The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, March 12, 1915, Image 1

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    S ilverton
"Tumulty hua completely enveloped
Wll»on,” they »ay in Washington.
No. 19.
A Romanist priest, George Thomp­
son of Portland, in a recent letter Io
• • •
the "Telegram” so strikingly illus­
The United Stutce han been made
trates the method» and tlie spirit of
an independent "Jesuit Assistancy,”
Romanism, that it would be a pity
with a holy-boner presiding.
not to notice him. He says "His­
• • •
torical evidence proves to a demon­
Frank Duvey, Catholic and K. C.,
stration that the Christianity of His­
as the world has never seen, will pass over
has been made book-keeper at the
tory, whatever else it may have been,
l’enit aJUary.
the country, spreading ruin and desolation
was not the religion of Protestants."
• • •
He refers to Cardinal Newman, who
though not a prophet, I see a very dark cloud
Hugh Mcl ain, the moat prominent
said substantially the same thing. In
will be long days of peace and prosperity;
Catholic in ’luuthem Oregon, hue been
on our horizon. That dark cloud is coming
its substance, the same remark is
appointed poatmaeter at Marehheld.
frequently made by Romanists. It is
• • e
a catchy statement and to the un­
It will rise and increase till it* flank« will be
A Roman Catholic Hibernian hax
informed it seems very profound and
been nominated for Mayor by the
from our country. Neither I nor you, but our
torn by a flash of lightning, followed by a
very comprehensive and some may
Democrat» of Chicago.
think that Protestantism has no sup­
children will see these things.“
• • •
port from history; but the statement
The California Senate has chosen
is superficial and lacking in candor.
a Catholic priest for chaplain of that
When the priest names “The Chris­
The Knight» of Columbus order 1» A Bill to Amend the Postal Lawa cause the Civil War and kill Lincoln? those states have been conquered or tianity of History,” he would exclude
Jbody for the present term.
» • a
nothing but the recruiting, drilling
Be it enacted by the Senate and Let this great immortal propbet speak bought by us since. But Rome had from notice the Greek and Oriental
Priest O'Donnell is appointed to ■rmy of the old enemy from whom House of Representatives of the again as to the cause of the Civil put the deadly virus of her anti­ Churches, as well as the small
social and anti-christian maxims into bodies of dissenters who, at various
officiate at the dedication of the In­ our father» fled when they left Eu­ United States of America in Con­ War:
“It is with the southern leaders the veins of the people before they times and places, sought to learn and
diana Pavillion at the Panama ex- rope. These Roman» have the same gress assembled, That whenever it
old idea of a ..ighly concentrated form ahull be etsablished to the satisfac­ of this Civil War, as with the big and became American citizens. Unfor­ practice the Teaching:; of the Bible,
positl n.
• • •
of government.
believe tion of the Postmaster-General that small wheels of our railroad cars. tunately the Jesuits and the nuns but who, whenever found, were per­
Let us initiate an amendment to the in the obedience of the people to a any perr-on is engaged in the business Those who ignore the laws of me­ have in great part remained the secuted to the death by the priests
State Constitution to cut out approp­ power outside of themselves, and not of publishing any scandalous, scur­ chanics are apt to think that the teachers of those people since. They of Rome. These priests and the civil
riations of public money to private in a government by the consent of rilous, indecent or immoral books, large, strong and noisy wheels that have continued, in a silent, but most rulers they could control, never tol­
the governed. The king and the pope, pamphlets, pictures, prints, engrav­ they see, are the motive power, but efficacious way, to spread their hatred erated dissent. They would have you
and sectarian institutions.
• • •
the noblemen and the priest» with ings, lithographs, photographs or they are mistaken. The real motive against our institutions, our laws, believe that Romanism is the “Chris­
Let us initiate a Convent Inspection their »gent», »elected from those other publications which are, or are power is not seen; it is noiseless and our schools, our rights and liberties, tianity of History," whole and entire;
measure, and have a vote upon it. among their aubjecta who are willing represented to be, a reflection on any well concealed in the dark, behind its in such a way, that this terrible con­ and Thompson has done us a special
Let the people do what the legisla­ to help subdue, enslave and exploit form of religious worship practiced iron walls. The motive power are flict became unavoidable, between the kindness, and has earned our lasting
ture refused to do.
those of their fellows who are good or held sacred by any citizens of the the few well concealed pails of water North and the South. As I told you gratitude in proving “with a wig
• • •
for nothing (in the warped minds United States, it is hereby declared heated into steam, which is itself di­ before, it is to Popery that we owe full of learning” that the “Religion
According to press reports, Bryan of the masters) excepting to toil, is that the Postmaster-General shall rected by the noiseless, small, but un­ this terrible civil war.
of Protestants” is not such counter­
has been making himself perniciously the governing principle of these ene­ make the necessary rules and regula­ erring engineer’s finger.
“I would have laughed at the man feit of Christianity as that practiced
active in behalf of the priests of mies of the American idea of equal tions to exclude such matter from
“The common people see and hear who would have told me that before by Rome during the ages past.
the big, noisy wheels of the Southern I became the President. But Profes­
rights for all. In 1776 the American the mails.
But is it true that Romanism is
• • •
Confederacy’s cars, they call them sor Morse has opened my eyes on “The Christianity of History?” If it
patriots fought for the then new, but
A convent inspection bill passed better idea, that all men should lave
Read it again! Could anything be Jeff Davis, Lee, Toombs, Beauregard, that subject. And, now, I see that were, God pity both the "History"
the Colorado House by a vote of 47 the equal right to life, liberty and worse and engage the attention of Semmes, etc., and they honestly think mystery; I understand that engineer­ and the "Christianity.” Let us cor
to 12. A catholic paper says the the pursuit of happiness. They fought our law makers for one moment? that they are the motive power, the ing of hell which, though not seen, sider the facts. Christianity was
Catholics of the state are up in urms hard and long. They fought against What does the United States Consti­ first cause of our troubles. But it is nor even suspected by the country, preached in Rome and a church
about it. Why, oh, why?
great odds. They fought to secure tution say? Here it is, read it:
a mistake. The true motive power is is putting in motion the large, heavy formed in the days of the Apostles.
“Congress shall make no laws re- secreted behind the thick walls of the and noisy wheels of the state cars of Pastors were provided, and the chief
* * ’
liberty for us, their posterity. And
A Catholic paper says there is now after we have proven that their pecting an establishment of religion, Vatican, the colleges and schools of the Southern Confederacy."
pastor was named “bishop." The
soon to be established in Japan a ideas were right, after we have had or of prohibiting the free exerc:se Jesuits, the convents o? the nuns and
churches at other cities in the em­
And now we are driving ahead into pire respected the chief pastor of the
convent of Dominican nuns, which self-government and know that it is thereof; or abridging the freedom the confessional boxes of Rome.
it calls a "House of Mother».” A a million times better than the old of speech, or of the press; or the
“There is a fact which is too much another great conflict with this ene­ Roman Church, according to the char­
very fitting name, probably.
slavery of the tyrant*» idea of a di­ right of the people peaceably to as­ ignored by the American people, and my of liberty, purity and progress; acter he exhibited, and as pastor of
• • •
vine right to enslave the masses for semble, and to petition the govern­ with which I am acquainted only and those who think, will see beyond the church in the capital city of the
An apologist for Romanism says, hi» sole benefit and amusement — ment for a redress of grievances."
since I became President; it is that Woodrow Wilson, Tumulty, Roosevelt, empire. The Greek and the Oriental
"The world will find peace only when now, in this twentieth century, the old
Read it again! If the hill above the best, the leading families of the Taft, Madera, Bryan, Carranza, Villa churches never did more than this
it goes back to the belief in De enemy, in desperate knowledge that mentioned, has already been in­ South, have received their education and the Supreme Court, right behind — they never confessed him as their
mocracy and Catholicity." DEMOC­ its reign i» about to perish from the troduced, passes, no one can print in great part, if not in whole, from the thick walls of the Vatican, and master.
RACY and CATHOLICITY! Whew! earth, now, today, it is upon us in anything and send it to his friends, the Jesuits and the nuns. Hence those right behind the thick walls of the
As time passed, as persecution
• • •
all the fierce fury of that desperation. unless he has the consent of one man. degrading principles of slavery, pride, little Vaticans scattered like great from the pagans ceased, and as the
The editor of the American Citixen Patriots, heirs of the blessings of that This is "one man rule” with a ven­ cruelty, which are as a second nature sores all over this glorious republic. church in Rome became stronger, am­
has been sued for $50,000 damages liberty given to us by those who geance; and it is coming and will among sj many of those people.
Let us be aroused mightily, when bitious men sought the office of
for an article in his paper. A K. C. fought and died for its blessings, keep coming unless we put the ene­ Hence that strange want of fair play, one American girl flees from the bishop and strove to gain wider au­
is the plaintiff. Pretty thin-skinned, awake! The European crime is the my forever out of business.
humanity; that implacable hatred prison walls of .the enemy or when thority. Thus, af er some centuries
these noble Knights.
work of that enemy. The Mexican
Is it true, or not true, that the against the ideas of equality and one American is falsely imprisoned for of st niggle the bishops of Rome,
• • •
crime is the work of that enemy. Roman Catholic Hierarchy (and ths liberty, as we find them In the Gospel recording tve fact; but let yas be a who now took the name Pope, be­
L. J. King, a lecturer, was set That enemy will draw us into its aw­ ideas which this powerful orgnization of Christ. You do not ignore that thousand times more aroused—let us came rulers of the churches of wes­
upon by a Catholic mob, and later by
ful net. They already have gone promulgates) is responsible for the the first settlers of Louisiana, Flor­ do something more than being arous­ tern Europe. Thence forward, until
the police in Paterson, N. J. By order
conditions in Europe? Is it trua or ida, New Mexico, Texas, South Cali­ ed, when the enemy enters our sacred the sixteenth century, no form of
of the mayor the Auditorium was into our American Congress and in­ not true that she is responsible for fornia and Missouri, were Roman halls of legislation, and there tries worship other thin the Roman, was
troduced a bill against the freedom the situation in Mexico? Did this Catholics, and that their first teach­ to gag and bind our good and great publicly recognized.
closed against him.
• • •
of the press. Read it:
enemy of democracy and freedom ers were Jesuit». It is true that American goddess of Liberty.
What did the bishops of Rome,
In about one dozen states bills
now calling themselves popes, do for
)<>r convent inspection were before
the religious life of themselves and
the legislatures. These were all op­
I the sea, and there set up a govern- AMERICA alias NEW IRELAND their people? They had built the
posed by the Catholic Hierarchs, of
clergy into a singularly powerful or­
I ment of their own in which every
By Howard S. Taylor
course. But the day is coming when for organizing Patriotic Citizens who
ganization. By craft they had gained
one was safe and happy. They really
are opposed to the political encroach­ Far away! but we can hear it,
Papal prisons will have to go.
control of the minds and consciences
were happy and 6afe and became
My country ’tis of thee
• • •
ments of the Roman Catholic
For our fancies bring us near it!
of the ignorant, and they maintained
very wealthy, so that the cruel King
The Knights of Columbus are la­
Do we love it? Do we fear it?
authority by lersecuting, and as far
across the sea became ambitious to
I give my thanks.
boring under the delusion that it is Everybody Knows that the Church of
Dare we tell ’
as possible, destroying all who dared
rule over this new country.
Land where the O’s and Mac’s
their mission to regulate free speech
Rome is in Politics.
think, or believe, or worship differ­
in America. The press-gag bills in­ Everybody Knows that her devotees For the sound-waves, still in motion,
ently from themselves. The only form
manner, allowing his subjects to go
Make laws and levy tax
Flung from ocean on to ocean,
troduced in Congress, and the killing
of relig'ous worship to which, from
— often ignorant men — secure
Like a prophet raptly crying,
of William Black show the range of
the seventh to the sixteenth century,
political and corporation prefer­
Claim an answer past denying,
their efforts.
Land where the Flannel-mouth
Europeans had free access, was the
ment far in excess of their talent
as they should be powerful enough
“Is mine ancient worship dying?”
• • •
Runs things from north to south,
form prescribed by Rome. Here and
or numerical proportion.
Saith the bell!
A joint resolution was introduced Everybody Knows that Roman Cath­
Praise to thy rings.
there were persons who, born as Ro­
side. So, for many years they came
in Congress (Feb. 10) which read as
had learned something better,
olicism is thoroughly and power­ Do we love it, and revere it?
in large numbers until they got nu­
follows: "It is the sense of Congress
All things in politics
but seeking to practice it, Rome per­
fully organized in secret asso­ Hold your hearts and try to hear it! merous enough to enforce what they
that it is no part of the duty or the
To suit the boodle micks,
secuted them to the death. The “His-
ciations: The Knights of Colum­ Lift your honest hands and swear it wanted in certain places, then they
right of this government to send or
tory” of those times tells little about
bus, Jesuits, Hibernians and
True and well,
became bold enough to say openly
receive embassadors to and from any
these people, but thank God, the
countless similar organizations. That the faith your Fathers cherished. that they were going to possess the
Land where the thief or rogue
church whatever.”
“Religion of Protestants” is entirely
Everybody Knows that Romanism And for which they fought and perished country for their King. And when
If he possess a brogue
• • •
different from the pretended “Chris­
never changes; and that she now Shall pervade this favored Nation
they did so, the people of this new
Ne’er goes to jail.
k The great yearly Novena will be
tianity” of Rome, as practiced during
arrogantly declares and even de­
Till the latest generation
country arose in their anger and this
Thou art the land for me,
'pulled off in Rome March 8. Its ob­
ages and since. Now let Car­
mands that she must have pol­
Echoes back the jubilation
was the end of this cruel King an
Where boodle flows so free,
ject is to ask Saint Patrick to get
dinal Baronius tell what that “Chris­
itical control of this fair land of
Of the bell!
his reign.
Bid Yankee tyrants flee!
busy in behalf of his devotees. Those
tianity” was about the Tenth Cen­
Howard S. Taylor
New Ireland HAIL!
Now! Children! All who can guess
who want a share in his favors can Everybody Knows that where the Ro­
tury. He says:
the name of this King will be granted
send in their names, WITH AN OF­
“Oh, what was then the face of the
man Catholic Church has had
In thy parochial schools
a remittance from purgatorial pains
FERING. Pope Benedict is going to
holy Roman church, how filthy, when
Children can grow up fools,
political control, every factor of
for 100,000 years, 4 days, 6 hours
^LESS it.
the vilest and most powerful prosti­
civilization has been taken from
(They will we hope).
• • •
Once upon a time there was a and 3 minutes.
tutes ruled in the court of Rome,
the people: Education, Freedom
Praise to thy Clan-na-Gael,
The Romanists of New Mexico were
by whose arbitrary sway dioceses
May its plots ne’r fail,
of the Press, Speech and Con­ very Powerful King, and he had do­
strong enough in the legislature to
were made and unmade, bishops were
science, Scientific and Historical minion over the world for a thousand
To seek it out — throats hail,
Saint Patrick should get busy here
enact a gag-law which forbids crit­
consecrated and, which is inexpress­
Truth; and in their place have years He became so cruel that he in America with his snake stunt or
HAIL to the Pope ! 1
icism of religion. The Mormons, the
ibly horrible to be mentioned, false
been substituted ignorance and deluged all the land with the blood some of his daddy worshipers will
Holy Rollers and other freaks, poly­
popes, their paramours, were thrust
of his own people, and other people have ’em in their boots.
servile submission.
gamists and free-lovers’cnn now frat­ Then Why Not Unit» the Non-Cath- also who would not agree to call him
How many of the tax payers of into the chair of St. Peter, who, in
ernize with the Papes in that state
Oregon know that we have recently being numbered as popes, serve no
olic Population into an organized King. It is recorded that he killed
in security.
"On St. Patricks day wear Old Glory” paid private Catholic institutions over punióse, except to fill up the cata­
body which will, without in any and tortured 70,000,000 people.
* * * .
Some of the bravest got tired of "Let Your colors then be seen,”
$82,000 to enslave the girls who are logues of the popes of Rome. For
manner interfering with its reli­
The Catholic Sentinel says the
gion, firmly oppose all such en­ this cruelty and blood shed and “When the Irish pope-bossed traitors,” in the way of certain relatives or who can say that persons thrust into
municipality of Quebec proposes to
emigrated to a far off land across “Sing the wearing of the green.”
friends? They’ll lie for the Church! the popedom, without any law, by
harlots of this sort, were legitimate
erect a monument in memory of the
popes of Rome? In this manner, lust,
planting of the Catholic religion at
supported by secular power, excited
(that place. Certainly, public money
to frenzy in the rage for domination,
for Catholic honor. I believe it was
ruled in all things.”
Quebec that appropriated public mon­
This is but a single picture. Do
ey for "masses” for some of the
you need to see more?
dead firemen.