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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1915)
OBITUARY future, and the world will not likely suddenly perverse the method* that have civilzed, enlightened and educat ed her, and revert ugain to barbarism, but will likely gradually improve ever forward, onward and upwurd toward the perfect day. Hagerstown, Md„ Dec. 25, 1914. D. WEBSTER GROH. M. L. Hauen, Prop. Phon* Blue 1141 Harry Hedges passed away Sunday 1 morning, January 3d, 1915, at 5:00 In the “Socialist Column” our friend oclock at the Silverton hospital at the L. M. Hellebust quotes much scripture age of fifteen years, five months and RA THS in defense of - •cialism, and finally R. S. Chandler and wife returned twenty-eight days. from Clackamas Tuesday night, where Deceased was bom at St. Paul. Min »ays, socialists propose: “To do away Rooms 25c up. Meals 25c. they have spent the past two weeks nesota, July 5, 1889. When about four with usury and the taking of in visiting relatives years old, he was taken from the baby crease.” Board and Lodging $5.50 per week. ♦ Mrs. Cobb has ;>een staying with home by Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hodge* As our state laws generally pro Front Street, Near Depot SILVERTON, OREGON | grai dnia Heinz, who has l>een quite and in all his short life never knew hibit usury (that is, excessive inter ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' Couty Superintendent W. M. Smith any other relatives, but never missed sick tho past week. a mother’s tender care, for he was est) he probably means “do away with has received an uppeal from the Oregon 1 State Federation of Women's Clubs, Miss Francis Bronke of Mt. Angel treated by the family as a child of interest.” asking them to tell their hospital com. was a guest at the he ie of her broth 1 their own and by his weet baby ways Now interest is the natural result er, Alex Bronkey and family Wednes won his way into the hearts of all. of man's natural desire to have and mittee about : ny crippled children in Ever since hi' was about seven years enjoy things prematurely, that is, this county who could l>e aided by a day night, returning home Thursday L. LARSON C. WEBB S. TEGLAND of age his health has been very poor sooner than he could himself have state-wide organization t » furnish free morning. and he never knew what a real well produced them, or their exchangeable, medical treatment of the most modern List your property with E. W. Ross, day meant. equivalent, that he could trade for scientific kind in all cases where the the new manager of the Cascade Real He possessed a wonderful intellect them. He may own a little farm and family inc me is not sufficient for ex Estate Company. for a child, and a remarkable ability two cows, but he desires 10 or 20 more pensive consultation with specialists. The Federation, which includes a Mi s Alida Digerness returned Mon. to work out life’s problems, and to cows, that he c.ui’t now pay for, but hundred women’s clubs in all parts of day afternoon from Eugene, where see the good in everything. willingly agrees, not only to pay, a Clean, Up-to-date, Satisfaction Guaranteed she has been visiting friends the past He will be sadly missed by his boy year hence today’s cash value of those the state, asks anyone who knows of a friends who speak of him in the kind cows, hut 6 per cent additional thereto, I'ttle victim of an accident, of spinal two weeks. meningitis, of infantile paralysis, of FREE DELIVERY Lady, how would you like to buy est way and who never knew of his because the use of milk and increase tuberculosis in the bones or joints, or doing an unkind act. it calves of those cows will he worth a rtandy little business in Silverton. To the sorrowing relatives the sin much more than this 6 per cent inter- any other crippling cause, to write the Oak Street We have it for sale. Write to Cas Phone Blue 821 cerest sympathy of all the friends is st to him. What moral wrong epn details of the case to Mrs. Millie It. cade Real Estate Company, Silverton, extended in which The Journal joins theic possibly be in his having these Trumbull. Secretary Child Welfare Oregon. in this feeling of sadness. Funeral additional cows, and their milk, butter Commission, 250'» Third Street, Port, Mrs. Hatteberg of Tinglestad was services were held Monday at 3 P. M. and increase in calves, and giving the land, Oregon. shopping in Silverton on Wednesday at the chapel, conducted by Mrs. seller (or loaner of the purchase mon The club women maintain that these of this week. Cowden, First reader of the Christian ey either) 6 per cent at his share of little cripples, besides being the most the year’s partnership in this cattle pitiful of all cases of helplessness, and H. Irish left for Westport, Oregon, Science Society. >» besides being entirely without organ S urday, where he has a position with deal? ized assistance in contrast with the OBITUARY This would be equally true if he a .umber company. “The |Shop” has purchased an up-to-date Electric ” borrowed for a year, the tools, imple great sta.e institutions which cart* The station at Tinglestead has been for the deaf, the blind, the feeble- ¡I Vacum C eaner and will rent it to you by the hour or ;; ments, machinery (or money to pur John Thompson Drake, who died at moved to the railroad crossing, sev ni'nded and even the delinquent, are ¡is son’s home, four miles northeast of chase them), whereby his farm pro also the by the da\ It will do more and better work in one ” eral rods north from where it was. most curable if treated in time duction would be greatly increased, this city, last Monday, was bom in o hour than wo women and a man with brooms and ;; Notice the new ad of the old reliable Morgan county, Ohio, October 1849. and he then gave the loaner a partner, and the most able when so treated to make good. strong, useful citizens in- I brushes can do in all day. Cascade Real Estate Company. He crossed the plains with his parents, ship share thereof, or interest on the stead of charges on public charity all I urchase price of these things. For particulars call at Dr. Lowe, the well known eje who came the whole distance with ox And it would be equally true of any their lives. specialist, will be in Mt. Angel Jan- teams, in 1852. He was a farmer and uary 20, Silverton the 19th. The wise school teacher and lived and labored other serviceable things he borrowed, The Church of the deep, dense will wait for him. all his life since babyhood Li Clacka bought or borrowed the purchase mon gloom of the Dur.» .tgea is not to be ’’ Phone Blue 1001 !! ey to buy. mas County, never having left the Miss Esther Mais who has been as trusted. Hence, interest is a natural, just, ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ sisting Mrs. Hoge with her sewing, State of Oregon since arriving here moral payment for services rendered, • e e has gone to Hult for a visit with the with his parents. and can ’ t rightfully and justly be pre “Chickens come home to roost,” a la He leaves to mourn his loss five home folks. the Holy Church conditions in Mexico. children, one brother and two sisters. vented by law. The friends of the W. C. Andrews The children are John. Maud, Goldie, If no man dared receive interest, • • • itami n:*. uu: family are planning a reception to Le Lois and Marguerite. His brother and every man was compelled to give The holy dads are just now cussing given them on Thursday evening of William Drake is a well known citizen any surplus he happened to have, to Lind, Hale and Silliman, the Pres next week at the Christian Church. A of Silverton and his two sisters, Emma any who asked him for it, to be re ident’s investigators in Mexico. PHONE CREEN 771 OFFICE-HOSMFR BLDG. cordial invitation is extended to each J .West and Ella J. Langley both re- turned. only, whenever the borrower • • • of the many friends of this esteemable s:de in Portland. got “good and ready” — say twenty, The Catholic Sentinel says Germany family who soon leave for their new John Drake was a man of intel'ect, forty, sixty or more years hence, how contains some of the most Catholic home at Hynes, California. refinement and education. He was a many, do you think, would produce provinces in Europe, and is more than Little Evelyn and Edward Lais self-made man and was respected far any surplus, and how many millions one-third Catholic. Prussia, Bavaria spent the last of the week with their and wide by all who knew him. He of people there would be, working but and several other provinces “have a joined the Masonic order in 1876 and little, if any, themselves, and depend working understanding with the Holy grand parents at Mt. Angel. his funeral was conducted by that ing on borrowing all they needed; to See called a Concordat.’” They have Albert Webb delivered two pianos to b? paid back by their children, grand their official representatives at the fraternity. Salem parties on Tuesday of this Mr. Drake’s who1® Life was a dem children or great grand children, long Vatican, while the Holy See is repre week for F. E. Wray. onstration of sincerity and truth, and after they were dead and gone. sented by the Nuncio of Bavaria who Mr and Mrs. Geo. B*wman went in closinghis noble labors here on earth And, while our friend doubtless officiates for the whole German Em over to Salem to attend the funeral he proves Confucius’ saying that “means well,” all the balance of his pire. Thus it is understood why Ger of a relative, Mr. Ross Heddens on “Sincerity and truth are the basis of vague theories are, unfortunately, as many was counted on to hold Russia xUe day of this week. impracticable as this. every virtue.’’ at bay, while Austria gobbled up Ser- Of course, our laws are imperfect via for the Pope. But Russia would I. W. Geer of Silverton took his lit- and need improvement. But, not every not stand aside and see her religion tie daughter to Salem Tuesday where THE UNITARIAN SERVICES one who condemns them, knows how excluded and her race subjugated. she will have to undergo an operation. to improve them. Those who did not attend the ser- Mrs. DeLee, sister of Mr. Thomp When an automobile, self-binder, the W. O. W. Hall last Sun- vices at CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES son of this place, with daughter and thresher or any other complicated three sons left for Portland Tuesday. day evening missed a literay treat. machine runs badly, or not at all, any Bible School convenes at 10 A. M. I hey plan on locating on a stock ranch Mr. Tischer, the speaker, handled his simpleton can see and shout, “there Service at 11 A. M., Christian En- subject with an intelligence that shows in South Eastern Oregon. he has put in his time honestly for is something wrong,” but if he goes deavor at 6:30 P. M., Preaching at Mrs. A. F. Blackerby visited in the intellectual elevation of the peo recklessly tinkering at it, he'll prob-ib. 7:30 P. M. Portland several days this week. The Bible School is growing rapidly ple. The subject “By their fruit ye ly make it much worse still. Only the Farm? Cheap? Good one? We have hall know them,” was surely handled intelligent, careful, scientific machinist these days, many new ones were added it. Come and see! Cascade Real by an expert, and all present were of can perfectly remedy all its defects, to the list last Sunday. If you want to Sell, List your property with u* Last Sunday afternoon the regular one mind, that it was an explanation and properly repair it. And this is as Estate Company. true of (and even more necessary) in business meeting was held. Reports We advertise your property and give all concerned The W. C. T. U. will hold its first which the most illiterate could fully government than machinery, because from all departments were read and grasp and be made to feel that it is our a square deal. meeting of the year at the home of works and not our belief by which we the latter is tangible, while the former heartily approved, as they showed Miss Elva Mosher, Tuesday afternoon is intangible and consequently more everything was in fine shape and all Cor. at 2:30. The members will serve re attain perfection. theoretical and requires even higher the old officers and committees were freshments, all friends are invited. If you want to Buy, come and see us, or write intelligence to properly manage. reelected for the coming year. HERE YOU HAVE IT ! Please bring a nkkle. Why, I’ve known scores of people, The choir is certainly doing fine and tell u* just what you want. “Satisfied who couldn’t properly run even their work as all can testify. We heard the Walter C. Hornstein, the associate 8 1-3 acres right in the city with own families of two, three or four Customers'’ is our best asset! editor of the Free Press Publishing of the best houses you ever saw, people, yet were absolutely certain splendid solo by Gordon McCall in the one Co. at Monroe, Wisconsin, is in th« fine barn, chicken houses, all kinds of they could surely run the whole world morning and the special by the choir lecture field again. His address is in the evening. 312 East Liberty Street, Monroe, fruits, grapes, berries, walnuts, etc., and the universe outside to perfection, Many who heard the sermon Sunday cement side walk, paved streets, elec if only given half a chance. --How Is This- Wis. Those wishing to secure an evening say that it was the best they tric lights, sewer, city water. Can oe For countless centuries rude, sav ever heard Bro. Essen preach. If that anti-Catholic lecturer should write to Dandy little R-r<M>m cottage, electric subdivided. Close in. A dandy bar age, barbarians everywhere “held all him. lights, cement aide walks, paved street, gain at $7600. Half down. Long time the land, timber, animals and nearly is so, it must have been some sermon. Well, it was. Come and hear him. city water, sleeping porch, close in. The Royal Neighbors and M. W. A. on balance. See everything else, excepting their bows, The eoaieat little home ever — only w d have a joint installati n of officers CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. arrows,spears and tomahawks, in com METHODIST CHURCH NOTES $2000. V. ednesday, January 13, at their hall mon” and ’’got the full product of o • Jersey Street. A banquet and a Do you want to buy a beautiful plot their labor,” and never progressed be r Social meeting at the Methodist great good time will be enjoyed. uttmntmnutmtmtuttnmuuuutuuuuinitumummtummnatmunttnnnmuti of ground w th fruit and berries al yond savagery, until each man was church. Watch the date after the name on ready in bearing, with wood shed built given and guaranteed fuller protection There will ie a special revival meet the little green label and if you want and two tent houses ? This is a bar in all “the private property” he right ings at the Methodist church begin the Silverton Journal another year re gain on the installment plan. The fully acquired. ning on Wednesday evening, Jan. 6, new your subscription promptly. It property is three blocks from car line Surely we do not want to retrograde conducted by Rev. C. M. VanMarter Dr. Heisley’z days in Silverton, that runs into Portland. Price $1800, again into such “ccmmon ownership” and held every evening except on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. $100 down, $15 per month. Now’s the of everything and its accompanying Saturdays. Office over Preston’s Sh p, leave calls time and The Cascade Real Estate Co. barbarism. The Sunday morning service will be The Pilgrim fathers tried this to at eleven o’clock with special music at the shop. At Woodburn othei are the people. Come and see! their satisfaction, when they first by the choir, and evening service at aava. landed at Plymouth Rock, keeping a Buy a dandy home in Oak Grove, “common storehouse for all,” and seven-thirty. Mr. VanMarter’s sub These are busy days at The Journal office. The subscription list is grow Oregon. Four-room house, 22 fruit nearly starved the next year, because ject will be “What’s at the end of the ing. The job department is booming. trees, lawn, on car line, good garden, each waited on the other to till the way or Nuts for skeptics to crack.” The linotype man is working over close to church, school and depot. $200 soil, etc., thinking he would get some Everybody very welcome. This Mean* You! On Sunday, January 31st, Rev. Bur time; the typewriter thinks of going down, balance $80 per month. Price thing as long as the other did. But, ton, St John, missionary from China, on strike, the editor is hurried in an $1800. Beautiful location. See next year, when each man was made CASCADE REAL ESTATE co. responsible for himself and his fam will speak morning and evening, also avalanche of letters; but every one has We hereby muke a special request of on Monday evening, February 1st, will a smile on that can’t wear off. Thanks ily’s needs, they immediately became lecture in church. each and every reader of the Silverton to those on the firing line, we are win much more interested, active and care FOR RENT W. R. F. Browne, Pastor. Joum» 1. Thic it is: ning a great victory. Every lover of Furnished Housekeeping Rooms, Call ful and prospered. free speech, of free schools and of a Send us FIFTY CENTS fcr renew The life of every individual, of every at Journal Office. UNITARIAN SERVICES free press are invited to join our ranks species on this planet, ever since it al or for a new subscriber at once. and help to perpetuate the American began, has been entirely dependent on We need tne money and it is the best Will be regularly conducted on fiist If you want to sell, or if you want its successful competition against all principles established by the brave he. Sunday of each month at 7:45 P. M. way as it helps us give value received Ross roes of 1776. Down with the tory to buy Real Estate, see E. W. others, and will so continue to the end traitors! Down with kingcraft and over The Journal office. Square deal ! of time. To withdraw that competi in W. 0. W. Hall by Rev. Richard F. and at the same time builds up our pa. Tischer, pastor of the Unitarian priestcraft! Up with our flag and the Pleased patrons! per. Please do it n*w! tion (if possible) would be to with Church of Salem. Everyone welcome. princip'es for which it stands! The Cascade Real Estate Company draw all stimulus, to reverse all the Bring your friends. Yours for a FREE PRESS, Fine lot between Portland and Ore will sell or exchange property any laws of its being, and send it forth J. E. Hosmer. gon City on car line for sale for $800, where on earth. Tell us what you with to stagnation and decay. And this TIP TOP BREAD $50 d*wn, $15 j er month. TUs is a want. Write E. W. Ross, Manager, solid cold fact upsets all the fine spun large lot 50xl38',i feet. It will in phone Green 771 or call at our office visionary theories to the contrary fresh at 11:30 A. M. and 5 P. M. each in The Journal Building, second floor, whatsoever. day at Roger’s Grocery. crease in value. See Ralph Adams, Agent. By the past we may well judge the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. Silverton, Oregon. LOCAL NEWS THE HANSON HOTEL CITY MEAT COMPANY ( “THE SHOP “PRESTON’S SHOP” REAL ESTATE again to the Front with E W. ROSS, Manager Ail Important Proposition : j