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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1915)
from matter forced the Greek phil remotely proved facts to stand upon. osophers to admit a spiritual prin The vagaries of Durwin and Haeckel No H< wm > in the Garden No Wheels in ths Garden ciple above material elements. From are like the gymnastics of a fanciful Cultivates Deep thia conception of the natural it was Jules Vern. At every point—as 1 FublUhml every Friday morning al Silvvrtun. hut a step to advance theories of the shall clearly show—Darwin meets ■Oragvn. by THE KÄSTEST, BEST AND nature of man, which found expres with insurpassuble difficulties which J. E. HOSMER, Editor. sion in the belief of Plato and So he is compelled to admit seem to de crates that man is immortal. The molish his theories, among which is evidence of design in nature com the presents of instinct, reason, de pelled Cudworth to believe that it sign, and intricate mechanisms, all IN THE WORLD IS THE was the product of over-governing of which he is compelled to account intelligence. for by his own invention, “spontune- Then came Lock who was smirch ous variation.” ed only in spots with the theories of Evolutionists have made the moat evolution. He maintained that the ofthe fact that ministers have taken universe is the result of a direct act their places among those of mollified of creation. That from God to the views of evolution, hut this fact « faintest instinct there is a gradual yields littU1 comfort when we recall Entered et the poetoffice et Silverton. Orecon scale of intellect. He insisted that that Christ charged the Jewish lead at eeeend -elett ratee. Of J. E. HOSMER, Inventor and Manufacturer. it was impossible for senseless mat era in religious matters with utter L Subecrlption. 50e per year. In advance. Sln*k oopiee, S cento. ter putting on sense. His position, most perfidy, and that it was the Advertitins ratee mode known upon applka- SOCIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION SILVERTON, OREGON. which is certainly unanswerable, was niinistery who maintained the Inqul- tioa.__________________ _____________ that, even if matter were eternal it siton. We need only to recull that Thia paper atandt for freedom of thought, free Some people seem to think that could never produce motion. And if dom of the prv««. freedom of tpweh. »quellt» of No Tramping Down Ground Cultivates Fast No Lost Energy to it is possible to cling ^[wytynity and the religion of njrhteousneea. It liNolution only applies to biology, but motion itself was held to be eternal, the shell of Christianity while the is radically eppoeed to every form of •upereUtion and tyranny, or lieen»in< or permitting any form this is not true. Human society then THOUGHT COULD NEVER BE truth and meaning of it have died ut of evil. _________ evolves and retrogades the same as GIN T® BE. Kant reasoned on hu- terly from the life. The weight of everything else. This is in no way man progress as distinctly detached inconsistency rests not with the scrip THE NOBLE ROMANS better shown than in the uses to from material processes — see Enc. tures, or their authors, but with the which our schools and churches are Brit., p. 762. Kant was .generally ordained confraternity who, though our advanced There is a large class of people being put in many of MOVING opposed to the whole theory of evolu properly frocked, have denied t1 whose ideas of justice and right centers of civilisation, and it is a tion. Shelling advanced the idea, PICTURES have been entirely ruined by inherited wonderfully joyous thought that soon which is quite Darwinism, that na "Lord who bought them.” One of the most lamentable spec and so-called religious environment. the whole world will be a happier ture is a process of organic self T ey believe in their own rights and and better place in which to live be evolution. It is hardly necessary to tacles upon which we may look is then more rights for themselves. The cause school people and church peo say that such a statement involves the cheap desire of a certain class of ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS other fellow's rights stop quite a ple are outgrowing the old narrow the very laws of matter, reason and professors and ministers, who in their little ways this side of where theirs way of thinking about the exclusive every day experience. Take in your dread of being called unscientific Instructive and Educative. begin, but their rights do not seem sacredness of their property. The hand a little of dust and imagine if have cut their bibles into holes and to stop at all. This class of people conversion of whole communities to you can how the transcendent glories adopted the absurdities of Haeckel in can argue vehemently, brag tremen the religion of love and righteous of living nature could spring from a modified form that they may appear dously and laugh very' loudly over the ness can be accomplished just as easy such a lifeless mass. And yet this unto men not to lack wisdom, for other fellow’s discomfort and defeat. as can be, if the teachers and preach is exactly what such a view ad getting that God has said that “the Their enemies should be punished ers and the trustees and the deacons vances when stript of all its Btilted world by wisdom knew not God.” most sereverely without pity, with only know how, and drop these little, expressions. Certain it is that those And that "Considering themselves out mercy and with no thought of old, worn-out methods of holding-in who stagger at miracles and creative wise they became fools.... >nd their forgiveness. They have received the trust and adopt the newly evolved All-Might have greater difficulties on foolish hearts were darkened.” Carl horrible inheritance of that old-world idea of using-in-trust their hands. The mystery of the yle referred to evolution as to the Let all the people own and operate, case is that they retain their relent “gospel of dirt,” and there are many I idea that there are no no blemen but Romans.” They are the for their own benefit, the school and less hostility to what they term the who feel that he has expressed the PHONE BLACK 681 Romans o! our time with domineer church properties and see what a supernatural, while they seek to es case in the proper manner. ing, narrow, bigoted selfishness. change? Property that stands idle, cape from their absurd positions by All work done in ths shortest possible time. We are equip They are greedy for power and will when boys and girls, men and wom assuming impossibilities. ped to handle all kinds of furniture, pianos, etc.. with very little en need to be saved is being wasted have it even if crimes of the worst Associated with Shelling were Stef MR. JOHNSON TRIES ENGLISH. danger of any damage dono. kind are necessary to secure or re and is getting as it deserves the fens, Oken, Hegel, Shopenhauer, Von curse of "God” by losing the respect Baer and others, who represent but tain it. Editer Silverrten Jurnil, No Load too Heavy for our Teams to Haul. Their perverted idea is a national of everybody. If the school buildings shades of differences in the positions Deer Mister editer.i bein tank characteristic of some European coun can be used as social centers to the taken by Shelling. The Italian theo tries and it finds a fertile soil among great advantage of Chicago, why ries advanced at this time partook of ide rite u one letter bein as how certain classes in all nations. This per can’t they be used in the same way the spontaneous generation views of ever ting around Salem is so prosper- verted idea of power over others is i smaller cities? They can be, and more modern advocates of the theory. and everb ddie was a rejoiccn over the greatest menace to Amrica and they will be. If churches can do so But spontaneous generation has been the prohibiun and that only 2 quart t American principles. Our gov rruch more by uniting and using their exploded as impossible, and the a month Wood B a plenty an espec ernment was founded on the idea of pro; erty every day in the week, for “spontaneous variation” of Darwin, ily fur a supposed to be a man of God WE MUST GROW OR DIE! equal rights to all men. The other the use of the people, why don’t they invented to escape impossibilities but whei the Katholiks Preaata went after the legislachewer i tell U mister idea of the power of govrenment by do it? They are beginning to do it, which confronted him, may well be The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list a favored few—the Roman’s idea, is and soon the practice will be uni sent with it to the scrapheap, where editer thay was Willen 2 let um ship growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we the cause of the European War with versal and we will have evolved to a it is certainly doomed to go at no all they wanted; of korse when ever want to give even more than value received. b'.esed 1 of Preast has 2 drinks of a'l its barbarous murder, sorrow and higher ideal of the religion of Jesus, distant date. Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Use misery. It has murdered the great his golden rule and the new com The latest school of evolutionists wine fur ever blesed 1 of um an fur the following blank: ever time he changes his petikote est statesman of this and all countr mandment which he gave unto us to may be grouped under certain prom A FREE PRESS ies in this and all centuries. No Jes love one another. Dear reader, is inent names, such as Darwin, Hux eny one nos that 2 quarts woodent ___________________ uit or Roman priest of any order, is your home town behind the times ? ley, Wallace, Spencer — the prolific, B a drop in the bucket, now U take the uther churches an the preacher not a success unless this rule or ruin Are the very means of salvation for and others. It will be seen that the virus fills his veins. The parochial which the people have already paid, tendency of the theory in its de gives each member a shot at the school is its incubator and our public withheld from them by the human velopment has been do.vnward. Be wine thats 1 reason i like the pro- The subscription price has been changed from $1.00 to school is its antedote. The one molusca of the preprogressive period ? ginning with the theistic position of teschunt church more nor the Kath- 50 cents per year. means monarchy, priestcraft, tyranny, Then you may be blessed with the the ancient Greeks and the Cabala, olicks an a nother resun is is no bod « • die in the heritick church beleaves and slavery; the other means demo high office of an evangel. Go ye we have found that the dogma has EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, cracy, equality of opportunity, gov into all the schools and churches and sustained a process quite contrary heas better nor krist an holds st Pet SILVERTON, OREGON. ernment with the consent of the gov preach the gospel of love to every to its own claim, in that it has de ers place i dont se why the Preasts dont do like Peter fer Peter was a| i > erned, freedom of thought, freedom living creature, and great will be parted more, and yet more from the Enclosed find $ , for which »end THE JOURNAL to your rcTTird in the heaven that that thought of purpose or intelligent married man an these Old bachler < > the following : of speech and universal progress. buks wont hear 2 takin unto them gospel will bring to those for whom power in the order of the Cosmos Name it is worth while for even a savior toward soulless and inorganic dust. selves a wife, they always want a unmarried woomen 2 keep house fur CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH to die. Go ye! * That the theory of evolution is des Address um that aint relashun to um why tructive of spiritual life is so man doan thay hire a man an his wife 2 Name ... In the November, 1910, McClure’s THE FALLACY OF EVOLUTION ifest that I need not discuss it here. 2 keep house fur um but no thay There is one fact connected with Magr.zine, John Moody and George doant want no man around there ■ t Address this whole matter of evolution which Kibbe Turner started an article enti must be a niger in th wod pile sumj Guy Fitch Phelps Name __ should not be overlooked; I speak of tled, “The Masters of Capital in Am where, if the legislachewer want- • > erica”, with the following words: It may be well to say that evolu- the fervency with which individuals ed 2 dew sum thing that ever man i Address ... “The aggregation of capital, the tion is the religion of the agnostic, defend evolution being always co and wooman in Oregon wood have '* j growth of great corporations, and and has its origin in the heathen equal with their bitterness against looked up to them for an keap them < • Name through them the development of mo- mind of all time; at least so far God and revealed truth, as well as in ofic fur the rest uv their natural ,, nopoly, constitute the most signifi back as there is any record of the their rejection of creative power and life why dident thay pas a bil 2 open ; ’ Address cant social fact of modern times. In idea. Aristotle, India, Persia and superintending intelligence. It fol up these convents to the publik-order ; > Name no place has this movement been so Greece gave them birth. In the later lows that Materialists, infidels, skep these wals tore down an take them ., Address ....... rapid and significant as in the United form of Cabala it is claimed that the tics, agnostics and hirling ministers bars from the windows an releas the States. world is an emination, having been constitute the teaching body of this poor girls in stead uv taken the em »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»-» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦■»♦♦♦♦♦♦-♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Virtually all the great public ques- produced by a gradually descending school. If this be true, and I am bargo off wine. yourse trooly t ■ ns before this country at the pres- process out of the greater. Aristotle sure no one will dispute it, there is Yon Yonson e t time are united by one common claimed the world had existed from no question as to the influence of the Ed. note: factor—the concentration of capital eternity. Albertus Magnus denied th:ory. For when those who utterly Two things Mr. Johnson should in a few hands. The insurgent move this and argued the creation of the repudiate God, turn to evolution as ment, the rail road question, the tar earth from nothing. Scotus took the the only escape from their difficulties, learn. One is, how to spell in Eng Phone Black 1242. Coolidge Street. iff quest:on, the conservation ques position that the natural has been we may well challenge that con lish and the other is that the legis lature might do several good things tion, the labor question — all these produced through a gradually unfold spiracy of wickedness which forced are the result of the popular revolt ing process of determination. There this hodge-podge of unproven asser at one session if they only knew how ;; and dared to think and act for them- < • against it.” were yet others who argued that the tion on our children through the General Contractor for Commercial and selves. . > This was just four years ago, and world was a great animal, over the schools. Industrial Building It is a remarkable thing that men we can now take stock and see how exterior of which we crawl as vermin. EXPERT ENGINEER Bradley, Ok. "we the people’’ are coming out in Hobbes says the explanation of con who boast that they deal only in this war against the "great enemy.’’ scious minds is THAT THOUGHT established facts should give them In the Design and Construction of beauti Mr. J. E. Hosmer, Have the rich and mighty giant cor- AND SENSATION ARE PART OF selves so utterly to a system of ful homes, business houses, schools Silverton, Ore., porations lost anything? Have they THE REACTION OF THE ORGAN which it may be said that not ONE and churches. been robbed of their power to take ISM ON EXTERNAL MOVEMENT. position has more than the most neb Dear Sir:— SILVERTON, OREGON from the workers the major part of How very lucid Descartes met with ular theory for a foundation. Then, I have been a reader of your valued ; 1 > what these workers produce? Are a dualism of mind and matter which too, it should be remembered that paper for some months and it would the incomes of the great “Captains he could not harmonize with mat- men who boast that they deal only be impossible to tell you how much I of Industry” lessened or increased? erialistic evolution. And I may say in established facts should give them admire you for your fearless deter Has so-called honest competition come this was the Waterloo of such teach- selves so utterly to a system of which mination in teaching what you know it may be said that not ONE position to be right. back to gladden the hearts of the ers today. You loom above the Four-room Hou»e and Lot, 70x210, Now wo have it Lot at one half then sinking little concerns or is Spinoza advocated the pantheistic has more than the most nebular the average fishworm type of editor as ( on Mill Street. God location, only price to the person who will build a competition, excepting in little busi nature of the universe, and claimed ory for a foundation. Then, too, it Mt. Etna looms above the insignifi- $1750. , $200 cash, good investment. $1500 house on it, good location on ness, practically a thing of the past? that thought and extension were but should be remembered that every po cant rat holes at its base. Fine Lot on Fitch Street, a dandy South Water Street Also othgr lots And what about the workers? Are opposite sides of the same thing. sition of evolution has been chal Had not it been for your kind we | building sight, close in, it «vill not be in this part of Silverton with the un there less workers to do the work It would be interesting to hear how lenged by the highest scholarship of would have been living in a land of , on the market long, only $350. Come derstanding that houses built must be and among which the wage is di- such a two-sided thing could obtain, the world, and its claims utterly re slavery to day. I deplore the indif- ( quick! of $1000 valt.e or over. Cascade Real vided ? How about the unemployed? especially since one consists of rea futed. Candor ought to compel every ference with which so many of our Estate Company. FOR SALE — A nice large lot, What is the real cause of these son and the other of matter. He one to admit ^hat Wilbur Hall’s reply people look upon these questions so , 50x120, in the Capital Citiy. Fruits of Do you want to buy a beautiful plot tramps and hobos? How is the cost does net say how the amalgamation to Darwin is a complete overthrow vital to our future welfare. Please ( kind, cn Oregon Electric Line, of ground w th fruit and berrieL al of living? Can a man support his was produced. We might say with which has been the main cause of the accept this small offering of assist- every , family any easier by his toil than Byron: “I wish he would explain his new alignment of the scientific world ance with my assurance that I feel 2 ( blccks from school, near church. ready in bearing, with wood shed built bargain at $250. See Cascade and two tent houses? This is a bar on the views of Wallace and Haeckel. that this is the fight of all liberty- Good he could four years ago? Is crime explanation.” | Real Estate Co., Siiverto.i, Oro. gain on the installment plan. Tke still on the increase? In spite of the Then came Cudworth, in the latter At a recent gathering of the British loving people and that you are the $1200 — Three acres in Southern propert,' is three blocks from car line Ass ’ n for the advancement of science talk of peace what have we in Eu part of the 17th century who utterly means by which we will prove to the rope? Is the “popular revolt against repudiated all theistic conceptions of the positions of Darwin were utterly world that we mean to have our Calofomia, water for irrigation, that runs into Portland. Price $1800^ 3->oom house. $300 cash, balance to 1100 down, $15 per month. Now’s thft the aggregation of capital" the cause the origin of the world by natural repudiated and termed “superstitions.” rights. Yours for VICTORY, suit purchaser at 7 per cent. — Cas time and The Cascade Real Estate Co. Evolution is based upon hypothesis of the Mexican and the European processes. He proves that the diffi « • • • • • cade Real Estate Co. are the people. Come and see! War? What about the Colorado culty of explaining the rise of reason only, it has not one clearly, or even strike, is that also on account of the revolt, and how long before America will be forced by this same money power to slaughter millions of its best citisens in order to prevent the workers from receiving the product of their toil? There are only a few real “Cap tains of Industry” and there are only a few priests to help them control and manipulate our American gov ernment. People of this great re public, we are many. Shall we be trained like trick monkeys to kill each other off, or shall we unite and demonstrate to these pirate captains that we own the earth and are en- titled to life, liberty and the full product of our toil! Easiest to Run Hand Cultivator Gravity Hand Cultivator Buy one for $8.00 THE GEM THEATRE Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO THE SILVERTON JOURNAL BEN HOFSTETTER