MATERIALIST COLUMN Edited by Ehi* Mowry Uliveti, Brook lyn, Conn. A REPLY TO KEV. MR. PHELPS Thu dilliculty in replying to Mr. 1’hulp» ii nut bocaua* any one thing ho »ay», aa * rule, 1» hard to anawer, but in boiling down into ■ »pace aa »hurl *» our aide fit allowed in The Journal, a long airing of aaaertiona. He cuine» al one in u aort ol tuniultu- ou>, mob faahiou, a heiler-akeller, tail- (orinoal, head-end backward aort ut way, though outalde of thia fault lie writ a well. To tuke up each aa»er- tion in detail and anawer it would re quire a whole newapaper. In the iaaue of The Journad for Oc tober 2nd ho gave ua a long hat of acientiata who upheld the biblical ac count of creation, including Uutnboldt and Cuvier. He certainly got hia in formation out of the rehgioua newa- pupera, for the alatement ia out of hurmony with the generally accepted viewa of acientiata, aa well aa a large portiou of the ininialry itaeif. Take Humboldt; After hia return from hi» world tamoua tour», he delivered aixty ^lecture» on the Coamoa, and in the lot he did not mention a God once aa hav- nig had u hand in creation, so it ia »aid by thoae who have examined them. To inhdeia and alheiata he ia al- waya one of their number. It ia not likely that he at any time taught auch a doctrine. However, Hugh Miller did undertake to harmoiuxe ac rip lure with geology, aa ahown, eapecially in hia book, “The Teatirnony of the Rocka," but he moat certainly failed. Literary men, 1 think, generally admit that he failed to establish their har mony, though there are a lot of people who do not think ao, just aa there are atill immense number» of people who ^believe in ghoata, palmistry, fortune "telling, aatrology and omen*. • • • In the iaaue for October 9th Mr. Phelp» undertakes to belittle evolution and quotea Huxley, Sir Charles Bell, Sir David Brewater, etc. Even if hia quolationa are correct, which 1 do not concede, for 1 think that they are on a parity with the oft quoted authority thut Baine and Ingeraoll recanted on their death beda, which Mra. ingeraoll and her daughter deny under oath. Aa to Col. ingeraoll it must be re- inembered that men al a later age of ten time* disaffirm what they had »aid at an earlier. After the Darwinian theory was announced there wa» a world of conflicting opinion, but at a later date moat acientiata and very many clergymen accepted it, aa for in stance the well known Kev. Dr. Waah- irigton Gladden, if Huxley ever de nied the truth of evolution, and that ia what Mr- Plielpa ia wanting to make clear, he certainly accepted the theory later, for it ia the very eaaence of hia celebrated book, “Man’a Place in Na- ure," in which he ahowa and di»- cusses the connection between man and the man-like apes. * e e Mr. Phelpa claim» that man haa not changed »Ince hi» flrat appearance on earth, which he aaya waa not till after »he ice age, which wax a recent event. And, yet in the very preceding para graph he gleefully claim* that aince 1610 the average height of Engliah aoidiera haa decreased six inchea and that tome pre-historic men were from aix to ten feet high, all of which show», if true, that the atature of men change». Men do change. How any one can claim that they do not in the face of the presence of the different rucea and of their mental and phyaicai levelopment, 1 cannot understand, ex cept on the ground of perversity. Horses and cattle are changed by the breeders. This ia done by artificial •elect^n. According to Darwin, changes were made by natural selec tion. The wolf has lieen changed into the faithful and obedient dog. Bur bank has worked wonderful transfor mations in the fruit and vegetable ^a orlds. Changes in environment have Wrobably been the cause of the changes in the complexion and char acteristics of men. The desert of Sahara is undoubtedly responsible for the negro race. It is said that there are black Jews living along the Sahara whose ancestors came from Palestine. What has made the difference be tween .he Bushman of Australia and the Caucasian like Humboldt, Haeckel, Pasteur, Webster and Lincoln, for there is a difference! Surely, Phelps’ God did not make the Bushman with his low mentality and at the same time make the Caucasians, Humboldt, Lincoln and Webster. If he did, why did he make the difference ? I remem ber reading a while back about the Neanderthal skull, and of another skull more recently found, but which antedated the other. These skulls, which belonged to people far back in the history of the earth, are not high type skulls. Some have called them the skulls of the missing link, and yet, after all, there are scientists and thinkers who claim that there is a ^Jtigger difference between the lowest W>rder of man today and the highest, than there is between the lowest man and the higher type of the man-like apes. • • • in the October 9 th iaaue, Mr. Phelps sneer» at Mr». Uiiven a explanation as to me eye; unu comniuiiua, impliedly, the supposed god-inuuu eye. And tins remind» me tnal i have had some cor respondence with bir Hiram Maxim, the inventor of smuXcle»» powder, Lite maclime gun, and it is claimed the real inventor of the incandescent light sys tem. Last winter he »ent me a copy of the Pall Mali Gaxelte containing tus reply to u distinguished English cler gyman on the design theory, 't he min ister cluimed that as the telescope and flying machine showed a designer, so did the lark and the human eye show a greater designer. 1 will quote only a line or ao of this reply; ciaa, and their variation. 1 would also that Mr. Huxley was buried with REPLYTO MATERIALISTS »ay the Chriatian burial service of the ruigiiah Church, and the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthian* was read over him. If Mr. Van Trump asks for In Th* Silverton Journal of October my authorities in making these state 30th there are two replies to me by ments, I will be glad to send them in. materialists; on by b. it. Vun 'J rump Meantime let him explain the two at and the other by Otto Wett»tcin. 1 titudes of evolutiun on the question of will take up the Van Trump article the horse. first. There is very little in either He says that some of the men I re that reuily merit» cunsiderution for the simple reason that the writers lake ferred to died lief ore the evidence of good care to keep clear of the reul evolution became known, and yet none of them have been dead over a cen issue in tiie case. No, 1 du not know all that ia to be tury. This »howii, by hia own admis known about “these profound sub sion, that evolution is a hodge-podge jects.” 1 lay no claim to »uch knowl of infidels seeki lg to build univerae “The Doctor compares the modern edge; but 1 have gone into the matter without the Infinite, and that it ia of flying niitciiine with the lark, very far enough to know PERFECTLY very recent date. But strange to say luucn to tiie disadvantage ul tne lor- that Maleraiism and Evolution are just that Darwin—who got moat of views iner, and the ■.«.-scope of Galileo he blufla put up by thos* who have a from another man by his name who compares to the eye behind 1U the senseless, bitter desire to build a uni lived before him—wa» born in 1809, flying machine bus been developed ui verse without the aid of u Supreme died in 1808. Thus we see that I abuul twenty year» and there might Being. 1 have talked to hundred» of Darwin and Brewster lived their , have been a hundred failures. It look infidels and without exception 1 have lives together. Thia is a sample !; nature mure than twenty iniliiuns ui found them DETK1MENTED not to of the take-it-for-granted way infidels ■ yours with many billiun» of failures to be convinced or to admit anything ar* in the habit of putting up their ’: develop the lark, and the same muy be contrary to their views. 1 he last tiung fact». 1 have plenty of name» of men ■ said of Galileo's telescope and the eye un earth a materialist wants to find is to present backing my position and j of the observer.“ ••••*!/ ever) that there is a God in tins universe— against materialism, but 1 will wait till Mr Van Trump disposes of the plant grows and every living thing has Why ? ? ? been designed, it follows that he tuu»l Evolutiun IS NOT A SCIENCE. twenty or more 1 have given. He re- > have designed many living tilings Is Science i* founded on facts, so is faith. fer» me to Earnest Haec si aa a prey off mankind.” Then he speaks ut Seeing that NOT ONE POINT Oh worthy authority. But 1 would remind the mosquito, the flea, the tse-tse fly, EVOLUTION HAS BEEN DEFIN him that Haeckel and Darwin did not venomous snakes and the more deadly ITELY PROVED AND ESTABLISH agree at all in their theories. Darwin annnalculae, lucludmg the terrible tu ED, even to the satisfaction of evolu believed in a Divine beginning of the berculosis germ. Were they designed tionists themselves, it follows that it original life, or form-cells, and that by a wise and loving God to prey ofl cannot be a science Mr. Van Trump life came from antecedent life; while mankind, etc. »••••• '¡ here is not evidently does not recognize the differ Haeckel advanced the theory that life a man, and there never has been one, ence between science and a working came from spontaneous generation, a who can show the least tangible evi hypothesis. Let me say heie that tiie theory which no real scientist of today dence that tnere is anything other than evuiutlun vf the horse 1“ considered the believes at all. Let Mr. Van Trump material in the uiuverse. Remove all clearest case in all Uie claims of evo explain these contradictions if he can. the material, and what would be left! lution, and this is utterly uverthrow n But he will do well not to quote from An infinitely cold, dark, black and si by the fact that according to evolu Haeckel. lent vacuum; there would be no up, tionists themselves the horse has de He challenges me to show anything MR. and MRS. G. H. DEDRICK, General Managers nor down, no right nor left; heat, light, veloped from the complex to the sim in nature that has not gone through a electricity and the attractiun uf gravi plex, or from the many organs to the process of evolution, and then speaks tation are only properties of matter— few; whereas, the whole theory of of the soil a» an illustration. How' OFFICE IN HOSMER BUILDING remove the matter, and they would all evolution stands or falls by the very happy the thought. The ground prov cease to exist.” 1 would like to extend reverse of this. They claim the first ing evolution I His illustration proves Boom formerly occupied by H. E. Brown tiie quotation and »ay something my hone had several toes, and he lost that he has none. I will simply Btate SILVERTON, OREGON self, but 1 remember the apace. them all and came to a hoof, and this that there is no evidence that any liv-, happened while all the toes were in ing form, either tree or animal, has • • • use. Will evolution please tell us how ever been anything but what it is in On October 16th Brother tü-, s evolution could produce toes on a its own species. The first we knoig of goes into ecstatic rapture over the limb because they were needed, and any form or animal it was just what great doing* of the church, over mis then discard them while in use? Mr. it is now, and behind that positive sionary work, etc., and wants to know Van Trump is invited to take a few knowledge evolutionists simply what the unbeliever haa done. Wall, weeks ofl and give us an answer. And “guess,"as Mrs. Bliven admitted. Bring 1 can tell him. He has by “bucking" One acre, half in clover, an 8-room house, city water yet he tells us that Huxley came pret on your half developed forms; set up your Bible and its God made this ty near establishing the evolution of your half shaped human bodies just _ yard, good well, 40 young fruit trees, 15 old world fit to live in. Your Bible and the horse. Remember, now, that the throwing off the ape features; bring ones, chicken house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens, your God and your church took the hone is considered the very best case us a floating eye, or ear, or tadpole great Athenian and Roman civilisa grapes, good barn—everything for only $3250. evolutionists have to present, and which is becoming a fish, and we will tions, and in the course of a few hun when stripped of their cant it ia utter believe. I return his challenge by ask Easy terms. No better bargain in Silverton! See dred year* almost destroyed them, and plunged Europe into the dark j ly devoid of reason or scientific facts. ing him to show one thing that has us over the Journal office. 1 challenge the world of evolutionists ever evolutionized at all. I happen to age». Who else did it but your boasted to controvert what 1 have said here on know that evolutionists have not got preserver, the church? It was in the ’his point. We are told that all form» the facts to present, and they know it, saddle all during this long, black his evolutionized up from the lower forms; and their bluff comes a little late. It tory and ruled with an iron hand. that one cell became many cell* and is very easy for infidels to talk glibly b Thia singing of panegyrics on the simple forms became complex forms; about how all things have come up church ia a good deal like singing the till the body of a man appeared with from the lower forms. That’s easy, but •weet songs of, “Jesus Love,” etc. its thousands of ports and features, to set out the evidnee is quite another around a pulyit smothered with roses, and yet in the case of the horse, be thing, and when we ask them to do while just underneath it are victims cause materialists are short on facts, so they usualy begin to tell us what Phone Black 1242. screaming and «writhing on rucks and they tell ua that the whole law of a bad lot preachers are and what a Coolidge Street. ♦ other instruments of church torture. evolution was reversed, and that the dandy boy Tom Paine was. And yet Why, my dear Mr. Phelps, there is hone oegan with perhaps five toes, these are the oiks who talk about rea nothing on earth today that has gut and shed them all but one, which turned son and hoot at Christianity as super the long, black, devilish history back into a hoof And this is the very best stition. General Contractor for Commercial and Industrial Building of it that the subject of your ecstatic Evolution has to give the world. What Mr. Van Trump misquotes me. I did rapture has. Even the history of Mo a foundation for the reason! Did mat EXPERT ENGINEER loch and the Atzec war god pale into erialists, who tell us of the easy glide n t say people had to have a God to be moral (which would be true, doubt In the Design and Construction ofbeaut- insignificance beside your church his cf evolution, never hear of the trouble iful homes, business houses, schools tory, for their ignorant devotees only Darwin had of finding the connecting less). What I did say-or ask was: and churches. burnt and immolated. Yours tortured link between men and apes ? Who has “Can there be any right or wrong if there is no God?” Mrs. Bliven tried to and gloried in the torture. bridged that gulf? Not one. Let mat answer this by saying that men learn SILVERTON, OREGON. Talk about what infidels,—the un erialist* roost a little closer to the ed right and wrong through commerce. believers, the “buckers,” against your ground till they have something to One man had a thing and another book and the inspired, sayings of your present. wanted it. This led to the defense of God,—have done! Why, bless you, who Mr. Van Trump challenges my ref rights. But the trouble with this is been a reason. But that has nothing that the eye never had a beginning, got rid of iron boots, thumb screws, erence to Huxley. 1 quoted him cor that it would be just as right for the to do with evolution and materialism. that it has existed from eternity. I racks, black stakes, spiked collars and rectly; 1 did not say he was not an man to want the object as for the man Paine beileved in a God, and defended would like to have Mr. Wettstein’s other pet educational agencie» of your evolutionist, but that he repudiated to keep it so both would be right or the idea. Please drop Paine from the picture, for he is certainly a curious divine institution? Not the priests Darwin’s theories of tne origin of spe wrong. There can be no right or wrong argument. All the good he knew he materialist. Then he declares: Watch and preachers who practiced these gen if there is no infinite Holy God in the got from Christianity. Ingersoll was es need a maker, man does not, “he tle arta; not these but the unbelievers, universe moral. This is clear to the son of a clergyman; Darwin was just growed up.” Brilliant, transcend those who had to fight your church’s that has lit up tne world and made life educated in Christ’s College. Sc was ent. But excuse me, Mr. Wettstein, I thinkers. worth living, and every infidel is a religious notions. After flaying and Now comes Tom Paine once more. Mr. Van Trump educated in a school thought you just said man never had burning, quartering and hanging near friend of science. Can you say the It is laughable to see infidels which is the product of Christianity, a beginning, that he always existed as ly a million of women on the charge isme of every Christian ? In the October 9th issue, you speak parade their prophet. How short they for heathen did not have any, and do a part of nature? NEXT. of witchcraft, so it is estimated, in not have any, worthy of the name. Europe, after your church got into of evolution and use the words, "Dar must be for timber. It would take After looking over Mr. Wettstein’s FOR ^ALE win fell in there and drowned, theory Christians a long time to give a list power, who made it safe for a woman article I find there is nothing in it and all. ” Why did you so gleefully say of their worthy members, but infidels On Oregon City car line, most to live where the Gospel was preached? Not the believers in the book, for it that? I can tell you. You had been have one real saint—Tom Paine. Well, worthy of an answer. I surmise he is beautiful ride near Port1and, splendid taught witchcraft. It said in Exodus, trained to hate science, and you now I assure my friend that I am glad a Jew by his name, and would suggest car service, 2 blocks from car. 4 “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.’’ wanted science to fail. Why do you to learn that Paine was not a drunk that do noc disgrace his nation. He room boungalow, 2 large lots 50x138, Witchcraft had to be overthrown by speak of this latter day science like ard. I don’t want that to be a fact. Far asks me to “define my God” and he young orchard, family fruit, garden, those who repudiated the book as an as your church used to speak of the ,be it from me to gloat over it if it were will prove my views are “childish and chicken house and large chicken park, authority on women’s lives. In the theories of Galileo, of Copernicus and true. Moreover, the moral character absurd.” I will do so in part and then beautiful flowers and shrubery. Si fight against superstition, torture and Kepler, except that you want it to fail of Paine proves nothing for evolution. he can come along. The character of mile from river, righ and sightly, fine In fact I wish some one would prove God the Father is just like that of his view, th s can be bought for $1600 on inhuman cruelty, one Voltaire, the as it wanted them to fail ? • • • that Paine was an evolutionist. He son, Jesus Christ our Lord. He is all- Installment plan, small payment infidel, was worth all the church, just You want to know what infidels was bom of good Qauker parents, and w:se, perfectly holy, and all-powerful. down, balance like rent. This is an as one Wendel Phillips was worth all the southern orators and newspapers, have done. Do you know that Wash believed there was a God. His works He has laws and these laws are based ideal home and easy to get. Cascade on his character. The transgression Real Estate Co. for freeedom. But that is not all. ington, Paine, Jefferson and Franklin defend eigtheenth century Deism. How of them brings death and ruin, and to do materialists like that? Paine was Who persecuted the astronomers? were all, practically, infidels — that ♦ « • « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ * • Who called chemistry the black art? Paine’s ideas as to the Bible and Chris not a modem materialist at all. That obsere them peace and health. Now * « come on with your proof. ♦ SILVERTON TIME TABLE Who fought geology and then later tianity were largely those of the other he was the loyal friend of the liberty ♦ _ - Mr. Wettstein says nature is eternal, of man I am glad to admit. And that on claimed it for its own and tried three? Do you know that both Grant « Arrive from Portland 8.25 AM. ♦ -o harmonice it with the moth-eaten and Lincoln were unbelievers in church he did as much as any man of his class never was created. That is the nature «4 44 44 • 11.05 A.M. ♦ Mosaic account? Who hates science beliefs, and yet this country owes a to strengthen the cause of liberty 1 we see about us has been so from 44 44 e <4 eternity, trees, animals, grass, all am glad to say. He was a man of 4.30 P.M. 4» good sized debt to these six men. to this day and wishes it ill ? Who has « 44 44 « forms of life and creatures of life are 8.15 P.M. * been the arch enemy ot the liberty of Cornell University, Girard College, the great ability, and did much for the 44 44 « just what they have always been. cause of freedom. If I had marched Salem 10.59 A.M. * thought? JVho has been in favor of Smithsonian Institution at Washing ll 44 44 • 5.05 P.M. « religious persecution, of ostracism, of ton, the great Lick Observatory, and with him in the ranks of Washington, There never was a beginning, so he ll « “Brownsville 9.15 A.M. ♦ the boyco*. for opinion’s sake? Who other public benefactions were estab as thousands of Christians did, I says. Well, well, how will Mrs. Bliven • * ___ and Olin Ross, and the rest like that? should have doubtless hailed him as a defended slavery on the authority of lished by unbelievers. Even the great • Depart for Portland 7.30 A.M. 4» a book, a book that was writti n by giver of libraries is said to be an un brother worthy and true in the cause And what becomes of evolution, if Mr. 44 44 44 • Wettstein is correct? Ah, materialists of liberty. I take his hand in spirit 9.15 A.M. * a semi-savage people? Who hates the believer in your church doctrines. In 44 44 44 • Wettstein is correct ? Ah, materialists and credit him with all he did for man. 2.00 P.M. 4» modern investigator in the domain of proportion to rheir numberi, the fro - 44 44 44 • 5.05 P.M. * science, if perchance he should go con thinkers have done more for humanity Yet it is a fact that he turned the are a flashing bunch. What harmony 44 44 • in their views. Mrs. Biven said that 8.25 A.M. ♦ grateful people of this land against Salem trary to the ignorant dictums of “the than any other class, far more. They 44 44 44 • 3.00 P.M. • book?” Why, who else, but your very have made life worth living on the him, so much so that even Washington the eye began by the sun falling on 44 • a mass of protoplasm, and so all eyes “Brownsville 4.30 I’M. • refused to seek to liberate him from Columbus, O., October 27. benevolent church ? Why, my dear Sir, globe. have come. But Mr. Wettstein tell* us prison in France, and there must have Olin J. R om . it has been science and knowledge By Guy Fitch Phelps Brokerage conveyancing Phone Green 991 CASCADE REAL Estate Co. I A BIG BARGAIN. Money to Loan Notary Public BEN HOFSTETTER