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About The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1915)
T he S ilverton VOL. IV. PAPAL NOTES Hy L. 1). Ratliff 7JOURNAL SILVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY «, 1915. No. 10. THE POPES AND THE COUNTY JAILS PART OF BAD SYSTEM TEMPORAL POWER MARION MAKING MONEY, NOT MEN. f For more than 1,00# years the Lish- opn of Rome — while posing as the leader» of the Human Race in Rel igion, have — as secular princes, ruled the city of Rome and eertain terri tories adjoining. That this has kept the popes and the whole Roman Cath. olic organization of every land — all , thia while — in politics — in every sense of the term, is apparent. The religious man — even the cler gyman — has as good a right to be interetsed in politics, as any other per. Compulsory Religious Observance son whomsoever. He is conceined in is m Roman Catholic Principle, This all questions of social order; and of principle now prevails in the United The prison fare in Marion County und connective tissue that a dog would I faction that the people, irrespective of stand that 20c a meal is allowed for the welfare of the public. Since ho States navy. It is Union of Church jail is insufficient, irrevelent and, as scarcely tackle. He threw it in the theological belief, are all right. The | each prisoner. Suppose the meal pays taxes, he is concerned as to the ami State. — Cut it out. levying, collecting and handling of the fur us digestion is concerned, often im. fire and after rejecting the stewed churches, the socialists and the lib : costs 5 cents. This would give a net revenues of the State. But the man • • • A chuplain in army or navy, cm material. It consists of two meals in potato which had three flies in it he erals all took a hand in saving the profit of 15 cents per meal. Two meals or men, who try to “RUN” both the p'oyed by the government, is Union of twenty-four hours, there belli" nine left the tuble cursing like a trooper. life of the victim of Rome and her would be 30 cents. One hundred days church and the stat« — both religion Church ami State. Cut it out. teen hours between supper and break Night after night these men went to Romanized courts. Thins uf ,t! Every would be $30. Eight prisoners would and politics — well, the history of the • • • that time amount to $240. In a experiment of the popes is very sug fast. The usual menu is a cup of cof tied as hungry as wolves. The writer body knows what Hosmer believes, In his recent Encyclical, the Pope fee, which has a nickname, dry, stale went to bed oftentimes at 6 or 7 and yet Methodist ministers, thus« ui . ear this means $876. This besides gestive. In 1870 Victor Emanuel entered < ther fees and a good salary is worth gives us one of the causes 01 the war, orking for. Can you see the point? Rome, and made the city the capital "Want of mutuul symputhy between bread with no butter, a toiled potato, o'clock in the evening in order to get the Evangelical church, tue Chri ,a . n-Uona.” Now, did you ever are such u gob if mush, with no sugar or milk, warm. Everyone ’a locked up in a the Unitarians, tne Baptists, tneenns. The syitem is rotten — as rotten as of a United Italy — thus dispossessing insight us that? Who says our Bene and a small slice of salt, fat pork. Tills steel cage or sell at 5 I*. M. and there tian Scientists, the Infiuels, the So i rotten liver. It is buggy as buggy the pope of civil authority. We di dict is not u hummer? He is u very varies somewhat, especially at the stays until 7:30 the next morning, cialists, the W. C. T. U.S and even soup. Working people, people who are not discuss today the right or the Solomon for wisdom. ore thirty meal. Sometimes we had 14'/» hours. No towels are furnished some unclassified folks came, by the defenseless against the Romanized and wrong of the action of the king — houp and on one or two occasions, by tnc county and for a long time hundreds, to talk, encourage, bring avaricious officials can't digest this but this — the relation of the pope The Council of Trent, 7th and 24th during the hundred days, a half apple many prisoners dried their hands and prpers, magazines, flowers, fruit and dope much longer. It is like rotten to the matter, and its effect on those sessions, declares marriuge to be one baked fur each (a mouthful for a faces on one little rag.. The lights most excellent dinners to the caged tomatoes, and it is time tha- some concerned. We are told of a Romanist bishop of the Sacrament* "by which ull real hungry man) and on Thanksgiving we hang outside of the cells and is very “free thought, free press and free one, with a little milk of human Kind righteousness I m begun.” Then it de hud chicken and cranberry sauce. The bad on the eyes for those who wish speech man.” The good people of Sa ness, poured it onto our mush: nor who was also a duke. A layman re prive» the priest of this "beginning *1 meat also is occasionally changed. to read or write during the long lem organized and appointed delegates can iran live by stale bread alone not proved him for some phenomenal pro f •ghtcousness." Foor fellow! He is a Liver is often served and sometimes hour« The writer begged for a light to attend regularly to the food supply will the flesh of the swine save them. fanity. Said the bishop: “O, I don’t beef instead of pork. Tomatoes some, in his cell but was refused. There and thus we were blessed with one ! The jails of our country are not ic- swear as a bishop — but as a duke." lost soul. • • • times find their way to the prisoners’ i are no tables in the cells, and, in order good, square meal a day. This we formatory but training schools of The layman replied: “When the devil gets the duke, what will become of The Catholic Hierarchs are a set ol table. The exceptions however to the to write, we secured a little piece of ' usually spread over the whole twenty crime. the bishop?” So, when the devil gets J four hours, dividing one meal into board from the wood room and put Many of our friends will be fright regular feed of dry tread, a boiled the most skillful pretenders thut ever beheaded a heretic. One who does not potato, a gob » mush and a small it on the back of a broken chair, and, - three. This as a rule was sufficient ened when they read these accusations. the pope for his enormities as secular know the breed, reading their dope ■■dice of hall pork, are few and far be cocking ourself upon our cot we could ' and made us very happy indeed for But fear not. We have proof of our ruler — what will become f the re would think they really believe u part tween, and was usually of a very poor write for a little while, but would soon we honestly believe we would have statements. Any one who wishes to ligious teacher? No one is surprised when a secular quulity and very often wretchedly pre. j become cramped and have to rest. died if left to the fat pork or poor see a jail meal can do so by calling of what they say. pared. The soup on one occasion was There was one cell which had a door. liver, dry stale bread, a gob of mush at The Journal Office. We also brought 1 optician uses "secular means” to ac home with us ,as specmen, dozen complish his purpose«. Manuel of The United States Supreme Court full of bugs about the size of pin This cell was not in use and the editor and a boiled potatoe. wanted to occupy it very much. It had But the hold-up game known as of the soup bugs and some other Portugal thinks he was ■wrongfully has decreed thut a State, or people, heads, evidently from nasty, old ma the Kangaroo Court made us the most a small table, a ” d in this closed cell things as samples. We find that it deprived of his throne; and no one is caroni. The liver, on several occa cannot establish immorality by legis lation. Thon no sit etch of the Consti sions, .vas not fit to eat and caused away from the awful cloud of ci indignant. This business of robbing is best to have proof of our state surprised when he tries “»o do things.” tution can protect the Catholic Aunc- one of the prisoners to vomit. The garette smoke the scribe could have every new prisoner ought to stop at ments as the truth does not always If Leo, or Pius, or Benedict assumed next however the liver was been* much more happy. But no, the once. It is just a wrong to hold up seem to be welcome in this wonderful to be — like M-nuel “kings out of a ulur Confession. job” and no more than this — the out. • • served in tile form of hash. Thia the “Ich und Gott” emperor seems to a man in jail as it is on the street twentieth century. side world would rightly say: “If and every new prisoner is promptly have a very 'imited supply of favors There are no rich men in jail, al prisoners could not eat, although they A foreign and oath-bound Despo- tiara claims and hulds all Catholic were as hungry as dogs. It '’'as too for the poor victims of the under kangarooed and relieved of from one though there are rich men in our these fellows want to quarrel with the priests. In America they are un- near the decomposition point. A mess world and especially for those who to five dollars or punished, with and county more gui’ty of crime than those king of Italy, it’s their own concern — American, — are bound to the God- of tomatoes wus so bad that till pris write about the Roman Hierarchy. by the consent and co-operation of the behind the bars. There are no Cath not ours.” But when the popes de olics in Marion county jail and yet mand that the 200 millions of Roman oners could net eat them, even though However the editor’s friends on the sheriff of the county. num ut the Vatican. Many of those behind the bars we know of several who are guilty ists outside of Italy, turn in and help • • • these men (a number of them innocent outside were permitted to bring him The late i John Golden, of Marsh of any crime and only waiting for the food fit to eat, for which we were should change places with those who of the worst crimes known to man. Do them overthrow the king, well, that field, whose estate is now in court, grand jury to set them free) were so mighty thankful, for we most sin imprison them. What is the matter? ■ officers fear to offs ad the captains of is a different matter. Remember that while the popes left $150 for Masses for his soul. At hungry they could eat almost any cerely believe we could not have lived ' The system is wrong. It is for the j industry ? Do they fear the priest want to be secular rulers, they at the benefit of the political machine in one hundred days on what the author ‘ and does the good priest get the fine 12b each for “High," that would be thing. On one occasion, one of the same time demand that they be rec control. How much money was made ties furnished. ■ money which should go to the county? prisoners, Edger, held up his meat by six Masses; at $1 each for "Low,” it At the end of the first ten days we in cash on account of the editor being Wake up people! Help us get the ognized as the sole representatives of means that the body and soul of Jesus the butcher’s string which had been Christ must be sacrificed 150 times cooked with it and asked the editor thought we would surely go out feet in jail ? Multiply this by the average i proof and help us give it publicity, God on the earth. They say they have for one poor Web-foot. 1 am wonder if he thought that stuff was fit for a first, but our friends rallied to our number of prisoners and you would for THE TRUTH WILL MAKE US the keys of heaven and of hell; and can control Man’s Eternal Hereafter. ing whether the Lord has any prefer man to eat. It was a piece of gristle rescue and proved to our perfect satis- get quite a pretty sum. We under J FREE ! When Kaiser Wilhelm’s private yacht ence, or whether six times “high” or entered a certain harbor, the Govern 150 times "low" are just the same to on our part to properly adjust things PRESIDENT WILSON’S LETTER ment pilot came aboard ard took him ? Possibly the local Holy Father BAD BOY GUY IS THORN IN would move, for lack of a resting charge. Wilhelm prides himself on his TO A MN because of lack of time, than anything place, not, as Phelps claims, because FLESH « could unswer? ability as navigator; and he tried to • • • else; and before receiving the above some big person moved it. do the navigating. The pilot ordered In the LouisviPe Courier-Journal, him to keep hands off and enforced Suspension, limitation or enlarge we had reduced the offender’s space William Hogan, ex-priest, in "Po Editors Silverton Journal, pish Nunneries,” says, "1 cunnot de Gentlemen: — ment of atomic orbit is due to inter to ab ut one column, The Silver- December 1, was the following: the order. tail the whole process by which a Ro Editors often disavow the senti* ference, one with the other, and what ton Journal is a Free Press. Use it. "Washington, Nov. 30. — (Special.) By work in Harbor Navigation the mish confessor debauches his victims ments they publish, but life Ì3 loo Keep sweet, Don’t be afraid, the real — The President has written a letter pilot had shown himself able for the ever form is determined, the atom (er in the confessional; but if curiosity short and money too valuable to waste duty before him. Whether the popes or any other motive creates in the on the quantity of drivel which comes electron) constantly seeks to recover honest truth will conquer. The com- to a sister of the Convent of Mercy in have by their work proven ability to public mind a desire to know all the from Guy Fitch Phelps; unless he can its normal or natural motion; what mon enemy, Rome, is afraid of the Louisville expressing the belief that lord it over Heaven and Hell — may particulars, 1 refer them to Dens’ limit it to a column or less each week, we call “natural laws’’ are the result truth, afraid of a free press. Let us “sober and just counsel among the be questioned; but the world knows treatise, Th* Peccatis,’ which is taught as “Materialists” do, I cannot renew, of this eternal unrest, but as what- not copy her beastly methods. people” will soon dispel any religious they have failed as civil rulers. For in Maynooth college and elsewhere. for those who pay are morally res ever is natural changes not without iptoleranee that may prevail. His let 1,000 years they — in their civil cap In this, and in Antoin’s ‘Moral ponsible for the output. Dr. Fulton relates how a Catholic ter is addressed to Sister Mary Augus. acity — had lorded it over the people interference, and all "laws” of matter Theology,’ they wiill find the obscene Fear of death refutes all his claims, change according to square of dis suspecting interesting things, had the tine McAfee. It follows: of Rome — and had made so many questions which are put by priests so he jabbers as »he boy swore: to tance, diameter, etc., and atoms in priest called away, crept Into the Con. “My Dear Sister Mary Augustine “friends” that the first time the peo- and bishops of the Romish Church to make him feel brave. He asks: Who volved in material forms are constant, McAfee: p'e had a chance to vote on the mat all women, young and old, married knows enough about the universe to ly seeking to disintegrate those forms fessional stall, put on the priest’s robe “Mrs. Champ Clark wr.s kind ter, they voted the pope out f civil or single, and if any married man, say what is natural or super-natural ? and return to their normal state; the and cap, and waited. His wife came enough to send me your letter of Oc office by a majority of about 135,000 father or brother will, after the perusal and “supposes” all, even “miracles” to logical conclusion is that matter being to confess. The things he heard would tober 3. I have read it with the deep- to about 1,500. of these qeustions, allow his wife or be natural; calling his selfish greed a product of nature, is not natural or not do to print. Then he made a date es. interest and. you may be sure, For a score of generations the popes daughter or sister ever again to go "modesty.” ‘•upernatural, but is, material; so we with her, and when he appeared he sympathize entirely with its plea for had proven themselves unscrupulous to confession, I will only say that his fair and truthful thought and action, tyrants — the oppressors and enemies Miracle and Creation are the sim- must look prior to the material for ideas of morality are more vague and plest propositions in the Bible, for the natural, and look forward to the found her arrayed in her most at particularly in the field of religion of the citizens of Rome. And — RE loose than those of the heathen or the both words mean THINKING, from super-natural as a reward for our ex- tractive gowns waiting for the priest. where pariircmship anu sectarian feel, MEMBER — the men who voted the Turk.” • • • ing seem peculiarly out of place and pope out of civil office, were profes their roots “mir” and “creo.” perience. • * • His use of the words natural and su- Saint Liguori says, “Among the deplorable. sedly of the pope’s religion. DIDN’T The super-natural, that is our rea One theologian tried to straddle the pernatural, obtained when people son (see Genesis 3:22) enables «s to priests who live in the world it is "Y’ou may be sure that I will avail the Roman peop'e love the “Holy difficultly of the “Mass” by saying “supposed” a speckled sky swung regulate our appetites and passions, rare, and very rare, to find any that myself of any opportunity that offers Father” as their civil ruler? that “by a miracle the wafer is around with the earth as a center; he and direct material forces to our ser- are good. So, for the sake of decency itself to counteract such influences. 1 Our American “Declaration” holds <1 changed inwardly to the body of assumes that something is fixed, con vic< ; and the loss and recovery of ♦his and safety, the Lady Superior should hope anil believe that they are c-nly that “Governments have just power Christ, while outwardly it is not stant, perpetual and “supposes” that ability (or “soul”) is the basis of the watch the priest while he confesses temporal y. 1 have great confidence from tha consent of the governed.” On changed, lest God be bitten by the something is God, in this way he Fible plan of salvation. a nun.” But, pray, who watches him in the prevalence of sober and just that basis Victor is rightly king of teeth.” So you see, there is an “out "knows” quite a bit about God though This Logos, or Jesus, the orthodox when he confesses your sweetheart, counsel among our people and any Italy and of Rome. AND — the pope wardly” and an "inwardly” to it. Is he has no evidence other than tradi church has banished from their prop your wife, or your daughter? thing that I can do to hasten the day in resisting him, is personally a trai your analytical gumption equal to that tion, the "testimony” of others equally erties, so as to excuse the priest for of more thinking I shall gladly d . tor to the Government of the Land in • • • sort of flapdoodle? “You may rest assured that the gov. which he lives; and his effort to en- ignorant. personating God, which Jesus, Santa • • • He Glaus and Uncle Sam were invented* The church law requires priests to emment is doing everything it can to I list non-Italian Romanists against the How very little he knows. confess to priests; and it recognizes check the influences in Mexico of Government of Italy, is an Inter- Fulton quotes part of the Cardinal’s knows not what a single piece of to do. F. S. WEAVER. 19 different ways in which the priest ' whi«h you speak. national offense, for which he should is, like other people, he must oath as follows: “I do give my alle matter may offend his calling in Solicitation Editor's Note — Don’t be jeatcus “WOODROW WILSON.” be personally disciplined. And the men giance, political as well as religious, judge matter by its properties, or and Seduction at the Confessional. “Sister Mary Augustine McAfee, he seeks to influence against Italy — to the Bishop of Rome. Heretics, properties not common to matter, he of space, If Mr. Phelps is in crrot Thé Catholic mother who is willing to an 1 is the weaker, as some of o.n Convent of Mercy, Louisville, Ky. as the Romanists in this Country — calls spirit or God, hence God is his schismatics and rebels to our Lord the weavers claim, then no one should trust her daughter at the Confessional “The sister’s letter dealt with the in so far as they join in his effort — l ope, I will, to my utmost, oppose and name for his ignorance. Properties are due to the heat or < <>n<’emn us for giving him a little bet. with a drunken priest must have easy general subject of religions intole»- make themselves traitors to the Con persecute.” Those old spiritual vaga ideas of morals. ance and persecution of the priesthood stitution and Laws f this Country — bonds when eulogizing the Constitu stress under which natural motion was ter chance to express himself, and • « * and Catholic laity in Maxico and from whose shores they seek to make tion in the hearing of non-Catholics suspended, and the degree of that sus. brave, heroic thinkers will aaswer war on a neighbor and friendly nation. A non-Catholic woman who will elsewhere.” fulfill the Scripture: "Out of the same pension, for motion is the one thing we with reason and not with boycott. But Mr. Phelp ’ s larger space has send her daughter to a Catholic school ( The above letter was evidently writ Let these things be called by their know about, that is eternal. An isol mouth proceedeth blessing and curs ten by Tomulty. Ex. right names. “L.” ated "electron,” atom or cannon ball been due, more to accident-or inability to be educated---------- ? ing." The Catholic Sentinel says Servia was the most anti-Catholic country in Europe; that she bus a Catholic pop ulation of only 7,000 against a (¡reek church population of 2,700,000, Yet the Catholic religion was forced on the country, made the state religion, to be supported by tbe state, with the whole system of education turned over to the Cutholic church. That show* whul the Cutholic church will do when she gets a chance. This System of Graft, and Every Part of it, is Buggy, Rotten, Full of Lies, Deception, Injustice—It may look Beautiful on the out side, but it is Full of Dead Men’s Bones—It is a Machine Owned and Operat ed by Politicians for Money—They Dare not Offend the Well Organ ized Hierarchy.