T he S ilverton journal VOL. IV. PAPAL NOTES Uy L. 0. ltutlitf lh> the priv.tii really deceive them ■elvee, or i* it merely their purpose to deceive the people and amuau u world of fool« ? • • • Father Phelan, of the Western Watchman, said. ('atholica do not know much about their religion. Quito true, moat noble prieat. That la why they are Catholics. • • • While Godrick, an English hermit, waa in the form water cooling ott hia love for women, the devil came and stole uwtty hia clothes. That’s -• io Joke, it ia written. • • • Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Angelic Doctor whose Theology is decreed by Pope Piua, the late, in a dream un­ derwent a constriction by angola which made it easy for him to prac­ tice celebacy. • • • A writer says the priest leurns the quality of a woman's fury when the Jeulousy of hia housekeeper is aroused by the too frequent visits of the la­ dies of the parish ut the holy father's house. • • • .Milman says that Henry, Bishop of Liege, "boasted at u public banquet that in 22 months he had 14 children born, besides claimed a vast numta-r of escapades with nuns. What a holj bunch of holy dads to hand down the Infallible decrees, eh? • • • According to Dowling’s History, King Edgar confessed to having for­ cibly violated a nun of noble birth and grout beauty, und us u penance he waa commanded to build u convert und persecute the married clergy. • 4 • "Why is it that when the men-folk of u parish object to a sensual priest, the women-folk stand by him?" The answer is to be found in human na­ ture. After modesty und restraint are broken down and a mutuul sym­ pathy ia established between the two at the Confessional, it becomes a sort of fascination for the women to meet the priest. Such u womun sees no impropriety in priestly irregular­ ities. The sensual pleasure of the Confessional covers a multitude of holy sins. Now think of a whole community of mothers and daughters thus "absolved!” — There is no standard of virtue in Catholic coun­ tries. • • • Freedom of religion ? Religion is supposed to have to do with a spirit­ ual nature in man. Roman Catholi­ cism is not a Religion ut all. It is nothing but Priestism. And even its priest may be a devil. The Roman Catholic Church is a political ma­ chine whose only excuse for existence is to manage world politics, and sus tain a universal graft. Talk about rights? She has no rights. She is a usurper a dealer in frauds and hum­ bugs, u beneficiary of immorality und crime. Her convents anil other slave pens should be prohibited by law. Her priests and hierarchs should be disfranchised. The Confessional should be outlawed. Her Parochial schools should be ubolished. Anyway the history of every Catholic country in the world would sustain all these statements. • • • Peter Dens, 1690-1776, Archpriest, was the author of a theology of which Edgar, in "Variations of Popery," p. 541, says: "Dens, in modern times, has outrun Basil and all the saints of untiquity on the stadium of nasti­ ness. His theology, in which con tamination lives and breathes, is a treasury of filthyness which can never be surpassed. He hns shown an un­ rivaled genius for impurity, and fu­ ture discovery can, n this department of learning, never eclipse his glory, nor deprive this precious divine of his well-earned fnme and merited im­ morality. The philosophy of Newton has been improved. His Astronomy, notwithstanding its grandeur, has re­ ceived mnny accessions from other discoverers. But the sublimated ob­ scenity of Dens, finished in its kind, admits of no advancement or progres­ sion. “This doctor doos not bear his blushing honors alone. The Popish Prolacy of America, by adopting his refined speculations to promote the education of the priesthood, share in his triumphs; and the inferior clergy who are hound to study his divinity, will, no doubt, manifest the value of his system by the superiority of their theological and holy attainments." SILVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1915. No. 15. ROMAN PRIESTS EVERYWHERE CRIMINAL MARION COUNTY PRIESTHOOD AWFUL CUSSING Plain or With Frills It ia said that one citizen asked another to write for him a letter to a third. “All right,” said the writer* "What shall I say?” “Well, he's a skunk, ao call him a blanket) hlan- kety, blank villain in the first line and git harder all the way down.” That would be “cussin’’ plain and simple, without doubt. But for cussin with frills, by the “Cusser from Cussville,” as a lata literary celebrity might have put it, cornmend us to the Romish priest­ hood, from the pope down to the low­ est blasphemer in the black crowd. The priestly gentry have what ap­ Those who read Mrs. Anderson’s pears to be a sort of standard form­ affidavit in The Silverton Journal ula for kindly speech of persons they have knowledge of the awful Sublimi­ desire to have get into trouble. They ty crimes and the more recent crimes have a regular annual and official of the Woodbum Sodomite is still cussin day, which they call “Maunday fresh in the minds of those who were I Thursday,” which day being near present at the trial. O, Lord, think Easter, might be thought to suggest of it all! Right here in our midst! something other than blaspheming And these criminals are still doing one’s fellow beings. Well, on his cussin anniversary they their unholy work. Father-------------- set their old bull, “In coena Domini,” the Sodomite, has gone to California, we understand, and is probably in to bellowing and pawing up the dirt green pastures and beside th« still against all and every who, anywhere waters of a good salary — money on the planet, have offended his al- taken from the brain and brawn of I leged “holiness” in certain described matters. We have heretofore men­ honest working men and women. The others, and many more almost tioned this old reprobate bull, and like ’em, with a few who do not be- ■ may need to speak of it again. But for unmixed gall and a most loi g to the church exactly, but who have the symptoms and can be de­ I picturesque vocabulary of very low pended on to do dirty work to help 1 grade cuss words, take the “Cuss” the powerful, money-glutted hierar­ heaved at Victor Emanuel when at the chy to imprison, strangle, stab or poi­ call of about 135,000 of the citizens son any honest citizen who dares to of Rome (who were opposed by less expose its rottenness, are still cn the I than 1,500 persons who would de­ Job right here in our county. Today clare themselves friends of his “H li- as we write the priests and their lick­ ness”) said Victor made Rome the spittles are lobbying in our legisla­ I Capital of United Italy. Victor was ture against appropriations for state cussed, not because his character was institutions, because they want to en­ alleged to be bad, but solely because slave the fallen girls and'other girls he and the people of Rome had orst- of this state. The priests cause thou­ I ed old Pius from his graft. The sands of girls to fall; they enslave 1 “Cuss” is too long to be quoted en­ thousands of others; they live and tirely; but we give you some choice satisfy their lusts off of their poor morsels, to show you the infinite victims. In return they give the I tenderness of the heart of a pope, and people a lot of superstitious lies ' how industriously he fulfils the Divine which keeps them in ignorance and [Command: “Love your enemies.” By the authority of the Almighty fear and lessens their ability to be­ come good, intelligent and progres­ ' God, the Father. Son and Holy Ghost, sive citizens. What are you going to and of the Holy Canons, and of the j undefiled Virgin Mary, we excom­ do about it? municate and anathematize him, and from the threshold of the holy church the ease with which they are persuad­ of God Almighty we sequester him, ed to come down is remarkable. They that he may be tormented in eternal excruciating sufferings, and as fire is are almost too easy. What the hell is the matter with quenched by water, so let the light the old Dago ever in the Vatican? of him be put out forevermore. May He is getting exorbitant in his de­ the Son Who suffered for us, curse mands for Peter pence. It costs us him. May the Father Who created so much to get our red hats that I men, curse him. May the Holy Ghost hoped the old man would let up a which was given to us in our bap­ little in his graft I can see where we tism, curse him. May the Holy and will have to boost the price of holy eternal Virgin Mary, Mother of God, water. Cardinal Merry Del V says, curse him. — “May the choir of the holy virgins, it would make us tired to see hew the old Dago grovels in his treasury, who for the honor of Christ have fairly worshiping his gold bags. It’s despised the things of this world, a good thing our dupes don’t know it damn him.” (Tough old girls, ain’t all, they might start another schism. they, if they do such wholesale A modern Luther would put the “damning” as he asks? We thought 1 such jobs of left handed blessing were crimps in our game I fear. j let out to pirates.) I hope to hear from you soon. “May he be damned wherever he Your friend in........... Graft, may be; whether in the house or in JAS., S. J. the field; whether in the highway or The one lone Marion County priest mentioned last week as being a criminal of the worst kind known to man is only one of many. The supposed celebate bachelors in Mexico, as a whole, are no worse than those in Marion County, Oregon, as a whole. They and their best girls are a white slave band of dangerous criminals. The dustardly crime of the Holy church things must be hushed up. thia account of a drunk got to do Futher------------------- mentioned last Another prominent feature is that, with the subject in hand? Well, read week should la- attended to. Some through the confessional and the sa­ the following letter which we received one who is interested in good govern­ loons the holy dads know all about with thia little newspaper news item ment should investigate, get neces­ the sins and weaknesses of the hus- ! and then think it out for yourself: sary proofs und place the matte • in bands, and can make it mighty hot Salem, Feb. ST, 1915. the hands of our willing prosecuting for them if they, the husbands, under­ attorney. But the matter should not take to get funny. So, since taking Mr. HOSMER: end with the punishment (for refor­ a nice outing in Europe, dear Father Knowing your fight with certain mation only) of this holy papa. There ------------------- is again enjoying the ' religious institutions, 1 am sending are others right here in Marion Coun­ sweet comforts of the real, true, | you a news item taken from this ty as well as all over the civilized (?) original Simon-pure religion of the i evening's Capital Journal. Notice, no world. These priest criminals are Society of Jesus here at home. names are given. Would yot^ or 1 Just literully raising hell everywhere, But let’s go over to the Capital be as lucky? 1 think not! Now, and, while we may go to Jail ugain City. How are the people, the press, listen. I was in a restaurant last for telling uboul it, here goes. Listen! the priests and the phools getting' night and a young man told the wai­ Our space, time und pocket book for­ along over in the ciy that the editor ter that he was at the police station bid doing all we would like to do, honored by a hundred days’ visit? I this evening, and saw them bring the but we will keep eternally at it until Today we received the following! Rev. Father----------- in “drunk” with every holy humbug is con.erted to newspaper clipping: his face scratched and bleeding. honesty, locked up or driven off the “As a well-dressed middle-aged man ; (Father-------- is an assistant of Rev. face of the earth. This time let us stepped from the Oregon Electic train -. -. -------- , CatholR.) Nothing ap­ look ut Marion County. Put beside about 8 o’clock last night, someone1 peared in the Morning Statesman and the holy father we spoke of last movwl the pavement a bit and the i as you see they were kind enough week another one, Father------ — — man fell upon his face causing a to omit names in the Journal. who is very prominent in Roman slight hemorrhage at the nose. The If you are interested in eulogizing Catholic circles. Traveling men and man was thoroughly angered at the this Rev. gentleman (?) you might other business men say that he lived tricks played on him in Salim and invesigate this for your own paper. with a beautiful, well known young started to run down High Street to Yours truly, woman for many months and that Ferry and was speeding down the A Friend of the Cause. now she is the sweet wife of a doting street when another practical joker So you see that, unless our in­ husband, while Rev. — — — — — planted a telegraph pole in front is still as holy as ever. Then there’s of him, causing another collision. Of­ formant has made a mistake, the the dear, old, ho'y father that every­ ficer Stubbs was about two jumps crime of drunkenness is added to the body knows as Father-------------------1 and a half behind and picked the man crimes of priests. Everybody knows He was caught in a very compromis- ; up and brought him to the station this however and we are not sur­ ing relation with another man’s wife.f with the aid of officer White. He had prised at this as we are that the pub­ but of course the good husbands must plenty of money and put up >6 bail, lic still puts up with the fake business learn to forgive the Fathers and lay which he forfeited. He admitted that, a.id rotten politics of such a bunch of drunken, criminal brutes as infest this everything onto the wickedness of the hv had been drinking some.” woman. The agent of God is human, Now this clipping looks innocent, land of the free and home of the you know, and for the sake of holy does it not? What connection has I brave. FROM -:STICJ I’d rather be a chattering ape and live among the trees, Than be a learned Judge, und take il­ legal, Roman fees; I’d rather live with howling wolves that northern lands infest, Than be a coward Protestant who never does protest. • • • Will the priest criminals be indicted if some one calls the prosecuting at­ torney’s attention to some of their crimes? Try it! It seems to be an easy mater to get Johnny under ar­ rest, when he undertakes to even tel) the truth about the holy dads. • • • Where is the Roman Catholic Sodo­ mite priest of Woodbum, who escaped punishment although he is known to be guilty? One hundred days in Jail for telling the truth for a law abiding American citizen, but new, green pas­ tures for a foreign, sodomite priest. Please, wake up! • • • What prominent priest of Marion County was drunk and was taken to police head quarters this week? Did you know that the daily papers, in giving the account of the arrest of this man, neither mentioned his name nor that he is a priest? He lost some of his holy blood, but his reputation is still good among the Romans. • • • The mothers superior, and all of the sisters, are just awfully sweet, 'cause they come in contact so often with the noble, holy fathers. See? • • • ’Tis said, by those who say they know, that a high official of the Roman Church in Marion County, Oregon, lived with a beautiful girl for a number of years, but she is now hap­ pily married to a doting husband; and the priest is still a holy father. 0, ye gods! This is a good case for the prosecuting attorney. If Hosmer had been a priest and had gone to Jail for telling the truth, some Protestants who are now pro­ testing one way, would have protest­ er the other. Romanism is worse than the seven-year itch. • • • "THE INNER Cablegram CIRCLE" from Cardinal Jim Cardinal John to Rome, Sept. 5. — Have made great find. Monk just returned from Holy Land, sold me piece of jaw bone of ass our Mary rode on Her memorable trip with Holy Joe and the Child. Bit The reason that the Roman priest­ of Jaw Bone of Holy Ass great for hood are not all in the penitentiary new graft. JIM, S. J., Redhatter. is because they are so holy. No one dares to interfere with God’s agents, even if they do sometimes let their Cablegram from John to Jim human passions get the best of them. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” St. Paul, Sept. 7. Do you want good fruit? Let us For God ’ s sake get me a splinter spray! from same Jaw- Bone of HOLY ASS. • • • I need a new miracle. Old fakes The Jesuits have spies out whose growing stale. Suckers don’t bite so purpose it is to break up organiza­ freely. JOHN, S. J., Redhatter. tions built on the principles of frater. in the byway; whether in the wood or nity. They get into churches, lodges, in the water or in the church. May REVERSE socialist locals and patriotic societies, Letter from Cardinal Jim to Cardinal I he be cursed in living and dying, in advocate militarism, stir up strife, ' eating and drinking, in fasting and John When the reaper at last gets me into thirsting, in s'umbering and s'eeping, blacken the character of the leaders his fold, and do every old thing possible for My dear Cardinal: in watching or waiting, in standing And I’m silent and still in a box, or sitting, in lying dorwn or walking— the good of holy church. Look out Your wire received. I’d be glad to furnish you with a splinter from the I suppose there’ll be flowers a car mingendo cacando — (Now you good for ’em! • • • JAW BONE of the HOLY ASS. but. folks who read this, don’t ask the couldn’t hold teacher of Latin what those two The old daddy priest of Mt. Angel, you see, the splinter I have is the From folks who now pelt me with one and only genuine fragment from words mean. The Pius old cuss — who was caught in a tery compro­ rocks. tomer once in the Vatican, used them, mising relation, is very happy since the HOLY ASS Our Mary rode, and his return from Europe. America is was found in the old stable in Beth­ And I also suppose they will say but the priests prosecute folks for obscenity, when they translate some some nice things a nice, quiet country and husbands lehem, where the CHILD was born When I’m cold as a Long Island of that Roman filth which they them­ for the sake of holy charch, are often to the Blessed Virgin, and its miracu­ lous qualities are such that I dare selves study at school and use contin­ very forgiving. Selah. clam not risk losing the tiniest bit of my uously. So, little boys, be good and • • • About me being in paradise flopping don’t defile your sweet lips with the Holy Relic. my wings Tne Roman Church in America is a Say, Jack, you are only too well naughty words used by the old Ro­ Despotism seeking despotic power in aware of the ease with which the While they now hand me many a man blasphemers.) the midst of a government by the ignoramusses we control are fooled, “May he be cursed in the crown of slam. people. She is not assimilable and and you would have no trouble in tak­ his head and in his temples. In his cannot be. She is un-American and ing any old bone and by letting soi.ie All this can’t be'helped, but if I had forehead and in his ears. In his eye­ my way, must and will remain so. She can­ feeble minded old beggar see you brows and in his cheeks. In his jaw I would change things so I’d be bones and in his nostrils. In his not be liberalized, for her very ex­ douse it with holy water, pass it off istence depends upon her spirit of as another Sacred Splinter from the foreteeth and in his grinders. In his ahead; Despotism. This spirit animates her same jaw bone of the Sacred or Holy I’d get all the flowers while living — lips and in his throat. — May he be every feature, her every activity. Her Ass. See ? damned in his veins and in his groin; today, Say, John, I had a great time at Hierarchs are enemies of the Republic in his tighs, in his hips and in his And the rocks and the slams when knees; in his legs, feet and toenails. by their relationship, their training the late blow out. Gosh, but there I’m dead. S. C. — May heaven with all the powers arc some pretty chickens here, and and their oath. that move therein, rise up against him, curse him and damn him. Aroen. So let it be. Amen.” Wasn’t old Pius just perfectly love­ ly? And couldn’t he cuss? Believe me, a Roman pope or priest can beat the world at cussin and doing things a certain one of the Ten Command­ ments very emphatically condemns. The learned judge still hesitates and the arrested editor of this paper still waits for the decision of the Court in regard to the demurrer against his indictment for criminal libel. The Silverton Journal is fighting for its life, for its right to tell the truth, for freedom of the press in America and in the world.