T he S ilverton J ournal VOL. IV. PAPAL NOTES By L. D. Ratliff SILVERTON, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1914. WAR STAMP MUST BE PLACED ON EACH BILL OF LADING Fur the benefit or »tappers through, out the btulu u great many of wnum i re in doubt us to the provisions of Uie new Emergency International Revenue Law, in so fur a* it uppiies to freight shipments the Southern Pacific Com­ pany through Freight frame Manager G. W. Luca, I# endeavoring to muse all pulnta clear. “ 1 he luw provides that u urn- cent wur revenue stamp be placed on each mil of leading, manifest or similar memorandum,” suys Luce. “The ship­ per muat affix this slump to the bill of lading, uud the rail rouus cannot accept and forward a shipment until this is dune. Such is the ruling of the U tied Elates Treasury Department. “The department lias also ruled thut where freight is accepted at non­ agency stations, it must be receipted for by the conductor < ccepting it. He must see to it that the stamp is at­ tached to e«ch of such receipts and cuncell <1 us required by regulations before such shipment can tie accepted, in the case of perishables or other in- ht uices where such receipts cannot be given by conductors, the goods may be accepted and transported in advance of the affixing of the stamp, but in thut event the receipt must be deliver, ed to tile destination agent and he must require the stamp from the con- signee. "To make it even plainer, the law provides that this stamp must be af- a shipment; uud in cuse ul penshuules, fixed before the ruilroads can accept they cannot deliver the shipment until the stamp u affixed on the receipt and cancelled. The law is penal, not civil, its violation by uny person or corpo- ruUou is punishable ui the Fedcn.i Courts. “The shipper or person is required to cancel the stamp, by writing across the face his initials and the date. Some shippers have been under the impres­ sion that, because the carriers have a limited supply of stamps on hand for the accommodation of their customers, the stamps were to be distributed by the roads free. This impression is er­ roneous. The luw provides that the shipper pay for the stamp, affix and cancel it "For the convenience of its cus­ tomers, the Southern Pacific has dis­ tributed a limited supply of stumps to its ugents, that they may be obtained from the latter until the Government hus completed its arrangements for distributing them through its own agencies.” AMERICANISM AND CATHOLICISM No. 6. “DI R HOLY LORD GOD — THE POPE.” THE PURGATORIAL FRAUD Our readers know that, by his friends, and by many of a too com­ Is your town priest living with u ----------- I The following are but a few choice plaisant public, the pope is spoken of The Roma Catholic Church makes woman who 1 not his wife? Americanism means the separation ! quotations from the Roman hierarchy. as "His Holiness.” If these words— ’ slaves of her peopls upon earth — and merely as words—mean anything when ' after death makes merchandise of of church and stute. Catholicism Read them and then stop and think if • • • applied to a human being, they certain, their soul». you still desire your legislators to be means the union of church und state. . The Roman Catholic doctrines of ly imply that the individual is sup­ Americanism means the freedom of I dominated and contro'ied by a priest­ The strong public sc- timent that is Religion are contrary to the interests posed to be — personally — a man of , hood who are the author^ of the fol ­ the press. Catholicism means u cen-1 everywhere found against obtaining of the State, Just as the Mormon doc­ pure morals and life; a man who fol ­ lowing: sonhip of the press. m ney under false pretence should ap­ trines of Religion were supposed to be. “The man is today living who will lows with exceptional faithfulness the ply to the Roman CathoT'c priests who Americanism means freedom of Teachings of Him Whose “Name is speech. Catholicism means a restric­ see the majoi'ty of tie people of the ess extort money from deceived relatives American continent Roman Catholic.” Holy; and Who dwells in the High for masses which they pretend will tion of speech. President Wilson did not attend the I and Holy Place.” Americanism means no establish­ —Bo ton Pilot. better the condition of the dead. This is Pan-American Mass this Thanksgiving “ Ere long there is to be a state rel ­ Much more is made of titles of ad­ an .mposition that rhould be earnestly ment of religion. Catholicism means Day. lie likely had respect to the the establishment of the Roman Cath­ igion in this country and that religion dresses in the old countries than here. condemned. The priest who tells a late election returns. olic religion as the religion of the is to be the Roman Catholic.”—Father Y et we speak of Members of Congress suffering husband or mother that his • • • as “The Honorable”—of the Judge as dead wife or her daughter is in a place Hecker. country. “The public man who antagonizes "His Honor;” and of the President as called purgatory, and that his prayers, Anna (.awry, ex-nun and uuthor of Americanism means true democracy the Martyr in Black wan convicted at —the rule of the majority in things the Catholic Church in these days is “His Excellency.” And every true to be paid for with cash in hand, are Winona, Minn., of “using obscene lan­ dill and the protection of the rights a political suicide.”—Western Watch­ American wishes that in no case shall necessary for the release cf the soul either of the titles be found in any of such dead person from this man­ guage ” in an address to women. It is of the minority. Catholicism means man. degree inappropriate to the person made purgatory, is surely an imposter, "Catholics are organized and will sai take orders from Rome.” — Bishop to whom applied. and ought to be counted with those questions to be asked of women und But this title given to the pope— who obtain money under false pre­ u‘ er for the rights of the individual Quigley (The political boss of Chi­ girls ii the Cnfeasional. what shall we say of it? That Jesus tences. T>w .Masses for her soul; to two Till “a few” protested—couldn’t "tol­ of their church.”—Pope Leo XIII, En­ the persecutions ceased, and the church suffer in purgatory, or be cast into hell cyclical. priests $100 each for Masses for her erate",? “Cursed are those who assert the in Rome became strong, and of special forthwith. soul; (200 for Masses for her parents’ How well the Savior's words in Rome is King of the Gentile nations, liberties of conscience and worship, influence in the secular world, the of­ souls. Happy priest, and happy wom­ She covets fame—exalted stations. and such as maintained that the fice of chief pastor in this church Matthew 23:14 describe the Roman an, eh? • e With iron hand she rules the state church may not employ force.”—Pope would naturally become the object of Catholic priests, bish ps and Popes, human ambition. And further—All “Woe unto you scribes, pharisees, hyp­ "Protection of girls from white And we her crimes must “tolerate”? Pius IX. Kier Hardie, Socialist Member of slavery at the Panama Exposition in “So great an honor has never been the evil passions that are associated ocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, Parliament and Labor Leader of Eng­ San Francisco next year.” Thus begins “Bow down,” she says, “to our gods,” conferred on the historic “pile” (the with ambition, would find abundant oc­ and for a pretence make long prayers, land, says, "In France the reactionary the deceptive announcement of the Or we’ll burn you through with iron White House) as will be conferred casion and opportunity for exercise. therefore ye shall receive the greater rods. forces, Royalists and Cutholics, are work to be undertaken by the R man when there will be a Catholic altar As the office was filled by an election, damnation.” A woman in Mexico who laying their plans for power at the Catholic white slave procurers who, in These things she’s done from early erected, and by the will, consent and in some form or manner — rivalries had lost her only son, was robbed of date $5,000, practically all she had, by a end of the war.” This fits in exactly the garb of nuns, will gather in the hands of the American people. The were unavoidable. with the removal (perhaps by chem­ innocent and unsuspecting for the Yet some by actions—“tolerate.” Catholic church is today the balance In human life as we know it, prac­ priest who wrs engaged to deliver his soul from purgatory. After the priest istry) recently of the old Church Pope holy harems, convent prisons and slave Thank God, there’s Lome that know wheel of this republic, and the day is tically all the crimes of earth have had obtained the money, he was asked und the Jesuit Pope, who were fast pens of the Church. been on one or more of three definite not far distant when she will become her hand. friends of Austria, to make way for the entire machinery of this govern­ lines. The Lust for Power. The Greed whether the son was now in heaven, • • • And for her crimes no longer stand. a pair of Popes whose sympathies and "In the last century we have seen We'll “taunt the beast” (if she does ment and perpetuate it.” — Catholic for Money. The Animal Appetites and but he only said that he was some int're t are in favor of re-capturing the Jesuits overthrow two republics in Passions. In naming them in this better off, and left the heart of the News. Ex. hate.) France. order, we do not try to indicate which poor mother to her grief. France, ore in Italy und two in Mex­ For things G d’s people can’t “tol­ No species of swindling ever in­ is most injurious to the Public, or to We have seen the Italian Papacy ico. 1 erate.” vented by villianous man can compare the sinner himself. crush i Catholic reformers in Spain, in "The Church is supreme in all Now. for a moment — Forget that in cold - blooded atrocity and cruelty things.” This idea is fundamental in South America, Central America and The Roman Church is a Godless We have seen the Inquisition Cuba, “ beast ” crimes on these lines—or on any lines with this priestly scheme. The Ro­ the Catholic system, Follow it to its whatever — have a moral bearing — man Catholic believer is followed by logical con-lusion and you will see why check modern schools in Spain by On human gore she loves to feast. Forget that the religious life of the the priests through all his life, and the oath of a loyal Catholic in court, having the pioneer educatoir shot, and Satan’s her light! her ruling mate after his death relatives are pursued the reformer Premier stabbed. Ferrer The rights of others they appropriate. Catholicism is digging its own grave Public is hurt when the leaders and where a priest is involved, is not worth for money to pay imposters for bene­ the time it takes to get it; why mol>B und C'analejas were as certainly Christ and the prophets the Romans in America by assaulting anti-Cath- rulers of the people commit crime — fits they pretended to dispense, or doomed by the Spanish Inquisition as olic s. eakers. The American people Forget the physical act or actions in­ assail ex-priests and break up patriot­ killed, withhold. ic meetings; why assassinations and were the Jews und the heretics in the All martyrs’ graves that church has have stood Catholic abuses on Amer­ volved in the oppression and robbery The priest, in order to get more ican non-Catholics, they have stood of the helpless and defenseless — For­ murders are condoned; why the babes Dark Age . fll'ed. • • • money out of his deceived people, has get the hurt to the Family Life of So ­ Catholic encroachments in political af­ of the Holy Harems are killed; why But Christ comes soon to seal her fate two masses—high mass and low mass. "We have Leen all the open and se- ciety, by lustful practices on the part fairs, they have stood silently by and the nun who knows things and tells For He it is won’t “tolerate.” let Irish Catholic police thugs slug of the great—Consider none of these The high mass costs from ten to one them is in constant peril of her life. cret powers of the Italian Church put forth to destroy the Republic of Por- Hearken ye nations—to all we herald, them, have permitted Catholic Judges things for the moment—but think only thoasand dollars or more, according Lying and murder to protect the Hie­ That fierce struggle is not His indignation is NOW on the world. to fine them, permitted Catholics to of actual MURDERS committed by to the display of flowers, candles and tugul. rarchs pre as sacred a duty as going fill all political offices, while American ambitious men in their struggle to get the number of priests taking part, And Satan’s plans will all be foiled, to Mass. The Church first of all, mind ended. The spoiler of nations will SOON be non-Catholic citizens and tax payers —or to retain—the office of “Pope of and it is sung in a loud tone of voice. you. No rights equal to her rights. The low mass costs about five dollars. were forced out of all City, State and Rome.” Gainor proclaim “ We hear Mayor spoiled. No claims equal to her claims. When That the popes reigning at the times Only six candles are used, and it is you get in her way your right to life his purpose to separate Church and Shout to the border of Rashan’s Hills, National Department jobs, but! the American non-Catholic people are be ­ State in New York City, and stop the have been, to a very large extant, to said in a low voice. is forfeited. This is fundamental to The God of nations is starting His ginning to THINK and have decided blame for the bloody persecutions that The essence of the low fraud is of looting of the treasury by Roman Cath ­ the Roman system. And who is the mills. Church ? A bunch of bachelors graded olic institution . We heard the priests "Exceeding fine, He’ll grind to dust,” that this is not, and shall not be a have destroyed mil’ions of their fellow course equal to the essence of the high. from the Pope down to the priest. preach that he ought to be killed. We Those that Him are ashamed to trust. Catholic ruled country and that we beings—and have been responsible for One is as good as the other, but the want no pope, priest or nuns medling numberless wars and bloody struggles laity are made to believe that the high They have all the say. They make the hoard R man Catholics say on the in American affairs or papists, sworn —and for the famines that have re­ mass is far superior to thè low, and Church laws; set up the Church de­ street he ought to be killed. We saw “Ye hypocritical priestly gang, enemies of our American schools, sulted —these things are well known. in nine cases out of ten the poor as a priest point him out to the assassin, God will not burn you neither hang, crees; declare the Infallible Word; ar­ teaching in public schools and inveg- In fact, Romanists themselves boast well as the rich will in some way the and we saw the murderer shoot Rut this He ’ ll do — reveal the facts rogate to themselves a monopoly of ling the children to attend Catholic of some of them, in their glorification gather together enough money for a as- You can no longer hide your tracks. all rights political and religious. They Mayor down. We know that the high mass, believing it will help the Cateciu.;m Class atfer school in hase- of the papacy. We sassin has never been punished, declare their will supreme, give their suffering soul through purgatory more The Light is gleaming in the East, nients of Catholic churches and brazen­ ar- know that the priest was never But pass all these, and consider the orders and the rest obey. ly lead them there from our public list that we simply begin today — qtrickly than a low mass. It is high rested. We know that never an at- While Satan p'ans his royal feast, • • • Ex. tempt was made to identify him, and And at the height of his godless glee, schools. the names of popes who before, or af­ money, high mass, low money, low “ Your siul shall be required of thee. ” We have seen our laws changed by arraign him as Gallagher’s complice. ter their election—and personally, or mass, and no money, no mass. —“Old Path” Servant. Death does not end all with the Ro­ a Jnsuitizcd Supreme Court so that To have done so would have involved by agents—and openly, or under cover, THOSE TO BE ENVIED n citizen can be deprived of his prop­ men “higher up." played the part of murderers. We take man Catholic church. A member can­ • • • erty, either owned or inherited after­ Those are most to be envied who the names from “The Lives of the not avoid his church dues by dying. LIBERTY ward, not by sale, not by gift, not by "We have seen the terrible record soonest learn to expect nothing for Popes;” by De Cormenin—a French­ His estate or friends have to pay on will, but by a Papal "Vow of Poverty.” of the Papacy in the Phillipine Is­ Liberty is the soil and light and which they have not worked hard and man—a Catholic—but of the Callican forever. Even the tax collector gives Thus our highest court, Jesultized for lands; and that official record was laid rain—It is the plant and bud and flow­ who never acquire the habit of pitying sect. He is an enemy of that called up a dead man but the Romish church the purpose, has placed the Canon Law before the U. S. Senate by Presiident er and fruit—and in that sacred word themselves overmuch, even if in after Ultramontanism — and of the Jesuit never. It retains its grip on its fol­ of a foreign potentate above the civil McKinley, who was shot shortly after­ lie all the seeds of progress, love and life they hai pen to work in vain.— notion of the infallibility of the pope. lowers long after their bodies are re- laws made by ourselves. (Continued on Last Page) joy. Ex. ward by a Roman Catholic. Lord Macaulay. (Continued on Last Page) DID JESUS TOLERATE? CATHOLIC ABUSESMUST BE STOPPED