REPLY TO REV. MR. PHELPH. UNION OF CHURCH AND HTATE BY H. H. Van Trump. The Church and Htate are two In- atltutions ordained of God for im portant ends. Both exist and are necessary becuuna of sin. Each oc cupies a real Held and fulfills a mis sion peculiar to itself. While doing their heaven-appointed work, neither conflicts with the worl and iniMsion of the other. On the contrary, each, in doing Its appointed work, is indirectly a help to the other. When sin entered th« world, celfi*h ness uml death entered. To restrain men from carrying out their selfish nutures, civil government was or dained. To *uve men from final ruin and death, the church was instituted. That the well-disposed may know what they may do, and the evil- dispoHed what they may do, law» must be formulated, and order main tained in the world. That all may know that “the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” the Gospel must lie preached unto men. The Church, therefore, is God’s life- suving agency in the world; the State is hi* law und order society. The Church saves men from eternal destruction; the State from temporal <(e*poliatlon. Ax a warning against sin, the Church proclaims the wruth of God und final und eternal destruction; as a warning against crime, the state sets forth the terrors of the law and temporul punishment. As un incentive to holy living, the church holds forth the cross and crown as an encouragement to civility nnd law-abiding life, the state prom ises liberty, peace and protection. GREATBOOKS 9 In hi* "Reply” In the Journal of (Order these books of L. D. Ilatliff, Feb. 12th. Rev Mr. Phelps says: "Mr. 2162 Elm Ave, Salem, Ore., or of The VanTrump’a article xffi>ws m that he Silverton Journal.) would not be a good man to debate an thing with.” There i* probably a Blessed Creatures reason for Mr. Bhelp's sentiment in In “tiubatiluUon for Marriage,” this matter. Mr. Phelp’s principle Father l^uuui, formerly priest of the •>ck in trade consists in falsehoods, Kernan Catholic Church al Kalamazoo, Indent, falliclcs and misreprc. .ntn- ti<>ns of scientific authorities^ He Mich., says, “In the year 1666 Poye very naturully enjoys unloading these Piu* 1A. sanctioned the establishment goods on the rentiers of The Journal of one of the most appalling mstitu- at 100 per cent, valuation. When t»ons of immorality and wickedness anyone steps in who can block his ever countenanced under the form and game of fulse pretense it worries Mr, garb of religion........ Giving to the Phelps. He doesn’t love nte There’s clergy the right to use this ’Substitu tion tor Marriage.’" a reason. When Mr. Phelpr published his Tins is a secret order composed oi statement in the Journal of Nov. 27th. “Ho>y Fathers in God” and “Bis sed “most of the leaders of tfte Infidel Creatures” of the other sex. To be School at Silverton hud blown their eligible, a priest must have served his heads off with shot guns”, I replied to function seven years (with exceptions him in the Journal of Dec. 11th. and in favor of the specially fit). Any culled him a liar. He came '.»ack i woman, married or unmarried, nun or the it >ue of Dec. 25th with his‘frank otherwise, who suits the fancy of a explanation. In my reply of Jun. 1st. "Holy Father in God” is eligible to I look the words of his informant, membership, as a Vessel of Election, as given by Mr. Phelps himself, an<l but she must be p'iant, docile, obedi showed clearly that he had changod ent, sound in mind and body, free those words, magnifying them, and from any hereditary taint, — for it is made the case look much bigger and not permitted that impurity should more positive than the words of his touch the body of a Holy F ather. She informant would Justify. Remember must consider it an honor to hold too, that Mr. Phelps ha* never giv these sacred relations; must aid the en the Christian name of thia gen- Holy Fattier by money and otherwise tlemarr'who speaks so “incidentally” when in need; and finally under pain iipon such important matters. Mr. of persecution and death, must deny 4bhelpa doesn’t believe in giving the all knowledge of such a society. She names of the uuthors of whul must attend Maas, take part in keep- he prints about Freethinkers. 1 i >g the Altar and Sanctuary, and wonder why ? Perhaps he is afraid Vestments in order, and must pay 2o of getting too close to home. cents a month (or week) which goes In his latest, Mr. Phelps says: "Mr. to the Holy Father for the honor con Van Trump is still feeling badly ferred. Prayers, music, pictures, can about what I said about the fute of dles, incense, bells, ceremony, holy THE WEAPON’S certain Materialists of Silverton. Ev water, blessings, the vestments, im To convict of s(n and convert the ages, Scripture, the stcry of Mary and idently what 1 said struck a sore spot” You have the wrong theory soul, God has placed in the hands of the ingel, — everything used by the Mr. Phelps. My grandfather made the church “the sword of the Spirit, Church is used and involved in the his living killing snakes for the Brit which is the Word of God,” Eph. meth‘>ds of the Holy Fathers to give ish Government in India, and hered 6, 17. For the punishment of them the form of sacredness te the Order that do evil, and as a terror of evil and its obligations, and to persuade ity is very strong in me. Again Mr. Phelps tells us: "I have doers, God has placed in the hands and convince the timid or doubtful B. just received u letter from a prom of Caesar the sword of steel. "He C. Her oath binds her to implicit inent minister of Oregon who urges beareth not the sword in vain,” Rom. obedience to all clergymen members that 1 will not 'bring the skeleton 13, 14. Stating the object of his mis of the Society; she must watch her out of the closet of Freethinker* sion, and thus of the church, Christ sisters; oppose und pursue any mem around Silverton.' I assure my read said: “The Son of Man is not come ber who may become dissatisfied with er* that 1 do not wish to. The feel to destroy men’s lives, but to save the requirements of the clergical mem. ings of thoae people are to be respect them,” Luke 9, 56. For God sent not bers; protect the clergy by swearing ed.’’ Dear Me! How these preach his Son into ths world to condemn falsely; if married, to hold and main ers do love the Freethinkers of Sil the world, but thnt the world through tain inviolate the Sacred Mysteris for verton; how tender their sympathies' him might be saved,” John 3, 17. the sake of the Holy Fathers in God. how they would love to throw the Ax the basis of civil government, The B. C.s wear certain badges of Quantic of ob'ivion over the dark und immediately after the flood, God laid insignia easily recognizable by other ^Tfloomy passing of those Infidels; how down the law, “Whoso sheddeth members. Many a Mrs. O’Foley in generous in them to want to spure the man’s blood, by man shall his blood the presence of her husband, is recog. feelings of the living! Or, listen, can be shed,” Gen. 9, 6. nized and saluted by a Holy F ather in The church preaches the gospel; God, while Mr. O’Foley is piously and it be that these tears of divine sym pathy flow from fear that the lamb’s the state administers civil law. dutifully respecting her religion, con robe is going to be pulled • off of The Church is “the pillar and science, scruples and purity. The Vir some wolf of a preacher? Here we ground of the truth;” the State is gin Mary is Protectress of the Society have two(?) preachers. One has the protector of human rights and and is depended upon to shield from published a criminal falsehood ubout the bulwark of civil society. exposure, from scandal, etc., etc. the Freethinkers of Silverton and is In the performance of its work, This order is variously called "Ro in imminent danger of being thor no carnal weapon has been vouch sary,” “Sacred Heart,” “Compline,” oughly exposed in his true character safed to the church. When Peter “Immaculate Conception,” etc., etc. of a common, malicious—liar. Up took the s*vord, the Lord told him About 30 pages are given to details steps a second!?) man of God with to put up again the sword into its of the Society of the “Blessed Crea great tears of divine compassion place. Matt. 26, 52. The State in tures," with many a blank space in gushing out nnd begs Mr. Phelps not its work may use force. Its officers dicating that the words or facts omit to "bring the skeleton out of the bear not the sword in vain. ted were not printable. closet of Freethinkers around Silver- The ambassador of Christ is to Why Priests Should Wed,” by ton.” Then Mr. Phelps proceeds to preach the gospel "with the Holy Justin Fulton, D. D., 393 pages, |1.00. give us one of his rare gems of log Ghost sent down from heaven,” • • • ic. “But if what VanTrump says is 1. Pet. 1. 12. The civil ruler is the true why this fear of skeletons?”? minister of God, a Yevenger to ex General Concubinage Whose fear of skeletons? Now ecute wrath upon him that doeth x reader, suppose you were an Infidel, evil,” Rom. 13, 4. My non-Catholic married friend, if and suppose at the same time that you were not married by a priest, WHAT NEITHER CAN DO feyou were an idiot and a liar, don't y u are not married at all. Let mo As the Church can not rightfully prove it by the creed of the Catholic Fyou believe that you could still pro duce a little better and more honor use the power of «he State for the Church. It is this way: Marriage is able argument than the sample a- furtherance of its ends, neither can one of the seven Sacraments, which bove quoted? Yet Mr. Phelp’s log the State properly, by its own power, ere given exclusively into the hands ical propositions are mostly just like attempt to accomplish the work of of the Catholic Church. Logically, that one; they walk on loose and wob the Church. Each has its specific and then, only the Catholic Church can do bly legs; they are marked from head God-given work, and has been given th- business. to foot with the gangrene of false its proper and appropriate means of By order of Pope Pius X there was hood and sophestry. There is some accomplishing it. Each should rec published on August 2, 1907, the “No thing wrong somewhere with his ognize the presence and rightful do Temere" Decree, in substance and in source of ratiocination. I have an main of the other. The Church is part, as follows: “The marriage of all idea that he "reasons with his sweet to teach every soul to "be subject fallen-away Catholics (who have be breads”. You will have to try to to the higher powers" to "honor the come Protestants Infidels) befors learn to use your brains Mr. Phelps. king” to “be subject to principalities a Protestant minister, or civil mag It will go pretty hard at first, and and powers, to obey magistrates’,” istrate, is no marriage at all. seem awkward no doubt; but you may and to pray “for kings, and for all "The marriage of a Catholic to a in time make some sort of a thinker, that are in authority; that we may non-baptized person is never a real Mr. Phelps needs one-hundred dol- lead a quiet and peaceable life in all marriage, unless ths Church grants lars. I will givo him a chance to godliness and honesty, Rom. 13, 1; a dispensation. “The marriage of a Catholic to a earn it right soon. I have deposited 1. Pet 2, 17; Titus 8,1; Tim. 2, 2. an additional one-hundred dollars And not say to Hell with the govern Protestant (one never baptized In the Catholic Church) before a Protestant with Mrs. J. E. Hosmer of the Jour- ment. On the other hand, the officers of minister, or a civil magistrate, is no Bnal. I hereby authorize her to pay this money to Rev. Guy Phelps on | the State are sent, not only “for the marriage at all.” The "Ne Temere” Decree. Price the day that he comes .to Silverton punishment of evil doers,” but for and “brings the skeletons out of the the praise of them that do well,” 15 Cents. see closets of the Freethinkers”, by show 1. Pet. 2, 13, 14; Rom. 13, 3. Such, in brief, are the province and ing that most, or any of those of ficially connected with the Liberal duties of the model Church and the "The Papal System”, By William Utiiversity have "blown their heads model State. Cathcart, D. D., 478 pages. Price >1.25 The bane of all ages has been the This is a Historical Sketch of every off with shot guns.” If that propo union of church and state, the result Doctrine, Claim, and Practice of the sition doesn't suit the Rev. Phelps of which, in the end, has invariably Church of Rome. Its sources of in I will pay him twenty dollars in cash been religious persecution. Christ formation are generally Catholic, for each and every name that he will print in the Silverton Journal of of taught the separation of these two which puts it beyond denial by the ficials of the Liberal University who realms, religion and the state, when Church. Here you will find the silly have “blown their heads off with shot he said: “Render to Caesar the things stories scoree of them, of miracles guns”, or committed suicide in any that’ are Caesar’s, and to God the by relics and Saints; the Inquisition in manner. Mr. Phelps would like for things that are God’s,” Mark 13, 17. all its horrors; the infamous order of me to be good and lovely and lamb General Grant spoke wisely when he the Jesuits; the oaths of the Priests, like, and discuss scientific subjects said: Keep the State and Church the Bishops and Cardinals; the Rom with him and swallow his magnifici- forever separate.” ish curses; the worship of images; Yours for freedom, "Liberty.” the “Mass” in Latin which connects ent rot. J do not choose to discuss the "Beast” of the Revelations with » scientific subjects with a man who r deliberately publishes falsehoods about the facts or confess his sin. Such a the Roman Catholic Church. This my friends, and determinedly and man has reached as low a moral book is a store-house of information, persistently refuses to investigate depth ax man is heir to. and thoroughly reliable. OUR OBJECTS I AND OUR PLAN OF CAMPAIGN FOR A FREE PRESS WANTS NO “DEADHEADS” ON LIST OF EMPLOYES. A CALL UPON THE LAW MAKERS TO PREVENT USELESS TAX UPON AGRICULTURE. By Peter Radford Lecturer National Farmer*’ Union The farmer Is the paymaster of industry and as such he must meet the nation's payroll. When Industry pays its bill It must make a sight draft upon agriculture for the amount which the farmer is compelled to honor without protest. This check drawn upon agriculture may travel to and fro over the highways of com merce; may build cities; girdle the .lobe with bands of steel; may search ‘ildden treaaures in the earth or raverxe the skies, but in the end It will r«st upon the soil. No dollar will remain suspended in midair; it I* as certain to seek the earth's surface as an apple that falls from a tree When a farmer buys a plow he pays the man who mined the metal, the woodman who felled the tree, the manufacturer who assembled the raw material and shaped it into an ar tide of usefulness, the railroad that transported it and the dealer who sold lilm the goods. He pays the wages of labor and capital employed In the transaction as well as pays for the tools, machinery, buildings etc. used in the construction of th« commodity and the same applies tc all articles of uxe and diet of him self and these engaged in the sub sidiary lines nf Imlustryt There is l j pry roll In civilization that does rot i upon the back of the farmer lit aust pay the bills —all of tbet.i The total iulue of the nation's annual agricultural products is around 112,000.000,000, and it is safe to esti mate that 95 cents on every dollar goes to meeting the expenses of suo- aldlary industries The farmer does not work more than thirty minutes per day for himself; the remaining thirteen hours of the day's toil he devotes to meeting the payroll of the hired hands of agriculture, such as the manufacturer, railroad, commer cial and other servants. The Farmer’s Payroll and Meets It. How He The annual payroll of agriculture approximates $12,000,000,000 A por tion of the amount Is shifted to for eign countries In exports, but the total payroll of industries working for the farmer divides substantially as follows: Railroads, $1,252,000,000; manufacturers, $4,365,000,000; mining, $665,000,000; banks. $200,000,000; mercantile $3,500,000,000, and a heavy miscellaneous payroll constitutes the remainder. It takes the com crop, the most valuable in agriculture, which sold last year for $1,692,000,000, to pay off the employes of the railroads; the money derived from our annual sales of livestock of approximately $2,000,- 000,000, the yearly cotton crop, valued at $920,000,000; the wheat crop, which Is worth $610,000,000, and the eat crop, that is worth $440,000,000, are required to meet the annual pay roll of the manufacturers. The money derived from the remaining staple erops is used in meeting the payroll of the bankers, merchants, etc. After these obligations are paid, the farmer has only a few bunches of vegetables, some fruit and poultry which he can sell and cal) the pro ceeds his own. When the farmer pays off his help ho has very little left and to meet these tremendous payrolls he has been forced to mortgage homes, work women in the field and Increase the hours of his labor. We are, there fore, compelled to call upon all in dustries dependent upon the farmers for subsistence to retrench in their expenditures and to cut off all un necessary expenses. This course Is absolutely necessary tn order to avoid a reduction In wages. We have been browbeaten, maligned, assault ed, boycotted, denied our rights in Court, im prisoned and robbed of the privilege of editing our paper while in jail, all for trying to make the world better by publishing the truth. This only makes us stronger in the fight! But, as we have been robbed through boycott, of the where-with- all to continue our work, we are forced to change our plans, and this advertisement is to let the lovers of liberty, justice and truth know that they are hereby given the privilege to help in our Cam paign. Are you in favor of our continuing in this work? Here are our objects: In order to make the world better for our hav ing lived, and with malice toward none and charity for all, we wish to make public: 1. The doings of individuals who are posing as good citizens, but who are continually commit ting crime secretly. 2. The grafting schemes and self protecting sycophancy of our public officials. 3. The hypocritical and absurd pretentions and confidence games of all humbug religious fakers. 4. The effort to destroy our public schools, our other American institutions of civil and rel igious liberties, free thought, free speech and free press, by the foreign power known as the Roman Hierarchy, and its treasonable efforts to destroy the American government and prevent our prog ress in perfecting “a more perfect union.” 5. The cause of poverty and erimo and the remedy by the destruction of politieal triekery and false hero worship and how to establish universal knowledge of the true principles of government on the basis of equality of opportunity and the inalienable right, of every citizen to an equal chance to life, liberty and the pursuit of hap piness. 6. The awful effects of the use of stimulants and narcotics on the human race and the best methods of emancipation from their destructive slavery. 7. The principles of the universal (genuine Catholic) religion of righteousness, and a true, progressive and modern Protestant faith of de stroying ancient errors, which have held us in bondage; and that the salvation of our race de pends on the solid rock of “the brotherhood of man.” We have faith that there are enough thinking people in the United States to save our work from the destroyer’s hands, and we are using this space, formerly occupied by advertising which made it possible to publish our paper, to call on all who are interested to join us in the work. Do you believe in a free press? Do you believe in our objects? If so, help us establish A Fund for Defensive and Aggressive Warfare Do all you can and get others te help! Send us facta that should be pablished! That we are alive and willing te work is our opportunity. Do not wait! Previously acknowledged ............... >69.65 The Angel From Iowa ................................................ 100.00 W. O. Purvis............................................... 100 Herman Haas ............................. 50 Sam Peterson .................................................................. 1-00 W. D. Watkins ............................................. 50 U. H. Krape .................................................................... L00 C. H. Taylor ....................................... 1.00 Send 10 Cents for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 pages How To Reduce The Cost No matter If the other fellow does not believe as you do, and even if you think his ideas are very wrong and doing much harm, give him a chance to express his honest thought. Don’t be like the Romans and want It's a good one to read and pass to a neighbor. to choke everything to death that is against your idea. Be a man! Be a t»n»»:::nu»:::nmn»»ii ii »n::nn»uunuj i i»iiiiiiiiimiiintninini i iniMun»inni woman! Be an American Patriot! Of Living?