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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1915)
Municipal jail* will, where practical, be rll under one head. The smaller towns will need no jails, and the aw ful cost of our united courts W'H be reduced to a wonderfully low mini mum. Some of our officers now, no doubt, work hard and some may even over work, but when one considers the many almost useless idle national, state, district and county officials it becomes ridiculous and appalling, and yet the present system ;s such a para dox on good government that it does no good to decrease the number, for what will they do if they don’t fill these offices? They will either have to work or steal and we certainly have workers enough, and as to thieves, they are about as costly as the politicians. There is no way to patch the old system up any longer. It is no good and is rapidly growing worse. We must have a new system or perish. “V'orkers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose but your chains and you have a world to win.” * Matthew 5, 7, 8: Bleased are the merciful: for they shall obtain MER CY. On the afternoon of Sunday, No M(PICTURES Blessed are the pure in heart: for vember 15, 1914, three ladies came they shall sec GOD. Pubhnhnd .v»rT Friday mom in« at Silvarton. to the Marion County jail with gifts Omro, by Matthew 5, 9, 10: Blessed are the for the prisoners. These were gifts J. E. HOSMER. Editor. from the W. C. T. U. of Salem and peace makers; for they shall be called ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS consisted of a bouquet, an app'e and the children of GOD. a vene or little poem for each pris Bloaaed they which are per- Instructive «nd Educative. oner. These gifts were highly appre sccutcd for righteousness’ sake: for ciated and the kind words of the ladies theirs is the kingdom of heaven. produced an excellent impression of Matthew 10, 26, 27, 28: Four not higher things in every mind. The bou quets we put in the cells, the apples therefore; for there is nothing cover were put in the stomachs and samples ed; that shall **ot be revealed; and hid of the verses are put in The Silverton thc.t shall not be known. Journal. Here they are: What I tell you in darkness, that spoak ye In light; and what ye hear Entered at the poatertice at Silverton, Orason, Abou Ben Adhem al toeond-cla*» rate». in the ear, that preach ye upon the Subscription. SOc per raar. in advance. Sinaia Abou Ben Adhem’ (may his tribe in house top. copiea, 6 cant*. Advertiain* rate* made known upon applica crease) And foar not them which kill the tion Awoke one night from a deep dream body, but are not able to I.ill the scul, Th»« paper stands for freedom of thought, free of peace, but rather fear him which is able to dom of the pres*, freedom of speech, equality of And saw. within the moon light in his opportunity and the religion of righteousness, it troy both soul ad body. is radically opposed to every form of superstition room, and tyranny, or licensing or permittin* any form of evil. Making it rich and like a lily in bloom, An angel writing in a book of gold:— This work of the W. C. T. U. is most Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem excellent. It iB nut necessarily, us we THE FOOL’S HOPE bold. understand it, for the members to be THE POOR MAN’S PUNISHMENT And to the presence in the room he strictly orthodox, only to have the said, spirit of the golden rule; and it will By J. E. Hosmer—In jail, Oct. 8, 1914. The vision be noticed that the verses vary as to When a rich man makes the mis What writes t thou? I raised its head. sentiment, some showing much faith take of disobeying the law he is al The fool had told the truth and dared most exempt from prosecution be And. with a look made all of sweet in the supernatural and some much accord. to say faith in the religion of doing good, cause the officials who owe their elec WE MUST GROW OR DIE! That holy piiests were working for tion largely to the money men of the Answered, “The names of those who But the ladies as well as the great ’ love the Lord,” their fee, majority of our good people do not 1 community are very much tempted The Sihvrton Journal must keep its Subscription list < ► That workers, working weary day by ! not to act and use their influence “And is mine one?” said Abou. “Nay. know all the facts. The jail looks al- growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we not so,” day, most like a necessary evil and a very to postpone and at last to drop the want to give even more than value received. In ignorant, slavish darkness bend the matter. But when it is unavoidable Replied the angel. Abou spoke more good thing for our protection, but Get us one or more at fifty cent» a year. Use low our penal institutions make mon* knee. and the rich man is arrested, he is the following blank: given every chance to win his case. But cheer’,y still, and said, “I pray crime than they prevent. The whole thee, then, thing is a machine which grinds out A FREE PRESS The Roman bea- t, with eyes like balls There is scarcely any judge who would Write mine as one who Icves his fel money for a gang of officials (all hon overrule a motion to give a rich man of fire, low men.” orable men) at the expense of the Then strips its victim for his hours time enough to get his witnesses, but The angel wrote and vanished. The weak and defenseless and to the un it is different with the poor man. of pain; < • next night doing of the tax payers. The poor man has one vote, but the With coward courts they rouse politic The Nuhacription price han been changed from $1.00 to < That evening, when the Indies of the • rich man controls thousands through It came again with a great awakening ire 50 centa per year. light W. C. T.U. sat down . ■ r. warm, nicely his ability to buy newspaper advertis < > To fright all others ne'er to speak ing and even the newspaper itself if And showed the names of those whom cooked meal and enjoyed it with their < > again. EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, God had blessed, good husbands and happy children, the necessary. Some times however a < • SILVERTON, OREGON. And lo, ’ Ben Adhem ’ s name led all the prisoners of the Marion County jail rich man might be convicted and then The fool had friends, but what could < * rest. were being locked in their cells with what? Why, in most cases he pays . for which send THE JOURNAL to Enclosed find $ friends ere do Leigh Hunt. out any supper. They went hungry In caves so dark with beast to virtue the fine and forgets it. What is a fine the following: to bed as they had for many a night. of $200 for a man worth many thou dead? sands and with an income that is more Nineteen houis without anything tn Name The Mother. O, fools who tell the truth, we are too eat is the program, and the next on each day than the poor man re few; Address Lo’, at the couch where infant beauty the program is a breakfast at which W ? fools rush in where “angels” fear ceives for hard labor in a whole year? < > sleeps. Imprisonment is the poor man ’ s a well bred dog would turn up his Name to tread. punishment, but there is, generally Her silent watch the mournful mother nose. Every man went to bed hungry, keeps; Address hungry as a bear, and they talked of speaking, no punishment at all for the But, from the babes and sucklings will wealthy. Is this fair? Look at the She, while the lovely babe uncon- good things they han eaten — fried Name come strength, scious lies, oysters, clams, chicken, pumpkin pie, awful crimes being committed by the The high, conceited mighty to con rich! How many of these do we find Smiles on her slumbering child with trout, cottage cheese with cream, etc., o Address < ► found; pensive eyes, etc., were discussed with variations in jail? And yet our jails are full Name E’en victims in their cells will help of poor men who have committed lit And weaves a song of melancholy joy: of groans and an occasional cuss word < > at length Sleep, image of thy father, sleep, my for emphasis. And this in America, tle, petty crimes. The man who Address To ’stablish peace to all the world swindled the United States out of five boy; where there is so much to eat! around. Name Ladies, go to the jails. Break million dollars, didn’t go to jail. What No lingering hour of sorrow shall be thine: through the lines and talk with the an awful disgrace tfiat would have Address The fool, a victim of inherent lack, been! But the writer who has strug No sight that rends thy father’s heart men without the guard listening, for and mine; The nun, a toy to priestly lust a prey, gled all his life with poverty and who the prisoners will say nothing when it The wife, a slave to brutal, drunken d'dn’t have the two hundred dollars to Bright as his manly sire the son shall is against their immediate interest to be wreck, do so. They dare not. Perhaps you pay his fine, is cast into prison for The worker, toling on starvation’s one hundred long, awful, disgraceful In form and soul; but ah, more blest may learn the truth, but it is no easy pay — task. Men have failed to do it, or days. And what for? Did he do any ' than he, thing to the injury of society ? Did he Thy fame, thy worth, thy filial love they do not care. It may be you can Coolidge Street. •* Phone Black 1242. at last, Their cries at length will reach the knowingly do an injustice to any one? not only save some poor fellow from Shal' sooth this aching heart for all pearly gate; going way to the bad, but you may No, he told what he believed and still the past — be the means of destroying the cause Their quickened sight a paradise re believes to be the truth and what he With many a smile my solitude repay, of our whole country’s corruption. veal; honestly thought was for the great General Contractor for Commercial and And tyrants, hur'ed to dark oblivion benefit of society and for the protec And chase the world’s ungenerous Your “good book’’ calls it the "root of Industrial Building scorn away. al> evil.” fate, tion of our American liberties. < • Thomas Campbell. Do not take our word for it ladies, No mere will crush them with an Friends of truth and right, no citi EXPERT ENGINEER hut investigate, and you will find that iron heel. zen of this republic should rest one In the Design and Construction of beauti while the whole system looks beauti minute until we have a government Mother ful homes, business houses, schools ful on the outside that it is full of all in which justice reigns, a government and churches. Just one such loving face, uncleanliness. Carefully investigate UNCLE SAM’S PEACEFUL REV- in which the poor man is not unjustly Throughout ALL time and space; who are arrested and who are not. punished and in which the rich man is SILVERTON, OREGON OLUTION GIFT of the life above Notice how nicely the money part of « > unjustly protected. Take a peep into My MOTHER and her love. every case is covered up from start There is a constantly increasing our prisons. Who are there confined ? to finish. See how many innocent ones Not a rich man! The big criminals number of working men and women lay in jail for long periods waiting for are out, planning other big hold ups Some Mother’s Boy. in the United States. This constantly and controling our legislatures and a trial. Find out the cause of this. tends to lower the wages in compari fixing up their slate for the next elec A Mother’s loving heart; a mother’s Find out all about the grand jury. son with the cost of living. This for tion and subsidising, buying out. or whisper low; READ AND HELP OTHERS READ Attend court and notice what an ad ever increases the number who are out choking out, the newspapers as fast A mother’s smiling face, and spark vantage the judge has and how the THE ESCAPED NUN FROM MT. ANGEL CONVENT of work and the number who are seek as they can. All rich men are not ling eyes aglow; very lives of the innocent as well as - OR - ing to get money without work. criminals nor are all poor men. There A mother’s gentle touch upon the the guilty depend largely on what he THE LAST STAND OF DESPERATE DESPOTISM” Among the worst parasites of this are criminals however among all class fevered brow ate for dinner. Study this part care .10 for one copy kind are the constantly increasing es under the present system, but al A look of peace and rest, my boy is fully. There are innocent men now in 1.00 for 12 copies better now. number of office seekers. Less than though ro rich man can enter the our penitentiaries. It makes one al 4.00 for 50 copies one half of the officers, semi-officers, kingdom of heaven after he is dead, most wild to think of it. Study the 7.00 for 100 copies deputies, clerks, etc., could do much the case is reversed and it is fixed up The thing which goes the fartherest, politics of the Supreme Court and 82.00 fer 500 copies nr ore and better work than all of them here on earth that no rich man can Toward making life worth while, . ust how it works. Don’t be satisfied 50.00 for 1000 oopies do now and do :t much more easily enter the kingdom of hell called a Whih costs the least, and does the till you get at the bottom of it — and than the most favored working man prison. Among the poor men now in then “talk right out in meeting” and most, HELP AROUSE OUR AMERICAN PATRIOTS! does to earn his little wage. This ever prison there is a large percentage who Is just a pleasant smile. meet us at the ballot box. J. E. HOSMER, Silverton, Oregon increasing army of professional para have been railroaded there by money- ’Tis full of worth and goodness too, sitic office seekers forever demand bought false evidence. Others are in With manly kindness blent, more and better paying offices and the nocent but did not have the moepy or ’Tis worth a milli n dollars I). Webster Groh duplication of city, county and state knowledge necessary to properly de And it doesn’t cost a cent. in buildings with the costly duplication fend themselves and were convicted The writer of the above proves by ues without lending or selling to who of attendant officials, watchmen, jan on circumstancial evidence. But there This flower’s form is GOD’S expres IGNORANCE OF THE SOCIALIST his argument that he has not the ever asked for it, giving them their itors, clerks, courts, wardens, turn they are, thrown into the ruinous so sion; PHILOSOPHY keys, etc., etc., is one of our greatest ciety of the guilty and with bitterness Its fragrance, his tender breath; faintest conception of the socialist own sweet time in which to return or, pay; and their children, grand chi'.lA'n and most use'ess causes of high taxes. of roul for the injustice done them and The mystery of its perfection. philosophy, or the principles that gov or great; grand childen, would have The two main armies of contending the bad environment trained in real His wisdom, and high esteem; ern it. All socialists will agree to By Chas. F. Randall. nothing to fear from a debt imposed politicians use the people’s dissatis- criminology. The evils of our false Its ruffled edges; fashioned every proposition made in this argu upon them by their forefathers. In actiorv as a bone of contention and system of money - mad governmet is By his magic fingers. D. Webster Groh, in the Jaruary ment, provided tho competitive system deed, our present system fosters and keep the voters trying first one set nowhere better reflected than in our 8th issue of The Journal, replying to is retained. Socialists are fighting the perpetuates this condition, by compel and then another not realizing that prisons and it is very doubtful if it It is WRITTEN Man shall not live L. M. Hellebust, asserts that “interest system itself, anil contend that it is ling the people to do the bulk of their th;s useless and expensive warfare for ever will be permanently fixed until the by bread alone, but by every word responsible for the evils existing un office will continually go on, with no whole system is changed. Governor that proceedeth out of the mouth of is a natural, just, moral payment for der it. Interest is natural and just business on credit, because the volume services rendered, and can’t rightfully of money is not sufficient to do the great beneficial results to the workers West and governors in other states GOD. under this system. In fact, the sys and justly be prevented by law.” business in any other way. and taxpayers, until the system of ex have done noble work in trying to fix It is WRITTEN again, Thou shalt He argues thus: “If no man dared tem is the only thing that makes it If our friend will read the socialist ploitation is forced to give way to the up the horrible old cancerous growth, necessary. Do away with competi not tempt the lord thy God. receive interest, and everybody was platform, and study the principles of more sane system which will forbid but we can all see that it can not be tion and substitute co-operation, and any one getting more than what he permanent until the whole system is It is WRITTEN, Thou shalt wor compelled to give any surplus he hap the foolishness of interest is at once socialism as presented by its founder, pened to have, to anyone who asked* and the represntative writers on the socially produces. changed from a government founded ship the Lord thy GOD, and him only him for it, to be returned, only, when apparent. Under a co-operative sys subject, he will not offer such foolish Then every worker who wants work on exploitation of labor, to one in shalt thou serve. ever the borrower got good and ready, tem it would be unjust, unnatural and argument. will have work; no cr.e will get any which the man is considered above the wrong. Under such a system produc Matthew 5, 3, 4: Blessed are the say twenty, forty, sixty or more tion would be for use, not for profit. thing without work, and he or she who almighty d liar. If ever the mark of an animal, a years hence, how many do you think, faithful'y works will get enormous poor in spirit; for theirs is the king Our present system does not pro hypocrite, a sneak, a demon, was put would produce any surplus, and how The N. Y. Times, July 13, 1914, gave dom of HEAVEN. results in comparison with what the many millions of people there would vide for enough money to do the bus upon a man for his baseness, it shows worker now is obliged to live on. No account of a fight in a Catholic Church Blessed are they that mourn: for be, (working but little, if any, them iness on a cash basis, and this forces in the mangels and visage of some of one will then seek office. It will be in Newark over the double charge of they shall be comforted. selves, and depending on borrowing the greater part of it to be done on ths priests, — and why shouldn’t it such a disgrace as will be apt to for the priest for baptizing a child. Of credit. The medium of exchange with ever debar one from receiving an of course the kid had to be introduced to Matthew 5, 11: Blessed are ye, all they needed, to be paid back by the co-operative idea in operation Farm? Cheap? Good one? We have their children, grand children or great fice at the hands of his peers, the the heavenly pope by the magic incan when men shall revile you, and per would be in sufficient volume for the it. Come and see! Cascade Real grand children, long after they were secute you and shall say all manner tations of the holy sub-deity and pious other workers. Such public institutions people to exchange their product val- Estate Company. of evil agaist you falsely, for my sake. dead or gone.” as the Penitentiary, the County and skinner, or lose its soul. The Silverton Journal HUNGRY MEN AND THE W. C.T. V THE GEM THEATRE, Never Gets Old THE SILVERTON JOURNAL BEN HOFSTETTER Send $ »