THESE NECESSITIES BY THOSE WHO USE THEM MAKE THE US MOVING ERS RICH. PICTURES Edited by J. E. Blazer It is proposed to establish u govern Pubiltbad ovary Friday mornlna at iUhrerton. ment, which, making equality of op Looking out upon nature we are THE PEOPLE WHO COULDN’T HE Oregon. by portunity a reality Instead of an emp FOOLED delighted with the innumerable varie J. E. HOSMER. Editor. ty dream, will make life safe, liberty ties ef type, form, color, etc. What a In the year 1807 a man in New York real, and happiness attainable by all. ENJOYED BY ALL CHILDREN AND GROWN FOLKS monotony life would be if eternal said, “I have built a boat which will sameness were nature’s order. Just go up stream or down stream, against This system will abolish poverty, light Instructive and Educative. as flowers differ in color and form just the wind or with it, without paddles en toil and increase leisure, with op portunity to expand according tutalent as each type and species is distinct in or sails.” The intelligent people who heard it ami ambition. character, so also do men differ in This system of government is called personal characteristics. So also do knew that this man was either crazy, men differ in mental inclinations, in a fool or a liar They said, “Such a “Socialism." It propose« to reorganise views and opinions. What a mental thing never was done and never can society on a friendly, co-operative ba monotony and stagnation would ensue be done. Oars and sails are good sis, instead of the present “Look out for number one," “Paddle your own should all men think alike on all sub enough, anyway. He can't fool us.” canoe," "Every man for himself and Itotarad at th. poauxSc. at SHwrtua. Oregon, jects. How stupid life would b«. Can But they watched the crazy man as at ■ !■■■ rataa. the devil take the hindmost," competi he prepared to start his boat. They you imagine politics without a des Subacnptkm. JUc par rw, in advance. Sinai, oopiaa. t canta. PHONE BLACK 681 cending minority, without insurgents sat on the banks of the Hudson and tive system under which we now live. Advartlaine rataa mad. known upon applica Will you admit »hat if Socialism will and discentors? What would be our laughed and jeered. All ready ? The tion. boat started! It surely moved! I It do this, it is what we want? lìdi p0p«r »lands for freedom of thought, free condition in society without invention All work done In the «hortest We are equip Why, then, la Socialism so violently dom of thè praaa. freedom of speech. equality of and innovation? Where would we be? went up stream! ! ! It soon disappear ped to handle all klnda of furniture, piano«, etc., with very little op pert unity and the reUtfion of righteousness. It Why do we hear opposed by many ? la radically eppueed to every form of superstition Picture to yourself life without prog ed! ! I It went to Albany in 36 hours, danger of any damage done. and tyranny, or lieenain« or permutine any form ress? It can’t be done! Life without a trip which before that had required from all over the world cries that of evil. “ Nonsense, ” sound strangely familiar, progressive change is unthinkable. se en days. No Load too Heavy for our Team« to Haul. Then the people learned a little, but “Foolshness,” "Abolish poverty?” And yet, can there be progress and "Never was, ” “ Never will be," You advance without change? Eternal not much, They learned that a steam* progress is nature’s divine and eternal boat could do all that the man said it can’t change human nature." "You law. The “Eternal Must" impella and would do; something that had never can’t fool us.” You can readily understand why the compels us to move. Move we must! been done before in the world, but men who have monopolized nearly all ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ That the great struggle in the world There is no standing still anywhere in they did not learn till later that the natural and man-made means of mak < ► owners of the steamboats could mon today is between the old shadow of God’s great universe. WE MUST GROW OK DIE! ing a living, ami who live in luxury ecclesiastical authority (spoken of in Evolution is nature’s divine process, opolize the inland water carrying by renting out jobs to people who must trade and by so doing amass great Revelation as “the Beast"), based upon order and method. The Silverton Journal must keep its Subscription list have them or die, getting in return the miraculous of supernaturalism, Fixity is death! but absolute death fortunes. And the people who couldn't growing or it will surely die. We need your help, but we and the growing influence of the ris also is unthinkable in a universe teeni- be fooled have had to dig up every half or more of the user’s product— want to give even more than value received. ing light of scientific truth, based upon ing with life. What we, in our blind- dollar of those furtunes ever sine , you can understand. 1 say, why these Get us one or more at fifty cents a year. Use • ■ men bitterly oppose a system which the immutable and eternal law and ness. call death is only another stage and they are still on the job. the following blank: In 1830 a man in England said, "1 will deprive them of their job of rob process of nature, which governs the and experience of life. If progress and A FREE PRE 8 8 have built a traveling engine which bing the people. universe and all life, is so self evi growth is tiie law governing all life But why should anyone else oppose dent to the awakening intelligence and and all human and social interests will go on a track, without horses or Socialism? Most persons surely do not conscience of rising humanity, that it why should it be ignored or denied in oxen, faster than a man can run." love poverty and crime, and they sure The people said, “ Nonsense! ” “ Fool requires no further commendation. the realm of religion? ly do desire happiness. Why should men be arbitrarily ishness!!” “Impossible!” “Never was. Superatural miracle (and all that is The sub.Heription price han been changed from $100 to It ’s the same oi«i story, the same founded thereon) is loosing its influ bound to traditions ? Or to experiences Never can be!" “The lunatic!” "He 50 cents per year. old trouble. This idea is new and many ence and power to hold in bondage of of the past? Is not God’s command can’t fool us.” are afraid of it because they do not Nevertheless the wise people sat on submission the hearts and minds of “Forward ?” Why should men be bound EDITOR OF SILVERTON JOURNAL, later generations. and hedged about by creeds and dog both sides of the track the man had understand it. SILVERTON, OREGON. Now, please, let me ask you n few •:© built, and some on the track for a The despotic power of fear is brok mas ? < - questions, and remember that 1 ain not en; never to become re-established! Why should men be asked to sub short time. The traveling engine was Enclosed find I , for which send THE JOURNAL to I going to try to make a Socialist of The doom of institutionalized cor scribe to ideas and notions in relig named, "The Rocket." It started! It the following: ruption and darkness is irrevokably ions (?) long since outgrown, or kept going!! It traveled 29 miles an you. Are you willing to earn all you get ? Name sealed by the rising light of the proven to be erroneous and fictitious ? hour!! And the people learned an Do you wish to get all you earn? < > know'edge of truth, which reveals the Why should standards and methods other new thing; they learned that a Address Do you want a sure job at congenial < ► majesty and glory of life in cosmic belonging to the 13th century be im locomotive would do all the man said Name it would, but they did not learn till work ? posed upon 20th century men? order, in cosmic process and law. Would you like an income at least Why should medieval speculation later the owners of locomotives and As the lingering shadows of night Add re«« < • four times as large as the average and the mists of dawn are absorbed and moonshine be made of test of rai'roads could monopolize all land worker gets now? Name and transmuted by the rising sun, so faith, when science has given us a carrying trade, and destroy the stage Do you want a home of your own < > also are the lingering shadows of the new key to unlock a new world-con coach and wagon - freighting business Add re«« with all the comforts of life? a d by means of this monopoly these dark ages of error and ignorance (the cept, a new universe? Do you want a work day with abund Why bind men with the oldness of owners could take from the public fab mother of all superstition, fear, bond ant leisure in which to read, write, in • > Name <> age and degeneracy) overcome by the the letter when the newness of the ulous fortunes, every dollar of which vent, travel or otherwise enjoy this Add re«« Spirit urges and impells—forward, up has been dug up by the people who light of scientific truth. beautiful world as a man should en couldn’t be fooled. By the same simple, natural process ward? Name joy it ? In 1844 a man said, “ I can make a Why accept the ficUtious authority of intellectual, moral and spiritual un- Do you favor giving all children the Address foldment also will come the fuller un of a false monarchical system estab little instrument by which I can send very best education that is possible? derstanding of natural law and of lished upon divine rights of priest or words and thoughts over a wire to Would you like to be insured so that creative process and principle, and king, when democracy has disproven places many miles away, and a man if any member of your family is sick this scientific knowledge of the natur said claim and destroyed the old po can read them immediately, exactly as or disabled, every care and service al law of all life will destroy all the sition? Why walk in the old pagan they are sent.” would come to you all paid for and in And the people said, “Ah, just hear ficticious claims of and for miracles of superstition and idolatry when the case of your death, an income equal to precious light of the gospel of Jesus that crazy Morse. He’s been luny a supernaturalism. what you had earned would come to long time. Send thoughts OVER A What possible need for miracle can brings deliverance and freedom unto WIRE, FASTER THAN A HORSE your family till some other member there exist in a Universal realm of “Whomsoever will?” If infinite wisdom has decreed “di- CAN RUN? Impossible! Never was.” was old enough to take your place? immutable and unchanging law ? When you reach the age of 60 or versity, ” how and why should any etc., etc. HE CAN’T FOOL US. Now—at last—after patiert, prayer thereabouts, would you like to be re But Morse strung a wire from Wash ful watching and waiting, the pious, church (?) or any political or ec- for MAX BURGHOLZER’S new book of 32 pages tired on an income sufficient to supply ington to Baltimore, and attached one the faithful are to be fully and richly clesiastical institution insist upon and the needs of a happy, enjoyable old demand “Conformity?” Out of the— of his instruments to each end of it. rewarded. “All things come to them that wait.” within—of each heart let us have free On May 24th a lot of politicians went Would you like to be able to earn The fact and the truth of miracle and full utterance, each as the Spirit to Baltimore to nominate a candidate a d to own anything you desire that When done, they giveth; for “there is in man a Spirit, for president, is to become to be established! you or your family can use? Oh! what Joy! and the inspiration of the Almighty scrambled over another to board the Would you like to own an equal in fastest thing known) train (then the Cor. At last, the long-wished-for oppor giveth understanding.” so as to get home and tell the news. terest with all others in all natural tunity for priestcraft, to demonstrate When they scrambled off the cars at opportunities, such as land, forests, its divine power, is at hand! THE SMUTTY STORY home, the newsboys sold them papers mines, quarries, oil wells, gas wells, What a happy and blessed privilege It advertises your own ignorance. containing news of the nominations, etc., and also in all great inventions to prove to an ignorant, materialistic which are of such a nature that they It displays your lack of a sense of ALL IN PRINT. class of sceptical unbelievers and im It’s a good one to read and pass to a neighbor. cannot be used individually but must decency. The man had sent the news over pious scoffers the blessed power of It indicates the state of your inner the wire, and even politicians and sen be used collectively, such as railroads, divine intercession; the holy power to character. ators, as well as common people, telegraphs, telephones, mills, mines, «tttmttnnnttttxnttttttmtnnunuttuttmmummtttttttutm:: transform substance; to change bread It exhibits the nature of your inner learned another new fact, but they did factories, etc., etc. into flesh! wine into blood! Do you favor equality of opportunity • soul. not learn till the owners of the tele What a thrice blessed moment—at It shows your better self is being graph could monopolize a large part for all ? last come — when boastful science, of the business of transmitting intelli If you honestly say “yes” to all these when atheistic defilers and blasphe suppressed. It illustrates the sordidness of your READ AND HELP OTHERS READ gence, and by so doing extract ducats questions, YOU AREA SOCIALIST mous traducers of holy priestcraft soul. from the people who couldn’t be fooled, NOW, and if you cannot say “yes” to shall not o-ly be forever silenced, but THE ESCAPED NUN FROM MT. ANGEL CONVENT It typifies the meagemess of your to the tune of 300 per cent per annum them, WE DON’T WANT YOU. shall be completely vanquished and - OR - L. F. Fuller on the original capital invested, which struck with awe, and shall in fear and resources of entertainment. THE LAST STAND OF DESPERATE DESPOTISM” It proclaims the coarseness of your they have been doing ever since 1885, trembling bow the knee and sue for one copy white the Fool-proof people have been * 00000000000 • special unction and absolution, and ideas of humor. It tells of the inadequacy of your busily engaged ever since in footing 0 12 copies recant and renounce for ever their SILVERTON TIME TABLE ^^^^60.00. means f expression. 0 for 50 copies the bills. impious heresies, etc., etc. It reveals the depth of defilement for 100 copies For the words “steamboat,” “loco With our own twentieth century eyes Arrive from Portland 8.25 A.M. 0 0 44 44 it for motive,” or “telegraph,” substitute 500 copies shall we behold, with our own latest you hav already reached. AM. 11.05 it 44 u for 1000 oopies scientific devises shall we test the di It proves to your friends how greatly the name of any invention capable of 4.30 P.M. 0 they may be disappointed in you. « u 44 lessening human toil or bettering the HELP AROUSE OUR AMERICAN PATRIOTS! vine power and verity of miracle. R. 15 P.M. 0 It stultifies the testimony of those conditions of human life, and you have 0 it 44 For let it be known, that in the im Salem 10.59 A.M. 0 E. HOSMER, 8ilverton, Oregon 44 M It the history of how the majority has pious arrogance of his blasphemous who said you were a good fellow. 5.05 P.M. 0 It soils the imagination of your 44 contemptuously treated and refused to « heart and self-conceit the editor of the “Brownsville 9.15 A.M. 0 0 accept every advanced idea and inven 0 "Protestant Magazine” has so far hearers. It hangs vulgar pictures on the in tion, and how the sagacious few have strayed from the path of Christian A.M. 0 Depart for Portland Do you beliave in dreams? Your A BIG BARGAIN! 44 44 it grace as to issue a proposition (almost ner chamber of the imagination of appropriated and used them as a A.M. 0 dream of a home will come true if you 44 U « a challenge) to the sacred fathers (af other men from which they cannot means of collecting tribute from those P.M. 0 a ill let the CASCADE REAL ES One acre, half in clover, 8-room house, U 44 « who had to use them, for the benefit * firming and trafficing in miracles as a escape. P.M. 0 TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy city water in the yard, good well, 40 It disgusts men of finer sensibilities of the owners. 44 « means and basis of soul-Balvation), to A.M. 0 a home on the installment plan. Salem who care for the clean and whole 44 0 young fruit trees, 15 old ones, chicken M M All great inventions have, without prove by chemical test the truth and P.M. Buy a lot in (ieiser ’ s Addition — 0 <4 exception, been thus appropriated by house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens, fact of chemical change necessarily some things of life. "Brownsville 4.30 P.M. It nauseates good men who love fun exploiters with the consent of the peo best buy in Silverton—must sell and involved in a process of “Transsub grapes, good barn—everything fo> I but hate dirt. you get the advantage of the forced stantiation.” ple who couldn’t be fooled. only $3250. Easy terms. No better It dishonors your parents and your sa'e. You can pay for this lot and These inventions have greatly multi- How all Miracle-ists of all creeds bargain in Silverton! See the Cascade wife and your children, and your the CASCADE RE Al, ESTATE CO. p'ied the productive powers of man, and sects must rejoice that the im friends and your home and your busi- will bui'd you a bunglow — pay for it Real Estate Co. over the Journal of “ The Carpenter and the but so far they have been used exclu pious folly of blinded man has at last in tead of paying rent to the other fice. sively to wring revenues from the peo provided the blessed opportunity to nes sand your God. It proves nothing but your own un ple. IT WILL BE THE GREATEST fellow. Rich Man” bear direct witness to the richest bless worthiness. DAY IN ALL HISTORY WHEN, ing of spiritual power end direct By Bouk White. It accomplishes nothing but your FOR THE FIRST TIME, THEY ARE deific favor? Watch the date after the name on own undoing. The Experiment of reducing The constructive sequel to this much the little green label and if you want « USED TO ENRICH AND BRING The entire world (Christian and It convinces others that you are a JOY TO ALL. d-scussed book, “The Call of the Car the Silverton Journal another year re 0 the price of this paper to 50 * heathen) will be standing upon tip toe, 0 And now another great idea, far penter.” with bathed breath, awaiting the con good man not to do business with.— new your subscription promptly, It * cents per year for a period of « S. W. McGill, in Association Men. reaching and all embracing, is being clusive and final test of the wonder The two companion volumes show will save us much time, work and ex- 0 30 days has proven such a success that we have conclud Promulgated throughout the world. It the religious aspect of socialism. working power of the holy fathers. pense. Help us all you can. 0 ed to make the reduction per « Prove ye all things, hold fast, as ginning of the end of ail false claim is this: AS THE OWNERSHIP AND • manent. Keep them coming in i-e each $1.25 postpaid. CONTROL OF THE OPPORTUNI truth, only that with is proven, which ants—even miracles. Sea the CASCADE REAL ESTATE 0 bunches! It is the correct an alone is good. All else reject as pious In the meantime let us bear in mind TIES AND INVENTIONS WHICH LIBERAL NEWS A BOOK EXCHANGE swer to the hierarchy’s prosecu COMPANY for the beat paying hotel that the “Proof of the Pudding is the OTHERS USE HAS MADE A SEL fraud and ficticious imposture. 0 North Yakima, Washington tions and falsehoods. bu ine«a — house full a'l the time, part ECT FEW VASTLY RICH, THE How fortunate we are to live in Eating and that the prove of the cr h, balance or. time or in trade. Box- 8 5 3 OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL OF Ex. these latter days, which mark the be- Miracle is the Doing!” THE VALUE OF DIFFER ENCES SOCIALIST COLUMN THE GEM THEATRE, Never Gets Old < PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. THE PROOF OFJHE PUDDING ♦ «> THE SILVERTON JOURNAL Send 10 Cents O How To Reduce The Cost Of Living? Sendf , « >