The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, December 25, 1914, Image 1

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T he S ilverton ¡J ournal
---------------------------------------- ■----------------------------------------------------------------- _----------------------------------------------------- ;------------------------------------- P 1_________________________________
No. 8.
By L. D. Ratliff
In the early duya of the Roman
Church in England the faaling requir­
ed by u prieat for “penance" could be
performed by u hired deputy.
• • •
Sixty yean ago according to Sey-
incur'« "E ening with the Koniaiuate,"
there were running in Rome full blast
a system of “privileged altars" where
maaoc.i were sold al 40 cents apiece,
and each ma's guaranteed to fetch a
soul from purgatory. Reynolds bought
one lor himself ami toofc the receipt
for it
if any fact cun be established by
. human languuge, H um fact is estab-
P Imbed, That the Roman Catholic
church, by her constitution and her
laws, is an enemy to popular govern­
ment. brom this fact it logically and
necessarily follows that the order of
the Knights of Columbus, by its fidel­
ity to the Roman Catholic Church, is
a'so an enemy to popular government.
Robert Mon lug ue, Catholic member of
the English Parliament, said, “To be
Catholic with the Hope, and to be lib­
eral wita the government, are contra-
di'-tory characters; they cannot crust
in the satre subject."
• • •
The U. S. Ccnatitution says, "Nei­
ther slavery nor involuntary sc»ii-
tude, except for puiushment for crime,
wacreof l*
l e pally aiiall have been
duly convicted, shxl exist within the
United States.” Cut out the ecclesias­
tical slave peas.
• • •
1 ho pi t two years over >42,000
o* public money have been paid to
Cal die institutions in Orcgun.
• • •
. According to the CaUicHc Sentinel
“ ti.are aro in the world 16,894 Jesuits.
Of this number 2676 ure in the U. S.
and pos-«salons. If these figures arc
correct, we should judge from ll e
amount of devilment tnesc people have
done that each one pos.Msses a whole
army of devils.
“Why did the Catholic priests u
biahop^befors Luther's time not pei-
mit tiic peo de to have the Bible?"
A Catholic paper in response, says,
"Before Protestantism there were
more than twsnty translation* of the
Bible in most of the model I. lan­
guages." Of course, this does not meet
the point. The answer is found in an
act of a Catholic Council held A. D.
1229 which prohibited laymen to bav<
the Bible and forbade rts translation.
In 1380 Wycliffe, an English priest,
gave his countrymen the Bible when
'the clergy stirred uu the people, and
the priest had To flee to the Duke of
Lancaster for protection. After he
was dead he wus tried and condemned
as a “Notorious and pertinacious here,
tic,” and the Council of Constance
an^tham-'zed him and condemned his
memory. In March 1864 Pope I’ius IV
confirmed the act of the Council of
Trent which prohibited the reading of1
the Biblcr except by a special license
frem the I ¡shop.
In the recent election in eight states
where the Democratic party and the
Roman Hierarchy were allied, they got
it “in the neck.”
Woodburn, Mt. Angel and Silverton
are imilarly situated. They have the
rain and sunshine and inspiring cli­
mate alike, and each is looking out
upo a world moving upward to better
things. But, at the recent election,
Woodburn with a vote of 404 gave
a Dry majority of 130.
Silverton with a vote of 598 gave
a Dry majority of 104.
Mt. Angel with a vote of 272 gave
a Wet majority of 206.
Can anybody give a reason for the
difference in attitude toward the sa­
loon? Mt. Angel is dominated by the
Roman Catholic system; me other two
towns are non-Catholic. Does that ex­
plain it? The Catholic Church claims
to ba the world’s only enlightener.
In Informat’on Department o.’ the
American Socialist appears the fol­
“Question: Can a Roman Catholic
be President of the United States?
Answer: Yes.”
I doubt it.
The Romanized Criminal College of Marion County has Turned Out Another Grad­
uate—The Editor Took a “Special Course”, and a Prominent Attorney Con­
ferred Upon Him the Title of “Dead Game Sport”—He Wishes Everybody a
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and Claims to have “Malice To­
ward None and Charity for all”, but that His Fight Against Priestcraft has
Just Begun—With Renewed energy, He takes Charge of The Silverton
Journal Next Week—His Challenge to the Hierarchy Follows:
The greatest object in every human I kame sport” by giving them another i but I would rather die than submit
life ought to be to help bring "peace whack at me. I will print the affidavit i myself any more to their licentious
on earth and good will to men,” and, again, right here, on this page, and treatment. When 1 first entered the
convent 1 supposed 1 waa giving my­
ir th s age of the world, one must j defy them to take it up 1 The twenty
self into a life of consecration and
io order to "make good” prove page booklet, entitled “The Escaped service f r my Master. But after I
himself to be what is known as Nun From Mt. Angel or The Last took the olack veil they told me
a "dead game sport.” 1 want to “make Stand of Desperate Despotism," which plainly that 1 was to be to the priests
good,“ and, after reuduig this article, contained this affidavit and on which what the concubines were to Solomon
and David and other men of old Bible
our reader, will please me very much the criminal libel suit was based, I
times. They forced me to do this.
if each and every one will write me he.eby advertise for sale. The price Many a time I have cried out in my
a letter expressing hi or her opinion ' is ten cents per copy, but, for the misery, ’My God, my God, why hast
of my success or of my failure. If 1 next thirty days, 1 will sell them at thou forsaken me.’ 1 came to you for
have not proven my point, kindly tell half price, five cents per copy.
refuge, hoping that you would help
Now, you old beast, get ready foi »
me just what you liunU 1 have done.
me and assist me in returning to my
To be locked up in prison for one scrap. Get your Kelleys and year friends. I have parents and other rel.
I undred days 1« an awful tuing. If I lawyer criminals and your coward r.tivua in t* e East, but I do not dare
were guilty I w uld say nothing, but politicians and your daddy Moores and to return to them, as the first time 1
1 urn not guilty. The Utidavit sworn your more daddies and your maiden escaped 1 took refuge with them and
to by the Christian minister ct al. i* sisters together, and, after reading their houses were burned down over
true, us is also the story of Miss La- a chapter from Father Crowley’s great their heads.”
sanen contained therein. Not only book, sprinkling a little holy waler,
After listening to her story we
thia, but if it were uot truo, it was making a few signs of the cross, say­
asked her if she would object if we
absurd to convict me for Libeling ing some hell Marys and taking a few
asked her some personal questions.
Josephine Hess, a woman whom 1 had drinks of bug juice, plan how best to
She replied: “I will answer them for
never scon, and of whom 1 had never
but if the Catholics find out that
cheek. Here is your chance!
I have told you anything they will per­
1 was not fairly convicted, but was
secute and lull me. At one time
rr.droaded to conviction and to jail
I was poisoned by the Catholics and
oocause of the downright perfidy of
Silverton, Oregon, July 19, 1913.
nearly died. The doctors who saved
On Thursday night, June 26, 1913,
my prosecutors. My highly recom­
my life told me I was poisoned but
mends I chief attorney proved a trai­ at about 7:50 o’clock, a nun, dressed in
they did not make it known for fear
tor ui the hierarchy’s employ. He full robe, from the convent at Mt.
of persecution by the Catholics.”
insulted ar.d lied to my chief witness Angel came to the Christian church
Mr. Myers: “Are the nuns who have
and prevented her attendance at the and enquired for the pastor. The pas­
the white veil only forced into
trial. The judge who is either a Cath­ tor, answering her call, was told by­
ode or politically Romunncd, favored said nun that she was fleeing for ref­ prostitution?”
Nun: “No. Until I took the black
tl>c Hierarchy all the way through. uge from the said convent. The pas­
The politically Romanized supreme tor told her to secrete herself in the veil I was happy in my choice -f life
court would not even give me a re­ basement of the church until the ser­ and supposed 1 was giving my life to
hearing and when 1 was locked up vices were over, when he would inter­ a holy cause.”
my business was actually ruined by est himsef in her behalf. After the
Mr. Myers: “What do they do after
the politically Romanized sheriff who services, in the presc ice of Mrs. H. you have ts.ken the black veil?”
refused to allow me to send any anti­ C. Seymour, of Dallas, Oregon; Mr.
Nun: “Many things too horrible te
Catholic copy to my paper.
and Mrs. C. W. Reynolds, of Eugene. relate.”
The reasons 1 went to jail were, Oregon; Miss Grace Young, of Eu­
Mrs. Seymour: “Are there any chil­
First, 1 did not have the money to gene, Oregon, and Mr- Leon L. Myers, dren born to the nuns by the priests ?”
p-xy the fine; Second, while 1 could pa-tor of the Christian church at Sil­
Nun: “Yes; many of them.”
have sccu.-cd the money from my verton, Oregon, she told the following
Mrs. Seymour: “What do they do
friends, 1 felt that the payment of the story:
with them T”
line would be something like acknowl­
She gave her name as Miss La-
Nun: Many of them are murdered
edging gui’t; Third, paying a fine is sanen, and her sister name as Mary at birth, while many others are sent
the rich man’s method of escape from Louise. “About six months ago,” said to the Catholics’ orphan homes and
the penalties of crime, anil usually the she, “having previously escaped from there trained up to become nuns and
poor are our only citizens who are a convent in the East, I was kidnapped priests.”
really punished. This dastardly meth, while walkr g from my place of work
Mr. Myers: “Are there many Prot­
od of a false system I wished to em­ to my home, on the streets of Port­ estant children attending the Cath­
phasize; and Fourth, by >,oing to jail, land, and ‘aken as a prisoner and con­ olics’ schools?”
I thought that 1 could write my r
fined in the convent at Mt. Angel,
Nun: “Y&>; about half of the chil­
tides which would help our cause Oregon. Whi'e there I was forced to dren are Protestants. It made my
more than anything else, for, the un- do all manner of servile work as a heart ache to see so many children
U4ual condition would attract many Pvnance for my sins. I was abused from Protestant homes whose parents
mor.' raders, ar.d the writer would be by the priests and Mother Superior "were unaware of the awful risk they
inspired with thoughts, anil helped by from time to time. Tonight the were taking."
conditions, to write better against the priests from many parts of the Valley
The nun then stated that at Mt.
aw*ul enemies of our American lib­ have gathered themselves at Mt. An­ Angel, in the public school of that
erty. From childhood I had a hor­ gel and are holding a drunken orgy. place. Sister Margaret and Sister Jo-
ror of the disgrace of going to jail, Their unmentionable treatment of my­ hannah Baptist taught in their relig-
but I concluded it was for ths Lect. self and other nuns who have taken eous garbs in the school room, and
However, I was seemingly "knocked the black veil became unendurable to also teught Roman Catholic doctrine
clear ov^r the ropes;” but here I am me. I made my escape while they after school hours from the catechism.
back again. And new as the good were engaged in the evening meal. I
She stated that she knew positively
pr'esthood has seen fit to smite me on know if they catch me this time they that the Roman Catholics had as their
t?.o right Check, I will turn the other will murder me. I have known sev­ ffim to secure the control of the Unit­
alco. I will prove that I’m a “dead eral nuns to be murdered in this way, ed States government, especially since
Christmas, Christmas everywhere,
Christmas carols in the air;
I^et us tell you if we can,
What it means to the Journal Man.
Home again, and here to stay,
To wield his pencil every day,
Against the tyrant Roman clan.
That’* what it means to the Journal
Free once more to walk the street;
Free to talk to those he meets;
Free to write just what he thinks;
And not ; ass it up to another ghinks.
To fight again the mighty Pope;
Wage war against the Catholic dope;
HUp right the wrongs, lay low the
That’s forging onward every hour.
To fight, to win, let come what may,
He’s started in and here to stay
they had lost their foothold in the gov. To let you know just where we stand,
emmenta of Europe.
That’s what it means to the Journal
By a Friend.
County of Marion
We, Leon Myers, C. W. Reynolds,
Sadie Reynolds and Grace Young,
If I had the pen of a Carlyle or
first being duly sworn, depose and Stead, the power of expression as had
say that the statements by Miss La- Ingersoll or Lincoln, I would write of
sanen (sister name, Mary Louise) J. E. Hosmer as be is deserving. I
were made to us as above stated,
would make plain on the mile post of
progress that Hosmer has paid the
(Signatures) LEON MYERS,
price for principle <a behalf of a suf­
fering people by turning on the light
of trut' , thinking that the oppressed
of earth would see and understand,
Subscribed and sworn to befors me, why they are held by chains of super­
a Notary Public for Oregon, this 19th stition more firmly than could be
done by chains of steel.
day of July, 1913.
Little difference does it make, who
Notary Public for Oregon. writes, but the name “J. E. Hosmer”
will live in future history as one who
dared to question ecclesiasti-al au­
thority over the lives of men, women
and children; as an exposer of colossal
For the next 30 days I will 4 fakers, whenever and wherever they
> »ell the booklet, “The Escaped J might be found.
He has endeavored and In some
Nun from Mt. Angel or The <1
Last Stand of Desperate Deapo- <4 measure succeeded in casting a ray of
light into that world of ignorance,
> tism,” at my office in Silverton, < superstition and darkness, that is
> Oregon, at half price, 5 cents < challenging every foot of human prog­
>• per copy. Send in your orders •< ress, as it has done in every instance
of the past.
>• early and avoid the ruah.
If the true spirit of freedom is not
4 dead, if the human race has not start­
¡L-—-ivr -fr- 4* rfr
ed that backward march, if civiliza­
Now I believe this affidavit and this tion has a firm hold in the world’s rev­
little booklet tell the truth; I believe olutionary stages then the persecution
that I can prave it, “and then some,” suffered, the incarceration behind
if I am given a chance, and I believe those iron bars have not been in vain,
that it will be for the great benefit and Hornier Is one of nature’s noble­
of the wor'd, if the truth is made men, willingly sacrificing his person­
know-, so that the time will speedily al freedom, thereby proving true to
com“, when law abiding citizens will principle for the good of the human
not be forced to spend their lives in race.
Unless it be death what greater
prison while guilty rapists, sodomites,
swindlers, white slavers and trait-ire sacrifice can man make for a cause or
to our form of government walk our principle? At this place I would say
streets in perfect security. In fact, that: “He who would not free
this is not a personal concern. As far others, would not be free and is not
as I am personally concerned, I do deserving of freedom in any form."
Sometime we shall have a world
not care «nether our readers think
I am a “dead game sport” or not, or without a slave, wherein man is free
whether the Romans take America or from superstitious dogmas and econ­
not, and while we ought to keep The omic oppression.
But that shall not be until man has
Silverton Journal afloat because of
up in his full light and proved
the good it may do, yet I know, from
a selfish standpoint it would be better himself a worth to the world; when
for me to “go back and sit down” that day shall have come, the name
with my little business of smilingly of J. E. Hosmer will not be among
gathering in the dollars with no fear the least.
of boycott, fines or prison bars. But
this I will not do. Life is too short
The Soc’ety of the Jesuits is a
to waste on trifles. There is work of
sword whose handle is at Rome, and
world wide importance to be done.
its point everywhere. — F. Dupin.
Somebody must do it and therefore
A Jesuit may be briefly described as
somebody must try. Therefore, with
an empty suit of clothes with another
my brave Frankie “Frau” still on
person living in them who acts for
deck holding the star spangled ban­
him, thinka for him, derides for him,
ner to the breeze, I will again take
whether he shall be a prince or a beg­
command of our little craft and steer
gar, and moves him about wheresoever
straight into the teeth of the storm.
he pka»es; who allows him to exhibit
Ho, there! Clear the deck for action!
the external aspect of a man, but
leaves him none of the privileges —
no liberty, no property, no affection,
not even the power to refuse obedience
when ordered to commit the most
atrocious of crimes; for, the more he
outrages his own feelings, the greater
his merits. Obedience to the Superior
is his only idea of virtue, and in all
other respects he is a mere image.—
Not till these late centuries had the
human soul generated the abomination
of Jesuitism, or needed to name it.—
It has done such deadly execution on
the soul of man, and wrought such
havoc on the terrestrial and super­
natural interests of this world as to
insure the Jesuitism a long memory
in human annals. — Carlyl*.
The European War and the Mexican War are only part
of the great World War between Kingcraft and Priestcraft
on one side, and a Government by and for the people on the
other. The Silverton Journal is in the fight on the side of
democracy. In order to make a good fight we need your