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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1915)
supported by the army of workers. Schools and colleges must be estab lished, supported and patronized. In all this work many disappoint ments must be met and borne with out discouragement. The herds of blind and prejudice«! political force must l>e met by intelligent, unpreju diced knowledge of history, economics and civil government. All of this great work for ourselves and for our posterity is the happiest and best' work in which human beings can engage. It is indeed “a fight to the finish.” There can be no com- promise, and the result means the salvation of the world, or its ruin In an ignorant, superstitious slavery of of a money-drunk concentrated Ro man government whose final self- destruction will mean another civili zation reduced to barbarism. To the end that the forces of right eousness may win the victory, every lover of liberty, justice and truth should get to the front. Life is short. The time to do something is now. It is an easy matter to do one’s part if he or she desires to do it; and the happiest, the most glorious life to live is a life in the service of "the good time coming.” Forward! ceived, bigoted,” etc., for such they have said of the man who believes MOVING « in God. Let Mr. Van Trump, or some Those who love us most and those PICTURES of his friends l>e honest enough to whom we most love, and we our I'ubliBhad anry Friday mom in* at Sihrarton, selves. are strangely silent. The days admit this inconsistency. Mr. Van Oregon, by Trump places my two statements —- go by and in our self centered occu J. E. HOSMER. Editor. “Quite a number, and “moat” in con- pations we selfishly wait and wait (Vast, as being a contradiction. I think until it is forever too late to set the ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS not. There never was more than a heart strings vibrating, by obeying corporal’s guard of those follows at Instructive and Educative. the new and most precious command, Silverton. So “Quite a number,” is given by the carpenter's son, to "love equal to “Moat,'” when used with ref one another.” • erence to the total. That is; if there In our hatred for the evils of the were only eight prominent leaders of world we go forth to battle. The that school, and five went th«» self struggle is tierce. We must live while destruction route, that would be we tight and so we are absorbed — “Most” or “Quite a number’’ of the swallowed up in the conflict and our whole. So much for a quibble. Now comrades and our nearest and dearest Entered at th, ponudfice at Silverton. Orwvn. Mr. Van Trump, there are several around us never know and yet all at Mfand-cla,, rate*. thousand folks reading Th«« Journal, Subncription. 60c per year, in advance. Sin*le the only weapon which will conquer copies, Scents. so don’t waste your time. If you will our every enemy and save the world Advertising rates made known upon applica PHONE BLACK 681 go to the basic things of evolution for righteousness is this very love tion. and argue them, then I will reply to which we are forgetting and neglect Thia paper stands for freedom of thought, free you, but if you fear to do that, if All work done in the shortaat possible time. We are equip dom of the press, freedom of speech, equality of ing to use. We not only fail to un opportunity and the religion of righteousness. It y»> dare not enter into a debate on ped to handle all kinds of furniture, piano«. etc., with very little is radically opposed to every form of superstition derstand and appreciate the idea of and tyranny, or licensing or permitting any form loving our enemies but we even ne adaptation, as the work of the blind, danger of any damage done. of evil. reasonless force, which you dare not, glect to show our affections to those then please drvp out ami give your who are our best friends and nearest No Load too Heavy for our Teams to Haul. space to some on«» who will. When and truest relatives. God is love. A VISION you put something in that merits The holy spirit is love. The Savior (Written in Jail.) consideration I will answer you, but of the world is love, and those who 1 am not going to sit in a bog throw wish to follow in the footsteps of Je As I lay in my cell, ing mud at you. 1 expected this from sus of Nazareth will do as he did — Thinking, thinking, thinking. some one of you folks. What you advocate love as the remedy for all lack in argument you make up in . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ human ills — “the way, the truth Of the ages and ages of hell ► • personalities. Everyone who has read i > and the life. ” WE MUST (¡HOW OR DIE! That workers for Mammon were this debate knows that I did not say But when men are in fierce com plunder, By Guy Fitch Phelps. that ALL Materialists were white < • The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list petition with each other, when one A billion of hands as countless as man’s gain is another man’s loss, slavers, gamblers, etc. Mrs. Bliven growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we sands want to give even more than value received. when nearly the whole of life’s work In The Silverton Journal of Janu said just that of Christian* — I have Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Use Tore the walls of my prison asunder. must be centered in keeping others, ary 1st, 1915, Mr. VanTruinp replies the article here by nn> — ami I re the following blank: including your best friends and often to me, also there is a short little plied that those Catholics who were As I lay in my trance. times your nearest relatives, from nothing from Mrs. Bliven. Mr. Van running saloons, etc., were hypocrites, i • A F R E E P R E S S robbing you of even the means of life Trump is still feeling badly about my and reminded her that investigation • • Dreaming, dreaming, dreaming. itself, how can we obey the new com reference to the fate of certain Mat would prove that thousands of the Of the ages and ages of joy, guilty of the slums are infidels ami mandment. Hate that has been en Of workers when Mammon is unde>-, gendered by the strugg’e for gold erialists of Silverton, who were con Materialists. Which is true. Just to nected with the Infidel School there. < > A billion of shouts that banished all and territory and power is at the bot Evidently what 1 said struck a sore give you a start Mr. Van Trump, I < > The Huhscription price lias been changed from $1.00 to doubts tom of nearly all the individual and spot, or he would not worry about it. will ask you to explain, on the basis < • 50 cents per year. • • ‘Rose to skies like a rythm of thunder. national wars, and truly “the love I notice that when men make a great of natural selection and evolution, - • of money” means nothing else than fuss about something there is usually how a bird's wing was erolved. Go > EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, the hate of each other and the quar a reason. 1 have just rtxreived a letter into it now, and meet it squarely. < • As I looked at the host, SILVERTON. OREGON. rels and wars which result therefrom. from a prominent minister of Oregon Don’t suppose m the case. Yop say ♦ i > Yearning, yearning, yearning, , for which »end THE JOL'RNAI to Enclosed find $ There is a great movement on foot who urges that 1 shall not “bring the that evolution is a science, then you i > For the love and peace for all the following: for peace. We are all doing some- skeletons out of the closets of free have the facts; give them, and tell Who face now this hell’s stupid blun thi g to help or to hinder its prog- thinkers’’ around Silverton. I assure us just how the wing was evolved, der, ress. This movement is nothing com- my readers that I do not wish to. The ami what caused the first tendency I • Name A beautiful light like a sunburst at plicated to understand, It is so plain feelings of those people are to be which made the first joint of the first Address that a wayfaring man though a fool respected. But if what Van Trump wing. night Name need not err therein, It is just to says is true why this fear of “skele Mrs. Bliven tells us that infidels Showed the land of heavenly wonder. change the economic basis of our tons?” One thing 1 do know, and Mr. propose to file from Christianity what Address g vemment from exploitation of each Van Trump will not try to change the suits them. Exactly! They take their I Name other to co-operation with each other. facts: Katie Kehm Smith, connected morals from it ami reject the basis PUBLICITY OUR HOPE That is, instead of a government with at least the Forest Grove School of those morals — God. How scienti Address founded on making a living by get of freethinkers, and who died in East fic. She says that Greece, especially, < > ting away from each other what we had and t iught “all those qualities.” Name ... It is even now almost business sui- produce, through profit, rent and in ern Oregon, died calling upon God for She means Christian teachings on < > mercy. This will set him in a pet, no cide in almost every part of America Address terest, we wish to change to the plan morality, etc. This is not true. Con to oppose the Roman priesthood. This of letting everybody work when ever doubt, but I have my information Name from a minister who was in the lo quering tribes covered Greece 1104 is largely because of the cowardice they are able and willing to work and cality where she died. Let me assure B. C. This was the Dorian migra- of those who should stand by the Address tion. The Aeolian and Ionic followed, to have and to hold only that which truth when the test comes. But busi they socially produce. Then the more Mr. Van Trump that I do not want While the Helenic period dates only ness suicide is not all. Life itself is one produces, the more he will have to believe that those folks really com from the first Olympiad, B. C. 776- mitted suicide. Many infidels, like in danger, if one makes public what and instead of robbing anyone else Mr. Van Trump do not, at least be .323. Socrates, who taught the im- nearly everybody knows about this by securing wea'th, he will be a help mortality of the soul, lived B. C. 469- black, foreign gang of priestly crim and a blessing to all. Then we can fore they are 45. Christianity does .399. He was the highest spiritual not stand or fall by how any one inals. Our officers and our courts “leve one another.” We will learn to dies. Mr. Van Trump’s article shows teacher they had, yet took his own are, wil’ingly or unwillingly, agents love one another. God (love) will me that he would not be a good man life. This shows that not even the Coolidge Street. Phone Black 1242. of the holy (?) gang. Priests who bless the world. The holy spirit to debate anything with. 1 will an- best Greek practiced the teachings of < > are known to be guilty of the foulest (love) will enter every heart. We Christianity. The scoldin’; Van Trump < > crimes are allowed to escape, while will not crucify the carpenter’s sons swer anything scientific, or that gives me shows that they expect touches on the subject, as he may run the hierarchy has anything it wants, and the world will be 'saved to the it, but I have a desire that this de- Christians to be about right, and that < > General Contractor for Commercial and from the machinery of the law, to uttermost.” bate shall benefit The Journal and its is a compliment to Chrisianity. But Industrial Building intimidate and punish its enemies. editor, for whom I have profound re why do they fight a thing which de Thus the very foundation of our gov mands such things of those who pro EXPERT ENGINEER ernment is rapidly being undermined. THE FIGHT TO THE FINISH spect, as well as the readers of it, fess it? The Velas, the most ancient and that cannot be if I descend to the Only 12,000,000 Catholics, under the In the Design and Construction of beauti One of our great teachers has truly Van Trump level of sarcastic per sacred books of the Hindus, only date ful homes, business houses, schools leadership of their trained and con- back to B. C. 1500-1000. But eight and churches. scientiousless leaders, the priests, are said: ‘‘The broadest facts array the sonalities. I have nothing against Mr. hundred years before the first Greek getting control, hope to fully control most falsities against themselves, for Van Trump, I do not know him, why Olympiad Moses wrote his books de SILVERTON, OREGON and are to a large extent actually they bring error from under cover. should we quarrel ? I am after what claring God. And five hundre«! years he teaches and its fruits. I shall con It requires courage to utter truth; ►♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦ control'ing the 90,000,000 people who before Moses, God revealed himself to believe in a government of the people for the higher Truth lifts her voice, tinue to drive home what I feel is Abraham. And three thousand years and who believe in our public school the louder will error scream, until its necessary, but waste time on a man before the first Greek Olympiad system as the greatest builder and inarticulate sound is forever silenced who has his spirit I will not, and I “Enoch walked with God.” And five laws of variation are profound.” And^^ defender of our great democratic re- in oblivion.” How forcefully true this know the readers of The Journal hundred years before the revelations Supreme Being are whimsies.” Here ib and how beautifully is it shown would rather I would not. One thing public. of God on Sinai Job wrote his mas we have science against itself, for no yet Materialist* tell us that they have The priests believe in “one-man- by the persecutions, the mob violence, I do: I accept his challenge to show ter poem, which mortal man has nev up-to-date scientist would think of established their dogmas! Ninety-five that Lincoln reached the point where rule.” They speak of our schools as the imprisonments and the political er approached for power and beauty; saying that matter produced life. So per cent of all thut is called science “godless Institutions.” They are not and business intrigues of the Roman he considerd himself a Christian, test which puts all the Byrons and Shake we are not shaken when we hear some is not such at all, but mere assertions ed by the requirements of Christiani American in any sense, They are church here in America. This political speare» of the world to shame. And new scientific dogma declared a.' an and theories. Look into the claims ty. I need a hundred dollars, and if business organization which hides its guilty of the worst crime known to in that poem God is the center established fact. The term “Modern of those who reject God and you will man — treason. They are not so motives under the cloak of religion is Mr. Van Trump will not have to pay thought. So you see, Mrs. Bliven, Science” is a much worked quantity find them ex-parte methods which do would more than eight per cent, I cially pure and good, but sodomy, becoming the sponsor and political that Greece is rather a poor refer and needs much turning over. 1 quote their claims no credit. They are rape, drunkenness and swindling of agent for the money power of the like to have his hundred. I am so ence. The Heb'cw God was known this to show how little dependence scarcely static on any point. Tracing the worst character is very common world, and that we are bringing these burdened with work that I will have throughout the world. Wherever the can be put in the findings of well- back the history (physical) of the among them. To convert this gang two consolidating devils “from under to get the facts on this point together Hebrews went they took the knowl theoried scientists, and how few of worl<l all come to * time when man to Americanism by gentle means is cover” is well proven by their frantic as I can. I will tell him when I am edge of God — Jehovah — with them. their writings and views amount to a was not. Beyond that lie the under- a hopeless task. It can not be done, screams, and from now on, it will ready. I will select six or twelve of The Septuagint was made nearly dictum. The whole method of Hux dated things, principally, The first and the only method which has ever indeed “require courage to utter the the members of my church as a jury, three hiAidred years before Christ, ley’s reasoning in this case is vicious state was whirling fire. Thera was been successful is publicity wit) the truth” regarding the danger. But right here. I want the readers of this debate which carried the knowledge of God and misleading, and is repudiated by a time when no life, animal or veg resultant f >rce of an aroused and in there are those who have the courage wherever the Greek was spoken or modern scientific men. His statement etable, could exist on this globe. dignant people. On, then, with our and the truth will be uttered, it mat to notice how Materialists move about. Jews colonized. The conquests of proves one of mine, however, that There was neither bird nor insect nor work of publicity! Let every true ters not whether the prison, the Mrs. Bliven said the Council of Nice Alexander served to scatter the Jew there is no right or wrong if there is living thing. Once the earth was hot, American citizen help us publish the strangling cord, the dagger or the wrote the Bible, invented God and ish scripters among all nations. It no God. Sir Chis. Lyell believed man red hot, white hot, flaming gas or truth about this criminal gang of for poison cup is used to silence the here Christ. In their material run in The was from them that Mahomet got all came from monkies, but admits there illuminated gas. Long this side of eign bigots, compel them to set their tic, until at last the voice of “the Silverton Journal they took ground he knew of God. It was from these is no evidence to prove it. He hopes these states materia sm stops. T<^ captives free, disband their traitor beast” and all her whelps will be si that the man who believed in God that all nations received the knowl such evidence may be found some k > back of that they would come fac^^ training schools, take their hands off lenced in oblivion. But this silence was superstitious, unreasonable, un edge of a promised Savior, and the where in Central Africa. Dr. Baden to face with God, and that is a meet scientific, with all the other terms our courts, withdraw their illegal will be gained only by great labor, Wise men, who came to Jerusalem to admits that many link« are missing ing thut none of them want. Again, boycotts from our business, stop rob great sacrifice and great suffering. handy to an infidel. But when I be find Christ prove that they v.ere from the evolutionary chain, and says what was true of this planet, was once bing the innocent, trusting Catholic Truth and the necessity of its estab gan to talk back they changed po watching for his coming. So you see, that "conditions are such that »/e true of all of them, doubtless. All people, become honorable, law-abiding lishment in the world must be taught sition and began to claim such men to the children. This will meet re as Washington, a church member, and Mrs. Bliven, that behind all you may know nothing abouttr.eselostthings.” were once flaming fire. Back of the»* American citizens or "get out!” bring up is the clear revelation of When Mr. Darwin was asked to ex molten drops, we call worlds, lies the Dear reader, hurry! This appeal buke, dismissal, ostracism and unjust Lincoln, whom they admit was a De plain the evolution of the battery of eternity of the worlcldss universe. God to the world. is even now over one hundred days punishment. Love for all mankind, ist, and Tom Paine, also a Deist, as the electrical eel, the eye of the cut Logically, then, wo have to come to a Let me repeat that life is always behind, on account of the sheriff of a love that is not afraid to help lift belonging to their crowd. Mr. Van tlefish, an 1 the human aye,” according lifeless, worldless time, so far as we constructive, and intelligently con Trump, what business has a Material, Marion county acting as an agent of humanity out of error must be to his theory, he admitted that it see life working. When measured with the hierarchy and forbidding us send taught and practiced. This will be ist — who hoots at the idea of a structive. Wherever you see life "was impossible to conceive by what the past eternity the beginning of working it proves a thought and pur ing such articles from his (?) jail met with hate and boycott. Liberty God in the universe — got claiming steps the, were produced.” But if he cooling worlds is but an event of for publication. It is certainly none of thought must he poured into the Deists and church members as be pose, which prove forethought and a cannot ',e how the human ear or eye yesterday. Our world is not yet cool. designer. Law proves a law - giver. of his business, but he made it his ranks of the enemy until thousands longing to his party ? There is the v as produced, how oure he claim to Now, Materialists are confronted with business. Do something today! Write and millions wil' forsake the black difference of the east and the west Wherever things work together to an know how the body was produced? the problem of telling us where veg to us. There is proof of our conten flag of superstition and join the ranks between Theistic evolutionists and intelligent purpose, they prove the When asked for the “missing links” etable and animal life came from. If tention lying around, in every com of the thinkers to overthrow their old Materialistic evolutionists. Mr. Van supervision of intelligence. This can he sends us to the undiscoverable fos- it was before the wor'ds, how did it munity, that we can not get, without time corruptors and deceivers. All Trump belongs to the latter, then how bo generally applied to nature. Hux siliferous strata below the Silurian.” pass through the fiery ordeal ? How your help. We need all kinds of help. of this work will take time, money can he claim fellowship with Deists ley says: "Matter is all powerful and This is quite safe — for his theory. came all the seeds and living things Everyone who believes in America and talent. Lecturers must be put and not be "su perst i t ious, u nreason able, sufficient.” "Protoplasm is the organ When we ask how all the forms of to appear this side of the fire state? of all life; these are facts established unscientific? ” If what Mr. VanTrump for true Americans can do something. in the field. Detectives must be en animal life, from the louse to the For two hundred year, the scientif^te by modern science and therefore there “Eternal vigilance is the price of lib gaged to learn the truth. The best believes is true, Lincoln and Tommy Mastxlon, came from a few trunks, world has been divided on the orig^F is no God in the universe, and human Paine and Washington were “ unrea erty!” Publicity is the hope of our attorneys must be secund. News (Continude on p. 3, col. 4) he replies that "our ignorance of the American institutions! Help ! 1! * papers must be run at a loss or sonable, superstitious, fanatical, de responsibility and accountability to a The Silverton Journal GOD IS LOVE THE GEM THEATRE, Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. REPLYTOMATERIALISTS THE SILVERTON JOURNAL BEN HOFSTETTER