I SCHOOL NOTES Ye editor-in-chief was a Salem cal- M \TER1AI.LST8 CHALLENGE FRESHMEN RETURN RECEPTION COMMON WEALTH SESSION Iler last Friday, going over on the PHELPS TO SOPHOMORES SPEAKERS ARK ARRANGED 8:00 P. M. passenger and returning via Last Wednesday Mr. F. E. Cal I Is ter The Materialists of Silverton hereby Last Friday, on December 4, the ! Woodburn at 8:15 in the . vening. challenge Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps to Diacusatona of Unemployment, State Freshman Class gave their return re­ gave the first of u series of lectures Mrs. Chas. Hartman came in from meet Edward A. Cantrell of Portland ception to Sophomores at W. O. W. to be given at the High School every Administration, and Hydro-Electric , Scotts Mills Wednesday to spend the in debate. Hall. At 7:30 the Cluss began to two weeks, lie tulked on the banking Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Maupin and their Districts, Come Dec. 10-12, Question: gather with hands well tilled with business and it was very much enjoyed little son Hale, of Woodburn, spent j day in the city. by th* school. Judging from the first MATERIALISM vs. THEISM. refreshments for the evening. Saturday and Sunday at the home of ’ The Mizpah Circle will meet at Mr*. Governor-elect James Withycombe, lecture the pupils will have something R. S. ComstH'k’s next Wednesday af­ As the Sophomores gathered, they Dr. A. F. Blackerby. The place of debate is at Silverton. various state officials, members of the to look forwurd to. were met at the door by the re- Mrs. Grace Seism, daughter of Mr. ternoon, then will adjourn until after The time of debate this month. incoming legislature, social service | ception committee of boys and girls, Monday night ten of the High School the holidays. and Mrs. Frank Webb, came the firs' Expenses are to be paid by an ad­ workers and representatives of numer­ I taken to the coat rooms and met by boys tried for the state debating Mrs. Tom Booth suffered a relapse mission fee to the hall. of this week from Nampa, Ida., and ous other elements are on the Program the wrap committee. After wraps league, The talks were good and the w>th hep family will make their home Sunday and was quite ill again the first of the first apodal session of the state were disposed of, they were Invited delivery excellent. Mr. Ross, Rev. Materialists of Silverton. of the week. if Silverton. Commonwealth Conference on Legis­ j into the main hall, which had been Browne and Mr. Conk le the judges, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Whitlock and Miss E. L. Hines visited Portland lative Problems, which will lie called beautifully decorated in cluss colors, decided upon the following for the Louise spent Wednesday at theCapital Wednesday. to order by Dr. Withycombe in Villard penanta, fern, Oregon grape and teams. OBITUARY Hall, University of Oregon, Thursday flowers. Thursday night will be Initiation City, returning on the evening pas­ Affirmative: Earl Adams, Alfred morning, December 10. The Confer­ Night at the Rebekahs, Tryphena Re­ senger. Music, singing and numerous gumes Adams, William Sandal and Oral Pal- William Henry Eisenhart was born J. Myers is in Portland this ence will last until Saturday nignt, were indulged in until 10 o’clock. The bekah Lodge. near Baltimore, Md., August 11, 1834, mat ier. Mr. J. M. Madsen was reported quite week on business, going Wednesday and passed away at the home of his December 12, and will take up these president of the Freshman Class asked Negative: Carl Moser, Alvin Hobart. and planning or staying two or three three principal problems: Unemploy­ sick the first of this 1 week. that a march be played. The Soph­ Duvall Wolfurd and Caspar Taw. daughter. Mrs. C. L. Page, on Mon­ days. ment; reorganization of the stute ad­ omores were invited to fall in line, day, December 7, at 2 o’clock after­ Mrs. Joe Lais with L little Otto and The Freshmen entertained the Soph­ ministration; hydro-electric district«. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McNeal of Port­ noon. president to lead; the Freshmen would Oliver spent Sunday with the home The set speakers on unemployment line in rear. And all marched down omores Friday night at the W. O. W. land came to Silverton Tuesday to take The first seven years of his life were folks at Mt. Angel. Hall. The evening was spent with pictures of the school, but found they passed at his birth place, then with are these: to Banquet Hall, where table? were Mr. W. W. Moore, the Sales Pro­ were too late as they were taken a Joseph May per, a counselor of the ladened with sandwiches, pickles, ol­ music and games with a delicious sup­ his parents moved to St. Joseph, Mo., North American Civic League for Im­ ives, sulad and cakes. Punch was also per to finish upon. moter at the Bentson store, hails from couple weeks ago. so returned home staying there until he was 16 years All who were found prowling around migrants, 95 Madison avenue, New l'oruanu and w*s truly the right man Wednesday afternoon. served, Misses Marjory Bitches and the hall were treated with a hot show­ old. when he crossed the plains with York; A. H. Grout, labor commissioner in the right place as he kept things O. C. and Chester Ralston left Wed­ an ox team, arriving October 19. 1834. Esther Haloway presiding at bowl. moving from start to mush. nesday afternoon for Portland, where at Silverton O:e., and has lived in this of Seattle; A. H. Harris, Portland, At 11 o’clock all went to their respec­ er bath. Monday night the High School or­ former editor of the Labor Press, and Some very nice prizes were given they w 11 take a course of instructions tive homes, expressing themselves as ganized a Student Body to raise the A vicinity ever since. Charles James. Berkeley, Cal., a Cal­ and a big rush was on all day. This in automobile driving. having had the “best time ever.” On February 13, 186!, he was mar- much needed money for the year’s ifornia social worker. The labor and sale will continue till the holidays. The chuprons of the evening were: work. This is the first time that the The word was received last week rid to Mias 1” ertsa Harlin. and to this employment boards and commissions F. E. Wray went to Mt. Angel Wed. that there would be nothing doing at union were born eleven children, five Mrs. Nelson. Mrs. J. P. Dome, Mt 8. school has trip! this plan for several of this state will nearly all be rei>-, T. W. Ritchea and Mr Hol.art. nesday to distribute bills for his sale the Silver Falls lumber Camp till of whom, with the mother, have pro­ years, but it looks like a great success resented, however. to come off soon. March 1st, when they will begin re­ ceeded him to the other side. Those at present. Mr. Moser was chosen The set speakers in hydro-electric Mr. and Mis. G. I. Barr are rejoicing pairing and prepare for business later. living are: Mrs Julia Hutton, Mrs. problems are: AGRICI Li l RAL COLLEGE TO preident; Mr. Samlet vice-president; The Roy Miller family are moving Maude Page, R. L. Eisenhart, W. C. over the arrival of a baby girl at their ami Nellie Porter, secretary. H. B. Miller, Portland, direct r of the TOUR STATE th Rainier, Wash., where they will re­ Eisenhart and A. F. Eisenhart, all re-1 home the past week. Mr. Smith, the County Superintend­ University of Oregon school of com Portland, Ore., December 8, 1914. siding in and near Silverton. There main permanently. merce; John McCourt, Portland, for­ (Special) — As a great many farmer, ent, is visiting with the school. From I.ttle Francis Andrews has been The ladies of the Mizpah Circle are also ten grand children and one mer United States district attorney quite sick the past twj weeks, but re­ of Oregon find it impossible to attend all appearances everything is prog­ wish to thank all who so generously great grand child. A Student. for Oregon; Charles E. Warner, Port­ the short sessions of the O. A. C. al ressing nicely. ported much better at the present One brother,Christopher Eisenl art. helped out at the Sale and Fair last writing. land. consulting civil engineer; W. 11. | Corvallis, school will be loaded upon week. It was a success in every way of Stayton, is still living. Crawford, superintendent for Charles a special train und taken over the Mrs. George Burch who has be-jn Mr- Eisenhart was a very kind and "OUR HOLY LORD GOD — THE and the good things to eat were in st;., ng in Silverton since the baby girl “■uch demand, there would have been loving father, and leaves many friends C. Moore & Co., engineers; J. L. White, state in order to distribute important POPE" Albany, manager of the Oregon Power instruction ulmost at the farmer's door, came, went to her horn? on Tuesday of much more sold, had they have had who feel the deepest sympathy for company; Porter J. Nett, Medford; W. Continued from First I'age. th«s week. i'he first se- sions of this traveling those who are called to mourn. an extra supply. D. B. Dobson, Portland chamber of school will be held al Molaliu and Today we can give only a few names Rev. and Mrs. Albyn Essen came The funeral was held at the Chapel Mrs. S. R. Ray who has been here Estacada, beginning December 8. Al­ —later we may tell of acta in detail. l*ti week Friday and «.ttended the b:g the past week visiting her people, Mr. on Wedne day, December 9th, and con­ Commerce and others. The speakers on reorganization of though the complete schedule has n t ‘.hiden Pie Dinner at the Christian A. D. 1073—pope Gregory VII, and it ducted by the pastor of the Methodisi and Mrs. O. Rue, went to Mt. Angel state administration will oome from been definitely arranged, it has been Church Saturday, returning to their Church, Rev. W. R. F. Browne, In- hia concubine Matilda. A. D. 1277— Wednesday t*» visit her sister, Mrs. the legislature, the state departments, decided that there will be 24 sessions home at Albany Monday of this week. terment at the Scanty Cemetery. pope Nicholas 111, and the Sicilian Wills. She was accompanied by Miss and the state boards and commissions, in 24 different parts of. the state, each Vespers. Year 1299 - Boniface VIII, Don’t forget to ask for your ticket Brandon of Silverton. for the most Part. Citizens will par­ session lasting five days, the school who crept into the office like a fox — on the E'ectnc R. R. when trading at ticipate freely, however. Mrs. Ralston and baby left for term ending March 27. OBITUARY ruled like a lion—and died like a dog. "The Shop.” The Conference is expected to form, Boysfort, Wash., for an indefinite stay Six members of the staff of the ex­ 1 Year 1304—Clement V, murderer of Rev. White went to Barlow Wednes­ with her people, Mr. and Mrs. Meyn, ulate views definite enough to suggest tension division of the college work Templars. Year 1431, Eugeniua IV, day to meet with the Ladies’ Aid So­ on Wednesday of this week. Silverton, Ore., Dec. 7. — Josnua to the legislature on these three points: will give up all their time to this in­ bastard son of a priest and nun. Year Free employment offices under state struction, discussing all the important | 1484 — Innocent VIII — murderer of ciety and Confirmation Club of that Archie Eastman of Portland, Ore., Bowen, a pioneer of this state, died at place. phases of production and marketing, boys. Look up these names—Ask any came last week to visit and spend the his home in Bethany, Friday, Decem­ supervision. Simplification of state administru- ’ special attention being given to local Romanist to do it. Miss Orpha Eisenhart came from winter with his mother and family, ber 4, aged 79 years, from ailments "I.." tion by grouping the numerous boards,1 problems. Certain subjects will be attending old age. near Monitor Ore., Wednesday, to at­ Mr. ar.d Mrs. Bert Farnsworth. Deceased was born July 1, 1835, in bureaus, commissions, departments, treated on certain days, making it pos­ tend the funeral of her uncle Wm. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fresh of Shaw, Monitor County, Missouri. In 1853 he, into consolidated departments with * sible for a busy man to attend only THE PURGATORIAL FRAUD Eisenhart. accompanied by Mrs G. C. Eisenhart on the day when the speciul subject Miss Anna Melander, a nurse, who , of Stayton, came in on the Wednesday with his six brothers and sisters, ar­ central head for each. Continued from Fir*' Page, Establishment of hydro-electric die- ; in which he la interested is taken up. was called to take charge of a class morning , passenger to attend the fun­ rived in Oregon, after nearly 6 months duced to ashes. The priestly threat of tricts to include towns and their trib- at the Silverton hospital, left for her eral i of Mr. Eisenhart. Mrs. Eisenhart spent in crossing the plains with an Engineer l.aurgaard, in charge of sending the soul from purgatory into utary watershed areas. emigrant train. The father died on home in Salem Thursday morning. I being a sister-in-law of deceased. the Tumalo irrigation project, has an­ hell will bring the last dollar from the w’ay, leaving the care of the other Mrs. S. Jones and little daughters children almost wholly to the deceased, Miss Ida Imper of Mt. Angel visited nounced that this project is now com­ the pocket of the sorrowing mother, CARO OF THANKS Mrs. Thos. Skaife last of last week. 1 left for Roseburg and Medford Wed­ a lad of 18, the other children ranging plete and that applications for the whose only daughter sleeps in her nesday for a few days ’ visit with rel ­ lands are being received in great num­ dark and narrow cell. She scrapes to­ in age from 10 down to 4 years. The Mrs. G. E. Hume and little son ' We wish to sincerely thank the bers. The entire project embraces 22,- gether her scanty means, denies her­ atives at those places. mother died shortly before the family came Wednesday evening to spend a Mrs. Chas. Moores, who has been at left Missouri. On arrival here, they friends and neighbors for their many 500 acres of irrigatable land, about self every comfort in order to pur­ few days with her parents, Mr. and acts of kindness at the time of our Mrs. E. Lindscott, and will return to the Salem hospital for nearly three were taken in by relatives at Monitor sorrow, , in the death of our beloved 6,000 acr»s of which has already been chase prayers for the supposed repose contracted for. The lands are being or promotion of the soul of her «lead weeks, returned to her home Thurs­ and cared for until they were able to her home in Portland Saturday. father. sold in 40-acre tracts at <40 per acre, darling. And these sums stolen from day. care for themselves. Creed Lincoln and Cleve Lindscott Mrs. JUL’A HUTTON, one-tenth of the price to be paid at the pockets of thousands of supersti­ On March 22, 1853, he married Loui­ made a business trip to St. Helens and Mrs. MAUDE PAGE, MARRIED once, the balance in ten installments. tious, religious slaves every day, and sa Cox, and they took up a donation R. I.. EISENHART. Rainier, Wash., the last of the week. The settler, by irrigating one-third of almost every hour, throughout these land claim at Bethany, where the fam­ W. C. EISENHART, Creed returning Monday, but Cleve his land each year for three years, can United States, ape hoarded to enrich ily has resided since. He has never at the M. E. Parsonage on Tuesday, A. F. EISENHART. staying in Portland a couple days with defer the annual payments for those the Romish church, and tell us with December 8, Mrs. Fanny Drake and been outside of the state since coming relatives before coming home. three years, enabling him to apply the no uncertain sound that all true rel­ Mr. Carl Munsen. Rev. W. R. F. to Oregon in 1853. Mr. Bowen helped money to the improvement of the land. igious liberty shall cease as soon as Mrs. Ask and daughter, Miss Ella, Brow.ie officiating. — The Journal ex to build and organize the first Chris­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES Storage of water in the big reservoir this church obtains a numerical maj­ came down from Howell Prairie to tends congratulations. tian church in the state, at Bethany. was commenced December 5. ority of the voting population. attend Ladies’ Aid at Mrs. Ness’ G. Seiforth, Dallas; James Bowen, Sil­ Services as usual Sunday morning Purgatory is a downright, naked, Thursday afternoon. verton; Rebecca Wait, ¿alem; William That private property cannot be and evening. barefaced falsehood; an invention of TO OUR PATRONS Bowen, Salem; Peter Bowen, Silver- Engl'sh communion services at the condemned for private irrigation or ton; Caroline Egan, Salem, brothers 'The Chicken Pie Dinner and Sale water power purposes, was a decision man inspired by Satan for the destruc­ Lutheran Synod Church, conducted by were a grand success, and those in tion of souls. Ex. We will wash but once Christmas and sisters, are living. Rev. A. O. White, at eleven o’clock charge wish to thank all who helped handed down by the circuit court at A wife and three children survive. week and all Patrons are requested to Sunday. The Young People’s Society to make it so. The money raised will Albany last week, the court contending will meet with B. Tinglestead im­ have their laundry ready Monday, De­ The children are: John T. and C. F. be applied on the church debt which that such act on would be an infringe­ HOW TO USE THE RED CROSS Bowen, of Silverton, and Mrs. Nevada cember 21. mediately after the services. ment of the constitutional rights of SEALS McKaig, of Paola, Kan. There are 11 is rapidly decreasing. SILVERTON LAUNDRY. owners of porperty. The Young Ladies’ Society will meet The Loyal Women ’ s Cass meeting grand children. John T. Bowen lives Red Cross Seals should, in accord- with Miss Bessie Sunduvol Saturday As a portion of Oregon's display at ahce with Order No. 5,020 of the Post­ within 300 yards of his birthplace at at the home of Mrs. S. H. Brown was PUBLIC SALE afternoon at 2 o’clock. • I will sell all my Personal Property, Bethany is 53 years old and has never a very pleasant affair, a large number the Panama - Pacific Exposition next office Department, “be affixed to the were present and were served to a year, ten carloads of products of this reverse side of domestic mail matter,” “The Shop” will give away an Elec­ Live Stock, consisting of Horses, Cat­ been outside of the state. The funeral dainty luncheon. The next meeting of tric Train, and 10 feet track with con- was held from the Bethany church, state will be shipped south within a and not on the address side of any let­ tle, Full-bloooed Polin China Hogs and troler New Year’s Eve at 8:30 P. M. Sunday afternoon, conducted by Rev. the class will be at the home of Mrs. few days under the auspices of the ters or packages that are going Full-blooded White Leghorn Chickens, Customers will receive a ticket with Albyn Esson. Burial was held at that John Wolfaid the first Tuesday in Willamette Valley Exposition Asso­ through the mail. They may be placed Farm Implements and some Household January. every 25c purchase and the person re­ ciation. Already 164 boxes of apples anywhere on matter going by express. Goods. The Sale will be conducted un­ place. turning the most tickets, receives the have been forwarded and will be As many seals may be used on the der cover, rain or shine, prize. This is no cheap article, but propmtly installed in theOregon Build back of a letter or package as may be M ETHODIST CHURCH NOTES ABIQUA PARENT - TEACHER AS- December 17, 1914. one of the best. Come and examin it. ing. Fifty thousand booklets will be desired. Care should be exercised in J. KLOPFENSTEIN. SOCIATION It will be on display in “The Shop” printed for distribution at the expo­ sending merchandise through the maiL^L Sabbath School will begin at the Window. sition, containing articles regarding not to place seals over the strings with^^ The Abiqua Parent-Teacher Asso­ usual hour. Cleve Lindscott and Creed Lincoln the resources of the Valley. which the package is tied, since this Miss Alpha Chattin of Portland is The morning service will begin at ciation met at the Dunagan school seals the package against inspection visiting at her aunts, Mrs. Thos. are planning on going to Rainier next 11 o ’ clock. Sermon subject: "The The operations of the Helix division house Friday, December 4th, a Skaife and Mrs. O. B. Bentsons this week, where they will install a candy Bible.” At 7:30 in the evening Rev. of the Farmers’ Union resulted in an and subjects it tq first-class postage kitchen. They are both wide awake number of subjects of benefit to the week. Dr. James Moore, District Superin­ actual saving of an average of |109 rates. Users of Red Cross Seals are Silverton boys and sure to make a pupils were discussed. The order of The Committee of the Norwegian success where ever they go. The best the afternoon was considering the tendent of the Salem District will to each of its 100 members during the cautioned against their indisc/iminat- Auxiliary of the Panama-Pacific Ex- wishes of their many Silverton friends plans of the teacher for the Play and speak. The choir will render special past season. This saving was accom­ ing use on foreign mail. Red Cross Seals in normal times may be used on positon met last Monday evening and will follow them to their new home. plished by economy in the purchase of Manual Work Shop, all present real­ music. Do not forget the special music ser­ grain bag , binder twine and other the reverse side of mail matter sent report a very successful meeting. They izing the need of this and enthusiast- vice the Sunday before Christmas Day. supplies. At i s Helix warhouses the to Austria, Germany, Great Britain decided to call a mass meeting Sunday ical'y agreeing to help the boys build TIP TOP BREAD Solos, quartettes, choruses, an entire association handled 271,501 sacks of and most of tht British colonies, ex­ afternoon, January 3d. President of it. We regret to lose Mrs. Carl Roe cept India and Australia. Guatemala, fresh at 11:30 A. M. and 5 P. M. each the State Auxil’ary will be present who has moved away, more especially musical evening. Programs will be wheat. Uruguay and Portugal refuse to admit day at Roger ’ s Grocery. printed next week. at that time and lay the matter before as she was ready to begin the Schcol mail bearing non-postage stamps. Cer. Ralph. Adams, Agent. the people. girls’ sewing lessons once a week. UNITARIAN SERVICES tain European countries will return to Mr. Dunagan, the teacher, is working » Last week was a veritable sale week the sender any mail bearing Red Cross Will be regularly conducted on first NEW ANTI-CATHOLIC DAILY OF spare moments on his Christmas pro­ FOR RENT in Silverton. Cusiters and Wolfards Seals on the addre'-s side. Mail ad­ Sunday of each month at 7:45 P. M. in MONROE, WIS. each got out extra announcements and Furnished Housekeeping Rooms, Call gram, being unwilling to use any of dressed to any of the belligerent coun. W. 0. W. Hall by Rev. Richard F. the school time for any purpose than The New Anti-Catholic Free Speech the Woolen Mills Store run in a big at Journal Office. tries in Europe should not bear the actual study which is more profitable is receiving much universal praise. Tischer, pastor of the Unitarian sale starting Wednesday morning at Red Cross Seal. Red Cross Seals may Church of Salem. Everyone welcome. nine o’clock and Saturday the B. R. Please Take Notice as This Will not considering our short term. The next The people do not only get a first class Bring your friends. be used on the face of checks, on bills, meeting will be at the home of Mrs. newspaper, but are enabled to get the Bentson store came out with blazing Appear Again on legal documents and on .any com­ W. Black, Friday, December 18, best material and able to keep in posters, and a nine o’clock opening mercial paper. These Christmas Seals Will exchange 24 acres, joining Sil- 2 P. M. Visitors are cordially invited. touch with Romanism. This great with the fifty people first at the door ar 1 not good for postage. They will and Friends everywhere, send The National Daily can now be had for to each be presented with an envelope. verton, highliy improved, Stock not carry a.iy mail matter, hut any > Implements if wanted, for larger 50 cents trial subscription of three lournal your advertising, as In ten of these was a prize for the kind of mail matter will carry them. place in Willamette Valley. Will take Mr. and Mrs. L. Loos were Salem months, or for $2.00 per year. party receiving them. News. this is the only way that The in house and lot (at Silverton pre­ passengers Thursday morning, return, At the district meeting of Road No. j ferred) or small place in Southern Journal can live. Our rates ing home in the evening. 57 it wag voted to levy a Five Mill Tax < Calif mia. Also 20 acres without The A. W. Farnsworth family are Do you believe in dreams? < > to improve the worst part of the road buildings. j The Ed. Carroll family moved in moving from near the mill to Front < > are only 25 cents per inch and What have you to offer? dream of a home will come true if you this coming spring, after which Mr. from Silver Falls the first of the week Street, where Mr. Farnsworth will be five cents a line for locals. Address owner «ill let the CASCADE REAL ES­ Elija Smith was elected overseer for and have taken rooms in the Brown nearer his work for the Pacific Trans A. E. TORGERSON, TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy for Company. next year. flats on First Street. Silverton. a home on the installment plan. LOCAL NEWS I : IX