* T he S ilverton J ournal VOL IV. PAPAL NOTES By L. D ’’atliff A priost usked u gentloman-of-color if he wouldn't like to be a Catholic? "No, Sahl it's bu bishop, us tic responsible party, editor of The biherton Journal will prosecutor had but small weight of1 out we arc engaged in the greatest to capture the whole world. Her fa­ probably have to go. It depends very argument against this hard blow on struggle of the centuries. In the times since he knew the immoral character vored sons live in luxury and slaves of the priest wh 'li he guve him the lurguly on whether the jury selected his legal solar plexus. He said that of Jesus, who was called the Christ, ccme and go at their tyrannical, big­ parish. The Court conceded ull the is made up of Americuiui or of Ro­ he hud followed the indictment of the Rome had reached out her great mil­ oted beck and call. Having great facts set forth in the complaint, but mans. The trial if it comes off al all, former case and that the supreme itary talons anil rapaciously seizcu wealth, this Roman rule and ruin pow­ I eld thut the bishop could not have will undoubtedly bo set for the April court of Oregon had sustained the neary al’ of the known world. Her I er can buy legislation, intimidate pol­ anticipated the act of rape or that the term of court, but ut this writing all I rulings of the lower court. But the idea was government for revenue. iticians and crush out opposition of priest "would do more than seek to the Journal force and every friend defense showed that the other case Jesus, his brother, his cousin, his every kind. Today rotting in the war seduce the women of his parish into who knows what has been already was altogether a different thing, hav- mother and his many friends did not I ditches of Europe are thousands upon acts of adultery or fornication," and done are waiting for Judge Kelley's in ' been based on the publication of a believe in this land of a government, thousands of her victims and the end therefore the plaintiff could not main­ decision in regard t>» r demurrer whica pamphlet, while t^is one was based on I or in the religious and social functions I is not yet. But the idea of government tain an action. Had the priest seduced the defense entered last Saturday. tho publication oi - -’ewBpaper article, wiiich grew out of it, not in the econ­ deriving its just power from the con­ the girl, the bishop would have been It was a busy time in the circuit and also that in th.- rmer case there omic conditions out of which it grew. sent of the governed is still alive. guilty, but he could not be held in a court of Marion County and the room hadbeen nodemur.-er to the indictment They talked and worked and organ­ Millions of the most intelligent of the case of rape, for that was a proceed­ was crowded full, when Samuel Rich­ The learned judge took the matter ized against it. Instead of the hollow, world’s citizens now believe in the ing outside the common among sen­ ardson, uttorney for the defense, arose under advisement and at this writing I ypocritical religion into which even golden rule as the only true basis on sual priests. Well, the devil of it is to urgue thut, in several respects, the there has been no decision rendered. his own countrymen had drifted Jesus which all human activities should be that the poor ignorant dupes think indictment was faulty und that the If the demurrer is overruled or if the teught the religion of righteousness, based. And even here in Oregon the confession to a priest is necessury, case should be thrown out of court. prose ution is allowed to amend the ' the religion of love, the religion of battle between these two ideas waxes and as long as our laws tolerate the Only the two main points of the de­ indictment the trial will probably equality and justice, the religion of hotter and hotter. The weapons used Confessional, the Catholic motherhood murrer were argued. These points ccmc off next April This is not quite the golder rule. Everything in the by the “for-revenue” forces are sup­ and lsisterhood will generally be de­ were, first, that the Marion County as bad a$ being in jail, of course, but new order was to be based on this pression through fear, superstition, based. Court had no jurisdiction in the case, it is bad enough, and these long drawn better, but to the Roman world, des­ boycott, prosecution and even crim­ • • • und second, that the essential words out legal poceodings is almost enough picable idea. And so the Romans fought inal force with murderous guns and A correction: — A reply from Sec­ of the code which are necessary to to crush anyth ng. “Hope springs against it. They captured men, wom­ spears as of old. The weapons used retary Daniela of the U. 8. navy says make the indictment accuse the de- eternal” however and, as kind letters en and children, took them to Rome by the “by and for the people” forces attendance upon religious services in fendant of a crime were omitted, On and financial aid begin to come in, and made them slaves. They persecuted are love of liberty, our public schools, the navy are not compulsory the first point we showed that the and as the escaped nun says that she the agitators, and, with the aid of his freedom of speech and publicity I ... court did not' have jurisdiction because w”I certainly be on hand to testify own coutrymen, according to the story, through a free press. To protect heraclf, France forbid« the indictment d d not state where the in our behalf, and as we are naturally they convicted and executed the chief There will be no hesitency or show­ Ecclesiastical schools. America may alleged crime was committed. To be optimistic and can see in our mind’s offender. ing of the white feather by the Sil­ yet have to do the same thing. Now, after all these centuries, the verton Journal squad. It is “forward sure, it stated where the Silverton eye victory over the enemies of our ... Journul is located, but where this aw­ American principles, as a result of our same struggle is going on. The same march!” with us ; and, when the final St. I’uul of the Cross, tin Italian ful crime of telling the truth was ac­ | endeavors, we are not downcast, and old Roman idea of government for great victory of liberty and truth over monk, founder of the Passionist Order, tually committed was entirely left out; we h< reby declare to friends and foes revenue is trying to crush out the idea slavery and coruption comes, the only one of the Blessed characters whose and as the venue of a crime is n that we would net change places with of the equality cf man.The great dis­ reward we hope for i- that those in life is studied by the student-priest, very essential thing in an indictment ; the fattest, slickest bachelor who ever covery of America, the great inven­ evidence will witness our hand and did miracles great and yet greater. it was a futal mistuko. On the second ' wore his collar back side in front or tions, the extension of scientific knowl. seal in their higher and happier civ­ Here is one of them: When he sat point we showed that the indictment j was priviledged to talk and act like edge _ ______ has __________ Broadened the __ ______ battle _____ field, ilization, enjoyed by the enlightened down to a table as an invited und hon. zed, and one of whom joins the debatable assumption virtually remain The infallible (?) who chopped her The real criminals go unpunished; soph’s B’att. Catholic church, can the former mar­ to pieces and drank her blood. untrue? but he who exposes them must be boy­ Is not he who asserts the existence riage be annuled?” Signed L. G. D. cotted, sued, arrested, fined, impris­ By the virtue of what is called the of either fairies, sprites, spooks, oned and murder«!. And this is called ghosts, witches, devils or gods burden­ Pauline privilege such a convert to civilization. RESOLUTIONS ed with proving indisputably their ex­ the faith is permitted to have the for­ ... istence? And, if he fails therein will mer marriage contract annnuled when What is a grater crime than robbing the non-Christian party is an impedi­ WHEREAS, L appears from the not the Materialists win? peopleby the confidence game of priest­ ng nt to the Catholic's practice of his facts in the case as we know them If man, animals, insects, vegetables and lesser things could not have come or her faith. The marriage of un­ that J. E. Hosmer, editor of The Sil­ craft with the tools called purgatory, into existence without a creator, how baptized persons is not a sacrament, verton Journal, has been unjustly de­ l.cly water, masses, and all the rest could the greater being, God, come made indissoluble by Christ, but pure­ prived of his liberty and his rights of it? Hew many priests’ children are be­ by being imprisoned in the Marion Co. without a creator? Who, then, made ly a natural contract. ing supported in Oregon by the tax 3. Public Schools: Chicago, Ill., July jail for one hundred days for printing God? Why were fleas, bedbugs, lice and 1, 14. The American Public School the swom statement of Mary Lasanen, payers ? Do you know that lazy, drunken typhoid, tuberculosis and other germs Federation was unable to arrange an an escaped nun, and priects boast pir.ong themselves of interview with the mayor of Chicago WHEREAS, it appears that an effort created? Why do animals and people sometimes give birth to monstrosi­ through his Catholic secretary. They is being made by his enemies, through their escapade with the foolish, fe­ ties? In the many millions of years desired to present a petition with 75,- intimidation of his advertisers, and male folks while their dupes think of the earth’s existence might not such 000 names asking the appointment of other unfair means, t crush said pa­ they are holy? * * * seeming monstrosities from various some competent party to the Roard per and ruin its editor, because of his The object of prosecuting Hosmer fearless expose of the conditions that B. H. Bornquist. previous living forms produce many of Education. is to stop the publication of the truth. Portland, Oregon. rilas Cohn has exist in the Roman Church, and new ones, of which only the fittest been invited by the Knights of Colum. WHEREAS, the editor of the paper The Romans a'd the "Lulus” are survived? D Webster Groh. is again under arrest for the same afraid of freedom of the press and bus to make an addrees at the Lincoln Hagerstown, Md., Jan. 21, 1915. I An enemy to our Free Press is an en emy to a govern­ ment for and by the people. AN INFALLIBLE POPE I. Romanists say their pope is infal- lib'e. Do you know what they mean by the statement? If you, not intend­ ing a joke on anything or anybody, should say that “John Smith” is infal­ lible, what would you mean by it? Wouldn’t you mean that, in your opin. ion, the said John couldn’t be fooled by anybody, that if any one came to him with a cock and bull story, John would, without mistake, catch any flat­ terer; anil, spite of any kind of trick­ ery in language, would learn the exact truth? Wouldn’t you think that An­ anias himself would fail to deceive him? You might agree that the said John would need to “hear both sides,” to study a case, to look up authorities, etc. BUT, whether he studied much or little you’d think he couldn’t decide a case wrong’y. And further, if John Smith were a personality made up of 260 individual men, living successively through 1900 years, you’d think that the John Smith of today couldn’t pos­ sibly contradict the John Smith of 1000 years ago. You might agree that if others were talking of something of which John knew absolutely nothing, he better keep still; but if he had to say some­ thing, you woudn’t want it to be some foolish thing that would have to be corrected tomorrow. Certainly you would think your “infallible” John should make no mistake in his conduct. Ycu might agree to excuse what one does when under sudden surprise or shock; but you coudn’t excuse even John for evil conduct that is persistent. The infallible John ought not have a habit of breaking any one of the Ten Commandments. You would expect your John, through his 260 lives, or bodies, or what not, to be all of the time, a clean, honest, honorable, truth, ful, right living man. Romanists agree that their “infal- l’ble” pope, that is, the man, grows old and dies; but that “The Pope," the Official, has lived for nineteen cen­ turies in the persons of the 260 men. At the Vatican Council, 1870, it was decreed that it is the doctrine of the church, that the pope is infallible. Not the Man, with all their cheek, they didn’t dare say that, but “The Offi­ cial.” We will not stop to expose the trickery that insists that the church had “held” this notion for the 1800 years before it was “declared." But we insist, as did Archbishop Strass- meyer in the very council itself, be­ fore the vote was taken, if the pope, the Official, is declared infallible, and that this is, and has ever been the doc. trine of the church, it must apply to every man who has ever held the of­ fice, 260 in number. Let us then compare the life of our imagined “infallible” John Smith, with that of some of the popes Let us get a good look at these men; anil see in their lives, if we may, what “infallibil­ ity” does or does not do. Pius IX, the first pope to be declared infallible, was father of illegitimate children. Mary -ther of the popes have distinguished themselves in the same way. Anywhere else on earth the in­ jured husband who should kill the be­ trayer of his wife would be justified by the people; but popes have done the wicked act, without losing any of their credit for “infallibility.” Later we will note other things that, when done by other than popes, are rated as crimes. Some things men learn by investiga. tion and ~tudy. We now know some­ thing of the Solar System. The Earth is a small planet that revolves about the Sun. Formerly, most men sup­ posed the Earth is flat; and that the ”un revolves about it. We don’t blame anybody for having believed as people of his age believed about the shape of the earth; but when the “in- fallibles" say you must believe the flat doctrine, or be eternally damned, they, popes, cardinals, inquisitors, all of them, voted themselves several score varieties of ass and fool. Every pope and cardinal in the list, up to Pius VII, 100 years ago, insisted on that old flat earth doctrine; and that every Romanist must believe it, or go to hell. As to matters of human study and knowledge, where had “infallibil­ ity” got to, can you tell? And "infalli­ bility” had to correct itslf, and recall its teaching! But there is t meaning to the no­ tion after all. Of this, however, we will speak later. “L.” It was Saint Liguori, I believe, who s-.id that if a priest does not fall often- cr than cnce a month, no fuse need be made about it. But, then, Liguori bad only a priest’s view of life.