I It is not difficult to see how under such a system of corruption and usur MOVING pation the ipasses became hopelessly PICTURES bound in superstitious awe and fear, Publi.hed »wrf Friday momin* St Silverton. leading to self-destruction. (Irtfon. by By Guy Fitch Phelps. Such is the inevitable result and J. E. HOSMER, Editor. fate of Paganism and of any system ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS of religion that fails to bring man In The Silverton Journal of Novein- on to insist that wolves have become ami people into conscious self-recog Instructive and Educative. nition of their divine possibilities; that ; her 13th up, ear several articles by dogs (unproved) and that breeders ■ Olin Ross in reply to several of mine. change cattle and horses. All will be neglect the cultivation of the higher These replies are characterized by the well for Mr. Ross, if he will go to his spiritual nature of man. Into the darkness of this spiritual presence of the usual “straw men" pasture and breed a horse into a cow, and moral degeneracy came the prec which infidels are determined to set or a cow into a horse. That would up. 1 will answer what is worth while forever establish evolution, but until ious light of the new gospel. in his articles. he does he has no case, for that is With what result? What always exactly what evolution is claimed to because 1 write in a He finds fault does happen when the light of pro- “mob fashion.” But he will know the have done. Materialist* claim that an Entered at the poetotHce at Silverton. Oregon, gressive reform comes into conliict at second-vias» rates. reason why my articles are without ape became a mun, and that a fish be PHONE BLACK 681 with organized darkness? ^Subscription. 50c per year, in advance. Single order when 1 remind him that I have came a creature with legs, and so the Turn on the light and the darkness copies, 6 cents. been trying to follow the vagaries of chain developed, till the thing that Advertising rates made known upon applica flees! All work done in the ■hortest poeaiu < .« m *. We are equip tion. materialists. I did not say that all wasn't a man and wasn't an ape want We can easily realize the alarm and ped to handle all kinda of furniture, pianos, etc., with very little Thia paper stand» for freedom of thought, free the scientists named upheld the Bible ed to be a man, and simply gave a dom of the prew. freedom of speech, equality of consternation struck to the very heart danger of any damage done. heave, leaped the gap and found him account of creation, but that they be opportunity and the religion of ritfhteousneas. It is radically opposed to every form of superstition of this perverse and corrupt system, self a man. Then stranger still, (hat lieved an Infinite God manipulated the and tyranny, or licensing or permitttn< any form which took no account of man or hu No Load too Heavy for our Team* to Haul. of evil. whole scheme of creation. Darwin be creature felt that strange thing which manity by the new revelation, by the lieved this in part. There are many miracle-haters call "cosmic emotion" new gospel of Jesus, which made man evolutionists who are not materialistic and by an “inedible cleavage" (1 should the very corner-stone of its founda infidels. My quotations are correct, say so!-he divided himself into a man tion. and the fact that Mr. Ross chooses to and a woman, and immediately he Not mythical gods and idols, but doubt them is not to the point. I did dropped the old process, and went the the divine Presence — the indwelling not say that Mr. Huxley denied evolu tadpole method one better, and put ■ >■ WE MUST GROW OR DIE! Father — the inner Light and Life — tion; 1 said that he was opposed to evolution out of the universe by bring By Richard F. Tischer. The Sih er Ion Journal must keep its Subscription list • • the God in man, the man in God—these Darwin’s teaching on the origin of ing on other men in the good old- growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we There is perhaps no branch of study are the basic elements in the teachings species, which is true. I will quote fashioned way. But 1 protest that to want to give even more than value received. of Jesus. change a cow into a horse is not *o Huxley on that point. He says: “After so interesting and fascinating as the Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Uae great a feat as to for an ape to make Eternal Oneness and identity is the much consideration, and with assured evolution of man and of humaiuty as the following blank: revealed and depicted in the historical foundation of man's divine sonship ly no bias against Mr. Darwin’s views, himself a man, and then make a wom development of great rel gious move upon which Jesus erects the glorious it is my clear conviction that............ an out of himself. Talk about the A FREE PRESS the group of animals having all the rib story! Well, let materialistic God ments, or systems of religious wor temp'e of the living God. ship, which even to this day exert That temple is man! is God's own characteristics exhibited by species in haters come on with a case of cow nature ever has been originated by horse and we will listen to them on < ■ great influence upon our spiritual, Humanity I selection, whether artificial or natur the point of “cosmic emotion,” etc. < > moral and social ideals of life. Jesus completely revolutionizes the The Nubscription price has been changed from $1.00 to In order to appreciate this evolu old system by reversing the order and al.” There you have it, and material As to the Neanderthal skull it proves < > 50 cents per year. tionary process and these progressive method; by placing the emphasis upon ists are asked to be consistent and tell nothing, for it has been matched us which prophet they follow. Darwin among the degenerates of vice in any ► tendencies in religion we shall have to the “Inner Life.” EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, or Huxley? Let me ask materialists read a few pages of history. Not burnt offerings and sacrifice, to explain why, with the reason of man city slum, and Mr. Huxley does for SILVERTON, OREGON. In order to more fully appreciate not magical intercession or blood the oldest skull discovered when he the radical and fundamental differ atonement, or vicarious substitution, to aid, it has been impossible to pro says that so far as “size and shape Enclosed find $ . for which »end THE JOURNAL to ences, the new plan and method, the but the conscious presence of the Spirit duce one single species of original are concerned it might have been the the following: new ideals and hopes which Christian of God within the purified heart! Not characterist'cs ? Since man began to brain of a philosopher.” Dr.Pfaff, in Name ity (essential) brought into the world, outward conformity and observance, cultivate grain he has tried to improve an article: “When did man appear on we shall be obliged to make a brief but inner realization is the key of the it, but wheat is still wheat, oats are the earth?” shows by a scientific table Address < > oats, turnips are still turnips, and so that the average size of the very first inquiry into the character, purpose and new gospel of deliverance. on to end. Why don’t evolutionists skulls was 18.877 as to 17.795, the first general effect of the old systems of Name Here is a radical and revolutionary settle the case by helping matter pro representing the most primitive skulls religion. By contrast and comparison < > Address alone can we ascertain their respect departure from the old system and duce an eye or a fin or a tail of some and the latter the skulls of the modern methods of religion! thing. They have all the aid of sci ive values. Let us realize that the hottentots. And he shows that the Name Here is a new revelation! a new light ence at their command, and all the skulls of the stone age were larger on hope and life-giving gospel of Jesus was not only a progressive gospel re revealing a new path! opening a new laboratories are open to them; let them the average than the skulls of modern <> Address < ■ compound living matter from dead Europe. In fact, the average size of vealing progressive tendencies in re door. Name ___ ligion; it was not only a forward and But—here also is the beginning of a m tter. Go at it, Mr. Ross, and .pro skulls in the stone age in every land < • < > duce the t'p of a toe, and we will be was larger than the average skulls upward movement toward higher at great conflict between the old Pagan tainments, but—it was a dynamic gos shadow of corruption and superstition lieve. Why is nature impotent to pro of Europe, everything taken. This is Name pel. It was a revolutionary message leading to bondage and death—and— duce with al the aid of eccumulated a scientific fact, and seeing that Mr. science the least tip of a hair, or make with revolutionary' force and intent! this new radiant light of essential Ross accuses me of not liking science, Address Was not its purpose the complete Christianity, this divine light of de the smallest cell to divide, with man we will see how he takes to this bit of overcoming of the old powers of dark liverance and salvation leading unto to aid, while she birthed the endless it? The Cro-magdon skull is a pat forms of nature without aid ? Such tern of perfection (in heads) though it ness ? The complete overthrow of the life and liberty! utter foolishness! Will materialists belonged to the earliest stone age. old, corrupt and perverse system? 3MmntntKntn:tmnnnt::ntmt:tttnt:nnnnnn::n:u:::::n«t:n::u:tn:uKni::num The early Christian church spread Here then we note a revolutionary that light. It was a church rich in the please explain this inability? His reference to the peats that are Next Mr. Ross notices my statement in the world is easy for a believer in intent and purpose fulfilling itself in nearness and fullness of the Spirit, “that man has always been man,” and the Bible. It says God cursed the earth evolutionary method and process. In free and untrammeled. seems to try to show that I contra because man had sinned. Sin and a order to trace both method and proc Its utterance was spontaneous — ifr dicted myself by saying that men have curse always go together. It is up to ess let us take a brief glance at be was with power. grown shorter or were taller in thi s ginnings. for MAX BURGHOLZER ’S new book of 32 page« Every student knows what happened age or that. Will the readers of this materialists to show why evolution In the earliest stages of civilization produced such things. Many of the when Christianity became the state re- debate please take note of this argu- things that curse men are brought we find our primitive ancestors wor l’gion of the Roman Empire. ment ? It shows how utterly barren upon them by their own deeds, such shiping stones and sticks. Later we He knows what happened at the the desert fields of materialism are for find him making images and totems as insanity, physical disorders, etc. a blade of reason. What I said was of wood and stone, making fantastic Council of Nicaea. Then comes a long overflow on what How the true light became hidden that wherever we find man, HE IS A and grotesque shapes, begotten of the church has done. This is one of MAN, not an ape or a half ape, and beneath the old bushel of Pagan for their own elemental and fear-bound malism. the fact that the race is getting short- I the men of straw of which I spoke. imaginations. All I said about the work of the church A little later our primitive ances How the new wine wa- forced into er or were once quite tall, has no more to do with evolution from tadpoles for the natiors and the Blums is true, tors, rising slowly in the scale of de old bottles, etc., etc. and that is what made Mr. Ross des velopment, begin to personify and dei He also knows what the conditions (tadpoles!) than to say that Jones in perate. And I repeat that if material It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor. fy and worship nature’s forces: Sun, were in Christendom during the Middle the North end of town is taller than moon and stars; earth, water, fire, air, I Ages and how and why these became Smith in the South end. I wonder if I ists have something better than Chris Mr. Ross can see this? I call upon tianity to lift the heathen, let them until through centuries there are known as the Dark Ages. materialists to bring their evidence bring it out: Let them go to some immrntnnmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmj evolved great systems of pompous and The deeper significance of the Pro that there is a gradation of animals land AHEAD of the Christian mis o tentatious worship. testant Reformation and the causes up to man; I ca'l for the fossils from sionary and civilize the heathen, Will Symbolic mysticisms, ceremonies, which led to the same, are well known. the rocks and the soi1. If they have they do this? Hardly. Why ? ? ? If Church get her seventy-one milli n and for which they have not produced magic, sacrifices, burnt offerings, vi It was a later outbreak of the same them let them produce them. They do any one who may read this debate will martyrs? Answer it, please. I know a single case of proof. 1 happen to carious atonements and elements of the record of the Catholic beast, hut know that evolution hus no foundation substitution are indispensable ele old conflict between the same old Pa not exist, and men who are read on mention a case where infidels started please don’t cal1 that the Christian in fact. It is purely a theory, and I ments. Men are actually seeking to gan power of darkness and the new the subject KNOW THEY DO NOT. a rescue home for harlots, or opened Church, and please meet the issue. dare to look the mun in the eye who Ross knows it, if he is fit to be in a a refuge for the down-and-outs I will You might as well charge the doings buy divine favor by rich gifts, or try Christian light! culls me a fool because 1 will not ac debate with a school boy. Haeckel be glad to get it. Does not the record of Mohammed to the Christian* (he ing to placate the wrath and anger of And the same old struggle is going cept his foolishness, and say so. of Girard College show that it takes offended deities. on still—and—must continue to go on said: “Perhaps the apes nearest to believed in God) as to say that the Then as usual comes the Tom Paine Christianity to keep up an institution? • Thus we find throughout the ancient until men shall be free from all bond man may be discovered somewhere to true Christian church did what we all sop. It is amusing to find infidels, world a rich and diversified fabric of age of fear and superstition; until cor show what the immediate progenitor Wedid have an infidel college at Silver- know the vice-rotting Catholic church cluiming Christian subjects, though it ton, Ore. What is its record? Most of idolatrous worship; each system serv ruption, greed and poverty shall be of man was.” In every relic of man, has done. There is nothing to your is not strange—they need them. Wash- ing its own gods and goddesses; each overcome; until justice shall be estab in every fossil of every living creature, the leaders of that old infidel club have point, Mr. Ross. We are still after ington an Infidel! The man who prayed bearing its own magnificent temples, lished in society; until the Golden Rule beast or bush there is not the faintest b'own their heads off with shot guns. the old harlot of the Seven Hills. The in the snow at Valley Forge; the man its sacerdotal orders and mystical shall rule! until in the Unity of the evidence that it ever was in process of The record shows for itself. The Bible prophesied that such would come. who was a strict member of the Epis cults, its own mysteries and sacred Spirit the world shall have found the evolution. Such evidence is not found, school? Gone where everything that Read the seventeenth and eigtheenth copalian church, and attended with shrines; each temple and god having lasting blessings of Peace; until the it does not exist. Infidels have searched rejects God will go. We had another chapters of Revelations. his mother. Yet Mr. Ross says he materialistic school or information bu its own priesthood and hierarchy. love of human brotherhood shall unite all earth for it, but it does not exist, was an infidel! Lincoln an infidel! What was the chief function and the peoples of the earth in the promo and materialists know it. When they reau at Forest Grove, Ore. What be Then he says that Infidels have made The man who compounded a harmony came of it? It danced and cursed and this world worth living in, by fighting purpose in and of all this religion? tion of the best interests and holiest bring it we will have a little more re- of the New Testament books. We could What share and part did the people hopes of life through knowledge of pect for their views. But bald asser snarled itself to death, to the relief of the Bible and God. That is certainly loan infidelity these men were it not tions from the haters of God will not a self-respecting community. All he news. I wonder how Mr. Ross will have therein? truth; by the power of love. for the disgrace, and have plenty left, go down; we demand more. Now while has said about the church dwindles to account for the fact that Christianity What influence did :t have upon the but Mr. Ross has stated what he aught nothing when I remind him that Chris it is in my mind I will give Mr. Ross is increasing in all the world. The people? What were the conditions of tianity consists in doing and being man who launched the Chinese Repub to know is not true, and if he asserts the people ? As we judge a tree by its To do all the good you can is to be something he can get hold of, and will it again I shall prove it so he will fruit, so also must we judge religion a saint in the highest sense. To do ask him to come on with his answer: what Christ taught. His word said: lic was a Christian, who studied in wish he had not made the assertion. “ He that committeth sin is of the dev WHAT HAS KILLED EVOLUTION America. Yuan-Shi-Kai said to the by the influence it exerts in the life of all the good you can; this is to be il.” Infidels know this; that is why Christian missionaries: “In regard to And now as to Tom Paine. First he man. really and truly spiritual. To relieve AS A WORKING CREATING METH they club a hypocrite so mercilessly. your presence in this province I will was not educated, that accounts for The people had no part in this mag suffering, to put the star of hope in OD IN THE UNIVERSE ? Things Let those who snarl at an organization ingly testify that it makes for good, his statements on the Bible. He saw ical and ceremonial worship. the midnight of despair, this is true are not created that way now? If evo go to the New Testament and find and that the teaching you impart is no schooling after he was thirteen. The effect and influence upon the holiness. This is the religion of science. lution ever was the order of the Cos what a man must be to be a Christian, calculated to help all who embrace and He was dismissed from being excise mos it never could, in the very nature people was most demoralizing and man because of fraud (debt-dodging). of the case, change. But materialists just as Mr. Ross expects me to go to fo'low its precepts. Moreover, its ef degrading. The accumulated experience of the always speak of evolution in the past Darwin and Haeckel and Huxley for fects upon our people are BENEFI He was discharged the second time Man and humanity were of little or world is a power and force that works tense. Mr. Ross refers to the lowest evolution. Let him be as honest as I CIAL.” So they are. Try them, Mr. for the same reason. He was dis no consequence. Humanity existed in missed from the Congressional Com- for righteousness. heathen, the Negroes, etc., to prove am. I am taking his authorities, but Ross. That is the testimony of a passive submission and in slavish sub m'ssion because he exposed hit office. What is Religion. I dare him to take mina What would that men do change. Marvelous! Does heathen to Christianity. But Chris jection until at last the entire struc Ho made a bitter attack against Wash he mean by that that the worst forms become of his man of straw if he test tianity is increasing! It follows that ture collapsed beneath the weight of ington. (By the by, Ross, which infidel ed the actions of an apostate hierar A judge should either sit beyond the are headed for monkies and other ani either the world is getting worse, and its own corruption and through intern was right?) He conducted a tobacco chy by the pure gospel of Christ? reach of prejudice, in some calm that mal forms? Does he reverse his own evolution is a fake, or that Christianity al weakness. shop at Lewes. On his return from The chief purpose of Paganism was st owns cannot invade, or he should be theory of evolution in order to say What do I prove? Simply that the is good and infidelity is a curse. Mr. France he became proffligate in mor Catholic Church is an apostate thing, Ross may choose his horn. and is the formal, lavish and idolatrous a kind of oak, so that before any something for it? If Negroes and bush als, and last, hut not least, and worst men are the products of evolution, the the fearfull falling away beginning far worship, adoration and glorification of blast he would stand erect. of all, he PREACHED AS A METHO No, I do not dread science. I love Interviews. process beingdownward, what becomes back in the first centuries. Has Mr. its gods and deities! and—the eleva DIST IN LONDON. That is enough every line of investigation. I love ge Ross never heard of Luther, or Huss, of his claim that evolution always tion of the priestly class to supreme to choke even Olin J. Ross himself, if ology, botany, astronomy, and all the or Wycliffe? And by the by, “ Brother ” works from the less perfect to the per A great man does not seek applause rule and power! rest. They all revel God to me. What he is a lawyer. This is about the «lean The only and inevitable result was or place; he seeks for truth; he seeks fect? How true it is that when a man Ross, who was it that died in the In I treat lightly is the silly notions of n est thing Paine ever did. All of this quisition, and at the stake? CHRIS the complete subjugation of the peo the road to happiness, and what he as starts with a false foundation every lot of mud-m:xers who tried to teach you will find in the International En- TIANS! What Infidel ever died for effort to establish truth in his theory ple; moral and spiritual bondage lead certains he gives to others. what they do not believe themselves, cyclopedia. Read it. principle? But where did the Catholic will land him in difficulty. He goes Voltaire. ing bo degeneration, decay and dfeath. REPLY TO MATERIALISTS THE GEM THEATRE, Never Gets Old PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. PROGRESSIVE TENDER CIES IN RELIGION THE SILVERTON JOURNAL * Send 10 Cents How To Reduce The Cost