the presence of her hueband, la recog- Instead of showing that there is a AN AFFIDAVIT SHOWING THAT ln God Mr. Phelps goes after evolution THE ROMANS ARE PREPARING God, while Mr. O'Foley I* piously and and the men who support it and who FOR WAR IN THE UNITED dutifully respecting her religion, con are against his moth eaten legends. STATES Read and Circulate science, scruples and purity. The Vir This he no doubt cal!» proving the ex Oelwein Iowa, Jan. 15th, 1916. Why ia th« Roman Catholic Church gin Mary is Protectress of the Hociety istence of a God. As against Phelps singled out for criticismuscaoso she and is depended upon to shield from on evolution I will put Rev. Dr. Wash To Whom it May Concern: is the only inattution that claims to cx.osure, from scandal, etc., etc. This is to certify that I, J. O. Ri ington Gladden, who is one of the moat hold patent right on all of God’s busi This Order la variously called “Ro eminent preachers in the land, and ley, was a mem tier and in good stand ness on earth, both spiritual and tem sary," “.Sacred Heart," "Compline," probably the equal of Mr. Phelps. Dr. ing in the year 1903, and in part of poral, and claims the right from “Iinmaculute Conception," etc., etc. Gladden believes in both evolution and the yeur 1904, and that I have my re J iiwii to enforce her claim. Always About 80 pages are given to details in God, but what would he my as to ceipts to show the same, and that I enemy of Liberty, always standing of ti e Hociety of the "Blessed Crea the merit of Mr. Phelps’ attacks on was a memtier of The Ancient Order for Despotism, claL.dng to be infal tures,” w'th many a blank space in Revoliuiun as overthrowing the exist of Hibernians in America. And that I lible in her attitude, she cannot dicating that the words or facts omit ence of God ? I can let one of these while 1 was a member of this order, chunge or fit herself to 20th century ted were not printable. celebrated preachers answer the other, that I did Military Drill while I was progress. The books named below "Why Priests Hhould Wed," by but I do not concede by this that Mr. a member of this order atthecommanl give the history, character and work Ju«tin Fulton, D. D., 393 pages, |1.00. Phelps has overthrown evolution — of our drill master, and that we then of this old institution. Order from not any more than that the Christian left our rifles in the basement of the L. I). Ratliff, 2162 Elm Ave., Salem, clergy, the gr 4it, modem upholders Po’ish Roman Catholic Church, located Oregon, or from The Silverton Jour A REPLY TO MR. PHELPS of science, overthrew astronomy, in the 4th |ward in the city of Winona, nal, Silverton, Oregon. Minn. And furthermore to any one chemistry and geology. By Olin J. R om . Mr. Phelps takes the unprecedented who will send 10c in coin to defray CARTOONS As a response to Mr. Phelps’ com course, in upholding his contentions, the expenses of printing and mailing, A bu*k of 100 pages full of them. pliment in The Journal for January of quoting men against themselves. I wil' mail them a true Copy of the bth I can say that while he mars his Ono of his special picks is Huxley. In Constitution of this order and it It is Romanism in Art. Price 26cta. writings by assuming an offensive, much the same way he could quote me shows and teaches, that the Catholic • • • The Confessional makes the people braggadocio and oftentimes coarse against myself, for in other days I Church authorizes this order as a slaves to the priest. It is, therefore, style, he is nevertheless a skillful de often made speeches during campaign Military body, and that the laws of a menace not only to morals, jrfil to bater, for he knows how to gst out times for the prohibition party, and this order are in harmony with the the social order and civil liberty. Lib of a tight place and lead his antagon occasionally threw a bouquet to our laws of the Catholic Church at all erty is dead in every priest-ridden ist into the underbrush. So, I would old friends St. Paul and Mr. Jesus time«. And furthermore, that I left county. « advise Cantrell to beware of th«. Christ. So, if he should happen to this order of my own free will, and "Open Door to Hell.” Price 10 cents. Phelps’ tactics, for he has tactics, and, run across some of these old speeches, later united with the Christian "Secret Confession to a Romish I regret to say, some falsification. For he could show that I was a Christian Church, and was baptized into this Priest," by an ex-Catholic. 128 pages, instance, the controversy started out and not a materialist Mr. Phelps Church, and I was united into the as to whether there was a God, or not. coolly picks out some sentence, sets fellowship by Pastor C. B. Osgood of Price 26 cents. • • • The affirmative being that there wa’t, it up apart from its connection and Winona, Minn. I was a member of the St. Thomas it was his business to prove it. In the urges ij against the life work of the The Convent is a prison house of Catholic Church located (I think) at dispute he has almost entirely ignored man. w superstition. Its victims who eucape his side of the question, contending How any one can read Huxley’s the Corner cf 7th and Johnson Sts. Kay it is more than that. Anyway, himself with an allusion to the design “ Man's Place in Nature,’’ where he This was a small church and our o long as the priests resist every at argument and the Mosaic account of particularly compares him to the low lodge met on the second floor of the tempt at a public inspection of these creation. er animals, and'then in any sense Parochial School, that stood near the dens it is prims facie evidence that Quoting scripture to prove the ex quote him for special creation and Church, and the Irish Catholic Priest they have something to hide. istence of a God and the truth of the against evolution, I cannot understand. was always present at every meeting "Behind Convent Ban," by William Mosaic account and other accounts As against evolution, Mr. Phelps says that I was at. Lloyd Clark and othen, including In Yours faithfully, J. O. RILEY. and claims in the Bible, comes under that the earliest skul's were shaped gersoll's eloquent denunciation. 80 the head of "self-serving declara like those of today, and this, accord 411 4th Ave. South, Oelwein, Iowa. Pages, 26 cents. tions«^' In the realms of justice self- ing to his mode or reasoning, proves ess STATE OF IOWA, » S3. serving evidence is almost wholly re Fayette County. f "Preposterous mummery of Pope jected, for if it was otherwise a man special creation. Well, let us examine a little. , dom! Always the same! Biding its could always manufacture evidence I, J. O. Riley, being duly sw m, say If changes do not take pjace in time! Meek .where it has to be; mer by proving what he had said himself. that I have read the facts,, and allega- skulls, then all skulls should be alike ciless where it can afford to be; retten One of the exceptions to the rejection ti'-ns of the foregoing dated January to the core; the deepest slough that of such evidence is where, as I recall today, and ever have been, But all 15,1916,and that the facts, allegations ever engulfed humanity; the deadliest the rule, it may be shown by the state skulls are not alike today. The skulls of and statements therein contained and fanaticism that evet inspired murder; whs) a woman said immediately after ’ the Bushman, the Hottentott, and therein set forth are just and correct. the most stupendous of hypocrisies a rape, and of how she looked and some central African tribes are not Dated this 15th day January, A. D. and organized impostures; the de acted. ' But this is not the case here, shaped like the standard skull of the 1915. J. O. RILEY. spoiler of men, the enslaver of wom and so it follows that Mr. Phelps has Caucasian and even all these skullt in my presence by, J. O. Subscribed en, the perverter of youth, the cor. produced nothing to show that there ore not shaped alike; nor are they Riley and by him sworn to before me equal in cubic contents. There is dif rupter of morals, the suborner of is a God, except his design argument, ference in brain capacity between that on this 15th day of January A.D. 1915. perjuries, the mortal foe to justice and and this argument will not bear ex GUY W. BOCKUS, of • Cuvier and Tom Thumb. In fact, good government, the friend of obedi amination, for, among other things, Notary in and for Fayette Huxley, I think it was, once wrote ent stupidity, the enemy of honest since tuberculosis, typhoid fever and County, Iowa. about the long heads and the broad inquiry, usd intelligent independence; other germa prey upon man, and in so heads among the Caucasian race, the hating research, dreading light, afraid many instances kill man, it can be Russian, for instance, having the Seattle, Wash., Jan. 26, 1915. of the unshackled brain; utterly de shown, as Sir Hiram Maxim says, that broad head and the German, French bating reason, sober judgment, com- those were the masterpieces in this Dear Comrades:— man and Englishman having the long con sense; enveloped in every fantast. 'ere God’s design. If I only had money to help you head. Even the Indian races differ in ic extravagance of the mysterious, the Mr. Phelps wants to know how there the shape of the head, all of which how gladly it would be forwarded, but occult, the supernatural, in order that can be law without a law giver or a I have something else. It is a booklet the Spo'ks of Popedom and Medieval design without a designer. By thia he proves that nature has worked many I am at work on; as my early years ism shall hypnotise and dominate the assumes that there is such a thing as changes, not only in the head, but were passed near Silverton and you robust manhood of Modem Times.” — natural law, just as there is civil or other parts of the body since the first are holding the fort of my sires, it “Popery in Its Relntion to Civil and municipal law, and a design of the 'nan was made, as alleged. The facts seems in the proper arrangement oi as to th?«« changes are right before Religious Liberty,” by Thomas E. universe just as there is the design everybody’s eyes. They exist as the things that I should come home with Watson, 42 Pages. Price 10 cents. for a ship. He forgets that there is a results of nature’s changes. Over In the harvest from the seed cast intc • so difference between these two classes Africa is a tribe of people who live fertile soil, so to speak. Later I will write you more and find of things, for there is no such thing in water and swamps, and are so slim BLESSED CREATURES as there being a natural law in the that they look wonderfully like cranes out what the cost and requirements will be. I want to get it copyrighted In “Substitution for Marriage,” sense that there is a human law, or at a distance. — for one purpose only •— that is tc Father Quinn, formerly priest of the a natural or divine design as there is Mr. Phelps wants to know why the Roman Catholic Church at Kalamazoo, a human one. For instance, gold is animal, just back of man, the so-called keep the lords of mammon from plying Mich., says, “In the year 1866 Pope malleable. We might ignorantly claim "missing link,” has left no remains. their ungodly scheme by and with it Pius IX sanctioned the establishment that this is a law just as there is a Well, the absence of such remains When a small child, I was told to d< of one of the most appalling institu- human law, but it would not be cor prove« nothing, for so far as I can something I did not like to do. I asked t'ons of immorality and wickedness rect. The malleability of the gold is remember there are no remains of the why I should and was told this: Whcr ever countenanced under the form and simply a property of the gold, and it gorilla and orang-outang and some you are in Rome, you must do as garb of religion........ Giving to the exists without regard to intel'igence other animals of today. Not having Romans do. I said this is United States clergy the right to use this 'Substitu of any kind, for if intelligence had to foun'i such remains, according to Mr. is Rome in United States? I was tolc work on the gold in order to make it Phelps, would prove conclusively that not to ask so many questions and g< tion for Marriage.’ ” This is a secret order composed of malleable, then it would follow that such animals do not exist today and do as I was biff.' I said I will, but 1 want to know if Rome is in the Unite J | “Holy Fathers in God" and "Ble sed there was a time when it was not never did. f Creatures’’ of the other sex. To be malleable, and it did not become mal With all due difference to some States ? My uncle was standing near, ht eligible, a priest must have served his leable until intelligence came along eminent scientists, I have a doubt as function seven ycarB (with exceptions and ordered it to be malleable. So, to whether there is such a thing as a said no and told me where it is. 1 in favor of the specially fit). Any when Mr. Phelps speaks of his alleged "missing link,” for as some one has said then I don’t see why we shoulc woman, married or unmarried, nun or <!od doing things, he says that at a said, Huxley, I think, that there is do as Romans do, if we don’t want to He tossed me in the air and caught otherwise, who suits the fancy of a certain time God came along and said more of a difference between the high “Holy Father in God" is eligible to to gold, “Gold become malleable,” just est and lowest man than there is be me as I camt down and said, you an membership, as a Vessel of Election, as his self-serving witness, the Bible, tween the lowest man and the highest a great one, now run and do what yov but she must be p'iant, docile, obedi says that God said to something or animal. In fact, about fourteen years are told to and I did, but'have remem ent, sound in mind and body, free other, “Let there be light.” Such an ago, I v.-rote something like two hun bered that happening through th« from any hereditary taint, — for it is order given to gold, or to anything dred pages for a book in which I hardships of all these years. not permittee that impurity should else in nature has as little evidence took a family of monkeys and traced I feel just that same disposition yet; touch the hotly of a Holy Father. She hack of it as the hallucination of a their historic and physical develop we are in the United States and be must consider it an honor to hold chained inmate of a madhouse, and the ment up into the estate of man. This cause Rome came here and established these sacred relations; must aid the same statement can be made of all I did by shifting their environment her household, instead of us doing as * Holy Father by money and otherwise thingB o^ elements that constitute the from one climate to another and one she bids, I consider we have the au when in need; and finally under pain alleged design. environment to another, each develop thority to dictate our own government For underhanded meanness and Take the Scioto River that bends ing certain faculties end members of of persecution and death, must deny al1 knowledge of such a society. She down and winds through Columbus. the body and making useless, others, trickery I don’t know of anything that must attend Mass, take part in keep- Here are all the adjuncts required that until at last I got two hands freed beats the two hierarchies of Rome ano I 'g the Altar and Sanctuary, and would be necessary to set a dreamer forever from the necessities of loco Russia, or more properly the Jesuits Vestments in order, and must pay 25 to saying that the bed of the Scioto motion, the hair off their bodies, and There is no sensible reason why in 8 ) cents a month (or week) which goes was designed by some great, over the tail discarded, never to be taken government founded for the purpose the Holy Father for the honor con shadowing intelligence, and, yet, is on again. The shift of environment of giving everyone their individua' ferred. Prayers, music, pictures, can any intelligent man fool enough to and the struggle to live developed freedom to think and worship as thej dles, incense, bells, ceremony, holy say that the Scioto was laid down in the reasoning faculties, and induced sop fit, or not worship if they are no! water, blessings, the vestments, Im its bed by intelligence? In short, the discovery of the use of fire, cloth so inclined that any church or sect ages, Scripture, the story of Mary and there was no more intelligence re ing and shelter. If this ,was the road should be allowed to establish its the angel, — everything used by the quired in producing the works and the human race pursued in getting out business here and say to our lega Church is used and involved in the phenomena of nature than there was of the wild beast state, there was not authorities, or even any individual methods of the Holy Fathers to give in setting up the Scioto River in busi much of a missing link to be worried who is not satisfied with what ap the form of sacredness to the Order ness. Your lawgiver and design ar i about, but space forbids a dwelling pears to be injustice to some and its obligaticns, and to persuade gument simply goes to smash, Mr. on this phase of human history, as it keep out, this is secret or sacred and convince the timid or doubtful B. Phelps, when analyzed. also forbids giving a full answer about the public can not come in here. For high handed treason in a dem As to the Mosaic account of crea- the change that took place in Jerry C. Her oath binds her to implicit ocratic government, I can think of n< obedience to all clergymen members ' tion in six days it goes to smash also, McAuley. , parallel. It is time for Mother Evi of the Society; she must watch her even though Bible students now claim Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 16th. to awake and assert her life givei sisters; oppose and pursue any mem that "days” meant "ages,” for if days OLIN J. ROSS. power and to teach Adam how he ha ber who may become dissatisfied with meant ages, then Sunday was ages been imposed upon and taught to im the requirements of the clergical mem. long also, and our old friend God is The Catholic Sentinel says, “Mexico pose upon her, because, as our fore hers; protect the clergy by Rwearing made to commit the absurdity of quit falsely; if married, to hold and main ting work at the end of the sixth day, is a Hell-Hole.” No doubt about it. fathers saw, motherhood is the onl; tain inviolate the Sacred Mysteris for nnd, then, not only resting himself for The Catholic church made a hell-hole sacred condition and is the way b; the sake of the Holy Fathers in God. ages, but ordering every Jew to rest of Portugal, of France, of Italy, of which we must proceed, if we eve: The B. C.s wear certain badges of ¡ for ages in that interval of time be- the Philippine Islands, of every other accomplish what Jesus taught: Peac< insignia easily recognizable by other tween Saturday night and Monday country where her influence was su on Earth and Good Will to Man. M. E. B. members. Many a Mrs. O’Foley in morning. ' preme. GREAT BOOKS OUR OBJECTS AND OUR PLAN OF CAMPAIGN FOR A FREE PRESS We have been browbeaten, maligned, aHsault- ed, boycotted, denied our rights in Court, im prisoned and robbed of the privilege of editing our paper while in jail, all for trying to make the world better by publishing the truth. This only makes us stronger in the fight! But, as we have been robbed through boycott, of the where-with- all to continue our work, we are forced to change our plans, and this advertisement is to let the lovers of liberty, justice and truth know that they are hereby given the privilege to help in our Cam paign. Are you in favor of our continuing in this work? Here are our objects: In order to make the world better for our hav ing lived, and with malice toward none and charity for all, we wish to make public: 1. The doings of individuals who are posing as good citizens, but who are continually commit ting crime secretly. 2. The grafting schemes and self protecting sycophancy of our public officials. 3. The hypocritical and absurd pretentions and confidence games of all humbug religious fakers. 4. The effort to destroy our public schools, our ether American institutions of civil and rel igious liberties, free thought, free speech and free press, by the foreign power know* a* the Roman Hierarchy, and its treasonable efforts to destroy the American government and preveat eur prog ress in perfecting “a more perfect union.” 5. The cause of poverty and crime and the remedy by the destruction of political trickery and false hero worship and how to establish universal knowledge of the true principles of government on the basis of equality of opportunity and the inalienably right of every citizen to an equal chance to life, liberty and the pursuit ef hap piness. 6. The av/ful effects of the use ef stimulants and nafrcotics on the human race and the best methods of emancipation from their destructive slavery. 7. The principles of the universal (genuine Catholic) religion of righteousness, and a true, progressive and modern Protestant faith of de stroying ancient errors, which have held us in bondage; and that the salvation of our race de pends on the solid rock of “the brotherhood of man.” We have faith that there are enough thinking people in the United States to save our work from the destroyer’s hands, and we are using this space, formerly occupied by advertising which made it possible to publish our pa]>er, to call on all who are interested to join us in the work. Do you believe in a free press? Do you believe in our objects? If so, help us establish A Fund for Defensive and Aggressive Warfare Do all you can and get others to help! Send us facts that should be published! That we are alive and willing to work is our opportunity. Do not wait! Previously acknowledged............................................... $17.50 A Michigan I.ady........................................................... LOO George L. Dewiler ...................... *............................... .50 An Old Soldier Friend.................................................. 5.00 R. Fisher 50 O. J. Olson ................................................................... 4.50 F. S. Weaver ................................................................ LOO A. J. Cox ...................................................................... 1.40 D. M. Walters ................................................................ .50 Send 10 Cents for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 pages . How To Reduce The Cost Of Living? It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor.