MATERIALIST COLUMN A REPLY TO MR. PIIEI.PS. By Olin J. Ro»». I would like to huve »puce fol' space in The Journal with Mr. Phelps, but »pacu is limited to us, and there are several Mutvralisls who would like to • at our religious champion. n a recent issue he “corrects” me by idlrging that the British Asnociu- tion for the advancement of Belem e ha* repudiated the chief purls of Dur- winism. 1 do not huve the report ut hand, but 1 mistrust the quotation, for Mr. Phelps is careless, to suy the leant, of his usMcrtion». Even if the quota­ tion is correct It doos not prove Dar­ winism false, for there has always been a dispute a* to the truth of evo­ lution. Since Sir Oliver Lodge has come to the front us the champion of spiritism, he huving become u convert to the claims of the spiritualistic me­ dium, Mudam Palladina, whom Hugo Munsterberg, Professor of Psychology ut Harvard, exposed, as shown in his long article in the Metropolitan Mug- uzine for Fobruury or March, four or live year» ago, why, it muy be true thut he und others of like faith und abil­ ity murshalled a mujorily ut the con­ vention, and had evolution “over­ thrown." But their repudiation of Durwinism doe* not overthrow it, not uny more Dian the crqwd that crucified Christ overthrew Christ. The New ^ork Truth Seeker, not long ago, went Plto an inquiy us to how eminent men stood on evolution, and the array of names, even among the clergy, which included Dr. Elliot, president Emeritus of Harvard in support of it was start­ ling. Like us one Wendell Phillips was worth ull the unti-sluvury orators of the country, and a» one Voltaire, the autocrat of Europeun letters for nigh two generations, the pcrsonul friend of Frederic the Great und of Cuthurine of Russia, was worth all the priests and preachers of Christendom as agulnst superstition, cruelty, per­ secution, torture and witchcruft, so that old man al the University of Jena, Prof. Ernst Haeckel, is w rth u thousand Sir Oliver Lodges und his class of thinker». As to Haeckel, following his regulur methods of argument, Mr. Phelps un­ dertakes to set against the life work of this man a disconnected sentence as to spontaneous generation, just us he undertook to discredit the life work of Huxley by picking out a single sen­ tence in his earlier writings. g Any child can usk questions winch no man can answer, and in the *ame wuy Mr. Phelps may occasionally ask u question as to how certain phen­ omena are produced, phenomena, too, which science is still at work trying to explain. He wants the people to forget that science has practically answered very many of the questions that were former'y usked by the be­ liever» in the thing culled God, and which because they could not lie an­ swered then were insisted upon a. proofs of the existence of u God. Where God was once regarded us the maker and doer of certain things, it has been discovered that they are the products of nature, und that there was no occasion for un intelligence of any kind to manifest itself, or give direc­ tion». For instance, gold is malleable. To my mind gold always was malle­ able, and no God, no intelligence was r quired tc uppear and order it to lie malleable. A »tone fails from the :liff to the sea beneath. Mr. Phelps, according to what he says, can imag- ne a time when a stone would not do that unless it was ordered to do so by a God. Here is a mountain range that was up'ifted at some remote date. Mr. Phelps would certainly say thut the mountain got up at the request of a god, and thut the god had in mind the especial welfare of Mr. Phelps and other». N victims to whom society jUgn. to guarantee an opportunity to earn a of ground w th fruit and berries al- I living; and to extend the influence of ready in bearing, with wood shed built , and two tent houses ? This is a bar­ culture to the down-trodden. Such luxuries come high, but it gain on the installment plan. The seems that we must have them. Char- property is three blocks from car line ty is necessary under the present that runs into Portland. Price $1800, $100 down, $15 per month. Now’s the system. But it always degrades its recipients time and The Cascade Real Estate Co. are the people. Come and see! just the same. I utr::tn»nn :Ttttni i »uu i :i i i i »niMKi»ii ii iii»»»:ni i iiH i mw u OUR OBJECTS AND OUR PLAN OF CAMPAIGN FOR A FREE PRESS We have been browbeaten, maligned, assault­ ed, boycotted, denied our rights in Court, im­ prisoned and robbed of the privilege of editing our paper while in jail, all for trying to make the world better by publishing the truth. This only makes us stronger in the fight! But, as we have been robbed through boycott, of the where-with­ all to continue our work, we are forced to change our plans, and this advertisement is to let the lovers of liberty, justice and truth know that they are hereby given the privilege to help in our Cam­ paign. Are you in favor of our continuing in this work? Here are our objects: f : In order to make the world better for our hav­ ing lived, and with malice toward none and charity for all, we wish to make public: 1. The doings of individuals who are posing as good citizens, but who are continually commit­ ting crime secretly. 2. The grafting schemes and self protecting sycophancy of our public officials. 3. The hypocritical and absurd pretentions and confidence games of all humbug religious fakers. 4. The effort to destroy our public schools, our other American institutions of civil and rel­ igious liberties, free thought, free speech and free press, by the foreign power known as the Roman Hierarchy, and its treasonable efforts to destroy the American government and prevent our prog­ ress in perfecting “a more perfect union.” 5. The cause of poverty and crime and the remedy by the destruction of political trickery and false hero worship and how to establish universal knowledge of the true principles of government on the basis of equality of opportunity and the inalienable right of every citizen to an equal chance to life, liberty and the pursuit of hap­ piness. 6. The awful effects of the use of stimulants and narcotics on the human race and the best methods of emancipation from their destructive slavery. 7. The principles of the universal (genuine Catholic) religion of righteousness, and a true, progressive and modern Protestant faith of de­ stroying ancient errors, which have held us in bondage; and that the salvation of our race de­ pends on the solid rock of “the brotherhood of man.” We have faith that there are enough thinking people in the United States to save our work from the destroyer’s hands, and we are using this space, formerly occupied by advertising which made it possible to publish our paper, to call on all who are interested to join us in the work. Do you believe in a free press? Do you believe in our objects? If so, help us establish A Fund for Defensive and Aggressive Warfare 4 Do all you can and get others to help! Send us facts that should be published! That we are alive and willing to work is our opportunity. Do not wait! R. Richard Carr C. R. Zacharias H. H. Dewall ... H. Gill ............. 11.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 T...............«...................tMi»miii»nimmilii»l»imilltmtntH»»immiiiiiiniiiimn Send 10 Cents for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 pages How To Reduce The Cost It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor.