T LOCAL NEWS r* WHY DESTROY LUMBER INDUS TRY T SCHOOL NOTES Even this late, students are still entering. This morning Mr. Green en- tered the Freshman class and Hai old Riches the Teacher's Training. Last Friday afternoon Lloyd Kir The Training class is doing good work cher entertained fifteen of tun little and getting along nicely. friends at his home. The occasion be For the last three days of the week ing to celebrate his eighth birth day. there will be no school as the teacher» Halloween decorations were carried are to attend institute at Salem . The out which added much tv the enjoy pupils are not at all sorry of tills as it ment of the little folks. A nice lunch will give them a chance to enjoy the was served before the) went home and Oregon Commercial Protective Asso sunahina. ciation « each presented l.ioyu with a token of The Pip Club took its weekly walk remembrance and all wiling him Y’eon Bldg., Portland, Ore. Friday evening and all had a good many happy returns oi the day. time. The girls say they walked from (Paid Adv.) Mrs. Letta Bunch and sister, Miss ten to twelve miles, but did not notice Rhoda Comstock, have returned from Found—Money in city, for particu the distance at all. an extended visit with friends in Mich A lecture was given in the High igan and Minnesota, and their Silver- lars enquire of Mrs. P. Eklund on School building Monday night by Mr. ton friends will now find them at their Liberty Hill and pay for this local. Lyons of Lebanon who has there u The very life of the future manufacturing and industrial prog re mh of Oregon Wanted—By young married couple farm for city boys. The lecture was home on Liberty Hill. hinges upon the defeat of the so-called "Water Front" bills, to be voted on Tuesday, Thursday aftem<x/i about 30 lady work on a farm having had experience given under the boys’ Athletic Asso friends of Aunt Mart B'aekerby in dairying and hog-raising. N<* chil ciation of the High School. November 3rd. thought they would give her a surprise dren. Last Saturday afternoon the foot So cunningly and adroitly are these bills worded there is grave danger that many and she was surprised; but when she The Republican Rally Tuesday was ball Fous and Faunets of Silverton people will be deceived. saw the crowd coming, she thigight fairly well attended and speaches were had the pleasure of witnessing one of the European army were about to listened to by man) of the leading the fastest and most exciting game If these measures become laws the result will be that the State will take title to swoop down on her, but when she candidates who were introduced by L. that has been played in Silverton for the tidelands and submerged lands and will be prohibited from selling any of these looked again, found t'was only the J. Adams. Among those who spoke two years. The game wu between lands. They can only be leased for docks. No more ship-yards, saw-mills, canneries Mizpah Circle come to pay their res were: A. M. La Folette, C. P. Bishop, our High School boys and the Salem or other plants requiring access to deep water—nothing but docks, docks, docks. pect to a friend. After spending a Sam H. Brown, Geo. C. Weeks and Deaf Mutes, although our boys wen- Every citizen of Oregon—wage earner, farmer, bumneHN man or woman, want« very pleasant afternoon and partaking several others. outweighed ten pounds to the man. of a nice luncheon furnished by the they played the visitors off their feet to prosper. These measures if enacted will throttle progress at the gate. Investors The boys of the intermediate class Circle, all left for their homes, wish of the ChrKtian Sunday School are from the time of the whistle to the will shun Oregon. This means no work for the wage-earner, nothing to pay the ing Aunt Mary many move such pleas planning a Hallowe'en Party Thurs end of the game. As our boys Lined store-keeper with and therefore nothing to pass on to the farmer or producer. Let ant days. day night with the girls of the class up for the opening play against the no one think these bills do not concern him. We would like to mention each of as guests of honor, A tine time is Mute team, it looked like a sere vic friends whe participated in this happy expected. Ilefore you go into the booth to vote, read 329 and 331 carefully. Talk to your tory for the visitors, but our boys held event, but space will not permit, and them to an 0 to 0 score. Carson and neighbors about them. There will be choir practice at the it is needless to say we join the Circle Grazer played remarkably good ball Oregon is rich in natural resources, but poor in development, What the Mate in wishing grandgia Blackerby may Synod Church Friday and all are re- for the High School while Tussinj quested to be present as there will be needs above everything el.se in outwide money to come in and develop ita reaourcea. help "get it back” on every one who new songs to practice for the Young starred for the Mutes. Digerness and was there. That means GOOD WAGES, PLENTY OF WORK, GOOD PRICES and GOOD Durno played good game, but had hard People's Convention to be held in luck in making their plays. Mrs. Hanson is having an electric Portland December 29. TIMES. Considerable praise must be given light put on the corner of Front and This is not a political question; it concerns only the prosperity Of Oregon and The Parochial School has a nice at to the entire team, because one can C Sts. TYiis will light up the crossing tendance of 25 pupils with Miss Haa- of you. readily see where the boys have pr< to the depot and acsomodate so many living in that vicinity as well as being land as teacher. The children's bug ited by the instructions of Coach Con- Give Progress and Good Times a helping hand by voting “NO” 329 and “NO” bear, monthly examinations, was in kle. The line up for our boys was: a grew benefit to the hotel guests. 331. order the past week. Durno, R.E., Wolfanl, L.G., Palmateer, A full line of needle work supplies Rev. A. O. White with wife and G., Taw, C., Johnson, L G., Palmateer, are in at the “The Shop.” Call and children drove out to Bert Rues Thurs L T., Sandei L. E„ Scott, Q., Grazer, OREGON COMMERCIAL PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION see them. day to spend the day. R. H., Digerness, L.H. and Carsons, F. Mr. and Mrs. Kercher and children, if your door key doesn’t tit your The local boys go to Woodburn 12*8 Yeon Building, Portland, Oregon accompanied by Mrs. Oder, Mrs. Frank door lock, see Jerry at Jerry's place in Saturday to play the Woodburn High Paid Advertisement Kerr and daughter, enjoyed a trip to the new Theater Bldg. School a return game. As the first the Silver Falls lumber camp on game resulted in a tie, and as both The young ladies ’ society of the Thursday of this week. Synod Church has been postponed Sat team» have been strengthened, a good Rev. White and family were Wed urday on account of the president hav game is assured. nesday guests at the Nelson Brothers ing to go to Portland. —— home in Ae country. EVERY CITIZEN A LEGISLATOR Mr. and Mrs. Schneider, accompan ammttnmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmnnmttnmmtitttttunxnunmtmnt Miss Nellie Kinser is spending this ied by the Misses Dagna Holmes and week with her father at Mt. Angel. Selma Evans, were Thursday morning If you were a member of the Legis Kenneth C. Manson who has been passengers for Portland, where they lature, how many of the vicious, busi touring the coast states with a glass will attend the Land Show. ness destroying bills that are now on can equal show returned home last week and Mr. and Mrs. Williams in company the ballot, would you vote for? We will spend the winter with his mother with Mr. C. W. Rogers and niece, Miss are all legislators in Oregon, and as at the Hanson hotel. Pearl Gano, enjoyed a trip to Silver citizens voting to make laws, we are Rev. A. O. White, pastor of the Falls on Wednesday of this week. under just as much obligation to use Lutheran Synod, returned Sunday Buy your Christmas supplies early, good judgment in voting for measures of the from a trip to the middle west where while the imported threads can be had. on the ballot, as we would be if we Kural life offers to young men days he attended a meeting of the Synod at A splendid line of D. M. C. on sale at were in the Legislaturei When a man of toll and nights of study. It offen r ails, S. D. goes into the booth November 3rd to frugal fare and plain clothes It of “The Shop.” The five o’clock train on the S. P. Poe< Card Fotoes $1.00 per dozen. cast his vote on these initiative bills, fers leau bodies, hard muicles, horny R. R. that hauls logs for the Silver Whelchel Bro«., Model Studio. he should be just as conscientious,care bands and furrowed brows. It of- Falls Lumber Co., made the last run ful and thoughtful of the public wel fers wholesale recreation to the ex Mrs. J. E. Sands and little daughter fare as he would be if he were a mem tent necessary to maintain the high Wednesday for an indefinite time. returned to their home at Carlton, Ore., eat efficiency. It offer« the burden of Rev. White will conduct the services Thursday after spending the past three ber of the Legislature and the same bringing up large famillea and train THREE THROUGH TRAINS DAILY bills came up there to be acted upon. at the United Norwegian Church Sun .veeks with her friend, Mrs. Ira Stew ing them In the productive life. It Where you don’t know that a pro offers the obligations of ualug all day forenoon and also preach at Mc art. posed law will benefit the State as a wealth as tools and not m means of “San Francisco Express” Leave« Portland 8.15 p. m. Kee in the afternoon. Mbs Ida Julsetk of Downs Station whole, the only safe thing to do is to self-gratification. It does not offer “ Shasta Limited” Leave« Portland 3.50 p. m. The merriest, happiest bunch of visited her brother in Silverton the vote “NO.” the insult of a life of ease,, or aes "California Express ” Leaves Portland .......... 1.30 a. m. school ma’ams were gathered in the past few days. thetic enjoyment, or graceful con depot Wednesday morning and all W. C. Whelchel in December to assist Oregon Commercial Protective Asso sumption or emotional ecstasy. It Uirar l connection at San Franrlaro with traina Eaat via <>«<l«n ciation bound for Salem to attend a three offers, instead, the joy of productive Films developed 10c per Roll at or South through Los Ansalso, El I’aao. or Now Or loan a days’ institute. Time and space will Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. achievement, of participating In the Whelchel Bros., up stairs, opposite building up of a higher rural civiliza not permit of givng each name, but bih er ton Journal. (Paid Adv.) tion. Silverton and the rural districts are Mrs. G. A. Book went to Woodburn To young women also It offers toll, proud of their corps of teachers, and Thursday to spend the day with her study, frugal fare and plain clothes may they have an enjoyable as well sister, Mrs. Dr. Shoey. Silverton’s New Studio such as befit those who are honored as profitable session at the Capital ON SALE DAILY, LIMIT SIX MONTHS The misses Anna Ringness, Cassie with a great and difficult task. It City. Blackerby, May Sanders, Elizabeth Le A. Whelchel, our new photographer, offers also the pains, the burdens and Geo. Riches and wife were over from vy and Hilda Nerisen went over to the Corresponding Low Round Trip Eareo All Other S. P. Point« located in the old Jones studio and responsibilities of sacred motherhood. Salem Sunday and spent the day with Capital City Thursday to attend in It offers the obligation and perpetua successor to Mr. Baker, hails from the home folks. tion in succeeding generations the Tlckat« to all point« «outh and «Mt on Ml« dally, l.ltaratnra stitute. Colwell, Ida., where the Whelchel Bros, principles of the productive life made de«<-rlptlv« of California. Th« Exposition and th« trip, San- Miss Hazel Hartman went to Mt. have one of the largest studios in the manifest in themselves. It does not Franslsco to N«w Orleans on application to nearrat A«ant or Mrs T. J. Davis was a Thursday Angel Wednesday morning, where her state, and solicits the patronage ot the offer the Insult of a life of pride and father met her and took her home for morning passenger to Selah Springs, John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. vanity. It offers the joys of achieve where she was a guest in the home of people of Silverton. the week end vacation. He expectB his brothers F, W. and ment, of self-expression not alone her sister, Mrs. Jones. “Manufactures and Land Products Show Miss Mab*l Zimmerman, whose home in dead marble and canvas, but also Mrs. Chas. Webb returned Thursday him in photography. Portland October 26th to November 14th. " is west of Silverton, went Wed In the plastic lives of children to be He will have a large shipment of nesday to spend the winter with a from Mt. Angel, where she had been goods next week and is now prepared shaped and moulded Into those ideal visiting the Dr. Webb family. brother in Seattle, Wash. to make pictures to suit his customers. forms of mind and heart which their L. Adams and Z. Harengs were dreams have pictured. The Ladies’ Aid of the Swedish among the Salem visitors Wednesday Lutheran Church held a lair, with sale Mrs. C. C. Bliss came over from Sa of this week. Co-operative thinking is the biggest 4 »4 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ W of fancy and nseful articles last Sat lem and is visiting her many Silver- problem that confronts the farmer to Each baby received a dainty sou- urday at the Woodman Hall and served Joyful Childhood Beautiful Womanhood ton friends this week. day. a bounteous dinner to all. That it vo n and it’s hard to tail vni-ih en «All that is human must retrograde if it do not advance.”—Gibbon. < > was a success in every way was man joyed the day more, the »Titters or OBITUARY ifested by the goodly amount of mon th- ir babies FOR bALE We make a specialty of Baby Photo ey taken in and the ladies are highly On Oregon City car line, most commended for their effort and effici- graphs. . Prices right. Whelchel Bros. beautiful ride near Port1 and, splendid Mr. P. P. Ham re, a resident of Sil ciency in having everything pass of car service, 2 blocks from car. 4 verton, Ore., died from Insipient Ane so smoothly and a very enjoyable day room boungalow, 2 large lots 50x138, mia Thursday morning at 3.30 after SAVE INDUSTRIAL OREGON wag spent by all who attended. young orchard, family fruit, garden, an illness of several years duration. Man’s liberty ends, and it ought to end, when that liberty becomes <> Mrs. Kircher and Mrs. C M. Wray The one way to protect the future chicken house and large chicken park, Peter P. Hamre was bom near De the curse of his neighbors.”—Farror. „ entertained the Cradle Rod babies of manufacturing and industrial develop beautiful lowers and shrubery. Yu corah, la., May 4, 1855. In 1876 he Happy Old Age theChisjian Church, an * their mothers , ment of Oregon is to vote against the mile from river, righ and sightly, fine was united in marriage to Gertrude Noble Manhood Wednesday afternoon at ths home of vicious measures known as the “Water view, th's can be bought for $1600 on Neste, also of Decorah, la. In 1882 4 Mrs. Wray. About 20 ladi>*> and la- Front” bills, numbers 328 and 330 on Installment plan, small payment they moved to Mauvel, N. I). To this bie: were present and the/ certainly the ballot. They are a direct attack on down, balance like rent. This is an union were bom nine 'children, four e,'joyed a most delightful time and it's the prosperity of every man, woman ideal home aad easy to get. Cascade of whom are living. In the same year, 1882, he started in the mercantile doPiful if any city of its siz- can and child in Oregon and ought to be Real Estate Co. Women's Christian Temperance For Rent — Furnished Housekeeping business, conducting same for a period b rast of healthier or handsomer babii s ! beaten. Union Rooms. Enquire at Journal Office. of 23 years. th«.I Silverton. A number of new These measures are not only a vi The W. C. T. U. held a very inter . ames were added to the Cradle llull cious thrust at Oregon’s progress, but « > In 1911 he moved to Sheridan, Ore., esting meeting Tuesday afternoon. an'1 a nice little luncheon , served. they are a veiled attack upon the pub < < ► ) where he lived one year. He then I acre, 4-room houso, sewer, cement This being the last meeting before Friends everywhere, send The lic school system of the State, in that ■ > Kodaks bought and sold. moved to Silverton, Ore., where he re s:de-walk, fine garden, three blocks election, every lady was appointed as they will, if passed, deprive it of large < > Journal your advertising, as Whelchel Bron. sided at the time of his death. He from church, near sehool and depot, a committee of one to get all Oregon i > leaves to mourn his loss, besides a de most sightly place in Silverton. This Dry Voters out as early as possible this is the only way that The Rn good weather prepare for storm sums of money every year. voted wife, two sons and two daught can be bought for $1750. cash or to vote. by having your umbrella mended at VOTE “NO” 329 and “NO” 331. Journal can live. Our rates ers: Edwin, Marie, Alvina and Peter. on easy terms.—just like rent. Let Jerry's place. Oregon Commercial Protective Asso A reception for the teachers was are only 25 cents per inch and Mr. Hamre was the oldest of a family the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. McGrath went ciation planned for November 5th to be given of ten children, and is the fifth to five cents a line for locals. to Pratum Thursday to spend the day Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. pass away, leaving many relatives show you this pls«e. Pay rent to in the parlors of the Christian Church. with friends, returning in the even Watch for further announcements. yourself and own a beautiful home. and friends to mourn his departure. (Paid Adv. ) ing. Lamber is by far the most important ( industry of Oregon. We have one fifth of the standing timber of the United I States in Oregon. Not another saw , mill wll be erected on the tide lands ( or rivers of Oregon, if these so-called “Water Front” bills pass. The way to defeat them is to VOTE “NO” 329 and “NO” 331. Vote to Save Industrial Oregon VOTE “NO” 329 AND “NO” 331 ÏHE CALL Of f « No Route South THE SCENIC SHASTA ROUTE SOUTHERN PACIFIC Through Oregon and California VOTE 1914 OREGON DRY 1914 •I'