tion (read the Origin of Species) and last Glacial Period occurred REPLY TO MATERIALISTS u thlnk-so. Haeckel’s god was Algae, MATERIALIST COLUMN al Thu out 240,000 years ago and endured or seaweed. But he claimed that our “THE GLACIAL PERIOD” From Materialists* Letters. it seems the Europuun Nutions can’t devise any other mode but to kill innoceiil people just us the Israelite« did in olden times. When will the right redeemer come, one who will say, _“I huve not brought u sword but bread ^Buid butter; 1 bring peuce fur every human being on eurth, ate.?” J. W. Krushkee, Cutler, WÍS. • • • I received your invitation to Juin the little bund of men und wuniii Ih.l huve lost their hopes fur mansions in the skies, thul huvu had their wings clipped off und their harps un­ strung, und are looking the world squuru in the fuce and huvu no four of hell and the holy pupu 1 um called un infidel, I have no fiuth in Gods, ghosts, spirits or any other unnatural thing. 1 um sure 1 have no ev ¡dunce that there is unv God und do not »ue huw one could exist. 1 am u s' ciulisl ugitutor und have a smoother way of reaching the people than the average man hus, that goes around talking about not know­ ing whether there is u god or not. 1 gel a mun dissatisfied with lus con­ dition and then show him where he is being duped on religion, so that the muster - class hold him in subjection. Religion is the greatest enemy that the human race hus, and it has the ^jreutest hold upon the people. Until ^^e have compulsory education, and knock out superstition, we wdl Lave slavery on every side. “Swat super­ stitions,’’ is my motto. Chas. McMurruy, Vernon, Tex. • • • about 160,000 yarn. Cold periods have occurred regularly at intervals 1 of 10,000 years or more, but the ex- tri mely severe periods are farther , spurt. Their main cause Is supp wed I to be due tu increase of eccentricity in i the earth’s orbit Before the Glacial Period the Arctic Zone contained inuny animal und plunl species. As the cold became l mure and more intense, glaciers spread [ southward to 40 und 30 degrees The i arctic species were driven southward 1 into the temperate zone, the temperute 1 species invaded the equatorial zone, > the tropical species went farther ' south. When the Northern Hemis­ phere pussod through its cold period, the temperature of the Southern Hem­ isphere wus raised, chiefly through i changes in the direction of the ocean currents. And conversely when the ¿Southern Hemisphere passed through its Glacial Period, the North becume warmer. These changes caused many northern animals and plants to spread .«outhwurd, und afterward they and southern species migrated northward. 1 he ice-borne furrowed rocks and moraines show how fur the glaciers ex’ended. When the climate bcame n ■mal ugain, the arctic species as­ cended mountains or returned to polar regions; hence like species are found now on high mountains far upart, and in the frigid zone. Differ­ ent environment, vegetation and en­ emies caused chunges, the origin of new species; and thus also some of the mun-iike apes developed into upe-like men and these have evolved during the 60,000 years since the Glacial Period into our modern civilization. Mr. Phelps accus s me of not an­ swering his questions. Several of my unswers have not been printed yet, because our space was not enough for others’ answers and mine. Eliza Mowry Bliven, R. F. D., Brooklyn Conn. Uy Guy Fitch Phelps. In The Silverton Journal of January 16th Mr. Ross replies to me. I^t my readers note his admissions: they are i fatal to his position. Materialism ex- plains nothing. A rock falls to the beach by gravity. Thuru was a tim< Mr. Ross will admit this — when there was no ruck and no gruvity. Buck of that point is God. God works by law in all his kingdoms; all recognize Dial. “Sin is the transgression of the law." Thu mountains were and raised by law. But where did the luw come from'! And whore is the lifting pow­ er? 11 elped raise a house with jack­ screws once. Wo lifted it by the law of purchase, but it took intelligent power to run the jackscrews. But Mr. Ross is a bit astray when he says sci­ ence bus demonstrated how mountains ure foimed. Hardly, Mr. Ross. Not yet. Yes, God certainly planned the continents with their mountains with reference to the welfare of all people. They are needed for streams und for­ ests. In order that 1 might have u biscuit for breakfast God put the sun just where it is, arranged the ither worlds in proper relation, instituted evaporation, adjusted the chemical elements to each other, distributed the soil virtues, created the wheat, and planned this infinite co-ordination of paits, elements und wholes so that wheat could grow, and 1 might have a loaf of bie-u Ah, Mr. Roso, this is no accident. If Materialists huve made any “points” in this debate 1 have cer. lainly missed them. What one of them has had the courage to go down into the basic claims of evolution ? Does FACTS AGAINST LEGENDS our lawyer (read Luke 2, 45-46) do so We uro living in u century of sei- in this article? Read it. His reference e: dfic miraclej. We have the tel­ to the'temperance crusades is an evi­ ephone, the telegraph, electric lights, dence of the reckless assertions of stuum and electric engines carrying those who wish to be rid of a personal us frcni one end to the other of our God to whom they must give an ac­ planet in a short time; we have air­ count. Francis Murphy and Gough ship* und ueroplanes, etc., and still HEALTH HINTS were Christian men. They did their th -re are millions of our unfurtunute work always in the name of God. brothers who follow the Bible, u book Edited by Dr. Heialey. Gough credited God f• r his own re­ i ■ of Jewish legends and traditions, as formation. The first temperance When we care for a garden, even I 'edge ever written is found in the fly their moral guide. Now, these legends and traditions , if we have a “Hand Cutivator,' ,’’ we leaf of an old Irish Bible, in 1637, and < riginated with the Jewish people, must prepare the soil, sow the seed, in it are these words: ....“and I while they were still in the stage of ’ cultivate the plant and reap the har­ heartily beg my good Father in heav­ savagery or burburism, while they vest. So with heullh — we reap what en of his great goodness and infinite were ignorant und superstitious. They we sow. We have a double work. We mercy in Jesus Christ to assist me in witnessed such nutural phenomena a» must not nly «ow and cultivate the the same.” So in this reform, as in all day and night, life and death, strength K od seeds, but must fight the weeds others, G d and prayer and the bible and weakness, rain and tire, etc., but — the seeds of disease. It is beat to are the foundation of them. Mr. Ross ^feheir primitive reasoning power caused keep the garden free from bud «eeds; compares Christianity and her thou­ ^^thern to believe in good and evil spir­ but if they are present, the next best sand colleges, schools, enlightenment, thing is to destroy the weeds as fast learning, devoted mil* ions of tireless, its angels und devils. Fortunately those duys ure gone. as they appear. It is better to avoid unselfish workers to a "rabbit’s foot," We cun now explain most of those the cause of disease: but when it is carried by a Georgia Negro, or a snake phenomena if not ail; and in what our once fixed in the body, we nnut stop of the heathen He says that such was less fortunate ancestors saw ull kinds its progress as quickly as possible by the foundation of his mission. What of spirits we detect nothing but nat­ preventing a further cause and by value is to be set on the opinions >f placing the patient unle? the most a man who will go to such a length ural forces. Why not take the legends of the favorable conditions for l.ie return to as this to avoid a hard point. The Hnwaiians or the Samoans which le­ health. last thing in the world an infidel One muy greatly increase the power wishes to find is God. He is deathly gends are as rich as those of the Jews ir. all that concerns the creation of of the body to resist disease of any afraid there is one. But infidelity the world? There is ubout us much kind. Diseases of the lungs can be does not have even a i rabbit’s foot sense in these myths us there >s in resisted by proper treuting: lots of power. Why don’t Materialists 1 go fresh air ut night as well us during down into the slums like McAuley and those of the Old Testament. If our Christian brothers would only- the day. The raising of the ribs in do as good a work ? Mr. Ross, I chai• study the geat truths taught by As­ a person with a flat chest will be a lenge y«u to show a single infidel tronomy, Geology und Ethnology, they great help to make a full chest. Re­ seeking to rescue fallen men or wom­ would consider the Bible no longer as member, the more disease of the en in any city slum or any foreign a moral guide, but simply a collection lungs, the more time should be spent land, All peoples are listed in the of Jewish lore. A. J. Colo, Joliet, 111. in the open air. scale according to their religion, ex­ • • • DIGESTION cept materialists, they have gone If we are to enjoy good digestion down to T’here they have none. Even From and be free from rheumatism and the bushmen are above that condition. DARWIN’S ORIGIN OF many other diseases, we must remem­ As to Voltaire, let the fearful rriga of (Page 500) t“All living things have much in ber that we are made of what we eat, blood which he, and those like him, ommon, in their chemical compusi- and must cultivate a taste for simple, launched, speak for his worth. Christ tion, their cellular structure, their well-cooked foods and omit from our said, “By their fruits ye shall know laws of growth, and their liability to diet those foods which are sure, sooner them.” His true character is discover­ injurious influence.” With all organic or later, to clog the system and over­ ed in the fact that he lied regarding beings, excepting perhaps some of the work the digestive organs. hi« works to escape pers*-**u'.io*i. Do not eat any food that is dia- very lowest, sexual reproduction seems Who launched the first living bio­ to be essentially similar, the germinal eas d or started to decay. Eat three plast? Who gave it its unerring mis­ vesicle is the same so that all organ­ or four simple foods at a meal, and sir n. In the first stages the animal isms start from a common origin." nothing between the regular meals. and vegetable bioplasts loos identical, “AU the organic beings that have over If supper is eaten at all, it should be but from them come men. treec, ani­ lived on t.'ie earth, may be descended small in amount and easy of digestion. mals, which ever draw apart. Who put Those who do not have heavy muscu­ the after-patterns in them? Material­ frim some one primordial form.” lar labor are better off with only two ists CREDIT TO THEIR DIRT GOD From F.om “ALEXANDER’S DYNAMIC” men's, omitting supper. The stomach ALL THAT THE CHRISTIANS needs rest at night as much as other CREDIT TO THE INFINITE IN­ THEORY” (Page 57) The law of inheritance tends to, parts of the body. TELLIGENCE; which is the more The value of good, ripe fruit as a reasonable? All life works intelligent- and under like conditions of environ­ ment, always will produce exact purifier of the blood and a regulator ly. This points back to original in­ copies; but because the like conditions of the digestive organs can hardly be telligent life. is that unreasonaole, never do, and in the nature of things overestimated. Many think they can Mr. Poss? If so, why? Materialism never can exist, therefore no genera- not eat fruit; but, as a rule, it is be­ is a product of heathenism. The •tion is or ever can be an exact copy cause they make bad combinations. Egyptians talked of a mundane egg, Fruit should not be eaten with veg­ Democratus of atomic origins. Epi­ bf its predecessors.” “Man is not derived from any ape­ etables at the same meal. Fruit and curus babbled of spontaneous chance; tribe new in existance but from some milk at one meal and vegetables and IBruno read papers inspired by such ancient family of Asiatic apes that milk at another. authorities. There is something in We will endeavor to give you a few ones forebears. Evolutonists do that happened to enjoy a condition more favorable for advancement than that hints semi-occasionally and try and irritational thing, build their theory weave them into your life and see how on “spontaneous variation.” possessed jy the rest.” This much you can help yourself. EVOLUTION OF MAN freakish invention is actuated by no A man-likc apo was the ancestor of law and no intelligence, and yet it has One writer says, “A fourteen per sportained so accommodatingly that all the ape-like man many thousnnd years ago. In Africa the gorilla and chim­ cent Church with over fifty per cent of things have eyes: and perfect co-ordin­ panzee are man-like apes and some of the public offices and salaries of the ation of parts. Yet Darwin says it the negroes are ape-like men. Some country, betrays too much of the may vary and produce a monstrosity rock strata contain many fossils, national bird of Ireland — the hog. as often as a needed form. On this others contain few or none because It also shows that the old hag is utterly unreasonable basis rests every many speies became extinct during de­ somewhat in politics — eh ? theory of evolution. Had the cham­ • • • vastating upheavals of the earth’s pions of evolution today 1 ived in the On December 6th Mr. J. Campbell time of Haeckel’s bloom, .they would surface T^us geological history is fragmentary. But those species strong White, National President of the Lay­ have been exploded. Now they are enough to survive through such up­ mens Missionary Movement, address- devoted to the other fallai ty, “spon­ heavals, multiplied and developed su- i g 600 ministers in Rochester, N. Y., taneous variation.” But the scientific •icrior species. Thus the higher uni- said, “In South America seventy mil­ ■world is shaking that off als and it nals and men developed after the lion people can neither read nor write is only a matter of time till < »volution Glacial Period from the survivers of I and half the births are illegitimate.”! is laughed out of the court o f reason j Why of course. T* Hasn’t the Catholic! as a thing unworthy of intellig ’ence. It the previous period. cl.urch been on the job for 400 years? meets every difficulty with a s ppposi- Condensed fom Darwin’s forests and beings sprang from that. But who made the seaweed? Also that same weed is still with us un­ changed. Dr. Townsend says: "Evo­ lution is not supported as a whole or in any OF 1TB PARTS by a SINGLE well-established fact.” P. S. — Mr. Van Trump, if you don’t have to pay more than eight per cent 1 wish you would deposit th - hundred dollars and meet me on the Lincoln propostion. I am waiting. .nmtummmtmamummmnmuuumuuuuunnBunniiiuuiunmmnnttttttt ' OUR OBJECTS AND OUR PLAN OF CAMPAIGN FOR A FREE PRESS MT. ANGEL It has just come to me that that old hr.rlot of the Seven H'lls has stirred her sodden self again to add other persecutions to those she has perpe­ trated already against J. E. Hosmer, editor ci The Silverton Journal. This is evidence that Mr. Hosmer h"X been telling the truth on this La­ dy of the qustionable character, and she does not enjoy exposure But the real aim of the old Romish serpent is to strangle his paper to death, for free speech and a free press are things together with the public school, which Rome hates heartily; and it is because this man stands for these that the priests of th? Catholic Church ar? set to bankrupt and crush him. This is a time when Mr. Hosner should have the support of all his well-wishers. Wh-re possible he should lie helped financially. I shall do my little possible in that line, l^t | those who appreciate his brave fight come to his aid. I-et the ministers who I read The Journal hold indignation meetings and have their resolutions pub'ished in the papers as far as pos­ sible. Rome will cow«r before a bold protestant front. Incidentally, I would suggest that the priests change the name of their local mount, or make the public clear in th. fact that the angel designated bears upon his wings the smell not of heaven’s lilies but of brimstone. GUY FITCH PHELPS. Ketchum, Idaho Jan. 22, 1915. Mr. J. E. HOSMER, Silverton, Oregon. Dear Sir: — I see in The Silverton Journal of the 15th inst. a letter from a Lincoln, Kans., man who I believe is the party I have been trying for about thirty years to find, some one who had hit the right trail and found the man “God” they talk so much about. Now this man claims to tie able to prove there is an “Everlasting God." That is just what I am looking for, is proof. Many have undertaken to prove there is a God, but like the Rev. Phelps have failed to do so. This man with the “boiling blood” is not the on­ ly Christian specimen of the kind. He is only one of a hot air b'ast from the sizz'ing furnace of long ago that con­ sumed many innocent, helpless people who dared to express an honest doubt or in any way disagree with them in their religious belief. Their blood not only "boiled,” but they boiled, baked an 1 fried the blood of millions of their innocent victims and would do the same today had they the power. (Mr. Hosmer has very rcently had a taste of their pow-er), which is a vile smirch on the fair face of Oregon. As the weather is cold and fuel in Kansas scarce it might be a charitable act to keep the Lincoln man’s blood boiling. It might save him the ex­ pense of a ton of coal or a cord of wood, to declare there is no infinite God, or Heaven or Hell, only what is on this earth, and I ask the gent with the boiling blood to come on with his proof. With the editor’s permission we will discuss the subject: “Is there, or is there not a God,” through the columns of The Silverton Journal or by personal letter, if the editor objects to the use of space. Very truly, Maud V. Warfield. Editor’s Note:—The Silverton Jour­ nal is a free press. Go at it, but make your artie'es short as space is limited. A historian says, that in the Middle Ages the Mistress of the holy father would confess to the holy father, and the holy father would absolve her. How convenient it must have been! Just how often these confessions were made, we are not told; nor do we know how compassionate he was in inflicting pon&nce • * • A bishop may have a concubine, or a dozen of them, and children by the score, and be on intimate terms with the Cadinal and the Pope, and stand before an open door promotion; but if he marry he is damned, and damped ou. of the priesthood. • • • Father Chiniquy says, “The Con- fes or is the master, the ruler, the king of the soul of the wife; the hus­ band, as the grave yard keener, must be satisfied with the corpse.’’ • • • A writer urging that the U. S. have a diplomatic relation with the Holy See says the Roman Catholic Church is the “greatest moral force in the world.” If he had said, “Immoral” he would have uttered a truth that fifteen hundred years of history af­ firms. We have been browbeaten, maligned, aarault- ed, boycotted, denied our rights in Court, im­ prisoned and robbed of the privilege of editing our paper while in jail, all for trying to make the world better by publishing the truth. This only make» us stronger in the fight! But, as we have been robbed through boycott, of the where-with- all to continue our work, we are forced to change oar plans, and this advertisement is to let the lovers of liberty, justice and truth know that they are hereby given the privilege to help in our Cam­ paign. Are you in favor of our continuing in this work? Here are our objects: In order to make the world better for our hav­ ing lived, and with malice toward none and charity for all, we wish to make public: 1. The doings of individuals who are Dosing as good citizens, but who are continually commit­ ting crime secretly. 2. The grafting schemes and self protecting sycophancy of our public officials. 3. The hypocritical and absurd prstentions and confidence games of all humbug religious fakers. 4. The effort to destroy our public schools, our other American institutions of civil and rel­ igious liberties, free thought, free speech and free press, by the foreign power knows as the Roman Hierarchy, and its treasonable efforts to destroy the American government and preveat eur prog­ ress in perfecting “a more perfect union.” 5. The cause of poverty and crime and the remedy by the destruction of political trickery and false hero worship and how to establish universal knowledge of the true principles of gpvemment on the basis of equality of opportunity and the inalienable right of every citiaen to an equal chance to life, liberty and the pursuit ef hap­ piness. 6. The awful effects of the use ef stimulants and narcotics on the human race aed the best methods of emancipation from their destructive slavery. 7. The principles of the universal (genuine Catholic) religion of righteousness, and a true, progressive and modern Protestant faith of de­ stroying ancient errors, which have held us in bondage; and that the salvation of our race de­ pends on the solid rock of “the brotherhood of man.” We have faith that there are enough thinking people in the United States to save our work from the destroyer’s hands, and we are using this space, formerly occupied by advertising which made it possible to publish our pai>er, to eall on all who are interested to join us in the work. Do you believe in a free press? Do you believe in our objects? If so, help us establish A Fund for Defensive and Aggressive Warfare Do all you can and get others to help! Send us facts that should be published! That we are alive and willing to work is our opportunity. Do not wait! R. Richard Carr................................................................ $1.00 0. R. Zacharias ............................................. -................. 1-00 H. H. Dewall ..................................................................... 2.00 H. Gill.................................... 2.00 Fred H. Brown................................................. 10.00 E. W. Amos ......................................................................... 50 J. H. Mack......................................................................... 1.00 nt SendfJO Cents for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 page* How To Reduce The Cost Of Living? It'* a good one to read and pass to a neighbor.