The fact of it is the peop’e are very rilb: GREATEST CHANGE careless about what their servants, the MOVING officers, do; and so the officers get I The world is changing all the time 1 PICTURES very careless and entirely forget that and this of course is true of the world By Guy Fitch l'helpa. Published ev»wy Friday morning at Silverton. citizens, and even criminals, under when we use the word as upp'ied to Oregon, by their care have rights that according sociology. We hope and believe that to law and justice should be respected. the world is changing to the better.'To J. I. HOSMER, Editor. In The Silverton Journal of Decem But here is another thing that be sure, in some localities and during ber 25th Mr. Olin Rosa and Mra. ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS amounts to criminalty on the part of certain limited periods, it seems to be Bl i ven make short replies to me. Mr. the state: Men are thrown into jail, getting worse, but on the whole peo i Instructive anti Educative. Ross impresses me as the fairest and even in Marion County, Oregon, and pie are learning to live better lives j most competent of the list, and should there sit around with nothing to do, and they are more and more studying' oe selected by his brothers and sisters day after day and month after month. the great economic, social and political j to represent the subject. It breeds criminality to have men idle. questions, which i~ “— —;I1 ‘1 in time, will bring Before 1 begin a reply to what they It ruins the body and mind, and if forth abundant fruit, The greatest say. 1 wi-h to remind the reauers of these poor victims had any soul it change that will ever have come to this debate that the Materialists have would ruin that also. One man in the world is just ahead of us. it is refu ed te explain the change that Marion County’s criminal breeding the change from a hybrid form of J came to Jeriy McAuley. Why don’t Entered at th« postoffice at Silverton, Oregon, pen was smoking three or four ci- government, at second-class rates. a cross between an ec- they? They are after the super Subscription, 50c par year, in advance. Sin«!« > gare'tes per day when he entered. He cle iaatical hierarchy und a monarchy, natural. why don't they handle such copies, 5 cents. Advertising rates made known upon applica declared on his honor that he was not falsely called a representative f rm of cases. Then they have utterly ignored te»«. guilty of any crime but the authorities government, to a genuine representa my que3 ions, as to whether there can had circumstantial evidence to convict is paper stand» for freedom of thought, free* tivedem cracy. Under the present form be law without a lawgiver, or design a of the pre»», freedom of ep^vh. equality of and so he was induced to plead guilty an individual who has, through he without a designer. 1 call upon the oppttriunity and the religion oi t i^hteousnes». It is radically opposed to evary form ox superstition and was sentenced thirty days mon*. redity. accident, theft or shrewd man and tyranny, or i Mentina or penimiin^ any form He had been there already over fifty ipulation, obtained much money be Materialists to answer these. Jerry ol evil. days, waiting for the grand jury to yond what is needed for his und his McAuley said that ho was changed by supernatural power in the name of set. This was an awful punishment PHOT ESTA N ThS M >e. vs. CATHOLI for his alleged crime even if he had family’s personal use, is allowed to Christ, and his life proved it. Let use it as a burglar does his to»ls. CISM committed it, and if, as he declared, This is very nicely shown by Allen L. Materialists explain the change. Mr. Ross says that man by using The light oi uiose who commenced he was innocent, it was simply heart Benson who says: “Someburglars have artificial means has chunged apples rendering. To show how it affected to protest against the Roman < ath- enough money to buy dark lanterns into seedless varieties. What of it? orc methods in Lutner's time is still his mind, let us state that during the and "jimmies,” paying for the same Man did this, a reasoning being, using going on. ihe rignt is a hard one be last few days of his imprisonment he in perfectly lawful coin of the United his reason. But they want us to be smoked over one hundred cigarettes cause the Protestants are so divided St ites. But because the private own lieve that blind, reasonless force did < ► < > up into little squads, each being more per day. If he could have had some ership of burglars’ tools is not for the WE MUST GROW OR DIE! < > such things. Then, I would call his productive w rk to do. the state would or less jealous of the others, and often < > good of th? people, we have laws for attention to the fact that man has now have a better citizen and the The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list times actually hghttng each other bidding such ownership, and if the never made an apple into a squash or growing or it will surely die. Wo need your help, but w « j harder than they are the common product of his toil and he would have laws be vic'ated we seize and confis a watermelon into a pear. There are had better health and a better intellect cate the tools.” want to give even more than value received. enemy. certain -ariations in the world of a and better moral character. The Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Use - ■ there is a great difference between "Some day the fact may dawn upon given species, but that does the evol forced idleness which the state is put the following blank: Protstantism and Catholicism and the us that, for every do:lar taken with utionist no good, for he finds it im i • difference is in no respect better ting onto its wards is a crime. There burglars’ tools, a million dollars is A FREE PRESS possible to evolutionize one species in. i • shown than in their difference of atti is plenty room in the Marion County taken — quite legally, of course — to another. He just asserts that one ■ i jail premises for a bowling alley and tude toward wrong doers. Ihe Roman by the owners of industrial tools.” species has become another. But in church shows by every act that she it would pay the state big dividends And the more millions these big, le- all the stratus of the earth; in all the on its investment to put one in. It cares less what a member is than what ga'ized robbers take from the work collections of the biologists; in all the « i The Nubiurription price han l>een changed from $1.00 to lus attitude is toward the church. would be much better to do this than ers, the more industrial tools they buy records of the world there is not one Even his belief counts out little if he to let the men gamble as they do with until they practically own the earth thing that would prove that one spe- 50 cents« per year. knows enough to keep his mouth shut cards, thus winking at a violation of today. Now is when the great change , cies ever became another. Horses as to the crimes ef the church. The t' e law while trying to prevent an is coming. It is here. We, the peo may vary, but they will always be ( > > EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, priests or the laymen may commit any other. A little music and a short ple. must and will cwn the industrial horses. The Shetland is just as per « • ► ► SILVERTON, OREGON. old criar.e and still remain in good lect re, on Sunday especially, would tools and produce for our own use in fect a horse as the English Hack. . for which send THE JOURNAL to Enclosed find $ standing, provided it can be covered he appreciated. And if the lecture stead of for the profit of a few “Cap When you ask evolutionists for their ! » as on some scientific or moral sub the following: tains of Indu try.” The change will proof that on« species became another, up and not hurt the church. 1 he Protestants think more of what a . jects it would do the state much Le a blessing to all classes. Get ready he will look vague and begin to talk Name ft member really is and not so much as I good. Down with cruel, vindictive for the great change! about hundreds of millions of years, punishment. Address to his attitude toward thechurch. Char land “netuial processes,” etc. In these Up with reformation through good acter is the foundation of a Protes I vast laose8 of imaginary time he < > Name S W A T J work and good pay and wise and hil < > tant's faith and any layman or preach, ft 1 hides his credulity. But how does he mane treatment. er who dares to go wrong will be ex- ; Add resa By J. E. Hosmer. — Jail Oct. 27, know that these things happened in < > posed instead of being protected in it. | the past? He was not there to see Name This is a great difference. One method In this world of joy and pain and there is no fossil remains which ECONOMIC ERRORS breeds corruption. The other tends I There is very much to gain Address prove his .tatements. Yet there are build character and if any proof is nec. 1 If we’ll swat. the folks who laugh at Christians and i > Name ... essary it would be the easiest method I Swat the evil everywhere; Call them credulous, Consistency, The capitalists are not the only pec. Swat it so ’twill know you’re there; to go to a Catholic ruled country or thou art a jewel which never hung in Address community and apply the following pie who make mistakes. Capitalism Give it to ’em good and hot; the nose of a Materialist. But 1 have is a mistake of a ’ l the people, and Name test: “By their fruits ye shall know Make ’em know that what is what — a question which 1 wish evolutionists " ■ many a “dawn and outer” who howls They’ll begin to help you swat. them.” would answer: How is it that man, Address ■ > Protestants think more of a so- most wildly because he is robbed when his remains are first found, the In this land of Rome and rum, called infidel who is honest and honest through the capitalist system ;s mak first remains of man in the earth, is ’Course it’s not just always fun, in his belief than of a professed Chris, ing as big a mistake . s the capitalists a man, with as good a head, or bqjter If we swat. tian who is a hypocrite. But just the themselves. The war between Capital Swat ’em though; give blow for blow; on the average, than the race has and Labor is a world wide war. Mr. opposite is true of the Catholics. tl now? Huxley admits that according Swat ’em hard 'twill easier grow; Hypocrisy seems just as good to than Down and Outer” has been a soldier to evolutionary theories or time man ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦* Nothing good comei without work; on the side of Labor of course, but as honesty. The main thing being a has not been on earth long enough to Rouse the weak and timid shirk now he is on the nin. He don ’ t knew Ehone Biack 1242. Coolidge Street. <► kindly attitude toward the great o To “grab and root” and help us jerk. evolutionize. The first remains f man enough to stop running and he ’ s cry < ► church (?) of Rome. Protestants are found about the time of the ice o ing like a calf, as he jumps from one In your world of heart and mind, protest against, while Catholics uphold o age, which is a very recent event, place to another, afraid to take a Twill be easy there to find the old inquisitorial methods of perse some putting th* date of it as low as General Contractor for Commercial and cution of those who believe different stand and fight. He doesn’t realize What to swat. six and seven thousand years ago. In « • Industrial Building in rel'gious matters. Our government that if he goes to Europe he will find Swat the evil, selfish lie; fact the glaciers of that time are still the army of capitalism entrenched Swat it or you ’ ll "surely die; ” was founded on this protest. The melting in Alaska and Greenland, as EXPERT ENGINEER Catholics are against the fundamental there. In Brazil or Japan or China Fix not thought on greedy pelf; well as in the higher Rockies. And he will find the forts and the big guns The golden rule 's there on your shelf-. In the Design and Construction of beauti principles of our government. They yet it is with that period that the first ful homes, business houses, scheols Swat your evil, selfish self. * can’t be otherwise and be good Cath of capital staring him in the face. remains of man are found. Let evol Halt! halt! Workingmen, settle and churches. olics. The Catholics do not believe utionists explain this fact consistent down! Take a stand somewhere and that every man should have a right to with the'r va t periods of time. Again La Grande, Ore., Dec. 29, 1914. SILVERTON, OREGON v ¡ship god according to the dictates ge' ready that little piece of artillery I ask them to explain how it *r that called the ballot. w Get in touch with J. E. HOSMER, D. G. S. o his own conscience, but that relig- the first skulls discovered, the very Silverton, Oregon. icus matters should be left to the your fellows and do your share to oldest, are as well shaped as many we plant the mines of propaganda every priesthood. They always stand for the Your unjust punishment has come to have today. Huxley says (he was divine right of kings and the war in where. Don’t act 'ike a lot of wild an end and I rejoice with you in your honest enough to admit it) that the Europe will go into history as part geese in the fog. We can win this great victory over all temptation to skulls of the earliest man might be of the struggle between the Roman fight easy. Truth is on our side. compromise with the enemy. Y u have skulls of philosophers, so far as their READ AND HELP OTHERS READ Catholic ideas and the protesting ideas Numbers are on our side. Muscle and proven yourself of good mettle, even size and shape are concerned. Let THE ESCAPED NUN FROM MT. ANGEL CONVENT of free thinking Protestants. To be brains and bravery and the golden rule if your theology is crooked. I wonder Materialists meet this honestly. Then - OR - and evo ’ ution are all on our side. sure, many soldieas have been fooled if your attention has been called to another thing: How is it that the ani Don ’ t let the smaller issues throw us THE LAST STAND OF DESPERATE DESPOTISM" or forced into fighting on the side in the increased activity on the part of mal just buck of man, from which he .10 .f©r •ue copy which they do not believe and so it is off the track and keep us on the run the Romans in the organization of evolved into man, has left no remains ? 1.00 .for 12 copies in the fieroe fight now going on among forever. What if the “Dagos” or bodies on Nites (?) of Columbus Back of man there is not a single con other brother workers from some 4.00 .for 50 the civil forces in our own great coun capias throughout the North West. A new necting link in any fossil remains. other part of the world do come over 7.00 try. But if the protesting squads of far 100 copies body of these un-American Nites have Haeckel said that “ perhaps in the fu here and take our work from us and 82.00 Protestantism can ever get together .far 500 copies send our money back to their suffer organized in Pendleton recently and ture thi3 com.ecting fossil would be 50.00 in America, the Roman Hierarchy and .far 1000 oopies in other places. I would like to say found. ” This is Darwin ’ s “ Missing its dastardly “one-man-rule” idea wi ' ing families? What if — what if — here that it looks like a big time in link,” and evolutionists have never HELP AROUSE OUR AMERICAN PATRIOTS! Why, don’t you see that these little soon be a thing of the past. To silly things — the tariff, the bank 1916. We’ve got these foreigners to bridged it. Now, the facts are these, J. E. HOSMER, Silverton, Oregon Arms! The enemy is upon us! To deal with cooner or later and I think people "re building their whole theory ing questions, the army and navy ap • Arms! propriations, the emigration question, it will be sooner, tn order to Le in on assumption, and declaring that they the high cost of living, etc., etc., are the game here all we lack is the or believe that which has not one single OUR CRIMINAL LAWS CR1MIANL nothing in comparison to the question ganization of our patriots into bodies fact estab'ished. BACK OF THE who is going to own th? world and such as the Patriotic Sons of America FIRST FOSSIL REMAINS OF MAN ly these progenitors of man were the The priest at the Confessional makes operate its industries. While you are or the Guardians of Liberty. Why WHICH IS FOUND IN VERY RE nttest of all other animals, or they h's ear and soul the cesspool of all When a state arrests an innocent wasting your breath talking against not procure the services of a good or CENT DEPOSITS, THERE IS NOT would not have evolved man, and yet kinds and degrees of nastiness. Is it man and holds him three months K the idea of your brotners from across ganizer and immediately crystallize the A SINGLE FOSSIL TO SHOW THAT these “fittest” animals — apes, and any wonder he so often comes to have prison waiting to be tried and then existing sentiment in favor of true MAN EVOLVED FROM A LOWER finds that he is guiltless, it has com- the big lake sending their money out liberty and the expulsion of the Roman FORM. Evolutionists have searched what not — are all extinct, leaving a moral stench like a sewer? of the countiy, a Captain of Industry NOT A TRACK OR BONE TO SHOW mitted a crime. When a man is wait- is taking ten thousand times the amount Catholic church from our body politic. the earth over to find this connecting ting in jail for the grand jury to set THEY EVER EXISTED AT ALL. I would suggest that wherever this link and have not found it. Geologic to build an industrial fort in Br?.- and it finds no indictment, but holds But if this be true what becomes of is read that tlio.e who read it write ally speaking the appearance of man wil or China. This will ultimately re t SILVERTON TIME TABLE him over till the next grand jury, hop the “survhal of the fittest?” How is duce all the workers to poverty and either to myself or to The Journal, on this globe is an event of mystery. ing to find evidence against him, this it that these fittest of all animals arc inciting such an organization in his The first of his remains are the full de- s’avery and hold them there. Get into state is criminal. When a prisoner is gone, leaving not the faintest trace ft the main fight. Take a stand some or her town and to see to it that such ve'oped man, and back of him there Arrive from Portland 8.25 A.M. serving time in a county jail in pay that they ever existed — as they did an organization is effected. If we would is neither none nor shape to show that 44 where and, between your ballot shots, ft • “ 11.05 A.M. ment of a fine and when the author not — while other less fit animals, do this we could very effectively deal he was ever anything but Just what 44 shout to the sissor-bills. Rally them « “ “ 4.30 P.M. ities refuse to accept the amount due to the main issue and if your work with such courts as the one that nil he is now. Mr. W..llace, Darwin’s such as the present apes are ctill ft 44 “ “ 8.20 P.M. and give the prisoner his liberty, the here? I know that evolutionists will roaded Hosmer to jail as well as all life-long friend and helper, has de is well done you will soon see the 44 ft “ Salem 10.59 A.M. auth rities are criminal, or there in pass ti ese things by without attempt the rest of the politicians of the Ro clared that th" whole theory is wrong, whites of the enemies’ eyes and we 44 ft ■ " 5.05 P.M. something wrong with the law. When can consistently order an uncondition man camp. We sure cleaned up a ajid that it is impossible that man ing an answer, and that will show ft 44 "Brownsville 9.15 A.M. a Judge overrules a motion to give that they are not honest, for they few of them without such organiza has ever been anything else but what al surrender! Workers of the world more time for the accused to get his tion this last election, what could we he is now. These things are the very should meet them. Let me say again ft — unite! witnesses, just because of political de if organized. Write me at once heart of the contention, and evolution that infidels -re out to get rid of'God, « Depart for Portland 7.30 A.M. or religious prejudices, the judge is a ¡»nd let us start things with more vig ists know their whole theory bleaks 1 no, to find the true or reasonable 44 ft " " 9.15 A.M. criminal. When any officer helps his Liguori, Patritian of Naples, Biflh- or in this mighty battle fcr right. down right here. They tell us that thing. Lot me ask this question of 44 ft " " 2.00 P.M. prisoners to rob every new prisoner op of Saint Agatha of the Goths, It may be interesting to know that the immediate link—animals—which Material'sts: Has the immediate pro 44 ft " " 5.05 P.M. coming under his charge, with or founder of the Congregation of the the lawyer who betrayed you is produced man are extinct. That for genitors of man been found in fossil i M " Salem 8.25 A.M. without the aid of a Kangaroo Court, Redeemer, canonized a Saint by the being looked after. W. C. Winslow has some reason they thrived till man was I state? Were the first of all human ft 44 * " " 1.00 P.M. the said officer is a criminal hold up Holy Catholic Church, — this Holy been secured to prosecute the ca evolved, a perfect man, then they van. 1 remains less perfect than they arc 44 "Brownsville 4.30 P.M. and more deserves to be behind the Saint has just been declared obscene I have signed the complaint and we ished. Rut I would test the "survival now? i I have a table to show they « bars than many of his prisoners. by the Supreme Court of Minnesota. are after him. LEON L. MYERS. of the fittest” theory by this. Evident- i were not. (Continued in next Issue.) 0 ft ft ft • ooooo«»** t THE GEM THEATRE, Never Gets Old THE SILVERTON JOURNAL BEN HOFSTETTER