The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, October 02, 1914, Image 3

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    M aterialist
of the sun. What causes a piece of
Iron or stone to hold together? The
the atoms. What causes
'diteci by Elisa Mowry Bliven, Brook
oxygon to unite with almost every *1 .
lyn, Court.
muni? Their attractive forci. What
caused the large collections of proto­
plasm floating in the sea to attract
Rev. Guy Filch ¡'help's live unu a »mailer collections, and absorb them
ha'f culumns of criticism» in Septem­ or collect them around itself? its
ber 11, Silverton Journal, will require greater amount of atom» attracted the
column» to answer, so we only »mailer. Thus some protoplasm cov-
make a bugmiung this week, iurst I I «red itse'f with lime, and a tiny shell­
admit that part of my writing» were fish was formed. Eliza Mowry Bllven.
imagination» and guesses, nut “pos-
it've knowledge." 1 did not claim
Have all the clergymen, monks, fri­
that i knew how the nerves and brahi ers, minister», bishops, priests, cardin.
cells slarlod or was sure how life be­
ul and pope», from the day of Pente­
gun. Ail scientists, ali inventors, all cost to the last election dune as much
doers of anything have to imagine
fur humanity as Thomas Paine? As
cause» or results, or they would never much for science as Charles Darwin?
make any progress or do anything. What would the world be if iniidels
The cook imagines the coming break- had never lived ?
la»t; then from experience takes the
• • •
right materials and cooks the food.
"Thu woriy is my country, and to
Tne farmer imagines the harvest, do good is my religion."
kn we the way to secure it, so plows,
T homas Paine,
plants and cultivates. The inventor
imagines something never yet ¡and",
Paine's "Common Sense” made a
slud, us out hiw to make it, and ids Nation and that nation today the work produces the inven- greatest on earth. "Common Sense”
•m. in every kind of employment, the flashed across the poetical sky of the
irker has the result in in nd before New World with a brilliancy that won
it becomes a reality.
admiration and wonder from all. The
The scientists see the results of na- bold argument for National independ­
tuGv's doings everywhere, auf darting ence, within a few months converted a
with that positive knowledge, they rva. continent, and was followed the next
son or guess from that in searching Fourth of July by the Declaration of
for the causes or laws of nature; then independence. Paine wanted every
they suck for proofs to ascertain man who was elected to position high
whether their guess or reasons were or low, to represent the ;eople, to
right or wrung. So in studying back­ stand for the people, and to work for
wards for results to causes, men have the people.
often plundered,, and knowledge of
Every throne has robbed t1*? wcrid,
evolution lias been of slow growth, every altar has enslaved it, and
nm beset with difficulties.
Thoma» Paine knew that any govern­
The bible believer starts with hi» ment which fostered superstition or
imaginary bible god, und tries to a''owed tyranny would trample upon
■|ikr all facts in nature accord with human rights and lead reason to the
W ■ biblical creation scheme. So they gallows. What did this man hate?
keep themselves and everybody they Falsehood, wrong, tyranny. What did
can, ignorant of facta and mislead. he love? Justice, truth, right and lib.
For example, Rev. Phelps flouts at erty. For 40 yean Thomas Paine bat­
Darwin’s Origin of Species, and claims tled for truth, right, liberty and rea­
Marilla M. Ricker, Atty.,
that “sheep were always sheep;" his son.
God created sheep fur the service of
Dover, N. H.
man, with eyes, lungs, stomach, heart,
Paine wrote “Age of Reason" while
back-bone, brains and wool, Just such a prisoner in Paris. He was our first
as they have now; created them out advocate for emancipation of negro
of nothing by a wonderful miracle. slavery. He also proposed woman-
Their God also created man with all suff rage.
Hi» writings should . be
his organs fully developed, in one day; viewed with reference to the condi­
then created a woman out of that tions in this country in 1776. .
man's rib, and supplied them with
love, intelligence, con cience and all
the other virtues and vices also, and
created a devil to tempt them, and 1 am part of the sea and stars
And the winds of the South and
allowed them to be tempted and fall
and suffer. On through ali the ages
and moon and Mara,
since, that God must have given his
A ik .' the ages sent me forth!
creations such unjust proportions of
w adorn, reason, conscience, that moat Blind Homer, the splendor of Greece,
mankind choose wrong and became
Sang the songs 1 sang ere he fell;
finner»; and millions become sufferers She wnom mini call Beatrice,
from ail kinds of evils, diseases, injus­
Saw me ii. the depths of hell.
tice, wars, vices, crime, slavery, floods,
1 was barged at dawn for a crime—
kinin«* *, fires and priest craft. What
Flech < ;es, but the Good knows no
"foo'ish unjust God to not give every
human being enough conscience, rea­
I p'ped *o great Shakespeare's chime
son and wisdom to protect himeslf
The w. che .» song in Macbeth.
from all harm and wrong doingl If a
all who Lave suffered and won,
God has made all the evils and suffer­
Who ha«e atriggled and failed and
ings of this world, would he make a
future life any better? Why don’t a
perfect God make everyone as perfect Am I, with work still undone,
And a spear-mark in my side.
as the Christians claim their Jesus
was? If the Rev. Phelps knows God 1 am a part of the sea and stars
and Jesus personally, he would not
And the winds of the South and
make any mistakes in his articles: but
it seems to me he has made lots of Of mountain and moon and Mars,
them: so many I don't know
which to
And the ages sent me forth!
begin with.
How do scientists know that sheep
were not always sheep; that the an­
During the past two weeks the Port­
cestors of sheep, monkeys and men land office of the Oregon State Immi­
were some pre-historic crude animal gration Commission has had a half
millions of years ago? Darwin never dozen men in the field listing farm
retracted, but solved many a problem lands for the benefit of prospective
on the origin of species and mankind. settlers, securing accurate legal des­
I have quoted twice from his writings, criptions noting the physical character
and will quote again sometime. Many of the land and making a note of the
guesses have been proved prices at which cfwners are willing to
facts by digging down through the sell. These listings demonstrate that
luyers of rocks where the fossil re­ there is available at the present time
mains of the inhabitants of this earth plenty of good, productive farm land
^ve been deposited for millions of at reasonable prices in nearly all sec­
Mnrs, before civilized • man was tions of the state.
evolved. The giant upheavals that this
old earth has undergone, covered them
On Saturday of last week the Coos
up. The latest layers, of course, are Bay band, of forty pieces, was enter­
on top. anil those fossils are nearest tained by the Portland Commercial
like the present people and animals, Club. During their stay they enter­
but ignorapX savages, cave men, ape tained Portland at a public concert,
like; and the animals are not equal to thus bringing Coos Bay prominently to
those now living; farther down are the front and offering some of the fin­
fossils of their ancestors, earlier, less est music heard in the city for may
developed, crude animals, birds, in­ months.
sects, etc.; beneath these are reptiles,
On Thursday of last week the Ra­
snakes, flshea; then no reptilea, only diators of Eugene entertained a spe­
rema:ns of shell flsh and graphite and cial train load of Cherrians from Sa­
lime produced by millions of years of lem, giving them a luncheon at the
sea worms and sea weeds, which Eugene Commercial Club, an automo­
prove’ that water then covered the bile trip about the city and then took
whole earth. We must guess back of them to the Lane County Fair where
that how 'ife begun. If I have made a section of the grand stand had been
mistakes, try to do better yourself. reserved for them and from which they
The lowest of all animal and vegetable witnessed some remarkable racing.
life now found in the sea, are single­ Later, the Cherrians were taken to the
celled protoplasm with a nucleus cen­ University where a dinner was served
ter; they take in food through breaks to them by the co-eds at the various
or holes in their thin covering, grow sorority houses.
and divide much as I described in that
article of guessing how life origin­
The Bend Commercial Club has
taken up with Senator Lane the mat­
9 Rev. Phelps "cannot think how cells ter of expending $450,000 to the Des­
would naturally attract at all.” What chutes Reclamation Project. The Club
causes the rain, the< apple, the leaves asserts that the amount allotted to the
to fall to the earth, and holds us all Deschutes Valley by Secretary Lane, of
there? The attraction of the earth. the Department of the Interior, will
What causes th<
* earth and other plan, be lost to Oregon unless it is definitely
ets to circ'e aorund the sun instead of assigned to some project before Janu­
flying off into space? The attraction ary 1st.
"Every banker In this state ought to
congratulate himself that he is doing
TWGreat er Ore^orT^S
The Old Dominion Tried License for buslne»» under prohibiton."—C.H.Gar.
With MW building
boner equip
260 Yearn and Voted the State Dry risen, Chase County National Bank,
Mot eaterged grouade. and maoy ad
ditiuue to it
* fatuity, the UalvwMty
Cottonwo d Fells, Kansas.
ol Oregon will begin ite thirty ninth
On September 22, Virginia voted for
yeer Tueoday. September U
state wide prohibition by a majority PROHIBITION GREATEST ADVAN-
Specie! training lor Buoineoe, Jour
of almost two to one. Incomplete re­
rnliem, Law Medicine, Teaching Li-
turn« give the drys a majority of 82,-
rhytKal Training and Plqe Arte.
825 cut of a vote of 121,768.
"Prohibition in Kansas is of the
o4 liberal ednratioo.
Even the cities gave the drys a maj­ greatest advantage to buxines». We
Library of mot « ihzs H.Mt volvas«
Iws /
f »4»4 gymnaalvass. eleven hvlldings fully I
ority of about 2,000 votes. Nine out have been long without saloons, but
Naw )IMH$ Adaalnlatf sho « /
■■IMlaf la courts of r onnf ru<4»oa
of ten of the Congressional districts have not forgotten their terrible effect
Tattsaa Fro«
f>oro»iiorbee lor rawn tad I
for wooes
EipesMt low «at
v ere carried by the di ys.
on business twenty-five or thirty years
Writ« for catalog and illvatratad boob let, I
AtMraaalng Registrar.
Virginia has been trying various ago. 1 can point out good, well-to-do
flNIVtaSITy or 0H60N
systems for regulating the liquor traf. men who were then worthless loafers.”
tuarm aaraow
tie fur 260 yean. She has tried out —W. S. Finley, President Williams­
high license, low license, the dispen­ burg State Bank, Williamsburg, Kan­
sary and every imaginable system.
She tried out local option and got
much benefit from t, but the lawless PROHIBITION BOOMED KANSAS ♦♦♦♦♦
liquor men from the license centers
woud pour their liquors into the no­
"When thia community was wet ttn»niiimHtiRi iii nini»iiM«uMMimuniu t imMHw i iiiiiiu»»i i »ii Miiiiiiiiiiiii ini
license counties and make all kinds of there was one bank here witu $40,000
trouble and expense for the tax to $50,000 deposits. Now there are
two banks with deposits totalling $'300.
The result is that the long-suffering 000. We have in our community a large
people arose and voted the whole st *te element cf foreign - bora Germans
dr/. They did it because every sys­ and French, but the»« people have
tem of regulation had failed.
adapted themselves admirably to our
This is peculiarly significant, because state laws, and the second generation
Virginia Is one of the most conserva­ use but little liquor. State prohibition
tive states in the Union, and not dis­ has been highly beneficial to our bus- •
posed to get very far away frem es­ i *
ss interests." — George F. English, i
tablished customs.
Uauhier b ruit Growers’ State Bans,
On November 3 Oregon, California, Wathena, Kansas.
Colorado, Washington, Ohio and Ari­
zona vote on the state wide propo­
sition. The tusiness of trafficking in Extracts from the Story of Mexico
the sufferings of women and children
is getting into mighty close quarters.
That the many readers and fnends
Phone Green 991
of the Silverton Journal who may be
GOVERNOR WEST FOR OREGON led to believe that the Catholic church j
is not a political machine, anti-Christ
in design, you will now be favored by
State’s Executive Tells Why the Peo­ extracts from "The Story of Mexico"
ple Should Dump The Foreign
by the author of “New Century His­
Liquor Corporations
tory of the United States," Mr. Chas.
By Oswald West, Governor of Oregon
“The inquisition, which was intro­
duced in 1571 and was not abolished
Oregon should go dry because there until 1812, was a powerful weapon in
does not exist a single reason on earth the hands of the church to prevent the
why it should stay wet.
growth of heretical opinions or of any
The war news from Europe strikes of the Protestant faiths and to hold |
us with honor; yet this great war, believers under strict discipline.” “A
wah all its carnage, past, present and century ago the Church of Mexico
future, will not prove a drop in the possessed enormous wealth.” Gifts and 1
bucket compared with the ravage» bequests were made by all classes of
which are being made throughout the people (as in the United States today),
land by booze.
the best part of the farm lands had
We boast that we are the greatest fallen into the hands of the clergy and
nation upon earth, and in our efforts the Church was all powerful in pol­
to preserve that postion we» must itical matters. Its power was exercised
strive constantly to raise, or at least against the steps of development set
maintain, the standard of our citizen- in motion by some leading statesmen
ah.’p, and to accomplish this end we and its persistent opposition began to
must unceasingly fight organized be looked upon as an abuse against
greed and gioft, stamp out poverty, which no political progress could be
..vise and crime, protect the home, and made.” In 1859 under the presidency
rfiake life more pleasant for those who of Benito Juarez, the political power
have been less fortunate than others. of the church was finally overthrown,
It is idle, however, to talk, of progress reform laws being passed which com­
along these lines so long as King Al­ pletely disestablished the chuich."
cohol occupies the throne.
“The clergy were vigorously accused
Who grabs the pay check from the of being responsible for the sanguin­
honest workman on Saturday night, ary wars which devastated the country
and makes his wife and little ones go and charged with a shameful abuse of
ragged an«l hungry ? Mr. Bcoze.
their pewer and influence.
Who sows the seeds of poverty and
Marriage, also, which had hitherto
¿■’stress everywhere? Mr. Booze.
oeen a strictly religious ceremony,
— Who fills our inBane asylums, feeble was now declared a civil contract. The
minded institutions, penitentiaries and priests were even forbidden to walk
reform schools? Mr. Booze.
the streets in clerical dress and all
Who loads upon us most of our tax religious processions declared illegal.
burdens? Mr. Booze.
In 1906 a venturesome priest sought
The wets protest against our voting to defy this and led a procession
the state dry because it will cloze through the streets. As a result he
Paul Wessinger’s brewery and be was promptly arrested and taken to
equivalent to the confiscation of his prison in his full vestments. The
property; but they do not tell church wa» prohibited from interfere-
you how the brewery was built ing with public education.
through the ruination of homes
Now, readers, as there is a great
and the confiscation of''pay checks. boast that the Catholic church never
They do not tell you that every brick changes, do you say it is not a polit­
in the building represents a broken ical machine? We will now turn to
heart and the color of the building is the anti-Christ side.—In the act of get­
emblematical of the blood that has ting the sun worshiping Aztecs to
dri. ped therefrom.
Whenever I think of the Devil I shrewdly blended the ritual of the two
think of booze, and whenever I think systems, in some cases making Chris­
of booze I think of the Devil, for the tian saints of the heathen deities."
Devil is booze and booze is hell.
You will please accept this as a fee.
Old Booze is an outlaw who has been b e preparation fot the comparison of
long enough pursued but never sub­ the treatment of political Romanism
dued. At no time and under no cir­ in Mexico and in our freedom of
cumstances should he be given quarter speech and freedom of press in Ore­
and it is the duty of every good citizen gon, where the free speaker and free
to stand ready to sand-bag him when­ writer has to take out his freedom in
ever he sticks his head in sight. All free board and free lodging in the
Oregon will have a Chance to sand­ county jail.
bag him on November 3, and for the
Lord’s sake let us make a good job
of it.
On Oregon City car line, most
The saloon men talk a good deal beautiful ride near Port'and, splendid
about the saloon bringing prosperity. car service, 2 blocks from car. 4
But they never give the name and ad­ room boungalow, 2 large lots 50x138,
dress of the man who drank himself young orchard, family fruit, garden,
chicken house and large chicken park,
flowers and shrubery. H
There is not a drop of whiskey man.
ufactured in Oregon. It all comes mile from river, righ and sightly, fine
from eastern corporations who pay view, th's can be bought for $1600 on
Installment plan, small payment
lvidends out of the misery of Oregon
down, balance like rent. This is an
women a d children. Wouldn’t it be
ideal home and easy to get. Cascade
better to spend these thousands of
Real Estate Co.
dollars for Oregon products rather
than to send it to eastern corporations
to buy headaches with?
The Experiment of reducing •
* the price of this paper to 50 *
* cents per year for a period of •
* 30 days has proven such a *
“The business man’ doesn’t live in * success that we have condud- *
Kansas who will be honest with him­ * ed to make the reduction per- *
self and say that the prohibition law * manent. Keep them coming in *
is not a good thing. It is the very * bunches! It is the correct an- *
backbone of business in this state."— * ewer to the hierarchy’s prosecu- *
J. W. Faubion, Cashier Farmers’ State * tions and falsehoods.
* **
« •« , «
Bank, Anthony, Kansas.
Estate Co.
MR. sad MRS. G. H. DEDR1CK, General Managers
Room formerly occupied by H. E. Brown
One acre, half in clover, an 8-room house, city water
in the yard, good well, 40 young fruit trees, 15 old
ones, chicken house, fine Jersey cow, 35 chickens, w
grapes, good barn—everythin«; for only $3250.
Easy terms. No better bargain in Silverton! See
us over the Journal office.
Money to Loan
Notary Public
............... »...............
Phone Black 1242.
4 ►
Coolidge Street
General Contractor for Commercial and
Industrial Building
4 ►
' ’
In the Design and Construction ofbeaut-
iful homes, business houses, schools
and churches.
United States Senatcr—B. F. Ramp
Governor—W. J. Smith.
State Treasurer—B. F. Sloope
Attorney General of Oregon—J. E.
State Labor Commission — August
State Supt of Public Instruction—
Mrs. Flora Foreman
State Railroad Commissioner—I. O.
Justices of Supre ne Court—D. W.
Robinson, N. Rannells, A. G. Hotch­
kiss, Chas. H. Otten.
Do you believe in dreams? Your
dream of a home will come true if you
will let the CASCADE REAL ES­
TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy
a home on the installment plan.
Arrive from Portland 8:35 A.M.
11:30 A.M.
5:05 P.M.
7:05 P.M.
Salem 11:59 A.M.
5:50 P.M.
“ Springfield 9:16 A.M.
“Brownsville 1:45 P.M.
Depart for Portland 7:25 A.M. •
9:15 A.M. *
k45 P.M. •
5:50 P.M. *
Salem 8:35 A.M. •
2:00 P.M. *
“Springfield 11:39 A.M. •
“Brownsville 5:05 P.M. •
Representatives: B. W. Ross, S '-
verton; Fred Haa k, Marion; L. D.
Ratliff, Salem; Allen Huteheon, Sa­
lem, F. J. Von Behren, Aumsville.
Sheriff—J. E. Blaasr, Silverton.
Clerk—T. Y. McClellen, Turner. Re­
corder—Ly"th M. Cannon, Salem.
Treasurer—R. R. Ryan, Salem. Com­
missioner,—F. C. Ramp, Brooks. Cor.
oner—Bernard Pehr, Salem. Survey­
verton Journal wants to live, and we
want to hammer this fact into the or—Jean B. Hoss, Salem.
minds of oar friends until they will
A BIG BARGAIN in a business
help make It impossible for the hiei-
archy to “get our goat”. Fifty Cents building and a small lot with go d
a year for subscriptions will not pay building a'ready for business can be
the expenses unless we get a larger had by applying at the offi'ce of the
number of subscribers, and therefore, Cascade Real Estate Company. Price
in order to live, our subscribers must only $500. The location is on a prin­
act as our agents and get us other cipal street and the terms are easy-
subscribers. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! just like payins *
Buy a lot in Geiser’s Addition—
best buy in Silverton—must sell and
you get the advantage of the forced
sa'e. You can pay for this lot and
will bui’d you a bunglow—pay for it
in tead of paying rent to tho other