The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, September 25, 1914, Image 1

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T he S ilverton J ournal
Persecuted Even In Jail
Enemies of Editor Still Relentless
Phantasms of the Ages Take Tangigble Shape—Some Sidelights on the Hosmer
Criminal Libel Case
(By Robert H. Down, of Counsel)
exocule the laws, has destroyed by his
jusuilical mandate, the absolute liberty
of the press and accomplished by one
(word what the Church was unable,
oy more than a year of boycott and
persecution, to do—silence the failver-
ton Journal. And so it is that this
big dreamer of big dreams who has
given you the product of his honest
thought, and in whose heart God has
inutillod, with an unquenchable fer­
vor, the love of Justice and Truth, i«
compelled to drag out the weary hours
among the low and fallen. And why?
Because public officials were afraid to
do their duty. Again ask yourcelf the
question why are and were they afraid
and of what? A lot of people wi'l tell
you that the Hosmer prosecution was
an absolutely inconsequential and un­
important case. My friends, “hence­
forth be no children, t ased to and fro,
aixi carried about with every wind of
doctrine, by the sleight of men, and
cunning craftiness, whereby they lie
in wait to deceive.” Already on this
case political fortunes have been lost,
and the end is not yet.
At the time the Editor of the Jour­
nal went to jail, my associate, Mr.
Winu’ow, prepared a statement for the
press which appeared in the Milverton
Journal of September 18th, 1914. This
statement is a fair one to all con­
cerned. A copy was given to each of
the Salem papers and to each of the
Portland daily papers, all of whom, 1
believe, promised to print the same.
To date, so far as 1 have been able to
ascertain, none of these various copies
have appeared in the papers to whom
they were given. Why is the public
press afraid to circulate news of this
Evidently it must be
afraid of *ume evil consequence. What
is it? Articles of this nature are
handed in to city editors and meet with
instant approval and are received with
promise to print but never appear.
Why not? What evil should they fear
doing none? Notices in the pub­
lic press that Mr. Hosmer was on
his way to jail for libeling a co" vent
were scattered every where. Yet Mr.
Hosmer’s own statement prepared by
his attorneys, why he preferred to go
rather to jail than pay a small fine im­
posed, is refused publication by the
same press. Why is this? What is our
boasted liberty of the press unless it
a' ows and secures to every man a
hearing according to his deserts?
We know what the people would
think of a father who for no reuse >i
From Mrs J. E. Hosmer
on the part of his children would feed
some of his children on the coarsest,
Dear readers, if this issue of The least nutritious food they could subsist
Silverton Journal is not as interesting upon, while he would have the best of
as the issued before, remem tier the food set up for the other children and
one who should be managing it is at who would grant the favored children
present confined in the Marion County even after becoming full grown to live
in luxury and idleness and make the
Jail, ad those of you who have visited other children earn the living not only
a Jail and seen a near and dear one for themselves, but for the favored
behind big black iron bars, will come children as well. We would consider
to the nearo’ t to know how it effects such a father inhuman—a monster.
If one person in a family starved
us in such heavy work as newspaper
while others had a superabundance
work should be. Those who have never what would you think of such a fam­
witnessed such circumstxnces can ily ? And what can you think of a na­
hardly imagine our feelings. We have tion that starves Borne and surfeits
just returned from that place where others? A nation is only a large
a'l wrong doers go to answer to the household, a people merely a bigger
family and a government (if decent)
cud of justice and quite of'.en those simply an amplification of wise and
must go too, who are misjudged and kindly parenthood. No just house­
sent there under the bans of society, holder, no human being fit to raise a
as a criminal when, if the truth of this family, no living parent would permit
case was known, the commencement a few of his or her children to exploit,
abuse, enslave or otherwise jeopardise
was only the pub’ishing of an affidavit the welfare and lives of other members
a preacher wrote.
Remember, the of the household. No right-minded
editor never wrote it, and we think head of a family would allow the most
fair-minded people won’t consider this seliish and unscrupulous of the off­
such a crime after all. Well, he is be­ spring to seize a greater share of the
heritage of all than these foes of the
hind iron bars just the ‘ime, simply household could properly earn, need
because the law could put him there, and use, and no one with common
because adverse conditions prevented sense (to use) would want a few to
his proving the affidavit he published. monopolize the means of life, thereby
Now, because he says he isn’t guilty starving others because unable to find
needed work on the common earth
of any action to be there, and won’t which is the joint inheritance of all
pay his fine, which, he said, would humanity.
make him appear guilty, and also said
The mother who consented to the
he Avould never allow it to be paid, I poverty, servitude and shame of some
will ask you the same question the of her daughters to the end that others
might be ladies of leisure, would be
sheriff ask^d me: “What is he l.ere unfit for the divine function of mother,
for? He isn’t the kind of man to come hood.
here.” Yes, what is he there for?
The father who would let some of
So, dear readers, it you will bear with the most tricky, heartless boys handle
the Journal in this struggle, perhaps the family purse and permit them to
use and waste the family income (as
before the one hundred days have
they see fit) to fleece, cheat and bank,
passed away, The Journal will be rupt their sisters and brothers, thereby
brighter and better than the present bringing suffering and disgrace to part
of the family would be an unworthy
Now, dear friends, if you have any­ father or governor of a household.
Now the voting citizens of our nation
thing good to say for the public on
are the governors in our national fam­
this vital question of religious dom­ ily. What sorts of rules of conduct
ination or any other matter that will do we find established in tbir large
help to uplift the race, pass it along family? Are the rules such as to pro­
mote justice among the members of
and we will do our best to give it.
the family? If justice demand equal
opportunity according to ability, then
the governors of our national family
The Hood River Apple and Vinegar
ought to be ashamed of the arrange­
Co. has added an evaporator of 1000 ment they have sei, up and maintained
pounds daily capacity.
thus far.
Max Burgholzer.
1 have just relumed from Salam
where I saw the Editor of Silverton
Journal locked up behind the iron bare
of the Marion County Jail. Though
justice was denied him he went to jail
ruther than to pay his tine, a martyr
to his lidc'ity. liut even within the
confines of the jail his enemie.s still
relenllesJy sock to persecute him. He
hr.s beet: denied the jail privileges or­
dinarily allowed in such cases and has
been locked up in the cells with the
vagal ouds and criminals. He has been
refused permission to write articles
and editorials for bls paper dur ig the
serving of his term, thereby putting
his paper cimost out of business, falter­
in' Esch, has however, in the kindness
of his heart, allowed the editor the
privilego of writing two letters to his
wife each week, but even these, this
self authorised autocrat of th« jail,
claims the right to censor. Nothing
whatever is allowed to go from the
jail unless It passes the censotahip of
Sheriff Esch. And nothing that the
Editor has been able to write, so far,
h* i met with Ids approval. Hen., by
his tyrannical and unjustified stand in
the matter this officer of the law,
elected by the people, and sworn to
Party of 45 Men and 48 Sisters of
Sacred Heart Seek Refuge in *
San Francisco.—Expelled from col­
leges and churches of Guadalajara by
the constitutionalists, 45 Spanish and
French Catholic priests and lay broth­
ers and 48 sisters of the Sacred Heart
arrived in San Francisco today from
Manzanillo aboard the Mexican steam­
er City of Mexico. Fearing annihila­
tion by a band of Yaqui Indians rep­
orted to be riding on Manzanillo, the
refugees were taken on board on the
night of September 1.
When they left Guadalajara illit­
erate Yaquis were in possession of the
Jesuit and Marist colleges there, toy­
ing with the apparatus of the physical
and chemical laboratories and tossing
valuable folios and furniture out of the
window. A piano brought ten pesos
at a street sale, and a rare folio one
Nor was the laiety immune. Father
Gerard DeCorme, president of the col­
lege of the Society of Jesus, estimated
that $7,000,000 was collected in two
levies laid upon the wealthy. Their
carriages were commandered by the
Yaquis, who rode about the city in
boisterous delight.
As soon as the constitutionalists en.
tered Guadalajara they confiscated the
property of the college, threw the
priests, on charges of conspiracy, into
solitary confinement, where they were
held six days by order of General Man.
uel Diegnez, governor of the state of
Jalisco, and sequestrated the nuns in
private houses, where they were kept
under surveillance.
On July 21 there were in all 200
priests and lay brothers, including
Bishop Palencia of Tehuantepec, held
in solitary confinement, and dependent
upon the charity of church members
for subsistence. The excuse given for
their imprisonment was that arms had
been found in the Marist college. Ex­
planation by the brothers that these
were merely drill guns used to train
the pupils was not accepted, although
no ammunition was discovered.
After six days the priests and
brothers zwere released from jail and
housed in private houses like the nuns.
O i August 10 they were entrained for
Colimas under guard, and when the
constitutionalists lines were extended
into Manzanillo they were conducted
The exiles have no plans. For the
present they will be cared for by Jes­
uit fathers of St. Ignatius college, San
Francisco, and the Sisters of the
Sacred Heart at Menlo Park.
Yes, the Editor of the Silverton
Journal is in Salem in the County Jail
and our hearts ache for him, not be­
cause he is guilty for we do not be­
lieve he is, but because condition» are
such that In many cases the innocent
can t>e proven guilty and the guilty
proven Innocent. But in our hour of
sorrow we will try and remember that
‘The darkest cloud has a silver lining,”
and “It is always darkest just before
day.” But we would like to ask the
thinking people whether you are Pro­
testant, Catholic or «'hat ever you are:
Why is it that Mr. Hosmer is in jail?
What has he done to be shut away like
a common criminal ? He who has held
the principal-ship of some of our best
school, been admitted to the bar, is an
inventor of no mean ability, is as
everybody knows, who has ever met
him, a perfectly temperate man and
really a crank on morals and tempe­
rance, and always has been.
1 ask again, why is he there, for
printing in his paper the sw<>rt state­
ment of a Christian minister? While
the people who publish such as the
clipping from the Christian Standard
of September 19th are at liberty.
A Better Way
Silence is often crimianl. There are
circumbtanceH which fairlj force men
of coscience to speak a wor l of warn­
ing and protest. Such an jccision is
now at hand. For some time part
Catholics have been calumniated and
ridiculed in a manner that is well-nigh
past belief. Their motives have been
misrepresented, their faith has been
reviled. Their priests have been orand-
ed as scoundrels, their nuns rave been
made a hissing and a by-word. The
very ha'ls of Congress have rung with
denunciation of their supreme act of
adoration as idolatrous. Catholics have
been put on the level with the off­
scourings of the people.—America.
Catholics ought to know that they
cannot refute charges brought against
their system, by branding those who
make the charges as liars, slanderers,
etc. Those who oppose the Papacy are
not to be deterred from exposing its
faulty by rhodomontade and vitupera­
tion. History is history, and its facts,
unless they are shown not to be true
facts, must be met by Catho’ics at the
bar of public sentiment. That ee.tain
Romish institutions are breeders and
promoters of immorality is as certain
as history can make anything. Take
the following instance:
Dr. Thomas Murner, who was subse­
quently one of Luther’s most vituper­
ative opponents, in his “N.trren-
beschwerung” assumes as a matter cf
course that all parish priests kept con.
cubines, and all priests and monks
meddle with men's wives, while in the
nunneries she who has most children
is reckoned the abbess (Lea’s “History
of Sacerdotal Celibacy,” Vol. Il, p. 39).
It will not do for our Catholic friends
to try to »waive such history as this
aside w:th abuse and charges of slan
der. Dr. Lea makes the statement
upon Catholic authority, and it is un-
impechable. What has “America” to
say about it?
I will tell you why: The Catholics
thought they could scare Mr. Ho mer
into paying a nice little piece of mon­
ey, also intimidate him so he would
stop his paper, as they knew he had
been boycotted by the Whiskey Ele­
ment for the stand he has always
taken against them. But they have
only partly succeeded so far, and
though he prefers to go to jail rather
than pay his fine for a crime of which
he claims he is perfectly innocent. “We
will not give up the ship” and will
come to his aid and right shall _• tt
prevail. Friends, are these rot your
sentiments? I am sure, I hear you
say: Amen. All right frinds cf jus­
tice, liberty, righteousness and free
speech and The Free Press awake! Do
not keep silent any longer, but do your
part to meet out justice to the guilty
and prevent the pnnishment of the in-
nocen, without fear, and make our be­
loved America a safe place for her
people to live in.
A True Lover of Justice
and Righteousness.
Salem, Ore., Sept. 23, 1914.
Mrs. Frances Hosmer,
Silverton, Oregon.
Dear Madam:
You people are fighting a brave
battle, while it may seem dark now,
there is a day of reckoning coming,
when those who will deliberately send
an innocent man to jail for printing
the truth, prill pay the penalty.
Yours for the down of Romanism in
P. S.—If there is anything I can do
here In Salem for you and the cause,
would be pleased to do it.
No. 47.
By Ralph Komgold
The Belgians are bitterly complain­
ing about the atrocities committed by
the German army in Belgium. That
atrocities of the most unspeakab'e na
tare have been committed there Man»
to be no doubt. If only half the ac­
counts are to be believed the Germans
are acting like the most brutal sav­
ages, giving vent to every vile passion
that still blackens the soul of man.
While our hearts go out to the suf­
fering Belgian people it is ’iu»ert -e-
less just to say that the seta >f the
German army are by no mean differ­
ent from those of other armies when
they found themselves in the role of
The fact is that no people, however
civilized, can engage in the brutal
pastime of savages without, it onit tit­
aril y at least, relapsing into savagery.
The actions of Germans at Louvain
while revoltingly brutal, are no more
brutal than were the actions of the
Belgian eonquerers in the Congo.
France may shudder at the slaugh­
ter of innocent people at Louvain, but
its own record at the suppression of
the Paris commune is by no means
England may raise its hands in hor­
ror at the actions of tne Germans and
Austrians, but it must not forget how
ts soldiers in India tied aged men to
mouths of eannon and blew them into
And we in the United States, while
condemning the Germans, prill do well
to icuiember the accomplishments of
our own soldiers at Ludlow, as well
as the horrors of the “water cure”
practised upon the natives in the Phil-
Savagery and civilization will not
blend. “Civilized” warfare does not
Information About Factories and Ra­
te rpriaoa That Employ Labor and
Matters Affecting the Development
of Oregon.
Geo. H. Miller has plans for a 3-
story building at Eugene, with 100
Bids are taken in Portland for the
big new plant for the Pacific Iron
The citizens of Lebanon will request
of the city council a new bridge across
the Santiam.
West Chehalem has awarded con­
tractor new school building to Mr. W.
The greater portion of the new St.
Elizabeth hospital at Baker wi'l be
completed by the first of the year, cost
Pendleton is working for a new Post
Office building.
The O. W. R. and N. Co. will erect
a new dock at Portland, 560 feet long
by 120 feet wide.
Tie Union Oil Co. has completed its
contributing station at Eugene.
Mrs. Howard of the state Grange
condemns the proposed 8-hour law,
saying it would be disastrous to the
state and work a great hardship on
the farmers.
Silverton will bond $14,000 for pav­
Lents lighting for park and swim-
ing pool.
The West Stayton peppermint dis­
tilling industry produced 250 lbs. oil
this season. It is worth $4 to $6 per
The Barbey Fish Co. expects to put
up 8,000 to 10,000 cans salmon at its
Portland Cannery this fall.
Corvallis is to have a new industry
in the way of manufacturing concern
that will turn out crispettes, manufac­
ture jewelry and do lapidary work.
Averill and Sullivan, Pendleton con­
tractors have begun work on the
Weston City waterworks concrete dam
across Pine Creek.
C. M. Swartley o* Corvallis has be­
gun putting in a sewer system for
K. Sauset has the contract for the
big reclamation sewer at Astoria.
The big Brookings Timber and Lum­
ber Co. plant at Brookings, Curry
county will start about October 1st.
the new university building at Eugene
at $89,750. Heating gas to Kendall
Heating Co. of Portland at $23,500 and
plumbing to Flegel and Long, Spring­
field, at $3185.
The European war will not be stop­
ped until blood has choked up the yells
of national patriotism, until starvation
has cooled the insane jingoism, until
bankruptcy has shut off the power to
kill, until a working class bled and
starved into cool sanity shall turn
upon and destroy war-crazed rulers
a ho are cheering on the articipants in
thia findish work.
To this it will come at last, and this
is the important thing about this war.
I may not come for many months and
years. But come it will, and when it
does come we will knew the purpose
of this war in the evolution of the
It is for that time that the workers
of America should make ready. At
present all we can do is to take such
measures as will hasten the starving
Centralia, Washington.
process and prepare us to give aid
when the war fever shall have run its
Your most welcome letter came in
due time and I want to thank you for
AN OPINION OF THE SUPREME such kindly recognition, and have been
thinking seriously of answering it but
could not imagine just what course to
pursue—at last the pray has opened
“The highest conception of the state up for I am sending you some sub­
repudiates the absolute and unques­ scriptions I find it is ea-y to do a
tioning subordination of the individual thing when you have the financial
to society, and insists upon the preser­ backing. I have tried and tried to as­
vation of individual liberty as an es­ sist you in this way all this time, but
sential factor in civilizatoion and as I did not happen to hook up with those
one which [will ultimately ’ead to a who were interested until Friday three
more perfect social we'fare, though it or two, and one today, and am expect­
may produce temporary disturbances ing more before I send.
or delays in the accomplishment of
Please commence ail thes e persons
what is believed to be the public good. with August 15. These are all annuai
This conception of the state is en­ subscribers.
dorsed by our constitutions, and the
That ex-nun’s affidav't war, ce tniniy
idea of a public welfare bought at the rich and after all it is lamentable for
cost of suppressing individual liberty such things ought not to be.
and right is, therefore, in our system
I glory in your spunk, Mr. Hosmer.
of goevmment, inadmissible.” (Prof. While I am not a socialist I am with
Ernst Freund of the University of Chi­ all who stand for freedom and right. I
cago in his work on Police Power, was bom and raised near Shendan,
sect. 16.)
Oregon, a Republican, but in after
“We live in an age three hundred years turned prohibitionist, and rm at
years later than the eve of St Bartho­ present in a position to accept all true
lomew or the fires of Smithfield. The principles from whatever source.
fruits of the age, grown from the
A word about judge Galloway. He
rough but kindly soil where our fath­ >‘was raised about 4 miles from my
ers planted the good seed, are charity father’s home. He used to come to
and toleration.” (From the opinion of our house quite often and we have
the supreme court of New Hampshire visited them. I mean when hi- parents
in Warde vs. Manchester, 56 N. H. were living. The neiighborhood he
Reports 508.)
lived in was a drunken Irish settle­
ment. I am growing in hatred of Ro­
man Catholicism more and more each
Plans for a Congregation Church are
day, until the day, I hope, American-
considered at Condon, Oregon.
ismwill triumph grandly over the
A $8,000 school is to be built at whole cursed business.
Gra s Valley, Oregon.
I am in this fight with you to win.
A few more industries like the big The Christian religion is right and if
saw mill starting at Brockings in we stand with God, we are sure to win.
Southern Oregon which will employ
Before I finish this letter I want to
some 300 men will do more to develop enclose you a lot of names. I am a
Oregon and create prosperity than all laboring man and do not have much
the laws that can be passed in the time for anything else. I will help
next ten yean.
all I can.
x x x x x