out provided they took the winning side. But which is the winning side? In the long run, truth and right will win out over corruption. The unsel fish and philantropic people are now uniting all along the line, and wee to him who talks and acts like a beast that devours the little one . It is easy to know by words and deeds the side of the fence on which any business man stands, and it is safe to say, if he is straddle of the fence or if his pat ronage comes mostly from evil doers that he is on the wrong side and veri ly he should get his reward. Every mother and ever)- father, every intelli gent son and daughter, should see to it at once that the money they have to spend in any business house is sp-nt where it «”'11 do more good than just the mere securing of the goods. If we want righteousness to rule we must know that it helps mightily to patronize those who preach and prac tice the great principles of righteous ness. To be sure, each one must be the judge, but get together, investi gate and ye shall know the truth. and the truth shall make you free.” and disregarding the selfish pleasure to be cultivated by the practice of hon of final triumph, is entitled to the esty, justice and good deeds to make MOVING greatest consideration. 1 am not u true Christians of .*11; that the prac PICTURES materialist, neither u Christian, in the tice of sin and injustice dwarfs our Pubhthad «vary Frida» mornin« al Sllvarton. souls and brings on retributive justice Oratem. by sense that Chirstianity is now accept in the spiritual life even if we escape J. E. HOSMER, Editor. ed. I earnestly believe, however, that it in this life; how much better the I have a more profound respect for world would be. ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS On the other hand, how can one he the character of Christ than moat, so- Instructive and Educative. called Christians do. As to God, 1 a true follower of Christ, whose believe in the eternal existence of an wl-.o'e earthly life w-s devoted to un all-wise, all-just, all-good creative sold hness a.id the giving to others, power, but non personal. The idea of and yet cling to the selfish desire of a personality carries with it the pre wrnting something for nothing, in Form is an effect as‘i',ig Christ to bear all the burden sumption of form. 1 ________ and effect must be preceded by cause. I oi their ,,M anJ iniquities ? The idea of God preceding Himself is 1 • 1 an incongruity and God cannot be in-1 SOME MORE FACTS Esterad at the postutBra at Silverton. Orason, at aaeoad-rlau rates. congruous. Therefore, the idea of a I For Guy Fitch Phelps’ Consideration, Sabeertption. 60e par year, in advance. Sinsh personal God, to me, is an absurdity. I - ■■■ — - copia*. 5 cents. Advertising rateo made known upon applica The personal pronoun “Himself” i* I COMRADE HOSMER, tion. PHONE BLACK 681 used for convenience only. I Editor Journal. Thia papar atanda for f random of tbousbu fra»- Now that so-called Christians are I Dear Sir: — doin af the praar. frmxl.x» at .pooch, equably of engaged in killing each other, by the I To any broad mlndod man, full of love opportunity and the rvlunou of rmhteou.uea.. Il All work done in the ahur teat poaxiw * ..... ». We are equip ia radically appoaod to arary form of .uparatiwon thousands, it may well be asked if If»”- humanity, for animals as well as ped to handle ali binda of furniture, platino, etr.. with very little and tyranny, or liaanaiug or ponmllina any form af aril. what we cal’ Christianity, has not I fo’ humans, who has no bias from pre. danger of any damage done. proven a failure, a uelusion and a I conceived ideas, burn of the mythical snare. If so, wherein does the cause I supernatural thing called Christianity, THE VICTIMS No Load too Heavy for our Team* to Haul. Be, and what will bring about true I this earth is a charnel house of mis By J. E. Hosmer (in jail Oct. 29, 1914) Christianity. The answer is: The I cry, pain and death. The early church adoption and practic of the GOLDEN I fathers use to teach that this earth A CRUSADE OF LOVE The knaves believeth not in dying RULE. I was a cruel one, wb«*rc God caused all wrong, Why have we failed to practice this I to suffer und also tuuglrt, the greater The Catholic priesthood seem to be- But first, by sore necessity or tempt lieve that it is right to do evil that great precept as taught by the Christ ? I our sufferings here on earth, the hap- ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ers great, good may come from it. They believe It seems clear to me that it is because I pier we would he in that future life— < ► They fall, and, helped by scorn, they that the end justifies the means and W » have relied on what we, mistaken-1 heaven ! ! It was taught in the early I I ’ • WE MUST GROW OR DiM! < > fall again ere long — therefore will commit, or have com ly, believe to be an easier way: a way I church that this wickedness on earth The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list The falling habit fixed, it is too late. mitted for them, almost any crime to which is, unquestionably, the more sel. I wrs caused by man’s disobedience, trowing or it will surely die. Wn nood your bolp, but we fish way. 1 allude to the common I which was shouldered upon the devil, 11 The thief kn ws well that stealing is boost the interests of their political, want to tpe oven more than value roooivod. practice, among so-called Christ'ans, I a being having great power — so much falsely so-called church. That they a sin. Get u.\ one or more at fifty conta a year. Uae of relying on Christ to bear the bur-1 that God could not kill him. He died ■ • Nor does a drunkard often think it never can in this way save the world < > the following blank: dert of all our sins and relieve us from in the 19th century — killed by intelli- is very evident to those trained to right to drink; the consequence of wrong doing. 1 do I gonce of humanity. The living fauna A FREE PRESS The harlot hates the hell she shame believe that every righteous act nc. believe that Christ ever taught I of land, sea and air. having no moral has its reward in the advancement fully suffers in, such dcctrine himself It is not con-1 guide, are "red in l»eak, tooth and A murderer, sane, from thoughts of of a higher civilization and that every sistent with what seems to be his true I daw.” The scheme of life, as form < • crime checks our advance and helps murder shrink. I ulated by a creative fiat is “Kill as o to destroy what we have thus far character and love of justice. The subscription price has been changed frvtn $1.00 to I know that the New Testament I you eat” or rather "kill while you are I > Then hate the cause, and not the vic gained. We certainly need a Crusade < > tims sore — 50 cents per year. of Love. The Protestant churches teaches the doctrine, but that book I eating.” Ths being which caused life Our exportation system shamefully need to unite. If they will but do this was written by men some three hun-1 on earth, if he could have dune other- < > > gives them birth; the great cost of the many little, strug dred years after Christ lived on the I w’se has neither humanity, love or jus. i > EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, When all can live from Mother Na- gling organizations will be eliminated earth. He never wrote anything Him-1 t’cu. He created them with nc moral SILVERTON, OREGON. ture’s bounteous store, and real work along the teachings of self and what was written of Him was I obligation and murdered one part to Enclosed find $ , for which send THE JOURNAL to These boldest, then, will be “the salt “the Master” will take the place of the necessarily from memory and tra-1 feed the other! Why ought man bend the following: dition. I the knee to worship such a creator? of earth.” degenerating and unchristian struggle Before Christ appeared there were Mark well hew Phelps' creator fitted ca'led “churchanity.” The great, evil, Roman power is united all over the mrny easy ways put forth by the out the carnivora in beast, b:rd and OPEN 1HAT DOOR I Address world to crush out every idea of lib priests of the heathen gods to get I fish to carry on their killing work to erty of thought and salvation through rid of the consequences of one’s sins, I live. The fish and serpents all have Name Mother, do not lock your little son character. The Protestant world is by paying tribute to the gods for the I teeth curved backward, so their prey, or daughter up in a dark closet as a doomed unless its waring elements benefit of the priests. Even in the I when once caught, never escapes — Address punishment. It is the wrong principle uniU. They will be forced to unite days of Moses, and among his people, I beautiful expression cf love of the Name ... and hurts the child much more than it and that soon or the “dark ages” of they had their scape - goat on which I creator. The birds of prey arc won- does good. Open that closet door and another Roman, one-man-rule, con- they were taught to believe they could derful strong in beak and claw. The Address .... beg the child’s pardon and as you love dition will soon reign supreme. The unload their sins and escape the con-1 larger felines use to carry terror to i > liberty, never again rob another of European War shows what can be sequences after having made the usual I the man whom the creator had placed < > Name — that precious boon of real civilization. brought about and how we can be de sacrifice. Before the r.dvent of Christ I in this world naked and defenseless, Address Teachers, never threaten a student feated when our forces are scattered. the practice of offerings to God, fori Not until these first men could from with imprisonment, much less lock him No free thinking, righteous loving cit the benefit of fat and lazy priests at I a bow and learn to use it — as Kip- Name up. It is the wrong principle. It cre izen, no Protestant believes in war, tbe temples had become a burden al-1 ling says “When he had learned to Address ates hate instead of love, revenge in and yet today it is horribly murdering most unbearable by the working Jews. I kill at a distance,” could they take the stead of respect, criminality instead what it has taken ages of peace to It must have been one of the main offensive. Their “multiplying” was of honesty, dissipation instead of in build up. Many good people of the objects of Christ to overthrow this seriously interfered with in those dustry and degeneracy instead of United States think W’e are safe, but practice. He therefor,. taught his fol-1 days. This creator has been so busy, progress. Open that d or and bee -me we are not. The same imperial, Roman lerver to rely on Himself and the through his pri.-sis and the “Idle a real teacher instead of a school (?) power that is in America as well as Golden Ruleu When three hundred rich” trying to have the man on his master. in Europe can precipitate war here years after the advent of Christ men knees doing homage to him, since his Phon* Black 1343. But parent and teacher never for inside of three months if they wish attempted to write of his sayings and I advent into Palestine from Arabia in CesMdge Rtreei. <> a moment think it the part of wisdom to, and they will do it when they doings, how natural that men, more I the 13th century B. C., when he re- not to pay attention to the mistakes think it is to their interests. They or less impregnated with the old doc-1 vealed himself to Moses on Mount Si- the children are always making. Your could not do it if the scattered ele- trines of Moses an<’ paganism, should I nai, just after he had killed all the ability as a real parent or a real teach m<«ts of righteousness were united. lev some cf these doctrines creap into! Midianites, except the virgins, that he General Contractor for Continertial and er depends how well you know the The immediate union of all the Prot their writings. I forgot or did not care to rectify the Industrial Building right principles from the wrong and estant churches is not a matter of No! I believe that when a man vio- wrongs he did in the six days’ work, EXPERT BNGINIRR what care you use in reforming, or mere sentimentality. It is a matter lates a spiritual law he must suffer Mr. Phelps is great on asking ques- rather helping the child to reform his of comomn sense in the work of saving for it, as surely as he must suffer I tions. I ask him a few. Who put the In the Deaign and Conatruction of beauti ful home«, business beusea, aekeeh own character. Keeping the young the world from sin and darkness. Let from the violation of a physical law I instinct into the anmoral weasel, and churchea. folks busy at pleasurable and yet most there be now at once a "Crusade of when he puts his hand in the fire, which causes him to kill a dozen or profitable occupation is the secret of Love.” Let it start in the heart of When the world believes this the world r.ore hens in a henery in one night? SILVERTON, OREGON success. And if a child does, as he every lover of truth and right Let will reform. Then will be Peace on I When he could not eat more than the ccitainly will oftentimes, rob others each one enlist and fight like a Trojan earth, good will to man. Every well liver of one? Who put the instinct of their rights, then is the time to in for the one idea of union (another informed pennon, regardless of rel- into the gray shrike of the northern delibly impress on his mind the great name for love) and let this fight be igious belief, must know that w.thin states that he must stick big beetles lesson of justice and right and to help on broad lines so that no true man a few centuries after the advent of I (kgs up) and mke and small birds time. Adam not knowing what Yah- c -uld not do this, then he or it is nut him repair to the injured party the or woman will be debarred. Let each Christ, the church that was built up while alive on thorns, wire or sharp wc’s plan was, gave these rodents a Gcd! Take either horn of the dilcm- put the instinct into injury done as far as possible. plan how to bring about union meet in His name, became so corrupt in its I points ? Who name to conform to their manner. So mayuuplease. We people believe there People, open the iron bars of those ings of the churches in their home leadership as to become a world scan- wolves that they know, the cutting off is no cotisci us form of energy. Yet prisons! Treat the criminally insane towns. We must make union popular. dal. Indulgencies for crimes of every | of the ham string of horses, deer and he called them “Lepus,” because they we believe energy (which is nearly all as patients of an asylum for their It must be sung, preached and prayed sort even to commit murder were sold cattle will stop their running? Now, were ever jumping. Had Adam known of the sun on this earth) in its highest good, but th se who have been driven into every Protestant and free thought for a price, in the name of the Christ. Mr. Phelps, it is up to you to enlighten of Yahwe's plans he would, no doubt, potential does produce all things on to rob others of their rights by the soul in America. Surely the present Through the trumpt-up iniquity of the the readers of The Journal why or how have given the genus the name of earth. Your God is only a supposition weakness of society should not be dangers are enough to cause all the indulgence and the absolution every these immoral carnivora know these Filler, which would have been much of the very inferior races, that were locked up. Let them repair the in good people to unite and it is whole sort of crime of man against his fel things. Did you ever, Mr. Phelps, ignerant of all thing' nearly. Loeb of jury done to individual., and to society sale criminality to wait any longer. low man became tolerated and en when a boy, watch a snake, which had more appropriate as they have, since Chicngo succeeded in natcliing sea as far as possible by the fruits of Preachers, teachers, philantropists, couraged by the ruleing heads of the caught a frog by the hind foot? And their creation "filled" the stomachs of urchins' eggs that were unfertilized. their labor and teach them by kind loveis of humanity, get together and church, and those who committed can not you even now hear that plain the carnivora all over the world, not This was four years ago; the end is ness and sympathy and books and be not weary in well doing. Discuss, these crimes were taught to believe tive cry for mercy and help which in one zone, but in every zone. These not yet. F. B. HALL. papers and p'-.tures and lectures and and yield to the truth. Weed out the that by conforming to so-called rel came from the frog? Did you hear innocent hares and rabbits were de Augusta, Mich., Jan. 18, 1915. good work and good pay that they too errors. Sacrifice personal interests if igious rites and paying tribute to the that God heeded the victim’s cry? No! signed by the creator to be murdered are needed in the great work of re necessary. Selfishness ’s the devil that priesthood, Christ would bear all the No God cared. For there is no hu dr.y and night by the beasts of prey Sticm, Ore., January 20, 1915. manity in such a creator or in the on earth and also by the carnivora of deeming our race from the mistakes must be destroyed. Think! think! For, sins of the criminals * the air. Here is what a man wrote Just read of your latest contact with except what is found in of the past. Open that door! In the 16th century the scandal I un ’ verse, if the “Crusade of Love” is a success, who had been employed for years in the enemies of enlightenment, and it it will be as Shakespeare says, “think, arising from the sale of indulgence | some good man’s heart. Christianity the Hudson Bay country: “God Al- recalls to my mind the letter of Pope never yet humanized any man. What became so great and the more con THE STRADDLER IN THE ing that makes it so.’* * scientious and honest members of the did the creator say in Genesis 1, 28: mighty, it appears, created the hares Pino V to Charlo* IX of France in LINE - UP priesthood and laymen, so disgusted, “And God blessed them and God said for the expressed purpose of changing which, according to our historian Ab The time has come when a very WHY SO-CALLED CHRISTIANITY that Martin Luther, a distinguished unto them, be fruitful and multiply the loaves, twigs, buds, bark and mos bott, "He urged him to extirpate HAS FAILED large number of our best citizens are priest, successfully headed a move and replenish the earth and subdue it ses into tough flesh to fill the maw of every fibre of heresy”.... and “to en- going to thr w their patronage to the ment which established the Protestant and have dominion over the fish of the the carnivora in this cold country. The couiage him he cited the example of sea and over the fowl of the air and cries of these “fillers” being torn to S: ul, exterminating the Amalekites By Racephus Le Boutellier business man who takes a stand for Church. The debate running through your righteousness. It has been found that In doing this the practices of selling over every living thing that moveth pieces and eaten, is constantly ascend and assured him that all tendency to the I-don’t-care fellows and the evil interesting Journal on Christianity indulgencies and absolution for a on the earth.” As a consequence of ing to the throne of supposed "grace," clemency was a snare of the devil” Perhaps you are to be "exterminat minded citizens are doing all they can and Materialism is well calculated to price were forever discarded as a di this verse Christians are rarely hu to what purpose? — not one minute, t<> keep the man with a principle from provoke thought and for that reason rect function of the priesthood. This manitarians. An old “gag” of (’>'> and not one second is there a cessation. ed” whatever that name mean*. The g ting a principal, and that our slow tend* to the good. Anything that pro was, no doubt, a vast improvement 70 years ago was thic: “The 'ion and Who carer? The creator had a loving Lutherans having left me out of a job the lamb shall ’ay down together and idea, as he seemed to know how he temporarily, I have just been consider P gress in civil’zation is largely on vokes thought, stimulates, strength over the then existing conditions. a -ojjit of the choking-out process ens and broadens the mind, providing But the indirect sale of indulgen a child sha'l lead them.” This was to had treated these hares and rabbits, ing whether or not it wouldn’t be a u °d on any one who is good enough the mind, in the meantime, is kept cies and absolution were held out to happen when God could kill the devil. a-.d he may have had fears that he good plan to double teams on them t ne decent and brave enough to take from getting into a rut so that only the people and have been ever since. Not one word about the creator’s mis hau not done the right thing by them. and let mo come down to The Journal a stand on the great moral questions o’ J side of a question may be admitted They have been taught to believe that takes — at that time, your head would This is doubtful. His idea was this: office to help out while you are on the of our day. But woe to the poor busi to view. All mental effort should be they are all sinners, “conceived in sin have been in danger if you had. Who I will make them the most prolific of gridiron I will bargain to clean type, ness man of the futuie who dares to directed in an earnest search for and born in iniquity,” and that their of us have not heard the cry for mer- all animals, their seed shall cover the wash the < ffice towels, kick out the cat, straddle the fence. He may do quite truth. God is truth, else there can be souls are lost for all eternity unless cry when the mother robin’s or other earth. One thing is sure, they are poke up the fire or sweep the office well for a time, but sooner or later no reality in the power we call God. they confess the-r sins, conform to song birds’ nests of young were pil here, anti they are fil'ing the stomachs and to make myself generally useful the “line-up" in every city between the In reading these debates any one with certain ceremonials and pay tribute to laged of its young by the sparrow of the carnivora in all parts of the for nothing a month and board myself. evil doers and the well wishers is an unprejudiced mind searching for the church or priesthood. If one half hawk? Some man might drive the earth, and have so done since they ap We’ve got to beat them somehow, bound to come, and then, where is the truth, can readily see which side is the effort that has b en expended to hawk away, but the creator never peared on earth. I have tried to show and my heart, sole and all the rest of straddler? Poor fellow, neither side the mow earnest in the endeavor to promulgate this doctrine had been seems to care. When Yahwe called Mr. Phelps, by the actual facts in the my anatomy are In this work of edu respects him and he is “left in the set forth the truth Both sides may spent in teaching that all are born of all the animals before Adam, so he cine, how illogical his creative feat is. cation. Pleaoe state if terms areagree-( §oup.” When the war between the two be wrong in some respects, but the Gcd (not in sin and iniquity) and that could name them (sic), Adam noticed If the crentor could have created a able nnd wncn I may begin. elements is fought out, the business side which shows the greatest effort all have the spark of divinity within one kind of rodents that hardly ever world without sin, then he must shoul Yours for Liberty, men who have taken sides will win to reach the truth, ignoring sophistry, themselves; that this spark only needs walked, but was on the jump all the der the b'ame of responsibility; if he FLORA I. FOREMAN. the gem theatre , Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. THE SILVERTON JOURNAL : BEN HOFSTETTER