Mr. Phelps "challenges me, dares clergy the right to use this ‘Substitu tion for Marriage.’ ” This is a secret order composed of the intereat uf the Jewish pri**thoo«l, uf hi* acceptance of my challenge.” "Ho'y Fathers in God” and "Bie sed A LESSON IN GEOLOGY their purpo»<- being to keep the peo Mr. Phelps has never yet accepted my Creatures’’ of the other sex. To be challenge, but let me see what 1 can eligible, a priest must have served his The Lancelet, the, first of the back ple ignorant and «upentitiouB, that du to comfort the poor man. 1 have function seven years (with exceptions bone tribe, had only a line of curti their right to rule wuuld be unques deposited $100 with Mrs. J. E. Hos in favor of the specially fit). Any tioned. To doubt the Bible wax the lage in place of spinui vertebrae: that mer to make good my offer to Mr. woman, married or unmarried, nun or wonri of crime* against God and man. is the connecting link between mol AND OUR A certain preacher claim* that we Phelps to prove Lincoln a Chris otherwise, who suits the fancy of a lunks and fishes. Mollusks were the “ Holy Father in God" is eligible to tian before a Christian Jury; but I sofl-bodiud animuls that inhabited Materialists are too cowardly to go reserve the right *o hunt for the membership, as a Vessel of Election, away from home anti the protection »walers which covered the calili jury. 1 have seen so much of Mr. but she must lie p'iant, docile, obedi of the churches. Bleau hlu dear heart! millions of years. I'help»’ slipshod premature methods ent, sound in mind and body, free Some of the wuter-v rins, by When wiu the church ever known to thut 1 cannot trust him on such an from any hereditary taint, — for it is squirming in the seu, also deveiupexl protect anything that opposed it? important mission. 1 am going forth not permittee that impurity should FOR A FREE PRESS fins. By using their fins constantly, Church hirtory serve:, to »how that with the lantern uf Diogenes in search touch the b<xiy of a Holy F ather. She w I koi it had the temporal a« well a* some of them developed into fishes, of a Christian. I hope that Mr. must consider it an honor to hold but it required centuries of slow de the spiritual control of munkind, all i’helps will not withhold from me these sacred relations; must aid the ippocition wa» met by turture and velopment to evolve the fish. After his blessing. It muy take me some Holy Father by money and otherwise 12,000,000 years of fishes, the up Ici'.th. And today they try to enforce time to find the jury, but if Mr. when in need; and finally under pain We have been browbeaten, maligned, amault- their idea» of religi. u* morality by heaval of islunds und mountains par ed, boycotted, denied our righta in Court, im of persecution and death, must deny Phelps doesn't need the money too Fortunate for the tially denuded muking soil, permitted »tututory law. badly, 1 will have to ask him to wait al1 knowledge of such a society. She prisoned and robbed of the privilege of editing world, mm and women have been and vegetation und annual life to develop uwhile until I can round up u few must attend Mass, take pari in keep- our paper while in jail, all for trying bo make the on the land, und through centuries ire still willing to brave the scorn of his genuine Simon-pure, dyed- i >g the Altar and Sanctuary, and and calumnie* of the churches und world better by publishing the truth. Thia only of such use of their fins they dcvel- Vestments in order, and must pay 25 in-the-wool brethren. makes us stronger in the fight! But, as we have oped into legs und claws; thus rep their prient», and suffer even death In the meantime, as Mr. Phelps has cents a month (or weak) which goes tiles were evolved. The umphibiuns for reiigiuu* und economic freedom. been robbed through boycott, of the where-with- seriously question**! my sincerity in to the Holy Father for the honor con- were links between water unimal.« und Tin church is largely responsible this matter, and as all our readers ferred. Prayers, music, pictures, can- all to continue our work, we are forced to change lund-animals. These include frogs, for «lum condition*, in thut it oppose* are interested in this discussion, I dies, incense, bells, ceremony, holy our plans, and this advertisement is to let the toads und lizard* und many extinct every effort on the part of the com suggest that we submit our evidence water, bles«ings, the vestments, im- lovers of liberty, justice and truth know that they reptiles found us fossils. Their »witn- mon people to improve their economic in the columns of The Journal. If ages, Scripture, the stc ry of Mary and are hereby given the privilege to help In our Cam bludders were changed into lung >, welfare, it teaches that it is the du Mr. Hosmer will issue a two page the angel, — everything used by the their fins into legs, their scales into ty of the poor to be "content with that S paign. Are you in favor of our continuing in this Church is used and involved in the supplement 1 will pay one half hair or feathers. The Age of Reptiles condition in life to which it ha* pleas of the cost and Mr. Phelps pay the methods of the Holy Fathers to give work? Here are our objects: required 30,000,000 years. Among ed God to call them." It points to other half. Mr. Phelps may have the the form of sacredness to the Order In order to make the world better for our hav their fossils are found winged lizard* those passages in the Biblu advising first page to present his case, 1 will and its obligations, and to persuade un<.’ other species, part reptile und the "i ervarit* to be obedient to their lake the second. ing lived, and with malice toward none and charity and convince the timid or doubtful B. part bird. Of course it took muny mosteru,” und that "the powers that for all, we wish to make public: I think that it was real cruel in C. Her oath binds her to implicit generations of slow development for be, are ordained of God.’’ It defends Mr. Phelps to expurgate me from the obedience to all clergymen member« 1. The doings of individuals who are Dosing the fore-legs to change into wings, u system that permits thousands to ' columns of The Journal, It is all of the Society; she must watch her and the sculea into feather., before die of hunger und cold in a land of as good citizens, but who are continually commit right for him to refuse to road my sisters; oppose and pursue any mem ^i>- perfect bird was evolved, so to plenty, it spends untold millions for ting crime secretly. stuff if he chooses, but when he ber who may become dissatisfied with tally unlike a reptile, thut it is hard the erection of palatial church build says: "From now on nothing he may the requirements of the clergical mem_ 2. The grafting schemes and self protecting fur Guy I’hclps to Iwdicve thut the ing« while unspeukuble suffering from 1 put in The Journal will have weight hers; protect the clergy by swearing sycophancy of our public officials. ancestors of ail birds were really Just poverty goes unrelieved in the very with its readers," that was the “most falsely; if married, to hold and main crawling reptiles. Life on the land shudow of these buildings. It some unkindest cut of all.” 3. The hypocritical and absurd pretentions and tain inviolate the Sacred Mysteris for instead of in the wuter, changed the time* pay* money, donated to the the sake of the Holy Fathers in God. confidence games of all humbug religious fakers. 8. H. VAN TRUMP, fuod, habits, environment und methods church for the relief of this suffering, ML Angel, Oregon. The B. C.s wear certain badges of 4. The effort to destroy our publie schools, of escaping from enemies, so they to high officials. It surrounds the Insignia easily recognisable by other inherited quulities and the added de child with every influence calculated our other American institutions of civil and rel members. Many a Mrs. O’Foley in velopment of each new generution to prevent any honest search for the igious liberties, free thought, free speech and free • • kept counting tuwurd their evolution. truth concerning religion, and to press, by the foreign power know» a* the Reman In Junuury 15th Journal Guy steep it* mind with degrading super Hierarchy, and its treasonable efforts to destroy GENERAL CONCUBINAGE i’helps imuginea birds’ wings hud td stitions. Charles F. Randall, Bead and Circalste the American government and preveat our prog be evolved in one generation or less, Capron, Okla. by wanting to fly, unless hi* God cre Why is the Human Catholic Church ress in perfecting “a more perfect union.” My non-Cathollc married friend, if ated each species by a miracle in one singled out for criti«i*m ? Because she 5. The cause of poverty and crime and the second. Just so, all who pray, im THE SERAPHIC MR. PHELPS is the only insttution that claims to you were not married by * priest, remedy by the destruction of political trickery and y u are not married at all. Let me agine or try to believe, that 'heir hold patent right on ail of God's busi prove it by the creed of the Catholic false hero worship and how to establish universal God can answer every prayer by In ness on earth, both spiritual and tem I should hate to be compelled to Church. It i* this way: Marriage is knowledge of the true principles of government stantaneous miracle. But there is no po, si, and claims the right from God to answer prayers. The answers think that a man of (Jud had so far heaven to enforce her claim. Always one of the seven Sacraments, which on the basis of equality of opportunity and the ure only chemical results of nature's lost his temper and forgotten his di an enemy of Liberty, always standing are given exclusively into the hands inalienable right of every citizen to an equal vine mission in life as to write things of the Catholic Church. Logically, doings to secure whut they want for Despotism, claiming to be infal chance to life, liberty and the pursuit of hap about an antagonist unworthy a then, only the Catholic Church can do done. Prayers are just follies of peo lible in her attitude, she cannot the business. gentleman. 1 am therefore utterly piness. ple's superstitions und ignorance. change or lit herself to 2Uth century By order of Pope Pius X there was Ought not priests und preachers to at a loss to understand h< w Mr. prugress. The books named below 6. The awful effects of the use of stimulant* Phelps could huve written all of published on August 2, 1907, the "Ne tie severely punished for misleading give the history, character and work and narcotics on the human race and the best those ugly things about mo that he )he masses and obtaining mon«') frmn of this old institution. Order from Temere” Decree, in substance and in methods of emancipation from their destructive did in The Journal uf Januray 29th. part, as follows: "The marriage of all them through “false pretenses?’’ for L. D. Ratliff, 2162 Elm Ave., Salem, things that Mr Husmer so h.tcs to fallen-»way Catholics (who have be slavery. all teachings about a God, forgiveness Oregon, or from The Silverton Jour come Protestants or Infidel*) before of sins, und reward* and punishments hn«e tu print in his paper. I don’t nal, Silverton, Oregon. 7. The principles of the universal (genuine ti i k that it was any nice way for a Protestant minister, or civil mag after death are "false pretenses." Catholic) religion of righteousness, and a true, CARTOONS istrate, is no marriage at all. Make all priests and preachers earn Vr. Phelps to do. I never could have progressive and modern Protestant faith of de "The marriage of a Catholic to a treated him that way, and I can ’ t see A book of 109 pages full of them. their living by real useful work. non-baptized person is never a real how a Christian could act so. The stroying ancient errors, which have held us in It is Humanism in Art. Price 25cta. Elixa Mowry Bliven, marriage, unless the Church grants bondage; and that the salvation of our race de • • • Brooklyn, Conn. only way that 1 can uccount for it a dispensation. is on the theory that Mr. Phelps’ type pends on the solid rock of “the brotherhood of The Confessional makes the people writer slipped ull of those ugly word* "The marriage of a Catholic to a slaves to the priesL It ia, therefore, man.” A BOHEMIAN MATERIALIST ON into his manuscript when he was not Protestant (one never baptised in the a menace not only to moral«, but to watching. THE W AR Catholic Church) before a Protestant We have faith that there are enough thinking the aerial order and civil liberty. Lib There arc many things on which Of course, Mr. Phelps moans well erty ia dead ia every prieat-ridden minister, or a civil magistrate, is no people in the United States to save our work from marriage at all.’’ the whole world in the 20th century but his controversial method haa some country. the destroyer’s hands, and we are using this space, The “Ne Temere” Decree. Price is blind. We huve the bloodiest war defects. He never seems to bo able "Open Door to Hell." Price 10 cent*. 15 Cent*. formerly occupied by advertising which made it of all histories as tho fruit of the to get hold of any facts, and besides "Secret Confession to a Romish possible to publish our paper, to call on all who are world's high schools and professors, he scutters badly. Just look at the Priest," by an ex-Catholic. 128 pages, interested to join us in the work. Do you believe which the people pay for in taxes. present case. After paying me three Price 25 cent*. The people are killing one another fourths of a column of ministerial in a free press? Do you believe in our objects? REPLY TO MATERIALISTS by thousands without a reason or compliments, he fails to establish one If so, help us establish The Convent ia « prison house of By Guy Fitch Phelps benefit to themselves and paying the point against me. He sayB: “1 saw superstition. Its victims who escape cost. Is there in the world any other what that church business was put in (Continued from p. 2, col. 6) eay it is more than that. Anyway, living creature who could do such for, and I did not mention it pur so long as the priests resist every at damnable things? With whut kind posely," and yet he cairned that hr of llfe, the one claims that life is tempt at a public inspection of these come only from pre-extinet life, For of material did the touchers and pro bao "accepted my challenge." Mr. and dens it is prima facie evidence that a time the former view prevailed. fessors fill the people’s brains, so Phrlps seems to be a l'ttle ml'.ed; be they have something to hide. One has said: "Spontaneous genera they have less education than the did not accept my challenge, but sub "Behind Convent Bars,’’ by William tion, now rejected as heresy by both lowest animals? Newspapers in many mitted a new one of his own But Lloyd Clark and others, including In languages print different excuses for why all of these bitter epithets be theology and science, was- once ortho gersoll’s eloquent denunciation. 80 Do all you can and get others to help! dox with both." Dr. Henry Bastian the war, but none print the real cause 1 thought that Lincoln should Pages, 25 cents. Send us facts that should be published! claimed to have demonstrated that points of blame. There are three: have acknowledged Jesus as Savior e e e That we are alive and willing to work ia life is originated spontaneously. This First, all kinds of religion are full ami been baptized to become a Chris- “Preposterous mummery of Pope seemed to settle the case for a time. of hypocrisy, blessing their own tian ? Didn't 1 generously accept our opportunity. Do not wait! swords with God's power, to kill Mr. I’helps’ new form of challenge? dom I Always the aamal Biding it* It was claimed that as liquids can enough of another belief, so they can All that I insisted upon was that time! Meek where it haa to ba; mer change into crystals, so dead matter 131.90 Previously acknowledged rob and enslave them. Is there any the jury should be genuine. Tho ci' cm where it can afford to be; rotten may become alive. Pasteur, Child .50 J. L. Freeland ................. human morality in it? The second is trouble with Mr. Phelps is that he is to the core; the deepest slough that and Wyman stood with this view. But 5.00 Kentucky Friend ........... the same kind of work by the national afraid of his own definition. Now, ever engulfed humanity; the deadliest Drs. Tyndall and Dallinger tested 2.00 a . E. Combs ................... governments. The third is the news I never would have offered to pay fanaticism that ever inspired murder; the theory more completely and found 1.00 papers, they are the leaders and Mr. Phelps |100 to prove that Lincoln the most stupendous of hypocrisies that it was an impossibility to pro Salem Friend ................. teachers of the whole world. If all was a Christian before an Infidel and organised imposture*; th* de duce life from dead matter. Prof. .25 Mrs. A. Lenon ............... of them would lead the people against jury, because Infidels are human and spoiler of men, th* enslaver of wom Tyndall went to the high Alps and 1.00 E. J. Searls ..................... war, no such shameful war could liable to err. Most of them are so en, the perverter of youth, th* cor gave the matter a thorough test. Re 25.00 An Angel of Iowa ........... have been brought about. All three human that they would rather see rupter of moral*, th* suborner of turning he gave a lecture and said: perjuries, the mortal foe to justice and “Thia ia the summing up of eight are to blame that the people are yet the whole universe destroyed this in as foolish as many thousand years stant than have the Christian’s Hell good government, the friend of obedi months of incessant labor. From the ago. Selfishness is choking human continue another day. But when I ent stupidity, th* enemy of hon**t beginning to the end of the inquiry morality to death, Human morality saw that definition of Mr. Phelps’ inquiry, and intelligent independence; there is not a shadow of evidence in can be built up by Universal Free- that “no Christian will lie,” I knew hating research, dreading light, afraid favor of apotaneous generation. There thinking, Materialism and Socialism. right away that there was my chance, of the unshackled brain; utterly de is, on the other hand, overwhelming After this war the poor people may I knew that if I could get a jury testing reason, sober judgment, com- evidence against it.’’ Prof. Huxley re. get smarter and start out of the that would neither lie nor believe the con sense; enveloped in every fnntaet. trenches and admits in his article in dark. I am glad, in little Bohemia pious falsehoods of other Christians ic extravagance of the mysterious, th* the Encyclopaedia Britannica that tney start riots and rebellion against that Mr. Phelps could never convince occult, the supernatural, in order that what Prof. Tyndall says is true. He this war-power, and will not be led, that jury that Lincoln was a Chris the Spo'k* of Popedom and Medieval says: "Of the eauses which lead to as the Germans are, like sheep into tian. Once before I had to correct ism shall hypnotise and dominate th* living matter, it may be said that we slaughter houses. There is more ed Mr. Phelps for accusing me of call robur' .anhood of Modern Times." — know absolutely nothing. The pres for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 page* ¡“Popeiy in Its Relation to Civil and ent state of knowledge furnishes us ucation in Bohemia. ing Lincoln a Materialist, but here he I Religious Liberty,” by Thoma* E. with no link between the living and Joseph Schroter, comes with it again. If Mr. Phelps Rush Center, Kansas. doesn’t quit misquoting authors I Watson, 42 Pages. Price 19 cents. the non-living.’’ So said Huxley. What eve does it amount to when little unheard- will begin to think pretty soon that of echoes like Van Trump and Mrs. . he does it on purpose. When I made Prison Records show that more than BLESSED CREATURES Bliven come cackling into the front that offer to Mr. Phelps I naturally Ninety-five per cent of the Inmates In “Substitution for Marriage," yard of the public to crow about the supposed that he being a magnani are Christian Believers mous Christian gentleman, would be Father Quinn, formerly priest of th* theories which their own Materialists Some claim that preachers are the glad to meet me half way and in Roman Catholic Church at Kalamazoo, have thrown away. Next week I shall poorest paid class on enrth, but Chris case I (won the decision he would be Mich., says, "In the year 1866 Pop« go down into this a little more deeply. tians vehemently promulgate the willing to pay me $100 or at least Pius IX sanctioned the establishment It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor. statement that their God takes care givo a like amount to the Sunday of one of the most appalling institu- An ex-priest ‘aid the Vow of Chas of and rewaids in a substantial man School or some charity. But, no Sirl t’ons of immorality and wickedness ner those who serve him. Preachers Mr. Phelps wants all the money to ever countenanced under the form and tity which thought would make him tmtttttRmtttttmmnmtmttmmmmnmmmmm»»» garb of religion........ Giving to th* an angel, turned him into a devil. throughout the world, as a rule, dress come his way. better, live better and «Io lew work me, defies me," tu come up to his MATERIALISTS’COLUMN than the average citizen. The Bible wa» written by, an-1 in town und meet him on the "terms OUR OBJECTS PLAN OF CAMPAIGN GREAT BOOKS A Fund for Defensive Aggressive Warfare Send 10 Cants How To Reduce The Cost Of Living? w