LOCAL NEWS l.ast Saturday evening a number of Odd Eellows from Silver Lodge No. 21 visiteti Scotts Mills to hear the address given by Grand Master Galloway. A large audience of Odd Eellows and Rebekahs had assembled at the Chris tian Church of that place to hear the many good features of Odd Eellowship. which are so prevalent in the order ami only takes Brother Galloway’s in formal way of telling them to impress us that we are glad to be Odd Fellows. After the address a banquet was serv ed at the I. O. O. F. Hall, after which our Brother Odd Fellows returned [ home thinking they had had a most excellent time. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES K. OF C. ORGANIZE BIBBS IN JAIL fumy of Koine and the infamous, uastardly tactic« uf hsr hired puppat« whu stooped luw enough tu do her dirty work. To attend to these cura we cun trust Bibb at all times, A* to the papist mayor of lieti Wing, the oiler it is «aid he made tu F. B. Jordan to release the prisuMrs, kiaa and make up if Jordan would call ott the lecture«. In other word«, he would sell tire honor of his city according to Ute sworn statement in the warrant issued if we would let the Roman system go. Whut other construction could a per son pluce on such an otter? When Bibb returned to Miiuieapulis, the Guurdian« of iLberty wore in ses sion and the reception ho is «aid to have receive«! would have made Nt. L'quori perform u miracle on the spot. (Continued from First Page) (Continued from First Page) Last Friday morning the pupils Je- were surprise«! with another fire drill, science, is to leave legislation on rel lie system called the “Society of suh ,” all the while u crowd uf people igious matters strictly alone with the The building was emptied in one one exception of protecting each and were gathering in the great armory minute. The school librarian, Miss Rae every citizen in the right of worship to listen to his lecture. Watch the Progress of the old Seth At 8 /dock F. B. Jordan, who ha« Boyles, has completed catalogueing ing or of n<fraining from worship ac Thomas Clock in the window at Jer the happy faculty uf bobbing up at cording to the dictates of his own con and rearranging the books. The new ry’« Place. the psychological moment paid the science. To the extent thul we go be books, numbering about fifty, have ar Mrs. T. E. Preston’s Class of Loyal prisoner a visit and informed him that yond that, v e are un-American and' rived und are now ready tu be used by Girl« held a perfect recon! of attend- by depositing with the chief uf police destructive of the fr«*cdoin which thia the puils in the grades. ance at the Bible School last Sunday government was established to secure. $50, he would be once more permitted All the grades art* making elaborate morning. Good work, girls, try it “It is certainly evident that our to breathe the pure air uf this land preparations for Thanksgiving pro- again. forefathers intended to make thia of the brave and home uf the free. grams. Bibb dug up the $50 and hurried to Don’t forget the S de and Dinner. The program by the Websterian Lit country a happy home for all peoples December 5th. This will be the great of all faiths. They saw the folly of the Armory, where his pent-up elo erary Society was a success in every est affair of the kind the church has “South- sens of the word. The Girls’ Chorus, trying to make the New World n quence was uncorked in pure ever opened to the public. Come ami quarter ern style ” for une und a Baptist country or a Methodist coun Everybody is preparing a turkey, which had been drilled for a week by do your part to make it so. try; a Catholic countrj or an Atheistic hours. As Bibb commented on the goose or chickens for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Maine gave un excellent rendition The Loyal Girl«’ Class entertained One can't look out on the street with of “Amorosa.” The recitation by Ma- c -untry. With wonderful insight they Cunon laws uf the Holy Mother the Loyal Boys’ Class right royally out seeing some one taking home the , ble Dahl, the instrumental solo by conceived the ideu that men of all Church (?) one papal dupe, nu doubt last Friday evening. 24 were present festive bird to grace the table on the Morley Browne and the Society Papac faiths might live together in harmony sent to listen to the speaker and re beside the teachers. Dainty refresh were excellent and deserve much and neighborly good will by guaran- port tu th* Roman Catholic mayor, morrow. Mr. Bibb deliver»! a serie» of ments were served at 9:30 and all de Elma Worden’s story on teeing to each the right to worship spoke right out in meeting and said: eight lectures in Buttulo, N. Y., from Rev. A. O. Wh’te and family will go praise. parted at 10.00 expressing themselves to Portland Friday to attend the Ore Thanksgiving was also good. The de according t ■» his choice or not to wor “That’s a lie.” Quick as the Red Wing priest could which place he goes tu Dunkirk and greatly pleased with their entertain gon Young People's Society of the bate was one of the big features of ship at all, unless so disposed. They turn a pancuke into God, Bibb turned oilier eastern cities. recog ized the unquestionable act that ment. Synod Church. The choir from here the program. The question wus: "Re John M. Scott, General Passenger L^n also go antl uke pMrt in the solved that the Government should the relation of each citizen to his God on the papist dupe and demanded if Thus anoUier al tern pl uf Rome to is a matt r that other individuals or his remark wus directed at the speak thwart free speech and another uno of Agent of the Southern Pacific, was in chorus. I own and control the Railways of the the state have no right to interfere er personally. "If it is," said Bibb, our men initialed and prove«! true as the city Wedne. and made this of Auction Sale.—The Young Ladies’ United States.” Alfred Adams and with. ”1 shall proceed in a quarter of a steel to the cause. fice a pleasant call. Sewing Society of the U nited Lutheran Mabie Stortz represented the affirma “Rome denies the right of individ econd to show you where to head in Plenty of new things at “The Shop” Church will have an auction sale on tive side and Harry Carson and Esther Few appreciate what we owe these ual conscience and freedom of opinion; at.” for Christmas Gifts. Come and see I Saturday evening, Nov. 28, in the Schaap the negative. The judges were: men and to lheir patient wives whose and, logical to that position, would The unfortunat«* dupe was vehement them. Yeoman Hall. The sale will follow a Rev. Browne, Mrs. Durno and Miss force all to obey her edicts. If we are in his declarations that such was not life is in constant drad of what may short musical program and consist of Kreta Hicks. The final decision was Ex. See Jerry about your old Clocks. to be consistent in opposing the im the case, whereupon Bibb proceeded come next. . all kinds of fancy goods. Home made in favor of the negative side. There possible demands of the papists, we with his subject, his audience greatly We have a good line of D. M. C. | camlies on sale a" * a nice lunch wil' were so many visitors present that it must oppose all other denominational enjoying the digression. Threads at “The Shop” for embroidery was almost impossible to find seats be served at six o’clock. demands that interfere with religious Our information is that Bibb un work, crocheting and tatting. All at AMONG OUR LECTURERS Mrs. J. Durno is assisting at the for them all. freedom. A just regard for the rights covered Rome to the great satisfaction reasonable paices. Buy now, while it Wolfard store during the busy season. t The whole school is enthused over of others, even of the minority, is the of his audiencn. The prison bars act (Continued front First Page) lasts. The Misses Loe were passengers for the result of the game which was strength of the state and the guaran- ing as a sort of inspiration. priests became intensely frightened, The new Tatting Shuttles are in at Portland Saturday for an over Sunday played with Turner last Saturday. A , tee of its perpetuity. Let us be just When the meeting was dismissed seeing that this man was going tu “The Shop.” game for Thanksgiving is expected visit with the home folks. to ad men and impose no religious re Bibb went to his hotel and slept the lake the blockaded town and run away Mr. Miller has been very sick at his Cleve Lindscott and Creed Lincoln 1 with either Woodburn or Canby. With straint upon any. sleep of the victor rather than the vic with the people and their atfectiun to home on Front Street, but is reported went to Stayton, Oregon, Sunday on the new line-up we have there is little “If we Protestants put our hands tim. The following day he appeared the unduing of Koine, so they threw much better and the nurse has re business. doubt but that we can hold our own into the public treasury to use public before the court and pleaded NOT open the hall door« and invited Hen turned home. against any. Miss NW lie Kinser was an over Sun- ' funds for denominational purposes, GUILTY to the charge and gave $100 drickson tu come in, fur there at least Jerry, the Umbrella Rib Doctor. day visitor at her home in Mt. Angel. | how can we reasonably object to the bond for his appearance at Red Wing wuuld be some limitation to his crowds, Will Ellingsworth made a business Catholics doing the same thing? If December 14th, to starni trial. Let the so Hendrickson was boss of lite day. UNITARIAN SERVICES Miss Catherine Humpert of Mt. An gel spent the past week with her sis- I trip to Albany, Shedd and other points Will be regularly conducted on first Protestant ministers draw pay as of pa’riots remember this date. When Hendrickson has a number of return Saturday, returning on Monday of this Sunday of each month at 7:45 P. M. in ficers of th.* army and navy, how can Bibb appeared in court behold the pin date« through the northern part of Il ter, Mrs. Joe Lais. W. O. W. Hall by Rev. Richard F. we deny the same privilege to th«> head lawyer, one F. M. Wilson, who linois und Wisconsin. Thu«e people in Mrs. Reeder of Salem came Tuesday week. to visit her sister, Mrs. Hurst, and on M;s8 Elizabeth Bigler was an over Tischer, pastor of the Uhitarian' priests? When we nsk that church swore out the warrent for the arrest this part of the country who would Wednesday their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday guest of fnends at Scotts Church of Salem. Everyone welcome. , property be permitt«-«! to go untaxed, of Bibb, and H. E. Fowler, the advance like to secure his service« through we are making the precedent upon advertising man. an<l who also was in January and February had better get Bring your friends. Merrifield, arrived from Almsville and | Woman’s Social Science Club meets which the enormous wealth of the jail from 5:30 p. m. to 10:30. Thia busy and write him at once. will remain several days. at Mrs. Geo. W. Hubbs on this Satur Catholic church escapes taxation. eminent discip'e of Blackstone anti the Mrs. Rupe of Silverton left for Port Oti« L. Spurgeon, the great naliunal METHODIST CHURCH NOTES day afternoon at 2:30. An excellent “Just lay a ide those preconceived Roman Catholic mayor of Red Wing. land on the Wednesday morning pas The special services that were ad opinions, and look at this question, not Minn., this one F. M. Wilson of Red lecturer of Des Moines, la., has passed program ha« been prepared and all senger, and will visit relatives at that members are urged to be present. The vertised to begin at this Church last as a Raptist, or a Presbyterian, or a Wing. Minn., claims to have his exalted through the senatorial race and place. Club will meet regularly every two Sunday have been postponed until after Christian Scientist; but as a citizen of and highly cultivat««! sense of moral achieved great success—-not that he the holidays. Wren Stevenson of Wilhelmina who weeks from now on. the republic. It is human to see the ity all shot to pieces by the dreadful was victorious to the senate, but he Special music next Sunday morning. was successfully operated upon for Grand Fatriarch G. W. Wright of evils that follow privileges granted to obscenity in the advertising bills he brought about an agitation and put appendicitis at St. Vincents Hospital I the Grand Encampment I. O. O. F. of The ladies’ trio will sing “Come let some other church; but it is wisdom accuses Fowler and Bibb of distribut the people to thinking on a line which means a grout deal in this fight which in Portland visited with his grand Oregon visited Ridglcy Encampment us sing of Jesus.” The paster will and good citizenship to conce«le on our ing in this c'ty of Red Wing. is coming und facing us. Spurgeon’s parent, Mrs. G. A. Webbs, last week. | of Silverton last Tuesday night. After speak upon the subject “Eternal Pun own part all we deman«l from others. An eye witness informs us of the "Every religious law is a law in awful misfortune that such a great power and personality needs no re Mr. Henry Stevenson of the Steven- a short lodge session the doors were ishment.” In the evening the chorus son Lumber Co. of Seattle, Wash., opened to visitors. Patriarch Wright choir will sing. Subject of discourse: behalf of Roma. To protect all people and leading citizen as this one F. M. commendation. We do not know how in the right to worship or not to wor Wilson should have his ethical nature many of his days are calleti for, but will spend Thanksgiving Day with his | made an interesting talk which was “The Strength of being clean.” The first quarterly conference will ship is a law in behalf of real religion. rudely disquieted. We ar further in if you wish to secure Spurgeon, it is A. I followed by an hour of social pleasure. family at the parental home at G. be held in the church Wednesday Get up on the broa«l platform of real form««] that the scene was beyond well for you to gel in touch with him Webba. FOR SALE — On account of limited evening, December 2 at 7:30 p. m. Dr. democracy — not partisan democracy, words to the constitution of this one at once. Silverton friends will be glad to quarters I will sell 25 to 50 nice white Moore, the District Superintendent, but democracy in the broad sense—and Rev. J. A. Cottam of Dearborn, F. M. Wilson, whose son is said to hear of the baby boy at the home of leghern spring pullets of good strain. will be present. A full representation help to make the nation what it was have joined Rome and the K. C., when Mich., is open now for lecture dales. R. R. 4. C. COLE. Dr. Clyde Mount at Oregon City. is requested. origi ally conceived to be: a nation this eminent jurist read the hand bill His home was burned while lecturing LOST—Hand Bag containing purse The Ladies’ Aid of the Synod Don’t forget the afternoon lunch of free men ruled by a government and saw the phrase "For Men Only." on Rome at h's own church last sprina^ Church meet next Wednesday with with’ some change in it, song book, served by the ladies' Aid, December of, by and for the people, with equal His acute appreciation of those things He wa« immediately indicted for this Finder will 12. Also sale of fancy goods. pair of glasses, etc. Mrs. O. J. Moe near Pratum. rights to all and special privileges to high and ho'y made him just flutter and Rome seemingly built an impene pie se return to this office. John Killian was a passenger for none.” and sputter and become almost irre trable wull of evidence against him Los Angeles, Cal. Nov. 17, 1914. Portland We«inesday morning return concilable to things terrestrial. Then which it seemed would lead to his con Cor, Turtle Lake, N. D., Nov. 11, 1914. My dear Mrs. Hosmer: ing on the evening train. to add fuel to the cruel flames, know- viction in spite of everything, but he Mrs. J. E. Hosmer, Greeting and love from an old man! Grandma Nutting will have her sis came out victorious. This man should Silverton, Oregon. The collections of the begging nuns irg at his great patriotic breast, he ter, Mrs. Tom Cochran and family, of At the first of the year when I re be universally sought. He will make remembere«! his friend, the Roman St. Johns, Ore., as Thanksgiving guests. I ce've mX semi-annual income, I intend Dear Mrs. Hosmer: are the little rivulets running into the good. Catholic mayor of Red Wing, an«l then Although you and I are strangers, great streams of wealth always pour to send your brave husband a certain sum, not less than fifty dollars, and have never met and perhaps never will, ing their millions into the Hierarchy. the floo«l gates of his f<*elings opened A. J. Scarboro of Magnolia, Ark., wide and he most fainted. To show is one of our moat able lecturers from ’' probably a few dollars more, to as- nevertheless 1 have an interest in you, Friends everywhere, send The < 1 sist in his outlay for the common because we are sisters in this great our readers how awful it was we print the southland and is a man who pleas the hand bill: Another inmate of a Catholic prison, republic, and having seen an account lournal yeur advertising, as < i cause. es everywhere he goes. He has been * * • « • of your distressing situation in the called House of Good Shepherd, has ROTTENNESS Yours very sincerely, engaged in all kinda of battles in the this is the only way that The pages of the “Menace” of which my escaped by the suicide route. This south and his eloquence has placed OF ROMANISM ■ • Journal can live. Our rates < > husband and myself are enthusiastic time at Ft. Thomas, Ky. The poor him in great favor among the p«*ople. Illustrated Lectures By BILLY !! AB AQUA PARENT - TEACHER AS- readers, I felt it my duty to give you slave had been held for two years, wa: We wish to state to our patrotic peo are only 25 cents per inch and ' ’ PARKER SOCIATION ARE DOING GOOD a word of sympathy in this dark hour. now sixteen, but preferred carbolic ple everywhere that this lecture work WORK five cents a line for locals. "The Witty Little Scotchman.” I understand your husband is in acid to further servitude. The coroner must be kept going if the movement’s X ’ 1 The Abaqua Parent-Teachers Asso prison on the account of “Telling the thoughtfully advised the keepers of ARMORY, RED WING growth is healthy and certain. ♦ > ciation, r.t the Dunagan School House ..... ... ... ...... truth about Rome,” and that you are the prison to keep the poisons oat of NOV. 13th to 17th We are giving above a list of men, Fred Nutting was a Sutherlin busi recently organized with Mrs. W. Black, struggling to continue the publication reach of the slaves. Lecture Subjects whom we can recommend. We believe president; Mrs. J. Kaser, vice-presi of a paper which your husband was • • • ness ca'ler the latter part of the past Friday, Nov. 13—“Rome, the Men them to be men whom you should se dent; Mrs. W. L. Dunigan, Secretary. editing. week. ace of Progress" (illustrated). cure. Remember that during the clos Mrs. J. Shepherd was appointed chair Just before the election the politi- Will you kindly send me a few sam Miss Hazel Nutting who is attend man of the L'brary Educational Com Sunday, Nov. 15th, 2:30 P. M. — ing days of our political campaign Wash- cians had a rude awakening. A ing school at Corvallis, will spend mittee, Mrs. W. L. Dunigan of the ples of your paper, and write me a “The Rottenness of Romanism as that there was much excitement to di personal letter if you have time, telling ington correspondent said the leaders Taught by Their Theology and Prac vert that few people were out to hear Thanksgiving under the home roof. Park Improvement Committee, Mrs. of both political parties were «lum- The Ira Stewart family will be Bennett Dunigan of the Social Com me all about it and oblige founded, astounded, chagrined, morti- ticed by the Priesthoo«i in the Secret the lectures. As a result of this some Corifessional with Women." (Men have b«5come discouraged and wished guests at the R. S. Chandler home on mittee. P. S.—We are protestants and mem fied and helpless in face of the fact ONLY.) Thanksgiving Day. to cut out the lecture work. The le<^|))) It was decided to meet every third bers of the Christian Church. that the whole country seemed to be Monday, Nov. 16th — "Do the Cath ture work Himply must be kept goinff. Ladies take your scissors to Jerry, I Friday of the month alternately in the on fire against papal aggressions, and Mrs. A. A. the sharp Guy. 10 cents a Pair. School House and the homes of the threatened to unhorse the Democratic olic Priests and Knights of Columbus It does not matter how great or able party. The big papers of New York Take an Oath of Treason Against Our the man is whom you secure, you must Miss Virginia Mascher who has been members. get in touch with the people, sell the The Park Improvement Committee gave whole pages to it, bellowed, roar Government?” visiting relatives in Portland, returned CHRISTIAN CHURCH NOTES Tuesday, Nov. 17th—"Romanism vs. tickets, be active in your work or you scored First mark for actual work, ed, advised, begged — “ Don ’ t mix re home on Tuesday of this week. Bible School every Sunday at 10 a.m. cannot expect anyone to come out to they, with the school board and a ligion in politics." President Wilson Socialism.” Preaching at 11:00 a. m. As we go to press we received the 15c Admission to All Lectures Ex hear them. Let us begin now an«l work goodly number of patrons met the fol telegraphed it to his political man Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. sad news of the death of Mr. Ridings. cept Sunday Afternoon, to Men Only, together an«l plan to get in touch with lowing Saturday with weapons of work Special Service at 7:30 p. m., with agers. But it went on just the same, 25 cents. Deceased is the father of Mrs. Cusiter some of these lecturers at once and see (not war) and Baskets of lunch at special Song Service by the choir. and increase«! up to the hour of elec of this place and was one of the old Doors open ât 7:30; Lectures »tart that they are kept busy. We need the school grounds, where a happy day tion. It smote the Demo-Catholic par Pioneers of the state. Obituary and them in the work. was enjoyed by all in clearing away ty with frightful slaughter; but now at 8:15 p. m. full particulars given next week. Just think of a man possessing brush, grubs and mowing long grass, that the election is over — they know Hurrah for a good time. Turkey, A matter about which we would like Rev. White of the Synod Church will burning the debris of years’ accumu cranberry sauce, pumpkin pies and what did it, but they won’t confess it. such marked sense of justice and to speak to our people about just now things moral being shocked with such preach at The United Lutheran Church lation. More was done than was ex other good fixin’s to make the small is that of a chautauqua. R. E. Meeker a piece of literature. on Sunday next. pected, there is still a little left for boys’ mouth water, and “tummy ache." Our Jesuitlzd Supreme Court has Such a document would most shock of Perry, la., is the owner and man The delegates appointed are the “loving hearts and willing hands” to Give the kiddies a good time for these held that any property a man holds Archbishop John Irelan«! or Messmer. ager of the Martin Luther chautauqua. Misses Louise Hatteberg, Alice Jensen do, to have it as it should be. are the days we older “children” look when he takes the "Vow of Poverty,” But Bibb and Fowler were in jail The people of all the towns where and Bessie Sundool, with Messrs. Al- The boys under the capable super back to with happy, if sometimes sad chautauqua» were held last year and a v'n Madsen and Casper Tarr. vision of the teacher William Dunigan shots. And ’et us not forget to give or inherits thereafter, together with and it is said had a more healing ef number of other towns and cities are any increase of values after the Vow, fect upon the nerves of both the pin- There will be 25 or more of the are planning a building for the little thanks to the giver of all good, for shall go to the Church and not to his hea«i lawyer and the mayor than a lining up. other young people who will attend tots to play in during rainy weather blessings in the year that is past. legal heirs as the civil law directs. ton of holy unction grease or a vat of The chautauqua is certainly a great from here and a pleasant as well as and for a Manual Training Shop for We may reasonably expect an other holy water. success. At one place they have al the larger boys. instructive session will be held. decision as soon as the case gets to But alack, alas! neither of these dis- ready sold 500 season tickets, which « The Experiment of reducing Rev. White is President of the As a Manual Training Shop for the larger « the court, that any girl once in the tinguishe«! moralists know that man places them to the good. Mr. Meeker the price of this paper to 50 sociation and with his family will re boys. convent by her own consent or that Bibb. has certainly sprung upon us a situa At the last meeting the subjects of cents per year for a period of turn on Monday of next week. of her parent, is henceforth and for tion which means for the future great It is said he can smell a puppet of 30 days has proven such a discussion — Cigarette smoking among Rev. Albyn Essen will officiate at a boys and Teaching Truth to School ever the property of the Church, and Rome ten miles when the wind is fa- er successes than we have ever ht»A> success that we have conclud wedding Thursday at Tangent, Ore. children, which brought many helpful may be so held. v rahle and our opinion is these two before. Mr. Meeker is a man that wfrr ed to make the reduction per gentlemen will know Bibb better be bring things to pass. On his lecture By its toll of industry, its system manent. Keep them coming in The Yoke Beavers Class are meet-. thoughts and good ideas. of begging nuns, and the graft upon fore the roses come again. We have contract he carries men of national bunches! It is the correct an ing about three times a week, getting i After a short social hour with the work ready for the Sale on December | hostess Mrs. Miller Barkhurst, the * swer to the hierarchy’s prosecu * its victims for spiritual favors, the the advantage over the mayor and the fame and character. You should write Hierarchy bids fair soon to dominate pinhead lawyer, WE KNOW BIBB, to Mr. Meeker about this chautauqua 5th. These young people are doing meeting adjourned to meet Friday, « tions and falsehoods. and we know that Bibb knows the In at once. Ex. the financial world. fine work an<l deserve much praise. | December 4, at the school house.