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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
HIGH SCHOOL NOIES LOCAL NEWS HISTORY AND PROPHECY "PEACE ON EARTH EXCURSION FARES Shortly after the election of the The hundred daily papers of the Oa Friday the Sth, the Boys’ Bas ket Ball Team won a victory over the new pope, Boston’s cardinal declared Scripps League embraced in the News, Mt. Angel Juniors. The game was him to be “the messenger of God to paper Enterprise Association recently to the especially well played and was en bring peace to the tried nations.” asked "the fifty most representative Everett Philippi returned Monday joyed very much by those who saw it. This statement, which appeared in a persons in the United States to give from Salem. The Websterians Society’s program, message to the Boston Catholics fiom their opinion — to tell in what way rendered Friday, the Sth, was quite a Cardinal O’Connell at Rome, in the they think we Americana can be of T. W. Riches was a passenger on success. The debate showed the re "Boston American,’’ may throw light most service in bringing back peace Tuesday morning’s train. Round trip tickets, permitting stop-overs at Clyde Ramsey went to Salem Tues sult of hard work on the part of the on what has hitherto been a mystery oil earth and good will toward men.” debaters, who were all Sophomores to many, namely, the cause of the The following is Eugene V. Debs’ all points in either direction, to the Panama day. European War. If the present pope contribution to the symposium: but one, and he was a Freshman. Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, Ben Rosein visited the Capital City The debate was won by Edwin Dur. can restore peace, then, it would ap There has never been "Peace on Feb. 20th to Dec. Itli and to the Panama Cal Tuesday. pear, the late pope must have teen earth and good will toward men,” and no and R. Davenport. • ifornia Exposition, San Diego, open all year, The Opera House was filled Mon Last Wednesday Dr. Kleinsorge responsible for the war, and, surely, we shall have to go forward and not will be placed on sale day evening to see the Sontag Evens gave the third of a series of voca he made a great deal of talk about backward to realize that ideal. Civili Show. The outlaws were cheered to tional guidance talks. It was on the it before his death. It has l»een con zation is still in a primitive, rudi a finish, but the officers of law never profession of medicine. He gave a jectured that the European horror was mentary state, It has taken countless got a cheer. Question: Are we al- good idea of what it takes to be brought about by the Jesuits as a ages to bring us from the brute, the thc law? ways in sympathy with Via the come a doctor and discouraged all puni hinent to the nations who have cave-man anil the savage to where Wm. M ore and two kiddies were who did not truly want to become a revolted against the church in these we are today, The development has passengers on Satuiday’s morning physician. I letter times. If so, when enough been painfully slow, but steady and train to the Capital City. On Thursday, the 18th, the Califor- blood hau been shed and enough suffer- wi'l continue to the farthest stn tehee H.B. Latham of the Silverton Lum nia Jubilee Quartette will give an I ing caused to satisfy the cruel de •of time. ber Co. was a passenger on the in entertainment at the Theater under sires of the church, they may estab- Three Fine Train« Daily “Thou shalt not kill” is now the the auspices of the Senior Class. This I lish peace once more after making law. But it applies only to individu coming train Friday evening. Mrs. T. E. Preston was a Wednes colored quartette is not of the min-1 these nations promise, like spanked als, not yet to nations. To slay your Shasta Limited: Extra Fart', First Class equipment only. day morning passenger for Portland, strel type, but renders some of the I children, to "do so no more.” Rut if. neighbor is murder, unless you an» in Leaves Portland 3:f»() p. ni. A High ('lass Train. best selections. It also comes well I on the other hand, the war is a long uniform. But when the nation slay* returning in the evening. recommended. We would like to see delayed punishment brought upon the its neighbors and the killings amount San Francisco Express: Observation Car, Standard and Archie Eastman returned to Port a large crowd out, for this is the first I nations by the'r own sins, having, in into the thousands, it is not murder Tourist Sleeping Cars, Chair Cars and Diner. land Tuesday, after having spent the time anything of this kind has been the words of prophecy, “given their but patriotism t» be proud of, glorify past three months with his mother, California Express: Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, tried by a class in the Silverton High strength unto the tenet,” even until and rejoice over. Mrs. Bert Farnsworth ard family. Chair Cars and Diner. School. now, then the pope has no power, When shall peace come to earth? The mill is again running after The Girls’ Basket Ball Team plays and can only watch the fulfillment of Full particulars, fares, literature on the Expositions, train schedules, having been shut down three weeks at Molalla and the Boys’ Team at the prophetic word, which, in time, When the brute and savage shall have died in us and we have become etc., from nearest Agent of the for needed repairs. Mt. Angel Saturday. will doom him with his church to the Clover Seed for sale. Come and ab de of Satan throughout eternity. human. In a wonl, peace will come see samples at Journal Office, or ap But. however, it may be, Rome con- to earth when humanity has been WILL CELEBRATE LINCOLN’S ply to John Thurman. 15pl7 s'ders herself master of the situation. humanized, civilization civilised and BIRTHDAY If so. the master who can call off the Christianity christianized. F. E. Calister, cashier of Coolidge John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. The war in Europe is a crime The W. R. C. will celebrate Lin-I war must be he who also set & McClaine Bank, visited Salem ooln’s Birthday at G. A. R. Hall Sat- them on, and we are let into the against civilization, but it had to Wednesday. urday. February 13th, from 2:30 t“ I secret through the kindness of Car- come. It did not come by chance. Our dear Grandma Heins has gone ; 5.00 P. M. Short program and gen-1 dinal O’Connell, Every war has its cause, Modem ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ to live with her daughter, i er al good time expected. Everybody wars are between rival nations for But this message in the "Boston M. L. Hansen, Prop, „ Phone Blue 1141 Mrs. John Vinacke at Canby, where | welcome. commercial supremacy. < > American” raises another question. < > she will still have a good home and < > It is of little use to cry out against < > < > O ’ Connell claimed the pope to be loving care and companionship of a , Mrs. T. E. Preston gave a Japanese < > war while we tolerate a social system < < > > < > daughter to cheer her life. Silverton , Tea Tuesday afternoon in honor of "peace maker.” The dead pope also that breeds war. called himself “ ambassador for the has suffered a great loss, but what j the W. C. T. U. There were thirty- Capitalism makes war inevitable. • • is our loss is surely Canby’s gain, four ladies present who were ushered Prince of Peace.” These assumptions • > < > for where Grandma Heins goes, she into the prettily decorated rooms by set wise people to thinking. Have these Capitalist nations not only exploit < • their workers, but ruthlessly invade, brings comfort and pleasure. It is a real Japanese costumed ladies. The popes been peace makers or destroy plunder and ravage one another. T ers of the peace of the world through- mystery to the many friends what we Japanese decorations were carried out will do without the pleasure of going I throughout the home even to the oat the years? Let history answer profit system is responsible for it all. Front Street, Near Depot SILVERTON, OREGON Abolish that, establish industrial dem. the question. to Grandma Heins. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e lovely pink cherry blossoms. ocracy, produce for use, and the in- Not long ago a teacher dreamed a centive to war vanishes, Until then Business Chance: A saw mill that Mrs. Preston and Miss Florence Y will cut 700 feet of R. R. ties in a day, I Dilley represented the little Jap la peculiar dream, When she awoke, it men may talk about "Peace on troubled her, and she recalled it for 250,000 feet of logs cut, 50,000 feet in dies and were admired by all. earth,” but it will be “ myth — or the pond; all you have to do is to fire “ Re?. Berr?' and Mrs. George Buch I da>'8 afterwards vividly, wondering sarcasm. S. TEGLAND (’. WEBB could livi not I | “t _th« up and go ahead. Price only $1100, were welcome lit? C callers, all CI3, but VVUIU i • ». the circun>- But there is no cause for despair. enjoy the dainty lunch, stances presented n it. half cash, chance to buy 500,000 feet remain to The world is awaking and we are ap near the mill. See THE CASCADE which was also a delicious Japanese Not long after, her superintendent proaching the sunrise. REAL ESTATE CO, Silverton, Ore. collation. I introduced into the schools of the We cannot stop the European war. W. R. Dilley went to Maclay Wed- I A very enjoyable afternoon was town a new history, designed to pre We can and will intervene when the nesday to inspect a farm he con- passed and Mrs. Preston, assisted by | cede the study of American history, time comes and do all in our power the little mother whose smile carries I it was entitled: “Introduction to templates purchasing. to restore peace. To end the war Clean, Up-to-date, Satisfaction Guaranteed Superintendent of Rural Schools, the real old time hospitality, must American History,” and was a dis- prematurely, were that possible, Smith, made this office a pleasant feel they were well paid for their tortion of historical facts for the would simply mean another and per FREE DELIVERY work in preparing this unique enter- plain purpose of prejudicing the cal' Tuesday. haps even a bloodier catastrophe. tainment for guests who each voiced minds of young children against the Braton Davis visited his daughters their appreciation in saying it was Protestant faith Let us show the people the true Oak Street Phone Blue 821 and in favor of the who are attending school in Salem, surely the best ever. Roman Catholic church. Misleading cause of war. Let us arouse a senti Friday. from first to last, it was a purely ment against war. Let us teach the P. L. Brown was a passenger on diabo'ical device for deluding inno children to abhor war. Friday morning’s south bound train. More than forty years ago the So- cent children into ignorance of the ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦e all past crimes of that church and cialists of Europe declared: < ► W. Bowser visited the Capital of the truths of history. The teacher City Friday. “We are against all wars and es- Special Weekly Rate* Rate* $1.00 to $1.25 Day Meals 25c read it with horror and objected to pccially against dynastic wars, With John H. Porter had business at the Court House in Salem Friday. I Five years time with optional pre- the superitendent, but he insisted that sincerest regret do we accept the un it should be taught. Then she men- avoidable evils of a defensive war, $2,500 buys one of the finest homes Payments, at current interest rates. tioned it to parents and even put the ... and we demand that the recurrence you ever saw. There are eight lots, f°r information call on the Oregon matter before a member of the school of such a social calamity be made lots of fruit, ten room house, etc.,etc., Title & Land Credit CoM 209 U. S. board, but all to no avail. Evidently impossible for all time to come by p^ved streets, city water—one of the \atjonai Bank Building, Salem, Or. nobody but herself cared if the chil vesting in the people themselves the F. J. m <„-. < > best places in a town thathasa future, dren were deceived. Then she thought power to decide over war and pace.” • i Scotts Mills, Ore.—See THE CAS- of her dream, and believed it signifi < • The proposition is here made to One-half Block South of S. P. Depot Phone 575 CADE REAL ESTATE co. cant, illustrating the times. In her put an end to war by democratizing WHEN DOCTORS DISAGREE dream she saw a girl sinking in the war. In all the history of the world James Gordon was a passenger on GOOD HOME COOKING quicksand, holding a long - handled the people have never declared a war. LUNCH COUNTER Friday morning’s south bound train. The Governor of Oregon (Mr. Os-I dipper at arm’s length. In alarm she A constitutional amendment pro John Goetz was looking after busi wald West) had emphatically told a ran to the nearest house, which she viding that no war shall be declared ness at the county seat on Frida/. friend of the prisoner that he, the had dreamed was the home of the Miss Elizabeth Levy and a party I prisoner, would be released if money child, and begged the mother, who except by a vote of the people and that as Allan Benson has suggested, of girl friends visited at the Capital enough to pay the balance of the fine stood, with back turned, in a chair City Wednesday. | was raised for that purpose. In view arranging preserve jars on a high if war is declared they who voted for it shall be the first to go to the front, Mrs. F. E. Wray and Miss Eva of this statement from the highest shelf of a cupboard, to go out and would put an end to war forever in Coolidge were passengers for Port- officer of the state the money was | gaVe her child. But the mother paid this country. rr'sed and tendered to the court, but no heed, Then the teacher fled across land last Saturday morning. The new embroidery materials for the spring Woman, although the most vital the judge disagreed with the Gover- the road to a man who, mounted upon - » Mrs. Thos. Welch came from Cam nor and as a result the prisoner was a ladder, also with back turned, ap- factor in war and its most keenly ; trade are now arriving. as, W’ash., Saturday for an over forced to stay the full time. The peared to be pruning his fruit trees. suffering victim, has always been con On Saturday, the 6th, we will give free with each Sunday visit with her son, W. H. following letter may help our readers I “There is a little girl in the quick- temptuously ignored when war has <> 25c purchase a 25c needle book. Ellingsworth and family, returning to better understand the situation at sands,” she cried. “Come quickly and been declared. Give woman the ballot on equal terms with man in every Monday forenoon. On Saturday, the 13th, we will give away a pil- that time: save her.” But he stood as if deaf, Salem, Oregon, Nov. 13, 1914. | never turning his head or replying, state of this union and a mighty ad ;; low top with each 50c purchase. $85. an acre buys an excellent Wal just as the mother had done. Rushing vance will have been made toward do Hills farm. This farm is worth Mrs. J. E HOSMER, Watch for further gifts and come early on Sat- back to the girl, she found her sink driving the horrible scourge of war over $100 per acre. See THE CAS- Silveron, Oregon. from the face of the earth. ing fast, down to the shoulders, but cade REAI ESTATE CO. at once. ;; urday to “The Shop. Phone Blue 1001 My dear Madam and Friend: the empty dipper was still held out The earth is filled with its boun Dan Tracy died at the Silverton We, Mr. Ratliff and myself, called above the ground, and the teacher ties, there is light in every brain and Hospital on Tuesday morning after again to see Governor West about the awoke. Now she believed she had good in every heart; let us rejoice a short illness. He has many friends release of comrade Hosmer, but we an interpretation for the dream. The that we live at a time when old in Silverton who will mourn a kind find, he would do nothing whatever. girl was at the public school. She wrongs are being uprooted and new friend, for he was an exceptionally Brother Ratliff has probably written had gone to the Spring of Knowledge rights being proclaimed, when the good man and did many acts of kind for water, but had been caught in the night is passing and the better day ness. He has been connected with you of the matter. 1 am trying to quicksand of falsehood and the empty is dawning, when all shall join rap- raise some money to get him out. the Silver Falls Timber Co. as their dipper was thus held out plaintively, turously in the divine anthem: We only have to pay for what time List your property with E. W. Ross, See Cascade Real Estate Co. for blacksmith since the beginning of the beseechingly. Thirsting for knowl operations of the company. Funeral he has not served. I will try and “PEACE ON EARTH AND GOOD the new manager of the Cascade Real bargains. edge she went down into ignorance Estate Company. services were held at the Catholic get $50 or $60. Ramp will give $10, WILL TOWARD MEN.” and superstition with her dipper emp 8 1-3 acres right in the city with Lady, how would you like to buy Church Thursday at nine o’clock and J. W. Jory $5, W. S. Richards $5 and ty. The mother and schoolboard had one of the best houses you ever saw, several others $1 or $2 each. I have a dandy little business in Silverton. interment made in the city cemetery. been appealed to, but neither cared, barn, chicken houses, all kinds of raised $10 at the meeting here. We have it for sale. Write to Cas Have you houses to rent? List fruits, grapes, berries, walnuts, etc., We want to get J. E. out as soon both were too much engrossed with WHY NOT ? cade Real Estate Company, Silverton, them with The Cascade Real Estate Co. as we can. Yours truly, material concerns. “Let the children cement side walk, paved streets, elec Oregon. Do you want a man to work? See look out for themselves, so long as tric lights, sewer, city water. Can .>e R. R. RYAN. Onward heathen soldier, Bu/ a dandy home in Oak Grove, subdivided. Close in. A dandy bar THE CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. Moslem, Turk and Jap; Comrade Ryan thought that the they don’t bother us,” seems the Oregon. Four-room house, 22 fruit gain at $7600. Half down. Long time For civilization $2000 buys a nice little farm near Governor surely knew what he was spirit of the age. “What care we trees, lawn, on car line, good garden, on balance. See children are taught, ” or if the what No one cares a rap. Amsville, of 15 acres, all cleared. ta'king about and did all that good e’ese to church, school und depot. $20(1 Fruit, berries, house and barn; all work to get his friend out of "durance they are taught at all, so long as $3000 buys an improved pince of down, balance $20 per month. Price Dutch and French may perish, away from us, so we can fenced. This is a bargain. Will ex vile,” but what can we poor, sicir peo they are 10 acres near Watsonville, Caki $1800. Beautiful location. See British too, may die. change for farm property near Silver- ple do, when doctors disagree? We bend all our energies to getting CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. 6-room house and a good barn. Fruit Heathendom must flourish money or doing our work and keeping took our medicine! ton. Sei. and Nut Trees, Berries, Garden. In the bye and bye. Fine lot between Portland and Ore in style!” A 54-acre farm, 12 a'1 res hops, fruit All cleared and in cultivation; good gon City on car line for sale for $800, Sad, indeed, is the outlook for the Tf you rece’ve subscription blanks trees, berries, garden, grain land, $50 down, $15 j er month. TIJs is a spring. Will exchange for Willamette fine house, hop house, bam and mac from the Silverton Journal, please do rising generation! When neither par embraces as true or what the chil large lot 50x138»,'a feet. It will In Valley property or will accept $1*|A) adam road, fine water, plenty of not throw them away, even if you ents, school board nor Sunday school as first payment with reasonable tirn^ dren are to become. Pity the un crease in value. See pasture. Call In and get full partic can’t use them. Give uhem to some teachers care what the child knows on balance. Cascade Real Estate Co. CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO or does not know, what he or she fortunate race! one who may have time to help. ulars. Cascade Real Estate Co. I California Expositions February 15 to November 30 SCENIC SHASTA ROUTE r SOUTHERN PACIFIC THE HANSON HOTEL RA TES Dooms 25c up' Meals 25c. Board ana Lodging $5.50 per week. CITY MEAT COMPANY FARM LOANS When In Salem Stop at THE DEPOT HOTEL “THE SHOP ,, REAL ESTATE ✓