T he S ilverton J ournal . _________________ ______________________ ________ ------------------------------------------------ ; - ■ 'S SILVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY !, 1915. VOL IV. I, Ij ■■■■■■ ' • ‘ -BI * No. 9. ß A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL PAPAL NOTES Ry L. 1). Ratliff Out of u vote of 272, Mt. Angel gave a majority of 200 for the saloon. Thio is tiic Roman Cutholic center of enlightenment fur Marion County. MI m * Lauenau »aid u part of her duties ut the convent al the time of a banquet was to hand up the liquor from the baaemenl. • • • In Mexico before the flood, — that ia, lie fore Villa upaet the Religio- 1‘o'ilical system — the practice of aolf-turture by fluying with cactus or column«, taila, to appuaae the Roman Catholic goda and aainta, and to get their heavenly favor, waa one of the fealurea of the auving grace of the great and only true and Holy Church However, we don’t read that any of the fat prelalea look the fleah-torture cure. The Capital Journal, December 21, calla down the Catholics for trying to force thia country into a war with Mexico, and teiia them that country's ullmra ure “reuily no business of the Cutholic Church in the United States;” that their efforts will "intensify the unti-Cauiolic feeling that exists in many quarters, without reason,” and that “Madero, Villa and many others of the reu’ leader., of the Mexican people were no doubt working toward end of separation in reality of Chuich und State; while Huertu, the bloody, represented the clerical party which dominated the Diaz regime.” The Journal further says, “Men of the stunding and character of Judge Mun- sense, and a broader patriotism than to allow themselves to be used as tools by a designing influence which fulls to recognize the meaning of our free institutions bused on the broudest liberty of conscience." The Journal is just in its criticism; but what it fails to say is that it is just this fact that an uttempt ia be ing made to separate church und State that distresses the Catholic Church. A loyal Catholic is 1 ound by the basic inflexib’e constitution of the Papacy, and the fundamental Canon Lraw of his Church, to resist such separation. He can have no genuine “patriotism" toward a government “by the people.” The Catholic Church is an uncompro mising enemy of any system based upon “I’berty of conscience." The Moyal Catholic, who ia intelligent, gives assent to free institutions only from "motives of expediency," and only un til such time as the Church feels strong enough to strike them down. The Journal's statement that the anti-Catholic feeling is "without rea son” is, in part, contradicted by its own criticism of that old political buccaneer. * • • Roosevelt has taken up the cudgel in defense of the Catholic Church in Mexico. From the number of priests and bishops he quotes it is evident his flirtation with thut bunch of trai tors is of the familiar and congenial sort. One of the dastardly things he charges upon the Rebels is that they fed the "Sacred Host” to the horses. Well, now, that was bad; for what is the “Sacred Host 7” It is a piece of bread that the poor ignorant dupes think the priest has turned into the actual body and soul of Jesus Christ. Another great wickedness was in deporting the foreign priests. Well, Villa illustrated his motive when he named a small city in which were 14 Catholic Churches, and as many priests who were “living off the poo pic like lice,” while the people wore kept in the most wretched poverty. Another infamy (ns per Roosevelt) was the deporting of many of the nuns and closing the. nunneries. Well, in the last few years, tho “Red Light” of many cities has been closed out. A hy ? Because that institution was ,not thought to be good for the social or der. One historian says the nunneries of the Middle Ages competed the brothels out of business. Wi ether •those of Mexiico had reached that de- Igree of success deponent sni»h not, but probably the Rebel lendnrs wh > are on the ground know best what is for the good of the country. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS THROTTLED IN MARION COUNTY, OREGON Father Gregory, in the Oregonian, December 20, says, "The Catholic Church has survived the crash of na tions, the fall of governments, the evo. lutionand hanges of civil governments and 2000 years of persecution. What it 2,000 years of persecution. A hat it ia today is in fulfillment of the prom ise that ‘The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’ ” The argument of a great Catholic Cardinal is also to the point: He says, “If the Catholic Church had not been of God she never could have survived her own wicked ness.” Well, Buddhism has survived the "fall of nations.” Freemasonry, which the Catholic Church is sure belong., to the devil, has also lived through “the clash of nations.” The “Gates of hell has not prevailed” against these, eh? It is true that "Hell has not prevailed ” against the Catholic Church, Truth may be crushed by fines and imprisonment but it will rise again. for Hell has no controversy with her. They are in exact agreement. • • • On December 13th some Catholics Show me a celeb ate priest and I’ll show you an abnormal human or a in Portland resolved that “We de fool; show me a priest who docs not nounce the unspeakable crimes com keep his vows and I'll show you a mitted against the Christian people bilk of a liberti e. Take your choice. of Mexico,” etc., etc., and “that a copy of these resolutions be sent to our * • • senators and representatives in con Why don’t the merchants of Silver- gress that an investigation of the Mex. ton advertise in The Journal now that ican situation may be undertaken,” etc. we have a much larger subscription To ,what end, indeed, should there be list than when they did? Are they a congressional inve tigation ? Sup afraid of Rome? Are they cowards? pose congress should find that the Catholie Church had really made a • • • The more one .earns about priest “Hell-Hole” of Mexico, as the Catholic craft the more he wonders how such Sentinel calls it, what then? Villa and Co. seem to be getting rid of the pests, corruption can exist in America. and we should not interfere lest we • • • hinder the good work. The priests are victims -’f a pagan The editor of The Menace, armed system and should be pitied, but at the same time their hel'ish work with a court authority, took an officer should be stopped for the sake of hu and recovered something like 50,000 old envelopes from the Roman Cath manity. olic German society rooms in St. • • • Louis. They had been stolen from It would be safe to offer 110,000 The Menace office. reward for a priest who really be • • * lieves what his dupes think he be Writers tell us of Hindu fakirs who lieves. lie down on a bed of spikes, or other • • • wise torture the flesh to gain merit If you don’t want to go to jail, don’t from their gods. In the Philippine tell the truth, the whole truth and Islands where the Catholic Church has nothing but the truth. The safest dominated for 400 years the same way is to study for the priesthood. things, or worse, are still in practice. That church, you know, is the world’s • • • Ruined girls by the thousands are only and great • Enlightener. • • slaves for the priesthood. They wash, My Catholic Friend, your Church is laundry, set type, cook, etc. simply a conclave of bigoted bachelors • • • and you are nothing but filling. So far Imprisoning victims in times of as any personal rights, or freedom, peace and shooting them down by the are concerned, you are of no more con thousands in times of war, will not sequence than a dead clam. You dare save a false system from destruction. not criticize the Hierarchy, nor sug • • • gest reform. If you do, you are a Some of the priests have said very heretic, and get the curse of the damaging things about our public church. Why don’t you get out and be schools, but if we publish a sworn a man? * • • statement regarding their institution, Po^r Mt. Angel! Dry! sigh! cry! we must be severely punished. Why ? lie! die! • • • WHO ARE THEY AFTER NOW? We were jailed for shooting at the ravenous old beast of Rome, but great The Roman Catholic bunch of the Roosevelt wil’ probably be nominated State of Oregon are now understood in 1916, while he has actually shot to death many an innocent and harmless to be out after the scalp of one of the little creature, while feeding taffy to most fearless of our public servants, the old reptile. • • • a high officer of state. For the pres What a silly idea to regard as holy ent we will not mention names, lest the rotten lives of a lot of bull-necked in doing so we embarrass our friends, bachelors (priests) in the same house but it is pretty generally understood with a host of maiden worshipers that a prominent Roman Catholic (nuns). Bah! • « • judge will soon resign and make a It is a fool idea to use the same tour of the state for the avowed pur pose of defeating, tpvo years hence, crime as a remedy for itself. We have enough anarchy. We don’t want the re-election of the fearless official any more. Individualism is a failure. to which allusion is herein made. In Co-operate! • • • cidentally, we are informed that this sa.ne “Old Roman” will preen him The priests do not believe the doc self for the United States Senate ship trines they teach. They are crimi als now held by Senator Harry Lane. of a very dangerous type. Thus goes on, from day to day, the IS AMERICA ROMANIZED ? program of the Hierarchy to “make America Catholic.” We expect to make The President of th:se United definite announcement regarding the above soon after the first of the year. States is in danger of being aseassin- r.ted. Why? He has dared at last to refuse to obey Rome’s demands. WHl THE OLD EONOMICS Rcosevelt be our next President ? He Teach the children all about banking; is indersed by the priesthood. Why ? Make them take it take a spanking; Were the priests and nurtu killed in Mexico iarecent or were they trai Train their selfish expectation; tors? Arc they traitors in the United Admit no other explanation; Stites? Should we kill Villa or should Success depends on exploitation. we bring the traitors in this country Religious liberty does not extend t justice? Who will say, and who to treason and other heinous crimes. should be entitled to say, “Sic semper Read Crowley’s book. tyrannis ?” When Sheriff William Esch Refused to Allow the Editor of the Silverton Journal to Send Copy to His Paper, We Believe He Showed Himself to be a Romanized Tyrant and Unfit to Serve the People of this Great Country as its Chief Executive—What Say You?—Read the Censured Articles and then Judge. When Hosmer, the editor of The .Silverton Journal, wax put in prison fur telling the truth about the Roman hierarchy, he thought he could write his editorials and get up his iirst page copy frum behind the bars just as well us frum his uftice desk. He had planned to send it to his wife, and although she was already duing mure wurk than she uught, with the mailing list, corrections, orders for pamphlets, etc., besides her many household duties, it was agreed that she could manuge the thousand and ono things which had fallen to the edi tor's share, or let them gu und >ne. But imagine the fledgling jail-bird’s as tonishment when he found that the emperor William, who occupies the sheriff’s office, not only read all out going and incoming mail of the pris oners, but that his (Hosmer's) tint copy was handed buck to him with the information that such stuff would not be allowed to go out from the Marion County hostile. What a blow! (Questions arose in the prisoner’s mind fast and furious. Is the shentf a Catholic? How in the world can we do anything if we can't write from here? What will be the horrible financial result? Will the paper be obliged to suspend? There was nobody to talk to. The time was going by and as a last resort we con cluded to suspend the paper until we were at liberty. The sheriff claimed that the copy was just such stuff as we were in jail for printing and that it could not go uot from that institu tion. That night, as we lay on our hard cot between the cold walls of a fellon's ceil we studied hard, till the wee small hours of morning, and at last came to the conclusion that we would lie obliged to suspend the pa per until we were again a free man. The next day the letter was written telling the waiting ones at home to shut up the office, but before the let ter was mailed Mrs. Hosmer came to THE DEVIL’S ATTEMPT By J. E. Hosmer. One day while working on my press, a little “off my feet,” I saw the Devil everywhere, espcially on the street; And, when I went at noon to dine, 1 met him face to face — “A business deal,” his majesty con sidered “no disgrace." He wanted me to work for him, his "dope” to advertise; He said, “while truth is good enough, the mun 's in telling lies.” I grabbed the Devil by the horns; he tried to “get my goat,” But, jerking off his forked tail, I rammed it down his throat. The Devil took a hike for Hell, a howling every jump; They say he’ll “graft” his tail upon the lacerated stump. 'Tis hoped 'twill keep him t>UBy, giving editors a chance, ’Twould surely help poor mortals, and hea en’s work enhance. But priests say I’m a wicked man, to spoil Gods work on earth, While others say the i riests are imps, that Satan gave them birth. The preachers say — they ought to know, and surely can not fail, That 'twas the Devil that I fought, ’cause god aint got no tail. * visit her caged pencil pusher and de clared that she could keep the paper going until our return. Her pluck sav?H the day, and here we are, and n t an issue has been lost. But what was the awful copy cen sored by our Romanized jailor? We will print it 1 ere on this page and let our readers see for themselves if it is true or false and if the taxpayers want to pay a dictator a good salary to sup. press our great American idea of a free press. Following is the copy, that Wii'iam Esch, the sheriff of Ma rion County, censored for the editor of The Silverton Journal: OUR FIRST DAY IN JAIL VICTIMS IN, REAL CRIM INALS OUT Our false system causes innocent to suffer for guilty. 100 days long time, but may ail be far the best. Little offenders in, holy (?) priests at large. Experience is a great teacher. We know now something about the feel ings of the poor victims of a false system who must be robbed of their liberty. We are behind the bars. Our head whirls. We can’t think what to say. It is all so strange and new to know that we can’t go where we choose to go. But thousands upon thousands have had the same sensa tions and our optimistic nature whispers, “it is all for the best; be still sad heart and cease repining; be hind the clouds is the sun still shin ing; into each life some rain must fa'l, some days must be dark and dreary.” The jail is fairly well equipped. Our cell companion proves to be a refined, educated old gentleman who is very interesting because he is not only educated in books, but he has traveled all over the world, and hav ing been a magazine writer, he knows how to tell the most interesting of stories. In the morning after being let out of our cells, 1 find that all the prisoners are a good hearted, kindly disposed bunch, all anxious to make a newcomer’s life as happy as pos sible under the circumstances. One thing astonishes us, and that is that none of the prisoners here hesitate to tell all about the cause of their im prisonment and strange to say, as far as we have heard during the first say's experience, there is not one of them who has not been more wronged by society than has been his real crim inal intent. Men here who have drift, ed into the drink habit and have done things wrong when drunk are not as bad as a society which allows the evil schools called saloons to educate the boys to drink, rob them of their money and then brand them as crim inals and lock them up. One man be hind the oars here for committing adultery, only neglected to have the woman he was living with go through the costly process of getting a di vorce, and by this mistake he is in durance vile, while vile priests are allowed to have their freedom while causing the the delinquency of minors, committing sodomy and adultery con tinually. Of course two wrongs do not make one right, but when this cruel system of profit making is over and a sane one of co-operation put in its place, then the merchants, profes sional men and so-called Christians of these United States and other so- called civilized countries will not be afraid of those agents of freedom, justice and righteousness which are the only means by which we can be saved from ignorance, superstition, kingcraft, priestcraft, graft, greed, war and hell. If this is somewhat rambling and lacking in sense, excuse us, for this is our first day in jail. J. E. HOSMER. STICK E RS When time rolls round, and darkest night Of victims crushed has turned to light, Then Johnny’s jail-made dynamite Will blow the priesthood out «f sight. A REPLY TO REV. GUY FITCH derstand the situation, but from the PHELPS few ideas I am able to glean from Mr. Phelps' latest Sahara of words I judge By S. K. Van Trump, Mt Angel. that he is s'ightly wounded by some thing that I said in my “little piece” "I am a Christian • * • no Christian of November 11. I can’t understand will lie. See, Mr. Van Trump?” Rev. why he should take offense in a little Guy Fitch Pheli s. (Nothing else adds game of fairplay. At the very first such dignity to an essay as an opening he begun to attack the Materialists quotation from an eminent author. I with the edged too's of Christian cul alwuys like to open my essays that ture by calling them “white slaves,” way.) “bomb throwers,” “gamblers,” etc., I awoke one morning and found my. etc. Mr. Phelps had made a very self famous. The Rev. Mr. Phelps did serious and as I knew libelous it. It was a slick trick. And how charge against the Freethinkers of easy; and dirt cheap tool It cost only Silverton. What I said in my "little three columns in The Silverton Jour piece” about him was all on the give nal and a pint of Christian culture and take principle which is the lule (a small pint) and the trick was done. with Materialists. I didn’t know that And now I can stand before the world with preachers it was all give and no unabased, for I am known, aye, I am take, but I understand their rules bet famous. My obscurity shall no longer ter now. oppress me, my vanity no longer be Mr. Phe’ps comes out with a very vexed. I can now forget the small “frank” explanation of how he came achievements and “doubtful honors” to pri t that falsehood about the of the past end look to a future of Freethinkers of Silverton. Take no fame and glory. And the benevolent, tice now, everybody, and we will the magnanimous Mr. Phelps did it. briefly inspect this "frank” explana He “gav« me a chance." How can I tion from Mr. Phelps. He says: “I ever thank him, how adequately repay rece’ved my information from a gen him ? I wo.Id gladly do as much tleman who was and is well acquaint for him any day; but then, you see, ed with the facts and whose word I he doe«n’t need it and besides I am certainly think "stands as high as Mr. limited in knowledge, the three col Van Trump’s, etc., etc.” This man umns of The Journal I can’t command told me incidentally (I wonder if he and of Christian culture I have not a spoke out loud? V. T.) how quite a rag. I am somewhat at a loss to un (Continued on Last Pago) CATHOLIC REASONS?