T he S ilverton J ournal • vol IV. SILVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1915. PM NOIES liy L. D. Ratliff CRIMINAL PRIEST RIGHT HERE A STORY OF PASSION AND HATE No. 14 IHF1LII8ILIIÏ NOTION In speaking of this matter, it is quite in order to show that in their personal character so many of the old bachelor popes have been wobbly, that the infallibility notion itself is seen to wobble. Every posted man in the priesthood has known this; ’nd of the 537 men who in the Vatican Council voted on the question, two were honest enough to Sell the truth about it. Ona of these was Arch- bishop Straasmayer of Germany. He said: “I should never finish, my ven­ erable brethren, if I were to put be- fore your eyes the contradictions of the popes in their teachings. If then, One of the worst stories of super­ and the evil that it will prevent. , .awful truth. Then, after months of ditioc of our people when men I’ke A loyal Catholic in u f ruteni«! or- stition, trust, passion, criminality and We were told the facta by parties shame and remorse her little girl the writer who dares to prone into you claim the infallibility of the ac­ tual pope, you must prove that which der is bound to do what he can to hate we ever heard has come to our we could not doubt, and on September 1 gave birth to a tiny baby. It was these things for the public good is make that order subject to his church. attention here in Marion County. The 14th, before going to Jail, we visited I taken into the care of the boys’ and cast into prisoa while such beasts is impossible, that the popes never • • • actors are little girls in their teens, the mother of one of the ruined girls, girls’ aid society and is now in the as this priest and many others are contradicted each other.—Now do not A loyal Roman Catholic in office their trusting Catholic parents and a We told the good woman our mission city of —, Oregon. But what about looked up to as holy, paid large sums deceive yourselves. If you decree the dogma of infallibility, the Protest­ uh bound to do whul he can to make very prominent Roman Catholic priest. and asked her to tell us the truth the girl mother? She told her sor­ of money for their services and live ants, our adversaries, will mount in Ihat office serve his church. After hearing different statements of of the report. She did so in a rowing parent that there was no use in luxury and comfort! If business • • • the facts in the case, wo are so straight forward, honest way, and we of her ever trying to be anything. She men know about this case they dare the breach, the more bold that they A year ago at the Elks’ Memorial aroused and anxious to bring the are obliged to believe her. This dear said, “Every body knows it so what’s not say a word Officials do not care have History on their side; while we have only our own denial against Service, a Protestant woman from u criminal priest to justice and stop old mother sat there and told the the use?” to investigate, The courts and at- them. What can we «ay to them, P.otuatant Church sung the Catholic the others from doing us he has done story of the ruin of her little thir- And so every effort to save her for toreys and politicians are very skit­ “Rosary," with n big gold cross hang­ thut we can not wait any longer for teen year old girl, while the hot higher and better things have seem­ tish about offending such a p litical when they show up all the bishops of Rome? — To fear History is to the legal proof necessary to name tears roiled down her cheeks, and all ingly failed. But this is not the only power and where will it end? ing to her beads in front. own yourselves conquered. — If you the parties, but will write the story present had to work hard to keep mother disgraced nor the only baby For the love of better things help decree the infallibility of the present as liest we can When the Inquisition was in flower, in order to enlist from trying. This good woman was brought into the world in shame, born us to investigate these cases; help us the Pope gave orders to the inquiai-, others in the work of securing the a devout Catholic. She sent her chil­ to this prominent Marion County un­ to get the legal proofs, so we can bishop ef Rome, you must establish tors to cal' all women and girts who legal proof necessary for an indict- dren to a Catholic school, and when holy father. Another mother who was make public the names of the offend­ the infallibility of all the previous could give information as to the ir­ ment and exposure in the press. We they came home with stories of what a minor, gave hirth to a child not long ers and their victims; help us to drive ones, without excluding any; but can regularities of priests, monks, pri­ have been trying for several month« Father — — — had said and done, ago and she declares that this same this slimy beast, that is destroying you do that, when history is there, on and connfeason; the accuser» to get at this work, but our incar- she did not,believe the children, But priest is its father. And yet, last more American girls than any other establishing with a clearness equal came in such numbers thut in the ceration in prison and our very lim­ the children insisted in telling things Sunday this same priest conducted form of white slavery in the world, to that of the sun, that the popes have erred in thei: teachings? Could you single city of Seville, Spain, after 20 ited means has held us off until that Father----------- had said to her divine(?) services n a very large from our beloved America. do it and maintain that avaricious, notaries had worked 60 days taking we can't stand it any longer. We must sweet, innocent, little girl. Finally the church and played the part of media­ simoniacal incestuous, murdering, dep aitions, the numbers increased tell our readers about it and ask mother punished the children for tell­ tor between God and man. And who of Jesus popes have been vicars s greatly that the authorities gave them to help bring the awful crim­ ing such naughty things. She could knows how many more this brute “As every thread of gold is valu­ Christ? O, venerable brethren, td it up and quit. These are the holy inal to justice, not vindictively, but not believe it. But one day her eyes has ruined? Think of the hypocrisy able, so is every moment of time.” maintain such an enormity, would be dadH that were the -onnecting link I for lhe Kake of thc it wi)1 were opened and she saw the whole, of it! Think of the degenerate con- J. MASON. to betray Christ worse than Judas.” between the great and original Peter “Believe me History cannot be and the modern Hierarchy. made over again; it is there; and it • • • HOPE AND FEAR GODLESS BUT GOOD will remain to all eternity to protest Originally, theoretically, the nun Hillsdale, Oregon. energetically against the dogma of was virtuous, but in the reign of the Mr. J. E. HOSMER, I’d rather be a crazy or a silly, are so foolishly fooling the fool Shenandoah, Iowa, Jan. 28, 1915. infallibility. Ah, if He Who reigns ^^eulous -^alous C Catholic Ferdinand it was simpering fool, above, wishes to punish us, to make dupas. ^Permitted to the must distinguished Editor Silverton Journal. • • • Mr. J. E. HOSMER, Than to be as wise as Solomon, but His hand fall heavily upon us, as He of the court to appropriate these pi- I soe by your last paper you are Editor Silverton Journal. used as a Roman tool; did to Pharao, He has no need of Even the children pointed to their ous women. again in the courts, 1 am sure it is I'd rather die in a dungeon witn heads when Columbus went along the Dear Sir and Martyr to Truth: Garibaldi’s soldiers to drive us away • • • very unjust. You ure making a des- thoughts by love set free, from the eternal City, He has only streets. He thought that the earth In Italy in 1864 when tho State I perute fight against one of our deud- You have my sincerest sympathy suppressed tho convents, thcre were liest enemies, Romanism; but while Thun to live by stealth in a palace, is round. Now the Catholics, after and were I a millionaire, you would to let them make Pius IX a god, built on slavery. as we have made goddess of the burning Bruno for thinking the same 60,000 pafusite« released. you ure trying to bring to light and • • • have my financial support as well. I blessed I virgin.” thing, have organized the Knights jf ... I destroy one great evil you are ad- Why was Abraham Lincoln shot? Columbus. The church never changes, believe the time is now at hand for They ’ say that “Truth is Mighty,” One writer says the i convcnt islvocating another just as dangerous, the True Blue Americans to show but in this case, Truth did not pre- filled with people who hiss i and sting Materialism. 1 can hardly believe Why did the pope love Lee and eh? • • • their loyalty to country and the prin­ vail. The infallibility notion was ' like serpents, and torment one an-1 God will give a man victory in fight­ Beauregard and hate the “rail split­ ciple of freedom from religious slav­ made the official teaching of Rome. ter? ” Father Moore said some hard things other like furies. ing his battles who doesn't believe in • • • Nofw, hear me, from the Romanist in The Silverton Journal; why don’t ery, child s’avery and laundry slavery ... the existence of a God. I know of as well as white slavery, no matter point of view, this notion is not only Tn Silverton the moneyed interests for some Protestant arrest Hosmer In 1213 King John of England « young man who had been a true by whom it is sought to be practiced; most transferred to Pope Innocent III “The t>e’¡ever in God and the Bible. Of and the liquor interests assisted the criminal libel for printing what the ana I admire your bravery in publish­ idle, vain or foolish; it is the been astute deception that has ever Roman Catholics to get a foothold. Is father said? whole Kigdom of England, and the I course, he was not a close Bible stu- ing what you believe to be the truth, i-dieted upon a suffering world. this tiue all over the world? Who Kingdom of Ireland, with all their I dent or he could not have been turned • • • Ask yourslf, what does the pope What kind of a country would we especially what you believe to be for rights and belongings for the re-1 by such wishy-washy contradicting are the enemies of the people? There the betterment of conditions and for seek, what rank would his Jesuit ere three devils for this gene stlcn today, if the Roman Catholics have mission of our sins, and those of our I evidence as was in your paper, but people in these United States and in henchmen have him assume? This who'e family l»oth living and dead." I these are the kind such doctrine af- ti fight — the money power the sa­ had been in control since 1776? What the world at large as well. King of all the kirgs on the earth, loon system and the Roman bear» will it be in 1976, if they get control ? The Holy Chureh showed her ingrati- fects. He is a man that deals with I have just finished reading the let­ lord of lords, ruler of all rulers, hav­ Do the people oppose free thought, They are organizing and almost con ­ tude by not canonizing the old cuss the public and has always believed free speech, free schools, free pre-« trol business and politics today. Wake ter you published on the first page ing full and absolute control over the aa a Saint. in strict honesty. Now he says if of your issue of the 22d of January social, the moral, the religious life of and a free equitable system of gov­ up or it will be too late! • ’ * I there is no God, no hereafter, give • • • from the friends in Fort Dodge, Iowa, all the human race, controlling edu­ ernment? Who does? How about the The Pope gave a special grant to | back the public what they give you. The man of sense will not hate and am persuaded that they are as cation. and so controlling the thought ^ome favored friars by which '* nr If he doesn’t soon get his mind and Rummyites, the Romanites and the Catholics but Catholicism, will not badly warped toward the Protectant of all the world. ^Blass was equivalnt to 100 Masses.” I brain unclouded, God only can tell Parasites ? • • • A great and lefty ambition, isn’t hate drunkard or drunkard maker, religion as the Roman Catholics are ^n’he price of a Mass in Spain was 28 I the evil results, for he is a natural it? Can it be realized? toward theirs, when they put loyalty No one with common Bense wants but the drunkard making system, cents; so if each one under the sp.cial barn leader. He was then happy, As a man, and in his physical life, to God (an unknown quantity) ahead to kill the fool priests; but every will not hate the plutocrats, but the favor of the Pope counted for 100, ¡when he believed in God and the Bi­ the pope is subject to the same cen- of loyalty to country, for such ideas sensible man and woman is anxious wage slavery which produces the the priest would rake in $280 at a | file, und bo was his familiy. Now ditions as other men. In the days as that is what makes fanatics. And to kill the prietts ’ fool ideas which rocky fellows. whack. Not a bad craft, that. what has Materialism to offer? Noth- then they take exceptions to allegi­ of the secular Power he was subject The Jesuit order was foundod in I mg but to lie down and die, just as ance to a man-made god in Rome. to the same conditions as other sec­ 1540 under Pope Paul HI. For per- the brute. Who would not shudder space at the time if their receipt, we ly spreading among us in defiance Now I believe that that is where they ular rulers. As a man, and as a civil niciou« activity and fiendish plotting at thg thought! You surely will ad- will print anything within the bounds of civil penalties and of the Divine are inconsistent and the Roman Cath­ ruler, the pope could have, and of reason. Not only Protestants, but Law, which says: “ Thou shalt not they were expelled from Spain, Portu. mit that one who lives up to the Bi­ olics seem to have the best of them scores of them did have as many gal, France, Germany, Naples, Par- ble teaching makes a good citizen. free thinkers, spiritualists, Christian -kill.” there, as their god does have some streaks of rottenness as any other scientists, materialists, Mohammedans ma, Russia and outlawed by Pope Can you say bo much for Material- Judging from what I have read in tangible evidence of an existence in rotten men cf their day. And the and Roman Catholics themselves are Cement XIV, whom they poisoned, ism ? Maria Monk’s book, page 111 (Treat­ having a Head (or a Tail) on earth world knew all this. Not then as The order was reinstated in 1814 by You remind me of the apostle Paul: welcome. Some of them must be in ment of young infants in the con­ to which they can point as evidence a man, nor as a civil ruler, can the the wrong to be sure, but haw can all Pope Pius VII. Today it is the life Your grit, your determination, and vent) infanticide must have a differ ­ of an actual god somewhere. While pope hope for universal dominion. Land soul of the Holy See. your will power. Now, if like him, the people find the truth unless we ent meaning in the Cardinal’s Bull: A small man may have absolute hardly agree with this friend I can • • • I you will allow your eyes to be opened give all a chance? The very errors the majority of the Catholic control in a small state. But everyone as to that some will make, will give others "I was one day in the nun’s private The pallium is a long «trip of fine to the light, accept God as your cre- laity as being decent if given a can see that the ambition of the cloth ornamented with crosses, form- ator, the Rible as your guide, then just the opportunity they need to sick room when I had an opportunity, chance, I will admit that some of popes must fail, unless the great corrct them in the minds of the unsought for, of witnessing deeds of ing in the middle and resting on the the Christian world can help you in them seem from outward appearances mass of all the peeple on the whole shoulders the mystic lqup symbolical- the noble fight you are trying to great, growing majority. If Jesus is such a nature. Two twin babies, the to be fairly decent people, but how e-.rth, on some account or other, be­ ly reprsenting a feature of the an- make. Then when God sees fit to call “crucified afresh,” let us remember children of Sainte Catherine were any one can call themselves consist­ lieve in him and cling to him. hiH words and practice his great teach ­ brought to a priest, who was in the ^bnnt sex-worship; the extremities be- y„u froln this life, you can say as Some of the popes have been bet­ W e and behind hanging nearly to Pnul did: “I have fought a good fight, ing: “Father, forgive them, for they room, for baptism. The priest then ent and believe in a god in this en­ ter than others, as men, and as civil I lightened day and age is more than him- on duty was Father Larkin. He bap­ thlTfeet. This was held as an article | have kept the faith and am now know not what they do.” Jesus rulers; and in such cases the people can understand. Yours truly, self gave everybody a chance; dare tized, and then put oil upon the of merchandise by the Pope; and as ready to receive the crown. notice. But equally, the have taken A. T. HEIST. heads of the infants, as is the cus­ no priest or bishop could practice God grant you may. * * * * * we do loss, dear sister? people have seen any manifested rot- tom after baptism. They were then without it, and since its bestowal de- Ed. Note:— The above letter from tenness. MODERN ELOQUECNE taken, one after another, by one of pended upon the good will of His a good sister shows that she takes a In “The Vatican Decrees.” Glad­ But now, if the pope and the Jes- the old nuns, in the presence of us stone says, “No one can bcome her uiti’ can make the multitude believe Holiness, he had a sinch on his clergy deep interest in our work and we cer- — and the price of the prclous Pall tainly appreciate it to the full extent Vol. 8, P. 508, Cardinal Gibbons. all. She pressed her hand upon the convert without renouncing his moral that the pope alone, of all men, has mouth and nose of the first, so tight and mental freedom; and placing his original access to God, and that none went up to $8,000 for a German | of Our ability. But we are running II. The Catholic Church has stern­ that it could not breathe, and in a civil loyalty and duty at the mercy can come to God but through him, Archbishop. The Silverton Journal on the new • • l>lan of a perfectly FREE PRESS, ly set her face against Infanticide. few minutes, when the hand was re­ of another. Rome has equally re­ and further, if he can make them be­ “We offer for sale $50,000 first I an(j wo believe that this means victory I would dwell more at length on the moved, it was dead She then took pudiated modern thought and ancient lieve that no act of the pope as a mortgage bonds of the Catholic Bish- for the TRUTH in the long run. If social plague of antenatal infanticide, the other and treated it in the same history.” man, er of the pope as a civil ruler, L. G. D. o. of Chicago; $30,000 first mortgage articles are well written and we have which is insiduourly and systematical. way.” however flagrant the act can affect bonds of the Catholic Bishop of St. I __ the pope’s authority as a religious Joseph, Mo.; $5,000 first mortgage | teacher. Do you see the result? The bonds of the Catholic Bishop of Rock­ pepe may be any sort of criminal ford;” etc., etc. These bonds are that Strass mayer described, he secured by Catholic Church property. may be a murderer, a drunkard, an The Bishop holds the title, issues the adulterer, HE MAY COMMIT ANY bonds, gets the money, — and plays CRIME HE CARES TO COMMIT. ^h>d Almighty to the dupes. The non- But if he is believed to be infal­ Vatholics contribute to build Cath­ lible as a teacher, well, neighbor, olic hospitals, these are mortgaged by (Condnued on Last Page) the Bishop, etc., etc. Fine scheme! i John Sluart Mill said. “Tho solo end for which mankind ure warrant­ ed, individually or collectively, in in- U-rfcreing with lhe liberty of action of^my of their number, is sulf-pro­ tection. The only purpose for which power cun lie rightly exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others.” From this premise we log­ ically infer that, in self-defense, we may tuke liberty away from the ene- mios of liberty. Thut is what* the Vuxicans uro doing in driving out the priests. A Very Prominent Marion County Un-holy Father-in-fact Destroys a Little Girl. Other Girls Ruined and All But Ruined—Priest Babies Being Supported By Taxpayers—How Long Will Fathers and Mothers Submit? How Long Will Officials and Business Men Bow the Knee? -JSTIUJ t The editor of this paper is still under arrest for telling the truth—said to be criminal libel. Judge Kelley has not yet rendered a decision regarding the de­ murrer argued last week. Must we again have the expense of a long, drawn-out trial? Must we again go to prison?