The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, November 27, 1914, Image 3

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Brewster was a trustworthy author­
ity. Then he preaches: "This is a
sample of the take-it-for-granted way
infidels are in the habit of putting up
their facta.” Let us see who it is that
takes things for granted. Brewster
was born in 1781—died in 1868. Dar­
win published his “Origin of Species”
in 1859, his "Descent of Man” in 1871.
Brewster was 78 when the “Origin of
Species" was first published and three
years dead when the “Descent of Man"
first appeared. Besides he was a phys­
icist and never claimed to be un au­
thority on biology. But I have no
doubt that he is a good enough author­
ity for a Christian who is very par­
ticular about the manner of "putting
up bis facta.”
For The Bilvurton Journal:
To Mr. Guy Fitch Phelps
By Henry M. Tichenor.
......... ’'’»"'Udinmnniunnwiuinimnninxniiin’ mi i rn i p ini t i
c onueyancing
Big deckheads in the St. Louis
daily papers of October 1, ran as
follows: "4,500 Army Horses ordered
by French in St. Louis Market”—I
in The Journal of 13th Inst. Mr.
">750,000 Purchase, Largest Since!
Guy Fitch Phe'p. in his “Reply to
Boer War, Made at East Side Stock
Materialists” shines forth with his
”—"Dealer Says Representatives
usual rare and enviable brilliance.
to Buy 100,000.” An­
He magnanimously admits that there
orders swamp
Is very little in either my own or Mr.
Wettstein’s letters that merits con­
ial Buyers Sent out to Meet Heavy
sideration, und yet lie can’t resist the
Demands for Canned Meats”—“Cattle
temptation to preach us a lengthy
Florida Sent by Train Loads”—
sermon. It is too bad that in a scien­
Large Nnmber of Goats Killed for
tific discussion like this Mr. Phelps
Use of Warring Nations." And an­
can’t curb hi" ministerial passion.
Mr. Phe’ps says that "Haeckel and
other: St. Louis Mill Make. Record
First he points out what he imag­ Darwin did not agree at all in their
Flour Sale to Nation Engaged in War.”
ines to be his opponent’s error in logic theories of evolution." Seriously, can
We are told that "the largest sale of
or data; he drives his point home, Mr. Phelps believe he speaks the truth
flour ever made in St. Louis was con­
then he proceeds to lay on the lash, in thut statement ? As u matter of the
summated yesterday when the Kehlor |
MR. and MRS. G. H. DEDRICK, General Manager*
liow he does love to flay ’em!
plainest fact to unyone that has ever
Flour Mills Company agreed to fur­
In reading Mr. Phelps one is con­ looked inside of their works, Haeckel
nish in short order, to one of the na­
stantly reminded of Hamlet’s reply und Darwin agree absolutely on the
tions at war, 110,000 barrels of flour.
when asked what he was reading; entire field where they both treated
I nt grade is known as the Rex 95 per'
"Words, words, words I” Mr. Phelps the subject. The only difference be­
just talks, talks. He can’t help it. He ing that Darwin never sought to truce
Voom formerly occupied by H. E. Brown
sas hard wheat, of which 540,000 bush­
has got to talk whether he has any- the origin of life, while Hueckel sought
els will be required. The price was
Ang to say or not. it is pathetic to to discover that origin in the inorganic
not made public, but it was stated that
Wv a person so afflicted, it looks like wor'd. Mr. Phelps thinks I will do
it was satisfactoy to the company.
a case of verbal cholera in which the well not to quote from Haeckel; I
Shipments will begin in a few days
long since decomposed "Substantial- think he would do better to read just
will be rushed to New York as
ism" of A. Wilford Hall was being one of Haeckels works. He says that
fast as the wheat is ground.”
spewed forth upon an astonished and no real scientist today believes in
Three days later—Sunday, October
unoffending public.
spontaneous generation. Thut shows
the whole United States was sol-
He compluins about the materialists how much Mr. Phelps knows ubout the
On« acre, half in clover, an 8-room house, city water
emly called to prayer to beseech God
i ‘reducing irrelevant subjects into subject. On the contrary, the leading
this discussion, and yet no one is biologists of the world hope some day
in the yard, good well, 40 young fruit trees, 15 old
more guilty than he himself, lie to demonstrate the evolution of life
Editorials in the papers lauded this
ones, chicken house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens,
started a bitter ethical controversy by from the inorganic world. Dr. Loeb,
day of public prayer as a wonderful
P. S. — Edit r The Journal;
grapes, good bam—everything for only $3250.
impugning the motives of materialists, the profoundest Ameriican biologist,
manifestation of the spirit of peace,
The following cut from the Los An­ that prevails in Christian America.
calling them mural lepers — "bomb Prof. Schafer und Dr. Lankester of
Easy terms. No better bargain in Silverton! See
throwers,” "gair biers,” "white slav­ England, with many other leuding bi­ geles Tribune, is a good answer to the
Other editorials in the same papers
over the Journal office.
ers,” etc. I can’t see any just reason ologists, regard the doctrine of abio­ Reverend Guy Fitch Phelps who asks hurrahed over the immense purchase of
(save ignorant bigotry) why an genesis us u legitimate, rational, work­ in your piper for such information:
horses and flour and canned meats
J^r><*st Theiet should hate an honest ing hypothesis.
Editor The Tribune: I respectfully made by the foreign nations engaged
Still once again Mr. Phelps pounds address the following to Mr. David in the wholesale human slaughter, that
Mr. Phelps knows "that material­ his Bible and regales us with his min­ Campbell of Inglewood in response to the day of prayer was set apart to
ism und evolution arc just bluffs put isterial cake-walk. He tells us that his request for the names of the athe­ stop.
up by those who huve a senseless bit­ all the infidels in the world that have ists, infidels and materialists (socalled)
’J hey said that millions of dollarsi
ter desire to build a universe without any good in them were educated in who have heroically championed the w .uld flow from now on into American
the aid of a Supreme Being.” Then Christian institutions; that all the cause of human progress and human pockets on account of the warring nu- |
will Mr. Phelps kindly tell us why so good in man is the fruit of Christian liberty. Just one name, 1 believe, is t’.ons buying stuff of America, and that|
many eminent Christian and Theistic precept and example. Will Mr. Phelps sufficient.
this meant prosperity with a big P.
scho'urs are thorough going evolution­ allow me to instruct him? Can he
Thomas l’aine (1737-1809): “The
The editorials about "Profits," to be,
ists ? Sir Oliver Lodge, one of the point out a single passage in the en­ world is my country; to do good my brought about by the war, and the edi­
pillars of Christianity, accepts fully tire Bible where anyone is commis­ religion.” The man who named our torials about "Prayers” to stop the
the organic evolution of man. Dr. A. sioned to found a school to study and country. The man first to advocate war, ran along side by side, with a |
R. Wallace, a wor'd famous Theist, teach the wonders of Nature? Does independence for our country. The recklessness utterly regardless of all
is up-to-date, with NEW, MODERN MACHINERY,
was one of the first of modem evolu­ Mr. Phelps know that Egypt, u heath­ man who did more to achieve this in­ logic.
tionists. Mr. Phelps ought to konw en land, was the mother of Western dependence than any other man, giv­
To help wage the war millions of We do “QUALITY” Job Printing promtly and neatly.
that thousands of eminent Christian civilization; that 2000 years before ing his pen, tongue, sword and pocket­ dollars worth of horse, and food were •
ministers believe in organic evolution. the Christian era she had great uni­ book to the cause. The man who wrote being rushed to the soldiers.
Does he say that these men are anx­ versities and a perfect system of com­ The Crisis. The man who was joint
To try and stop the war millions
ious to build u universe without God ? mon schools, and had developed arts author of the Declaration of Independ­ of petitions were being rushed to |
Mr. Phelps objects to my using the that even to this day remain the envy ence with Jefferson. The man who heaven.
borrowed >10,000,000 from Louis XVI
term “science of evolution.” 1 used and despair of the ncientific world?
"Profits” and "Prayers” were na-:
to feed and clothe the army. The man tionally matched against each other
the term advisedly. Evolution is no
Does Mr. Phelps know that Ro­ who established the Bank of North
longer a hypothesis; it is no longer
to see which would come out winner. ,
even a theory; it is u science. Astron­ man and Grecian civilizations sur­ America in order to supply the army.
It is needless to remark that no,
omy is a science, though not all the passed our present Christian civili­ The author of The Rights of Man, ac­ prayers have so far been reported that
facta of the heavens are yet known, zation in many important respects; knowledged to be the greatest work asked God, as one of the best means
likewise evolution is a science though that the Himalayan Heights of ever written for political freedom. This at hand to stop the war, to head off
A* all processes are yet known. He ethical precept are to be found, masterpiece gave free speech and free the cargoes of horses and flour and
Wys "science is founded on facts, so not in the New Testament, but press to England and America. The meat on the way to Europe, and not
is faith.” Will Mr. Phelps name some in the Meditations of Marcus Au­ first man *o plead justice for women. to allaw these powerful munitions of
of the facts on which faith is founded? relius? Authentic history tells of no The man first to plead for dumb ani­ war to leave our shores.
1 will name some of the facts upon civilization that has been so ingenious­ mals. The man to propose old-age
In the name of Christian love of all
which evolution rests. The more than ly bloodthirsty and barbaric as that pensions. The man first to propose creatures, it would seem that at last
500 varieties of improved apples which Christian civilization Mr. Phelps so "The land for the people" (singletax). a few prayers might have been offered
we now have, representing all seasons loves to glorify. A picture of Europe The man first to propose the care of that the poor horses be not dragged
and qualities are descended from a today fairly represents the panorama the children of the uoor at public ex­ into the war.
bitter crab of northern Europe no of “God's chosen nations” for the past pense. The man who invented and
These kind of noble animals have
built the first iron bridge. The man done nothing that they should be torn
larger than a haw. All the numerous 1500 years.
When Lieut. Perry made his last who first proposed the abolition of and slaughtered by the shot and shell
varieties of the dog are descended
from the wild European wolf. Then« trip to the North in quest of the Pble, negro slavery, first suggested inter­ of savages.
facta men have seen with their own he discovered a small tribe of Esqui­ national copyright, first suggested a
But, no, the poor horses, like the
eyes. It is known also that Indian com maux, who while having no idea of a republic of all the nations of the
barrels of flour, only figured in the
(zea mays) has descended from a God were, nevertheless, almost abso­ world, first suggested the religion of
column of profits.
plant much like Kaffir corn that bore lutely moral. They were virtuous, humanity, firut proposed and first wrote
The prayers were carefully worded
its ear und tassel in ono. In adverse temperate, ¡"dustrious and humane; the words “United States of America.”
seasons as the past one here at Silver- taking the most tender care of the Paine has been called an atheist, a so that God would understand that in
ton Indian com constantly tends to aged and helpless members of their free thinker, a blasphemer, simply be­ stopping the war He was not in any
revert to its ancient type and bear tribe. The most precious blessing cause he could not believe in some old way to interfere with the profits.
With all due reverence, this certain­
its ear and tassel in one. We have that Lieut. Perry could bestow upon traditions which today are known as
puts God in a very trying position.
many specimens of this type in our this little tribe was the earnest prayer
How to continue to sell millions of
R. L. C.
fields today. Prof. Scott, curator of the that no missionary would ever hunt minds regard seriously.
dollars worth of sfuff to Europe, to
Los Angeles.
museum >f ornithology, Princeton them out.
assist the fighting armies in their
University, and the most learned
bloody work, and at the same time to
authority on birds, testifies that he
stop the war, will require a much
has witnessed the origin of two new
greater miracle than overrunning
species of birds in New England. How
Egypt with hoptoads, or even making
Mr. Phelps account for the won-
sun stand still while Joshua
I records of paleontology; how
mopped the earth with the heathen.
does he account for the thousands of
species that have passed away; how
The sight of a people gloating over
Washington, D. C., Nov. 25. — The and sugar beet seed, rice flour, cocoa, the profits that loom up so large, on « • Phone Black 1242.
Coolidge Street.
does he account for rudimentary or­
account of the war, and at the same
gans in man and the lower animals? Department of Commerce today issued spirits, wines and malt liquors.
time offering prayers to God to stop
Mr. Phelps thinks he has got a clincher a statement showing the different
France supplies the United States the war, is one uf the most wonderful
in the case of the horse. If he had kinds of articles imported into the
for Commercial and
ever read a single standard work on
with a large amount of luxuries, exhibitions of unfaltering faith that
United States from European coun­
Industrial Building
evolution he would not ask the sense-
among the most important being silks, the imagination of man can conceive.
le s question he does about the horse. tries. The compilation of these data
The religion of Profits and Prayers
art works, autos and wines. We also
No evolutionist ever said that the was made necessary in order to intelli­
is some religion.
progress of development was invariab­ gently answer the numerous queries
In the Design and Construction of beauti­
The only trouble with it is that so
ful homes, business houses, schools
ly from the simple to the complex. received, since the European war be­ motion picture films from this country. far nobody has been able to make it
and churches.
Darwin himself gave many illustra­
France contributes few necessities to work both ways at once.
gan, from merchants and manufac­
tions of the reversa "The whole
the United States.
theory of evolution” does not "stand turers in practically every country in
or fall” by the fact that its processes
Italy supplies large quantities of
have sometimes rid a body of an organ United States is dependent upon Eng­ macaroni, fruits and nuts, olive oil, ♦
when that organ has, under changed land for a large portion of the cotton
prepared vegetables, cheese, still •
conditions of life, become useless or a
goods consumed in this country, ap­ wines, art works, hats, argols and •
11.05 A.M. •
detriment. The horse lost its four
4.30 P.M. •
small toes and acquired one large proximately 36,000,000 yards of cloth, distilled oils. Netherlands is a leading e
8.15 P.M.
one because changed conditions of life valued at >20,000,000, being imported source of diamonds and wrapper to­ •
- OR -
Salem 10.59 A.M.
rendered one large toe a more efficient into the United States annually.
bacco, and also sends us hides, fish,
instrument than five small ones.
Germany supplies the American spices, tin and paper stock. Belgium •
How Mr. Phe’ps does love to play
.10.................................................................... for one copy
is our largest source of diamonds, and •
■ -
the preacher. He imagines he has trade with a large quantity of chem­
..................................................................... for 12
• Depart for Portland 7.30 A.M. •
«ight me misstating facts about his icals, and last year sold >20,000,000 also sends us much rubber, hides and
4.00..................................................................... for 50
9.15 A.M.
entific anti-evolution authorities, worth to the United States merchants. furs, and linens. Switzerland leads as
2.00 P.M. •
esepcially in the case of Brewster. I Other important articles imported our source of imported cotton laces
32.00......................................................................for 500 copies
5.05 P.M. •
said that Brewster was mouldy before from Germany to the United States and watches, and is important in the
50.00..................................................................... for 1000 copies
Salem 8.25 A.M.
anything much was known about the
matter of cheese, silk goods ar.d coal •
3.00 P.M. e
evidences of evolution. He thinks he are cotton goods, palm oil, potash,
J. E. HOSMER, Silverton, Oregon
"Brownsville 4.30 P.M. •
has shown that Brewster and Darwin salts, wood pulp, toys, machinery, cut­ tar. Ireland supplies large quantities
“lived their lives together” and that lery, gloves, silks, paper goods, clover of linens.
By 8. H. Van Trump, Mt. Angel.
May 1 introduce myself? My hair
lias been white for a good many years
now, but even in my strenuous work­
ing days 1 was always an interested
student of the subject« un which you
tiave been writing in The Silverton
Journal, and fur the last nineteen
years (beingheld within-dour. through
the effect, uf an accident) 1 have given
my whole time, all day and half the
night, to these matters, very happily.
rio one lias ever called me a mat-
tenalist. Indeed, a great personage
has said tiiat 1 am a mystic. Mat­
erialist books and periodical, du not
interest me much. 1 am saying all
this to shuw you, first, that 1 may
know sumethmg of tnese things, and
that 1 am no amateur or beginner.
Now, being an old man and friend­
ly, and having reud your articles in
The Journal, especially that in the
November 14 issue, 1 am going to say
that 1 think you really ought to quit
and give the space to another man.
Your argument, »how a weakness that
would make one cry if he did not have
to laugh. 1 liuve wondered what your
reading cun have been. Or do you
purposely and persistently pretend
that you knuw nothing of evolution or
any uther subject that you have dis­
cussed ?
M. D., LL. D.
Lo. Angeles, California.
Phone Green 991
Estate Co.
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