THE NINTH ANNUAL STATE (I.ERG Y DEFEND DRY MAINE FOR Till-: MATERIALISTS COL­ Thomas Paine was either intemperate OLDER BOYS’ CONFERENCE or immoiai. On the contrary, in mor­ UMN. als und personal hubi’s he was far su­ I lly 8. H. Van Trump. The Ninth Annual State Older Boys’ perior to the clerical c I uhh of Ids day, Preachers of That .State Unanimous in Defendig The Historic Dry The Rev. Guy Fitch Phelps who as he wou'd be to the same class were Conference is to be held this year at rounds up the contributors to the Mat­ he living today. McMinnville, Ore., November 27—29, Policy erial i» I’ m Column from week to week 1914. Ax these dates come during the When ministers want to know the Portland, Or«. — In answer to the Thanksgiving vacation it is expected would (five one the nnpreaaion lliat he “truth” about Thomas Paine, they read allows whereof he spoku. in the ver­ Ms life us written by James Cl.eetham. calumnies of liquor press agents re­ that there will be more than 250 dele­ nacular of the small boy, Mr. I'hulpM He was a personal enemy of Paine's, garding the workings of the dry policy gates in attendance. The total enroll­ "knows all Dial's to be known” about a Tory, a man without personal honor. In Maine, Rov. Charles II. Woodman ment at the 1913 conference held at the»e profound subjects. For writing this “life” he ws convicted (for ten years president of the Federa­ Dallas reached 289. Nevertheless it may be permitted a of libel und made to pay damages to tion of Churches of Portland, Maine), This Older Boys’ Conference has modest agnostic to take exception to Paine. But thia work still remains the telegraphs, under date of October Iff, come to be one of the largest and most some of hi» statements as well a» to outc authority with the orthodox to Mrs. Jenne Kemp, president of the important gatherings held under the call in question cue Use he makes of eii-dster the world over. Oh, how these Oregon W. C. T. U., as follows: auspices of the State Committee of the some scientific authorities. Young Men's Christian Association and . rouehers do love their enemies! Why "Mrs. Jennie M. Kemp, 417 Dekum Bldg,, Portland, Ore. ranks with the best conferences of like ; Mr. 1‘helps will lake no stock in the Jo-i’l tl.ey read some of the modern Ministers of the gospel in the state nature held in any of the Eastern science of evolution. Ills antipathy for IF.-es of Paine, works like the two-vol- evolution is so great ttiat he is able to eme edition by Moncure D. Fenway? of Maine are a unit in supporting the States. It is conducted under the Ore­ quote against that doctrine some of Here is a work that completely exon­ prohibitory law as the best means yet gon Sunday School Association. The conference is open to delegates Ila greatest advocates and apostles, ill erates Paine and frees him from all devised for suppressing the liquor traf­ Ina latest installment Mr. ¡’helps twice ‘he slanders of th«- evil minded Cheet- fic. Ministers who have lived in li­ from High Schools, Boys’ Departments quotes 1’rol. Huxley ugunist the doc- ham a work, tliat in the language of censed territories and afterwards of Y. M. C. A.’s, organized Sunday truie of evolution. He should have the late Harry Scott of the Oregonian moved to Maine are loud in their School classes and Boy Scout organi­ told his readers that for more than ZU "firmly fixes Paine’s position us the praises of the wholesome effect of the zations. Each club, plass or organiza years Huxley was the most eminent d - concepts — from tha will be railroad fare at the rate of a maintain that the soil was made by the crudest to live loftiest ideal. fare and one-third for the round trip deity as we see it today ,' Does any If Mr. Phelps will closely define his TAXES on the certificate plan and a twenty- one believe that God on the morning "God," 1 will prove his Ideas are child­ Speaking about taxes, the slat« tax five cent registration fee. The delegates of creation made the soil, and spread ish and absurd. will be entertained in the homes of it out into fertile valleys and built it God and immortality arc purely mat­ rates of certain states is as follows: McMinnville. Kansas . ........... „...10 mills up into majestic mountain ranges? On ters of faith, in the crucible of reason Preliminary announcements of this Oregon ....„............ 24 mills the contrary, every infant ui science they evaporate. conference have been sent over the California ... .......... 30 mills knows that the soil is of ancient Nature is a great mystery. Nature state and programs and credential Washington...........36 mills growth, the result of forces constantly and a "God” entirely inscrutable. al work around us. And every true License has not kept the taxes down cards will be mailed about Nov. 1st. | Nature ia here, there and every­ All those interested in obtaining ad­ scientist believes that all of this vast where. This precludes any god from in any of these license states. ditional information can do so by writ­ and varied phenomina, we call nature, being everywhere also. ing Guy E. Needham, State Boys’ has been evolved even as the soil which Nature is eternal—never was creat­ Secretary, 305 Y. M. C. A. Building, The liquor men are stating in flam ­ is the common mother of all. ed. From nothing, nothing can come. Dr. T. J. J. See, professor of as­ Hence, existing now proves that, in its ing paid advertisements in the news­ Portland, Oregon. tronomy and mathematics in the U. 8. elementary form, it na • always papers that the population of Kansas Navy and the most eminent scientist existed. Hence ro “Creator,” and no has "fallen off nearly twenty thou­ OREGON FEDERATION OF WOM­ sand.” that America has yet produced, lias need of one. EN’S CLUBS Here is the population of Kansas at practically demonstrated in two large Oswego, Ore., Oct. 19, 1914. Tyndall said: “Nature is seen to do each census since the beginning of the volumes of KeMearches the cosmologi­ To the Club Women of Oregon: cal evolution of the universe. By the all things spontaneously, without the state: I860, 107,206 pop.; 1870, 364,- A resolution was introduced at our i meddling of the gods. ” 399 pop ; 1880, 996,096 pop.; 1890, 1,- state convention held at Hood River iron laws of mathematics and physics If now-a-days a man of science ' 427,09«. pop ; 1900, 1,470,495 pop.; he demonstrated that the entire stellar last year, endorsing the effort to re-I universe is built up and sustained by would trace or attribute a phenomenon, 1910, 1,690,949 pop. Just one more open the Normal School at Ashland. the action and reaction of two primal effect or event to the will or agency of liquor fake; that’s all. Feeling that this was a matter of im­ forces—universal gravitation and the “God” he would be politely informed portance, it was referred to the Edu­ that he didn't know what he was talk ­ repulsive force of electricity. The liquor men are circulating fakes cational Committee for thorough in­ Mr. i’he'ps seems to be ab'e to think ing about. in posters and paid advertisements, vestigation and a report. Such in­ If a “God" exists "His” being Is, of nothing but evil of the Materialist. We vestigation was made with the result hope that the wish is not the f ither course, far more sublime than that of telling how much more insanity there that our committee reported to the of his theory. Morally and intellectu- “His” creatures. “He” embodies in is in Kansas than in the Pacific coast convention just held at Eugene, earn­ al'y he can see no good in him. He "Himself” all the attributes of man— states that are preparing to vote on estly urging a support of this measure says: “The bomb throwers, hr«were life, intelligence, wisdom, love, etc., the dry proposition November 3. in the belief that its success would Here is the bald record on the au­ contribute materially to helping an ur­ and gamblers and white slavere are all but in transcendent degree. Materialists. Evidently the Materia­ “Where do these come from?" Sup­ thority of the United States census for gent educational need of the state. lists are all l>ad, and the bad are aii pose you could see your “God” stand­ 1910. The number of insane ¡numer­ The convention aodpted the follow­ Materialists.’’ J. Ruskin who cer.ainly ing beside puny insignificant man. ated in hospitals per 100,000 popula­ ing resolution: was not open to the charge of ma eria- Would it be logical to posit a creator tion fot these states is as follows: “RESOLVED: that the Oregon Fed­ lism, thought otherwise. In “Crown of for man and not for “God?” Would it Kansas, 172.2; California,277.7; Ore­ eration of Women's Clubs not only en­ Wild Olive” he says: "A brave belief be reasonable to believe a dollar watch gon, 232.6; Washington, 174.7. dorse the measure providing for the in death has been assuredly he d by needed a maker but that a thousand From the numerous fakes sprung by reopening of the Southern Oregon many not ignoble persons, and L is a dollar chronograph repeater did not? the liqqor men, it would > eem that all State Normal School, but pledge our­ sign of the last depravity of the Positing a greater being than man of the crazy people were not in the selves to work for the same in our church itself, when it assumes that leads us deeper into the labyrinth of asylums. respective communities.” such a belief is inconsistent with mystery. We are taking this means of in­ either purity of character or energy of W atches need a maker, man does not. forming you of the action of the F ed­ The liquor fakirs are circulating the hand.” As Topsy said (wiser than the Rev. story that there is an abnormal eration and requesting you, in fulfill­ Mr. Phelps submits two quotations: Critic): “I just growd.” Read Dar­ ment of that promise, to aid in furth­ 1st. Can there be moral government win and Haeckel and acquire a more amount of crime in Kansas as com­ ering this measure, in the hope that without belief in and the existence of rational explanation of the evolu­ pared with the Pacific Coast States our work may contribute to the edu­ a personal God? Answer: The moral tion of man than the Mother Goose fighting for a dry proposition. cational uplift of the state. The following is the crime record government of a people is apt to rise story of creation in Genesis. Sincerely, taken from the Federal census for little above the moral character of .he Elizabeth F. Pettinger, Intelligence is the product of 1910. The number of sentenced pris­ God they worship; and if one will look Chairman, Educational Committee the living animal structure and oners in state penal institutions per to Europe at the present time, he vzill O. F. W. C. behold a few illustrations of the moral its environment. Hence a God 100,000 population was as follows: government of Jehovah. could not have existed prior to Kansas, 85.4; Oregon, 93.2; Washing­ VOTE RIGHT ON ELECTION DAY ton, 150.4; California, 183.4. 2nd. Can matter produce conscience, Nature. All of the liars are apparently not reason and affectionate nature? "’he When you go behind the screen to Materialist says it can; the theist nays The philosopher cares not for “bright in jail yet. register your vote, when you are alone promises," but for facts. We are born it can not. "It certainly seems as lea- sonable to think that matter uider "like a brute" and the Christian’s God The liquor corporation agents are with God and your thoughts I want certain conditions should give ris to (or Nature) decrees we must die “like circulating bill poster yarns about the you to see that long list of — thou­ psychic life as that a perfectly 1'ise a brute.” (Or like “the noblest work great volume of pauperism in Kansas sands of sweet fresh boys, the cream and perfectly good Bpirit should 1 ive of God”—a man, and all is well! No as compared with the Pacific coast of our fair state, turned into drunk­ ards. 1 want you to see that long list willed into being such a world wl ere heaven, no hell. No grief for the un­ states. of mothers with eyes red with weep­ we live in, a world where the aver ,ge born—there cannot be for the dead. The following is the record on the OTTO WETTSTEIN. authority of the United States census ing, waiting in the night for the human life is little less than “one !■ ng drunken husband and sons and the agony.” for 1910: The paupers enumerated in children poorly clad and often beaten, To my mind it is just as reasons >le alms houses per 100,000 population if you mark your ballot against them to believe that matter can prodvte * The Experiment of red-icing • was as follows: Kansas, 43.5; Wash­ I don’t know what to think of you. I spirit as that spirit can produce m. I- * the price of thia paper to 50 * ington, 49.4;’Oregon, 51.9; California, appeal to you fathers in the name of ter; as reasonable to believe that mu t­ * cents per year for a period of • 195.4. your manhood that you protect your ter under certain combinations aid * 30 days has proven auch a * Evidently the liars are not all con­ homes and our children, and I tell you forces should become conscious, as th. 1 * success that we have condud- * fined in the alms houses. mothers and sisters that if ever there a conscious spirit, as man, should b< * ed to make the reduction per- * was a time in your lives it is now when come unconscious—in disease or su<’ • * manent. Keep them coming in * Kansas has no state bonded debt you should be aroused to do something den injury to the brain. * bunches! It ia the correct an- * except $370,000 owned by the state grand. I point to a better day which A fatal if not favorite ethical err< * awer to the hierarchy’s prosecu- * school fund. During the past ten years will reverse the old order, a day of with Mr. Phelps is taking things for * tions and falsehoods. * her bank deposits have increased from brave woman and manhood. Vote the granted without thoroughly investiga1 $60.00 to $114.37 per capita. During hellish saloons out, vote them out for ing them. He says, that not evea if this peeriod, the increase in the wealth your wives’ and children’s sake, vote fidels “dare deny that Thomas Pai/,« Dr. Heisley’s days in Silverton, of Kansas has averaged $120,000,000 them out for your husbands’ sake, vote was an immoral man.” Well inform ,d freethinkers make no such admiso ,n Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. per year. The assessed valuation of them out for your brothers’ sake, vote as Mr. Phelps implies. Here is ,«ne Office over Preston’a Sh p, leave calls Kansas per capita is $1,750.00, while them out for humanity’s sake, vote American citizen that challenges Mr. at the shop. At Woodburn other that of the older sister state of Mis­ them out for God’s sake. Hugh D. Macdonald. souri is but $300.00. Phelps to show by good evidence nat days. «••••••••••••••••*« ♦ * ♦ : : ♦ ♦ Conveyancing Brokerage Phone Green 991 CASCADE REAL Estate Co. MR. aid MRS. C. H. DEDRICK, Genera] Managers OFFICE IN HOSMER BUILDING Room formerly occupied by H. E. Brown SILVERTON, OREGON A BIG BARGAIN. One acre, half in clover, an 8-room house, city water in the yard, good well, 40 young fruit trees, 15 old ones, chicken house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens, grapes, good barn—everything for only $3250. Easy terms. No better bargain in Silverton! See us over the Journal office. Money to Loan ° Notary Public Coolidge Street. ♦ Phone Black 1242. BEN HOFSTETTER $ ♦ ! General Contractor for Commercial and Industrial Building EXPERT ENGINEER In the Design and Construction ofbeaut- iful homes, business houses, schools and churches. ♦ SILVERTON, OREGON. OREGON SOCIALIST PARTY TICKET MARION COUNTY SOCIALIST TICKET Representatives: E. W. Ross, S’’- United States Senator—B. F. Ramp verton; Fred Haa k, Marion; L. D. Governor—W. J. Smith. Ratliff, Salem; Allen Hutcheon, Sa­ State Treasurer—B. F. Sloope lem, F. J. Von Behren, Aumsville. Attorney General of Oregon—J. E. Sheriff—J. E. Blazer, Silverton. Hosmer I Clerk—T. Y. McClellen, Turner. Re­ State Labor Commission — August corder—Ly,:th M. Cannon, Salem. Nikula Treasurer—R. R. Ryan, Salem. Com­ State Supt. of Public Instruction— missioner,—F. C. Ramp, Brooks. Cor. Mrs. Flora Foreman oner—Bernard Pehr, Salem. Survey­ State Railroad Commissioner—I. 0. or—Jean B. Hoss, Salem. Puerola Justices of Supreme Court—D. W. Robinson, N. Rannells, A. G. Hotch­ A BIG BARGAIN in a business kiss, Chas. H. Otten. building and a small lot with go d building a'ready for business ean be Do you believe in dreams? Your had by applying at the of Fee of the dream of a home will come true if you Cascade Real Estate Company. Price will let the CASCADE REAL ES­ only $500. The location is on a prin­ TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy cipal street and the terms are easy— a home on the installment plan. just like paying rent. Buy a lot in Geiser’s Addition— best buy in Silverton—must sell and you get the advantage of the forced ♦ SILVERTON TIME TABLE sa’e. You can pay for this lot and ♦ the CASCADE REAL ESTATE CO. Arrive from Portland 8.25 A.M. will bui’d you a bunglow—pay for it <4 a ¡4 11.05 AM. « in tead of paying rent to the other 44 <4 « 4.30 P.M. * fellow. it 44 « 8.15 P.M. * t -e- - - - ■ — « Salem 10.59 AM. a 44 it Watch the date after the name on a 5.05 P.M. * the little yellow label and if yob want « a “Brownsville 9.15 A.M. ♦ the Silverton Journal another year re­ « new your subscription promptly, It ♦ Depart for Portland 7.30 A.M. « <1 will save us much time, work and ex- 44 « 9.15 A.M. * pense. Help us all you can. 44 « « 2.00 P.M. ♦ 44 it « ♦ 5.05 P.M. ♦ 44 it « Salem 8.25 A.M. * See the CASCADE REAL ESTATE « 14 tt 3.00 P.M. COMPANY for the best paying hotel II « "Brownsville 4.30 P.M. « bu iness—house full a'l the time, part cash, balance os time or in trade. e • •