The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, December 25, 1914, Image 4

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In th« school house in Belleville,
The second vocational talk waa
Wis., a few evenings ago, upon motion
Wednesday morning by Mr.
of tiie Catholc priost, the Methodist
minister was elected president of the Adams. The subject was: The Qual
community's social center lor the com. ities which ar« necessary for being a
lawyer. These talks are greatly a. I
John Moe and family of Cascading
ing winter.
are here for the Christmas holidays.
Then three basket tail teams were precinteti by the students.
The teachers training is practicing
formed, including the priest, the min.
Sigurd Moe cam« from Cascadia last |
the muscu'ar movement in writing.
School will close Thursday noon for
farmer, the keeper uf the village res­
R. E. DeDuire and Clarence Amos
taurant, a dentist, a clothier, a team­ holidays which will last until Jan­
who have been at home on a ten day
ster a druggist a garage owner, the uary 4th.
furlow, left fcr Bremerton where they
The joint program by the societies
Danker, the saloon keeper a hardware
reported for naval service Thursday.
ba given Thursday morning dur­
The Parent-Teacher Association oí merchant and u house painter.
We are glad to learn -hat these two the Abiqua School met Friday at the
last two periods. Miss Small’i
The differed in religion, in politics,
Silverton boys are d< ing well. They home of Mrs. Black. The time was
in income, in social status as widely as portion of the 8th grade will have the
say that they like Uncle Sam's work spent mostly in perfecting arrange­
men can differ. But in the common opportunity to enjoy it.
The illustrated lecture given in the
very much.
ments for the Basket Social and re­ school bunding, in the free democracy
School Saturday evening, by
Reports from Cascadia are to the ports irom committees of work under of the social center, they agreed to
effect that the weather there is much way. Matters pertaining to the wel­ lay aside their differences for the nov­ Dr. Hodge of the U. of O., was very
warmer than in the valley. The col­ fare and improvement of the school el purpose of discovering how much good.
Parent« are asked to attend M it
dest it hag been at the John Moe are always discussed and all parents good fel'owship there was in meeting
homestead is only 26 degrees above and others interested are urged tj together, now and then, us equals, as affords us some of the opportunities
enjoyed by the University. The next
attend and join the association.
In the democracy of play, in the ore to be given will be in January, but
Miss Gertrude Martin went to Sa­
it is not yet decided which one it will
The sheriff dared not or would not
lem Thursday to spend the day with were elected to membership, after democracy of frank, fair discussion of be, but it it certain it will be worth
which tiie ladies enjoyed a social hour public questions, they are finding out,
Hosmer send anti-Ronian articles
over a dish of Mexican Chili - Can- these differing men of Belleville, that, your while.
to The Silverton Journal. WoulJ u
On Wednesday afternoon the grades
Miss Leda Henderson who wields Carne, after which they were ready to as human beings, they’re amazingly
priest of Mt. Angel, if in jail (was
the scepter at the Evans Valley enjoy the cold weather which is un­ alike, once you get below the surface. from the 4th to the 8th inclusive, will
one ever in our county jail?) be al­
attend an illustrated lecture on “Chil­
School went to her home in Salem usual here. The uext meeting will be
lowed to semi anti-heretic literature to
And out of this agreeable discovery I
Thursday to spend Christmas under at the school house Friday, January will come, for Belleville, more toler­ dren’s Gardens" which will be given
the St. Joseph Blatt?
Do good
the home roof.
/th, at 2:30 P. M.
Catholic crimínala go to jail, or is
ance, more kindliness of feeling, more in the Operu House by an instructor
from the Oregon Agricultural College.
the affair hushed up in thia county?
give and take than it had ever know
Mrs. F. Hcstetter and son were
Whut about the Woodburn Sodomite?
oefore. Evon when they shall differ
passengers for Corvallis Thursday
Patriots awake!
morning to spend the holiday vaca­
Church services as usual Sunday again—and, of course, they often will
tion with friends.
morning. Bible School at 10, Preach­
Miss Martha Horrem, teacher in ing at 11. Christian Endeavor at 6:30 as much bigotry, as much mean hate ed in the Norwegian language Christ­
mas Day at 11 o'clock. The choir will
the Parochial School, will spend P. M. Special sermon at 7:30 with as of yore.
It’s a wonderful solvent, is brotlier- render a Christmas cantata. Come and
Christmas with her cousins at Tingle- special music by the choir.
Christmas Excrcisic» for the Bible nuoti, and it will 'ooner or later de-. join us in woi hiping the Christ-child.
suroy our differences.
On Saturday, December 26th, at
Mrs. Ada Eastman left for Portland School will be held Sunday Evening.
one o’c'ock we will have our Christmas
Thur-day, where she will spend a
Tree Festival, when a program will be
couple weeks with her daughter and
“The farmer of today is entirely
re idered by the children, choir and
family, Mrs. Adamson Sletig.
The Basket Social given at the different from the farmer of yester­ young people of the church. An offer­
Mr. and Mrs. Barkhurst and chil- Abiqua School Saturday closed with day,” said Secretary C. N. Mcllvaine, ing will be taken for our Orphan
dicn are enjoying the Christmas cheer sp endid success. A very good prog­ of the South Dakota State hair, “and Home al Packard, V.’. h. All are wel­
at the home of Mr. Barkhurst’s mother ram was given. The baskets sold as 1 really believe tnat the country news­ come to these services.
in Portland and will also visit a sister high as «ould be expected and a sum papers have been the greatest aid to
Friday, December 18, the Parochial
Our Circuit Court denied Hosmer time
of Mrs. Barkhurst. Mrs. Madding, of $34.85 was recei ved which the di­ tne farmer ami mane them what they School c'osed for a two weeks Christ­
to get Ills chief witness even though
before their return.
mas vacation. The children surprised
there were many affidavits to show
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Corkle and and to build a shed for the pupils to er way to get an education than to read their teacher by serving a warm lunch
she had been intimiaited and that
children were enroute for Portland p'ay in during the rainy and cold
at noon. In the after on a short
the defendant, through no fault of his
T1 ursday morning to visit at the
piogram wa8 rendered, after which
own, did not know where the witness
E. T. Smith is visiting liis sister co him like a long lost friend. It just the children were treated to pop corn
homes of their respective parents.
was. Other important and very evi­
me, wnen 1 read my home
The Arthur Hobart. H. A. Brant and
and candy by their teacher, and they
rights were denied and he was
Mr. and Mrs. B. Town and Miss Eva paper, as though 1 was shaking hands in turn presented their teacher with
Roscoe Langley families will meet at
without any real tria'.
with a chum. 1 think the articles writ-
S. F. Hobart’s for a good old fashioned Dicken called on W. H. Rufles Fri-
a fountain pen. About 26 children
Would any Catholic priest 1 avo been
ten by Peter Radford have done more
day ev-nir.g.
family reunion on Christmas day.
have been regularly attending the
used in this high handed manner?
The Abiqua School received a re- for the farmer than any series of ar-
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Egan were pas­ ward for gcod attendano« which aver- tie'es 1 have ever read. Have you read school this season. Some more are
Our Supreme Court unjustly did just
expected aftei Christmas.
as the Romans wanted them to do.
sengers for Dundee Thursday, where aged 96 per cent.
nis article on ‘Politicad Preachers '.’’—
How many high officials in this state
they will visit with Mrs. Egan’s par­
Lt is ore of the best he ever wrote.
Rev. A. O. White has been very
are Romans among the Romans,, but
ents, Mr- and Mrs. A. B. Bower and
Every farmer and every farmer's wife sick ince Saturday, but much better
anti-Catholic among the Protestants?
fresh at 11:30 A. M. and 5 P. M. each should read it. It’s great.”
at the pre-i-nt writing.
Oregon Patriots munt organize or
Mrs. Anna Foster and daughter day at Roger’s Grocery.
A number of the girls from the
Americanism will die and Romanism
Harriet of Corvallis are the gat sts
Ralph Adams, Agent.
Christian Sunday School met at Mrs.
will rule with an Iron hand.
of Miss Esther Hines during the Holi­
We are doing a superior line of C. M. Wray’s Tuesday evening to
printing in our job department just make s-cks for the Christmas Candy.
Mrs. W. Bailey and children came Furnished Housekeeping Rooms, Call now and our sale bills are the talk of
Little Evelyn Lais was quite sick
T‘ ursday to spend the holidays at at Journal Offiae.
the county. Week before last we got the first of the week and unable to
M’_. E. Hains.
out an order of bills for a farmer a’te d school.
So long as the Catholic Church north of town and they were so at­
There will be a vacation of
Ir. and Mrs. Brun will enjoy a visit
at the home of their daughter, Mrs. ho' 's to the doctrine of God-ordained tractive and nifty that he couldn’t be­ weeks at the Parcchial School.
Van Epps in Portland from Thursday universal Monarchy under a Pope, her gin to take care of the crowds that
Miss Alida Digerness left for
of this week till the end of the year. Hierarchs should be disfranchised in flocked to the sale. After getting the gene Wednesday morning for a
Mrs. O. E. Hatteberg came in from this country. They have no right to to price for every animal, implement weeks’ visit with frie.nds at that place.
Mrs. F. Dury and sister, Miss Lou­
Tinglestead Station Wednesday to do political privileges in a government and article on the bill, the auctioneer
Helming, who has been making
simply could l’t stop. The people just
he.- Christmas shopping.
• • •
home here the past few weeks,
The R. S. Chandler family will par-
Giovanni Bonzano Papal legate at
President of thue United
take of Christmas cheer with Mr. Washington, represents a species of the hope f driving them away, put were north bound passengers Wednes­
up his mother-in-law. She brought day merning, going to spend the holi­
States is in danger of being aasassin-
politics that -’s everywhere destructive
days with the home folks at Trout­
».ted. Why? He has dared at last to
Harry Sprague went to Portland to Eberty. He should be given his $160 on the hoof. Then he effered his dale, Orc. They were acompar.icd by
refuse to obey Rome’« demands. WUl
on Saturday of last week for an over “wa’king papers,” or be quarantined.
ship between two old neighbors was Misg Edith Holm also of Troutdale,
Rcosevelt be ou» next President? He
Sunday visit with his sister and fam­
• • •
shattered as each tried to outbid the who will remain there indefinitely.
is indorsed by the priesthood. Why .’
ily, Mrs. C. C. Johnston.
From the daily reports one would other. It wag finally knocked down
E. H. Ellingsworth, the hustlng
Were the priests and nuns kilted in
Thos. Lusk wag a passenger on the conclude that the holy priests ar'; the t-» the richer man who was promptly traveling salesman fcr the Rawleigh
inrocent or were they trai­
7.20 north bound train Wednesday only religous cousolers i* the battle knocked d wn by the poorer. He sold products, with his wife and daughter
tors? Arc they traitors in the United
morning .
fields of France and Belgium. Their the weeds along the roadside. He sold were Wednesday morning passengers
Stites? Should we kill Villa or should
Miss Elizabeth Bigler accompanied bravery and pious activity and ab­ a gold Lrick that he bought in Chicago for Portland en route for Camas,
we bring the traitors in this country
Nellie Kinser to Scotts Mills Saturday solution stunts are played up in grand during the World’s Fair. He sold the Wash., for a week end visit with his
t justice? Who will say, and who
to be in attendance at the funeral of style. The McAll Mission Philadel­ ruts in the road in front of his place mother, Mrs. Frank Welch.
should be entitled to say, “Sic semper
Nellie’s grandmother whose tragic phia, reports 200 Protestant ministers and then offered to sell the secret of
Hazel Hartman entertained a bunch
death is recorded in another column. at the front, and 80 more to go soon; where he had the sale bills printed. of her girl friends last Saturday even­
The Jay Myers and Frank Syring but such as these do not got the ad­ We cannot give the results as the re­ ing. The occasion being to celebrate
families will spend Christmas at the vertising.
turns are not all in. They are bidding her 10th birthday. A lovely lunch
• • •
Conkey home in Portland, parents of
yet. That's the kind of sale bills we was served by her grandmother, Mrs.
The Pope asked the powers at war print. Give us a call.
Cobb, assisted by Miss Madsen, which
Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Syring.
to lay eff during the Christmas fes­
was enjoyed by all. At 8:30 they
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downs of
There was a certain institution in wished Hazel many happy returns of
tivities. His request was turned down,
Portland are guests at the J. M.
but he got advertised, which probably which were lodged a large number of the day and wended their way home­
Brown home and made The Journal a
girls and women. From a considerable ward.
answeaed his purpose.
pleasant call.
pa-t of this institution the public was
Miss Jennie Hartman of Scotts
“What is it to you or me if there ngidly excluded, — except a certain
Mills will Le among the guests at the arc 6,000 priests and nuns in Havana favored class of bachelors who might
Charles Hartman home on Christmas who have fled Mexico? While we are always freely mingle with the inmates.
Day before yesterday a perfectly
lady called us up and with tears
sorry for Havanna and Cuba, we have This
J. E. Hosmer, the heretic, is in Sil­ equal reason to congratulate Mexico place for this class of bachelors who i her voi e reproved us for not men­
verton on a visit.
o"er her riddance of the rubbish, as lived at other places. It was under- tioning the fact that she had had a
man WI4AT
well as the United States over having stood that liquors of all kinds were friend visiting her last week. We told
m ssed that much of the plague.” — kept on hand; that there were ban­ her that she had not let us know
The death of Clyde Phillipi occurred
quets and drunken orgies in which anything about it and that therefore,
on Monday morning December 21, at
the bachelors and inmates participat­ we did not kn«w that she had a visi­
his home in Scio, Ore., at the age of
tor. Then she said, “Well, you should
Not a Senator or Congressman this ed. It was even thought probable th
thirty-five years. Deceased was born
have known. I thought you were run­
year a'tended the Thanksgiving “Pan.
near Albany, Oregon, on September
ning a newspaper.” Wouldn’t that
will and unlawfully, and for purpo
Ar erican Mess.”
30, 1879.
not compatible with good moral order. rattle your s'ats? Some people think
On April 3, 1901, he was married
President Wilson says, “I am dis­ So, in the exercise of the authority that an editor ought to be a cross
to Miss Ella Adamson, who only tressed that our Catholic fellow-citi­ vested in his office, the Governor with between Argus and Anna Eva Fay.
lived until October 21st of the same zens do not more fully realize how a squad of the State militia appeared They seem to think that our five sen­
year. Later he married Miss Theresa freqeunt and serious our attempts suddenly at this institution to make ses are augmented by a sixth that lets
Hutton, who with one child survives have been to act in the interest of a examination. They went through us know everything that happens,
their people in Mexico.” Bless his every part of it from garret to base­ even if we see, hear, feel, taste or
Clyde Phillipi was a well knows tender old soul, he needn’t be distress­ ment; opened all the closets in which sme’l it not. Dear lady, ediitors are
business man of Silverton for a num­ ed about a little thing like that! He girls were locked for “disciplina;” re­ only human or at least, almost human.
ber of years and much respected by couldn’t satisfy that bunch of bach­ leased the victims who were being tor­ If you have a friend visiting you, if
all who knew him, and his death elors short of sending our army and tured in “doing penance;” unlocked you are going away, or have returned
Th« above resurrection is for the purpose
ca-'ses a feeling of sadness in the navy to force that country back under the cells and dungeons and let out from a visit out of town, if Johnny
hearts of his friends here. Among the despotic yoke of the Hierarchy,— those who hail offended the bachelors, falls and breaks his arm, if your hus-
you how many little booklets of cartoons with write-ups,
those who attended the funeral from reconvert it to Romanism by fire and or the female managers; interviewed ba d chops his toe instead of a stick
Silverton were Everet Philippi, broth­ sword.
the inma'es separately to ascertain of wood, if anything happens that which have appeared in the Journal, we could sell at 25
er of the deceased, Miles Adamson,
whether they were being held against makes you g'ad or sad, happy or mad, cent« each. Suppose we get up a neat, little book with
Mrs. T. A. Hutton and son, and
The Spiritualists are always de- their wish; bioko into the arsenal and call us up. Tell us about it. That’s
Dvzight Misener, who went to pay monstrating their ghostology by seized the guns and carried them away the way to get it in the paper.
tasty colored cover. How many will purchase? These
their last respects to a friend.
showing up the spirits. Why not the as prima facie evidence of traitorous
The funeral was held at Scio on priests demonstrate their transsub­ designs. No, no! The Governor did
WANTED — Party to sell fresh booklets would be fine to set people thinking, and that
Wednesday of this week and conducted stantiation by having the "sacred not do thet. This is only a dream. Columbia River Smelts.
is what we want Write to The Silverton Journal,
by Rev. McClaine pastor of the church host” repeat the Sermon on the It was a road-house somewhere he
Melburn & Swanson,
at that place.
2 Union Ave.
Portland, Ore. Silverton, Oregon.
mount ?
looked after.
Advertise in The Silver-.on Journal.
It has a large circulation here in Sil­
verton, on the rural routes and in
every state, in the Union. The Rum
boycott is a thing of the past and the
Roman boycott is a big blurt. Shake
yourselves free and get our prices on
a year's contract.
LOST — Black Shepherd Dog with
snort tail, and scar on his ncse. Finder
will please notify John Helm.
Star Route Johnson Bx.
Silverton, Orc.