The Silverton journal. (Silverton, Or.) 191?-1915, September 11, 1914, Image 3

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By Rev. Guy Fitch Phelpi.
a*k*: “Due* anyone know God and
Je*ua?” Well, suppose 1 should prove
that they do, would you be glad to be
convinced, Mr. Ross? What ia this
thing in the soul of a Materialist that
makes turn so bitterly anxious to get
God out of the universe? Men who
knew Jesus when he was on earth
have left their testimony to that fact,
but Mr. Ros* will not receive their
witness. But if some four-line state­
ment could be digged from s me old
ruin, unsigned and unwitnessed, stat­
ing that Christ worked no miracles—
if thi* statement were move in that
time, how ravenously would Mr. Ross
and ail Materialists devour it and
parade it as evidence that they were
right. This one-sidedness on the part
of infidels (materialists) proves them
dishonest and incompetent. Is Mr.
Ross ignorant of the fact that 1 may
Know parties he does not know ? Sup­
pose 1 should say that 1 had seen God,
wou'd he believe? Certainly not. Why
then does he ask for witnesses ? Has
Mr. Ross seen Cromwell, or John Wes­
ley, or George Washington? No. Thea
according to Materialistic argument
they never existed. Millions of Chris­
tians testify that the scripture which
says "Hi* spirit bears witness with
our spirit that we are the children of
God” has been fulfil'ed in their ex­
periences, but Mr. Ross laughs them
out of court as liars and fool*. And
then he comes on with a cheap chal­
lenge, wanting to know if anyone has
seen Jesus arid God. The !ast thing
in the world Mr. Ross wants is for
some one to see either of them.
Now let me quote something from
h's article which will clearly illustrate
the front-yard-limitations of the mind
of a Materialist. He says: "How can
a man know God and Jesus? If they
have an existence, he can only know
them as he knows other things, and
that is by the use of the senses. To
Know God or Jesus, a man must be
able to see them, or hear, smell, feel
or taste them.”
In U m Journal of September 4th
there are three article* in theMateria-
iiat column, one by A. Butterman, one
is up-to-date, with NEW, MODERN MACHINERY. by Ulin J. Ko«* and one by Eliza
Mowry Bliven. 1 will take these a*
We do "QUALITY” job printing promptly and neatly.
they come and reply to such point* a*
are worthy of notice. The ilr*t i* Mr.
Bulterman’a article. Me uyi:
If God were a reality, we would
know of hi* “exi*tence and peculiari-
tie*, a* we do know, that the *un
exist* and givea u* heat.”
And who aaid that we do not know
of hi* "existence?”
When did the
race yield Ute point that there ia no
God? Men have seen him, a* revealed,
and they have heard him apeak Umea
I without number. Read the Bible. Then
God speaks to the inner conscience of
men. There are million* who are w't-
1 neaae* to this fact, and we would take
1 their evidence on all other line*. Be
■ «idea, their live* prove that they have
I been moved by aomething higher than
j mere animal inaUncta. Thia fact ia
[ ao patent that even a Materialist car.
| aee it. Take Jerry McAuley, a* a case
in point. The Psalmist aaya: “The
fool Itaa aaid in hi* heart there ia no
God.” He alao aaya: “The heaven* de­
clare the glory of God, and the hrma-
j ment ahoweth hl* handiwork.” Thia
■ ia true, i cannot believe in the aun
without be'ieving in the God who
I made it, and set it juat where it aught
to be. If Mr. Roaa ahou'd come to a
factory by the road, with wheel* fly­
ing, and the throb of power and pur­
pose in the machinery, would he not
KNOW that some reasoning being cre-
i aled it? Would he not know it even
if he never taw the man who put it
! up ? And what would he think of the
man who would apply hi* materialis­
tic argument* to the factory? Would
he not call him a fool ? Well, that is
what the Lord call* the man who cai
iuoa at the physical universe, and tee­
Here is a sample of Materialistic
ing its orderly and intelligent arrange­
reasoning. Examine it well. It is
ment and power, aay that it "Juat
evident that Mr. Ross has not studied
psychology very extensively. I am
He also aay«: “God ia not a crea­
It is better than Linotyping
surprised that Mrs. Bliven would run
tor bat a creation of superstitious
this as standard argument. In this
minds, and will vanish like a dream
statement we see that Mr. Ross does
under scientific invest gation.”
not believe in intuition or present­
But we have had the scientific in­
ment. He has not learned that intui­
vestigation for hundreds of years, and
tion is the highest source of knowl­
yet more people believe in God now
edge. And he has somehow failed to
than ever before. In fact, all true
discover that the things we know best
men of science believe in a Supremi
we learn not by the use of any of the
Ruler and Creator, except a handful
senses he mentions. There is little
of Materialistic scientists. 1 shal'
wonder that Materialists have failed
prove this statement when the time
to discover that there is a God in the
comes; meantime, let Mr. Butterman
universe, seeing they are hunting for
deny it. There’s no danger that men
him with their fingers and nose. If
of science will settle anything, till
Beautiful Womanhood
;• Joyful Childhood
Christ should come down from heaven
they get their own points e'eared up.
in a flame of fire they would say it
Will Mr. Butterman please tell us
< > “Ail that ia human must retrograde if it do not advance.”—Gibbon.
was a meteor. If a man like Paul
what given thing all prominent men
should testify that he had “heard Je­
of science are agreed on? I will
sus” they would pronounce him a
show that they agree on nothing.
priest, seeking to make money out of
That they have taken up one hypo­
the doctrine of hell. Oh, you Materia­
thesis after another and-have droppet
lists! you are a great bunch. Now
them. 1 will show that one scientist
let me test Mr. Ross’ views with a
Man’« liberty end«, and it onght to end, when that liberty become«
makes fun of another. No, Mr. But­
few simple questions. Did you ever
the cune of hie neighbor«.”—Farror.
terman, we are not in any danger of
smell love ? Did you ever see it, taste
losing God through Materialistic sci­
Happy Old Age
Noble Manhood
it, bear it? No. Then of course there
is no love in the world. Did you ever
Next he says: "The universe is
taste hunger? Did you ever see it,
eternal and self-sustaining; so a be-
smell it, hear it? No. Then there is
g'nning or an end can never take
no hunger. Did you ever smell fear?
place.” I am pleased to see this idea
Did you ever taste it, hear it, feel it—
admitted by a Materialist, for in it
with your hands? No. Then there
he claims for matter and nature what
is no fear. Did you ever smell con­
the Christian claims for God—that he
demnation? Did you ever hear it,
is eternal and self-sustaining. Mr.
ta-te it, feel it with your hands? No.
Butterman is consistent in this, be­
Then there is no condemnation for
cause we have got to believe in some­
wrong doing. Did you ever hear a
thing Eternal. The mind is such that
disease? Did you ever smell, taste,
it must think up against the Infinite
feel it with your hands, a disease?
and the Eternal, and it can never stop
No. Then there is no sickness. Did
till it does. Now, instead of saying
you ever hear hatred? Did you ever
that the "Universe is eternal,” (the
smell, taste, feel w th your hands,
present order) Jet us say that God is
hatred? No. Then there is no hatred.
eternal and self-sustaining, and we
Did you ever smell satisfaction? Did
will be logical. And instead of say­
you ever taste, feel, see a satisfac­
ing that "Nature controls the uni­
tion? No. Then there is no satisfac­
verse,” let us say that God is the su­
tion. Did you ever hear joy? Did
preme ruler of the Universe; for that
you ever see, smell, taste a joy? No.
removes the difficulty of believing that
Then out with it, there is no joy. Did
the factory came without being built.
you ever smell reason? Did you ever
By the way: how can nature be the
see, hear or taste reason? No. Then
"Supreme ruler of the universe?" A
out with that, there is no reason. This
vning that rules has persona'ity.
might be conducted indefinitely, but
Again Mr. Butterman makes a very
1 have given enough to show how ut­
unguarded admission when in speak­
terly out of date such things as Mr.
ing of nature he says: "It has no sym­
Ross brings forth are. The greatest
pathy. ... An innocent child is often
facts of the soul, those which control
struck by lightening, while a CRIM­
and actuate most all we do, are not
INAL is saved.” In this comparison
learned through any of the five senses.
of the criminal and the child relative
And right here is the place to ask Mr.
to the action 'f lightening, Mr. But­
Ross a question: What is that thing
terman unconsciously admits much
back of the five senses which learns
that the Christian believes. Why does
things independent of them? Love is
he seek to prove that nature is in-
not a matter of sight or feeling or
diffe.ent by putting the great sinner
smelling. We often love what sight
over against the child ? Careless rea-
says we should not. I know a blind
soners, these Materialists. But I con­
woman who has several children she
tend that nature does discriminate be­
has never seen, and yet she loves
tween the child and the great trans­
them.* But not because she can smell
gressor; between the man who is
them or ftel them, for she don’t know
righteous and the one who is not. Does
but she might smell or feel some­
not the drunkard destroy his body—
body’s else child, as Mr. Ross says.
and die? Does not the drug eater
This proves bis whole statement to be
The above resurrection is for the purpose of asking go on the rocks 1 Go to the asylum childish and out of date. Back of the
and the lazaretto and see what vice
senses there is the soul, the living en­
you how many little booklets of cartoons with wriie>ups, does for men and women, or what na­ tity, and it is not limited to the five
ture does to these creatures. Then
which have appeared in the Journal, we could sell at 25 remember that back of the laws of senses for konwledge. It is to this
that God speaks in his spirit, and it is
cents each. Suppose we get up a neat, little book with nature is God, their author. Mr. But­ thi3 spirit-man who hears, knows
terman : Can we have iaw without a (
and understands. Mr. Ross may have
tasty colored cover. How many will purchase? These law-giver?
this knowledge if he will put away his
booklets would be fine to set people thinking, and that
• « •
pride and give God a chance.
is what we want. Write to The Silverton Journal,
• • •
Ross. Last week he wanted to know
on page 4)
the size of God’s brain. This week he
Silverton, Oregon.
< ►
- I - ► ’ ►
Phone Green 991
MR. awl MRS. G. H. DEDRICK, Geaeral Margen
Room formerly occupied by H. E. Brown
Silverton Journal,
One acre, half in clover, an 8-room house, city water
in the yard, good well, 40 young fruit trona, 15 old
ones, chicken house, fino Jersey cow, 35 chickens,
grapes, good barn—everything for only >3250.
Easy terms. No better bargain in Silverton! See
us over the Journal office.
1914 OREGON DRY 1914
Money to Loan
Notary Public :
»HUi ii iinnMutHH i nH»M»»wmnuRM tt»g
uimnaiuu i nnunii i iii i aii i ii i wini
Coolidge Street ■ ►
Phene Black 1141.
General Contractor for Commercial and
Industrial Building
expert E ngineer
« ’
; ;
In the Design and Construction ofbeaut-
iful homes, business houses, schools
and churches.
; ;
• '
< >
’ ... ............................ ’
United States Senate r—B. F. Ramp
Governor—W. J. Smith.
State Treasurer—B. F. Sloope
Attorney General of Oregon—J. E.
State Labor Commission — August
State Supt of Public Instruction—
Mrs. Flora Foreman
State Railroad Commissioner—I. 0.
Justices of Supreme Court—D. W.
Robinson, N. Rannells, A. G. Hotch­
kiss, Chas. H. Otten.
Do you believe in dreams? Your
dream of a home will come true if you
will let the CASCADE REAL ES­
TATE COMPANY tell you how to buy
a home on the installment plan.
Buy • lot in Geiser’s Addition—
best buy- in Silverton—must sell and
you get the advantage of the forced
sa'e. You can pay for this lot and
will bui'd you a bunglow—pay for it
in tead of paying rent to the other
verton Journal wants to live, and we
want to hammer this fact into the
minds of our friends until they will
help make it impossible for the hier­
archy to "get our goat”. Fifty Cents
a yea. for subscriptions will not pay
the expenses unless we get a larger
number of subscribers, and therefore,
in order to live, our subscribers must
act as our agents and get us other
subscribers. Hurry 1 Hurry! Huiryt
Arrive from Portland 8:35
“ Salem 11:5»
“ Springfield 9:15
"Brownsville 1:45
Depart for Portland 7:26 A.M.
9:15 A.M.
1:45 P.M.
6:50 P.M.
“ Salem 8:35 A.M.
2:00 P.M.
"Springfield 11:39 A.M.
“Brownsville 5.05 P.M.
Salem, Ore., Sept. 7.—The Standard
Milk Factory is making five hundred
pounds of milk sugar a day from whey
at Tillamook.
The Portland Railway, Light and
Power Co. passed its one per cent
quarterly dividend on account of high
taxes absorbing all its revenues.
Six vessels cleared frem St. Helens
last week and the McCormick line of
steamers carried 10,000 passengers in
The S. P. and S. railroad company
(Hill Line) , has removed five-ninths
of the freight differential existing
against Astoria.
Copper Queen Mine, three miles
from Leland, has installed a 20 ton
cyanide plant to operate by Sept. 15.
L( W. Beach, Grants Pass, manager.
Moore and Son of Bandon have pur­
chased the old Toledo Lumber Co.