, how do glare of the red light unless driven
ticians and officers would make a land of “Plenty and to spare.”
they ever expect to stand before the there by the present system of filch-
special case of it and prosecute and
ering greed which forces her there
I deem it unnecessary to prove to Lord at that judgment?
Have you ever read in your bible in order to live.
persecute to the limit.
you and your associates that there is
The priesthood is raising hell as no something very radically wrong with of any of the angels in heaven becom­
We have arrived at the age in the
other denomination would want or I , the present status of our environ- ing millionaires, from the products history of the world where men and
there, while other angels wer.t staiv- women will steal, lie, cheat, sell the
dare do, and yet the plutes, from , ment
All work done in the «horte«! poewible time. We are equip­
the President down to dog catchers,
ped to handle all kinda of furniture, pianos, atcM with very little
There is an axiom in philosophy ing and having to beg on the golden sunlight from the home, barter the
dare not lift their voice except in that is true as that God is the ere- 1 i streets ? Have you ever read in your roses of health from the cheeks of
danger of any damage done.
praise. Thus the Beast is rapidly 1 ator of this world. It is found in bible where God ever made a law their children, and trade in the virtue
gaining power in America, and, like tlese words: “Every ’ effect has its that a few of his church members of their wives and sisters for a mite
No Load too Heavy for our Teams to Haul.
a privileged band of thieves who are relative cause.”
should do nothing and get ever; thing of filthy lucre. Why, do you know
let in on the same footing of silence
You are witnessing here an un- while the others do everything and that right here under the shadows of
as a Sunday School is, they are rob­ deniable demonstration of the truth- get nothing ? If not, can you or any your churches and cathedrals wives
bing us of the fruits of our public fulness of this eternal law. It is not one else say the church with its rich are selling their virtue to help their
schools, imprisoning American girls, only seen here in your own little city, and heartless millonaires is a rep- husbands get a little money upon
causing the delinquency of minors, but has come to be the great problem resentative of the king of heaven, which to live.
p icticing a most damnable confidence with which every town in our fair and that it teaches his laws? If it
There is no word in any known
game, robbing hard working citizens land, whether large or small, has to does neither of these things what will language nor sentence that can be
be its destiny in the long, long eter­ formed capable of depicting such a
o ' their money, living lifes of de­ reckon.
bauchery and shame and working
The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list |
In the spirit of reason, and with nity? And what will become of you hellish system. The system under
every minute to Romanize America. becoming candor, let us analyze the and all other preachers if you know which we are living is the only cause •’ growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we ♦
In the name of all that’s good, situation as any sensible philosopher these things-and do not jry out with that is producing the horrible effect • want to give even more than value received.
; ’
tl.ose who understand this to be the would any other malady sorely affect­ all your might against them?
Get us one or more at fifty cents a year.
Use ;;
engaging your attention, and for
I believe we can now, agreeably, which you are calling for help in the ; the following blank:
truth should let personal pleasure, ing the welfare of the citizens of the
exclude God and nature from our relief.
business and even the approval of the nation.
thoughtless so-called friends go by
Now in kindness let me suggest
From what source comes such ab­ diagnosis of the case before us, and
the board and do their part toward normal conditions ? What produces turn our attention to the only re­ the only way out of the situation.
saving America and Americanism. * such a state of affairs among people maining cause of such bitter suffer­ Ponder it deeply. Act upon it for the
sake of all humble hungry hearts in
who are taken to be model Christians, ing upon the earth today.
Do you know what that cause is? this town, this nation, this world. I
The Hubncription price has been changed from $1.00 to
and are supposed to be followers of
the meek and lowly Nazarene car­ I am sure I do, and can write it in a can express it in one beautiful world.
50 cents per year.
penter. To handle the case properly word of four letters, but will leave SOCIALISM. Study it prayerfully.
Open all the jails and penitentiaries we must eliminate certain well known space........ that you may do it your­ Work for it energetically. Vote it
self. It is very easy to discover it. when the elections come around. It ia
and say to the inmates, “go thy way forces.
and sin no more.” Only hold the in­
In its dark dungeon was planned the Holy Spirit’s way. Read Acts 2,
For argument sake we will admit
Enclosed find $..
........ . for which send THE JOURNAL to
sane and heal them as fast as we there are three powers in existence the damnable scheme that made the 42-45. If you don’t understand it
the following:
can with the best specialists our capable of creating the cause which first eye glisten with a tear, the come to me and I will to the best of
country can get. Now let the state is producing the awful effect now first bosom to heave with a heart my ability make it plain to you.
Name .......
(the nation) give everybody work, lamented by all who possess the least ache, the first stomach to grind with Then take your bible nnd from its
Address ____ _______
and, as far as possible, the full social degree of Christian conscience to hunger, and the first skin to shiver pages preach as the prophets of old
did against 'the cursed system of
product of their toil. What would be guide them.
with cold.
the result? After being in jail and
We are informed that God, the
From that sad moment down usury and oppression of th« poor, and
associating with many classes of supreme ruler over all, ia responsible through the ages unto the present tell in burning words to men and
criminals we are satisfied that, with for the cause of all thia misery. I time it has been the hatching place women that heaven must begin here,
due care that all have a square deal, do not know what you think about it, of every conceivable crime against and as we have no record of a rich
there would be far less danger in but to my mind such a thought is truth and justice. Its inmates, hench­ man ever being in heaven above nor
letting them out than in keeping most absurd, preposterous and con- i men, and "hangers-on” have been the any promise of his ever getting
them in until their minds and the temptably unreasonable; and so much i instigators of every degenerating there, tell them that there is only
minds of others have become more so that I shall not entertain it as I thing from the sneaking of a hen
bitter, There are a few murders, worthy of refutation.
< off the roost at midnight to the ex­ they better accept socialism now. For
Name ___
and a few others who have com-
Again, we are told, that it is a ] ploiting of tons and tons of food sup­ it is practical Christianity. No man
mitted heinous crimes, and who on natural occurrence, and that it is im- j ply, lands that rightly belong to all can be a Christian without socialism.
Address ____ __
examination would prove dangerous possible to change human nature; I the people, railroads, municipaities, Every socialist must be a thinker,
to society, who should be held as and therefore the god of nature is < congressional assemblies, senatorial must be humble, must be kind to all.
patients of the state. Some of them arraigned before the court and* un- I gatherings, and presidents and rulers It is sure to come to the relief of the
are only periodically insane, therefore mercifully accused for keeping the < of nations. They have been guilty people, and they might as well re­
great care should be exercised and willing workers out of jobs from of every heinous crime known to man, ceive it and work for it intelligently.
no one turned out who is not proven which they might obtain the means from the stealing of a kiss from a Otherwise they will be forced and
to be perfectly trustworthy as far as to live and dress decently.
blushing maiden’s innocent lips to the whipped into it by circumstances.
Phone Black 1242.
Coolidge Street. ■ >
murder or worse than murder is con­
I deny such infamous and unreason­ soiling of the virtue of purest woman­ And why not, "Quit you like men,
and be strong.” And live as Jesus did.
cerned. But the great majority of able charges and insist that they are hood.
our prisoners would be most excellent untrue, and are made by the guilty,
Its filthy, slimy, snakish creatures “To minister and not to be ministered
Very respectfully,
citizens if put to work at good pay. pious, fed and fat paunched hypo- in their secret conclaves have con- unto.”
General Contractor for Commercial and
C. O. M. RADE.
This would save the state millions crites for the purpose of diverting ceived in their corrupted minds anti
Industrial Building
of dollars and lower taxes. It would attention from their own infernal brought forth from their impish
stop crime almost entirely, for there practises.
. hearts the chamelion like cause of the
London, January 30. — Cardinal
is nothing so productive of It as idle­
Does not every one know who present excruciating hunger and shiv­ Bourne has granted a dispensation
In the Design and Construction of beauti­
ness, over work and under pay, and thinks for himself in the least that ering nakedness.
workings to the Catholics of England to eat
ful homes, business houses, schools
association with other criminals in the very basic law of this great and through them is with all deceivable meat on Fridays and holidays be­
and churches.
our prisons. Put everybody to work. mysterious force is to produce for > Beings and flatterings under the guise
cause of the high price of fish. Who
Down with useless jails and peni- the enjoyment
_ _____________________
of all the human race. ’ of religion and "Big Biz.”
says the Catholic Church don’t stand
tentiaries and other tax producing Is it not an evident fact that it al-
Paul describes its king as being for freedom?
When did ever u
institutions. Even many of our re­ ways does so unless some being1 l
"_ to transform
___ '___ 1.1
___ \2 i..._
into __
an Protestant minister give his peoplo
form schools are said to be hot beds usurps authority over it and breaks angel of light. We need only glance
the right to change their hash?
for training criminals. Punishment its laws or tries to control them at the pages of blood stained history,
in our government must give place to from their original purposes. It un­ one glimpse at the superstitious per­
the idea of industry. Give boys and selfishly gives forth every thing to secutions of Roman Catholicism to e
Four-room House and Lot, 70x210,
Now wo have it. Lot at ono half
men something to do that they want man for his happiness and glory, rflaHtro
e on Mill Street. God location, only price to tho person who will build a
/llllv fT»aF
ia ♦»•iizx
4-»1 a a cj
realize fully
that FVvia
this is
true. AA7i
to do and let them have a satisfac­ From its myriades of tfny seeds come the age of the inquisition with its
$1500 house on it, good location on
Arrive from Portland 8.25 A.M. e $1750. $200 cash, good investment.
tory reward and no jails will be nec­ the various plants and the delicate lustful priests and lecherous popes,
Fine Lot on Fitch Stroet, a dandy South Water Street. Also other lots
11.05 A.M. •
essary. The writer positively knows flower stems upon which are hung its weak minded kings and drunken, ♦
4.15 P.M. e building sight, close in, it ”;ill not be in ^his part of Silverton with the un­
that the best teachers keep their stu- the golden balled blossoms painted greed mongering courts, its poor and e
8.20 P.M. e on the market «long, only $350. Come derstanding that houses built must he
dents busy at work or at beneficial i in the richest colors of the rain bow. humble beings kept in the darkest
of $1000 valve or over. Cascade Real
Salem 10.59 A.M. e quick I
play, and that the worst governed J Upon the bosom of its aromatic ignorance, oppressed for gold, and *
FOR SALE — A nice large lot, Estate Company.
5.00 P.M. e
S' hools and homes are those where . roses in the silent hours of the night ground down to horrifying suffering
50x120, in the Capital Citiy. Fruits of
Arrive from Albany
Do you want to buy a beautiful plot
the most punishment is administered, it tenderly places the diamond dew for a pittance of usury. Note care­
via Lebanon
9.15 A.M. ♦ every kind, cn Oregon Electric Line, of ground w th fruit and berries al­
Punishment makes people brutal. It drops, infinitely more beautiful than fully its fox like doings today under e
2 blocks from school, near church.
puts criminal ideas into the minds anything the mind of man has con­ the cover of capitalism, the most t Depart for Portland 7.80 A.M. e Good bargain at $250. See Cascade ready in bearing, with wood shed built
and two tent houses? This is a bar­
of almost everybody, breaks up our ceived or his artistic hand has put heartless, unmerciful, ungodly, un- •
Kcal Estate Co., Silverton, Ore.
9.15 A.M.
on the installment plan. THQ)
homes (the very foundation of civil­ on canvas with paint and brush. From christ like, unheavenly, unangelic, un­ •
2.00 P.M. e
$1200 — Three acres in Southern property is three blocks from car lin<r
ization), costs the state millions its abundant store house it gives righteous, ungentlemanly, unbrother- e
5.00 P.M. e Calofomia, water for irrigation, that runs into Portland. Price $1800,
« Salem 8.25 AM. e
through the loss of labor and ex­ lavishingly the different varieties of ly, unhuman, impure, hypocritical, de­ e
3-, oom house. $300 cash, balance to $100 down, $15 per month. Now’s the
pense of courts and prisons, and does food. Its vast forest contain enough ceitful, contemptable, disengenious, •
1.00 P.M. e cuit purchase: at 7 per cent. — Cas­ time and The Cascade Real Estate Co.
no good whatever.
and more for the sheltering of every corruptable, devilish, damnable and
cade Real Estate Co.
are the people. Come and seel
The Silverton Journal
Easiest to Run Hand Cultivator
Gravity Hand Cultivator
Buy one for $8.00
Never Gets Old