SOCIALIST COLUMN REPLY TO VAN TRUMP Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson were Tuesday morning passengers for Port, M. L. Hanwn, Prop. .! Phone Blue 1141 Guy Fitch Phelos. land. They will spend a few days with In The Silverton Journal of January UNSELFISHNESS va. SELFISH* relatives in the Rose City. N ESS Mrs. Alvin Davis went for an ex- 1 t Mr. Van Trump issued this chal lenge: "1 will give Mr. Phelps $100 to tended stay W'th Portland friends Our present system is built on sel AM TES Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Linscott are spend Monday. prove before a Christian jury that fishness. individualism, anarchy, The ing a few weeks w;th their daughters Lincoln ever acknowledged Christ as system which Socialist« wish to es- Mrs. K. A. Lo» and daughter, Mias Rooms 25c up. Meals 25c. in Portland. Savior or joined any church. Now we tubl sh is built on the idea that a Emma, were over to Salem on Tues- will see who is the bluffer? Benneth Bentson was the victim o'* day of 1 th's week. Hoard and Lodging $5.50per week. neighbor*« health and happiness is You notice there is nothing said essential to our happiness and that a serious accident on Monday morning. Miss Orpha Eisenhart came from about "rights of challenge,” or meet Front street. Near Depot SILVERTON, OREGON While playing on the steps at the real, lasting prosperity is the pros ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ schoo' house he slipped, falling on the Stayton i Thursday morning, where she in him in Salem. Just the naked perity of ull mankind and not of just walk with such force as to break his has been *o see her uncle. Chris. Ei challenge. Now turn to the Journul a favored few. Everything socialistic 1 senhart. Miss Eisenhart will visit of January 22d and see how this Muf- arm between the hand and elbow. which we have already secured is relat ves in Silverton before rtuming I ouTuT his Yittie’trouble.’ . 1 Mr. George Morley and daughter. to her home near Woodburn. 1 w that he had Ucked on , "or the best excepting where Injured by Miss Alta, were at Salem Wednesday L. LARSON S. TEGLAND C. WEBB Mrs. Madge Watson who has been ju:ned any church,' and I knew why. the corruption from the old system. of this week. a guest at the E. I.. Smith home and Lincoln never united with a denom- C >mpare the selfish struggle for trade Mr. La Due and baby who have among our merchants with ita profit whore violin selections were greatly ¡nation, so he ran that in to save his been visiting at the Henjum home, grabbing and evil results to ail con enjoyed at the concert Monday night, case. But the very fact that he put returned to Salem Monday morning. cerned with our excelljntly managed returned to her home in Portland that in shows that he knew 1 could po t office service. The distribution Messrs I. W. Miller, J. L. Edison Thursday morning. prove that Lincoln acknowledged of shoes, for example, not only tends and Everett Philippi were among the Miss Sophia Madsen went to Port- Christ as Savior. And this proves him Clean, Up-to-date, Satisfaction Guaranteed Silvertonians to attend court at the land Wednesday to spend the rvmaind- to be the “bluffer’’ in this matter. Cer- to make enemies of the competitors, but costs the people more for the Capital City this week. er of the week with relatives and tainly a man can l>e a Christian with- profit than the -hoes themselves cost, FREE DELIVERY T. M. Lukins and son were Salem friends. lout joining adenomina* on. VanTrump while in the distribution of mail the business callers on Saturday last. The Old Time Dance at the W. O. knows this, and he is dishonest when profit goes al to the people with the Friday evening Miss Ida L. Denny W. Hall last Saturday night, un- h’ makes out that he believes it nec- tendency alwav toward better service Oak Street Phone Blue 821 went to her home near Salem, re der the management of the P-erless essary. Are all church members Chris- and cheaper rates. A post office trust turning Sunday afternoon. Orchestra was a success in every way. | tians .’ Now the very fact that he put is a trust b\ the people, but a shoe Mrs. Joseph Brodie of Woodburn A good crowd was present and the in that church point shows that he trust is a trust for the profit of u few- came the last of the week to visit her excellent music was a special feature knows that he has been misrepresent wealthy individuals. The one grows ing Lincoln. Yet this is the man who better and better in every way for the grand daughter, Mrs. Harvey Hart of the evening’s amusement. talks about “lying for the glory of people while the other becomes worse man and family, also other old Silver- Special Weekly Ratet Everyone had a fine time and there Meals 25c :: Ratei $1.00 to $1.25 Day ton friends. She returned home on will be another of these dances again God.” I have been telling the readers and worse, finally combines with other of The Journal that Infidels arc bluf Tuesday afternoon. on Saturday evening, January 30th. fers. and dishonest, and this proves it. big business and absolutely enslaves Mr. aad Mrs. Lear of Downs spent Everyone come and help make this the workers. Now what we Socialist© When In Salem Stop at Van Trump’s actions in this matter want is to extend and complete the Monday with friends on Liberty Hill. the best c-ver. brand him as a bluff, a fraud, and a better system, the one which is good THE DEPOT HOTEL Mr. Elmer Santelle was a guest at FOR SALE — A nice large lot, man given to the methods of hypo for all the people. This means the the H. C. Hartman home on Saturday crisy. I saw what that church busi E. J. COODENOUGH. Mgr. and Sunday of the past week............. 50x120, in the Capital Citiy. Fruits of ness was put in for. and 1 did not final ownership of our government every kind, cn Oregon Electric Line. and all the means of production, Mrs. B. F. Johnson of Portland who 2 blocks f;*om school, near church. mention it purposely, for I wanted One-hall Block South oí S. P. Depot Phone 575 has been visiting her friend, Mrs. H. Good bargain at $250. See Cascade Van Trump to bring out his true char transportation and communication, Then all can have a happy home, P. Irish, returned home last Friday. acter before the readers of the debate, work at the highest wages whenever Real Estate Co., Silverto.’, Ore. GOOD HOME COOKING Mrs. C. G. Cowles was a guest of and he walked into the trap. Nothing they want work, an equal share and LUNCH COUNTER $1200 — Three acres in Southern Mrs. June Drake the past week, left could be more to my hand in this case interest in all the great inventions Saturday afternoon for her home at Calofomia, water for irrigation. From now on nothing he may put in of our wonderful age and no worry 3->oom house. $300 cash, balance to The Journal will have weight with its Albany, Ore. suit purchaser at 7 per cent. — Cas readers. Yes. we have found the of poverty for ourselves and our pos Mr. V. Bergeron and Miss Eva went cade Real Estate Co. terity. Socialism is wonderful. It is "bluffer,” and his name is Van Trump true. It is unselfish. It is practical. to Portland Saturday morning, return, Which is the greater, to believe in It is coming. ing Sunday forenoon. A Student. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES Christ as Savior, to pray, to profess Mrs. Gil Bentson was a Capital Both services at this church will be City caller on Tuesday of this week. of exceptional interest next Sunday. conversion, to acknowledge that the “The Shop” ha« purchased an up-to-date Electric THE PURPOSE OF SOCIALISM The Misses McClaine and Adams There will be special music by the Bible is the ins nred word of God, or to join a church ; Now I will go on V&cum Cleaner and will rent it to you by the hour or By Carl D. Thompson were north bound passengers for choir and in the evening a solo by tr.e platform, according to this chal- by the day, It will do more and better work in one Portland Tuesday morning. Mrs. S. E. Richardson. Let us consider what the changes Inge, and prove that Lincoln stood hour than two women and a man with brooms and Miss Henderson who wields the The Rev. Burton St. John, a mis upon all those planks of faith, and P’uposed by Socialism would mean. t epter at the Evans Valley school was sionary from China will speak in the Van Trump uare not meet me on the 1. It would mean that all the brushes can do in all day. among the Salem visitors last Satur morning, taking for his subject “China terms of his own challenge, He wages of the workers would be pro For particulars call at day. the land of Missionary opportunity,’’ thought I was one of those Mary had gressively increased until they re Four-room House and Lot, 70x210, and in the evening “An American’s a Little Lamb sort of preachers that ceived, as nearly as possible the full cn Mill Street. God location, only first day in Tientsin.” would tremble before his challenge. products of their toil. On Monday evening, Feb. 1, Mr. St Now’ he crawls out like the bluffer he 2. H would reduce the cost of liv- $1750. $200 cash, good investment. Phene Blue 1001 De you want to buy or sell anything, John will lecture in the church on is on his own saving clause, put in for ing for everyone, The trusts being come and t-dk it over. — Cascade Real “The Flowery Republic and her Mas the puip'se. He has been telling the publicly owned ami operated without ter Mind.” This lecture is a brief sur fa’ e thing on the character of Lincoln profit — the cost of the necessities of Estate Co. Subscribe or renew for the Menace vey of Chin- and her resources, a all the time, and he knows it, else he life would be reduced. sketch of the revolution, and a word would meet me on those points of his 3. Exploitation — or the power of at The Journal Office. portrait of the President Yuan Shih challenge which are really vital. He n<: n or set of men to live off the la Knights of Luther or others who Kai. Mr. St. John was an eye wit has been claiming Lincoln as an In bor of another man or set of men — wish to engage an anti-Romanist lec PHONE GREEN 771 OFFICE-HOSMER BLDG. ness of many of the events that hap fidel and a Materialist. Now let him would be ,.t an end. turer, should write at once to E. G. pened during the revolution in China. 4. No one being able to live off the Grossochme, Box 5, Brownville, Neb. Admission to the lecture Monday- cor'e up here and meet me like a man. Ah, Van, dear, you are easy, very- labor of an ther, all would be com This able lecturer is now open to en night 15 and 10 cents. easy. It wasn’t hard to get you in pelled to work — to render some use gagements in any part of the United the trap, nor wil’ I need to send you ful service. AH who were able to States. ESSAY ON MAN 1 to Germany to be labeled, for you be- work ar.d refused to do so, if there By S. P. Hammerbeck. The Ladies of Marion Circle, W. 0. should be such under Socialism, would Papis7 plus* ’ 1 “ Materialist ’ equals | ‘° W., will give their fiist dance of the 1 crossers as those cowardly Silverton receive what they produced — nothing 2 Apists season Saturday, February 6, in the if they produce nothing. The bible The Papist makes a monkey of h'c business men who have taken their says: “If a man will not work, nei W. 0. W. Hall. Music by Cooley Or ads out of The Journal for fear of the chestra. Dance tickets 50c, Ladies god by claiming that a priest compels Roman Beast. Van Trump is a fair ther shall he eat.” the god to descend into his hands by free. 5. Thero would be no unemployed sample of his class, a bunch of bluf- uttering a few words in a dead lan — no hungry, weary, hopeless, dis Miss Nora Welch went to Mt. Angel fe s and big-mouths, trying to in guage. heartened men tramping the city Tuesday morning. key ,f|timidate somebody. The last thing in The Materialist makes a men Miss Nellie Kinser went to Mt. An- himself by claiming to be a choice the world an infidel wants to find is streets a^d country roads begging for that there is a God, or that Christ is work and unable to find it. The state g I Saturday to spend the night with specimen of improved ape. Divine. I challenge Mr. Van Trump controlling a’l i aturai resources and her father, returning Sunday. to meet me here on the points I men public utilities, would find work for all. GRACE V. BONNER Among the Salem visitors Saturday 6. Every young man and woman tioned in harmony with my reply to were the Fuller Bros, of The News being able to earn a living, marriage at the Christian Church Tuesday. I his challenge. If he refuses, then he and Ben Levy. February 2nd. I is the bluffer, and to show that he would be promoted, the home saved Mrs. H. D. Mount went to Oregon Miss Bonner comes with the very has been knowingly misrepresenting ard prostitution and vice robbed of City Wednesday for a two weeks’ be~t of recommendations. She is not Lincoln in all those things I dare him, their victims. visit w’th her sons at that place. 7. Every adult — father or mother only a Reader and Character Declama- I I insist that he meet me according to Mrs. S. Shoales who has been a tor, but also a skilled ventril quist. my challenge; and I will entertain — receiving the full product of their guest at the home of her mother, Mrs Miss Bonner will present the play him while here, and pay his rail road toil, there would be no need of child Geo. Taylor, returned to her home at “The Woman Next Door,” and it will fare both ways. From this on I shall labor which forthwith would cease. Laurel. Ore., on Wednesday of this be a rare chance to hear a regular 75c pay very little attention to anything 8. The fear of want and poverty If you want to Sell, List your property with us week. entertainment for 25c. Watch for | he may print in The Journal, A man would be remov d: all children would •>e given an equal opportunity for an Mrs. W H. Folger was a Capital window cards and bills. We advertise your property and give all concerned who will so reveal his lack of self City visitor on Saturday last. respect, and show the white feather, education, and the aged and disabled a square deal. HIGH SCHOOI NOTES I Mr. and Mrs. Ira Stewart entertain ’s not worthy of notice. He says we would be pensioned and protected. 9. The workers, receiving their full are agreed that a "I Christian won’t ed their friend, Mr Jesse Sands of An interesting class game of basket _ but his last article and just dues, strikes and lockouts That ' is true, Carlton, Oregon, cn Monday night. Henceforth industrial If you want to Buy, come and see us, or write ball was played last Friday evening, { , roV es that infidels are not included would end. Mr. Peterson was a north bound peace would prevail. January 22, between the Freshmen ¡ n ^h e term. Respectfully, and tell us just what you want. “Satisfied passenger Wednesday morning. 10. Socialism would establish peace r.nd Junior girls. The score was GUY FITCH PHELPS, Hanison Jones and wife spent nearly equal throughout the whole | Customers'* is our best asset! upon the earth. There would be no T . Tuesday with Salem friends. game, but the Freshmen finally suc- ABIQUA PARENT TEACHER AS- need to fight for foreign markets. The Elsie Grazier is reported as having cc?ded in winning by a score 28 to 22. economic reason for wars would be SOCTATION the mumps. removed. The Freshmen boys also played the -How Is This-- And finally, many of the devoted Mrs. L. C Eastman was a passenger Sophomore boy,, the same evening. The Abiqua Parent Teacher Asso believers in the golden rule, the for Portland Wednesday of this week. The Freshmen carried away their ciation held their Quarterly Election House and lx>t in Monroe, Oregon, Miss Esther Mace exme down from game by a score of 34 to 14. A large at which Mrs. Miller Barkhurst was brotherhood of man and the spiritual ideals of religion, have discovered that crowd was out to see these games and Hult Monday and went out to the elected president, Mrs. Joe Kaser to trade for Silverton or Salem Prop George Burck home near Abiqua for much enthusiasm was shown. vice-president, Mrs. W. Black sec Socialism is the program by which erty. $1500 value. Friday night, January 29, the Sil retary, William Dunigan treasurer. their hopes may be realized. an indefinite stay. To some these claims may seem too verton High School girls will meet the At the last m eting a paper by Mrs. W. H. Ellingsworth was transact High School I C u“’i‘ big to be possible of realization. And ing businers in Oregon City and Can Gresham 4 v . girls . in . a game .„leaser was read 7*"* on home and 7 school the question naturally arises: By what «inimmmmmmnmmmmmitmnmtttniii of basket ball to be played here. All by the last jf the wack. club work which was greatly enjoyed i* terested cannot afford to mise this by all present, also an article on bet- means does Socialism propose to ac P. A. Linscott returned from Port- game. . ter rural conditions by Mrs. Black; complish these things? ”'d Monday, after a fqw days spent That question we shall answer in The school is very busy preparing | a^er which *t was decided to use our FOR SALE — 1500 lb. Draft H< rse. Fine Lot on Fitch Street, a dandy ’ *h friends at that place. for the mid-year examinations this influence against the bill pending in subsequent articles as fully and as See Cascade Real Estate Co. building sight, close in, it will not be •’ . A. M. Chamness and daughter week. All pupils above the second satisfactorily as space will permit. • «- merning passengers for Salem grade who have not been tardy during the House to dissolve the board of on-the market leng, only $350. Cerne FOR SALE — Two Turbine Water supervisors of country schools. Mrs. Wednesday. the semester, who average 90 in de Marion El’iott of Mt. Home, Idaho, Watch the date after the name on quick 1 Wheels, Shafting , Mortise Gear H. L. Nutting mace a business trip portment and 90 or over in their met with the Association and gave a the little green label and if you want Do yot. want to buy a beautiful plot Wheels, Boxing, Couplings, Roller to Portland Tuesday. studies are excused from the ex- Domestic Science demonstration of the Silverton Journal another year re of ground w th fruit and berries al- r eed Mill, etc. See Cascade Real Es- P. Vorst was among the Salem aminat’ons. tat? Co. Crochet work. new your subscription promptly. ready in bearing, with wood shed l.uilt Miss Standish’s first grade room business callers Wednesday. After a social hour with the hostess, had the best attendance, 98.4 per cent Mrs. W. L. Dunagan, the meeting ad Now wc have it. Lot at one half and two tent houses? This is a bar- UNITARIAN SERVICES Get a Subscriber for The Silverton for the month ending January 27. price to the person who will build a journed to meet at the school house Will be regularly conducted on firs I gain on the installment plan. Thc $1500 house cn it, good Journal The Chemistry Class is having a Friday, February 5th. i location on Sunday of each month at 7:45 P. M. in , property is three blocks from car line . South Tf you recc’ve subscription blanks race for a silver cup to be given by Street. Also other lots —___ Waler ___ _____ W. O. W. Hall by Rev. Richard F. ' that runs into Portland. Price $1800, in this part of Silverton with the urMj from the Silverton Journal, please do Brooks & Steelhammer to the best TIP TOP BREAD not throw them away, even if you student of this class. In order to be fresh at 11:30 A. M. and 5 P. M. each Tischer, pastor of the Unitarian $100 down, $15 per month. Now’s the derstanding that houses built must be can’t use them. Give them to some in this race all the chemistry students day at Roger’« Grocery. Church of Salem. Everyone welcome. lime and The Cascade Real Estate Co. of $1000 vali.e or over. Cascade Real one who may have time to help. must take the semester examinations. Estate Company. Ralph Adam«, Agent. I Bring your friends. ,are the people. Come and see! LOCAI NEWS 1 ► THE HANSON HOTEL CITY MEAT COMPANY r “THE SHOP” “PRESTON’S SHOP” REAL ESTATE Is again to the Front with E. W. ROSS, Manager f ■