The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, October 16, 1914, Image 1

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    T he S ilverton J ournal
(By L. D. Ratliff)
The head of the government print­
ing business is a Catholic.
• • •
Buffalo, N. Y., is Catholic by 60 per
cent, and $10,000,000 worth of Catholic
property is exempt from taxation.
• • •
According to the papers the Holy
Bishop at Seattle was one of the bunch
who iuui to answer in coui for kid­
napping a girl.
• • •
By sending a message of eulogy and
tribute to Rome upon the death of
. e Pope the President gave official
recugnization to a religion in violation
of the spirit of the Constitution.
• • •
It has been charged, and seemingly
proved that tho U.K. customs agent at
New York ha passed Roman Catholic
baggage without examination, though
that official has made a weak denial.
• • •
Sixty per cent of the population of
Boston is Catholic. They elect Mpyor
and other officials, and 95 per cent of
all the appointments under these offi­
cials arc Catholics.
• • •
The late Pope had “broad sym­
pathies,” according to Wilson. Perhaps
'so— for his own church. He was a
reactionary and bigot of pronounced
• • •
Nearly all saloon keepers are Ro­
man Catholics. None of them belong
to Protestant churches. This shows
the difference between the Protestant
and Catholic standards of morality.
• • •
Papal graft. If anybody but a Papal
grafter worked such a skin game on
ihc poor and ignorant he would be run
in fur obtaining money under false
pretenses.—The Melting Pot.
• • •
A girl of fourteen was enticed into a
Montana House of Good Shepherd with
the promise of an education. She
makes affidavit that she was confined
there nix months, doing washing and
other drudgery for the institution. A
part of her morning duty was to drees
up the room of one of the three priests
■yho slept m the place, before he got
up, then remain with him and assist
nim till he got dressed. Yes, the girl
gets "educated” all right.
• • •
A man living at Olympia, Washing­
ton, lias lakeu habeas corpus proceeed.
mgs to secure the release of his
daughter from a convent at Belling­
ham, where she is being detained
against her will and unlawfully. Yet
ihe Roman liars of these institutions
*111 tell you the inmates are free to
come and go. When Miss Lasenan
got away, there was hurrying to and
fro, and a run was made to the county
»heriff—oh, yes, they are tree all right
—to stay in the pen.
• • •
The following petition, numerously
signed, was put up to the Governor;
We, the undersigned, respectfully
■ all your attention to the case of Mr.
Hosmer now in the county jail. From
ntatemonts by his attorney, Mr. Wins­
low, it is evident Mr. Hosmer has not
find a square deal; that he is deprived
of liberty without due process of law.
So our appeal is to you.
“it has been suggested that we pay
his fine; but this involves an injustice.
No fine should lie against a man until
lie has had his day in court."
Boston is Romanized. It went into
official mounting for one hour, from 10
t 11 A. M., August 25, for the dead
Pope. The City Hall with all offices COLUMBIA RIVER WORK TO BE
were closed, The crowds outside had
to wait until Rome got her honors.
Portland, Ore., October 13. Special.
The U. 8 Supreme Court says, in —The River and Harbor Bill having
effect, that the "Vow of Poverty” to finally been passed by Congress, the
the Church is superior to civil law. money necessary for the continuation
Just a little more Romanizing of the of dredging and the construction of
courts and the church will be supreme jetties at the mouth of the Columbia
in all things.
will be immediately available. For
the work at the mouth of the Columbia
The Democratic party of Ohio and $1,000,000 has been awarded, for work
Illinois lias headed in for Rome by on the Columbia below Portland, $200,-
nomiatinng Catholics for the U. 8. 000 and for the completion of the Ce-
Senate. The party in Iowa, New York iilo Canal $525,000, which the engin-
and Massschu-etta have already gone oers estimate will be the full amount
over to the Pope.
required. Since the report from Wash­
s s s
ington was received about five hundred
Suppose an unmarried Protestant men have been put to work at Big Ed­
minister should set up housekeeping dy and as soon as work can be found
with a buxom unmarried woman—what (o: them, additional men will be em­
would his church say? What it would ployed and the work rushed to com­
say would just show the difference be. pletion at the earliest possible date.
• • •
tween a Protestant and Catholic con­
ception of order and decency.
At an electon held in Roseburg early
s s s
last week the voters of that city au­
In N. Y. City the Sisters have a thorized the issuance of bonds to the
hotel with 175 rooms which cost at amount of $500,000 with which to as­
least $1,500,000. Its income runs from sist in the construction of a railroad
$50,000 to $200,000 a year. It is not from Roseburg to Coos Bay. A rail­
taxed. Why? It is called “Convent of road commission consisting of ten
Jesus-Mary.” Isn’t that reason business men of the city was provided
en >ugh ?
for at the same election.
* • •
• The Demo-Catholic party of Ohio
dollars contributed
nominated a mess of Catholics for the
citizens for the
state offices and for congress, The
papers say Bryan is to go over and
help to elect them, Of course, Bryan
being Romanized must serve his
the supervision of the state highway
engineers. This donation, it is said,
insure the completion of the grad,
On the catafalque on which the body
the highway this year.
of the late Pope lay was the inscription
In the near future an extensive sys­
“He upheld religion and repudiated
the law separating Church and State.” tem of Btock yards will be established
at Springfield for the handling of live
—In N. Y. World. This was the man
upon whom Wilson and Roosevelt stock, in the upper Willamette valley.
Market quotations will be published
pronounced eulogies.
daily, based on the Portland market
and the surplus live stock will be
We understand judge Kelly has been shipped to the metropolis. It is ex­
fully advised as to how Mr. Hosmer pected that the improvement will cost
was deprived of his defense. Now if not less than $10,000.
in the law judge Kelly can correct the
• • •
injustice inflicted through his court it
Following the disastrous fire at Ban­
is up to him to do it. If the case has
gone beyond his reach, he can at least don last June in which property to the
value of $300,000 was destroyed, the
wash his hands with an apology.
citizens of that progressive city have
e e •
started out to make public and private
Probably not one Catholic in a hun­
improvements which will aggregate
dred would be in that church if he
$250,0J0 in cost. A number of modern
knew the purposes for which it exists,
tire proof structures are now under
and the fraud and humbug of its
extensions of the water system
priestly functions. Yet, as declared
are being installed and a few months
ex-priest Hogan, the very men who are
will see a new and substantial city
being degraded and whose wives and
on the ruins of the old one.
(laughters are being debauched, would
• • •
be the most ready to fight for the in­
According to advices from Wash­
e e e
ington, Oregon’s share of the money
Archbishop Glennon took $6,000 received by the government from the
“Peters Pence" to the Pope some forest reserves in this state amounts
Weeks ago. "Peters Pence” is collected to $60,606, and this amount will be
/from the poor as an insurance propo­ immediately available for the benefit
sition,—it pays a premium against of the schools or improvement of the
hell fire. Scareing suckers with threats roads in the counties in which the for.
of hell Is the hack b ne of the whole est reserves are located.
• • •
• • •
• • •
Mary Lasanen at Silverton
No. 50.
It is not pleasant to publish—or even
to think of the frailties and faults of
The Nun from Mt. Angel Convent, who escaped on the our neighbor. Yet Jesus said: “By Information About Factories and En­
their fruits ye shall know them.” And
night of June 26, 1913, and asked for protection
terprises That Employ Labor and
none can lie more emphatic than was
Matters Affecting the Development
of the minister at the Christian
He—in denouncing the evil persons
of Oregon.
Church in Silverton
with whom He collided. The scribes
and Pharisees sat in the seat of Moses
made long prayers and posed as the
Salem, Ore., October 12.—-The Eu­
Last Friday evening at 8.30 Mary from the stage as her sincere and ear- religious leaders of the people. But gene Coffee Club to help the unem­
Lasenan, one of the bravest, pluckiest est heart to heart talk was drawing listen to His scathing words to them: ployed 's $3500 ir debt.
little women in this whole world, upon her nervous system, she said, the “Ye serpents, how can ye escape the
Ground has beer broken for a new
damnation of hell?’’
walked on the stage at the Silverton naif had not been told.
The priests of Rome claim to be »lan: of the Pixfic Iren Woiks.
Opera House. She wls introduced to
In a very simple manner she ex­ the special and only representa'i a*.»
W. E. Hus tor. is m anger of the
-he people of Silverton and in her inno­ plained that her line of thought was on earth of the Holy God who
now meat packing plant at Bum.-.
cent, sincere way told her life story as oroken as she completely lost herself rules above. The pope claims to be
It is estimated that work previded
y«.'U have heard it from The Silverton in telling her past convent troubles “Our holy Lord God—the pope, and
that he is the infallible teacher of the for in River., and Harbors bill will
Journal and from "The Escaped Nun und told incidents spontaneously as
truth. Surely such person should be employ 5000 men n Oiegon.
Book” or “The Last Stand of Despo­ they came to her mind.
most holy in all his conduct and char­
Work begun on a $3000 school hour ?
tism,” the publishing of which ye Edi­
She knew only the day before that acter. Some of the popes have—no at Beaver Hill, Coos county.
tor is serving a sentence in the Marion she was to speak and that was her doubt, been men of pure hearts—but
others have certainly not been so.
The Tailant cannery at Marshfield
County Jail at Salem.
first attempt to speak in public.
What then? If rightful authority in hau resumed w’th a large forez.
Miss Lasenan proved to be one of
She invited anyone who wished to the office—and the “Apostolic Succes­
chose bright intellectual women who
R. L. Macleay will erect a cheese
aak questions or talk with her to meet sion” claimed by them, demands that factory at Gold Beach.
■>o often walk into our lives, bidden or
the men in the line, be men of really
her up on the stage at the close of the holy character and conduct—the proof
unbidden, as the case may be, to en­
Port Oxford cedar is selling for $95
meeting. A gentleman asked the priv­ that certain of the popes have been
lighten our very souls on some vital
per thousand.
ilege of a question before the audience, wicked men, breaks the line of the
point that seems so dark and mys­
Scio is to have a new printing plant,
this was granted and was bravely “Succession." And if it be shown that
terious to us. She certainly proved
a new hotel and perhaps another drug
answered. Another was asked by the
uerself true blue to her friends of Sil­
men, some of them phenomenally bad, store.
same gentleman and Attorney Downs, then what? Take examples first from
verton, also convincing U> many doubt­
The U. S. Engineers have called for
rising from his seat on the stage, an­ what we may call the secular life of
ing Thomases, who will open their
200 laborers on Coos Bay jetty and
.oinds to reason only when utterly nounced: ‘Brother Knight of Colum­
Celil canal.
Theophylact, a youth, little beyond
bus, 1 will answer that myself,” and
compelled to do so.
Logged of lands seems to be ig de­
after much applause to this introduc­ twelve years of age, was, in the year
We all know there are certain de­
1033, made pope; and reigned as mand around Coos Bay for small
tion, Mr. Downs quietly r""wered his Benedict IX Eleven years later, for farms.
mands made by the public after a
a woman’s honor, he sold the popedom
dory has been published such as Mary
Twenty-two blocks are being offered
After the lecture Mias Lasenan and to John of Tusculum, who reigned as for free factory sites at Flavel, the
Lasenan’s. There was no other way
Gregory VI. Certain people of Rome
returned to their home, where did not relish the idea of the sale of terminals of the Hill system of rail­
to prove our truthfulness and hen in friends
this case, but to bring her to the public i tae (writer and this brave woman put the office, and in 1044 elected as pope road.
and let her tell her own story in her ' iz much of the night in talking over John of Sabina, who for a time reigned
The Public Docks and Water Front­
own way, which she did in a straight past events of the case and Miss Lase­ as Silvester III. Now, though Benedict age amendment is a polite way for the
had sold out to Gregory, he again state to confiscate a man’s property to
forward manner without any enforced nan stated that if the good people of
claimed and assumed the office.
the use of the state without compen­
dramatization. Nevertheless she held hilverton wanted to hear more of her
Emperor Henry of Germany, in sation.
the audience spell-bound for more than troubles, she would return in due time 1046, held a council at Sutri, and in
Durng the first month of operation
form deposed all these men and elected
two houn. When she had to be taken aid tell her whole story.
as pope the bishop of Bamberg, who the Panama Canal produced $91,664.
took the name of Clement.
Petitions have been placed on file to
Thus there were four men who at
create a new county of Siuslaw from
the same time claimed the office and part of Lane county.
authority of pope. Of course all were,
as their claims could make them,
North Bend has a monthly payroll
Mary Lasanen
i Ths is a shameful fact. An article equally “infallible.” (See the article of $50,000.
intitled “Recent Unresented Insults to "Popedom” and also the names given
Albany is trying to raise a $7500 bo­
Salem, Oregon, Oct. 15, 1914 ur National Flag” has just come to in the Encyclopeedia Britannica.)
nus to assure the resumption of work
iand and it tells of numerous recent
A political scandal of the same kind in the Union Furniture Company’s
My dear Mrs. Hosmer,
tisults heaped by Romanists upon the occurred later. In the first decade of plant.
1 want first to thank you for coming itars and Stripes.
the Fifteenth Century, there were
A poultry show will be held at Al­
The hisrarchy has condemned three men who, at the same time
to me at Portland with an Invitation
>ur form of government, our pubEc claimed the popedom; each of whom, bany on January 7 to 10.
to come to Silverton. 1 had long want­ chool system, our National Anthem as far as he could, exercised papal
350 men are working steadily on the
ed to make known to the good people America” and now it insolently in- authority. At Rome were Alexander V big Hill terminals at Flavel.
and Gregory XII; with Benedict XIII
there just the way Mr. Hosmer has ults and desecrates our Flag.
Messrs. Cl emm ens and Bishop of
The queston is how long are we st Avignon. This “double standard,”
been deprived of his liberty unjustly. foing to submit it. It has been said two lines of popes, one at Rome, the Mont'sano, Washington, are looking
But I was advised to keep still when that the American people reverence other at Avignon, continued for many­ over timber holdings east of Suther’
years. All this struggle for the office for the purpose of perfecting plans foi
1 felt 1 must speak. But now that I their Flag next to their God. Then s ingests that popes may be politicians logging railroads in the timber a <1 for
every American should do his part to
iiave broken loose, and am free to act save the Flag from dishonor. The of small scruple. For account f this building two large sawmills, the first
scandal see any encyclopedia or any of which will be about two miles east
my flfwn part, I must thank you again above article, after giving yor a full
of town.
of the popes.
account of the insults to the Flag sug­
for helping me to freedom
It is reported that a new cheese fac­
gests a way to prevent them in the
for society, but the greatest wrong to tory wil be started atWedderburn next
I was greatly pleased to have the future.
society has been and is held to be sex. spring.
opportunity to speak in Silverton, The article is printed for distribution ual impurity. The Bible deciares that
and we urge our readers to write a
Umatilla County is to have a new
though, of course, one night is so short card to the author, Mr. C. Bradway, he who commits adultery, destroys his and important industry. It will be a
own soul. How many of the popes
branch of the Nature Cleansing Prod­
a time I could not tell but a little of 1429 Masonic Hall, N. Y. C., for a
have personally been guilty of this sin,
uct Company of Elmhurst, Ill., and will
what the people ought to know. Oh, the
it is safe to say, God only knows. Take
be located at Yoakum, near Pendleton.
now a single example.
forces that put Mr. Hosmer in jail, I
The object of the industry is to ship
Pope John XII (years 955 to 963) deposits of earth from certain sections
know so well what they are. No part
was an illegitimate son of the notori­ known to contain soloca, peroxide,
of our government or our courts is
ous courtesan Marozia. His father
The “New Republic” has gone after was Count Alberic, himself another il­ aluminum and other minerals. It has
been discovered, by chemical analysis
free frm the hand of the Catholic some of the saints in rather vigorous
legitimate soi. of Marozia. Thus John’s that the soil at one part of the Yoa
Church. Nor does the average Pro­ fashion for selling themselves to the father was his own half brother and
kum section contains these propertied.
iquor fraternity. Among the offenders
testant realize how much this church named is R. J. Hendries of the Salem his mother was his grandmother, for
A project is being gwgineerod b<
she was his father’s mother. And be­
Statesman. If Mr. Hendries belonged ing Marozia’s son, he was uncle to Devereaux & Tripp of Eugene involv­
controls conditions everywhere.
to a church which had more zeal for
I have been advised by professed righteousneess he might be set out as himself, for h? was Marozia’s grand­ ing the construction of a logging ra/-
And, but please. figure out the road up Lost Creek from the Natron
friends that the public is not inter­ .infit; but the charitable view is tliat other complications for yourself. extension through Dexter ^nt i a body
ested in Mr. Hosmer's imprisonment; he really believes that the Sunday John’s blood was certainly very bad, of timber, comprising approximately
School (of which he is Assistant Super,
a third of four townships, is under wa>
but whether the public is interested or intendent) and the saloon are co-part­ but he lived up to it, he was caught with the survey for the road nearly
in the act of adultery and was killed
not, I am interested that they shall ners in th: work of civilization. It is by the husband he had wronged.
completed. Michigan an 1 Wisconsin
i.c* to be supposed that a deacon would
Of such popes, and such conduct as timber owners who recent'y purchase 1
know the truth. And since I am the sell space in his paper for anything
the Romanist historian, Cardinal tracts of timber in this •.l.fn’ty, arc
only one who is in position to give it antagonistic to the good of mankind.
said to be behind the move and a sale
To be sure, saloons .cannot be run Baronius, says that this is an argu­ of a large pool of timber L contem­
to the people, you can see why I am
without patronage, and if we shouJ ment for the divine authority of the plated. The promoters state that the
speakng to the public.
have saloons, then it is his duty to papacy, for, he insists, If the papacy road wil' be constructed laimedla’elv.
see to it that they be patronized. Pos­ had not been of God, it must have per­
As you know, it was not my purpose
sibly the boys of his Sunday School ished, because of the wickedness of its
at first to make public my escape and could be induced to spend their surplus leaders.
i concede that they are human and are
Isn’t that argument most conclusive?
subject to the weakness of humanity,
experience, but my confidence was be­ nickles to keep the drink shop running.
“But those things happened a long that in fact, they have erred in the
Every patriot who balieves that the
trayed, and I was made to face the
saloon is a source of prosperity, is in time ago; and it isn’t fair to judge i past and even occanioanlly in the
matter openly. That is why I am now duty bound to support it. He should the Rome of todty by the Rome of the 1 present^
centuries so long past.”
Put Romo claims that she is and
before the public; it is to defend Mr. drink and induce his friends to drink,
in the patriotic work of keeping up 1 Why isn’t it fair to judge Rome by ever has been "everywhere and al­
Hosmer, and to show that he published prosperity. Instead of fifteen saloons her past? It would not be fair to
ways” the same. Historical illustra­
- -
- civil
- — government o —
we should have thirty, and everybody , judge
‘f —
France tions of this matter will be given later.
only the truth.
drink to keep them going. Is Hendries or of Italy of today by the France or
As ever, Your True Friend,
“L"—Willamette University
right? If so, let’s have saloons and Italy of 1,000 years ago for the reason
Salem, Ore.
that these civil governments freely
L. D. Ratliff.
MARY LASANEN. plenty of them.